m p Ijfl fa M EfT l A.'D"V3R,TISIlTa- KA.TES-MODERATK. -A. UEWSPAPEB FOE THE PEOPLE TEEMS. VOL. XXXIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1905. NO. 51 4 Hi - .1 . mm-- n M " A. . i it j f.i.at.uu. Hon. J. P. Of nf nnnt.m. an. Well t:novn mtmlii-r rrf tt. Sni.th r'nri;n. t hat wo In mat-it riiiiii A u r u. n . . C, newspaper, tlit higheit poniblc prai f r-.I'f-n ,,,el BofcW,i C1"1 Co., Itpt. 1, 1904. thai Mi dinihier, UUl 1 I' 1 '"'N 01 humiilim Ihil ill othef medic Inci in4 .-.., u f.iuii nan iota m vain to cut. Sht could not walk iJt," h willti. m. wnuid Cf), tn4 lcftlB 0M Ffom (hf we(k (hf b)!il ! Vf, "vmttii Imprciyed, in4 ( now abtolutely cur4 of (till Ufhb airi. roT Rhrumtiitn, rur rented, I. a .pectflc, and 1 cannot tntorii "i wm fovuifg ot me caia that . wiiBei M wi.. . ! name ii((i i,, ijioton." r ik-. . !.J ' marvtltwi curct wroujht by ttt'l wonderful At- Writ. BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO BALTIMORE, lot m Suwta. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, YA. KS-Mr. W. T. Biugh represents us in Eastern Carolina. Hold your rrdera for him. dot 12 ly HALO VEGETABLE SICILIAN HairRenewer I A: vnv; rcmres color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color It used ,, 7 ' ; The hair stops fnliinT, grows long and heavy, and ell sfpnears. An rlcia,Tdr:s?iP".L',"'rr',1 w.. lU WtfY TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ih -ir pre-eminence above all other brands ia because tliey are made of the best materials obtaina ble aod are ground with great care. If your dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. Box 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Tie Bank of W, -:::W'ELD0N N. C.K Orpzel Unfler Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $32,000. BOY. BOTS. THtT MAX I C8 8IOB FOB THI 1NNO0EN0I Wl BAVIOOTLIVtD AND WHICH UIOUT TBT HAVI BERN OURS, You maj present your catalogue f all the most lovely and lovable objecls of earth and sea and aky, and, without a moment's hesitation, I shall choose from among them all a little obild. The blessed Christ aet such a one in the midst ol his disciples as a model and eianiple for all those, matured io sin, who would prepare for entrance into the eternal kingdom. Today that man who is f.nh eit removed from the faith and oonfi denoe of childhood ia the one most in danger of everlasting torment, The world has talteo it for granted that Hide girls are good, just bieau e they are ; aod then somehow it has spread abroad, as by common oonscnt, that little boys are bad. I wonder w.ho tarted this story on the bojs? There is not i word of truth in it. A baby boy is just as good as a baby girl, and neither is worse than the other until one is led astray by some tongue that has been taught to wound or deceive, while the other remains in the gentle presence of a warm, true heart that beams with light and love. Another fa'se notion seems to have be come current, and that is that it is just as neceeBary for boys to be bad as it is for girls to be good. I believe that nat orally every boy is good. God made him to, and intended that he should remain so, If be dees not, God i not to blame; and if the child does that which is bad before he is old enough to discern be. tween good aod evil, he is not to blame. He ia simply imitating older people. The man who is cheated, slandered or persecuted during the business of the day goes home at night aod looks into the eyes of his pure innocent boy, and re gardB him as a vindication of God that makes all things good. I've seen a man wear a frown a week and oarrj a grudge in his heart all l is life, but I've seen a boy's tears dried and his wounds healed instantaneously by a mother's kin. I've aceo grown people pout and fret benause of supposed slight, but I've seen a sadly neglected boy quiet and uncomplaining. I've seen men brawl and fight O'er slight differences of pinion, but I've fe o an unmercifully beaten boy klaa the band cf his heartless parent as soon as the (marling ceased I've Been men plunge into questionable enterprises without stopping to tbiok, bat I've seen boy hold back from invi ting amuaementa and asks : "Father, do you think it is wrong?" God bless the boys 1 the pure, true boys, Tbey make ui sigh foi the ionocenoe we have outlived and wbioh might yet have been ours. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Vnt ten vain this inatitution baa provided hanking facilitioa for this aection Tu Whnl,lr. and directors have beeo identified with the business intereala of Qalifat ind Northampton counties for many yeara. Money ia loaned upoo ap proved security at the legal rate of interest six per ceotum. Accounts of ill are aolioited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL, Da. H. W. LEWIS, W.R.8MITH. Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, On.rrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all ahipmenta. Safe deliver? guaranteed. Write for designa and prices Work Delivered At Any Depot. Mill It. aJu Mao Iron Fencing, Vasea etc., for cemetery and other purposes at lowest pricea- .8ATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED. SPEING & SUMMER -FOB o MEN.IWOMEN & CHILDREN. Hunt Farniahinea. Ac The largest line ever brought to Weldoo. Don't fail to see then before job buy. Our 8ho department It full and running over. The largest etock we have ever earried, and we ire making prioee f THAT 'WILL SELL THEM. Juit received I big lot of (D0R8CH) Shoe. Suita to order, mada up io good ahapetod by good tailora. Kite Guaranteed. Djo t fail to tee out line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, g WELDON. N. C. 4l 3 w 11 o " & - is$v. - ct- 2! S jyK s troQ m sS; Ask ?V? 5 S o w W t UmK ? p g, m w c 8 o p on WWl !l'Ioi O VA MM&h i co jy-' FroaT "NE HWEW plug of 1 IGG! RED MEAT TOBACCO To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to us within five days from the date of this puper, we will mail him tt Can which will entitle him to one to-ceht plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO handling this brand. Free! At any store Write name and address plainly on lines below. WliiBton-Salem, N. CL I NAME 4 Addre38 Boaioke News, April 20. W"1 THE OLD TIME SPEAKIN', BY FRANK L. STANTON A RAOE FOR LIFE. Sburrine' kit iaded korsc to renewed efforts when the animal should be refreshed with orooer food and rest is about as sen sible as fjrescribiniT nerve tonics, alcoholic compounds, coca mixtures and cocktails wnich only spur on the already weakened nervous system. Neither does it do to put the nerves to sleep with narcotics. When you feel worn-out, broken down, jaded, and teel the effects of brain tire as well as nerve weakness, Hleeplensness and fatigue, take Dr. Pierce's (.olden Medical Discovery. tonic which will do you lasting Rood, build you up, increase your appetite and strength and improve the condition of the blood. When the blood is impoverished the nerves feel the effect. Nervousness in nine casea out of ten is the "cry of the starved nerves lor lood. reed tne nerves on ncn blood uu all nervous manifestations will cease, for shout eight yetim," MilltuntiB Kv. Han hid arvrral -v.iora to Irrat me ome for female weRfcurwt a tift cm hem (or atomatli t rem He, hut received no relief. When 1 wrote you for mlvice I was hardly aolrto work, anrt you atlvlmil me what to do, I tnuk nine botlleH, live of ' r.olden Hedtcfil Diarnvrry,' four of ' Favorite Prencrliv tiou.' alo two vinla of the ' Pellets,' Dr. Piercers medicine will do all that you clsim for them." To rain knowledge of vour own body In sickness and healthsend for the Peo- Cle's Common Sense Medical Adviser. A ook of iouH pages. Bend 91 cents in stamps for paper covered, or, 31 stamps for cloth bound copy. Address Dr. IL V. Pierce, 66j Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. I have been Miffenaa foi writes Mrs. H I'ieice. of MillipruiRS. Ky, " Hi We waot the old time Kpeakia of the old aobools, loog ago, The log-house schools that nest where the daise loved to grow ; Where Mary's little lamb wna led. with fleoce as white as buow, An' wo set old "Curfew" riogio' io the mornin',. We waot the old time speakio' that our mothers thought waa fine The bo; that kept the buroio' dcek white red flames swept the Hoe ; The soldier "horo at Biogeo at Bingeo oo the Rtiioa," Wheo we set the bugles blowio' in the moroio' I We want to hear the old time barefooted fellers speak Their sweetheaita olappio' of their bauds the rose-bloom on each cheek; Tbey didn't know much Latin then they galloped far from Greek, But they sent the echoes riogin' io tho mornin. Lord bless the old time speakers 1 it almost brings the tears To think tho old time sehool bouse wont with the old time years ! I want to see that soldier who was dyin' in Algiers, Au' set the drums a-beaiio' in the moroio'l JESUS. BY AMY PAK1NS0N. Jesus, my Guide I The way is all unlnown walk Thou before, So I may plant my feet where Thine have been, Aod stray no more. Jesus, my light I When night falls thickly down, ahiue through the dark, So ahall I fearlessly press on until I reach the mark. Jesus, my Life I Though heart and flesh may fail, Thou art the same Give of Thy strength, so shall my soul forget Her weary frame, Jesus, my King I Ld me but hear thy voice, and I obey ; Tbou art my Life, my Light, my Guide through gloom To endles, day. Jesus, my God I Te dose oaonol be far, of eartl.ly yeara; The lime drawe nigh when Tbine own tender touch Khali dry my tears. POSTMORTEM KINDNESS- t KIND WORDS TOU INTEND TO SAT, !AT NOW. THI otttiaota DEEM TOU INTEND TO SHOW, SHOW NOW. Life'i sunshioo is braided Kith death's shadow. I havo attended hundred, nf funerals a reccol one stands out with fecial satlncrs. The f iiiliful wife and mo'her lay atill aod at real. The flowers were many and beautiful, Alwaja and everywhere appropropriulc, their per furotd lipifpule of ihu eteroul gardcus d I he lily snog iis gladiome Kaxtur long. The fervico was over. There as the last fnd kiss and look. As ihe rt tr ken daughter left tho coffin she aiil: "Mainmu loved fl iwers hho never hai moDy but fhc has nnw." Yes, 1 thought, but bow much better it had been if some if ihese beautiful fl iwcrs ad aweeicord the n'oth.r's heart before was slilltd in death. Poor (Jarlyh I Ho Hi tie appreciated he wile v, ho cared fur him so kiodly and tie potsible hi) literary success. It II oame to him after she died. He weDt the place where she was last seen alive, bared his bead in the wind and rain, and said. "Oh! If I could but see her five minutes to assure her that I had really cared for her throughout all tball But she never knew it she never new ii!" Mary gave the alabaster box of af fection before tbe Lord's death, M aov others d .lay until the flowers they send are for the sepulchre. Bettor late than nevir, Better never late. The kind words you intend tossy, say now. Tbe gener ous deeds you intend to show, show bow. Record your love now in your friend's toilsome days, not In the future on his dreary tombstone. What are bot tears on the marble brow, loving words in the heavy ear, or a fragrant rose in tbe death bite lingers? You placed this flower in her hand, you say, This pure, pale rose in her hand of oley? PJeiniolts, could she lit t her scaled eyes They would meet your own with grieved surprise! When did you give bcr a flower before? Oh, welhwhat matter when all ia o'er?" "Behold now is the accepted time." G. L. Morrill. ITOTICE. In the jperior Court. Slate of North Carolina, Halifax County, W. E. Daniel In beh.lt of himself and all other atnckholdera and creditors that may pome in and make themselves oartiea in thia action, plaintiff, ve Weldon Ice Company, defeudant. To all whom It may concern: The creditors of the Weldoo Ice Com pany are hereby notified that by order of the Superior Court in the above entitled action, dated February 14, 11X15, W. E. Daniel has beeu appointed receiver oi lie property aod franchisee, and the said crtditora are hereby notified to come in and autre themselves parties to thia action and orova their claim, and debts agninat the said oomoanv.on or before the lint day of May, 1U0S. Thia the 23rd day of March, 1905. 8. M. CURY, Clerk of Bnperior Court- 3-30-41. BOMANCE IN ITALY. Italy atill has its love roinanoca. It is rep rlod that on- daik tight io Rome rem oil J a lover, with the aakanoe of his frier d', ahducied bi.aweel heart from iho.idvrfhrr.itru ujuiticr, fi-r au eieiiing airuggle ia the road. He die a ivried later, however, that the protest log lady waa not his love, bu iher irate aolher. London Telegraph. CASTOR I A . For Infant and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bear the Signature of A man rarelv thinka seriously on tbe subject of religion until the day the doc lor ia sent for io a hurry. OABTOTlIAi! tun tlx ) V W m ' l'm'8 ""J14 THE LIFE BEYOND. TO LOSE THE WONDFRFI'L I'dssIBILI- T1R8 THAT T11EIIS AWAIT ALL THE REDEEMED It) ONE OF THE WORmT TUIN08 WHICH COULD BEEAI.I. OS. LITTLE BROTH ER S SCHEME- Man, in the ixc-cise of bis fulVet pos-ible powers, is but the inirest frac tion ol himself. He is only a hint of what he shall be if he will bot let God have his way with biiri. If hire bis regal will cun nlo oaiiuns and make I lie subtile forces of the univert-e to ho bis willing servanls, what may ho not do when God has stricken every impcli- meot from his snul aod given liiui all eternity to gruw in ? If now he can measure the circumference of sturs aod literally "neigh the mountains in scales and the bills io a balance," can we give even a guess ai what he will bo when be is giveo ihe pner of an eniile'H life, and there shall be no death to break io oo his expanding powers? Now we krow io part, We euo deal ooly io fruiiineuts; with chips from the quarries, with a drep here and there from tbe ocean, with a fugitive beam of light, with a sporadic dust-grain hum the mountains, and with but a small segment of time in which to experiment. The hope of glory is a dream for which tbe whole wold can give no substitute, and to lose the won derful possibilities that thero await tbe redeemed in glory is ooo of the worBt aod saddest things which could befall any of us io this world. Is necessary for cotton to produce high yields and good fibre. Write for our valuable books on fertilization; they coniain informa tion that means dollars to the farmer. Sent free on r-fiipft. Write now while you think of it to the MERMAN KALI WOWK5 New York- A Al.inu. 0. VJ NaUtti.ii St., or s" ll,oad -few- 11 . ,.V.-L;.Lv ji. i H I lr. : -'IT j K. tJ -to "I wish you waa a good deal smaller, Mr Slowleigh." "Why so, Johnnie?" " Cause then I could put you in my oorn popper an' hold you over a hot re. bis says she's been waiting for you to pop for most a year. Cleve land Plain Dealer, One song is worth a score of sermons. They who hunt trouble rarely come home with an empty bag. LAST HOPE VANISHED. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smiibart, of Pekin, Ia , had incura ble consumption, his last hope vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great specifio completely cured me, and saved my lite. Since then, 1 have ued it lor 10 years, and consider it a marvolous throat and lung cure." Sirictly aoien tiflc cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure ptoventive ot l'oeumooia. Guaranteed, 5Uo. and $1.00 boltloi at W. M. Cohens drug store, trial bottles free. A SINGER'S KOTK. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Know It. now To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water ana lei li siana iwenty-tour hours; sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If tt stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order, What to Do. There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during tne merit. Ihe mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp. Root Is soon realized, it stands the highest for its won derful cures of Iho most distressing cases, If you need a medicine you should have the best, sold by druggists in 50c. andsl. sizes. You may havo a sample bottle of this wondertul discovery more about It. both sentBgfejAirte-j absolutely free by mail.Ly35ir Aoaiess Ur. Kilmer & n ot um.itooi Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous of fer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember tha name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. l on every bottle. FLOOR COVERINGS. We CHrry il. larcc-i a d m c. i- u,- plete line of fl ior coverings eier brought to this part of North Carolina Mat- ngs, caipeting, drigei, art squrra and rugs, A large line ol nmiaoiK f larpeting and mailings at one-ihird to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Liooleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, aod many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new Bland is next oor to tho Bank of Weldoo. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. The Singer "He carries a note longer longer than any one I know." The Banker "Perhaps. But I've carried one of bis for a year now." Yonkers Horald. CHEATED DEATH. Kiduey trouble often ends fatally, but by ehoiwiog the right medicine, K. (1 Wolfe, of Bear Ornve, Iowa, cheated death. He leys: "Twj yaara ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great p.io, Buffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which efleoted a com. nlete cure. I have also Found them of gicat benefit id general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, as I find they have equal." W. M. Cohen, druggist, guar auiecs them at 50o HIS SUDDEN IMRRMGE EXPLAINED 'How did it happen that you deoided so suddenly to get married?" "I vmied a eonsin of mine tu Mania big family of children, small house. I determined to make a little more room for them, so I took one of the daught tcre." Fliegende Blaetter. OAHTOniA, FOR OVER MIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrcp has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children whili teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays al pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will rolieve the poor liitle sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world Tweotv-five cents a bottle. Be sure and atk for" Mrs. Wioslow'. Soothing Syrup,' and lake bo other kind. A 8TKKI, TKU8T. "I'll try to steal her heart," quoth he "And win her sweetest smiles," "I'll try to steel my heart," said she, "Against Love'a subtle wiles," So both in atcel began to deal, And, as you may opine, Lovo soon declared a dividend And started a combine. Thedford's Black-Draught comes nearer regulating the entire eystem and keeping the body in health than any other nicdicino niiiile. It is always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, Buch as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and stomach arhes. Thedford's Black-Draught ia the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes tic ills which so frequently summon tho doctor. It is an good for children as it is for grown persoiiB. A dose of this medicine every day will boon euro tho most obstinate caie of dys pepsia or constipation, and when I taken as directed brings quick rcliet. Danville, III., Deo. 23,1009. ThmlfoTrt'i Htnok-Pnmiilit hits been our I ranilly doctor rur flva year, .ltd we want I n,i ,ilhnr Whan n. nf u. In o&dlT W. I tak. . dnKO and are all rt.tit In twelve I hours. Wo havo .pent lot. of monuy for I doctor bills, but nut .long Just . wul! I Wltn jM.CK-ur.ugat. jni jj. BADEU. Ask your dealer lor a pokB;e ot Thedford'. Black-Draught and it h. does not keen it Mod ttc. to Tbe Cbatu- noorftMedlcineCo.,Ch.ttwws,Tenn. I and a pacluce will b. mailed to you. iV:: J.A. ALSTON FINE 1 Groce PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINE8- Merriinnc Club and Pride of Viminia. nica and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldoo N. C. 10-ai-lT A Telephone Lin 6 is a door YOUR BUSINESS No Telephone IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford it? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - . N Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin FRIGHTFUL SUFFERING RE LIEVED. Suffering frightfully from tha vim lent poison, of ur digested food, G, G. Grayson, of Lula, Miss , took Dr, King'i New Life Pills, "with the reeult," he writes, "that I waa cured." All stomach aod bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c. at W. M. Cohen's drug store, guaranteed. BAGGAGE ? If you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUE MOVER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No, 61. c. A aure cure for all KIDNEY AND LAI)IER TItOCBLES Recommended by beat phyaiciana of the country. For Bale In Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beat of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my tue. oliteattontiontoall at Kay a, west side it. K. Blied. my J It- E.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, .RoanokeNews Office, WiLDoa, N.C.

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