ADVB RTISI1TQ- IRA-TES-mopeuate. VOL. XXXIX. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905. TERMS:- iiJ. If 1mJhdi HM.'a Jt,,. i f fS irCfi r Vn,tn,HRS' Petty' ' Rol,rine N' C., Aug. 12, 1904. My little boy could not walk I Hep from RHEUMATISM, and II other remedies had (ailed to do him my good. Rheumacide has cured him and made him sound and well." Hundredi of other letter! give the lame testimony. , .1 l'i ! yodof ll,he P'ornthat cause Rheumatism and all other blood disease., and absolutely curci to stay cured. The most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world vet it improvei the digestion and builds up the entire system. "THE ONE THAT CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL" Write BOBBITT CHEMICAL, COMPANY, BALTIMORE, for Tn. Sampla, Art rout dtuitln lot " rORCCT MC MOT " look. him. CHARLES C. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, YA. tST Mr. W. T. Bsugh represents us in Eastern Csrolioa. Hold your orders Tor dot 12 ly Ayerk Pills Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Ayer's Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. The best laxative. IZIZZZ, BUCKINGHAM'S OYE ii peaut iful brown or rich black ? Use nm m u.m. . r. mi uun. . u. TlfE REJS0fJ TANNER'S PAINTS Retain Ihsir pre-eminence above all other brands ia because they are mido of the best materials obtaina ble and are ground with fireat care. If your dealer docs not oarry them write to the manufacturers. Box 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STUKKT, RICHMOND, VA THE PARABLE OF THE CORN. (7fflTW jrVJDENOE OK OBOWrH IN TIU SO' L Alt WI HAT SEE IT IK THE SEED. There ia life io the dry grain of corn as certainly as io the growing stalk. Hut In the former we see no life, not even the evidenoa of it, We nay put it under the microscope, but we discover no life. We msj shave it down, Like by lake, but we cannot seo It pur tell where il has gone but the life ia there nolwiih a'andiog cur failure. Only by adversity oan It be made to reveal Itself; and its highest manifestation tsn eume only through dralh and dissolution. Ileal and moisture will call forth the latent life, but not until that ollow tabernacle is placed in the earth dues the matured po-sibilit j of the seed Olenites! itself. Have Wii not heic a yarablt ? Man has a soul, but who has seen it, or felt it, or touched it? Can we, by any koon process, lay that soul bare that we may look upon it with tur mortal eyes? Will our most powerlul micro scopes msgnify it? Will our X-ray dis pose it 7 You may take this body down, part by part. You may discover every member from its fellow, You may un covor every ligament and nerve and artery. Can the scalpel uncover the soul? Has the operator ever seen it as he laid open the body? Has the young physician in the dissecting rooms over found il? But the soul is in the body as truly as life is io the grain of com. Both are invisible by any known device of man. We may see the ev idencc of growth in the soul as we may see it in the seed In both cases the life is revealed mainly by sacrifice and surrender. In both the fullcat glory cornea after death, and neither the seed on the one hand nor the body on the other ever beholds the high' est development of its own inherent life, That lies betond the dissolution. And will Dot our postmortem life be as much greator and grander than thie life as the maturing stalk with its green leaves, Its pick plumes on the end of the ripening cars, and its bending tassels, is greater and grsndcr than the little yellow ores cent of corn which was dropped into the earth? THE SWEET GIRL GRADUATE. 2 H 'P. The Bask of W, :::::::WELDON N. C.:I- Oifulzel Mer The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TU, 1892. 8TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. Tot tea yean this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and direotors have been identified with the business interests ol Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved security at the legal'rate ofinterest sii per centum. Aooounta of all are aolioited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W. K. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, going to white Father What is EsUlla wear when she graduates? Mother Oh, just a simple gown. "That's sensible. Women dress al together too extravagantly, to mj mind. I'd like to see a member of my family io something simple for once. How muoh will Estclla's gown oost?" "Oh. the dressmaker says sho thinks she can eet ur something appropriate for about $75 Delriot Free Press. Z a rO O CD o ti o - Pa c Wj CO O 5 ts s M en m o e CD m H m 30 CO CO c P CD p pa 0 Q P o en 5- -H - go oo Hrl r" CD 2 3!2 CD r . o so o zz H w Q 4 P o e-r-O H CD CO lis Free! I m IO-CENT PLUG OF :ed meat tobacco tv vatj wavr to know WHAT AILS YOU Um U. 8. mall will bring you the bt-it medical advice tor only the coat of writing material and .tamp. Ouarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, URAVK STONES of every description. Freight prepaid oa ail shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write for design and prices aaaAlno Iron Fencing, Vane , etc ., for cemetery anu oiner nnrinMM at loweflt DriCCA. HlvSATISFACTfON GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. Mill ly. 1 , SPRING & SUMMER 0 FOB 0 MEN, :WOMEN & CHILDREN. Big Lin Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishings, ie, Tha largest line . vr brought to Weldoo. Doa't fail to see them before you buy. Oor Shot department is full and tunning over. The largest stock ws have ever tarried, and wa are making prioea ' THAT WILL SELL THEM. - Jast reoeived a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. 8uits to order, made up in good Mhapeaad by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail lo se, our line of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. ;-SH. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, & WELDON, N. C. 1 V,ia--m-, .MisWM health to the fet that twy consulted lr. nrrce uy itrnri, nmK aai.,, t- fottiiation about their condition, symptom. .1 -... ri aivA tniHiral advice tffticn COS' tnrm nviniK. " w Dr. K V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel and SnrRicai insuuuc, nuiim, .. 1. Dr. Pierre by no means confines hint self to prescribing hi well-known medicine. He tell you in the most common wne way what ails von, what you ought to do. Willi line out in your particular case, and if your case dm-i not maicBie k nu .... 1.. dmi nlninlv Alld frankly uAat you do need, and the best possible nutiimi 01 improving you. .l(s. r it: ,an rnn lr oaaPS At a distance, throuRh the mail and all you have to do IB to wmc mm ytmi ; ... HiA.aa.-. , . 1 1 . takinv vitur nicdtcuit I waft r. .r't. 1. ....'im-ii whi-ti had run on fot five yrn Tk thr txtUf ol l-nvor liTrv .ml two viaU of Pr. llriWulVlletl , J., n, Il Krn.rd to me I would , . ,iher well ilny, lil Miice Ho hve e,.,yr,l ine dtm . . -m , ,.,. ,1.0 loo --V"-," lh, l I ,u .1 h a lime, nd our ha I. the mort 5Uv one ol them .11 1 Ihurtl your medi- ctoo art the be lu (ha woria.- ITOTlOJil- H.lifai County. ) penor vourv r r r..Hii inKhkifAf himself and all other atork holders and creditors mat, may come in and make themselves partiee in this action, plaintirt. vs. Weldon Ioe Company, defendant. t .n ,t.Am it. mir enncern: m.. nf tli Weldon Iff! Com in viniiivt. -. pany are herchy notified that by order of the Superior imun id me .". ..:.. A.. Chriiv 14. 1IKI5. W E. Daniel haa been appoiutod receiver of its property ana irincninen, uu m I .vahrhir notinml to come in a .a. i,Amivpfl nartioa to Ihisaetion Uliu ujnrw r. and prove their claims and debts against the said company, on or before the flrat This the 43rd day of March, 1005. S. M. GA.RY, Clerk of Superior Court. 5r To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to us within rive days from the date of this puper, we will mail him a CarA which will entitle him to oneio-cent plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO Free! At any store handling this brand. Writo mime ami il.Wrcs rS a , V . ( ft. anti itihircss C Cr a V It nhnntv ..11 7A . JS. fl. M 11 iiiiu..-nuiciii, i, j NAME. Addreis i. CHEER YOUR FELLOW-MAN. BY JAMKS WHITCOMB RILEY. If you should ace a felluw-mao ith trouble's flag unfurled, An' lookin' like he didn't have a friend in all the world ; Go up and slap him on the back, an' bjller, "How d'you do?" An' grasp his hand so warm he'll know he has a friend in you ; Then ax him what's a hurtiug him, an' laugh his cares away, An' tell bim that tie darkest night is just before the day ; Don't talk graveyard palaver, but say it right out loud That God will sprinkle sunshine in the trail of every cloud. This world at best is but a hash of pleasure and of pain ; Some days are bright and sonny, and some all sloshed with pain ; And that's just how it ought to be, for when the clouds roll by, We'll know just how to 'predate the bright and smiling sky, So learn to take it as it comes, and don't sweat at the pores Because the Lord's opinion don't coincide with yours ; But always keep rememberin' when cares your path enshroud, That God has lots of sunshine to tpill behind the cloud. HOW CAN YOU KNOW? BY FRANK L. STANTON. How can you knew wbat's a-comin' along? Sigh you are sighin' may end io a song : The world will roll right, though the world msy roll wroog Look to the bright side lorever 1 How oan you koow but a sweet star will rise Io the storm that seems' 'em all from the skies? A sweet rose is born for each dear rose that dies Look to the bright side forever I How can jou know? Daisies deep under snow Have dreams of the time when the south-wind shall blow I They koow the Spring's comin' for God wills it so : Look to the bright side forever I How can you know? Let us trust to the years To lighten the burden of crosses an' csres ; Ao' even in the desolate rain of our tears Look to the bright side forever I HOW DID YOU DIE? Did you tackle that trouble that came yonr way With a resolute heart and cheerful, Or bide your face from the light of day With a craven soul and fearful ? Oh, a trouble is a ton, or a trouble is an ouoce, And it isn't the fsct thst you're hurt that counts, But only how did you take it? You are beaten to earth ? Well, well, what's that ? Come up with a smiling face. It's nothing sgainst you to fall down flat, But to lie there that's disgrace. The harder you're throwo, why, the higher you bounce j Be proud of your blackened eye I It isn't the fact that you're licked that counts ; It's how did you fight and why? And though you be d me to the death, what then? If you battled the best you ou!d, if you played your pait io the world of men, Why The Critic will call it good. Death oomes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce, And whether he's slow, or spry, it uo't the fact that you're dead that oouots, But only how did you die ? THE POOR, IDLE JtlCH. THEV WANT KVEHYTIIINa ANU ENJOY - - 4wrvc.--., . The idle uiiiiiuinio, ntieibei he has a tii io or mil, mart follow the fanhion if he would keep in the swim; and lo keep in the Bwitn is the ono objective point. For liim I lie uir is subdivided, laid out io regular parterre, like an ltaliao gar den, and he must oveo fulfill his destiny us a gcmlemao of wealth and leisure; the world to him has six seasons 1'aris. Loudon, SwinoilanJ, the shootiog box in Scotland, the oounlry house io Eng land, the South of France. Jo buys a palace, lives in it awhilo and goes away. So awfully dreary, donchcrknow." Ho buys a yacht; lirta of it, and buys an other. Nnlhinx like the water, donchcr know. Tho aulomobi'e crate causht him wheie he was weakest for fast, faster is the word and he is now scud ding and scorching over Continental ways, having found a new and coBtly toy which perhaps accounts for some of the absentoos from Nice. In a word, for tune's favorite is very happy except wIicd he is giving proof that he can spend moro money than a rival yet wretched when he Sods how little it brings bim either of distinction or diversion. To tell the truth, the women get on much better than the men, Tbcy still love to dance. It shows their faces. It parades their gowns. The men despise dancing. "Too fatigueiog, dooober know." It is so much ersier to gamble and to flirt. Your professional beauty, on the other hand, has a deal to engage her herself, to begin with; then clothes; then diamonds, ropes of pearls; and final ly, the men. If hard put to it, she oan amuse herself of a rainy afternoon before bar looking-glasB; selfish and vain: a philosopher. When the men sre tired of one another or get broke they will come after her. She knows that, and she knows them only too well. She haa learned all their tricks and their man ners, and can talk s'ang and scandal with th m, saoke and drink with them, and often beat them at b ridge or baoarrat, Far my part, I would embizz'e do man of his happincsr; not even bis money; though sometimes I want to take one of these youngsters of two and three or twenty, who fancies he knows the world and that outside the titles and the dollars there is nothing in it, and tell him what an ass he is, and put him in a Keeley cure for simpletons Henry Wattersoo, in tho Louisville Courier- Journal, o ile H'0- u.igbt DEACON JONES. Er, Smart, waiting on Deacon Jones and tDomnff ihp pnpolarilv of rev erend gentleman, and desiring :o build for himself a repulatic , I !' idea of placing s bulleiin on post, so the friends ol 'l' i sec the stale of his Hi - "9.20 a m. Deu.. -ry ill. "10:00 a m. Family . ,or. "12:00 m. Family aiiivcd. DoacoD better. "2,25 p. m. I'hysician con-ulta Drs. Good and Flood. "3:40 p. m All hope gone. The end must soon come. 4:00 p. m Deacon expired and went to heaven. A traveling (knight of the giip) man passes and re ids the bu'letin, and adds I '4;25 p. m Great oonsternation in heaven. Deacon Jones has not arrived.' I Belter Fruils-BeffcrProfils for ovi;h sixty yeahs. Mrs. Winslow'h Soothinu Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," sod take no other kind. After a man gets converted bis neigh bors speculate every time they see him as to now soon he will pay what he owes them. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SAVED BY DYNAMITE. Somelimes, a flaming city is raved by dynamiting a space that the fire can t cross. Sometimes, a cough hsngs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dvna, mile would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Cat houo, Ga., writes: "My wife hsd a very customer. aggravated couh, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs sod Colds, which eased her etugh, gavs her sleep, and finally cured her. Strictly scientific cure for broochitis and La Grippe. At W. M. Cohen's drug store price uOo and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. THE PRAYER FOR OUR DAILY BREAD Joaquin Miller, the poet, is fond of children. In Los Aoeelcs one day Mr. Miller said to the little girl on bis knee: "I suppose yon say your prayers reg ular?" les, acid the little girl. "1 say them every night and every mcrning. Then she wrinkled her brow in thought, sod there was silence for moment. Finally she said. "Why wouldn't it do to pray for our bread once s week, or once a month, or even once s year? Why is it that we must ask every day for our daily bread?" Io older to have it fresh, you little gooBe, replied the poet. r.icnaoge. Belter peaches, apples, pears and nerrlea are produced when Potash liberally applied to the Boll. To Insure a foil crop, of choiceat quality, Use a fertilizer containing not leas than io per cent, actual Potash SftHl fnrntirpfflrtlnil twmkwnf IMnmutlnn k titer ' U"t a'lvrrtiftidf l-tmrlilrta, tn. trinity ihti.ii iirmiM-M, inn are mitlioriutivc liXsiiiMf, am tiw luruisstisuiyf . QPKMAN KALI WORKS Nw Urn 9i NiiMi St.,fr AtUntii. (tv- Dirt' vi- FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry the largest and m si com plete line of fl or coverings ever brought to this part of North Carolina. Mat tings, caipetings, druggets, art squares and rugs, A large line of remcants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other tbiogs in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, J). C. J.A. ALSTON FINE Groceries A merchant is never so busy invoicing that be isn't willing to wait on a good How easily gossip stsrtsl Ever think how little plessure you get out of a "story" you start and how much trouble you may ba making others? Atchison Globe. Take CARDUI at Home PROVISIONS, -Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merrimac Club and Pride of Viretnia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First 8treet, weiuon n. u. 1U-KJ-1T DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY TELEPHONE? The Number is Constantly TERRIFIC RACE WITH DEATH. Death was fast approaching, writes Ralph F. Fernaudes, of Tamps, FIs desciibiog his fearlul race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried I many different doctors and several med icines, but got do benefit, until I began to use Electrie Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and to day I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at W. M. Cohen's drug store; price 50c. A family with an artistio tempera ment isn't really as much of an addition I to the neighborhood as one owning a alepladder. A CREEPING DEATH. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, c.u.iog death. J. E. Stcaroa, Belie fiaine, Minn , wiiiea ll.t a diced dreadfullv injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck- len's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life, Best io the world for burns and acres. 25o. at W. M. Cohen's drug store Art you a sufferer? Has your doctor been unsuc- ceufulf Wouldn't you prefer to treat you mil AT tlOMEr Nearly 1 .500.000 women have bought 'Wine of Cardui from their druggists ana nave curea themselves at home, of such troubles aa periodical, bearing down and ovarian paina, leueor rhoea, barrennesa, nervousness, diaziness, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weaJrneae. these are not easy case. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. W ine of t'ardui does not irri tate the organs. There ia no pain in the treatment. It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from atrong and drastic aruga. lr is successful because it curea in a natural way. Wine of tardui can be oougni from your druggist at II .00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment Ulv. Willyoutzyit? aa.iK.rr Deck. TO Ouioij MKUclua Co.. CUMUuoota. being Added to CALL OUR MANAGER AND SEE TELEPHONE LINE IS THE DOORWAY THROUGH WHICH TO REACH THEII WHY NOT OPEN IT? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, ENDEBSON, . . N. C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin. BAGGAGE ? a The average v oman is fond oi saving that her ambition exceeds her strength. CLEARED FOR ACTION When the body is cleared for action by Dr. Kings New Lite tills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the oheeks: the brightness of the eves: the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At W. M, Cohen's drug store, 25 cents. If you want Trunk moved be sure and call on Bridgers, the TRUE MOYER. Leave orders at Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone No. 61. A sme enre for all KIDNEY AND 1ILADDEH TKOtllLES Keoommended by bent pbjncuoa of tb country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beet of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the beBt of every thing in my ine, lra. route attention to all at Lay s, west side tl. H. Shed. my 2 lj- D. E.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, Roar.okeNews Office. Weldoic, N.C. 4 f i t V 1 1