v X WW --snail SU& WKi j-TgljE30- :R,'lg1SM0I)E!TK A NBWSPAPEBFOB TUB PEOPLE. " TEBMSHWo per annum tv at-t a VOL XLIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1905. N0. 1 i 9 a JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE THE ONE thatcures ,nM WHEN OTHERS FAIL" n,!,"'. '"""r'U! ""' effici"" b,001 Purifier ' h world. It ,wpi M m ftetf ,,J,Ji0,",,l, " ,h "uw HTOMAT1S U i.ii ,,,C,'I?I'H, UVtR and KIBNCT TROimiS, BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIM. S." ?. ST,0N.nd CONTAGIOUS BLOOD roisoi? Improve.. StoS Gi bin ?h , S er'y"f?m-. 4', Fieldl '"u i Hon T P u AawacuaEs!'0''''" leE"'",0 ""1 hundr,d' of """' au.pl. tottU rra It wtlw IOBBITT CHEMICAL CO, aWtimora. 0.1 " FoaoiT Ml Hot' Book lien fmt Dnltlu. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, WMr. W. T. Bang him. PETERSBURG. YA. represents m in Eastern Carolina. Bold jour orden for sot 12 lj MALI P(F VEGETABLE SICILIAN HflirReriewpr A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and always restores color to gray hair. ''-tfiErxrHEi."?? TtfE REJS0fJ TANNER'S PAINTS Retain Ih ir pre-eminence above all other brand) ia because they are made of the beat materials obtaina ble and are ground with great oare. If your dealer doee not carry them write to the manufacturers. Boi 180. tar Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank of yfik, OrtaniM Mm Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. CHEER UP, IMILI, EVBN THOUGH IT Bi TBROUUH TOUR TEARS. Cheer ap I The world is taking your photograph. Loek pleasant. Of oourse yon have your troubles troubles yru oanuot ( (he polioemao. A whole lot of things bother you, of course. Bui- ness worries or domestic sorrows, it may be, or what not. Ton find life a rngged road whose stones hurt your feet. Never theless, cheer up. It may be your n-al disease is selfish- uess ingrown selfishness, Your life is too self-centered. You imagine your tribulations are worse than others bear. You feel sorry for yourself the mean est sort of pity. It is pathetio illusion. Rid yourself of that, and oheer np. What right have you to oarry pic ture of your woe-beg ne face and fuoeral ways about amonr your fellows, who have troubles of their own? If you must whine or sulk or scowl, take osr and go to the woods or to the unfre quented lsues. Cheer up I Your ills are largely imag inary. If you were really on the brink of bankruptcy, or if there were no thor oughfare through your sorrows, you would clear your brows, set your teeth, and make the beat of it. Cheer up I You sre making a hypo thetical case out of your troubles, and suffering from a self-inlicted verdict. You are borrowiog trouble, and paying a high rate of interest. Cheer up I Why, man alive, in t ten minute walk you may see a soore of peo ple worse off than you. And here you are digging your own grave, and playing pall-bearer into the bargain. Man alive, you must do your work I Smile, even though it be through your tears, which speedily dry. And oheer up I HIS STORY OF THE WAR. "80 you were all through the Civil War, were you ?'' some one asked the old colored veteran, who was cheering the band. "Ever' step of it, suh I" "At the surrender, too T" ''Oh, yes, suh 1" "What did Qeneral Lee say to Grant f " "Never said nulhio', suh Des chop ped off his head an' went 00 I" OPEN THE DOORS. 10 a go "o l S H, 2 p 1 1 tS?v 3 St S """ jWwK - ct-w 5 so g tfw 5-35 jmi'-4Mk g (d o & 2 EE ? CO UjjjfflW HOW OBOHUE WASIIINOTON SAVED A LITTLK VM.I.OW PEOM DR0WN1N0 AT THI IUHK OF 1118 OWN Lift. When Washington was a youog man was at one lime engaged in helping to survey land. Ho was in the midst of a great forest near a rushing atrosm of water, when he heard the voice of a woman loreaminit in terror. "My poor little boy has fallen into the water, and theje men will sot let me try to save hinil" "It is of no use," said one ef the men. If she jumps she will be dashed to pieces in a moment. She cmnot save the child, and will lose her own life, ONE 10-CENT PLUG OF RED MEAT TOBACCO To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to us within fiv"e dif J from the date of this puper, we wilt mail him a car which will entitle him to one 10-certt plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO handling this brand. At any store Write name and address plainly on lines btlow. A WliiMon-Saltni" N. d NAME & Address. Roanoie News. May 11. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. MPITiL 1ND SURPLUS - For ten veara this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax aod Northampton oounties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved seourity at the legal rate of interoat six per centum. Aooounts of all are solicited. PrMidunt: Vioe-President: Cashier: W. E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W.R.SMITH. Jsckson, Northampton county, N. C. Ui I Thfi larerest and best nlant in You close your doors and brood over your own miseries snd the wrongs people have done yon; whereas, if you would but open those doors, you might coma out into the light of God's truth, and see that His heart is as dear as sunlight to ward you. If you would but let Him teaoh you, you would find your per plexities melt away like the snow in the spring till you could hardly believe you ever felt them. George Maednnald. " . tSLOOD CELLS, v , : -; w muLva. n rarnt CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Uuurier and Masufaoturar of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid o ail shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write fur .designs and prices 3 Work Delivered At Any Depot. octlllv. St. Alio Iron Fencing, Vaaes ajtajj to., for cemetery and other JwjClS purposes at lowest pricea. HliinT HU8ATISFACT10N GUARANTEED. I SPRING & SUMMER .0 poB 0 OTTTT TvnrsikT n; n n- Ci.wU N,,ii.,ni. Gunts Furnishings, 0. The largest line ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to tee them before you buy. Our Shoo department is full and running over. The largest stock wo havo ever tarried, aod we are making prices THATlfWILL SELL THEM. -Jurt received 1 big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. Suits to order, nado up in good sTsps and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Djo't fail to sea our line of Samples and Prices Before You 4 Place Your Order. ' r ' 1 D, ALLEN & COMPANY; & 9L WFI DOM. N. c. Man i a millionaire many time, over in the possession of blood cells. Woman 1. not quite so ncn, tor scienusis n.ve piuvrn that the normal number of red blood cells in adult men iB five million; in women four and a half million, to the square millimeter. The normal cell is not absolutely rouna in health, but, in disease, becomes ex twtnplv itrrirul&r in shaoe. Every one can DC in perteel neaun ana pumcm iuc iuu liani of rich red blood corpuscles if they only know how to 10 about it. Dr. R. V. Pierre, rnnsti una" nnvsician 10 tne hit lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buf falo, N. Y., advises every man and woman to nrrnare for a lonr life by observing na ture a laws. in ine nisi pmw, 11 yuui Atm-Hlmn is faulty, and the food you eat is not taken up by the blood and assim ilated properly, you need a tonic and diges tive corrector, something that will increase the red blood corpuscles; Be neileve. in ..inr nbnitt this in nature's own way. Yearn ago, in his active practice, he found that an alterative eitract or certain nerDs and roots, put up without the use of alco hol, would put the liver, lungs and heart into fuller and more complete action. This medicine he cslled Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lly assimilating the food eaten, it nourtsnes ine oioou, ami, in nf the in.shaned cornuscles, the per son', blood take, on a rich red color and tl -nrnni-lea are more nearly TOUUd. Nervousness is only the cry of the starved nerves for food, and when the nerves art fed on rich red blood the person lose, those irritable feelings, sleeps well at night and feels refreshed In the morning. KNOWLEDGE II fOWKB. ir TOU want 10 anow auuui yuui read Dr. Pierce'a Common Sense Medical Adviser, which can be had for the cost of mailing, tl cents in one-cent stamp for tht criulit.ijuulid buuk, ul ii UUii lOi U.C tiaDer covered volume. 1008 pages. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, BufTalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanae tht bowel, and stimulate the aiuggisn uvtr. GIVE US THE OLD TIME "DIXIE," BY FRANK L. STANTON Leave out tbe bran' new music though hailed by the oheerin' throng ; Give us the old-time "Dixie" as we maroh as wo march along I Tbe same as the "Old Boys" played it when the Sags were flying free, And ihey gave three cheers for Jacksoo, an' a "Hip-hooray" for Lee I Lesve out the brsn' new music tunes 0' the later years ; Give us the old-time "Dixie," though it thrills through a rain 0' tears I The same that the boys were cheering in the stormy far-away, When the battle-flags were itreamin' o'er the breasts that wore the gray I Leave out the bran' new music I Beat, drums I o'er plain and hill : The old brigades are marchin' to the old-time "Dixie," slill 1 Hsrk I how the riogin' chorus is risio', the lines along I The boys who marched with "Stonewall" are oheerin' the "Dixie" song t WHEN BENEATH THE EARTH I AM SLEEPING, BY. WILLIAM MOTHERWELL. HE SAVES THE BOY, GOOD REASONS. A dozen club women of St. Louis re oently reported upno "the spread of the divorce evil in tho United States," as signing the following reasons : Girls uiorry men they know little shout, There is too much independence be tween husbaod nod wile, Young people frequently ure obliged lo live with their parents. Marriages are regurded as simply a contract without the religious elemont. Mi nisi en have married persons they knew wee not fitted to he married. The hlaekmnith's sun cannot live hap pily with the daughter of the man in a higher social sphere. Lawyers, who solieit trade by gu-irsn- Washington scarcely wailed to hear tce'nK prompt divorces, are largely re- ese words, lie remembered the ni'""'""'c' th bright, sunny-haired little boy whom he ad often seen playing before a cabin nearby. He took a rapid glance down the angry rushing stream, and saw the little boy's white dress, and without an other moment a hesitation he thiew off his ooat and leaped into the rapids. How eagerly they watched as the brave young man struggled to reach the child. Just before they reaohed the falls ' he seised the boy and held him up with his strong right arm. What a shout of joy came from those who were watching from the shore! But alas, both man and boy disappeared over the falls. The mother ran forward in terror, but soon gave a glad cry as she saw them at the foot of tho falls unharm ed. Washington was still holding her ohild and making his way toward the shore. He was Dearly exhausted when he finally reached the shore with tbe ohild safe, though unconscious. Elopements ome entertainment and amusement, but not the anxiety which thry sbould. The example of New Yorks "Four Hundred" is bad for the rest ot the coun try. Women 01 today do not show enough loyalty to tneir husbands. Divorce is so easy to secure, married persons treat ligbty bonds of matrimony, xoung women do not heed advice of parents in regard to marriage. She Would you have me believe I am the first girl you ever proposed to? He Goodness nol I suppose I've asked a doaen. She And they all refined you. He Of ooursei Every one ol them knew I was head over heels in love with you. She You dear boyl Bos ton Transcript. TRUE TO HER PROMISE- Wheo I between tbe cold red earth J5 sleeping, lift's fever o'er, Will there for me bo any bright eye weeping mat I'm bo more? c - Will there for me be any bright eye weeping of heretofore t., When the great winds, through leafless forests rushing, like full hearts bfaax,'! When the swollen streams, o'er crag and golly gushing, sad musio mske ; Will there be one whose heart despair is crushing mourn for my sake? When the bright sun upon that spot is shining with purest ray, And the small flowers their buds and blossoms twining burst through that olay ; Will there be one still on that spot repining lost hopes all day ? When the night shsdows, with the ample sweeping of her dark pall, The world and all its manifold creation sleeping, the great and small Will there be one, even at that dread hour, weeping for me for all ? When do star twinkles with its eye of glory on that low mound, And wintry storms have with their ruins hoary its ioneness crowned j Will there be then one versed in misery's story paoing it round ? It may be so but this is selfish sorrow to ask such meed A weakness and a wickedness to borrow from hearts that bleed, The wsilings of to-day for what to-moirow shall never need. Lay me then gently in my narrow dwelling, thou gentle heart ; And though thy bosom should with grief be swelling, let no tear start ; It wert in vsio for Time hsth long been kneeling ssd one, depart I Josiah, said Mrs. Chugwater, "what do you do at those lodge meetings you attend twice a month?" "You don't expect me to tell you that, do you ? Our proceedings are secret." "A man oughtn't to have any secrets from bis wife. What is the pass word ?" "I've taken solemn obligstion never to oommunicate that to any one outside." "I'm not an outsider. A man and his wife art one. You have right to communicate it to mo." Mr. Chugwater reflected. "Well," he said, "if I repeat the pass word to you once, will you promise never to ask me to say it again ?" "Yes." "And you will never tell anybody else?" "Never." Whereupon he rapidly uttered tho as tonishing word : "Magelleinellikszcoalotaruvistualizabe- lillihwinkamanakalilooleroo." . Mrs. Chugwater kept her promise, She never repeated that password to a living soul. "MORAL SUASION " "The writer knows a mother who strongly denounces ocrporal punishment j whoso favorite method of punishment is to lend her ohild to bed without supper,' writes William H. Hamby, in Good Houtketping. "Perhaps she thinks tht ' gnawing . of that child's empty stomach if tool punishment. Another who considers the use of the switch a relic of bloody days will make ber little girl sit for three hours in a straight chair. '"In faot, most moral suasion is not moral suasion. It is simply a combina tion of everything that is not whipping. "The story is told of a small boy who was asked by his ancle if he got s whip ping that day at school. " 'Naw.' said tho boy; 'they don't whip at our school.' " 'Don tf said the uncle id surprise. 'How do they make yoi mind?' " 'Moral suashioD,' replied the boy shortly. 'What's that?' " '0, they stand us on the floor, keep us in at recess, mske us toe a line, pull our ears, and jaw at us. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Dahealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood, All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 ne moneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out ol order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches andrheu- matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as thoueh iney naa nean trouoie, oecause the heart is over-working in pumping thick, Kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to De considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kianey trouble. It you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer' swamp. K001, the great kidney remedy soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz- You may have a SamD It DOtt e bY mail Hotna nt awunn-RfMl. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper wnen writing ur. rviimer t Co.. Bmghamton, N. Y. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. T on every bottle, FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry the largest and mosi com- etc line of floor coverings ever brought this part of North parolina. Mat- Dgs, carpetirjgs, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remnants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Liooleoms, oil cluth, linen and oil indow shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to tho Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. 1TOTIOEJ. at... r North (larnlina. 1 In tht 8u Halifax County. J perior Court, W K Daniel In behalf of himself and all other stockholders and creditors that may come in and make themselves parties iu this action, plaintiff, vs. Weldon lot Company, defendant. To all whom it may concern: The creditors of the Weldon Ice Com pany art hereby notified that by order of tbe Superior urari tn ine nuovn niium action, dated February 14, 1808, W. E. Daniel bat been appointed receiver oi its property and franchise, and the said ereditora art hereby notified to come in and make themselves parties to this action and prove their claims and debts against the said company, on or before the first day of May, 1005. This the 13r& day of March, 1005. H. M. GARY, Clerk of Superior Court. 3-WMt. POR OVIiKHIXTY VEARH. Mrs. WiN8bow' Sootuino Svrcp has been used for over 60 years by mill ior!" of mother fr their children while teething, with perfect suoeess. It soothes the ohild, softens tht gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every pert of the world. Twenty-five cents s bottle. Be sure snd ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, snd take no other kind. Walls do oot make the place of worship SAVED BY DYNAMITE. Sometimes, a flaming oily is saved by dynamiting a spice ihst the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough hsogs on so long, you feel st if nothing but dyna mite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Cal houn, Ga,, writes: "My wife htd a very aggravated oouh, which kept ber awake nights. Two physioiaos oould not help her; so she took Dr. King s New Dis oovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her ecugh, gave her sleep, and finally eured her. Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. At all druggists' drug stores, price 50c and (1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. r : 3JfrjUA.VAI1 This great stock medicine is a money savor for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Thouph put tip in coarser form than Thulford s Black-Draught, renowned for the cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up tho torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre pared and its action is bo healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera said roup and makes hens lay. It Cures constipation, distemper and Colda in horses, murrain in cattle, And makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls ot all kinds new life. Kvery farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. 'i. - It coeta 25c. a can and eavoi tea timet its price in profit. Prnvaona, Ka.., March as, IBM. 1 have hean uslnt your Blach-DrauffM I I Stock aad Poultry MadlclM w! stook tor soma time. I have nal an 1 kinds ot slock fowl but I hav. toaad 1 I tut yout ta th. bMl to my parposa. I i . b. hi nan r. CORN FIELDS ARE GOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under stands how to feed his ' crops. Fertilizers for Com must contain at least 7 per cent, actual Potash Send fnr our books they tell why Potash li as necessary to plant life as sun and rain: sent free, If you ask. Write to-day, GERMAN KALI WORKS New Vork-03 Na5iu 5trect, or Allan la, Oa. i South flroad bt. J. A. ALSTON FINE rally Groceries PROVISIONS, -Cigurs and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINE8- Merriniac Club and Pride of Virginia, nica and mellow. Har stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N- C. 10-21-ly 9& CLEARED FOR ACTION. When the body is cleared for sction by Dr. King's New Life Fills, you can tell it by the bloom of health 00 the cheeki-; the brightness of the eye; the firmt ess of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of tbe mind. Try them. At 11 druggists' drug storei, 25 oeot. The upright man always leans on God. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Eiught Bean the Signature of A CREEPING DEATH. Bltod poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death, J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn , writes that t friend dreadfully injured hit band, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck- len's Arnica Sslve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world far burns and sores 25o. at all druggists' drug stores It's a tad slate of affairs wheo tht fire of genius has to warm up "pot boilers. TERRIFIC RACK WITH DEATH. "Death was fast approaching," writes n-iL 17 V J r T V. describing bis fearful race with death, BflClgerS, U.Q "aa a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which hsd robbed me or sleep TRUM MOVER s.n1 if t.11 intarAat in llfrt T hftii triAfi I many different doctors aad several med- LeftVe OT(IerS 8,t icines, but got no benefit, nntil I began to use Electrio Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, tnd to day 1 am eured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at ill druggists' drug stores; price 50c Telephone Service is the Modern '&m- WITH A TELEPHONE IN YOUR HOUSE THE RESOURCES OF THE WHOLE STATE ARE AT YOUR ELBOW : : For Rates apply to Local Manager For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin BAGGAGE ? 11 you want a Trunk moved be sure and call on A sine enrt for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROLBLES Hecommeniled by best physicians of the country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beat of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhaud. I keep the best of every thing in my ine. mwPolite attention to all at Kay's, west side R. R. Shed, my S If. Bridgers' Bakery or call up Phone JNo, 61. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, TslDok, N.C. Wfc.K uv. okiJNewt Office. f

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