"X... T t JLz " ' ",-T-,. D"V1ITI8I1TC3- A-TES-MODEllATK. A. NEWSPAPER FOE THE PEOPLE. TBEMS:-i-io per annum in advance r i, t ol XL. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1905. NO. 2 SOI THE SCIENCE OF LIVING. OIOBQif. BOTLia. Dr. George F. Butler recently deliver WHY WE GROW OLD, n Tu"C viwa na touho wms old,' THE SPIRIT OF HOME. D8T BI WITBIN TOO WOC: CBIATf A BOH I, 10 O CO Z D i il a O m ADOPT Till SDN DUL't MOTTO. Bitter memories of i sinful life which r-r- V cenes, MS. n and wil me, Cow d Grove'e lexander'l purilyinf wanted Of R0., Judkint) don, N. C- toy HER RY. LTIE8. ETS, toll. tht time, rimmed to MS, it. n EirtMt Hf rnii, t$ dMitire, . 0. GREW, EEN. UK, MI, H. C. of all tht inal, In tht rli t and ot C'nnrta in a Mr, Urwn of Second F( nnhin doea I ' reeo prao- 1 s&xBmzZs0 CURED. NOT the temporary Improvement mulling from dangerous merrunr, opiatfi. alcohol, or potash ; not the momen tary rc lief from .harp pain girta by linimtnti; but searching cleansing ol the blood that clears ttio system si every vrillgt of the disease, tnd absolutely CURES RHEUMATISM. We know t hit it thould curt btciuw it il compounded ia the murt Kieniific manner, of purely vegetable drun that 'tk Vl 7 cannot harm, but build up the entire iyitttn. We know that it does cure because hundred! of thoac cured hare written ui that it hat CURED AFTER ALL OTHERS FAILED. rn Naula WoHU boa BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., IALTIMOU. YOUR PRUCCUT ItUI RHEUMACIDE. CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. YA. HpMr. W. T. Baugh rtprewoU ui io W4 jliyers Pills 'Ant your moustache or beard "'ui brown or rich black? Use TANNER'S PAINTS Retain lbir pre-erainenoe abora all other brands it because they are made of the beet material! obtaina ble and art ground with great eare. If jour dealer doea not carry them write to the manufacturers. 1 1419 E. Ux 180. The Bank -WELDON N. C. je CffliizeiL Mer The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, 4 AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS r J ten vean thia institution has provided banking facilities lor this teotlon iekhoiders and directors have been !,-,5x and Northampton counties for many . I seountv at trie ieira rate or interest p. hident: Vice-President: Cashier: f DANIEL. Da. H. W. Jackson, Northampton eounty, N. C. IThe largest and best plant in a the .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, carrier and Manufacturer of MOM NT3, TOM B8, GRAVE NE3 of every description, "wij-ht prepaid on all shipments, delivery guaranteed. Write fur bs and prices ork Delivered r i oc.ll ly. SPRING & o 3TOI2,- 'JEN, WOMEN t Lint Dry Goods, Notions, Geots irocO to Weldon. Don't fall to r Ljipartmeot it full and rutting over. Tht largest atook wt havt tver 3, 1, 'art making pnoet ' TWILL ai ---57DORSCH) Nuggets I - opl.. f I , d Tlfor. f ratios. IJ t ' tm. Impura t 1 I ' ill, HNUtai'M til InTMlnUb. f 1 In inada by fr . Mm ar Order. ATt fS ALTRN lfl1V"- TO STAY 0. ALLEY, Eastern Carolina. Bold your orders for oT 12 Jy Sugar-coated, easy to take, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim era. or bauwiirauBir.iuucoiUABM,i.a. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. i Wn, $32,000. identified with the bumoees interests ot yeara. Money u loaned upon ap- six per oenium. Accountant an are LEWIS, W. R. SMITH state. HB-Alao Iron Fencini. Vaaea etc.. for cemetery and other " ;TS purposes at lowest prices. VSA.TISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. FurnUhingt, io. Tht largest lint tea thtm before yon buy. SELL THEM. Shoet. Buitt to order, made up it good " EFiti Guaranteed. Don t fail to tee our line ot nd Prices Before You CJOMP ANY. ad an address on thil "object, under the auapioos of the Chioago Medioal Society, to an audienoe of 600 people in the Pub- lie Librarj Building. The addreae waa replete with epigrammatio aentenoee and may be summed up in tfaie wise: "It baa bean said that It il better to be born luck; than rich, but It ia in fact better to be born tough than either luck; or riob. After forty eat leai and elimi nate more. Drink more pure water and keep the periataltio wave of prosperity constantly moving down the alimentary canal. Many people suffer from too much businsst and not enough health When such ia the eats they had better out out business and aooeity for a time and tome down to musb atd milk and rat principles Don't be foolish. Eat and play more. Iodulge io less fret and fume and more (ruit and fun. There are people too indolent to be healthy literally too lazy to live. Work your braina and keep in touch with peo ple. Do aomelhing for others and forget yourselves. There is nothing ao insane and detrimental to mind and health as the conversation of people on their aohes and pains and troubles. The froth of whipped eggs is a tonic eompared to it. All our appetitea are conditional. En joyment depends upon the scarcity. A worker in any field whose age is near either the shady or sunny side of fifty should consider himself in hit prime, good for another half cen tury of tem perate, judicious work, Let grandma wear bright ribbons and gandy gowns if tht colors become ber, and let grandpa be aa dadiah at he pleaaes, with fiashey neckties and cheerful garb. Both will be younger for it, and, besides, it ia in armony with nature. Gray hair it honorable; that which ia dyed is ao abomination before the Lord. Cultivate thankfulness and cheerfulness. An ounce of good cheer it worth t pound of melancholy." Medioal Newt. BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING- The highest virtue oonsisti of mi that merely being good. It ia good for something; and good for soma- tbinz not to one's self alone, but to others and to God, That negative, self-complacent virtue which ia only strict abstention from evil, ia of I quality far inferior to the virtue which suppresses evil or helps another to re list it. Virtue, in the old Latit sense, is synonymous with valor. It implies not only an espousal, but a champion' hip, and, if necessary, a fight. Virtue it not only being good, but doing good, and tht better we ire tbe more we ought to do. We believe in tb words ot R. R. Bowker. "It ia bad for tht ignorant and tht vieious to do ill. It it worse for the eduoatad and honest to do nothiug. TBYINOTO LOOK YOUNG. "I suppose vou read Dr. Osier's the ory that a man aixty waa useless?" ' "Yea, and it ruined my buamess. 1 am tbe publisher of I book entitled 'Bow to Live Ont Hundred Years.' "lndeedl Well, bis statement im proved my business " "What line art you in?" "I manufacture hair dye and I wrinkle remover." Columbus Dispatch, THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. The profeaaor who announced that "lora nd romance die out with the lound of the weddtnf belU," waa the firat to aUrt the ball rolling;. It would acetn a brave woman who marriea with thia echo in her eara, jet we have not beard that there were fewer marriRYA dunnf the year. There are n happy married livca, but a larre precentar of theie unhnppy home a are due to the ill neaa of the wife, mother or daughter. During a Uug period of practice. Doctor fierce found mat a preaenptton made up entirely of roota and nerba, without the uae of alcohol, cured ninety eight per cent, of Buch caaea. After uainf thia remedy for many yeara In hia private practice he put H up in a form that can be had at any atort wnere meaicinea are naaaiea. Backed up by over a third of century of remarkable and uniform curea, a record auch aa no other remedy for tht diacaaea and weaknemea peculiar to women ever attatnea, tne proprietor ana inakera or Dr. Pierce 'a Favorite Preacription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $soo in legal money of the United SUtea, for any caae of Leucorrhea, Female Weakneaa, Pro- Upaue, or Falling of Womb which they can- nor cure, ah iney aK ia a iatr ana reaaon able trial ot their meant of cure. Dr. Pierce 'a Favorite Preacription curea headache, backache, nervouaueaa, ateep- icaaneai ana oiuer consequence 01 wom anly oiieaae. "Favorite rrescnoUon anakc weak women atrong and aick wom en well. Accept no aubstitute for the. medicine which worfca. wander for weak fey . jftjtef m, pmm mump mm wpi ay" ct- 5 CO M O P"0? CrO D3 CD & o o O P CQ P O o p p. CO H 2p io c: CD p ct O t in P o CD o o o H v m H m 30 v CO c 7) O o o CD CO FronT ONE IO-CENT PlUG OF riGG! RED MEAT TOBACCO, To any chewer of Tobacco who will this advertisement and mail from the date of this oaoer. we wi card which will entitle him RED MEAT Free! At any store Write name and address la inly on U-I IN VIOLET LAND, BY FRANK L. Let's say this is my grave, Jenny, this mound of violets blue, And I'm beneath the violets, dreaming dreams of you 1 If bit I violet should feel tht light touch of your hand, I think that I thould know it in the silenoe and the sand. Tears? Nay, Life baa too many I Dear, don't you know, some day, That wa shall kin Goodbye, ind one shall walk tht loneeomt way ? When tht snow it on the mountains, or the ooloi's in the clod, There'll be mound of violets between our hearts an' God I Io the snowfall, in the blossoms, weary feet of one ahall roam ; One ahall watch from darkened windows in the place the heart calls "Home," Vainly in the twilight stillness, listening for Love's icoenti sweet, And the letoh-cliok at the gate there, an' the nnreturning feet. One shall question every shadow, every blossom, every gleam, And shall tremble io the aileoce at the echo of I dream 1 One ahall call ind hear no answer, 'tis the story of the years ; Love, thtt leads nt to the starlight, tees the blight stars shine through tears I Yet unhraid your bright, gold tresaea ere Life's morning knows the night ; Let them hide the shadow from me let them ripple out the light I Let me feel the joy of loving let me bold you to my heart, Facing fearlessly tht future daring even Death to part I 'Tis enough that Love has known us led our willing feet bo far: Wt that aaw Love's sweetest sunrise shall we fear the evening star T Haud'in-baod tbe way together I Love and Life are swift io flight ; Kin Love s violets "Good morning" till the lime to kits "Good night I" TKE MOTHER GIRL. She it not t bud of fashion nor a butter-fly of style, And there art no bogus trimminga in tbt makeup of her amile : She needs no artificial filing to enhance her girlish eharms, And a god would go in rapturea o'er the plumpness of her arms Aa aht wasbea up the dishes and the minutea speed along, Dancing gayly as they pass ber to the musio of her song, In her eyes a soft expression of a pure maternal love That must surely be (be envy of those angels up above. She'a the joy of every home Underneath yon arching dome Till ahe gives her beirt't affection to another. Lnoky he who wins the true, Loving, loyal maiden who Tries to lift tbe daily burden from her mother. Whet the weekly toil b over ind aht duns her Sunday gown There ia not pampered darling on the earth can turn her down. In the winning game of beauty not I fashionable pearl, Though ablate with oottly jewels, can outehine the mother girl. Sweet simplicity is noted in her nnassumlng graoc, And ahe needa no oolor touohiog to put bloom into her face, Fur the biuoil of iiealili ia ovuiaing through her veina ; ber rosy blush Isn't made for tht occasion by the decorative brush. She's the very lairett gem Io our beauty diadem. Search creation and you cannot find mother On the face of ill tht earth That potseasea half tht worth Of tht girl who lifts tht butdet from her mother. PRACTICAL GIRL, "Why do you waste so msoy hours on beautifying devicei?" inquired tht old fashioned woman. "Why not devote that time to thinking beautiful tbonghtaT" "Oh. fudee.'S letorted tia mode ' n ' ,T.1. i .... V ,. . dooa. Be. Oalieei, ".riv ueau Ml I t trmnm. vkaTiK 8 cut it to us within r9 ilfflr to one iO-c"er?l TOBACCO fib. STANTON CLEARED FOR ACTION. When the body it cleared for action, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you can tell it by tht bloom of health on the cheeks; tht brigblneas of tbt eyes; the firmness o( tht flesh tnd musolcs; tht vinoy of tbt Bind. Try them. At 'a' drug stores, 25 oents.' handling this brand. B of , V A r 1 linea below. V7sT-..rE!L, H has gone all wrong make premature fur rows io the face, take the briehtnesa from the eyes and the elasticity Irom the step and makt one's life sapless aod un inteiealing, eaya Orison Swelt Msrden it Success. We grow old because we do not know enough to keep young, just ss we do not know enough to keep well. Siokoess is t result of iguorance and wrong thinking. Tbe time will come when a man will no more harbor thoughta that will maki bim sick or weak than he would think of putting hit bands into file. No man can bo sick if he always has right thoughts and takes ordinary care of hia body. If he will think only youthful thoughts he can maintain hia youth far beyond the usual period. If you would "be young when old,' ad pt the sun dial's motto, "I record none but hours of sunshine." Never mind the dark or shadowed hours. For get tht unpleasant, unhappy days. Re member only tbe days ot rich, experi ences; let the others drop into oblivion. It it laid that "long livers art great hopere. If you keep your hope bright in spite of discouragements, and meet all difficulties with oheerful faoe, it will be very difficult for age to tract its furrows on your brow. There it longevity in cheerfulness. SERMONETTES. A-J I - 4 f .1. t I b ' I it is lupiiueu rcugiuu buat leaves iuo ooaohmen at tbe curb, Tht beat avidenoe of your owa salva tion is your interest in that of others, When God takes our hind Ht asks us to take the hand of mother, There it no comfort io Repose when iti held it pillowed on in tching heart The ciroumfeienoe of influence de pend! upon the mm at the oentre of the oircle. By the prayerful study of the Scrip tures comes the knowledge of the divine will. Many s parent hit entered tht gates of pearl because the band of I little ehild was on the latch. United Presbyterian SAVED BY DYNAMITE. Sometimes, i flaming eity ia saved by dynamiting i tpaoe that the fire can't erots. Sometimes, a cough hangs on to long, you feel as if nothing but dyna mite would curt it. Z. T. Gray, of Cal houn, Gi., writes: "My wife hsd a very aggravated oough, whioh kept her awake oighte. Two physicians oould not help her; to she took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs tnd Colds, which eased her ecugb, gave ber sleep, and finally sored ber. Striotly seientlfio cure for brtnchilit tnd La Grippe. At ill druggists' drug stores, price 50o. ind (1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle tree. VERY MUCH OPPOSITE. "Why doea ba with to marry ber?" "He says people should marry their I oppositta. "Why, they ire both dirk." "Yet; but ht hasn't a cent ind the has s million dollars." Louisville I Courier-Journal. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino Strep has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tht gums, allays all pain; oures wind oolic, tnd it the best remedy for Diarrhosa. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold I by Druggists in every part of tht world. I Twenty-five oents i bottle. Bt sun ind I ask for"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nd tike nt other kind. NEEDS TWO EDITORS. Visitor (io newspaper office) "I tup- pose yoi have two editon for tht 'quel tioos tnd tnswen' department?" Editor "No; only ont. Why did yoi tuppoat two wen necessary?" "1 thought you a nave to bate s wo man to iik the queatioot and i man to I answer them," Galveston Naws. Biliout Bill wit getting blotted, And hit tongut wu muchly totted. Patent "tonus" wouldn't tun bia. Companiea would tot inturt bio. All bit friends wert badly frightened, But their spirits toon wert lightened, For Bill said and they believed bim, EARLY RISER pi lie relieved him. The Famous Little Pillt "EARLY RISERS" cure Constipation, Sick Head ache, Biliousness, tto, by their tonic effeot on the liver. They never gripe or tickeo, bat itnpirt early riaing energy. Good for tbildren or adults. For tale by W, M. Cohen, Druggiet, Wtldon, N. 0. A drop of ink may think. Byron. makt a million To create I home you must havu the spirit of home, Just as the smallest village may have its history, its moral stamp, so the smallest home may have its soul Oh, tbe spirit of places, tbe atmosphere which surrounds us a hu man dwellings! What a world of mya- teryl Here even on the threshold the cold begins to penetrate; you arc ill at ease; something intangible repulses you. There no sooner dues the doo- shut you in than friendliness and good humor envelop vou. It is Siid that walls have eara. They bavs also voices, mute eloquence. Everything that dwelling contains is bathed in an ether of person ality. And I find proof of ill quality even in the apaitinents of bachelors and solitary women. What an abyss between one room and another room I Here til il dead, indifferent, common place; the device of the owner is written til over it even in bis tasbion ol arrang ing bis photographs and books. All is the same to met There one breathes in animation, t contagious iov in life. The visitor heart repeated in oountless fash ion. "Wnoever you ire, guest ot in hour, I wish you well. Peace be with youl" Chsrlea Wagrer. TERRIFIC RACE WITH DEATH. "T)naih faat nnrnaoKtnry " ri r ata I -rr.v e ' " ttaipti v. f erDandei, ol lamps, ma, iToHfiririinr hia foavfiil ranA villi daath diflAaHA- whinli had rnhhAil iha aF sleep I and of all interest in life. I had tried I many different doctors and several med icines, but got no benefit, until I began I to use Electrio Bitten. So wonderful I was their effect, that in three days 1 1 felt like a new man, and to day I am I eured of ill my troubles." Guaranteed I at ill drueeiats' drug stores; prict 50o. RACE SUICIDE. "What has become of that political party you fellows stared a year or two I go?" "Well er the fact it, we couldn't I agree on a platlorm, and we sort 1 of M "lice. Died without issue." Chi- ago Tribune. A CREEPING DEATH. Blaod poison ereept up towtrds the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn , writes that i friend dreadfully injured hit bind, which welled up like blood poisoning. Buck- Ion's Arnici Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, aod uved bit life. best in tbt world for burns ind tores. 25c. at ill druggists' drug stores Xits. AgneiWtstley Sit Weill Street Marlnvtt'Wil 816 Wells Street, Marikkttk, Wis., Sept. 25, 1908. I waa all run down from nervous ness and overwork and had to resign my position ana take a real, i found that I waa not gaining ray strength and health aa fast aa I could wiih, and aa your Wine A Cardul was neommendM aa such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. 1 waa aatiafied with the remits from the use oi the first bottle, and took three more and then found 1 waa restored to good health and atrengtn and able to tare up my work with renewed vigor. I I eouldaritaftnetonioandaxrallant for worn-out, nervous condition, and am plsaatd to endorse it. AONE8 WISTLET, In-y, mm w umu Boum tmaar fJeoura a 11.00 bottla oi Wine oi Cardul and a 45c. Aaotaae or! Tbadfotd'i Blaak-Otaught today. WIKE OF CARDUl' Monuments AND Gravestones. WI PAY thi FREICHT ahdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY ... LARGEST tTOCK la tht loath Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 16 to loS Banket, Norfolk Ta T I lj. Garden Truck can be raised profitably only In aoil containing plenty of Potash. All vegetables require a fertilizer con taining at leait io per cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertilizer Is com plete, and failure will follow its use. ErtjrT firmer thnuM hYdrrorwJb!t,kl On fertilUtUinn-tlioy tjrn tint tvlrrrtina mittur In rain t,ny tpe ) fertiliii-r, but mlMo! authnhtntmi information thai mrana rfftprolUto the f artueri. ttwntfi-aajfoilLtj aakiug. ur.HA.i kali nutias !Uw Tork-UB Xaaaaa fttrvrt, ar Atlanta, Ga,-Zi South Urot I Street FLOOR COVERINGS. . We carry the largest and moat com plete line of floor coverings ever brought to this part of Noith Carolina. Mat tings, carpeling, druggets, art squares and rugs. A lsrge line of remcsnts of oarpetiog and mattiogs it one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of bouse furnishings. Rememter our new stand it next . . Ann in rha Rank nf Wn Mnn. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Herrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of ever; kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-31-ly TRAVEL? II0! Telephone For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Talephont) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A tun enn far ill KIDNEY AND aT innrn fOATtm r. Recommended by beat physicians of the I oountry. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Beat of Wines, Whiskrya and Brandiea always onband. I keep tbe beet of every thing it my pne. aaviolite attention to ill at Kay a, west side K. K. Bted. my i 1 j. DE.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, WlUKUf, K.C. tally Groceries .RoatokalNtwt Office. i 7" TV