Mnintl fci I TK lull if K"E!WI M4 glials Sfrsi 1 y SRI . .11 jfDV-JEKTISIlTG- HATBS-modkuatb. A. UEWSIF.A.IFEIR, FOB THE PEOPLE TEI?llvS:-81iO PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. NO. 3 1 5 j Si i a s. d wil Cow rove's .nder'l ilyin ited or ikini.) ,N. 0' r ;r- IES. TS, a time, named to I. ... ! O . O.OBKM. EEN , IA W, QN,N. c. of all tha tht riet and ol Conrta tn tention will :ii sir. of Second lerahip does Unn pnw illy. Nuggets ml Tips. I I HMirtlOT. f J -m. linP'i" fc- J UlaTo.1""1; mlna nuuto W j W1.WI1. I LOW PEOPlf I j IKt fi torn 3G, OX Fre i To any chewcr of Tobacco who will cut out j this advertisement and mail it to us within five days j from the date of this pi.per, we will mail him a 1 car.-I which will entitle him to one 10-cent plug of RED MEAT NAME. Addre;s Eoanoke News. Mai 25. Free CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. JOT Mr. W. T. Baugh represents us in Eastern Carolioa. Hold your crilcrej for nov 12 iy T.' j; Xii4iL;iL2) Mair Renewed it rrrVs yiu like vour pray hsr: then keen it. Perharv? not : S' . - . t f nt i s.j t ir tjot nan s nair l The TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tli ir pre-eminence above ill other brands is because they are made of the best materials obtaina ble and are around with great care. If your dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. REJS0fi War Box 180. 1119 K. A f Iko Bank -::::::WELDON N. C.' Uflier Tie Lais of AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITOUY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS J'ot ten years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section stockholders and direotors have been identified with the business interests of ! flifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap 1 ved security at tho legal rate of interest six per centum. Acoounts of all are Kcitcd. . jPresidont: Viee-President: Cashier: ' E. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SM ITII. . I Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Quarrier and Manufacturer of MON- ; AlBN rs, TOM B 8 , URAVE : TONES of every description. 1'reiht prepaid on all shipments. ' ,Fo delivery guaranteed. Write fur " .'jigns and prices Work Delivered At Any Depot. 1 OCtlllT. tSPEING- & LJyiEN, WOMEN P 5 Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Oenta Furnishings, io. The largest line -es brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them before you buy. Qur Shoe department is full and running over. The largest Btook we have ever I i- tied, and wa are making prioes THAT !WILL ust reoeived a big lot of (DORSCH) aod by good tailors. Fits Quaranteed. Djo t fail to sea out line ot is kmples and Prices Before You lace Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, , WELDON, N. C. 12 10-CENT PLUG OF B MEAT TOBACCO TOBACCO At any store handling this brand. Write ninth? - unci be uw. V A1 .... , , V UlllKlull-Snlt'lli, X. C. VEOF.TABLfi SICILIAN , - - - y - , r. a --newer alwcys restores color toS Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., .MAIN STB.KKT, RICHMOND, VA. of Yfik, the State of Norta Carolina. $32,000. State. - tlso Iron f euelnir, vimes . etc., for eemetery uml other purposes ar. lowest prices. aj.SATISFACTION GUAKAN fF.KD. SUMMER -FOE 0 & CHILDREN. SELL THEM. Shoe). Suits to order, made up in good TACT OF GREAT VALUE, ESPECIALLY NECESSARY TO WOMEN IN THIS DDSTLINO TWENTIETH CENTURY. If there is one thing more than an other which torves to make one's path way along this "vulo of tears" a bit smoother it is (he possession of tact. Call it aohenjity;, hypocriny, what yuu will, it is priceless poasisMon which will bring largo dividends, pavablo on presentation. In tho hustle and bustle of this twentieth oenlury, when as lonio one hm said, "if one stops to tie bis shoe strings be is left behind," it is the tact ful pcrsoo who ii going to got most out of life. Tho woman who understands her own possibilities and limitations so well that she knows just when and wl.erc to sup- p'ement her own capabilities by using these of others, and who sees the limita tions of others and makes up for their lack with her own resources, has, after all, only herself to thank for any success she may obtain, The tactful woman knows that she oannot afford tn "out" even her "dearest enemy;" that she must lot many little things past by, and smile, and smile. blie cultivates the art of making people think she likes them and is interested, where she might Snd a ready excuse for being bored. PRESERVE YOUTH AND HEALTH. Avoid fear in all its varied forms of expression. It is the greatest enemy ot the human race. Avoid excesses of all kinds; they arc injurious. The long lifo must be a temperate, regular one. Don't live to eat; but eat to live. Many of our ills are due to overcreating, to eating the wrong things and to ir regular eating. Don't allow yourself to think on your birthday that you are a year older and so much nearer the end. Never look on the dark side; take sunny views of everything; a sunny thought drives away the shadows. Be a child; live simply and naturally and keep clear of entaogling alliances and complications of all kinds. Cullicuto tho spirit of contentment, all discoutent aod dissatisfaction bring furrows prematurely to the face. Form a habit of throwing off beforo going to bed at niht all the cares and anxieties of the day evciything which oao possibly eause mental wear and tear or deprive you of rest. REFEC1 IONS OF A BACHELOR. A woman can't help feeling proud of a husband who gets lots of telegrams. It docs seem the shorter a girl's legs are the longer the stockings she insists on wearing. It's curious that no general ever thought of terrifying the enemy by mak ing it face the cook. The woman who brags to others about her husband doifn't d i it to convince them, but herself. Very few women have any doubts that other men would envy their husbands it they knew what they know about them. An armful of girl is pretty exciting the first time. No woman was ever big enough to ov rleok social distinctions in a great cause, Habit may be one of our best allic ell as oop of our worst eiemies. MEW THOUGHTS. Are you (rrowinjf more attractive as yoa advance in uie r "Given a healthy body," s-iys Dr. R. V. ist in woman's dis. , of Buffalo, -A. N. Y.. "nnd a , Jevt-ryone can culti valt and tnjoy hap pincstt," We must eat prone r 1 v aim uv nest well to be beautiful. It is a fact that any form nf dvni'Tisin mnv in a few (lays UaiiB form a clear, white Bkin into a maw of 1'iinplcs and black spots. A beautiful wntimn has the beauty of her lora ach. Dr. Picrcc'a Golden Medical Discovery iiiiutl tains a luiriion't nutritiuu by eimlilmtf m to eat, retain, iitKet and assimilate the proper nuliiti"U food. It overcomes the ITiiHtiic irritability and symptoms of indi gestion, and thus the person is saved from those symptoms of fever, ninhl-sweata, headache, clc, which are so common. A tonic made up largely of alcohol will shrink the corpuscles of the blood and make them weaker tor resistance. "This in to certify that 1 hnve ustd Doctor Pierce t tiouien Aieiucni inpcuvrry. itiiiik n thr trrnmlfM medicine in the world." write Mrs. V. M. Young, of Wrir, W. Vn. "I had dysnep'-ia in its woiSt form, I decided to try your nietl trhif . I ttw-it five ImiHIc rikI now I um dcinc my own hrmHewnrk. A number of my friends nlto are list mr Pr, Pierre nieoicuie nun iney recomniend it hiRhly. May God bless you in your grand woric." Tir Pierce believes that ft tonic made with alcohol will shrink the red blood corpuscles and make tlie svstem weaa lor resisianee that is whv he avoided the u?e of any alco hoi or narcotics in his"Medical Discovery," which contains the pure extract from roots and herbs without a particle 01 aiconoi. Accent no suhsiitute for'T.olden Medical Discovery. There is nothing "just as good" for dyspepsia or debility. Biliousness is cured by the use of Dfc Pierct rkaaaat Pellets. flOIIYSKlBNEYCUBB z O P ST. m kV- '..r-X rt-w 5 5 so M' - -.A S Er' era W on eU; " A 2 , &35H HI, TELL MOTHER The Great "lievital" song in Wales. When I was but a little child, how well I recollect How I would grieve my mother with my folly and negleot, And now that she has gone to heaven I miss her tender care, 0 angels, tell my mother I'll be there. Chorus: Tell mother I'll be there, in answer to her prayor, This message, guardian angels, to her bear ; Tell mother I'll be there, heaven's joys with her to share, Yes, tell my darling mother I'll be there, Though I was often wayward, she was always kind and good, So patient, gentle, loving, when I acted roufih and rude, My childhood griefs and trials, she would gladly with mesharo, 0 angels, tell my mother I'll be there. When I became a prodigal and left the old roof ttec, She almost broke bcr loving heart io mourning after me, And day and night she prayed to God to keep me in lis care, 0 angels, tell my mother I'il be there. One day a message came to me, it bade me quickly oonie, If I would soe my mother, tro the Saviour took hor home ; 1 promised her, before she died, for Heaven to prepare, 0 angels, tell my mother I'll lo there. GRATITUDE, We thank Thee, 0 Father, for all that is bright, The gleam of the days and tho stars of the night, The flowers of youth and the fruits of our piiue, And blessings that march down the pathway of time. We thank Thee, 0 Father, for all that is drear, The sob of the tempest, the flow of the tear ; For never in blindness and never in vain Thy mercy pcrmitteth a sorrow or pain. We thank Thee, 0 Father, for song and for feast, The harvest that glowed aud the wealth that increased ; For never a blessing encompassed earth's child But Thou in Thy mercy looked dowoward and smiled. We thank Thee, 0 Father of all for tho power Of aiding each other, in life's darkest hour, Tbe general heart and the bountiful hand, And all the soul-help that sad souls understand. fok oveh sixty veahb. Mks. Winslow's Soothing Syrijp has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the pcor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five conts a botilo. lie sure and ask for"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. OVKItDU) IT. Mrs. Passay: Mary, wasn't that gruttcman asking forme? The New Maid: No, mum. He de scribed tho la'ly be wanted to see as bein' about forty, an' I told him it oouldn' be you. Mrs. l'assiy : Qiiie right, my dear Aod you shall have an extra afternoon off to-morrow. The New Muid. Yes, mum thankee, mum. Yes, in on-; I told him it oouldo't be you, for you was about fifty. Mr. Passay : And while you're tak ing your afiernnoo i ff you'd better hunt a new placet Cleveland lender, WAKUINO OFF Oa.lV AOK. A famous French general, when asked how it was that he had eueh an creot carriage, replied that it was because he bent over and touched the floor ith his fingers thiny times every day. If he had acquired rigidity of the spine sn that he oould not do that, he would have had weak abdominal m'isolcs, whidh re sult in portal congestion. This portal congestion interferes wiih stomach digca lion and with the action of the liver. The poison destroying poi'er of the liver is lessened, autoio'cxiealion results, and arterioscleorosis and old age come on at a much earlier day. Hut by korpiog the spine flexible and the abdominal muscles strong and taut the portal circulation ia kept free and old age is held off. Good Health. I'LL BE THERE, Will t'arleton. SAVED BY DYNAMITE. Sometimes, a flaming city is faved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't oross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but dyna mite Would cure it. Z, T. Gray, of Cal boun, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravate! couh, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Di oovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cased her ccugh, gave her sleep, aod finally cored her. Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and Li unppe. At all arungiats drug stores, price 50c and $1.00: guaranteed. Trial bottle free. CAN YOU TELL WHY? Why do we always talk of putting on oor coats and vests, when we always put on first our vest and then our ooa ? Why do we refer to the coverings of our feet as shoes snd stockings, when the stockings re first put on? n ny do we invite peoplo to wipe their feet, when we mean their shoes? Why, in the olden limes, did a father tell Lia ab hu wuu'd warm his jacket when every one koew ho meant his pantaloons? Washington Post. Bilious Bill was getting bloated, And his tongue was muchly ooatcd. Patent "tonics" wouldn't cure him. Companies would not insure him. All his frionds were badly frightened, But their spirits soon were lightened, For Bill said and they believed him, EARLY RISER pills relieved him. The Famous Little Pills "EARLY RISERS" cure Constipation, Sick Head ache, Biliousness, etc , by their tonic effect oo the liver. They never gripe or sicken, but imp irt early rising in- rgy. Good for children or adults. Fur sale by W, M. Cohen, Druggist, Weldon, N. C. All gain that cost oharaoler ia an im measurable lots. IT PAYS TO DO RIGHT, llOtinNKKM AND TEN THOUSAND A YKAIl. The Alchison (Kan ) Globe has an appeal to men to be good, first, because it pays lo be good, and seoonil, because 'it is eaner to be a good man than it is tobo a bad one." "lou must live," it aids; then thy not live in the easiest ay. The Globe defines a good man as cno who is "industiious, loyal, intelligent and well behaved." Aod it tells a story of such a man who formerly worked in bison lor 8100 a month, and is now receiving a salary of $10,000 a year lo uslrale its argument that uoodncfS p-iys "and thoic who ro patient arid work aiay iho lest they can ato always reen-ii.iz d and sub-tautiilly rewarded " 1 here ha two n great d al of that sort of talk io neme e.f li e n.aj;i Z'ms, ind inilic inl.nievis villi succi.s.-ful mi n iJUoii.hul io the newspapers. It k li nt gin s a very irroncous im pression in regard lo tho fact. Tho vast majority of our eitiiens are industrious, loyal, intelligent aud well-behaved, and yet a very large proportion of that ma jority havo not made and are not likely to make any great headway in tho direc tion of a $10,000-a-yoar incomo. The Globe makes tbe point that its typical good man who now gets $10,000 a year with less work than ho did when he was only getting $100 a month, is 'no great genius." That is very likely. The sucocsslul man is very often a man of very moderate mental capacity. But, unless his success has como through special influence or through what is com monly called good luck, he must have some quality that fits him for special effectiveners in the line in which he has achieved success. The money making or succcss produc- ing faculty is a thing by itself and often manifests itself in a very marked degree in a man whom no one would have pick ed as a winner beforo he achieved his first well-defined success. It is a mischiovous delusion to teach young men that they have a right to loot lor great success in Hie as the re ward of simple goodnefs industry. loyalty, intelligence and good behavior. These things are good in themselves, and they will give a man a very much better chance to get on in the world than lie could have without them, but even with them the great majoiity of men can only hope to make a moderate living, and per haps lay up a little every year against a rainy day, or for old ago, or for those who shall como after them. Goodness does pay; it pays tremen dous profits, but these profits are not measured by dollars and cents. The most valuable possession every man has is himself, and good conduct helps him to make the most and best of himself. That is true even ot the kind of good ness described by the Globe; it is infinite ly more true of the kind of goodness which tho Bible requires of us. The former is goodness in some of our rela tions with other men; the latter is good ness in our relatioos with God. This includes the other, of course. Wo can not be right with God unless we are try ing to do our duty toward man. But there is all the difference in tho world between the loyalty io our conduct to ward other men that springs only from a desire to win their approval and that of our own conscience and that which springs from love to Uod and lovo (0 man for God's sake. This latter kind of goodness seldom brings any great re ward in dollars and cents. It is its own reward It haB "the promise of the life which now is and of that whu-ri is to onme;" it fulfils that promise by enrich ing life aod beautifying it New York Witness. TKKBIFIC HACK WITH DEATH "Death was fast approaching, writes Ralph F. Fernandei, of Tampa, Fla describing his fearful race with death "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which hid robbed mc of sleep and of all interest in lifo. I bad tried many different doctor! aod several med icines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Eleclrio Billers, So wonderful was their effect, that in thrco dayE telt like a new man, and to day 1 am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at all druggists' drug stores; price 50c AFTEIt A REMEDY, "Molly," he said, as he limped io the gate, "I've been snakebit I" "John," she replied, "if you want the whiskey, fer the Lord's sake don't lie about it. The jug's in tbe side-board." A CREEPING DEATH. Blood poison oreeps up towards the heart, cau.irg death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck len's Arnioa Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Beat in the world for burns aod sores, 25o. at all druggists' drng stores A VERDICT IN RHYME. THE SCIT WAS IU JUST. HUT THE 1'I.NE WAS IN F.AKN1-ST An iutereatiog verdict was rendered in the disliict oourt ot Travis county, Tex., 1837. The defendant, Frank H, IUfer, at that time a well known citizjn of Aus tin, was accused of gambling, which was not regarded as a very serious effenso in 'exas in those early days, especially if he offendir chanced to ho a promiocnt citizen, The prosecuiiiu was generally treated as a pleasant j-st, but was nevertheless nrricd through in earnest, and a jury imposed of lawyers brought io tbe fol lowing verdict : Wo, the jury, lawful men. Fine the defeiidiir.1 dollars teo; A guilty man beyond all doubt, Let the defendant pay himself out. Tbus we've said this Irerziog morn, Your obedient servant, A. 0. Home, Foreman. The composition of this verdict is at tributed to A. W. Terrell, who at the time of his s.rvioo on the jury was a young lawyer. Afterward he attained great distinction in practice, served as a district court judge and was Uuitcd Slates minister to Turkey under Presi dent Cleveland. Other members of the same jury who ftorward achieved renown were Chirles West, who rose to be a ju tice of the Texas Supreme court, and F. W. Chan dcr, who became one of the leaders of tho Texas bar. Law Notes. CLEARED FOB ACTION. When tho body is cleared for action, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you oon tell it by tho bloom of health on the cheeks; tho brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At II druggists' drug stores, 25 cents. KEEP YOUlt MIND BUSY. If you are good at guessfog or answer ing, here are a few questions vou can wrestle with: You can see any day a while horse, but did you oversee a white colt? llow many different kinds of trees grow in your neighborhood, and what are they good for? Why does a horse eat grass backward and a cow forward? Why does a hop vino wind one way and a bean vine wind the other? Where i-hould a chimney be the larger, at the top or bottom, and why? Can you tell why a horse when tether ed with a rope always unravels it, while a cow always tvti-ts it into a kinky knot? How old must agrapo vino be beforo it begins to beat? Can ycu te'l why leaves turn upside down just belore a rain? W hat wood will bear the greatest weight beforo breaking? Why aro all cowpaths orooked? Wesleyan Advocate THE ONE THING LACKING, Anxious Mother vv hy don t yoa marry young Swanson? He bus good looks, good family, wealth and every thing to be desired. Pretty Daughter But there is one very important thing lacking, mamma Anxious Mother What is that? Pretty Daughter A proposal. wsamammmmmmmmmmmmm leadacJu-a and fevers. I oMs at the limps ami contagious diseases tukn li,,l, I nt t!n svhIi'ui. It la auto to say that if tho liver were always kept in prois-r working order, illness woihliHj almost unknown. TlHslfurd's lUaek-Pniuyht ia so successful ia curing sueli Hii-knes bivniiw ir i. witl","f r;v:i! .1 H liver regulator. This great family ....,,...... .a ,. Diii'ii mm drastic drug, but n mihl and healthful laxative that cures con stipation and may be tuken by a mem child without possible harm. Tho heallliful action on Uie lipcr etirea biliousness. It has an in vigorating effect on the kidneys. I localise tho liver and kidneys do not work regularly, tho poisonous acids along with the waste from tho bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed ford's Hlrtrk-DrnuBht removes tha dangers which lurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall tho inroada of Bright's disease, for which dis oaso in advanced stages there is no euro. Ask your dealer for a 25c. package of Thedford's lilack- uraugnt. rOLEYSHONFMLM Cur Ootdai Pravant Pmumoeta Ity with constipation, biliousness,! ! Ei hertdaclii-a anil fevers. L'ohls att&rJr Fxu-- .;': . . ' ... - r , Polash as Necessary asRain Tlie quality nuil (pinntity of the croot ilepclid on a sulhoelley of Potash In tht? soil. Fertilizers which are lmv in I'uUsh will ncvur produce aatUCicturv i'"ii''. Kvt ryf.umt r el.i.ull hv with the pn-i'tT i-rt'i'-iitnK", (it inuiiMiiuilB n t(i nuke the It."! fi:Hi!i;i-rs lor every km.! of cn. Wti h.tvi- jiuliiishi-d ,i .seiics of hunks, ConLiiniriK the he on lliis liiMKirUiit sul i'Tl. v1.iili p win) free it you :iik, Write tiuw while you think of it to the ci kmw ki,i unitKfl New YwL-lW -b-iiu t-iH-t-r, r Atlanta, Ob. !' South II rut.-1 RtrtK't, FLOOR (MRINGS. We carry the largest and meet com plete !iuo of fl or coverings ever brought to this part of North Carolina. Mat tings, caipelingf, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remcants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Liooleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of houso furnishings. Rememlcr our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon, SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J.A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind- Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly Of Course You Can Live WITHOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE BUT YOU DONT UVEAS MUCH AS YOU MIGHT BECAUSE Telephone Service. v SMES TIME And Time is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - . N. C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Kecommended by best physicians of the country. For sale in Weldon by W.W.KAY, Best of Winea, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my line. I. Polite attention to all at Kay's, wost side 11. K. Shed. m-SlJ. DE. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, W-I.DO, HO. .RoanokeJNews Offica. . VfUr,''USs tally Groceries S r "1 WH-MspsBMllWII't-UHi ill an. ii. ln'l'ir--srM-'MWWIWWWi