I I r : --VTrr I f 4 ADVE K.TISI3STC3- k,a.TBS-moderatb. A. NEWSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE TEI2IvIS:-l-5" PKK ANNUM IN ADVANf E 1 VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1905. NO. 4 it spsi lei V Wd I 1 1 r vir gin ivc'a ler's ;d or in ) J. C- f. lmes. ed to sets , L1v Impure i in ta!t tide bf t. EOPLF r M ire O 5 iiD J 0 To any chewer of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to us within five days from the date of this puper, we will mail him a car.-i which will entitle him to one 10-cent plug of RED MEAT TOBACCO Free! rite name LLuily on liit eg Mow. - NAME v. Addreis Roaioto News, Jnne 1. CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG. VA. teT.Mr. W. T. Baugh represents us in iru. novl21y A ' 9 HT'fll! keep them in the house. Ik 7&tQ. -t I HGI Take one when you feel bil- SSr BUCKINGHAM'S DYE i Feauiirai rrown or ricn Diack r use ivinu.uwLu..,,di.giLii.i.n,ui u. 11E REJSOi 1 TANNER'S PAINTS Retain th-ir pre-eminence above all other brands is because they are made of the best materials obtaina ble and are eround with great caro. If your dealer docs not carry them write to the manufacturers. 1419 E. -Bo 180. The Bank j -,:.,:WELDON N. 0.-- firpiM Mer Tin Lais of the State of North Carolina, I AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. " HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. 3 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS i for ten years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section i w stockholders and direotors have been iuHfax and Northampton counties for many ited seourity at tne legal rate ol interest Kited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: (E. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8MITH. I J Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. iz I j The largest and best plant in 3- ! 1 the State. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, tjuarrier and Manufacturer of MOM- I HUNTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 0NE3 of every description. j freight prepaid on all shipments. ie delivery guaranteed. Write for I jjgns and prices I Work Delivered t act Illy. SPEING & -o FOB o EN, WOMEN fig Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents fDroognt to Weldon. Don t fail to wr Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stock we have ever mxa, and ws are making prices THAT WILL lit reoeived big lot of (DORSCH) ana by good tailors. Kits Ouaranieed. Djo t Tail to see out line or imples and Prices Before You lace Your Order. 1FC D. ALLEN . t WtLUUNAN. C. ?S MEAT TOBACCO - tHfTrcOGW At any store handling this brand. y ' U'lnston-SuU-ln, N. C. 0. ALLEY, Eastern Ctrolin. Hold jour orders for Tanner Paint & Oil Co., MAIN 8THKKT, RICHMOND, VA. of W, $32,000. identified with the business interests of years. Money is loaned upon ap- sn per oentum. Accounts or an are SPv.Mo Iron Fencing, Vasee . etc., for cemetery and other purposes ai loweat pnees- SB.8ATISFACT10N GUARANTEE!'. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furnishings, 4c. The largest line sea them before you buy. SELL THEM. Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good & COMPANY, g WAS FOND OF LATIN. HI NEVER MISSED AN OPPORTUNITY TO IMPRESS SIS BEARERS THAT BE WAS A GREAT LATIN SCHOLAR. "Mono, Florida negro, adds to bis inoome a guide to sportsmen by minis tering to the spiritual needs of a colored congregation of Baptists, He prides himself on his education and on his elo quint oratorical powers, and be never misses an opportunity of impre-sing his hearers into behoving that he is a groat Latin scholar. One evoning at a (Micr man's camp, he listened intently to some sportsmen who were discussing the pro per pronunciation of certain Latin words and phrases. " 'Please, suh,' be finally ventured to ask, 'what am de propah meaning ob dat w'd "acqua?" ' " 'Acqua' means water," he was an swered. "An' what am funis 7" "Funis njeaos strong " " 'Yes, suh. Thank jo', suh,' he re plied, edging away after making a polite bow to his informant and then to the oamp in general. "Tbo following 8unday Moso presi ded at a bap'isiog, and, as usual, electri fied his audience by a roaring, eloquent sermon, freely interspersed w'tb Latin (?) words. At last, with a dramatic sweep of bit arms toward the river, whero a few believers were soon to be immersed, he cried out in stentorian tones: "Quo vadis, mah bredcrn and Bistahsl I say onto yo' unless yo' be 'marged in de acqua fortis ob baptism yo' shall be lost ad iofioitum for ebah.' "Catholic Standard. LOVEMAKING OF BIRD AND MAN. WITH THE FORMER Till MALE WEARS THE UAY CLOTHES, WUILE WELL 1 Courtship exists among birds as well as among human beings, and in both cases forms one of the most serious and neoes- sary businesses of life ; but there is at least one remarkable difference. While among human beings women sport the gayer and more gorgeous costume in order to attract tne other sex, anioog birds that rule is reversed, aod it is tb males who are arrayed in the brighter and gayer plumage, and who take every opportunity of showing off to the best advantage before the birds they wish to mate with. Id the case of the bluejay, for stanoe, the male lover will perch a few inches away from his ens'avar, and at tempt to bewitch her with the sweetness of bis song. His low, soft warble is olever piece of love-pleading, which ought to soft n the most obdurate heart, but the female is ooy and flouts him. Com iog nearer, and slightly elevating and quivering his wings, he bows in front of her, all the while pleading in an impas sioned manner, and then raising himself puffs out his breast and stalks in front of her. His song then takes a more virile strain, and he boasts of his prowess in the fields. Anon he turns his back and calls her attention to his beautiful bl coat, and this invariably proves effective, and tbo fair one is won. Tho oourtiog nl the peacock is not so pleasing in voice, but he proceeds much in the same way in the plumage argu ment He spreads out his maiest in tail o ita greateat eilent, and, holding b bead far back, strolls round in a circle so as best to display its beautiea fiom all points of vitw. A CONFIDENTIAL CHAT, "It's perfect nonsense, Bessie, for you to talk of beini laid on tlie Mielf. Why, It all rinati(1i nit voumelf. Foritet vour worue, vour aches and iltnenti ; do as I tHd, take nintv of out of door air. cultivate hanui nai bv not allow! nir vour mind to dwell on the trifles and the worries of life. I sent tliinv.one cents in stamus to Dr. R. V, Pierce, of llufTalo, N. V., fiw hif 'Common Si iiw? Mt-ditul Adviser.' and found it con Uined umch useful information about the care of m health, shout nhvaintiwv anst nmv and evervthinff a woman should know. I then decided" to write Dr. Pierce and ttll him all about my ailments. I received auch a nice, carefully considered and con fidf-ntial letter, in reolv. aiviiiir me advice about my diet, exercise and all. This advice i free to everyone and I wonder you don't write him at once, it aion't taw m masv month tn retrsin fflv rood looks. Ever since I waB fifteen I have suffered untold agonies periodically but now I am free from pain, worry and bad temper. Oc raRimiallv I took Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets this for the complexion, and to stimulate the liver, men 1 iook ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription three times a day for those womanly weaknesses I tola you about. Thai's my secret of beauty. It's the easiest thing in the world in ht hnnnv nnd keen one s good loot Ixwtk at the thousands of women who hav hn made well bv Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription; look how they keep their rood looks. Dr. Pierce otters 9500 rewara tnr mv p!M? of Leiicorrhea. Female Weak- nesa, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which he cannot cure. All he asks is a fair and reasonable trial of his means of cure." fCHYSIdBTCYClIRE A tuaaeyt) SMMuatr im K P P rjq.. in o S CD p O 01 p p pi O rrr- & ro . a w Z o to o "-4 - - Eb&jal i TTTJ O P trr-W !2) GO o P. 0 p o o P 1 v O O 3) m VI H O o 01 o o o H 30 TJ m w 0 33 V) ra c P 3D O P I CD O M CO o "THE DEAR BY FRANK L. Gimme back the dear old days all the boys in Hoe "Boy stood on the burnio' deolt," an' "Bingcn on the Rhine I" " 'Twas midnight; in his guarded tent" we spoke it high and low, While Mary (rotted out that lamb "whose fleece Was white as snow I" Gimme back the dear old days that Mem'ry loves to keep, With "Pilot, 'tis a fearful night there's danger on the deep I" The old-tia.o, awkward gestures the jerk, meant for a bow: We said that "Curfew should not ring," but, Lord I it's ringin' now I Gimme back the dear old days the pathway through tho dells To the schoolhouse in the blossoms; the sound of far-off bells Tinklio' 'erost the meadows; the song of the bird so' brook ; The old-time dictionary, an' the blue-back spellin' book I Oooe, like a dream, forever I A city's bid the place Where stood the old log sohoolhouse; an' no familiar face Is smilio' there in welcome beneath a mornin' kr.- There's a bridge aorost the river; an' we've crossed, an' said "Goodby I THINKING The trusts have got me worried, I am nillin' to confess, I'm tempted not to go to work, so great is my distress; For the trusts keep gatherio' money, winter, summer, erring and fall, And it simply stands to reason that some day they'll have it all. I see misfortune couiin', an' so mighty is my grief That I'll have to go ahead and get industri jus, for relief; They tell me things are goin' wrong, no matter what you do, But I guess I'll plant potatoes an' I il raise a pig or two. I know them trusts are prominent io running things today, But the sun will shhe again, in spite of what they do or say ; An' the April rains is fallin' in a rhythm sweet an' low, An' pigs well, if you feed 'cm they are pretty sure to grow. With pork an' potatoes, though they aren't such a treat, There isn't any chance but what you'll have enough to eat; There ain't no use in sittin' dowo your troubles to review; I guess I'll plant potatoes an' I'll raise a pig or two, Washington Star. MY HEART My heart bath a song, and the night wind voiceth it; It beats at your casement and bears my refrain. My heart hath a song that hath lulled aod rejoiceth it, Hath roused it to rapture aod pierced it with pain. My heart bath a song that was born at your glancing, That leapt into life at the touch of your band, That sets the mad blood in my glad veins a-dancing, That is meek with surrender, yet fierce with demand. My heart hath a sing; 'tis "I love you I I love youl" 'Tis borne on the night wind that beats at your pane. Abl dear love, throw open the casement above you And shelter my song from the wind aod the rain LET CHILDREN GO BAREFOOTED. The Greensboro Record is exactly sane in its opposition to the stilted pride and the folly-born notions of "style" which keeps lit tie children, boys aod girls alike, primped out in shoes and stockings all summer, lodeny their little teet this annual escaie from poison, to deny them the freedom if the summer's air and earth, and the strengthening growth which nature gains for foot and ankle and leg and the whole body by reason of the romping freedom which the barefoot oh i Id enjoys, is a wrong against the chil drm, a sin against the next generation Boya who have heeo pampered and petted will become the sickly dudea of ih nut generation aud the little girls, if they live, will grow into women as weak in mind aa in body, wbo will walk with a hobbling, wooden-leg gait, instead of the graceful, rytbmio movement which nature loves to give to them when let alone The human nody oriea out for freedom from these artificial bampeiings of fashion aod folly. Away with the shoes snd stockiogs and let Damn Nature have a chance. She has more sense than anybody about raiding healthy ehil dn n Gi s'onia Garette. NOT MUCH TO IT. No, said (he doctor, I can't make any. thing out of his case at ell It botherB me vv hy, replied bis wile, 1 thought it was only a simple oold. Exactly. That's why I oan't mak anything out of it. "TIN), OLD DAYS." STANTON IT OVER. HATH A SONG, WHEN THE HONEYMOON IS OVER The fact may be known by signs : When fche finds herself saying uncom plimentary things to him The first time he oKtuiios her frock. When Bhe discovers she is jealous. When he grows economical with kisses. When she begins to nsg. Whon be becomes saroastio about the food. When she docs not mind coming to breakfast in ourl papors. When he tells her bow pretty acme other woman looks. When he begins to eulogiti his moth er. W ben S meal b.eomei to rjnirt th snooan plan a wholo frock between the courses. When he begins to go to his club, When she begins to hunt up her friends and enjoy calling on them. old When be comes in lae for his dinner. FOR OVER SIXTY YEAR. Mrs. WiN8Low's Soothing Strop has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while tecihing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, all.ijs all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhooa. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists io every part of the world. Twenty-five oenta a bottle. Be sure and ask foi"Mr. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup," and take do other kind, DAY $M JilHS oree.vlaxd's icr mocntains grand est SCENERY IN THE WOULD. Greenland's west coast is ernsidcredto have the grandest scenery i f any ooast in tho world by Roger Pollock, who writes of a journey thiiher as follows: The sunny arctio d,iy, v,hieh lasts for months, a ky all flamming glory, the etted rpims of the Alps flanked wilh up; minus c'ilTs and based on the rest ful levtls of tho sea, ciiics of crowded n-rgs oopjfound of duzzing light and ruili nil oilcir such scenery ss that blots it one's former ui. "nones Our first pnri of cull was Jakolisliavn, at the hea I of Pi-co s'rait, biiiKest uf ihe orthern villages, a tneir 'polis t-f" nine whi e pi op!e and 400 n uiios. Beside a oeket harbor, p rebel io rourd shou'- rs ol the nakd granite, arc the build gs, nil tarred biack of the lt.-yl Trade inpiny Fur a hackgiour.d to the isu'a! Kins rise higher rocks, littered w i'i (ruil'iiLO ar,d turl huts, the hemes of the natives. At heart the place is gay, fur our soldiers cnt aehoie every night to dance with the Eskimo girls, while the officers of the ihip and colony swapped dinccr parties, breakfasts and luncheons all through a nino days' tival, "Men and women alike," the writer continues, "were linguists, well read, accomplished, a little too polite for com fort, liviug a metropolitan life on one batch of letters a year in an arctis out post. Expecting the pathos of banish ment, I found the gayety in perfect con tent. The Danes of all tho settlements were alike in social charm, gentle and polished arrant gossips, too; and the in door life had little to remind one of the outdoor wilderness. The Ionuit servant maids wore the furry breeches, boots to the hip, and curious topknot of their national dress one bad to fall promises euslv in love witb all of them. Kvcn the Danish men wore native dress, but there wss one important dis tinction they washed I The food, apait from Danish groceries, was seal meat, fish, reindeer, vension, shellfish, ptarmi gan, sea birds and their eggs, which, as sctved in Greenland, are always pro nounocd in fl ivor." THE REVIVAL IN WALES. According to all accounts, one of the meat remarkable religious revivals of modern times is sweeping over tho mio iog districts of South Wales. Thousands of workingmen have professed a change of heart, and maoy who were formerly profane, intemperate and licentious have ruddenly beconio quiet, modest, snd rev erent in their demeanor, models of sobriety and right living. So radical has been the transformation among multitudes of miners that the whole atmosphere of that industry, it ia said. appears to have been changed The movement, which seems to have been of spontaneous character aod without or ganiialion thus far, is so deep and wide spread and is attended with such re markable results; that competent observ ers are predicting its spread over all the British Isles. NO SKCRKT ABOUT IT. It is no scciet, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Bore Kyes, Boils do , nothing is so effective; as Buckli Arnica salve. "It dido t lake long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is all 0. K for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of lope, Tex. 25c. at all druggists' drug stores. THE BEST MEDICINE WOMEN If yon are nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of tho approach of serious female trouble. Do not wait until you snfTor un bearable pain before you seek treat ment. Wl luH tl Wine of Ciirdui now just as much ns if the trouble were more develoiH'd and the tor turing pains of disordered men atruuliuu, beaxiuir duwn pains, ioucorrhoea, backache and head ache wore driving vou to the un failing relief that Wine of Cardui 1 has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back ache and prevent the symptoms from quickly developing into dan cerous troubles that wilt be hard to check. Secure a $1 .00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and tho medicine will be sent you. FOLETSHONEMAR fjunt Coidsi mnaU Pimussobw Little grains of powder, Little dabs of paiot, Make a girl's complexion Look like what it ain't. The Beauty Doctor, in Town Topics. NOTICE. PurMiunt to un Aduftbc Otneral A kU'inhly of North Carol inn piiMcd ul the HCHHioii ol' VMi, uml iiixjcndt'd ml the HUHmuii of 1 !Hir., entitled' "Ail Act to cl:thliHli flmdt'd Schools in tbo Iowa of Weldon'' and hy authority ot the Hoard of Commissioners ol the town of WeJdou punned lit a culled meeting of said Hoard on TiutMiay, June liith, 1 !""), notice in hereby given that uu election will be held tor the tjiialitled voter of the School District hereinalter deneriljed. 8id election to be held iu the town ol Weldon, N. C.j and for that portion of the School District lying outside oi the corporate limits of said town at the oll'ue ot' The Weldon Lumber Company, on Monday, July 17th, lHO.'i, at which election certain provisions of the Act above referred to will be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said school district. 1 he qualilied voters approving the issue of bonds provided for in section 3, and the levy and collection of the particular taxes provided for in section 7 of the said A t shall deposit a ballot containing the writ- or punted w ordu; 'r or he hoots, " and those disapproving the same shall de posit a ballot eontntuiug the written or printed wordw, "AKiiiust Schools." i hone electors who reside within the following described boundaries, within hich is located the school district, are entitled to vole iu said election, said boundaries being as follows: Commencing at a point where the wes tern lice of ihu land of O. W. Fulgham intersects the southern boundary of the canal of the lioauoke Navigation and 'ater Power Company, thence along the line of said laud of CI . W. Fuigham to the nt ol the land of the West Weldon Laud and Improvement Company, thence i.Iong tne western boundary ol the Westry Jt'lace said Land and Improvement Company the puohc road leadinglrorn lilghman a Cross Roads to the town of Weldon, thence along the said public road towards Wei don to a point where said public road crosses the Seaboard Air Line Railway. thence along the track of said Seaboard ir Line Railway to Chockayotte creek, thence up Chockayotte creek to the south era line of the Gleuview track of laud owned by the heirs of U.W.Daniel, de ceased, thence along said line until the railroad ot the Atlantic Coast Line Com pany is reached, thence ft straight line to the public road leading from Weldon to Halifax, thence down said public road to point where tne HaJiiax road lories and goes to the H. J. Pope plaee, thence along the road to the Hope place until the line ot the Hell place owned by M. W, Ransom is reached, thence along said line to Long's Kay oti. thence down said Kayou to Roanoke river, thence up Roanoke rirer to a point thereon opposite the tirst station. u I charu's Uuc, theuce a straight hue from said point to the beginning. notice is also given that there will be a new registration ol those entitled to vote in said election of the qualilied electors residiug in said school district outside of the corporate limits of the town of Wel don, to commence on the 15th day of June, 11HI5, according to law, and under the Act of the Legislature above rclurred to, but there will be no new registration for the tow n of Weldon; the territory within the school district outside of the corporate limits of the town of Weldon constitutes one ward and the town of Weldon con stitutes the other. The registration books which nave been taken for the municipal elections of the town of Weldon will be open for the registration of those electors who are (ftlaliucd to vote, on June J0th 1W5. W. L. Scott is appointed registrar for the outside ward and M. L. Mabry is ap pointed registrar for the ward of the town ot Weldon. Those living in the outside ward will register and vote at theollice of The Wei don Lumber Company, aud those in the ward ot the town ot Weldon will vote the town hall in said town. at The provisions of the said Act which are to be submitted to the vote ot the qualified voters of said School District areas fol lows. ''Set'liou 3. That the Board of School Trustees hereinafter provided for shall be, and is herehy authorized and empowered to issue bonds ol said School Dist ict to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dol lars, ol sucu denomination and ol such pro portion as said Hoard ot Trustees may deem advisable, bearing interest from dat thereon at a rate not exceeding six per centum, with iuterest coupons attached payable semiannually, at sucu a rue and such place or places as may be deemed ad viMahle by said Koard ot 1 rustees Said bonds to be of such form and tenor aud transferable in such way, and the prtuci pal thereof payable or redeemable aa lol lows: five hundred (5(H)) dollars on the 1st day of January, 1910 aud five hundred annually thereafter till all are paid, at such place or places as said Board of Trustees may determine: Provided that 1 said Hoard of Trustees shall issue said bonds at such time or times, and in such amouut or amounts us may be required to meet the expenditure hereinalter provided tor in section lour of this Act" Section 7. That for the purpose of pro viding for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereou and ol defraying the expenses af the public graded Bchools pro- vuieu tor in this Act, the Hoard ot Com missioners of the town of Weldon shall annually and at the time of levying mu on i pal taxes or as soou thereafter as practi cable commencing with the fiscal vear he- ginning the Unit day of May, 11M", levy and lay a particular tax on all persons aud subjects of taxation within the limits of said school district on which said Hoard of Commissioners may now or hereafter be authorized to lay and levy taxes f r any purpose whatsoever, nam particular tax to be not more than thirty three aud one third CUiUuu toe oiit buutlrtMt dollais assessed valuation on property and not more than one dollar on each taxable poll. This the 16lh day of May, HHIf). J. T. HOOCH, Mayor. W. T. Hit AW, Clerk Protein. J. L. HARRIS HAS MOYEE His Feed Store To the building formerly occu pied by Spiers Bros , corner Washington avenue and Third street. Thanking my friends for their past liberal patronago, I solicit a continuance of the same. Phone No. 75. J. L. HARRIS, Weldon, N. C. f, v -f . . ' . -:-J f'.tW DflT.Tll.'U "V . nitiNO i ,Nt:.Y iKici:s prow tinre rrup o( irtwul puUf U tlhtlhlU llll tllV III i iiur,, mwl'iin (.iMur?, lumip-J, let Nice I' I. (ill Vt'i-Ct.iMi'5 t' llllil't' lit 1 UU UUdilll tii ui 1'ouslt liuui Utt Ki.l. buy ply Potash liVrnlly by tli utfi f;f tVrtilirra ("titaintnf ti t 1, a t'l in lit i r cent, miual fmaah. follow. m r',milil''ti nrc nnt ad verti sniff circulars twxniiinj; M'CM.il krti liters, but mutant vjlu nii'e ii.l.irm itmn tu Idtiucm. Scut lice lur Ihe Hiking. Write now. ORRMAN KALI WORKS New York y3 Nias&u Street, or AiUnta, Ui. aa Suuili Broad St, FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry the laryesl and mi si com plete line of fl or coverings ever brought to this part of Nuilh Carolina. Mat tings, eaipetins, drug-ts, art squares nd rugs. A larc line of remcants of carpeting and matiiogs at one-third to onc-balf REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, aod many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J.A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow, bar Btoeked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly Telephone Service AT YOUR OFFICE Is to-day an admitted Business NECESSITY WHILE At Your House It's nt once a Convenience and a Ne cessity, that you cannot measure by any money vulue. One Emergency Call, in One Year, Pays the Rent. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR, WHO HAS ONE. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N.C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin A auie enre for all KIDNEY AN1 HLADDKH TItOl'ULFg Recommended by best physicians of tha country. For sale in Weldon hy "W.W.KAY, Beat of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies always onhand. I keep the host of every thing in my i ally Groceries pne. taufoliteattention to all at Say's, west side K. R. Shed, my Sll- DE. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIBE INSURANCE, Weldon, N.C. .EoonokoJNews Office.

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