iipi jfi 11? jA.rvBiTisiira- bates- MODERATE. .A ITEWSPAPBE IFOIR, THE PEOPLE TEBMS:-H-6 PER annum in advance yoL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1905. NO. G 1 ' , 'J i Sec oml J p docJ prac-1 Free! CNE 10 To any chewcr of Tobacco who will cut out this advertisement and mail it to ua within five days from the date of this paper, we will mail him caH which will entitle him to one 10-eent plug of RED MEAT Free! I Writ nam itl udtircu hue. Ubw. & NAME v. Addre is. Eoanote News, Jne 15. CHARLES WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. rMr. W. T. Baugh represents as in Eastern Carolina. Hold your orders for dot 12 It lira. A 9 T1 1 The irMt rule of health 7JXX BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ucauuiui urowo orncn DiacKr use imi cm. u ammuiiuai, . Pimm. n7 The TANNER'S PAINTS Raisin thMr pre-eminence abovs ill other brindi ! beosuss tbej ate mid, of tbe bett materials obtaioa blv and art grouod with great Mr. If jour dollar does oot carry them writ to the manufacturers. Box 180. Tie Bank -WELDON i Orpieft Under The Lais of the State of North Carolina, '! AUGUST 20TH, 1892. ( STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. i HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. J TOWN OF WELDON CAPITAL MD SURPLUS ; For tea Taari thia institution bu provided banking: faoilitiea for this seotion lis atookhofdera and diraotora hare been identified with th business intereata of 1 Halifax and Northampton ooantiea for many yoved security st the legal rate of intereat wetted. 'President: Vice-President: Caahier . B. DANIEL. Ds. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8M1TH i Jaokaon, Northampton county, N. C. II The largest and best plant in thft RtntA JsLCHARLES MILLER WALSH, Ouarrier and Manufacturer or MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE T0NE3 of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe deli van ttunateed. Writs fur float gna and pnoee I Work Delivered set Illy. SPKING & o FOR J MEN, WOMEN Big Line Dry Goods, Notions, Goats aver brought to Waldos. Don't fail to see I Oar Shoe department is full snd running Jarrtea, and we are making prions r THAT !WILL J Jast reoejved a big lot of (DORSOH) 8hoaa. Suits to order, made np in good snaps and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Uja't fail to ses out Una of Samples and Prices Before You Place Your Order. !3H.yD. ALLEN & COMPANY, gi WELDON IN. C. - CENT PLUG OF LED MEAT TOBACCO TOBACCO At any store handling this brand. yj- wm N & 0. ALLEY, Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN 8TREET, RICHMOND, VA. of W e oi N. C.fe- DEPOSITORY. $32,000. years. Money is loaned upon ap aix per oentam. Aoooanti of all are BBS. Also Iran Fencing, Taaes trmr etc., for cemetery and other li pfiy purpose at lowest price. JJ5s. IBV8 A.TISF ACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furnishings, Ac The largest tine then before you buy. over. The largest ttook wa hive ever SELL THEM. J 7KE ?m.WM. UNTIL TBI PENALTT FOB OABBYMO OONOEALID WEAPONS IS ABOUT FIVE TEAB8 IN THE FENITENTIABT, TBI TOMBSTONE UAKIBS ABE 00 INOTODO KOBE BUSINESS THAN THEY OUOIIT TO DO. No matter much about tbe agitation oonoerning pistol toting at it ii called, and no matter either about the drsstio legialation agaioat tba habit all Too want to do la to oall a man s liar or make him mad in torn other way and hs is Johnny on the Spot with a "weepin." And it appeara at the South that all clauses of men carry a gun-and all olasses ute them. Down at Spartanburg, South Carolina, the other day s gentle man waa aitting on bis porch with his wife, and another gentleman ohanced to be passing, lis carried a few grape tinea in Lie hand and intimated that the gentleman on the porch bad dooe some thing to them. The lie waa pasted and before you could say Jack Robinson (he man on tbe porch was dead died in tbe presence ofhia wife. The murderer walked up and aurrendered to the sheriff and the law will be inToked and the chancea ate that tbe South Carolina plea of self defence will suffioe and the murder er will go free. Over in Durham county the tame day citizen of Durham went out to Creed- more and socused hia eonaio of some thing or o:her haTing to do with writing letters to hia wife and tbe result waa that the oouain waa shot four limes and the reports were that he would probably die. All ol this sort of utter foolishness hap pens not only once, but is happening every day. Lawyeia are alwaya engaged the man under the aod has no ahow; time beala np the wounds and the jury generally fioda a Terdict of not guilty. It is to be regretted that men who tote gnos snd who ahoot promiscuously and without cause are oot looked up. It should be a law and the law should be enlorced, making it a penitentiary offence to carry a concealed weapon. There is no neoeaaity for the citisen theae days to go armed. The people are not in s atate of savagery. No one's life ia in danger, eioept when the hot Leaded man carriea gun and ubcs it without cause aod without premeditation. The fellow whi accnaed hia neighhor of molesting hia grape Tinea perbspa did not intend to kill any oot but because he carried s gun snd had it handy he abot ibe light out of a man who waa least expecting to be murdered. The Durham county people perhaps never intended to take life but (he gun waa handy and the blood wra hot. Until there is s Isw mads prohibiting the carrying of oon ccaled weapons snd the penalty is sbout fits years in the penitentiary and every oitisen has a right to search a man for a gun without a warrant, the tombstone makers are going to do more business than they by right ought to do. And it ia not only the saddened homes and heart-broken wives and chil dren who suffer. Tbe whole aeotion suf fers because the bloody acoonnta ars sent broadooaat over the world aod a whole county suffers beoiuse of the unlawful practices of a few hot headed men who should not be allowed to run- at large. Fairbrother's ETerything. NEW THEOKY, Dey tells me de devil's in de light ninT Well, how does you 'couot fer de thunder ?" "Ob, dst's Providence, growtiu' st him kase he got loose I" THE ATTRACTIVE GIRL, Much hu been written thont "th Amor. kaa f irl " and her reuous for beiiif pre- caiinenuy me most attractive girl in the world. In brinfritiK np girl motnera can't be too careful to let their daughter! de vclop all their nat ural charm to tbe at moat. The crucial epoch of a woman 'i life ia the change from maidenhood to womanhood. It involve! tbe whole body and manifest Itielf in tbe nerv. ana diMMtmoa at thin time. Nervou or sick women are afforded the opportunity of a lifetime, for the maker of lr. Pierre' Favorite Inscription now offer $ x revtrd for women who cannot hi ciiat-X Xms.uu u tf uvcr a mini oi a centur? of remarkable and uniform cure. a record uch a no other remedy for the diaeaaeaaad weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietor of Dr. Pierce1 Favorite Prrscriotion now feel fullv war. ranted in offering to par tSo in legal money of the United Stales for any cae of leu corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of tba Womb, which they cannot cure. All they aak is a fair and reasonable trial oi tseir mean of cure. air. W. T. Mappin, of tu Mraton Street (to. Macon), Macon, Gs.t writes: I will try tt let you know how thankful I am to you for yuor advice. I have taken eight bottlea of your 'Favorite Prescription' and four of 'Ooldrn Medical Discovery.' When 1 began taking your medicine I had given ap; had been in bad health for almoat five years and had been treated by the best doctors in Macon. They all said I had womb and ovarwu trouble. suffered untold arony every month and often wished that 1 could die. MI am still taking your medicine. I know that your tnediciue has saved my life and I can never praise it enough. Words caunot express bit gratitude. I will never forget your kind A a tonic for wotnea who an nervona, aiTTTrptvwa, wmn-im ana run - a own, " a- wihv artcvwipiiun - ia uncquaieu. For constipation, the true, scientific cure Is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. Mild, swnsucvBv yn son. fl QUMs ptU fttaupsu witt tsttaj. 4$y 2 h. m p m MX -f! ct- g i jmWm tr" no crq S 73 vaX 5 g a ct mm 2 m 3 w S -j-i . vWjJ I, s " -t i i AT THE TWILIGHT. As sure as the red years die, dear, as sure as the red yeara die, The day and the hour will come, dear, to whisper a last good-bye When love shall noloose the handclasp and under the heaping clays Shall hide in the shadows dark, dear, the dreams of by-gone days. Whatever paths we wonder, they lead to the ways that part I One goes to the realm of ahadows, one waits with a lonely heart; And tears that we weep together shall come at the cry of prayer, Aod flow in a Hood of grieving at pangs of partiog there. The roses will bloom as red, dear, through all the laughing land; The lilies will grow as white, dear, but neither will understand, For what ia the rose and the lily to hearts thst murmur and moan, With eyes that wars bright all dim, dear, and one of us here alone I Ah, one that is left shall murmur snd ask of the bud and bloom, And question the awful silence and mourn at the gates of gloom ; And call through the nights of darkness and sit at the doors of woe, And never an answer at all, dear, from lips tbst it used to know. Aod one at the darkened window and door of the heart'a old home, Shall wait with an unspoke welcome for one that shall never come; Aod one at the gate stands watching as there in the yeara before, While the latoh of the gate issileot aid one shall return no morel Whichever it bo that goes, dear, whichever it be that slays, The lily and rose shall bloom, dear, through sll tbe lonely days; And all that we loved so bravely and all (hat we loved so long Shall dwell with the one that stays, dear, and lighten tbe lips with aong. Enough that the joys were many, that Love was a aun and a star I Enough that we knew the raptures as tired feet wandered far I Enough that tbe yeara were happy and sweet was the golden light That came at the 6rst "Good Morning," and atayed the last "Good Night.' OLD SOUTHERN SONG, Take me home to the place where I first saw the light, To the sweet, sunny South, tike me home, Where the mookiog-bird sung me to rest every night Ah I why was I tempted to roam : I think with regret of the dear home I left, Of the warm hearts that sheltered me there, Of the the wife and the dear ones of whom I'm bereft, And I sigh for the old place again. Take me home to tbe place were the orange trees grow, To my oot in the evergreen shade, Where the flowers on the river's green margin may blow Their sweets on the bank where we played. The path to our oottage, they Bay, has grown green, And the place is quite lonely around. And I know that the smiles aod the forms I have seen Now lis deep in ths dsrk, mossy ground. Take me home, lot ma see what ia left that I k new Can it be that the old house is gone ? The dear friends of my childhood indeed must be few, And I must lament all alone, But yet I'll return to the place of my birth, Where my children have played at the doer, Where they pulled the white blossoms tbst garnished the earth, Which will echo their footsteps no more. CHORUS. Take me home to the place where my little ones sleep; Poor massa lies buried close by, O'er the graves of the loved onea I long to weep, And amoog them to rest when I die. STORY OF RIR DUKE-. All that oau be said of Washington Duke, and it is enough to say of any one, ia that he wis a good man aod an booest man. Ila made much money and laid the foundation for the magnificent for tune which same to him, but which he sever enjoyed. The tobaoco trust was not of bis creation he would have had it otherwiae. He wis sturdy, sympathet ic, whole souled and honest to the sever on teal. B ia riches earns slier his hshits and oharacter were formed, and thia ia why be said to ua upon hia return from Europe, a d a n yeara ago that "I kept telling then to hurry up to finish the trip; that I wanted to get back to Dur ham where I ooold get soms baoon and greens." In other words baoon snd greens strongly appealed to bin, sad Beam more to him than all the lingo which he could not decipher found on a card st a table d hote. Fairbrothera Everything. EVIDENCE. First Lady Here'a an srtiole, "Do Animals Think?" I wonder if they do? . Second Lady I've notioed that my huabaad gets off sa ososasionsl bright (Maty-- Life. YOUR WORK. Do it cheerfully, even if it is not oon- genial. Do it in the spirit of sn artiat, not so srtisso. Maka it a atepping stono to something higher. Keep yourself io oondiiion to do it as well as it can ba done. Eodeaoor to do it b'tr than It hi: s;er been done before. Maks perfection yoiir aim aod bs sat isfied with nothiog less. Do not try to do it tith a part of yourself the weaker part. Recognise thst work ia ths thing that dignifies snd ennobles life. Regard yourself as s eo-workcr with the Creator of the uoiverae. Accept the diaagreeable part of it as cheerfully as the agreeable. Choose, if possible, ths vocation for whioh nature baa fitted you. Believe in Ui worth snd dignity, no matter bow bumble it may be. Remember that work well dooe ia the highest testimonial of ohsrscter you can receive. WtT HP ID Tjfill. PEBSltilSTIO VIBWS VENTILATED BY AN EDITOR OUT IN NEVADA, Mun isboin into ihe world. He is st onoo attacked by nettle lush, croup, meuslcs nod the whooping oouih. He has Ihe colic before his first teeth sre out and when he is swindled wo ssy he is getting his oyo tooth cut, If he escapes tlio scarlet fever and the mump., ho finds directly in his way scurlot rush and the srvon-year ileh. If he is not onrriol off in a hearse be foie he is too Urge fur i-liort paota he still stands a show of cutting off one of his toes, being kicked by a mule or get tin); shot with s turret r de io the bunds of a boy that "did not know it was loaded " Ho gets his feet we', runs at the nose and is scoldtd by his parents for going io swimming on Sunday, lie goea to the circus, tides uo the merry-go-round and hit the dignified old gentleman in ill ; buck of the head nt h a snowball be fore he is well in his teens He reaches the stage where he gathers watermelons io the light of the moon, eats green applea and lays out nights. The fuzz begins to grow on his upper lip, and he blushes when he sees a girl, until his hair scorches. He next develops into a "smart Alec," and his parents are un decided whether to Bhoot him for smok ing cigarettes or turn him over to an asylum manager as s confirmed lunatic. Man is aubjeot to typhoid fever, pneu- onia, apinal meningitis, small-pox aod his own intemperance. He ia beset by disease, indebtedness and breach of promise suits until it is s wonder that any of us are able to score three score and ten. If be escapes s famine, pesti lence and war, he does his best to shorten his days by keeping his boiler overloaded with inferior booze. He ia subject to sick headache, lumbago and inflammato ry rheumatism until be cries aloud that hie last stage is worse than his first. He wears false teeth and goes to jail for get ting moocy under falae pretenses. Yet when he has finally run the gauntlet and passes off the stage ot ac tion, the heavy Ananias for the oountry paper says: "It is well," pur ovi:h nixty vear. Mrs. Winklow's Soothing Syrit has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guins, allays all pain; cures wind oolic, and is tbe best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs, Wioslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. IT'S NEW MEANIXG, Mr. Squallop stood at the foot of the stairway, waiting. "Maria," he called out, looking at bia watch, "how much longer is it going to take you to get readv? We'll miss the train if you don't hurry." "I'll be down immediately," replied his wife. "That won't dot" he roared. We've got to start right now." NO SECRET ABOUT IT. It ia no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc, nothing U so effective as Bucklcn's Arnioa Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is all 0. K for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c. at all druggists' drng stores. Wine of Cardui Cured Her. 218 South Prior Street, Atlanta, Oa., March 21, 1908. I auffered for four montha with extreme nervouanoaa and laasitudo. 1 bad s linking feeling in my stomach which no medicine seemed to relieve, and losing my appetite I became weak and lost my vital ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen pounds of flesh and felt that I must find speedy reliof ta rvgain my health. Having heard Wine of Cardui praised by several of my friends, I sent for a bottle snd waa certainly very pleased with the results. Within three dsya my appetite returned and my stomach troubled me no more. I could digest my food without difficulty snd ths nervousness gradually diminished. Nature performed her functions without difficulty and I am once more a happy and well woman. OLIVE JOSEPH, Una AUula mr Hi cms. Secure a Dollar Bottle of I Vtina nf Tacit.,! T..Va.. f f iuv VI MUUUI a VUUjt " i , O.NK OF THEM. "My wife has a remarkable collection of curiosities." 11 Was she collecting when she married you?" "Yes." "That'a what 1 thought." NOTICE. 1'tirmitttit to nn Act of Iho General As- ifinbly of North Carolina p:inwwl at the HNionoI litiM, and itiiitMiilt'd at the soshiod lHr,ri, entitled; 'An Act to ental)linli flradfil Boliooln in the town of Woltlon" ami hy mithority of ie Hoard of CtinimiHMionerii of the town nt Wehlou piwHwd at a called ineiting of Raid foam on 'luemluv, .In no ltith, iwn. notice is hereby given that an election ill be held lor the nunltiied voters oi the Sehool Dii-triet herei nailer deficribed. Bmi lection to be hold in the town oi Weldou, C, and for that portion of the School district lying outtude of the corporate nuts ol huiu town at the olhce ot '1 lie Weldon Lnnvher Company, on Monday, nly I7th, 19I;j. at which election certain provisions of the Act above referred to will be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said school district. The qnalilied voters approving the issue of bonds provided for in section At and the levy and collection of the par lieu ur taxes provided for in section 7 of the said A.t shall deposit a ballot containing the writ ten or printed words: ''For Schools," and those disapproving the same shall de posit a ballot containing the written or Tinted words, "Against ociioois." Those electors who reside within the following described boundaries, within hicb is located the BchooL district, are entitled to vote in said election, said boundaries being as follows: Commencing at a point where the wes tern line of the land of G W. Fulgham intersects the southern boundary of the canal of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company, thence along the ne o' said land ot u. w. ruiglmm to the ne of the land of the West Weldon Land and Improvement Company, thence i long tne western boundary oi the westry riace ofsaid Land and Improvement Company to tne puniic road leadmgtrom rughman's Cross Roads to the town of Weldon, thence along the said public road towards Wel don to a point where said public road crosses the Seaboard Air Line Railway, thence along tbe track ofsaid Seaboard Air Line Railway to Chockarotte creek. thence up Chockayotte creek to the south ern line of the Glenview track of land owned by the heirs of R. W. Daniel, de ceased, thence along said line until the railroad of the Atlantic Coast Line Com pany is reached, thence a straight line to the public road leading from Weldon to Halifax, thence down said public road to point where the Halifax road lorks and goes to tbe H. J. Pope plaee, thence along the road to the Pope place until the Hue ot the Hell place owned by JH. W Ransom is reached, thence along said line to Long's Bayou, thence down said Bayou to Roanoke river, thence np Roanoke river to a point theruon opposite the urst station, r uleham's line, thence a straight line Irom said point to the beginning. lNotice is also given that mere will ne new registration ot those entitled to vote in said election of the qualified electors residing in said school district outside ot the corporate limits of the town of Wel don, to commence on the 15th day of June, 1!H)., according to law, and under the Act of the Legislature above referred to, but there will be no new registration tor the town of Weldon; the territory within the school district outside of the corporate limits ol the town ol Weldon constitutes one ward and the town of Weldon con stitutes the other. The registration bookp which have been taken for the municipal elections of the town of Weldon will be open for the registration of those electors who are qualified to vote, on Jane 30th, 1905. W. L. Scott is appointed registrar for the outside ward and M. L. Mabry is ap pointed registrar for the ward of the town of weldon. Those living in the outside ward will register and vote at tbe office of The Wei don LnmberCompanv, and those in the ward ot the town of Weldon will vote at the town hall in said town. The provisions of the Baid Act which are to be submitted to the vote of the qualified voters ol said school District are as lol- lows: 'Section 3. That the Board of School Trustees hereinafter provided for shall be, and is hereby authorised and empowered to issue bonds ot said School Dtstnct to an amonnt not exceeding ten thousand dot lars, otsuch denomination and ol such pro portion as said Hoard ot i rustees may deem advisable, hearing interest from date thereon at a rate not exceeding six per centum, with interest coupons attached payable emi-annually, at such time and such place or places as may be deemed ad visable by said Board ot Trustees baid bonds to be of such form and tenor and transferable in such way, and the princi pal thereof payable or redeemable as fol tows; Five hundred (500) dollars on tbe 1st day of January, 1910 and five hundred annually thereafter till all are paid, such place or places as said Board Trustees may determine: Provided that said Board of Trustees shall issue said bonds at snch time or times, and in Buch amount or amounts as may be required to meet the expenditure hereinafter provided lor in section tonrol this Act. " Section 7. That for the purpose of pro viding for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon and of defraying the expenses af the public graded school pro vided tor in ibis Act, the Hoard ot Com missioncrsof the town of Weldon shall aunnally andat the time of levying mu nicipal taxes or an aoon ' uereafter as practi cable commencing with the fiscal year be ainuiog tne nrstday of May, 190o, levy and lay a particular tax on all persons and subiects ol taxation within tbe limits said school district on which said Board oi Commissioners may now or here tier 1 authorized to lay and levy taxes frr any pnrpofe whatsoever, said particular tux to t-tiiaut imiiv liiaa tinny-three aud one- third cents on the one hundred dollatn aftrwwed valuation on property and not more than one dollar on each taxable poll Thia the Itfth dav ol May, lOo, J. T- GOOCH, Mayor W. T.HUW, Clerk Protem, J. L. HARRIS H.A.S MOVED His Feed Store To the building formerly occu pied by Spiers Bros., corner Washington avenue and Third street. Thanking my friends for their past liberal patronage, I solicit s continuance of ths same. Phone No. 75. J, L. HARRIS, Woldtu, N. 0. Bmm .4s.ll-l.waiM MV' Better Fruits-Better Profits Better peaches, applet, pears and berries are prudticed when Potash Is lihernllv applied to the soil. To Insure a full crop, of choicest quality, use a fertilizer containing not less tlun io per cent, actual Potash Send for mir rrflrtlr.il bonk of Inforrnntinn t tliry are ujI advL-riiKiiiK p-unpMets, IxHimmt; M it-riiiMn, tint .ire atithnnuiive aei, buiiltecloruieatkiiitr. Of-R HAN KALI WORKS rk-VJ Nauau St. Atlnntn. (In - U'lii uroad FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry the largest and most com- cte line of fl or covciinsever brought this part of North Carolina. Mat- ngs, caipclings, rtruiigels, art squares and rugs. A large lioe of remnants of carpeting and mailings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Liooleomn, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things io the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, IN. C. J. A. ALSTON FINE aimiy PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES-I Merrimac Club and Pride of Vlreinia. aire and mellow. Bar stocked with Choi Drinka of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street Weldon N. C. 10-21-lv You Can Reach Over 1,000,000 Telephone Subscribers DIRECT FROM YOUR OWN OFFICE OVER THE LONG DISTANCE LINES For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. W.W.KAY, Family Grocer, WKI.DON, N.C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin KIONEY AND It LADDER TROUBLES Recommended by best physicians of ths oountry. A snre cure for sll Beat of Wines, Whiskeys snd Brandies si ways onlwnd. I keep the best of every thing in my rine. sa Polite sttontion to all st Kay's, btSIj. DE. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, & n Groceries ... - . -v Weldok, N.C. .RoanokeNewa Office,

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