J . . ' at,.,,..,,. jjj .A.-JDJBH,TISIlSra- KA.TES-MODEBATB. A. 1TBWSPAPEB FOE, THE PEOPLE. TEIJ-M:S:-i.bo per annum in advance E i : '. ' ' ; fOL. XL. - i WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1905. NO. 7 . LPS -I PI 91. out Si '! nihil- Ronnl nbolti Relttfc i, I N.C. . ER I riEa. ITS. 'trrni. at ft VMlwiJer. 9 ratal 0 MM. Lin fc m, Iml t nuU K ! .Wis. IKOM RE .hju i. Ghewers the genuine Sun Cured Tobacco flavor by the taste and aroma of Reynolds9 BSI (BuiB'asdl and have made it the largest seller by refusing imitations advertised as sun cured Leant the Geiiun Sun Cured Flavor cutout tbii advertisement and lend, together with ac. tump, to R, J. Rajrnolda Tobacco Co.,Winaton.8ilim, NX. .and they will mail fret 5C eampl. of thla tobacco. Writt your nam aod addraaa plainly. Dll&lsLrD -js it true you vim to look old? Then keep your gray hair. If not, "irien use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. m.'?&STc!rfss.7'J""' TffE I REJISOf TANNER'S PAINTS Retain thrir pre-eiiinenoe abort all other braoda ia because they aie made of the beat materiali obtains bla aod ara ground with great oare. If your dealer doe not carry them write to th Baoufaotarera. Boa 180. Tie Bank i 4 si:::WELI)ON I 4 piieil Mer The Lai. of AUGUST 20TB, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. ,1 I XlPITkL AND SURPLUS I 7 ten eri thu institution ha profided banking facilities for thia section i t ookholders and direotora have been identified with the business intereati of i a( tai Northampton counties for many ' f M seeintv it the legal rata of interest h tins' ' mrnadal liesidenfc Vice-President: Cashier: t r.'. X. DANIEL. Da. H. W. I f Jaokson, Northampton oounty, N. C. i The largest and best plant in i tne iCHARLES MILLER WALSH, ouamer and taanutaoturer or t 4KNT3, TOMBS, GRAVE ' ONES of every description. Ireight prepaid on all shipments, delivery guaranteed. Write fur 4 sign and price IWork Delivered ? act Illy. SPKING & o poR o i MEN, WOMEN iSigLia Dry Goods, Notions, Genu -J brought to Waldoa. Don't fail to see fur Shot department it full and running ;ea, and w ara making pnoe 1 - i i THAT IWILL . art received a big lot of (DORSOH) M and by good tailors. Fitt Gaarutted. Dun t fail to tet oui line of amples and Prices Before You lace Your Order. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, & I J, WELDON. N. C. Hair Renewer Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 K. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. of W, N. C.- tie State of North Carolina, - $32,000. years. Money ia loaned upon ap- su per centum. Aooounti ot all are LEWIS. W.R.8MITH state. tVAIao Iron Fencing, Vaae &kZ.'4 ate., for cemetery and other CT. J purposes at lowest prices- aLSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furnishings, to. Th largest line them before you buy. over. Tbs largeat ttook wt hsv ever SELL THEM. Shoos. Suits to order, mad np ia good J LIT NO at IAS IHlNa RCrTLK TBI BBRINITT Of YOUE SOUL. There ii wide and deep philosophy contained in that phraseology of the street "Forget it." It it as important t forgot aa to remember. On it at difficult at th other. And ability along one lint it at hard at to acquire at the other. Both moat be cultivated. It it impoeaiblt to become an optimist without learning how to forget. Disa greeable things are bound t happen aod on most train one's self to wipe them off the wind as the boy wipes the figures from bit title. Having erased the ngly memories, it it easier to write the pleas ant things on th slate of the memory. The man who considers himself a nemesis, who treasures up a wrong, who nurses an injury, who lets ignoble hatreds faster in his heart, cannot be a happy man. Mia soul is like a eronobed tiger ready to spring upon the victim of his wrath. Learn how to forget. If it it easier for you to pat on record in your memory personal grievances and to bug an ugly feeling, it is beoauee you have chosen to do so. If yon hoard Dp ia your mind the unhappy episodes of life, it is beoause you have formed the habit of doing so. To persist jo that habit of mind will make yon miserable in the.disposition to remember. Learn to lortet. Let go th uninspiring, th depressing and weakening grievance. Hold on to the memories that cheer and brighten. There it not room for both. Wipe out the resentments. Write in the place of your hatreds the things that are pare and jurt aod lovely and of good report. Let no meaa thing ruffle the serenity of your tout. Forget it. FEMININE PHILOSOPHY. Womsn it more forgiving than msn, but she is not more forgetful. Th bashful man furnishet lots of amusement for womankind. Tne young woman s best weapon is beauty and the older ooe't tsot. The twentieth century matrimonial yoke seems to be made of paper. The aromas who has absolutely no sense of humor it oftentimes th moat amusing one. The average wife knows that to be perfectly happy aha must be blind to many of hubby's faults. Th modern msn who wsnta to suc ceed with modern woman doesn't rely solely upon flattery. A woman often makes a fool of her self because it it elpecled ol her ; man does tb tarn thing because he can't help himself. Every woman has a secret sorrow of which the world is unswsre, and often times her ssdneas it miataken far ooMuess- AIN'T IT THE TRUTH? A womsn limply mutt lov tomttbiog be it mtn or dog. Getting married it ea much of a gam ble as swopping horses. No modern grsss widow ia isciiaed to run to hayaeed. There ia a filed rnle for doing almost everything except making love. Some men think without talking and some talk without thinking. Gossips have no use for people who re fuse to furnish msterial for them. When a man criticises your sclions he eipecls yon to praise his. Perhaps more people would dwell in the state of mstrimony were it not for its variable atmosphere. Chios go News. PERIL IN THE HAND-SHAKE. Knt Inn uro Dr 1. N. HtncV of Chicago. Mid: "Tht most delicate perfume upon the Mi (a tint . aim of freedom from rermt. and the moi refined are not tree from aia aa nf lunar or throat, and the rerms are rapidly spread by touching the hand that naa nanaiea tne nanasercaici 01 one mni ed with a cold, catarrh or consumption. Tne breath one inhalca from the lungs ol annihet inaT contain ffcrmi of diKue.H You will not only be able to reiat the germa of consumption, but many tbouwndi of caaea have been known woe re person wno wen Buffering from incipient phihitia, or the earlv eta of eroiati rant Inn wr ahiMiirty cured bv Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Dis covery. It mainulna a perton'a nutrition by enabling him to eat, retain, digeit and julrailate food- It overcome! the gastric irritability and symptoms of indigestion, and thus the person is saved from those symptoms of fever, nigai-sweais, onuavne. etc., wnicn am so srummuu. An alterative extract like Dr. Pierce1 Golden Medical Discovery, mad of roots and Wi-ha. without the use of alcohol, will assist the stomach in assimilating or taking up from the food such elements aa are required for the blood, will assist the liver in throwins off the Doisons in the system. Do not permit some designing druggist to Insult vour intelligence by offering you rwmsxlv which he claims is "lust as good" because be made if np himself, or ten chances to one yon will get a medicine made up largely of alcohol, which will am) weaken the ST stem. pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is heartty recommended by every person who has ever used it and it has stood the teat of thirty.ight years of approval from people all over the United States. Fx eb. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Utwtiral Adviser is sent fret on receipt stamps to pay expense of mailing only, Bend ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or Jt stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. He. ritft fell sit cart ttUowo. s F 5rn Ml Ct" S yESTV. H o " 2 03 P 4mMIV 5gSo mm 5 2 w G -n WytjJ a o v is g Q pt 9 m AvS' n g CD TIRED MOTHERS. Republished By Rtquest A little elbow leans npon your koee, Your tired knee, thst hss so much to bear ; A child's dear eyes are looking lovingly From underneath a thatch of tangled hair, Perhaps you do not heed the velvet touch Of warm, moist fiogeri, folding yours so tight Yon do not priis this blessing over-muoh, Yon ire almost too tired to pray to-night. But it it a blessedness I A year ago I did not tee it tt I do today We are so dull and thsnkleat and too slow To catob the sunshine till it slips away, And now it seems surpsssiog strange to me That, while I wore the badge of motherhood, I did not kiss mote oft end tenderly The little child that brought me only good. And if some night, when you sit down to rest, You mia the elbow from your tired koee, This restless, ourling head from off your breast, This lisping tongue thst olatters constantly If from your own the dimpled hands had slipped, And ne'r would nestle in your pslm again ; If the white feet into their gra-e had tripped, I could not blame you for your heartache then I I wonder so that mothers fret At little obildreo clinging to their gown, Or thst the footprints, when the days sre wet, Are ever blsck enough to make them frown. If I oould kist a rosy, restless foot, Aod hear a patter in my home onoe more; If I could mend a broken cart today ; Tomorrow make a kite to reach the sky There it no woman in God't world could say She wat more blissfully oontent tbsn I. But ah I the dainty pillow next my own Is never rumpled by shining head ; My singing birdling from its nest htt flown, The little boy I used to kiss it dead I Mrs. Msry Riley Smith. DYING OF FAMINE is, in its torments, likt dying of con sumption. Tb progress of consump tion, from the beginning to the very end, it a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stage," write Wo. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines tnd a good dootor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured me." Prompt relief and snre cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaran teed at all druggists' drug stores, price 50c and 11.00 a bottle. Trial bot tle free. THE SECRET OF GREATNESS What is th aecret of great men T Is it not this : that they ha,vo gone just a step further than their fellows ? Is it not that they have put npon themselves snd upon their task that touch cf oooaecration which their fellows lacked ? They have dared to go on a atep further into th dark and more difficult placet of achievement. You oaa fiod a huo dred men of high intellectual compe tence for out man of genius, and you can find a hundred men of ordinarv biavery for on haro, aod the difference between tht on tnd th other it this: In the great gonial tnd in Ihe great hero there it just that touch of duriig temper, l abandonment of self, that make them go a step hither into some loaely and difficult plaoa where others will not vent ure. W. 3. Dawaon. HIS IDEA OF HAPPINESS. Here's an old-time cilisan's idea of summer hsppioet : "Lois of trouble in life I tea, An' I dunno where 'twill Ian' me, But I've found a place 'neath ahady tree, A fine old garden where mint grows free, An' the julep's sweet as sweet kin be, An' a cool west wind to Ian me I" Proving another prove your holiness. hypocrite doc not No mm it rtady for Heaven who willing to enjoy it tlone. HUGE TASK. It wat a hugt task, to undertake the cure of inch a bad case of kidney dia ease, is that cf C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, Ia., but Electric Bitters did it. H writes: "My kidneys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chsir without cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and deprcasion. In Electrie Bitters, however, I found a cure, and by them waa restored to perfect nesitn. i recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by all drug gists; pnoe oOo. A LITTLE FABLE. Once a man, lad of heart, ttarted on the road to Happiness. Oj that road he met a traveler, of bright and amiling ennntenance, who entreated him to linger amid the violeta of the valleys. But the man of the sad heart pointed to the misty hills, and said: "No; my goal yonder, where the hills are high, and wreathed in mist snd lightning." And to they parted company. But when the man reaohed th misty summiis, th Spirit of th Hills said lo him: "The traveler you met on th way was Hippi noes, tnd hit home is in tht violets tb valleys. Th itan of heiven thin oo these heights, but they thin throngh i mist of tears I THE REfiltR S ADVANTAGES. "If we economise," said ihe husband. we win sooo have a house ol our own instead of having to live in rented prop- erty." "But I'm not aura I should like that, answered the wife. "I couldn't drive nails anywhere I please in the walla woodwork of our own house, you know, Chicago Newi. FOOLED HIM. JWny am I like pin?" taked M Jonea triumphantly of his wife. He ei pecttd sh was going to uy, "Beoause yon an to thtrp," and he was limply paralysed when aha replied; "Beoause if yon should get lost it wouldn't b worth whil to spend time looking for you." f iiraiiiUu Tib Streets. UN ALWAYS TAKE A OIIIL AT HER OWN ESTIMATE. "I wish I oould make the girl who irts io the street sco herself it others tee her. Whon she makes eyes at a man he, ol course, returns ihe oomt.liment (?) ith interest. It docs not mean that ho thinks her pretty or attractive; he simply means that he thinks it this girl does not respect herself, why should I repeot her. Men always tske i gill st her own estimate If she is self-respecting, dignified snd ladylike, they will treat her accordingly. If the ia forward, bold-looking and ready to meet familiarity, they will meet her on her own ground. They will be free and easy and hail fel low well met with her, but they won't oare to introduce her to their sisters, snd tlioy niil never fall in love with her. Girls often complain that they can't walk dowo the slreet without being spoL co to by some men. As a rule it is en" ely a girl's own fault if she is spoken to or insulted in any. If she walks straight ahead, looking and behaving as a modest, ladylike girl should, she will be comparatively free from aonoyanoe. Men know peifectly well the gills to whom tbey osn speak. Another girl who is inding her own business may walk un molested from one end of the city to the other, "Ever since the world began woman as occupied Ihe enviable position of beiog the one sought after. Man has plaoed her on pedestal and has been content to worship her and work for her and woo her. Just as long ss she keeps her womanliness she will keep her place on the pedestal. When she, of her own accord, climbs down, making herself easy of conquest and, therefore, less desirable, she is in danger of losing her place on the pedestal for good and all. The girl who Silts and has men following her and speaking to her is laboring under the mistaken idea that she is receiving atten tion of a most objectionable tort and it dangerously near iosult." NO SECRET ABOUT IT. It is no secret, thst for Cuts, Burnt, Ulocrs, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils. etc., nothing is so effective ss Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long cure a bad sore I had, snd it is all 0. K for sore eyes," writes D, L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c at all druggists' drug stores. Tht world it a dark place to the man whoss eyes ire in his pocket. A BAD SCARE. some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fesr appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr, King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach diseases, such headache, biliousness, oosliveness, etc. Guaranteed st all druggists' drug stores, only 25o. Try them. WATCH AN INCH THICK. In these days of watches no thicker than I silvsr dollar, which jewelers show with pride to their fastidious customers, timepiece of two centuries sgone is rare curiosity. Such a one ia shown in the collection of th Bostonian society at the old state house, Uoston. It represented in its day, probsbly.tne height ot lasnion in watches Its case of silver it heavy, and ita thiok oiyBtal much crowned, with a flat disc at the top, the aiie of a dime. The dial ii silver, at well at the fob chain and charm. The entire thickness of ihe watch is more thsn an inch. This ancient timepiece waa made in 1676, in London, by Thomas Planner, So well did the maker do his work that after 223 years the watch probably oould be relied on to tell the time if properly cleaned and repaired. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneertuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are cut ot order or dlieased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon : 1 C.. U. Lo bum ,J afflicted with weak kid neys, lithe child urin ates too often. II the urine scalds the fluh or If, when the child teaches an are when It should be able to control Ihe passage. It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause ol Ihe difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment ot these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and net to a habit as mos t. ole suppose. W. n. as well as men are made mis erable ' (l kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the aame great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root ia soon realized. It la sold by druggists. In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall tree, also pamphlet tell- Boo. at mviM Ing all about it. Including many ol the thousands ol testimonial letters received Irom aufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer (t Co., Blnghamton, N, Y., he aurs and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamlon, N. Y., on every bottle. FOR OVER SIXTY YEAR. Mrs. WiNbLovr's Sootdino SybcpI hss been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind oolic, tnd it the best remedy for Diurrhoo, It will relieve the poor little suffrrcr immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of Ihe world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ak foi"Mrs. Wioslow'i Soothing Syrup," and take no other kiud. Ihe hungry for tuihteousness are not he satisfied with rhetoiio. irw Thedford's Black-Drauirht comet nearer regulating tho entire syitem I ana seepuig me touy in neaun man any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to ueat ailments mat are rreqnent in biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and stomach aches. Thedford's Black-Draught ia the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It is as good for children as it is for grown persons. A dose of this medicine every day will soon cure the most obstinate case of dys pepsia or constipation, and when taken as directed brings quick relief. PAnviLia. 111., Dm. n, 1909. ThodforC'i fii.ok-Dr.uiht b been our fsmllr dootor for Ct. iei and we wast do other. Wben enr of ftel bedly we Uke a dote eod ere ell flfht lo tweWt bour.. we here .pent lot. of moner for doctor bill., but get elou Ju.t ee well wltb Bleok-Dreui ht. Iu H. BADKH. Aek your dealer for a Mckan ot Thedford's B Lack-Draught .ad If he does not keep it eend Sec. to Tb. Chatta nooga Medlcin. Co.. Chattanooga, Tean. and a package will be mailed io you. 9 A Living Monument. If we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles' been successful in perfecting this wonderful heart specific, they would pop ulate a large city. .What a remarkable record a breathing, thinking, moving monument, composed of human lives, that for which every other earthly possession is sac rificed. The Miles Medical Co. re ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following: ' "T fppl lndpbtfrl to the Dr. Miles' Hpart Cure for my life. I desire to call the attention of others Buffering aa I lit aa 1 fur the- did to this remarkable remedy 1 hoart. For n. lonr time I had b For a long- time I had Buffered neav r from ahortnoaa of breath after any little exertion, palpitation of the heart; and at times terrible pain In the region of the heart, so serious that I feared that I would some time drop dead upon the street. Ona day I read one of your circulars, ana immeajaieiy went io mv drutTarlat and Durchased two bot tles of ths Heart Cure, and took It according to directions, with tha rwiiilt th.it I am pntirolv cured. Binca then I never miss an opportunity to recommend this remedy to my friends who havo heart trouble; In fact 1 nm a traveling advertlsment. for I am widely known in this locality. J. II. UOWMAX. Manager of Lebanon Democrat, Nashville, Tenn, Dr. Ml let' Heart Cure Ii told by vour druoaltt. who wilt auarantee that the first Wtla will benefit. If It fall he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Flkhart, Ind NOTICE. North Carolina, In the 8npeiior llainax Louniy. i uourt. B. A. Pope, J. T. Pope, A. Joyner, W. H. Jojner, Mre. Annie B. Hairell and her husband, H. B. Harrell, M. F. Arringtcn and her hnsband, B. F. Arlington, plaint- ills. vs. T. L. F.mry and E. J. Emry, defendants. The defendant E. J. Emry above named will take notice that an action entitled as iilMte has been commenced in the Superior Conrt of Halilax county, North Carolina, to eject the defendant above named from lot No, 37 of the town of Weldon, in the county ol tlalilax, and state ol North Car oliua: and the aaid defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at tne term ol tne Hutwnor conrt ot Hali fax county. North Cmlin. t h h.M w the second Monday before the first Mon day in September, 1905, at the Court house or aaul county ol tlahlai, N. U , ana answer tne complaint, in said action. or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for me rcuet demanded in stun ooniplaint. Thia 30th day of May, 1905. 8 M GARY. Clerk Superior Court. J. L. HARMS HAS MOVED His Feed Store To the building formerly occu pied by Spiers Bros., corner Washington avenue and Third street. 1 hanking my friends for their past liberal patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Phone No. 75. i J. L. HARRIS, Weldon, N. C, CORN FIELDS ARR OOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under stands how lo feed Ilia crops. Fertilizers for Corn must contain at least per cent, actual Potash Send for our books they 1 tell why Potash is as necessary to plant life as sun and rain; sent free, if you able. Write to-day. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street, or A-ibtita, Ua.-i South liruad St, FLOOR COVERINGS. We osrry the largest and most com plete lice of fl .or coverings ever brought to this part of North Carolina. Mat tings, carpelicgs, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remnants of oarpetiog and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J. A. ALSTON FINE Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco, Fine Whiskies AND WINES-I Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nic I and mellow. Bar stocked with Choico I Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-21-It HAS IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU fv How Many People You f pCan Reach Without W a leaving your own onice a A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford It? LET OUR MANAGER TALK IT OVER WITH VOU. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telaphon and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . ft, c. W.W.KAY, Family Grocer, WELDON, N.C. Dr. BouviAr's Buchu Gin. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TltOTJBLES Recommended by beet physicians of th I country. A sure cure for all Beet of Wines. Whiskeva and Brandiee always onhand. I keep the best of every thing in my line. tg.f olite attention to all at Kay's, DR. LaFR WS nilKQ J Bitfc ipeetly mralVor; 35 oentt. ftmRtita or raailv itxAtti tree UH. WHAftoO, PWli3t;lpUla, Pa. LJ4P9ES BsT'aTliTIM'IsTniB "ms:Wm

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