ssl lift 15) tezl .D'VEE-TISIlSra- RiVLTBS-MODEKATB. TEKlwIS:-l-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE V- - J 'HE "; weldon, n. c, Thursday, june 29, 1905. VOL. XL. NO. 8 u 1, 1 25 it Dlfor ttoom iliMtl sohrf. f TldM .A., N.C. 5R 'IES. r. IS. 1. i t r ie timet omed . N fT URKS N r4c tint) mf ether u lruunifeVv i li.iit an. mmt fit rtrti. 13 deal nit i v YQrk I. P.O. . 01X11. , ,N. C. ' all the I, in tlx and ol n Hi la .loa ! ! Ir.Greet ' 8efon4 lip doea en prac Vtpr. Ion. Ltw Impul 'ea Id tjibi mado bj Via. PEOPII IF -YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY 5 i I I TOBACCO is the largest seller, cut out this advertisement and send, together with 2c stamp, to R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C, and they will mail free a 5c sample of this tobacco. Write your name and address plainly. l TltQ llC Thev cure c"s'iPt'on, A V VlOl 1 1 O 'i?"8""8' sick-he.daehe. Sold for PQ yeant. iti,'iBt;: Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S (1YF ft beautiful brown or rich black? Use ft TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ih ir pre-eminence aboe all other brands ia because they are made of the beet material! obtaina ble and are ground with great oare. If your dealer doea not carry them write to the manufacturers. 1419 K. Box 180. Tie Bank :::WELDON N. C.J&- Organized Mer Tbe Lais of tbe State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 'v STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL MD SURPLUS 9or tea veara this institution baa Drof Its stockholders sod direotors have beeu Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap ft wived scouritv at the legal rato of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are s.lioited. President: Vice-President: . Cashier. W; K. DANIEL. Da. H. W. Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. I The largest and best plant in the State. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, tjuarrier and Manufaoturer of MON- I r2NT3, TOMBS, GRAVE wSUAlso Iron Fencing, Vases ft TONUS of every description. I fnr cemetery "d .... . i s . . . I nnrmaiM wit. Inviwt. nncMMt. Freight prepaid on "'Pots. ' tit delivery guaranteed. Write for Ht-SATIHF ACTION GUARANTEED , 4aigns and prices t i Work Delivered At Any Depot. MtUly. SPKING- & o jpoR o IMEN, WOMEN j Big Line Dry Oood, Notions, Gents .Furnishings, Ac Tbe largest line fer brought to Weldon. . Don't fail to ..Our Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stock ws have ever Tried, and we are making prices THAT iVILL Just received a big lot of (DORSOH) Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good "'ipe and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to tee our line of Samples and Pricey Before You Mace Your Order. !' 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, & 4 WELDON. N: 0, J Tanner Paint k Oil Co., MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. of W, $32,000. idea banking facilities for this section identified with the business interests of LEWIS. W. R. SMITH SUMMER & CHILDREN. see them before you buy. SELL THEM. NECLECTJJifi SALVJITJDIL J.. WAS UBOBD 10 19011 BtTT HI MTVSID UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATI Yean ago in Minneapolii the leading paper waa published in i magni6oent tix atory building. A fire broke out in the elevator shaft, swept op the shaft, atory story, cutting off escape by the eleva tor and by the stairway as well. A brave levator boy want pp and down until he got a large number of men down from tha upper stories and almost all the rent were saved by the Are escape outside the building. Up In the sixth story waa a ditpatcber for the Associatsd Pries. He wu urged It eaoape but be refiaed. He sat telegraphing to all parte of the coun try that the building was on Ire. A typical newspaper man, he wanted to do imethiog sensational. "I am in the Tribune building," he telegraphed "in the aiith story, and the building is on Sre. The fire has now reached the first atory ; I am in the sixth. In a little while be aent another meaaage: The fire has now reached the second story I am in the sixth. In little bile he sent another message : "The fire baa now reached the third story." Soon be telegraphed, the fire has reached the fourth srbry, I am in the sixth." Soon again the message went over the wires, "The fire has now reached the fifth story; I am in the sixth." Then be thought it was about lime to leave ; but he had to cross a ballwsy to reaoh the fire escape. He opened the door and, to hie dismay, found that the .fire had not only reached the fifth story, but the sixth story, and that the hallway waa full of smoke sod fame. He shot the door quickly. What was he to do ? The stairway, the elevator, the fire escape ere all cat off ; but be was a brave man, and he went to the window and threw it Down below stood a great crowd, aix stories down. There was no mesne of eatohing him if he jumped. Presently looked up. Above his head was a long wire guy rope that passed from the Tribune building to the roof a building ipposite. Below him waa a chasm six stories deep, but be caught hold of the Kuy rope and beean to go hand over hand across the chasm The people be - low looked on in breathless suspense, At last he stopped, bis strength was gone, and down be came tumbling through thoae aix stories of spaoe, crush into a shapeless mass below. All through mere unnecessary delay. CLEVER INIERICM CATECHISM. A writer who knows how to convey truths in the garb ol grim humor evolved oatechisn of thj United Statea. A few or tbe Rood questions and ai.swers sre: What are the principal products of the United Statea? Historical nove's and health food. Does the olimate vary muoh in differ ent parte? Yes. What is considered to be the hotteat region in tbe oouotry? Zion City. And the coldest? John D. Rockefeller's safe deposit vsult. What common prodaet is raised in tbe same proportion all over the country? Babies. What are these babiea used for? In the south to tun factories In the north to furnish new educational sys tems. W hat are the principal trades in the United Statea? Or eratiog for appendicitis, writing advertisement poetry aod going out on irike. It li much ..iter for a woman to eonBda la th. average man than in tb avrragt woman Hlif know, thai the man will re aped her cunfidenc. and kcrp llirm to binmlf. Ilf i. ittrona. b.t tmirr e ipericncn of th. world and can help the woman who ne.d aavlrr. There It every reason wny constitution, in the hand, of uuftkilled persons. It require, a thorough medical education to appreciate and understand the womanly oraaniam. Wben a woman ba. ills and pain, that .he cannot bear when lllc Kern, aara lor every woman, .he ahouid conhdc her (rouble, to ohy.ici.n of .undine: in the community. or on. who ha. a national reputation. Cer tainly It woula not be the part of wisdom to confide in an ignorant person without medical eduction .imply Decause .ne waa a woman. There ia every reason why .he should write to some great specialist, one who ba. mace tbe aiseaw. ol women .DScialtv for a third of a century, like Ur. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Suraical In.tltute, of Buffalo. N, V. All hi. correspondence i. beld sacredly con fidential, and he givea hia advice free and without cnarge. So uniformly euccea.ful has Dr. Pierce'a Pavorite Prescription proven in alt forma of Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Palling of Womb, and Leucorrhea, that, alter curing tha worst iaiea of these distressing ana debilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot curt. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ahouid be aaed with "Favorite Pre-criptiou ' whan. era t iMMvc Im raquina. J ED 12. e-r- O P a 01 Z D K O m m CO rr- 2 o H Q 8s 1 o 01 30 o s o 3D m So fro P O o p 1 4-1 P rr- O m O a o H ?Z3 3 w IT o Q P P o rt- tf O 1 30 W C9 C 39 O Q P P o CO SPLASHIN' IN BY FRANK L. Splashin' in the branch there tanned face, an' old straw hat Suspenders made o' cotton, an' him wearin' one, at that I Takes you back to old times to the country ranob, When, jest like that feller, you was splashin' in the branoh I What is sll yer money dollars piled so high ? Tbe joy you've left behind you is what money oannot buy 1 A bird's song in the blossoms the meadows of delight Tbst barefoot feller, splashin' in the water cool an' bright I Oh, Time it keeps a -fljin' on swift in' oarelees wings, An' no more you'll find youth's summer, where the honeysuckle swings, An' the bright, barefooted fellers there, at the oouotry ranch, Meet the blossoms o' the mornin', an' go splashin' in the branch I GOD TO BE THE JUDGE. TOO MUCH ADAM 10 BLOOD 8TI(.L CREEP- INO THROUGH OCR SNAKE POLLUTED VEINS. Did you ever hear of man trying to lift an unfortunate woman when she falls 1 from the pedestal of honor snd virtue? Nary a lift. Too much Adamic blood still creeping through our snake polluted - tlTL .! J veins, ty neo once a woman inpa aou (alls from her high and honored position, she lands in hell from which no human II stop to lift her out; husband aod brother, father and son sre dead to her ories from that hour. But oo the other hand how be it ? We have seen men low as it is possible for them to fall , We have seen the wife lift the husband from the gutter and press him to her heart while tears triokled down her cheeks in profusion. We have seen the wife follow the husband through life in one constant whirl of misery and misfor tune and when at last at the gate of hell tbey are separated, she would stand and wring her hands in anguish became the curtain had fallen between them and she could go no further. We have seen the mother follow tbe son through paths of crime, shame aod degredition, through which a man was never known to follow a woman. Yet who ia to blame for the downfall of woman ? Who? Let the angels be the jury end God Almighty the Judge. Louisville (Ky ,) Courier Journal. TOO BUSY TO LOVE. "My mother'd love me a whole lot, too, if she wasn't too busy," loyally de- I elared a small maiden, who -bad hungrily a 1 watched the home-leave taking of little companion as they set eff lor school, "She has pretty much housework to do." The "muoh housework" and other work seem to take precedence of love in many households where the members would be shocked if they fully rea!itd the fact. Love their own? Of course they do; and all the toil is for the sake of these beloved ones, they say and really believe. And yet the work haa become fetish not something for the family oomfort, but something before which sll slse must give wsy, to which everything else must be sacrificed Washing, iron log, sweeping, dusting, must take their appointed course and be finished acocrd ing to the appointed time, whatever becomes of life's higher needs. There is so elasticity In the system, no tinie fui tenderness or sympathy; for the hour's talk that miht clear away doubt and misgiving ; for comforting sore hearts or binding np wounded spirits. There are usually notable housekeepers in such households women of whom neighbors speak admiringly and recount the won ders tbey accomplish but there is seldom any deep homospirit. Work counts for everything until tome dreary day when the inevitable shsdow falls across th threshold, tnd all things ohange values, The taaks that seemed to important only yesterday what do tbey matter ? "But, oh, for tbe touob ol t vanishei hand And the sound of t voice that it still I1 The devil it not to turt of the out-tnd- I out linnd as he it of . the hypocrite. THE BRANCH. STANTON TWO HONEST MEN. ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT OLITTERS. To heir the sveragd man talk one led to believe he is not sfrsid of any thing. He makes all manner of fun of his wife if she intimates that she is afraid 10 remain alone at home at night. or even till 10 or 11 o'clock ; he shames her and laughs at her. But all is not gold tbst glitters. Last night two well known gentlemen, whose wives are out of town, were swapping yarns about beiog alone, Some one came in and said a storm wss coming up. 'Hope it wont, ssid one; "I'm fraid of storms snd when my "if. away I am wor?e. Truth is I am soared at night any way when I am alone and every little noise makes me jump. When Btarted up town to-night I saw Ihst every door was securely looked aod every window fastened down ; then I lighted the hall lamp and left it burning. When go back I'll look under every bed be fore I lay me down, but I wouldn't have my wife know this for fifty dollars." The Iriend lo whom he was talking umped up and said, "Flesh to flesh that's my fix exactly; when my wife away I hear lots of queer noises and mouse will shake the whole house as he canters around. I take no chances leave tbe light in my room burning a! nignt wncm 1 am alone, but like you, I wouldn't have my wife know it for big money. She never would quit gnying me." One of these gentlemen travels all over the ooontry, while the other h been in hundreds of situations requiring the greatest courage and bravery, yet tbey told the truth about being afraid when at borne alone. What it more, it is a rare thing that either geta at home at night before 10 o'olock. They have business up s'reet every oight, Greens boro Record. HUGE TASK. It was a huge task, to undertake the cure of snob a bad oase of kidney dis ease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, Ia , but Electrio Bitters did it. He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone. I oould not ait on t chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and depression. In Klectrio Bitters, however, I found 1 cure, and by them waa restored to perfect health. I recommend ibis groat tonio medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by all drug git's; price SOo. AND WHITTLE SHAVINGS, "Your husband seems to have an idoa that he will some time set tho world afire." "Yes." "I suppose you expeot to be 1 grett help to him?" "Hadn't thonght much about it, but I suppose he will expect me to split the kindling." Houston Post. IT'SNOT UNLIKELY. "Some marriages may be made In Heaven," observed the Pohiok philoso pher, aa he kicked the grocery oat off tbe cracker box, "but et I glanoe around the ranks of sassiety it occurs to me that the devil manufactures quite a few, Chicago Sun. CHRIST EXALTED WOMANHOOD BY IXALTINO WOMANHOOD. Th story is told of a young soldier in the late war with Spain. Immediately Iter his enlistment he was ordered to the front, lie was among the first to oard the transports and to disembark in uba. Allamo with the firus of patri otism ho served enthusiastically and with great courage. Knally the great strain of intense service in the poisonous marshes tinder the hoi, tropical sun, broke bim down and he was stricken with fever, In the hospital a' I the reams and delusions of his disordered brain were of childhood's days in the far off homeland with its cooling streams and aha led groves. Everything that watchful care and skillful nursing could do lo make a patient corufortablc was done for him. Time wore on the fever burned more fiercely the de'irium in creased. One oii:bt there entered tbe r I a quiet sweet faced woman, with slightly silvered hair. Silently the hur ried to the bedside and laid her band upon the fevered brow. Immediately the restless head lay still. A smile began to play about the emaciated features of the unconscious man. The dry and parohed lips parted and murmured almost inaudibly tbe word "mother." The eyes opened wide the delirura vanished the fever left and happiness and peace came to tbe worn and wasted body. Ab, my friends; the magic touoh of a mother's hand upon a fevered brow. One who has not felt it has been denied one of the sweotest experiences in life. For in that quiet touch are concentrated a sympathy, t tenderness, a confidence, a love, fonnd nowhere else in this wide world. Other hands may soothe, but none can be the same. Jesus Christ exalted womanhood by exalting mother hood. Chiistian womanhood is the salt which preserves all woman hood and the human race at larce Christian womanhood is the womanhood whioh will remain when all the modern cults and movements which would estrange woman from Christ and his religion have long since died away Sorry is the lot of any weman who lets go of the hand of II im who is her truest friend. However strong and self-reliant she may seem in her boasted independence, without Christ she will gradually sink to the lower levels of a weakened and in ferior womanhood which obtain in all countries and in all ages which know not Christ. This is tbe epiphany of Christ. The season when we dwell upon tbe manifcs tation of Christ to the world. Nowhere has the manifestation been more glori. ously shown lortn than in exalted wo manhood. May the atar which guided the eastern sages lo tbo manner of th King of Kings continue to be the guid ing star of woman. Arise, shine, for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon theo. DYING OF FAMINE is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption, the progress of consump tion, from the beginning to tbe very end is 1 long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption io its fi'st stage," writes Wm. Myers, Ceatfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain. at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly oured me.' Prompt relief and sure cure for coughr, eolds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaran teed at all druggiats drug stores, price 50c. snd (1.00 1 bottle. Trial bot tle free. OLD AGE AND LATE HOURS A stalistioian affirms that the majority of people who attain old age have kept late hours. Eight out of ten who reach the age of 80 have never gone to bed till after 12 at night. NO SECRET ABOUT IT. It ia no secret, that (or Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fevor Soros, Sore Eyes, Boili etc., nothing U so effective as Bueklcn Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long cure a bad sore I had, and it is all O. K for sore eyes," writes D, L. GreKory, of Hope, Tex. 25o at ill druggists' drug stores. AND SLANT RIGHT. Ooe great trouble in life ia that the paths for going wrong are planted prettily with flowers it the beginning. N. Y. Times. A BAD SCARE some day you will get 1 bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in King's New Life Pills, s sure cure, all bowel and stomach diseases, such headache, biliousness, eostivencss, eto. Guaranteed at ill druggists' drug stores, only 25o. Try them. The kean eye for mistes the blessings. blemishes often FOB OVliH HITY tut, J , . Mrs. Winblow's Soothing Syrup baa been used for over GO years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, alloys all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diurrhu'i. It will relieve the poor little suflVrcr immediately. Sold by Druggists in every urt of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," and take 00 other kind. iiettcr a small piece ol pumpkin pie than a whole humble pie. Take CARDUI at Home Arc you a sufferer? Has your doctor beer, unsuc cessful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat yoursdf AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000 women have bought Wine of Cardui from their drutrgits aod have cured themselves at lioine, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, lcucor rbci'a, barrenness,, nervousness, ditzineaa, nausea and despond ency, caused by female weakness. These are sot easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can't. V ine of Cardui does not irri tate the organs. There is no pain in the treatraent. Itisawotuing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs, ir is successful because it cures in a natural way. VV ine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at tLoO a bottle and rou can begin this treatment Unlay. Will you try it? ill ' m ! cane svlrlnipelftldlroctloiA, Iddrem, ftTlnf Armpf Jiui Tito fhc Ladls' DeDsw. Trie CbmDoog litxnuiue Co., Chattaooogo, Twin. Sick Headache When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys tem, centcrintr in the brain. This irritation produces pain in the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in loss of memory, inflarnttiation, epi- lensv. fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Fills. They stop the pain by sooth ing, strengthening and reliev ing the tension upon the nerves not bv naralvztng them, as do most headache remedies. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills do not contain opium, morphine, chloral.cocaine or similar drugs. "Pirk headache ts hereditary In my rnmily. My rather surrerea Trent tie n I and for many yt-ars l nave naa BiM'lls that wore so severe thiit I waa iimthto to nttt nii to rfiv buBim. affalra fur a d;iy or so at a time. During a very su vera attack of he:itjnche. I took Dr.-. Miles' Antl-l'ain I'llls und thoy relieved mo almost Im mediately. Since then I take them when 1 f'l the sjitll CU1IHIIK Wl U11U u r"n n m imn , JOHN J. Mr ER I. AIM. Prea. S. B. Eng. Co., South Bond, lnd. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Plllt are sold by vnur druaalat. who will Guarantee that the first package will benefit. If it fall ha w ill return vour monev. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd NOTICE. North Carolina, In. the Superior Hal Utile (Jouuty. I Court B. A. Pone, J. T. Pone. A. Jovner, W. H, Joyner, Mrs. Annie B. Haireil ami her husltanil, H. B. Hairell, M. F. Arrinpton urn her husband, . r . Arrnigton. pi unit- ills. vs. T. L Kinry and E. J. Kmry, ricfemlanU. The defendant E J. En.ry above named will take notice that an action entitled ax above has been commenced in the Superior Court oj Humus county, riortl Carolina, to eject the defendant) alwre mimed from lot No. 37 of tho town of Weldoti, in the county of Halifux, and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that nho is reuiiircd to an near at the term Ol the Munermr Court ol Half lax county, North Carolina, to lie held on the second Monday m'lore the tint M on lay in .September, llMiri, nt the Court- IlUUSflOf Mitl coUlilv of iUliiitx, H. 0- and answer the comp'aint, in said action, or the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the reliel demanded luaain complaiut. ruts win day oi May, mm, 8 M OAKY, Clerk Superior Ouurt. J. L. IIAltltlS HAS MOVED His Feed Store To tbe builJiug formerly occu pied by Spiers Bros., corber Washington avenue and Third street. I banking wj mends lor their past liberal patronage, I solicit continuance of tbe same. Phone No. 75. J. L. HARRIS, Weldcn, N. C. Garden Truck can be raisi'il pnilUatily only iti soil containing plenty of Potnsli. All veuetablcs require a fertilizer enn turning at least 10 pr cent, actual Potash Without Potash no fertilizer Is com- pK-te, and failure will fallow its use. Kvitv fnrtm-rehn'iM havnnr vnlunMnhrvikf on ft'Miiiiitiwi- tli uri i--t H'lvi'rtuniil nilit..-r iHH.mirix nnv it,.-. il iYrt ilUt-r. but fwMkmr mit tinrt nt i information tlmt mon urgr Droll ta to tho fur mint, built frtw for Uu WJu ii if. KALI Ht'llhD New York-US Nuwu HtmU or AtlaoU, Houth JJroad Btroek FLOOR COVERIM. We carry the largest and most com plete line of fiVor coverings ever brought I to this part of North Carolina, Mat tings, carpeting:, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remnants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil : window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. jXalston FINE miiy PROVISIONS, -Cicnra and Toliacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES-I Merriiunc Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Kur Blocked with Choice Drinka of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly HAS IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU ( How Many People You Can Reach Without leuvms your own oiiice t A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford It? LET OUR MANAGER TALK IT OVER WITH YOU. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON. . . n. C. W.W.KAY, Family Grocer, WKinox, n. c. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin KIDNEY AND l!LAl)I)i:it TUOimLKS Recommended by best physicians of the I country. A stue core for all Beat of Wines. Whiakeva and RranAiM always on hand. I keep the best of everv thine in mv line. aaPolite attention to all at Kav'a. mr 3 It- 11 DR. LaFBAHCO'S COMPOUND. ' Bnr, spcedr refrulstor; oenti. Dmirirlit or mslL 1 Grace LAD 1 C r.aiBM ii

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