1 II ' IHl '1st .ZDVER-TISHTGh KA.TES-MODEKATK. .A. NEWSPAPER POR THE PEOPLE TERMS:-i.5 pkk annum in advance OL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1905. NO. 9 TO SHAVE OR NOT TO SHAVE. REST AND CHANGE. FOR OVEH HIXTV VF.AHS. USNtO. iciiui U-fura tl 1KB. .ia. ubUlttt rrica, ( ERIE S s ilen and lorae, O ind Grow Aleiindpt , w pnnfjit warranted;' BIIO, Li. Judi.ii! 'eldon, H. r ELTIES. ;ETS,tr cwii. t; r j tr JON, t J of all nin, in trit-t t'i 1 I Courts 4 tttntion i cn air. ore" r of BeflnA nerebip dt tireen pr! ally. Nuggets s ri.. I wad VlfiL I ' IIUMtlOll. UJ am T i " ; MI, W. 'I THE Mill Sun Cured aroma and guaranteed Reynolds Company der this irri flic genuine Sun Cured Flavor Cut out this advertisement and send, to gether with 2f stamp, to R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,Winston-Salem, N. C, and they will mail free a 5f sample of this tobacco. Wrlre yew name ami aeMivae plmMg VI ALI ny not stop tnis railing of your hair? Ai this rate you will soon 3e without any hair' Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer tops railing nair, ana mates tiair TANNER'S PAINTS Retain tb'ir pre-eminence above all other brands ia because they are made of tbe best materials obtaina ble and are ground with groat care. If your dealer does not oarry them write to the manufacturers. HE REJS0fl Soi 180. The Bank -:WELDON N. C.- i I'Wwl Mer Tie Lai. of tlie Slate of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 1 t STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. ; TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITIL IND SURPLUS $32,000. ? rot tea yean this insulation hu provided banking facihtiea for this section ilrssniekooldersend directors have been identified with the business interest! of i IsJifnx and Northampton counties for many i nrovea leeurtty at tbe legal rate of interest I I toaident: Viee-President: Cashier: D V f 3 DANIEL. Dr. H. W. II I'"' , Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. CHARLES MILLEll WALSH, it thstis- - uurier and Manufacturer of MON trimmed; 3 NTS, TOMBS, GRAVE i ciuNES of every description. WIS, L might prepaid oa all shipments. side 4 ellTOT7 guaranteed. v' jas and prices Write for Work Delivered ; art Illy. SPEING & -o moii o ilEN, WOMEN o.c.om : CLine Dry Goods, Notions, Gents E E N , I sf brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see l -tut iti, and we are making nrices ' THAT IWILL J iat reoeived a big lot of (DORSCU) -.a aaa rjy gooa tailors. ITiU Uuaranteed. Uon t rail to sea our line of imples and Prices Before You riace Your Order, H. D. ALLEN 1 WELDON, N. C. Tobacco taste is by R. J. Tobacco only un tag: VEGETABLE SICILIAN HairRenewer grow. " & r. ii.Lt. co. dTI'mG" fir Tanner Paiit & Oil Co, 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA, of W, years. Money is loaned upon ap- an per oentum. Aooounts ot all are LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. Mea-Alao Iron Fencing, Tim etc., for cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices- j asa-SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furnishings, fto. The Urgent line them before you boy. The largeet stock we have ever SELL THEM. Bboea. Suits to order, made up Id good & COMPANY, : T1U&L1NU MU8TACHI MARIS BAM TBI PLIA81BI OF KIS8IN0. A discussion in a well-known English newspaper on tbe subject or iissiog briogi out the following opinions from the editor : "The tbacnoo of t mustache in nine oases out ol ton makes laoe eltnor nam or effemintte." "Tbe tickling mvittobe makes, of course, btlf tbe plessure in kiniog. It it the advance guard of love; the herald of the welcome oooqueror, A man with oleao-ihavcD faoe oannot really give satisfactory kiea. It is like presenting a roee whioh hu loat ill oalyi." "I am quite with tboae who view kearda with diatruat. Some men have been able to trim (hem French fashion, oloee and pointed, end it anita them admirably; but when a man takea to card, bii taate, aa a rule, baa become weedy. Oooe thie weedineai oomea oer tbe man of middle age, jou really don't now what to eipeo'; end he may at ny moment emulate t goat, or, Kruger- wiae, baboon. To realm the utter borror of possibility which may overtake one with the cultivation of beards, you hate but to look at the early tictoriao pbotograpbe and aee tbe aoppy-lookiog individuals with 'weepers' who escorted tbe crinolined mothers of the present generation." WHERE THEY LOST THEIR LUCK. In dawdling. Io indecision. At the race traok. In poor judgment, In worry and frettiog. Io magnifying difficulties. Io a bad business location. In trusting unworthy people. In tjying to get rich quickly. In lettiog their ambition oool. Io oversenguine expectations. "At the end of a fishing rod." In not daring to take obanoes. At cheap, demoralising shows. In not mssteriog their moods. In getting into the wrong place. Io making business a pleasure In not quite knowing their business. In waiting for something to turnup. It went down in drink and up in smoke. In trying to take short ouls to suo- oess. Io working only when tbey fell like it In not working to a plan o: pro gramme. In neglecting their personal appear ance. In looking on the dsrk side of every thing. In overoooBdenee born of a 6rst essy victory. In choosing a silly, extravagant girl for a wife. Io not beiog ready for the opportu nity when il oame. In sampling every kind of investment scheme thst csme sloog. In dresming of great things instesd of doing the little ones at hand. In being so disagreeable nod aelfish thai tbey could not make friends. It was burned up by a hot temper, wbieh drove their employera and cus tomera swsy. Io wsiling for somebody to help them or give them a boost, or for some rioh uncle to die. In refusing to take the positions tbey oonld get because they did not know whether they would like the work oot. Orison Swctt Mardeo in "Soeoess aitasine." There is no dif- tnti-av tk. fan Ik.l reiclied throutrb the tmnich. Hippy the housewife who can please her husband 'a appetite with well rooked food for the table. Many a man is ffrouchv. Ufly, oerToui, luffennf from dit (reaa after eating, heart palpitation, and all tbrouffU tne overworaea toraacn. lr. Werce's iaolden Medical Dlacoverv. whirh help the dire ( ion of food in the attimach. aMiatt the blood in taking up the proper elements from the food, helps tha liver into activity, tuerebv tbrowinr out the poisons in the blood and vitalizing the whole artttem. This aittmiiahnn helpn in hs Avrntrttnti f ff bleed COrpU'ClrS, the poisons in tne ayitem are euroinateu. tne nean reu tne nam una 01 oiooa am the person feels Invigorated and stronger tn consequence, as a tissue ouiiaer it 11 far preferable to cod liver oil or any alco holic compounds or tonics, because it given the blood and tbe tissues tbe food elements tbev require and maintains a Derson' nutrition by enabling him to eat, retain, ditreat and assimilate nutritious food It overcome! the gastric irritability and symptoms of indigestion. Because of the rood effects from usine Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery upon nutrition and the butldmc up of the tissues, catarrh, con sumption, weakness or debility and symp toms of fever, night-sweats, headaches. etc., disappear. "I take pleaiure In recommending Dr. fierce' ftnlrfra Urdlcfti Diflcoverv a blood mirifitr. writes L. I. nmilhwick, Usq., Accountant, of Norfolk. Vs. " Hor yri I wu s auffercr from very obstinate form of skin dlMSfte, commonly a 1 ...... k.l.u a.-: .. ,-&A . at.- palms of my hands and 4 tiger, was very annoy ing. In cold weather the akin would become hard and dry and would break or crack, which was very palnlul. I wrote to Dr. Pierce, stating the case an rrntiMilriir hia advioa. He adviawd me to UK hi T.aldn Medical I Uiacoverv ' to nurifv the blood after which be thought the akin trouble would all disappear, and 1 am grateml to say that a tier the fiMirth bsiUe Oer was no U ttM din- m O i" r sM.Z vV.im. r o S m Cf H Wmfl 7. S nam nWA:yvXi 5 P. rite to "i $ o S THE OPTIMIST. There's a mighty sight of trouble as the world we're sailing through, But behind the olouds of trouble skies are sbinin' clear sod blue ; And we'll all be gay and bsppy if our hearts are besting true, While we listen for themuaio sweetly ringing. So it ain't no use repining because your plans sll go askew, Better keep right on a trying for tbe best thst you can do, Nover troubling Mr. Trouble till be tries to trouble you, But a song of oheerf ulness forever singing, Tbe man who sits a mourning by tbe grave of blasted schemes Is bound to miss the glory of the dawning morning's gleams; And be hides his face and catohes nooe of Old Sol's cheerful beams That are painting all the landscape o'er with glory; So it's better to be smiling than to weep o'er shattered dreams; Tbe world is always better than you sometimes think il seems, And there's love and light and laughter in the flowers, field and el reads When Old Naluij tells in song ber sweetest story. The man who gives up trying because be failed onoe in the race And ails down weak and sobbing with big teardrops on his face Would be better up and doing; better give his spine a braoe, For a race is never ended till you've run it. So it's better to keep running at your very swiftest pace; Do your level best a tryiog to secure a belter place ; 'Tain't not winning, but not trying, that heaps on you deep disgrace, 80 keep running at top speed until you've woo it. The world ia full of glory if you open np your eyes, Tbe sun is brightly shining back of olouds that line the Bkies, And the joys ot love and living back of trouble always lie An' you'll reach it if you'll only keep a going, There's to doubt about the winning of a good and ample priis By the man who's np snd doing and with all his being tries For the joys of simply liviog sll the old world glorifies An' it ain't no trouble keeping things a glowing. Will M. Maupin, in The Commoner. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest news from Paris, is, that they have discovered a diamond oure for consumption. If you fear, oonsumplion or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy men tioned by W. T. MoQee, of Vanleer, Tenn. "I bad a eough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consump tion. Coughs and Colds, whioh gave in stant relief, and effeoted a paruianent cure. Unequalled quicK cure lor Throat and Lung Troubles. At all druggists' drag stores; priee 60o. and 11.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. DIFFERENT VIEWS OF IT, "What Is tbe secret of success?'' asked tba magstine. "Do write," said the pen. "Be progressive," said the euohra pack. "Be eiaot and on time, said tba dock. "Be careful not to break your word, said the typewriter. "Don t be afraid to strike when you find your match," said tbe lamp. "Push and pull," said the door. "Stand firm and unyielding," said the flagstaff. "Don't ohaoge with every wind that blows," said the weatber-vane. "Never become dull and rusty," said the hoe. "Climb steadily up," said the hill. "Keep briubt aod don't mind the eloudi," said the sun. "Cultivate a ealm ute-ior, but be ready for emergencies," said the io nooent flower, "even 1 always carry a pistil." Nellie Munton Ilolmao in "Suooees Magaiine." GOD'S STEWARD, Richard Reynolds, a worthy Quaker merchant of Bristol, Knglaod, was ao ustemed to think of himself as God's steward, and seemed to be rendered al most nnoomlorlabla by eipreasioos ol gratitude. A lady onoa oame to him, asking aid for an orphan, and Mr. Rey nolds' responae wu so generous thst, with tears io her eyes, she deelarad thai, aa soon sa the boy was old enough, she should bring him to thank his benefactor. "Nay," replied the Quaker, "thou art wrong. We do not thank tbe clouds for rain. Teach him to look higher and (bank Him who givelh both the olouda and the. lain." BENT HER DOUBLE. "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was siok with typhoid snd ' kidney trouble' writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I bad one of the best dootors I eould get, I was bent double, and had to rest my bands on my kneea when walked. From this terrible sffliotion I was rescued by Electric Bilters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guar anteed to cure stomach, liver aod kidney disorders; st all druggists' drog stores; price SOo. I TURNING POINT. A pebble in the way of a stream trick ling from a mountain spring may decide whether its waters shall empty into the Pacific or the Atlantia oceans. There are erises in lives when a feslher's weight of influence in either direction will torn tbe soul toward good or evil. The life story of Aaroo Burr is a sad record brilliant powers wasted, but tbe end might have been very different if he had received tne ngbt counsel at t turning point of his life. During Burr's course at Princeton there was a strong religious awakening among the students. The young mao was touohed, inlereated and thoughtful, He went so fsr as to seek out the college president snd open his besrt to bim Bui, ssdly enough, instead of receiving help, be was assured that his fellow students, who were urging the olsims of Christ, were fanatical. With such au uioriiy neniuu nim, uurr iouna It easy to quiet bis conscience, and, as far i known, it was the last lima he thounk eriously of begiooing a Christisn life, Had he been under different influences at that oriiical lime, the name of Aaron Burr might ha beloved aod honored to- day. JENNY I. IN I) AS A CHILD. Jenny Lind aa a ohild of three years was the lark of ber parents' house. As a girl of nine she attracted the attention of all lovers of musio and entered the Stockholm conservatory as a pupil. Her ooniinuoos studies at ao tender sn age oaused the sudden loss of ber voice, and for four full years she purwicd her theo retical and technical studies, when sud denly the full sweet sounds came back, to'the delight, aa every one knows, of thousands for Many yean. WITHOUT CHANGE AND REST WE BAP T11S VEHr POUR0E9 Ot OUB, 8TUENOTII AND SKILL. One of the things that earnest people learn very slowly is that they oannot devote all their time and strength to one work, no mutter what it is. Without change and rest and a variety of interests wc sap the very sources of our strength and skill. liy not devoting timeeoouuh to inlerosts outside our main work, we lose the power of performing the princi pal task most effectively, Suoh reflec tions sre pertinent to most of us st this season. The average man. who is earn- ng a liviog and oouoting for something in the life and wcrk of his time, labors too long and too bard. What he needs is frequent respites, And when summer comes, with a chance of taking a vaca tion, be should take ss much as he can decently get, as a matter of course. Do not be influenced by the chatter about what our grandfathers did, never taking vacation from one year's end to the other, Of course not. They did not need it. They did not go to their offices daily on a railroad. They had no tele graphs, and still less, telephones. Tbey did not need vacations. Tbev prettv nearly had one all tbe time. The best of (hem never knew anything about working as the modern man works. The people who needed rest and ohsnge in those days were tbe wives, just aa they need it today, and if our grandfathers had taken more vacations with their families there would be a smaller num ber of headstones in the family burying plots reoonnliog the virtues of successive consorts. Watchman WHEN THE UIUD CAME BACK. Last winter a Topeka society woman wauled to get rid of an old parrot which she owned. It bad only one tail-feather, but possessed an extensive vocabulary of choice cuss words. A bright idea struck hor, 8be was hostess for her card club one day, and she gave the parrot as the booby prize. The woman who won it took it home and bided ber time. It soon came her time to entertain the club and furnish prizes, So she gave the par rot as the booby prize, too, From that time on the parrot became the booby prize, and made the rounds of most of the homes of the women. Finally the woman who originated tbo idea woo the booby prize tbe other day aod carried home the old bird. The parrot recogniz ed bis former home. He craned his neck, blinked his eyes several times, aod then, with disgust, said: "Oh, hell; kitchen's dirty as ever," Kansas Ciiy Journal. HUMAN FAILINGS. Tbe happiest people sre those who are easily flattered. The man with bad habits invariably believes in heredity. A fellow will often run into debt and then Iry to orawl out. You oao generally tell a married man Ha is such a good listener. It's because courtship is such a pose that marriage is often such a failure. The fewer friends we have the leas disagreeable things we hear about our selves. It is always a source of wonder to us that other people should make suob idiotie mistakes. "She has a Julia Msrlowa chin " "Yea." "And a Msude Adams fore bead." '-I see," "Now, if she only bad a Hetty Green bank account. I'd pro pose." Chicago Sun. Make a virtue of necessity. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand Iwenty-lour hours: sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys: II it stains your linen It evidence ol kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain tn the back is also convincing prool that the kidneya and blad- oer are out Ol order. ui to Do. There is com lor t in the knowledge often eipressed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of belnr comnelled to ro often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root la soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the bast. Sold by drurelsts In 50c. andll sizu. You may have a sample bottle ol this wonderful discovery IvtCL and a book that teHssaMfeVElSs! more about It. both sunt KJ7 WOTlHMWHj absolutely Iree by mall. aiS3'Jiyg Aaaress ur. Mimer & noma twmHto. Co., Blnghamlon, N. Y. When writing men- non reading una generous otter In tnis paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, 5amp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. I, on every ooiue. as been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suoeess, It soothes tbo child, softer the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is tbo best medy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists io every part of the world. wenty-five ocnts a bottle. Be sure and ik for"Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kiod. Scoldiog the boy may sour the man. FORCED TO STARVE. B. F, Leek, of Concord, Ky., says: For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, some times, that I could not eat. After vain- tryiog everything else, I cured it, with Bucklcn's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, outs snd wounds. At all drug gists' drug stores; only 25o. No service without sacrifice. A SURPRISE PARTY. A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomaob and liver, by tak ing a medicine which will relieve their pain and di-oomfort, viz: Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They are a most won derful remedy, affording sure relief aod cure, for headache, dizziness and con stipation. 25o. at all druggists' drug stores. Progress is the offspring of discontent. is-nDiTis 1 f ll"UMV ims great stock medicine ii ft money uvcr far stock raiiwri. It ia a medicine, not & cheap food or condition powder. Though put up tn coarser form than Ihedford s 13 lack-Draught, renowned for the cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpul liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all Btock and poultry. It is carefully pre-! pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with aa occasional done in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It Cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle. and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. nt -5 . v - It cost 25c. a can and savee tea times its price in profit. Prrnatrao, Kai., March X, 1904. I have been uiina your Black-DrMchl I l otoCet ana rouiiry mcuiciq on war i aLfwk far lomi Itme. 1 have uawd aU kind! of itock food hut I bava found that youra ia the bast for my porpoae. 1 You Must Sleep, If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon dc velope into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food ; it is a part of her building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore ex hausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it soothes the irritation and re moves the congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens ev ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During- the past winter t hnd two attnoks of liOrlppe which Irrt ma very wpnlc, and In bnd t-ondlllon. I wns so ncrvoua I cooM not sleep. My wife, after tiylns; different remedies, went for a doctor. 1'ho doetor wns out, and a neighbor recommended Ir. Miles' Nervine, mul sh. brought home a bottle. I hod not slept for somo time, and find terrible palna In my heod. After tiiklna a few doses of Nervine the pain was not so severe, and I slept. I am now tnklnir ths second bottle, and urn very much Improved. " HENHY M. SMITH, Underhlll, Vt n- Nervine la sold by your druaqlst, who will guarantee that th. first bottl. will benefit If It falls, ha will rsfund vour mon.v. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind J. L. HARRIS HAS MOVED His Feed Store To tbe building formerly occu pied bj Spiers Bros., corner Washington avenne and Tbird street. Thanking mj friends for their liberal patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Phone No. 75. J. L. HARRIS, Woldon, N. 0, in roiasn as necessary nam The nl it v and quantity nf the crops depend on a BulTiiiciity of Potash In the soil. Fertilisers which are low in Potash will nt;v:r produce Satisfactory testills. Kvt?ry farnwr kIujuU lie familiar with lha proper l'MUMiriimis i.l itiK'i'i'i"i lti.it Ki to nuke lln- Im'M lerliliter lor every kiml of crop. We luvi! imliif-liril series ui hooks, cotiUiniiiK (tie l.iluM ri'w.mlirs mi litis all Imi'orianl iuliei;l, wtiiili wr will semi Iree if you ask. Write now while you lliinlt ot it to llie CrKMVS KM. I WIIKKfl New Viirl. '.HI Nuninii KlreM. op Atlanta, Oa, ffi'j Houtli linwl Btroet. 1 FLOOR COVERINGS. We oarry the largest and most com- lete line of floor coverings ever brought to tbis part of North Carolina. Mat- ogs, carpeting, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of rcmcants of carpeting and mailings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil indow shades, curtains, and man; other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J.A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimnc Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow, liar stocked with Choice Driuks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ae., and Finit Rtrect. Weldon N. 0. 1U-8MT HAS IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU ?How Many People You f Can Reach Without J 0 leuv ins your own 01 1 ice 9 A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford It? LET OUR MANAGER TALK IT OVER WITH YOU. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL, MANAGER or Home Telephone, and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. NOTICE. North Carolina, In theRnperior lialifnx County. Court. 11. A. Pope, J. T. Pone, A. Joyner, W, H. Joyner, Mrs Annie H. Hairell nnd her husband, H. B. Harrell, M. P. Arringtnn and her husband, B. I'. Arriugton, plaint ids. TS. T. Tc Fmry E. J. Emry, dciiuJiU. The defendant E J . Emry aboTe named will tnke notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hnlilax county, North Carolina, to eject tbe defendants above named from lot No. 37 of th town of Weldon, in the oouniy of Hah'aa, and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Hali fax county, North Carolina, to be held on the second Monday before th first Mon day in September, 1905, at the Court house of said comity of Halifax, N. C-, and answer the complaint, in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 30th day of May, 1905. S M GARY, Clerk Superior Court. DR. LaFRANGQ'S CIPQllJ Snrp. tpMHly rejmUtor: enta. nruUtt or mill. Family Groceries 3 j T - ! ...iiMiin; '