1 ral mh m run J HI piU " r i . !I A-DVBRTISIlSTa- HA.TES-MODBBATB. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE, TEBMSHUO PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE B VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905. NO. 10 lid? k 1. W A I TO THE "MERCHANT : If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we will supply you direct TO THE CONSUMER t We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid Juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Writ l l nod addrsas plainly hire I TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco who wiU cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card which will entitle him to one 5c cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE at any store Inmilinr; thi3 brand, 1 UBACCU Manufactured Only by Llifert-8clt Co., Winirton-8a.m, N. C. : S H a P m Wv 1- Z CD P a g m jfBWK 3 o 3 3 1 52 'Bo" 22 CO i llMMP1 oh gn Win 2 S 4 Eon n 52 CD s?" m ,-, h oj p o " 2S "V feVjjj 3 ' 3 o V IB : S p m Mgiv , et cs xWmi Avers Pills 2 ey co The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure enncrinatinn i- 4rc- ..,......,.. U1W.II, Vant your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Vantlnithrnwn or rlrh Mitotic H.U V U 11 " 0 I rim cm. or uuiuiniiiuitikr.kuuaoo.,RtjuiuA,it,K n IB Why TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-eminence above all other brands in because tbey are made of the best materials obtaina ble and are ground with great care, If your dealer does not oarry them write to the manufacturers. Boi 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STRKET, RICHMOND, VA. mi. t i. .r tttjj- audi , C-: Gram' 'xaudtrt-. rariljH' raattdr to., udkiu f on, 1.1 ER- Dll. r ! -:::WELDON N. C.l-- Crcranizei Under Tbe Lais of the State of North Carolina, i AUGUST 20TH, 1892. I I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY, j HALIFAX COUNTY DBPOSITORY. J " TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. " & I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. ti ten Tears this institution has provided biokins facilities for this section t 9ckholders and direotors have been identified with the business interests of i.. , fax and Northampton counties for manT jears. Money is loaned npon ap V d security at the legal rate of intoreat an per centum. Amounts ot all are tied, , resilient: Vice-President: Cashier: . DANIEL, Db. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8MITH Jackson, Northampton eounty, N. C. ' AFTER SCHOOL IS PAST. don t rciRCirr to spend a littli ot TOPS TIMS AND ATTENTION ON TOUB PARENTS. My dear girl, if you have the necniilty earning youi living, go forth ai brave- aod earnestly as yon may, and God help youj but if you have a good home, and father willing and able to support you, for goodness sake stay in it, and behave yourself, liter; woman who has a "career" pays for it with youth and ea'th and strength and tears and loneli ness, and it isn't worth the price. Don't worry about knowing too much, or tbiok that your floe education will be washed. Yon are liable to need all that you know, and a little more, just in common every lay life. Tbe country is fnll of mothers who are saving over cooking stoves aod toiling over tewiog machines that Sallie may not only be edncated in some fine college, but that she may have the college colors and tbe college class pin, and do as ott er gills do. It is always the same story. Every thing is to be all light when Sallie comes borne to diffuse light and knowledge and be a comfort aod stay and pleasure. But, ilaa I how often is Sallie a disappoint ment I Her poor, foolish head haa been turned. Nothing suits her. She cor rects tbe fsmily manners, and revises the family (ronuneiation, and sets the house by the ears. She doesn't consider it worth while to take any trouble to please her parens. Her father may have spent thousands of dollars on her musioal edu cation, but ene won t even play bin a ballad i;i the twilight. She may have had the best masters in elocution, but she won't read him a column in the daily papers. Many a man must have looked at his daughter as she eame from school, and tbonght he got precious little lor hit investment. My dear girl, just as a matter of common honesty and grati tude, spend a little of your lists and at tention aod enthusiasm on ycur parents. ENCI J The largest and best plant in t tne state. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, tjM Iron. Fencing, Vase to., for cemetery aod other purposes at lowest pricea. lajvSATISKACTION GUARANTEED. -.uarrier and Manufacturer of MON- -;KNTS, T0MB8, GRAVE vN ES of every description, height prepaid on all shipments. delivery guaranteed. Write for Di and prices fWork Delivered At Any Depot. : oct 11 lj. SPRING & SUMMER o FOB o f Secon'! ship H reen p,, !IEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. nig Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gonta Furnishings, &o. Tbe largest line - brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them before yon buy. or Shoe department is full and running ovor. The largest stock we have ever led, and we are making pricet THAT IWILL SELL THEM. - ' 1 1 reoeived a big lot of (DORSCII) Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good i ', tod by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed, lion t rail to tee our line of inrtofl i i T xmples and Prices Before You lace Your Order. 5H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. TIM. ttoa.U" m, imp' ' k tin a mwt 14... 't irfwu: FAITH. We will not weep ; for God it standing by us, And teara will blind us to the blessed sight ; We will not doubt, if darkness still doth try us, Our souls have promise of serenest light. We will not faint if heavy bnrdens bind ut. Thsy prest ut no harder than our eoult can bear, The thorniest way is lying still behind ut, We shall be braver for the past despair. 0 not in doubt shsll be our journey's ending ; Sin with its fear shall leave us at the laat ; All its best hopes in glad fulfillment blending, Life shall be with us when the Death is past, Flelp us, 0 Father I when the world is pressing On our frail hearts, that faint without their friend ; Help us, 0 Father I lot thy oonstant blessing Strengthen our weakness till the joyfu' end. William Henry Hurlbert. WHEN THE BABY CAME ALONG. " thought 'twaa hard the toilio', the tide a-pullin' strong, But I shouted " Halleluia I" wbeo the Baby came along, He coaxed me back to youth time, made my life a livio' song I was happy, folks, I tell you, when tbe Baby oame along. For all the dreary winter for all the skies so dim, I seemed to see my mother in the twinklin' eyes of him ; An' a thousand sweetest flowers iu deserts seemed to throng; An' I beard the birds a-tingin' when tbe Baby came along. Lord blest that little Baby the beet one in the ranoh I He'll be yet there, in the springtime just a-wading in the branoh, And God gives him the pleasure of the right above the wrong We were happy, without measure, when the Btby came along 1 NO REST FOR JOHN. A farm laborer was working in a field by the roadside one cold day when clergyman came along the road and stopped to speak to him. "Plenty of work for you this weather, John T" he called out. "Ah I" said John, "I don't know when I don't have to work, no matter what weather cornea." 'That's hard, John," said the clergy man; "but wait till you get to the place of rest, then yon will have no work to do." "Humph I grumbled John, "you needn't tell met They'll find a job for John, never fear I It will be : "Now, John, polish up the tun I' 'John, you ighl bang out the stars I' John, be quick, now, and light up the moon No, no, parson, there ain't no place of rest for John." THE SOUTHERN BARBECUE, PREPARATION OT THE FEAST A8 DES CRIBED BT ONE WHO HAS HAD EX PERIENCE. The way we fix for a barbecue is to begin to get resdy the day befo'. The meat is roastin' all night, says a writer in Outing. We have plenty of different kinds shots, calf, kid and goat and we roast 'em whole. A trench is dug and oak bark coals put in. Then sticks are laid across for the ehote and other creatures to rest on. Some white man hat this is charge, but the niggers keep the fires goio' an' do the basting and the rough work. The next day everybody comes. There's a detail to do the carving, and we ttep up and get what we want and go and sit down by some tree to eat it. Of ooursj, there's potatoes and oornmeal, light-bread aod pickles and cake, and there's ioe cream, and there's pure, genuine ooffee that the old ladies make in abundance. Then there's fried ohicken if anyone is lastidi out enough to want it, and tome enter- priaing fellow is likely to bring a doieo bottles of beer and invite hit special friendt cut to his buggy to drink it. But the lest thing to my thinkin' is the shots, A man hasn't get any part in the resur reetioi until he's eaten barbecued shote. WE CANNOT ESTIMATE. Not until we know all that God knows can we estimate to the full the power and the sacredness of some one life which may teem the humblest in the world. "A ?ropcr nude rtiandtnt of ntr womanly ayi m and wcll-beinr. Hverv woman. TOtinf or old, thould know herself and her phyi- gECRBT." One great iwcnt of youth and betnty for tnt you tiff womu or trie moiner in kal make tip. A food way to am re at l!.. VUUia.il:UaiC a iu Met. a lUUtl UUtTlUC book, auch, fur instance, a the "People's Cnntiuon Senae Medical Adviier.1 Pierce, M. D., which can readily be pro cured by tending twenty-one centi in one Mnt idmni fnr ttiMT bound volume. Ot IbirtT one ecntt for cloth-bound copy, ad dresutinr Dr. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y. The change from maidenhood to woman hood it one that InvoWta the whole body. blood- The itrain at this time upon the forming structures may be too great. Dis orders of the functions peculiarly feminine are nearly always dependent upon de fective nutrition. In all such cases Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just the vegetable tonic for the female syitem. t i cannot esDreas nv ihanka for the benefit haw meived from Dr. Pieree'i medtcinea.' wrilea Mrs. JuHua Wehrly. of Can.trilfce, Dor chester Co., Md. "I took 'Favorite Prescrip tion ' and feel that a prfect cure haa bren effected. I (eel like thanking you for the kind and fatherly letter which you wrote Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was FORCED TO STARVE. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., lays: "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, tome- times, that I could not eat. After vain ly tryiog everything else, I cured it, with Booklen't Arnica Salve." It's great for borne, eutt and wounds. At all drug gists' drng stores; only 25c. THETKEE GAME, Boy and girls can have lota of fun plsying the following game. The ques tions are given out on slips of paper without anawers, and the one who geta the greatest number of correct answers is the winner of the game. What is the moat level tree? Plane Which tree suggests thoughts of the ocean? Beech. What tree would we prefer on a very eoldday? Fir. What tree contains a domestic animal. Mahogany. What tree might very properly wear a glove? A palm. VY hat tree it a pronoun? Yew. Which tree is a tale teller? Peach. Which tree it an intect? Locust. Which it the dandy among trees? Spruoe. Which tree is an invalid? Pine. What tree never is barefooted? San dalwood. Which tree ean beat remember num bers? Date. Which tree has passed through fire? Ash. Which is the most ancient tree? El der. TRIP TO A STAR. TUl AGES OP TIME IT WOULD TAKE ONE TO REACH CENTAURI, "Let us suppose a railwsy to have been built between the earth and the filed star Centauri," said a lecturer. "By a consideration of this railway's workings we can get some idea of the enormous distsnoe that intervenes between Centauri and us. "Suppose that I should decide to take a trip on this new serial line to the fixed star. I ask the ticket agent what the fare it, and he answers : "The fare it very low sir. It is only a cent each hundred miles," " 'And what, at that rate, will the through ticket one way cost ?' I ask. " 'It will cost just $2,750,000,000,' he anawers. "I pay for my tioket and board the train. We set off at a tremendous rate. " 'How fast,' I ssked the brakeman, 'ire we going ?' " 'Sixty miles an hour, air,' says he, and it't a through train. There are no stoppages.' " 'We'll soon be there, then; won't we ?' I resume. ' we II mike good time, nr, says the brakeman. " 'And when will we arrive?' "In just 48,663,000 years.' "Phila delphia Bulletin, HIS MOTHER'S PRAYERS. O, POR A REVIVAL Or THE OLD OUH- TOH OP HAVING A I'AMILT ALTAR IN THE HOME." 0, the saving power of mother's pray ers I It cannot be eatimated, Children may grow up apparently indifferent to their home training; they may even be come vile and profligate; tut the memo ry of the family altar, the father's Bible and the mother's prayers will cling to them. These thoughts should encour- sge Chiislian parents to live consistently in the presence of their ehildren, snd to persist in maintaining the family altar. Dr J. Wilbur Chapman relates the following incident, which is in point right hero : "One of my dearest fiiends was a profligate until he was a man grown. In great Western city he had determined to take his life, threw himself down on hit bed just to collect himself before tbe awful deed, and jtrred a little book from off a shelf just above his bed, aod it struck him in the face, With an oath, he threw it from him, and then it dawned upon him that it was his mother's Bible, given him to read. He walked across the room to pick it Dp, just to show her some mark of respect, snd read upon the flyleaf, written in her own hand : 'Dear boy, you can never got away from your mother's prayers.' In stead of becoming a self-murderer, he became one of the country's greatest preachers. 0, for a revival of the old custom of having a family altar in the home, where the father acta as priest, and the mother as a saiot; we oould stir the whole ooun try for Christ, I wish that we might dig again the well that our fathers digged before us, and make homes heaven." THE DIAMOND CURB. The latest news from Paris, is, that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia, it will, however, be beat tor you to take mat great remedy men tioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough, for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Cought and Colds, which gave in. slant reliet, and eneoted a psrmanent cure." Unequalled quick core for Throat aod Lung Troubles. At druggists' drug stores; prioe 50o. and 11.00, guaranteed. Tiial bottle free. the Artt eicluaWely woman', tonic on the market. It haa aoW past third of a century more largrly in the than any other njediclna lor women. Do not let the drug--gi.t penuade you to try some compound that haa not had the teat of ao many yeara1 aucceaa. Dr. Pierce'a Pleaaant Ptlltta ehould be sum with "Pavorit Prescription' when- eras lanave aa fcourea. It is when a man gets as tight s drum that he make the most neise. Heaven wi.l be a city of homes; eteamheated flat will be-elsewere. the The nearer yon ire to the Sivior the farther are you from tin. ASUUI'lUSR PARTY, A pleasant surprise parly may be given to your stomach and liver, by tak ing a medicine which will relievo their pain and dicutufort, 'a: Dr, King's New Life Pills They aro a mont won derful remedy, affording suro relief and oure, for headache, dizziness and con Btipstion. 25c, at all druggists' drug stores. JOHNNY ON TWIN'S. When asked to write a short composi tion on some interesting experience, Johnny, with much labor, handed bis teacher the following: "Twins is a baby, on'y its duublu. It usually arrives about 4:37 in the morn ing, when a follow is getting it his best licks slcepin'. Twins is accompanied by excitement and a doctor. When twins d) eunvlhing wrong, their mo'her can't tell which one to lick, so she gives it to both of 'em so as to make sure. We've got twins to our house, and I'd swap 'em enny day for a billy goat or moat ennything," Temptations are sure to ring your doorbell, but it's your fault if you auk them to stay to dinner. GOOD POTATOES BRING FANCY PRICES Tn grow a hry,e frnp of pip A potatoes, the sun niuitt Lonuiti plenty oi rousti. Tomatoes. mi-Iuni, labliaire, turnip;, lettuce in fait, all vriretidlci remove Lukc liUtiuU tica ot I'uuiii tium the tuil. bupily Potash liberally by the one of Wtlllieri containing not ittt than 10 per cent, actual Potaih. H' ttt-r and more mutiUbla yield aro aura to (oll'.w. Uur pamphlcti are not advertising circulars bntmiiiitf spccul It-riiliicrft, but contain valu alle inloniiation to larmtri. Scut iitt lot UlS asking. Write now. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street, nr Atlanta, Oa.-rtJi iwuili Broad St. RACIAL PECULIARITIES- In Naples the women often use thimbles made of lava. . In Japan fishmongers always vend their wares alive. Laplanders not infrequently cover 150 miles a day on their skates. A French landowner is forced by law tt divide his estate equally between hie ehildren. The Hottentots, now one of the lowest races of men, were ages ago one of the most highly eiviliied. In Austria a man and a woman are supposed to be capable of conducting a home oi their own from the age of 14 In Bohemia courtships are abnormally long. In that eouotry engagements fre quently last from 16 to 20 years. JIMMY'S REMARKABLE STORY. A tohool teacher who was giving lesson on "Food" was interrupted by one oi his pnpits. "Please, sir," be laid, "Jimmy seyt he knew a baby that wat brought up elephant's anillr tzi it Csiuci pounds in weight every day." "James ought not to tell you such rubbish," the teacher laid. "James, whoee baby wat it that wat brought up on elephant't milk?'1 "Please, sir," answered Jimmy, "It was the elephant'a." Harper't Weekly for over sixty 1bar. Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing 8trdp hat been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect suooees. It soothes the child, softens the gums, alleya all pain; eures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five oents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, TO CCKE A BALKY HORSE, A crowd blocked the street aod the horse doctor joined to see whst wat up. "Ah, a balky horse," he murmured. Then be worked bis way through the crowd, saying in an authorative voioo, "Let me pass, friends. I am a veterinary surgeon." Thus he soon reached the balky horse. Ho said to the matter of the animal : "rut up your wmp. it will do no good. I am a veterinary surgeon, I'll cure your horse of the balks for you. Watch me." He took hold of the horse's front leg at the fetlock, bent it at the knee joint and held it in this position for three minute. Then be put the leg down again and chirruped to the animal. It started off as thongh it had never balked in ill life. "An odd remedy for the balks, but an infallible one," said the dootor. "It haa never failed ma. . Any balkly horse, if you hold one of its forelegs up for three minutes, will be over its balkies by the time the leg is lowered to the ground sgam. M! AgrwiWutley H 616 Wells Street. I EENT EES DOmLK. "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney troublej" writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my kneea when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitten, which restored my health and strength, and now I ean walk as straight as ever. They are limply wonderful." Guar anteed to ourt stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at all druggists' drug stores; prioe 50o. 816 Wells Rtreot, Marwkttp., Wis., Sept. 25, 1003. I waa all run down from nervous neaa and overwork and had to reflign my position and tako a mat. I found that I wns not gaining my strength and health aa tat aa I could wish, and aa your Wine of Cordui waa recommended aa sueh a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. 1 was aatiunoa with the results from the use of the first bottle, and took throe more and then found I waa restored to good health and strength and aide to take up my work with renewed vigor. I consider it a fino tonio and excellent for wom-out, nervoua condition, and am pleased to endorse it. AGNES WESTLEY, Bflo'T, Horth WUoomla Holland SucWy Secure a 61.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 2-ic. paekago tat Tbodford's Black-Draught today. wineISfmrdui' FLOOR COVERINGS. Wo carry the largest and most com plete lino of floor coverings over brought to this part of North Carolina. Mat tings, carpetings, druggets, art pquarcs and rugs. A large line of remcants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleotns, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings, Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. sriEiis BROS., WELDON, N. C. J. A. ALSTON FINE 1 THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal aii Industrial Colleie. COURSES Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Makiai. Tkainiso PsnAaooiCAL Mt'Sic Three Courses leading to degrees. Well fiininped Training School for Teachers. Faculty numbers oil. Hoard, lnnndry, tuition, and fees lor use of text books, etc., J170a year. For free-tuition atn denta, $125. For non-residents of the State, 1!H). Fourteenth annual session begins September 21, 19115, To secure boitnl in the dormitories, nil free-tnittou applications should be mnde before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and atenosra- pliers. For catalog and other information, address C11A RLES D. MdVER, Prmdcnl. Oreensboro, N. C. PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow, liar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly Of Course You Can Live 3STOTICE. Having qnalilied as administrator upon the estate of John R. Pettitt, deceased, I hereby notily all persons holding claims against aaid eatato to present them tome at Enfield, N.C., on or before the flrtt day of Jnne 1 fx Ml, or this notice will be plead in bar n( thir rwwrry. All perrons In debted to said estate will makoimraediate settlement. This the27th day of May, 10OR. THOMAS 8 PETTITT, Administrator of John K. lYttitt Nothing ts mora popular than HomeH Mission! on Foreign-Mission Sundsy. Better the hands that aohe from toil than the heart that aohee from trouble. J. L. HARRIS H.A.S MOVED His Feed Store To the buildii.g formerly occu pied by Spicra Bros., corner Washington svenue and Third street. thanking my Inends for their past liberal patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. Phone No. 75. J. L. HARRIS, Weldon, N. C, WITHOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE BUT YOU D0'T LIVE AS MUCH AS YOU MIGHT BECAUSE Telephone Service SAVES TIME And Time is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . f,. c. NOTICE. In the Snperiot . Conn. North Carolina, Halifax County. B. A. Pope, J. T. Pone, A. Jovner. W. H. Joyner, Mrs. Annie B. Hairell and her husband, H. B. Hntrell, M. F. Arrington and her husband, B. F. Arrington, plaint- ills. VS. T. L. Emry and E. J. Entry, defendants. The defendant E. J . Emry above named ill rake notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halilax county, North Carolina, to eject the detennama above named from lot No. 37 of the town of Weldon, in the county of Halifax, and State of North Car olina; and the aaid defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Hali fax county, North Carolina, to be held on the second Monday before the first Mon day in September, 10(15, at the Court, boueeof said oonnty of Halifax, N. C-, and answer the complaint, in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint, This 30th day of May, 1905. 8 M GARY, Clerk Superior Conrt. )

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