-i JJ: A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE TEK!MIS:- 1.50 FEU ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 11 , OL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905. TO THE MERCHANT : If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we will supply you direct rnr! , , to toe consumer 1 We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more Rood solid joicy chewing quality than any o'Jier 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Writ UM and addres plalnls- tier,! will mail him a card which will entitle him to one Sc cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE at any rtirc linndllng this brand. Manufactured Only by Llipfert-Scalea Co., Wlmrton-Salrm, N. C a mv rHFWKP nf triharcn who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we i s as p -Mk i 2, ci- t H I . m, & ? g 33 i 5 p s lllH !. j .h j g 2 El TTmi 'A ' & CD V KMl4 4 4 CO W HAW IPC ifGE.TAnc S,C,LIAN AiLILS Hair Renewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stops falling hnir, tilsn. Sold for fifty years. " t'TAnzurtirt.W"' IfJE REJS0fJ 1 TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-eminence above all other brands it because they are made of the beat materials obtaina ble and are ground with great care. If jour dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. PERFUME REMEDY FOR "BLUES." Box 180. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank of Weldori, 1 -:::::--WELDON N. C.&- .OpM Mer Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina, n AUGUST 20TH, 1892. I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. I HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. I TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. For ten vnars this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Ifcetookholdors and direotora have boen identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton oounties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap proved scourity at the legal rate of iutorost six per oentum. Aocounts of all are souoitod. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W; E. DANIEL, Da. II. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH i Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. BORNE IN HIND WILL DB1VI AWAY CARS AND ANXIETY. If the woman who is troubled with headaches, and that tired feeling and the blues, will study perfumes she may be able to keep them at bay. Here are a few of the rules of the Portuguese, who revel in the use of soented woods, spices, herbs and perfumes : Spiocs invigorate the appetite. Swoet herbs strengthen the mind and make one cheerful. Oriental colors are f. r the happy and for those who aro out in the air considerable. Verj tweet smells, auch as lily and rose, should loused sparingly, and only when the windows ore open. Meadow mid wi'd odors are the best, They build up the constitution by sup plying the nostiils with air that is pro perly eicoied. And hi re sre other rules of the Por tuguese : Stand erect. Never loll. When yuu walk, walk erect. That is the only way to distinguish man from beaBt that he can walk erect. Be sprightly. One can be sweet and yet lively. One need not be insane just because one is atuinble. Hold well your character. Let it be above reproach. Let it shine in your eyes. Do oothiog low. Be loyal, lie steadfast. Cling to your faith, , And remember that a firm friend is worth keeping. Keep these three qualities : Poise, good nature and loyalty. Never lose your head or your temper. Nover be come irritated. Preserve a dignified il if not a smiling face. Remember that one of woman's best weapons is her sweet smile. And do not allow it to desert you in lime of trouble and an-noyanoe. As for your complexion, take care of it. Consider the climate in which you live. In a warm oountry uso drying lotions upon it to keep it from becoming oily, in cold oountry let it bo treated nightly with unguents. Take care of your skin as you would take core of a child. Treat it acoording to the country in which you live. Don't expose it un necessarily and always rca'ne that you are handling something which is very susceptible to good treatment. Keep your eyi s bright. 1 on t wear them out weeping. Don t rub them with dirly finger tips. Don't sew fine stitohes too fine for your o-bs. Don't read in the dark. And this prcoept remember more than all keep tranquil I Chicago News. The largest and best plant in the State. HE It TEN DEB HEART. Why do you suppose a woman usual lv cries at her wedding?" "Out of sympathy, probably, lor the men she could not marry. Houston Post. .CHAllLES MILLER WALSH, Unarrier and Manufacturer of MON UMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 8TONE3 of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments Safe delivery uuaraoteod. Write for designs and prices VaV Alxo Iron Fencing, Vases , eto., for cemetery arm other nuriMMes at lowest pricea- WJ3ATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. TIME TO SPEAK UP. When a girl te'ls young man that the best is none too good for her it is up to him to offer himselr. Chicago Bun Work Delivered At Any Depot. oct Illy. ! SPRING & SUMMER o FOR o MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. i Big Line Dry Good, Notions, Qonts Furnishings, Ac. The largost line i ever brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them bofore you buy. 'I Our Shoe department is full and running over. The largost stock we have evor : tarriod, and we are making pnooa THAT WILL SELL THEM. Just received a big lot of (DOR3C1I) Shoes. Fits Guaranteed. Suits to order, made up in good Don t fail to see our line of shape and by good tailors, ; Samples and Prices Before You ' Place Your Order. I H. D.ALLEN & COMPANY, S WELDON. N. C. BACK TO THE OLD HOME. BY FRANK L. STANTON. 'Twas good to git bnok home ag'iu to see the boys ooce more Out thar a-playiu' checkers, by the old-time grocery store, Just like as io the old days 'ncath the ohinyberry tree ; "Seven up" on the old pine box, an' deal a hand fer me I At first, tboy didn't know me fer Time had slipped away, An' I eome back with a beaver-hat, an' hair a little gray; But somethin' in my voioe brought back the days that used to be, When I hollered : "If it's 'Seven up,' jest deal a hand fer me I" "Doo" Brown riz up an' shouted : "It's him it's him fer shore 1" An' "Burt" he left a customer thar, in the grocery store ; An' others oome aroun' me, an' eyed me, up an' down : "It's oheckers, an' its 'seven up' that brought him back to town I" An' I said : "You shore have hit it I But another word I'll say : I heard the birds a-singin' sweet from far an' far away ; The stream that turns the old mill-wheel was always callio' me To the shadows o' the meadows to the friendly fields of Lee I "No city's voice could drown the dreams of meadow, field an' plain The whisper o' the south-wind, the tinkle o' the rain ; Thosiogin' o' the mockin' birds the murmur o' the streams, Why, 1 even heard the oorn blados a-rustlin' io my dreams I "An' the old-time feelin' got mo, an' I heard the meadows say: 'The dailies are on dress parade : Come back come back this way I So I left the oity's thunder in the peaoeful vales to roam1. The bolls, an' birds, an' sweet, heart-words they timed my footsteps Homel" That wuz my explanation . they wui glad as glad could be : They made room at the old pine box, and dealt a band to me I An' sich a lively game it wot I an' this here I will say, If ever Hearts wuz trumps in life, they shore wet trumps that day I WE REAP WHAT WE SOW. Keen vonr blood dean as vou keen vour body clean. You don't wait until your Dnuy Is toul Delore you cleanse it. It in a matter of lurorise that manv oeo- ple who are ao careful to have clean bodies male no enon io aeep ine dioou cican. Kverrone knows that unclcanne. breed. diseaae; that tho.e who do not keep their bodicn in a wholeaotne condition and who dwell In 61tliy aurroundittfra are the firt to (nil wtien some eptaomic 01 niaeaae aweepa tile country. Bui lotll oiooa le more uin-t-croui to the individual than a foul body. An unclean body ia rather a pntiive than an active hindrance to health. Hut unclean blood i. an active threat againat the very life it make, the body a prepare breed tnt; place for diaeaae. ft I. riit of Nature' rttan for human safety that In many caaes where the blood ia impure or corrupt ahe aet. ain on tht body in proof of the corrupt current that i. flowing through the veina. Scrofula with ita di.fifrurinR aorea and acara. ecaetna with it Irritation, .alt-rheum, tetter, eryaipelaa, boil., pimples and other eruption, are only th mitwanl aio-na of the imDUriW Of the blood. But often in the earlier or aimpler ataie. of the blood', impurity there are no outward Btfrn. or tnt. eonumon- oniy auu, languid, tlurciah feetinaa. which are com monly attributed aolely to the aluggubnea. of toe itver. Of all preparation, for nnrifyinr blood Dr. Pierce', Golden Medical Diacov ery ea.ily take, the 6rat place. It elimin ta fmm the blood the elements whicr doff and corrupt it, and which breed and feed diaeaae. It acta directly on me oiooa. makimr eianda. increaaina- their activity, and ao increaaina the aupply of rich, pure blood wmcn la me me oi me oooy. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Uiacovery." There la nothimj "Jua( aa aoodM for discaua of the atomach, blood and lunga. Dr. Plerce'a Medical Adviier, paper cov. era, 1. aent frtt on receipt of si one-cent atamp. to pay ezptnac of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Fierce, Ba&lo, N, Y. For pleasure or pain, for weal or for woe, Tie the law of our being, we reap what we sow; We may try to evado them, may do what we will, But our acts, like our shadows, will follow ns still. The world is a wondeilul chemist, be sure, And delects in a moment the base or the pure, We may boast of our claims to genius or birth, But the world takes a man for just what he is worth. We start io the race for fortune or fame, And then when we fall, the world bears the blame ; But nine times out often 'tis plaiu to be seen, There's a screw somewhere loose in the human machine. Are you wearied and worn in this hard earthly strife ? Do you yearn for affeolion to sweeten your life? Remember this great truth has often been proved, We must make ourselves lovable, would we be loved. Though life may appear as a desolate tract, Yet the broad we oast on the waters oomes back. This law was enacted by heaven above, That like attracts like, and love begets love. We are proud of our mansions of mortar and stone, In our garden are flowers from every one, But the beautiful graoee which blossom within Grow shriveled and die in the npas of sin, We make ourselves heroes sod martyrs for gold, Till health becomes broken and youth becomes old. Ah did we the same for t beautiful love, Our lives might be music for angels above. We reap what we sow 0, wonderful truth I A truth hard to learn in the days of our youth ; But it shines out at last, as the hand on the wall, For the world has its debit aad credit for all. NATIONAL TRAITS IN L0VEMAK1NG nUtJUES LE B.OOX COMPARES THE CUSTOM 8 Of DIFFERENT LANDS. M lluguos Le Roux, lecturing on Love and Letters," wont on to contrst the modes of expressing love in various oountrics. In Spain the woman flutter-1 od her fan of pcaoock feathers from the balcony and "acted the peacock," while the man "acted the bear" io the calle. Their only means of communication were popular songs, not a word being spoken between them. Common to Spaniards and to Arabs was the im pression that woman s love was a stone- ruby. It endured longer than a man a, bieh was of a roving character. In Italy it was a "passion" that rilled, even to the extent of ruling politics, and its expression found vent in a violent form. In the north love was made in silence; no words were spoken among the Scandinavi an races. Ho had spent some timo in America and had brought back tho im- creasion that American women did not allow their husbands even to speak, not withstanding the American husband was fond of his wife and his love for her found expression in the constant "tearing of oheoks out of his check-book" for her benefit until he sank exhausted. In France the expression of love was speech, from the highest to the lowliest. French lovers enjoyed the exchange of ideas, and more especially when man and wife, and this pcihr.ps explained why clubs were neglected in Franoe. French lovers wished forever to be together. He would not be ungallaot enough to com ment on English methods, but it seemed to him that in England it was not "the man who speaks to me," but "the man who walks out with me, wbo was con sidered the lover. London Post. Owd for Stomach Trouble and Constip ation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me a great deal good," says C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ootario, Canada. "Being a mild physi the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recommend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C. J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. JUDGE PARKER'S STORY, talk Nt his Even if Judge Parker won't polities, he can according to the York Commercial, tell a good story. II latest is as follows : A young man Savannah, named DuBose, invited sweetheart to take a buggy ride with him. The young woman bad a very fetching lisp. When they reached rather lonesome bit of road, the young man announced : "This is where vou have to pay toll The toll is either a kiss or a squeeze." And the modest young woman simply replied "Oh, Mr. Du Both. Carolina Pythian. the OLD ANSWER. NEW REJOINDER. There had been some trouble over a line feooe, and one of the participants was on trial for assault with a deadly weapon. The defendant, when the cue seemed to be going against him, in troduced as a witness a man of some what shady reputation, who swore that the plaintiff had provoked the fight. The prosecuting attorney proceeded lo cross eiamine. "Now, sir," he said, "you swore that von raw this fieht from your bouse. Is that right?" "Yes, ir." "I will ask you how far it is from your house to the spot where the fight took plaoe?" "It's fifty yards and about two feet "Oh, you've measured it, have you?" "Yes, sir." "What did you do that, foi?" "Well, I thought some fool lawyer would ask me the question, and I wanted to have it juil iigU." The attorney rose. "Your Honor," he said to the judge, "I thought the witness would iodulge io that time-honored b't of repartee, and I have been fool enough to find eix reputa ble and competent witneasea who will testify that this man's house ia nearly 100 yards from the scene of the trouble, and is round the corner, where it would have beeu impossible for him to have teen what was going on. I ask that these men be sworn." Yonth's Com panion. The poorest people On earth are thor-e who make the most ol what they have and the least of what they are. Modest Claims Ufte Carry the Moat Conviction. When Maxim, the famous gun in ventor, placed his g(n before I committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what he felt sure (he gun would aocomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, in stead of disappointment It is the same with the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users make the s'atements. What they do claim, is that it will positively oure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known lo fail. For sale by W. M, Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. AN APOLOGY. N. C, The successful sensitive, eoquettca are never A certain editor was visited in bis office by a ferocious looking military gentleman, wbo exclaimed exoitedly he entered : "That notioe of my death io your paper to-day is a lie sir. I'll horsewhip you in public, sir if yon do sot apoligiae in your next issue." The next day the editor inserted the following apology. "We extremely regret to announce that the paragraph in our issue of yes terday which slated that Col. Brimstone was dead is without foundation. Harper's Weekly. When you want a pleasant laxative that Is easy to take and eertain to act, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N, C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N.C., J, A. Hawks. Garysburg, N. C. EMPLOYER, LOOK PLEASANT. SHOW YOUH.SEI.F MASTER OF SITUATION INSTEAD OF SLAVE UY WEAH1NO "SMILE THAT WON'T OOME OFF." If you aroun employer do not go about your place of business as though you thought life wore a wretched, misera ble giind, says 0. S. Mardcn, io Suc cess. Sbowyoursnlf master of the situa tion, not its slave. Rise abovd the petly annoyances which destroy peace und harmony. Make up your mind that you are too large to be overcome by triuei Resolve that you will be larger thao your business, tint vou will overlep it villi your manlinoss and cheerfulness To say nothing of its being your du y make the lives of those who atr help ing you to oarry on your business i pleasant as possible and as lull of sv.n shine as possible, it is the best policy for you to pursue. You know very well that a horso that is prodded and fretted and urged all the time by means of whip and spur and rein, will not travel nearly so far without beaoming exhausted as one that is urged forward by gentleness and kind treatment. In their suscepti bility to kindness men and women aro in nowise different from the lower animals. You cannot expect your employes to re main buoyant, cheerful, alert and un wearied under the goad of scowls and the lash of a bitter tongue. Energy is only aoothername for enthusiasm, and how can you expect those who work tor you to be enhuBiastic or encigetio in your service when surrounded by an atmos phere of despondency and gloom, when they expect a volley of curses and criti cism every time you pass. Many a man who could have been a success sleeps in a failure's grave to-day because of bis gloomy, mean, oontcmpii- blo disposition and manner. Ue poison ed the atmosphere about him by venting his spleen, dyspepsia and Lite on every one in his vicinity. He not only minimiz ed tho value of his own efforts, but he also paralyzed the initiative, the helpful faculties and suggestive idea of all those wbo worked for bim. Potash " la necessary for cott m to prndueo hlRh yields and ro'wI tihre. Write for our vnhmMe books on fertilization; they emitnin informa tion that means dollars to tho faimers, Sent tn-i- oil request. Write now while yon think of it to the ii:rman kali wokk. New York- AiLmfi, Oa.- v i Naa.au St., or jCh u iaM. ttffl mm mm FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry the largest and most com plete line of floor coverings ever brought to this part of Noith Carolina. Mat tings, carpetings, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remnants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. J. A. ALSTON Saved Ills Com.-ade'a Lite. While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comrade from Elgin, III., was taken with cholera morbus snd was in a critical oondition," cays Mr. J. E. Houghland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamber lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe it saved bis life. I have been engaged fur ten years iu im migration work and oonductcd many parties to the south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used it suc cessfully on many occasions." Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C , J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which Bhould receive caroful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine io use for bowel oomplaint is Chamber lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any un natural looseness of the bowels. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. WELL SHAKEN' Nursing tho sick in rural Scotland is primitive. The Dundeo Advertiser re lates that a physician loft for a paliont a bottle of physic wheroon were the words "Before taken to be well shaken, Uo paying his next call the doctor found that the poor follow had been taken in hand bv a stalwart son and at intervals vigorously shaken from head to foot be fore next "teaspoonfuls" were admiuU tercd. "Don't ee see, sir," explained the young fellow on being remonstrated with, "if father go kep' fro' sleepin' hisself away an go on dnnkin physio be can t never die." STOP IT. Boasting of what you can do instead of doing it. Thinking that life is a grind and not worth living. Exaggerating and making mountains out of molehills. Talking continually about yoursolf and your affairs. Saying unkind things about acquaint ances and friends, Thinking lhat all the good ohanocs and opportunities are gone by. Thinking of yourself lo the exoluslon of everything and every one else. Speculating aa to what you would do in some one else's plaoe and do your best in yout own. Gating idly into the future and dream ing about it instead of makipg the most of the present. Longing for the good things that oth ers have instead of going to work and earning them for youiself. Suooeea. Most of os would be contented with what we have if only our neighbor! would be satisfied with a little less. FINE am Groceries provisions, -Cigars anil Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. ' lU-21-lf Of Course You Can Live WITHOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE BUT YOU DON'T LIVE AS Many fibs spring from a kind heart. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne moneys are your biood puntiers. they fil ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. II they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady hart hat, and mv. one f! . v,r,ifS they had heart trouble, because the heart la over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to bo traced to the kidneva. but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. II you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy la soon realized. It stands the highest lor Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is aold on Its merits ov an aru??!3!3 in imr- ft ,h cent and one-dollar sis-1 Cti t'vf' es. You may have ai iElL sample bottle by mall Rona of Bwame-itoct free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out II you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fx Co., Binghamton, . I. ' Don't make an mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'.' Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, H, Y,, on every bottle. MUCH AS YOU MIGHT BECAUSE Telephone Service SAVES TIME And Time is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. NOTICE. In the Superior . J Conrt. North Carolina, Halifax County. B. A. I'ope, J. T. Vopo, A. Joyner, W. H. Joyner, Mr. AnnieB. llatrell anil her hiuhaud, II. B lluirell, M. F. Arrington and her hualuuHl, B. F Arriugton, plaiot ilVs. VB. T. L. Emry and E. J. Emry, defendants. The defendant E. J. Emry above named will take notice that an action entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior Court ol llalifrtx county, North Carolina, to eject the defendant above named from, lot No. 37 of the town of Weldon, in the county of Halifax, and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that ahe is required to appear At the term of the Superior Court of Hali fax coun'y, North Carolina, to he held on the second Monday before the first Mon day in September, 19115, at the Court house of aaid county of Halifax, N. C, and answer the complaint, in snitl action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded lu aaid complaint. This 30th day of May, 19(15. 8 M GARY, Clerk Superior Court.