.... J N. r-Uirr . 11 ft V7m S.-W1( 32 ,1 A '1 .".I,? tt.. SEwKri V NEWSPAPER FOIR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1905. TEI22rS:- l-r'' I'KU ANNI'M IN ADVANCE s ()f, XL. NO. 12 TO THE MERCHANT : If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factorywe will supply you direct H 'i ? M Ik Mi f 1 '," ,!I We eive vou our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Write name and addrem plainly herd TO ANY CHKWER of tobacco who will cut out and mail us this ndvcrtiscme nt, ve will mail him a card which will entitle him to one 5c cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE nt n ' brand. Manufacture 1 Only by Li.pfrrtiilcrj Cr.., Wlnwticl ' S-tljfJBMMWB J " il. O aval . 4 . P g, M M C 1 i 8 p c Mif . vyersn ! 1 J Wr.he ud vour liver. Cure J O your constipation. Get rid a i5 tf your biliousness. Sold fr.r an .,nro J.C.ll.rOo.. affSl, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE I REJS0fj TANNER'S PAINTS ltetain their iirc-euiioence above oil other branrls is because they ire maile of (ho best materials oblainn ble and are ground with (ircat caro. If your dealer does not carry them write to the manufacturers. AN ANDAMAN WEDDINO, Ql'KMl 1-llKR CI.IMIIINd CKUUMnNHH OK A nWABFItll I'lClil'I.rS, The day wus vfarm for March. The sailor sat in the ico cream saloon ealiii( iee cream and lady cake. "The querent nnrriago I ever seen, miss," ho said, "was in the Andoraan Is lands. Hut maybe you ain't interested in marriages ?" He laughed, as men ajways laugh over this joke, and the pretty wai'ress per mitted hcrs 'lf to Binilc. "The islanders in them islands," he said, "is dwaifs. I',ur feet, on the aver age. Very fierce and ugly. "If a young Wander wants a girl for his wife, bo asks her parents for her. Tliev never nTu e. They tuko tho girl and hide her in the forest. There the lad mu"t find her before morning. If he find her, she is Lis. If be don't, she ain't. "Ol course, I dou't need to tell you that if the girl wants the young feller, she sees to it that he finds htr all right. "And vice versa. "Here is how tbf marriage ceremony is performed. The lad climbs up a slim young tree and tho girl climbs up an other close to him. Her cbithes don't bother her in climbin' clothes never bother an An laman is'andcr. Well, up they go, and as they near tho ton their Heights bend the slim Ircis over toward each other prettily. Tho trees bow acd beud and courtesy, and fioa'ly the lad's hcid touehes the girl's, and from below a shout goes up, for tho head touching has done the business. The ceremony is finished. The young folks' troubles have begun." Chicago Tribune. Box 180. l tim:. MAIN STIIKK f, lilCIIMOND, VA. Tb Bank of W, AVI! LOON N. (:h QpizeA Under The Lais of tie Slate of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII. 181)2. . : i STATU OP NORTH CAKOMNA PHI'OfllTOUY. ! HALIFAX COUNTY DKI'OSITOUY. j TOWN 01' WELDON DKI'OSITOUY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. Fjr too years this institution has provided hanking facilities for this section Its 4ockhohlers and directors have been identified with tho business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for mmy years. Money is loaned upon ap jsrevsl security at tho legal rato of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are -fiuiuiitcd. President: Vice-President: Cashier: "V. 8. DANIEL. Da. n. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. " Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, ' warrior and Manufacturer of MON " ;KN I'S, TOMBS, Olt.VVE ' " )NH3 of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments delivery guaranteed. Write for M' Mcna and prices Work Delivered At Any Depot. oct lily. liU.Vlmi Iron FcnciiiK, Vtun f.X;"Pi etc., for cenu'tLTy nmi othor lflr" purposes at lowest priceH. nHuR AXIS FACTION (JUAUANTEED. SPRING- & SUMMER -FOB o- MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. Uig Lino Dry flood, Notions, flont Furnishings, Ac. The largest line 5" uroognt to Wcldon. Don t lull to see thera beloro you buy, Qar Shoo department u full and runniii over. Tho largest stock wo havo ever ""ncil, and we are making prices THAT WILL SELL THEM. Sail reooivod big lot of (DORSCII) Shoes. Suits to nrder, mado up in good jeand by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to seo out lino of amples and Prices Before You lace Your Order. 3H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. JONAHS QUEER SOJOURN. A well-known church shocker of Bos ton, who is associated with the Trcmont Temple of that city, finds tho presence of Ins wile in his audience the greatest ooslacle ho has to contend with in deliv ering a discourse. Her occasional dis approval of the utterances from the plat form outlines ilselr on htr countenance in a most dispiriting way, and tho lec turer tells of the following experience wherein a slip of the tongue was brought to his notice in this manner : He was getting along toward tho mid die of an address one evening when a glance in his wife's direction and the dis tressed look on the good woman's lace made him aware that something had g'inc wrong. It was with a very un comfortable feeling that ho finally brought his talk to a close, and as Boon as an opportunity was given him he hastened to her Bido. "Well, my dear," he asked, "what was wrong with my address to-night ? That look on your faco suggestid trouble of some sort." "Nothing ol great consequence, was tho answer, "only you lefencd to Jonah's remaining three days ond three nights in 'the whale of the belly,' and you con Irivcd to repeat the expression three times." Woman's imagination is olten her only consolation. Money talks to everything except a true woman's heart. HOW TO WIN A HUSBAND. Woman's sphere in tliis anth century ti not limited any more than is nmn'. SIi can occupy nlmoKt any business ponilion fr profiHMati, mul yet the popular view of wnninnlinnd is that xhe bettl (itH (he posi tion of wife nmi niotlu-r and hem of the household. Kvery gill should know hrr heart and also know ttmt her wunmnly sysu tn ih rqimi to me siiiiin ol itiatit.iue. it miii It. 1 vi.uit Mitu U I Urtlnv U tl t. iitiltvt.'kl to one tl is due to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place in a fill's heart if sue is nervous Him muutit u t-is iIuivkcu down, worn nut for tin reason that she Ciiii think of. The weak ti;u k, di.y spi tN and uUek clicks nboul the uyeti aie only inn- toms. Go to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularity. Slop the diuiiitt on the womanly system and the other symptoms will disappear. Tins can 1 done easily and intellitrentty. So sure of It is the World's Dispensiry Medical A--so ciation, the proprietors of tr. Pit ice's l'"a- Torite PrescrijilUHi, thot they olTcr fyo reward for women who cannot be cured of leucorrhea, female weakness, prolspnis, or falling of th - womb. All tlu-y ask is a fair ana reasonaoie trial ot tiuir means ol cure. "After confinement I Rained no slrrmrth, wrltt Mm. A. Ilavis, of Swt-el water, Alri. " liven wlieu tiiv Imbv was a month oM I couhl lianllv do any- work 1 don't know what to cull I lie d I had n weak feeling in the nil of my stomach, fell niist-rable fill over. I wni tUtt three mnitthi mid a 1iy Iriend told me to try Dr. I'iem- l-nvorile i'rescriplion m it Imd done her so inudi good. I did sn. and alter taking three bottles wu curid, This wai Httont five years ago ami I have had no return of the dis ease. Am vcty tlmnkful for the remedy. cannot prni your 'favorite Picseriplion ' enough. It is a wonderful mcdiciae for women. Pr. Fierce' PcUcUtt pcuMy UxaUvt, HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL. A lady In vain tried beautiful lobs, And her physician did everything that he Could do to help her, but with her euso He could not copo ; So ho called in consultation the specialist, Dr. Hope. During the consultation this great man said, "This treatment I'm euro will suffice; It has beautified many when the last hopo had lied;" Then gave this prescription and advice : Dr. Hope, (Oflioo hours eternal ) It. A drachm of kindness, and an ounce of love ; Filter we'l with sunshine, sent from heaven above; Next, tako a pound of charity, which many ills can soothe Dews of sorrow q s., to make the salve quite smooth, M, ct if not of conastance right, Add a few tniruitna of thoughts, pure ond bright. Sig' Fiist cleanse the parts affected With a prayer for heavenly light; And bind this balm to heart and brain, Morning, noon and night, DR. IlOI'K Now, first your patient should bo taught If sho'd he lovely and full ol grace, To fill her mind with pure, bright thoughts, For beautiful thoughts make a beautiful face, And soon your patient will discover The virtue this lotion contaios : And would not exchange for another, Though 'twere made o' golden grains. SWINGING ON THE GATE. I can see a picture painted. I can smell the drying bay, Whcro the busy mowers rattle through the lazy summer's day ; I can see the hungry plowboy wading through the billowed corn, With expectant ear to windward, list'ning to the dinner horn ; While unconscious of ncce sity, tho future or of fate, I make wondrous childish jourueys as I swing upon tho gate Strange how back among the many recollections of the past Memory will grope and wonder till it brings to us at hist Some poor, foolish, fond, remembrance, seeming hardly worth the nhile Yet somehow made wondrous potent, like a tender pacing smile, Fleeting, gouc, and soon, forgotton -yet remembered by and by With a swelling in tho bosoiu and a dimming o( the eye. Now my temples fast arc graying and my eyes havo sober grown With the years of varied happioess and sorrow I have known ; Still I sometimes hear the echo, when the evening lights arc low And without my darkened casement ghostly brc x:s ever blow, Of tho friendly, rusty rattle of the latchct as wh"n late In the hazy, In zy summertime wo swung upon the gate, A LASSIE'S LOVE. From 'neath your sweeping lashes I can glimpse ytur eyes of blno And read there of your love for mc jour love that is so true, And when I press my lips to thine I quaff the lips of love And seems to mo I seo the gates the pearly gates above. And just to know you love me, dear, is heaven sweet to mo, And basking in thy sunny Fmi'e, just looking up to thee, Gives to my jaded soul new strength, like morning dew to earth, And turns the deepest sorrow to the swectc't, soulful mirth. And when the world to me is dark I God your presence, dear, Gives strength unto mc so that I may straightway banish fear; Your tender wiles are freshening, your kisses never oloy, And just to know you lovo mo is to me a sweetest joy. And just to know that you are mine forever and for aye, No matter come the darkest night, or come the brightest day, To clasp you, and to lovo you, aid to know that you are mine, And to read your love in brigLt blue eyes to mc is sweet divioe. SENTENCE SERMONS. Sulkiooss is only sell fisli ne-a turned sour. Gilding the wajon does not case the springs. Many great souls have been lost by little sins. The religion that lacks sunshine is all moonshine. There is lot of diffenoco between foresight and fear, The reward of mastering one difficulty is to meet another. Relieve that a man is bad aid ho wil' not go back on it. The heavenly chariot cannot bo drawn by a olothes horso. If you cannot seo heaven hero you will never see it anywhere. To the hypocrito one man's religion is another man's revenue. It is good deal easier to pray for the prouoher I hap to pay for tho preacher. Piety is a good deal more than pity for those who are too poor lo bny clothes. No money is tainted worse than that which is kept in the cold storage pocket. GRANDMA'S COUUTSIIU. Hilda "And what did you do when grandpa proposed?" Grondma "Why, I knit my brows, deor." Hilda "And when you were mar ried?' QranJma "Oh; then I began knit ting hit locks.." Dctiiot Tribuoe. Modest Claims (Hie Carry the Most Conviction. When Maxim, tho famous eun in ventur, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its oarrying power to be much below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. Tho result of the trial was thcrcforo a great surprise, in' stead of disappointment. It is the same with tho manufacturers of Chamberlain's C'olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Homed; 1 hey do not publicly boost of all this rcniidy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users make the s'atenicnls. What they do claim, that it will positively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in the slomach and bowels and has never been known lo fail. I'orsolcby W.M.Cohen, Wcldon N, C , W. K. Beavens, linfiold, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Gurysburg, N. 0. THE GRACE OF CONTENT. I.IK P. Til K M0I1KHT VlllI.ET, IT HBV EAI.rt ll'S i'IIKMKNCIS A.ill FUAII'tANOK 11 V AN ATMOMl'ltBUK THAT IH I.AHKN WITH THE HI'lltlT (if KKrtT t'UI.N EMH AMI I'KACK. Ono of the rarest gems of Christian character is tho sweet grace of cjnteut m nt. It may not have tho arrestivo splendor of righteousness, nor hush us with the subduing of purity; hut it is on exquisite ornament of tender grace, ond its sweetness fills every room of the house of life. Like the modest violet, it reveals its presence aid fragrance by au aliuosphcto that is laden with the sweet spirit of restfulncss ond peace. It is the delicate flower of trust and submission to the perfect will of God, ond its beauty is the smile upon a soul which knows that in the hand of our Lord every good thing is completely guaranteed. Life is not without its limitations. It has bitter deprivations and pathetic disabilities; tho bleak wind whistles sometimes through its desolations and sudden and starless dark settles upon everything, but the eye catches the vision of the hand of God, tho heart His voice, and the whole life rests itself in the unerring wisdom and the boundless love. And so life is liberated from carefulness and anxiety, the heart is at leisure from its own load, and distills the gracious sweetness of a beautiful content through every bit of life. Arc not the blessedness and tho min istry of life to bo found perhaps in tem pers and places which we have not al ways suspected? We havo given our wants a loose rein and they have carried us wheresoever they would. And many of us spend tiring days and restless nights in trying to overtake our caprici ous wants. Simplicity is ono of (he surest marks of a ureal life. Wauts have to bo disciplined and held in elronj and remorseless check. Cares have to bo carefully sifted, and anxieties scrutin ized, and multitudes of them banished to tho dark land of tho needless. Then there will bo room in life to live deeply because timply, blessedly because trust fully, and the peaceful serenity of our life shall be the power which wo con tribute to the world to aid its sanity, to re-enforcc its quietness and to re-establish its harmony. Howcl Coiulaint in Children, During the summer months children arc subject lo disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medicine in use for bowel complaint is Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any un natural looseness of the bowels. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Wcldon, N. C, W. K. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. QUITI2 POETIC. "Tell me Harry," said May Brightley's admirer to her young brother, "who is this other fellow that's been calling on jour sister?" "I don't know his name," replied Harry. "I just call him 'April show ers. "What for?" "Because he brings May flowers." Good lor stomach Trouble and Constip ation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done mo a great deal of good," says C. Towns, of Kat Portoge, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physic the after effects arc not unpleasant, and I can recommend them lo all who suffer from stomach disorder." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Wcldon, N. C, W. K. Heavens, KoGeld, N, C, J A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. WILLS OF LUNATICS, i i l " K K It l!Mj"K.vS THAT M A 1 1 K II y INS.1NK I'KIISONH. If women weren't tactful many would never get a bearing. Kaved Ills Conirade'a Life. "While returning from the Grand Army Encampment at Washington City, a comude from Elgin, III . was taken with cholera morbus and was in a cri ical condition," raya Mr. J. E. tloughland. of Eldon, Iowa "I gave him Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy aod believe it saved bis life. 1 havo been engaged for ton years in ira migratioo work and conducted many parties to ilio south and west. I always carry this remedy and have used it sue- cessfully on many occasions " Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N, C, W. E. Reavens, Knfiold, N. C , J. A Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. One of the uiitriias which uro eviilnoo od by the insane is a desire to make a will. Of course these documents aio waste paper as fir us their legalijy is con cerned, but the 'ntiendiiuta and . doctors treat these documents with the greatest respect in order to humor the demented creatures. Se me of these wills would bo amusing if it were not for the sad condition of mind of which they are tho outcome. Ono man confined in an asylum left all bis money to the MiUlu of Jopau on condilhn that this dignitary should visit the giave of the testator once each year and plant chrysanthemums upon it. The remainder of tho estate wuh to be banded over to ud imaginary charity culled the Brotherly Love and Bounty society. Another lunatic in a Parisian Aslum left a will devising the whole of his es tate to the possessors of lloman noies residing in and near Paris. The reason for this was that ho had lather a hand some nose of this shape and was con stantly admiring it, A similar bequest wes that of a patient who left his prop erty to an attendant because he possess ed one of the ugliest nasal orgaus the testator had ever seen. One man, who was afflicted with the mania that he was sano, but confined in the asylum unjustly, devised a will leaving his money to the commissioners of lunacy to enuble them to engage a large staff of men for the purpose of visiting asylums and ascertaining if any were confined Better Fruils Ih-tter peach' Better Profits . fiDtilfi. ncirs and. terries ate produced when Pot.ifh is liberally applied to tin soil. To iiiMirea full crop, of ch'jicest quality, ti'u; a fertilizer containing nut less than io per cent, actual Potash Rfnrl fnrnurpnrti'..i1 bonks of information illiey are not iiiinriisitu: ii.iiiiiililtls, bimniitiir UiaUw.'S. bviii tret tor tin1 .(ikiiiK. j& OFKMAN KALI WORKS . tNfl Atlmitrt. Hi.- bint i, i in them TimcB, without reuson. New York When you want a pleasant laxative that is easy to take ond certain to oct, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. Fur sale by V. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, X. C. J. A. Hawks. Garysburg, N. C. FLOOR CD7ERIN&S. Wo carry the laigest and most com plete lino of floor coverings over brought to this part of North Carolina, Mat tings, carpelings, druggets, art squares d rugs. A large line of rcmcants of carpeting and mattiDgs at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the lino of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS EROS., WELDON, X. C. NOT ALL LOVE. According to a popular poet all that a woman desires is love. News Item. All sho desires is love, you say ? That shows how much you know ; She wants to seo the matinee And to the ciicus go. She wants a handsome diamond ring, She wants a rope of pearls; Sho wauls a poodle on a string, Sho wants some extra curlf; She wants a bonnet twice a year, Sho wants on Easter hat ; She wants to read her title clear Unto a stylish flat; Sho wants a four-seat motor car, She wonts a real Worth gown; Sho wants a trip to Europe, or iU least to Newport town; She wants a cask of rare cologne, She wants a diamond pin; She wants a carriago of her own To so out calling in; She wants the earth, the Milky Way, And halt tho stars above, And yet you havo the nerve to say That all she wants is love I A lIUltltlt'ANU. Tho terrors of the deep wcro perhaps never mere tbrillisgly set forth than in the description by a young lady who last year made her first trip abroad. She kept a diary, very much, soys tho New York Herald, like that of Mark Twain, when for seven days he recorded the foot that be "got up, washed and went to breakfast." There was ono important exception. When she crossed tho ohannel the ex perience was so trying that she felt im pelled to describe it. "I firmly resolved to stay on deck," she wrote, "although the tempest increaS' ed to euch a frightful hurricane that it was only with -the greatest difficulty that I oould hold up my parasol." It's a hard world for a man who be lieves that Providence owes him an easy jdaoe. SAO. "I havo bved and lost," sighed tho man in black suspenders "How sml!" said tho sympathetic friend, "You loved tho beautiful girl aud lost hcrr, "No, I married her, and ever since nave lost all the loose change i kit in my vest." Chicago News. Mm m J. A. ALSTON FINE f Groceries, PROVISIONS,! Cigars and Tolincco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Cluh and Pride of Vireinia, nice and mellow. liar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-21-lv Of Course You Can Live WITHOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE BIT YOU DON'T LIVE AS MICH AS YOU MIGHT Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, All the LlocJ in y tur body passes through your kidneys once every three mioutfti. I tie kioncya are your Dlooo runners, they til' ter cut the wate or inipuiiiics m tho bbed, It they are&ick or out ct oracr, they fail to oj their work. f'aina, adicsandrheu niuirm come from ex- i c.s el uric aci 1 in Ihe bljoJ, --c to neglected Mu.i-) liwuu.e. KiJoey trouble causes quick cr ui steady heart beats, and nukes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because ihe hcurt 'is over-workini; in pumping llm t-., Iv.dney potsoncd blood through veins and aitcries. It Uwtd to be conideicd that only urinary troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. It you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary etlect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wondeiful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- rfflahwm;;! cent and one-dollar slz- jEKWHtiW es. You may have as-yib sample Dottle Dy mail n. of smunp-Hoot. tree, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer (t Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' Ewamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. BECAUSE Telephone Service SAVES TIME And Time is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C, mm NOTICE. North Cnroltmi, " In the Superior muiiix uoumy. j Uottri. It. A- rope, J. T. Pope, A. Joy tier, W. II. Joynrr, Mr Annie B. Hmrrll nnd her hiiHliand, H. B, Hurrdl, M. F. Amnion mul her hutjlmml, B. F. Arriugtou, plain t Xh. vs. T. L. Entry amlE. J. Emry, defendants. The defeudant E. J.Emry above named will take notice that an action entitled an above ha been eoinnienc-ed in the Superior Court of Halifax county, North Carolina, torjuiiliedeleudauta above named from lot No. 37 n the town of Weldon, in the county of la ifax, nmi State of North Car olina; and t -ts said defendant will further take notice hut Hue is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Hali fax county, North Carolina, to he held on the second Monday before the first Mon day in September, 1905, at the Court house of said comity of Halifax, N. C-, and answer the comprint, in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 30lb day of May, 1:X5. B M GARY, Clerk Superior Court.

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