A NEWSPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE. TBBMS:-i'5 per annum in advance )L. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1905. MX 13 TO THE MERCHANT :'.If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we win supply you direct TO THE CONSUMER : We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat Is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Witt ou and kuikm puioir brtl i0 ANY CHEWER of tobacco who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we win mail him a card which will entitle him to one 5c cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE at any store handling this brand. Manufactured Only by Liipfert-ScalM Co., Wtniton-Salem, N. C. Is a. a p 3 nj Jsk i?fls JSm. - :g g a oao n jS o 22 "V Ll A, IP 8- H CD VyWK r CO .y ntnra t h Knto mik 1 a ,..v-....w ....,,,.. .win new gain.rcsiorcstneiresnness. Just m you need if your hair Is faded or turning gray, for It always itorrs the color. Stops falling hair, also."W,LTrapjt?y''" Dr. 1180. sofl Why TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-eminence above all other brands ia beoaose they ire made of the best oateriala obtaina ble and are ground with great care. If your dealer doea not oarry them write to the manufacturers. Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 1419 E. MAIN 8TREET, RICHMOND, VA The Bank of W, j -:::WELD0N N. C. aiizcl Mer Tie Lai. of the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. k STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. . HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. 1 TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $32,000. ten yean this institution hai provided banking facilities for this aeotion Holders and directors have been identified with, the bosineaa interests of t and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned npon ap- ' security at the legal rate of interest six per oentum. Accounts of all arc a. .dent: Vice-President: Cashier: . DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH. Jackson, Northampton connty, N. C. :The largest and best plant in ; the State. "HELLO, SWEETHEART." Till aCrlHIIINI OF TUIS LITTLI INC1- DKNT rtaVADSD THI WH0L1 CAB , We were riding on a trolley car as we sometimes do, for recreation and pleas ure, and to tea the growth and expan sion of Durban. It wu near the noon hour when the oar slowed op near t vine covered oottage and the motorman't wife ran out with a basket of dinner for her husband. As she approached the ear the motorman greeted her with "Hello sweetheart." Her pleasure waa evidenced by a smile and a hutily thrown kias over her shoul der aa ahe tripped back ta the porch. The annehine ol this incident pervaded the whole ear, aud even the staidest pas sengers smiled their approval. We venture the prophesy, there is a happy home and that motorman has the choicest bits that ean be prepared by dainty hands. We oan almost hear the little wife's heart tiogiog for joy all day long, just for that obeery "Hello, sweet heart 1" But yon say, what baa all this to do with new ideaa ? Oh we don't know. We have seen and beard to mnoh of the other kind of greeting that the practice of this method might be a new idea to some of ns. May all of ns who have wivea try the "Hello, sweetheart" meth od aud aee if the world our world at least is not the brighter for it. Dur ham Sun. 4CHAT1LES MILLER WALSH, iner and Haauiaoturer of MUM ST3, TOMBS, GRAVE ,E3 of every description. Vht prepaid on all shipments delivery guaranteed. Write fur it and prions ork Delivered At Any Depot. BotlUy. A. Also Iron Fencing, Vanes . ate., for cemetery and otber purposes at lowest pnees. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 3PKING- & SUMMER HIS FIRST CHARGE TO JURY. A Missouri paper says that new judge arose to charge the jury and spoke as follows : Gentlemen of the jury, ohargiog a jury is new business to me, aa this ia my first case. You have heard all the evi denoe aa well aa myself. You have heard what the learned counsel have said. If you believe what the oouosel for the plaintiff has told you, your ver dict would be for plaintiff; but if, on the other hand, you believe what the de fendant's oounsel has told you, then you will Bnd a verdiot for the defendant' but if you are like me and don't believe what either nf then said, then I'll be d d if I know what you'll do. Constable, take charge of the jury. The married woman ia as mnoh pitied by the old maid as the letter ia by the former. o FOB o- pEN, "WOMEN & CHILDREN. ' - Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishings, Ac. The largest line rought to Weldon. Don't fail to aee then before you buy. 4 ' r Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stock we have ever h sn4 we are making prioes " ; "! THAT WILL SELL THEM. 4 4 reoeived a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoes. 8uiti to order, made up in good and by good tailon. Fits Guaranteed. Don't fail to aee our line of mples and Prices Before You lL ice Your Order. i m. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, 6 u WELDON, N. C. TW Anrkii Hrutr the Bttl la iU WarU. Tbt AraeHcftn ftracr U th .rreateil man in tht world to-day btctuH he it muter of ina ton be u ffumnE in mteinrenct quite u rmpidljr u his producti arc increaatnt; in VUftiituae. Our recent combine! of capital in United Statei measured in money are enormous, yet men fig-urea link into inaif brain and brawn in veiled in agricultural indaatriea. For instuee, tbe farmera of Minnesota and Dakota have received twa 000,000 for their products in a tingle ine tanner anowawnai rtaiure wiu onnf forth for him from hia experience In the past He kuowa If certain aeeda art planted and properly cared for that Nature win take care ot ine rest, in tne same war vou art matttr of your own destiny. Providinr; your btood ia in (rood order, it only needs a little effort on your own part to keep healthy and strong rid your body of the poisons that are apt to accumulate and your system is ready to ward off the attack of the terms of diseaaa. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makea rich red blood by increasinr the number of red blood corpuscles. There la no alcohol in this treat tonic to shrivel up the red blood corpuscles. Aa an alterative eatract, made only of herbs and roots it goea about its work in nature's way. H stimulates the liver into proper action, and feeds the woni'Out nerves, stomach and heart on pure blood. Used for over a third of a century it has sold more largely than any other blood medicine in the united Slates. More bottles of Dr. Pierce (klden Medical Discovery are sold to-day than ever before that la a true test of its medicinal value after thirtyeirbt years of deserved popularity. Dr. Plerce'a "Medical Adviser" sent on rcMiot of stamna to mt for mailing: only. Bend ti onc eent stamps for book In paper covers, or ji stamps for cloth-bound vol ume. Aaurcssur. .V. ttcra, ttunaKN.V FLOOR COMINGS. We oarry the largest and moat cum plate line of floor coverings ever brought to this part of North Carolina. Mat tings, cupetings, druggets, art squares and ruga. A large line of remcanta of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Iinoleoma, oil cloth, linen and oil window ahadea, eurtaina, and many other things in the tin of house furnishings. Remember our new stand is neit door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, KC. THE BOYS. BY JAMBS WI1ITC0MB RILEY. Where are tbey f the frienda of my childhood enohanted Tbe clear, laughing eyes looking baok In my own, And the warm, chubby Sogers my palma have so wanted, As when we raced over pink pastures of elover, And mocked the quail'a whirr and the bumble-bee's drone? Have the breeies of time blown their blossoming faces Forever adrift down the years that hava flown ? Am I never to see them romp bsek to their plaoea, Where over the meadow in sunshine and shadow, The meadow-larks trill, and the bumble-bees drone? Where arc they? Ah, dim in the dntt lies the olovcr ; The whippoorwill's call baa a sorrowful tone, And the dove's 1 have wept at it over and over I want the glad lustre of youth, and the oluster Of faces asleep where the bumble bees drone. PEACE. Peace, perfect peaoe in this dark world of sin I The blood of Jesus whispers peaoe within. Peace, perfect peace with thronging duties pressed, To do the will of Jesus, that ia rest. Peace, perfect peaoe with sorrow surging round 1 On Jesus' bosom naught but calm is found. Peace, perfect peaoe, with loved ones far away ? In Jesus keeping we are safe and they. Peace, perfect peace, our future here unknown I Jesus we know, and He is on the throne. Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing ua and ours, Jesus has vanquiahed death and all ita powers It is enough, earth's struggles soon will cease, And Jesus' call to heaven's perfect peace. OU.TUAT WI COULD PUT S0NQ8 UNDER OUR BURDENS. We can sing away our cares easier than we oan reason them away. The birds are the earliest to sing in the morn ing; the birds are more without care than anything else I know of. Sing in the evening. Singing is tbe last thing that robins do. When they have done their daily work, when they bsve flown their last flight end picked up their last morsel of food, and cleansed their bills on a napkin of a bongh, then on a top twig they sing one song of praise. I now they sleep sweeter lor it. Tbey dream muaio, for sometimes in tbe night they break forth in singing, and atop suddenly after the first note, startled by their own voice. Ob that we might aiog evening and morning, and let song tonch song all the wsy througbl Oh tbst we could put songs under our burdens! Oh that we oonld extract tbe sense of sorrow by song! Then sad things would not poison so much. Sing in the house teach your children to sing. When troubles come go at them with song. When griefs arise, sing them down. Lift the voice of praise against cares. Praise God by singing; that will lift you above trials of every sort. Attempt it. Tbey sing in heaven, and among God's people on earth song is tbe appropriate language of Christian feeling. Henry Wsrd Beecher. A DREAMER, I'd rather sing of Liberty, Though nameless to the end, Than fawn to prosper, and the knee To Mammon bend. I'd rather atand for human rights, Though to the world unknown, Than walk on Fame's alluring height! For self alone. I'd rather in a cabin dwell, Unmentioned all my days; Than to desert my principle For wealth or praise. I'd rsiher feel come work I'd wrought That would my brother bless, Than prostitute my honest thought For mere success. I'd ever hold in view Tbe white Christ as my goal, I'd rather know I had been true To my own soul. Than be required to sacrifice My spirit's inner light, And give my manhood aa the price To gain the height. A dreamer ? So to yon be seems Who eau such notions hold ? I am content to keep my dreams, Keep yon your gold. WHY UNCLE NED SAVED HIM- "That was a brave act I" ejaculated a Boatoo man as he stood on the wharf in a little Southern town and saw an old negro plunge unhesitatingly in tbe water to aave a very email boy who had stum bled and fallen from some piling. "A brave act, and he ia a hero, no matter how blaok hia akin is I" The Boetonian waa foremost in tbe group that gathered about Uncle Ned when be climbed baok on tbe dook with the rescued lad. "Your ton, ii it ?" ha queried. "Or, perhaps only your grandaon ?" There waa very fervent admiration in the down-easter's tones aa be pnt the queation. "No, suh ; no, sob," gurgled Uncle Ned. "Dat 111 rascal ain't no kinnery er mine" "Then it waa all the braver I" exclaim- od tbe interrogator, positively baring bis bead out of respeot for the old man's highborn courage. "Huh," sputtered the hero, you sbo don't think I'm durn fool 'oough to let dot boy drown when he's got every speck m my flth bait it bis pocket ?" Sumner Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot weather of the sum mer months the Erst unnatural looseness ot a cbild'a bowels should have immedi ate attention, so aa to check the disease before It becomes serious. All that is necessary ia n few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by n doae of castor oil to closure the system. Rev. M. 0. Stoekland, Pas tor ot the first M. E. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy for several years and it a very valuable remedy, especially for aum- mer disorders in children." Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavena, Enfield, N. C, J. A, Hawka, Garyaburg, N. 0. 8peaking of bargains, the worst of all ia the matrimonial kind. Good breeding never than In the way woman shows better reoeivet torn- Tbe woman whose work Is never done is the one whoet work waa never proper ly began. PUBLIC IS AROUSED. The public ia aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that of that great medicinal tonic, Eleotrie Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Waters, of 546 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, 0., writes: "For several ontba, I wu given np to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wracked; I could not sleep, and my atomaoh was so weak, from useless doctors' dregs, that I could not cat. Soon after beginning to lake Eleotrio Bitten, I obtained re lief, and in a abort time I wu entirely eured," Guaranteed at all the druggists; prtoe tOe. FIENDISH SUFFERING is often caused by stores, ulcers and can- eers, that eat away your akin. Wm. Be dell, of Flat Rock, Mich, says:"! have used Bnoklen a Arnioa Salve, for Ulcers, Sores snd Cancers. It ia the best healing dressing 1 ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns tod scalds; 25c at all druggists' ; guaranteed. Many a girl trying to bend her ''bean' too far, breika it. 'Make Hajr While the Ian inlaw." There ia t lesson it the work of the thrifty farmer, nt knows that lbs bright sunshine may last but a day and and be prepares for the showers tbst arc liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoa and cholera morbus may attack some member of the borne without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which ia the best known medicine for theae diseases, should al ways bo kept at band, as immediate and delay treatment n prove fatal. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E. Beavena, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawka, Garyaburg, If. 0. The Uua-eosamunicativ maiden often' timec develops Into tht most loquaoious wife, LET US SING. HE KNEW OF ONE. The oross-examiner was a smart man whose objeot wu to disconcert tbe wit. oeaa and discredit his testimony. "What did you ssy yonr name was ?' wu the first question. "Michael Doborty." "Micheal Doherty.eh ? Now Dohcrty answer me tbia question osrefully. Are you a married man 7" "Oi think Oi was married." "So you think beoause you got marri- ried that yon are a married man do you?" "Now tell me whom you married?" "Who Ui married T Ui married a woman. "Don't you know better than to trifle with tbe court ? Of oourse you married a woman ; did you ever hear of anyone marrying a man ?" "Yes, moi sister did." Exohaoge. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are conatsnt sufferers and appeal to our sympathies. There it not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by tbe use of Chsmberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets. Thess tab' lets invigorate the atomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also reg ulste tbe bowels. For isle by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beaveos, Enfield, N. C, A. Hawka. Garysburg, N. C. HIS PROMISE NEVER FAILS. Look up and be glad 1 Our father knows all about it, and He has promised help for to-day and all the daya, and His promise never fails. He is loading us in the right way; and, if we but bold last to Hit dear band, no harm can come to ua, Soon tbe darkness will be over, snd just beyond we shsll sec the beautiful I ahine, and brightness and glory shall be oun forevermore. A. A. M. FOR OVER SIXTY YEAR. Mrs. Winslow'i Sootbinq Syrup hu been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfoot sueoess. It soothes tht child, softens the gums, tllaya all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure snd k fr"M, WMs Swrtiisj Sjrsp ,' and lake no other kind. Women physieisns should suooeesfol in treating trouble! heart. be very of the Unnecessary Eipenae. Acuta attacks of oolie and diarrhoea come on without warning and promt re lief must be obtained. There ia nt ne cessity of incurring the expense of t phy sician a service in euch caaes if Cham berlaia't Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it at hand. A doae of this remedy will relievo the patient before doctor could arrive. It hu never been known to fail, oven in the moat severs and dangerous eases and no family should be without it. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E. Beavena, Enfield, N. C, J. A, Hawka, Garjsburg, N, C. A LAY SERMON. TBI SfARCIH FOR Tilt UNKNOWN WILL CONTINUE AS 1.0 NU AS TUE HUMAN MIND ENDURES. In the remarkable diimisaion on reli gious problems now being held in The Sun nothing is more noticesble than the entire absence of bitter criticism and in tolerance. Your correspondents who sre perplexed with doubts in trying to solve the problem of the universe are anxious, not scornful. Giving expression to questionings does not mean that the searcher alter truth hu lost bis faith in God or hia belief in immortality, but it does mesn that the spread of free inquiry hu unshackled his mind from traditional errors which have bred bitter controversies in the past. Many of your readers of older years will remember tbe narrow-spirited bigotry of selfishness exhibited in many a country town by overxealous members of the sev eral churcbea there and the utter absence of tbe spirit of charity and brotherhood wbioh happily ia on the increase these lays. The sesroh for the unknowable will continue u long u tbe human mind en dures, but after all what does it profit a man ? Tbe old question by the patri arch Job. "Canst thou by searobing find out the Almighty ? spplies to-day of yore; and our sight will always be hid by a cloud. Still, the plant grows in the mist and under rhe olouds u truly as under the sunshine. Call religion mere sentiment, supersti lion or sn illusion, still the fact remains that it is the bulwark of our nation, the foundation of the American home. It teaches respeot for old age, reverenoe for womanhood, consideration for obildren; it builds hospitals and asylums for the afflicted, erects sohoolssnd colleges and feeds and clothes the poverty-stricken To its adharence to these principles docs this great nation owe its progress and pre-eminence, and to withdraw tbe re straining influence of the Gospel from the psssions of men woulu ' tove disas trous. Ask the devout oburebman, be be Catholio or a Protestant, aa to the proofs of Christianity, and he will tell you that hia religion ia true because it satisfies the soul. As of old, the great body of workers "hunger and thirst after right eousness, raith in Uod it still a living foroe among men. If you do not believe it, look at the groat number of communicants who go forth every Sunday morning to throng the eUlea of every Catholic church in your city; thoso "labor aod are heavy laden," No human agency, no gift of tongue draws theseiircd people out of their beds to early on a cold, stormy day to worship. Is fath dead when a refined Christian woman will stand on a street corner by the hour on a bitter December day ringing a bell, asking alma to feed the poor, as many a member of the Sal vation Army does yearly, "In II name ?" Never has the church been presented with such magnificent opportunities for helping humanity at at the present; but if the pceple receive a stone when they crave bread, tbey will seek righteous ness from other and unexpected sources The Christian is not afraid of the truth but Pilate's question, "What ia truth ? ana "Where is it to he found 7 is ss po tent todsy u ever. Contradictory an swers will confuse tbe seeker, who sick of irsiooerity and hypocrisy, but eventually be will come to hia own. Jon M, noyeradt, in the New York Sun. Siolc headache results from a disorder ed condition of the stomach snd is quick ly oured by Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Bcavons. Enfield. N. C. A. Hawks, GaryBburg, N. C. Lot'a wire probably looked baok be cause there were no men in (root of her. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease rrevalllnp In thu country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by 1; heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. It kidney trouble is al lowed to advance tho kidney-poisoned blood will attack the X5kT!uk vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure' Is obtained quickest by a proper treatment ol the kidneys. 11 you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won-, derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar stzea bottles. You may v?-,m have a sample bottle of tfBtmpiiiSa this wonderful new dis- B&t!WpfrHWi3 covery and a book that aSjlfegJ tells all about it, both HMMofSwunp-noot. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. binghamton, N. Y. when writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y.. on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE family Groceries, PROVISIONS, Clgare and Tobacco.- Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Bferrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinka of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-21-lf Of Course You Can Live WITHOUT TELEPHONE SERVICE BUT YOU DON'T LIVE AS MUCH AS YOU MIGHT A TOUCHING STORY is the saving from doath, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md, lie writes: "At the sge of 11 months, our little girl wu in declining health, w.lh scitwiis tufuttt tiuuuia, and two phy sicians gave her up. We were almost in detpair, when we teaolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first battle gave relief ; after taking four bottles she wu eured, and ia now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve a cough or cold. At all druggists' ; SOc snd $1.00 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. BECAUSE Telephone Service SAVES TIME And Time Is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER OF Horn Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. The real autocrat of tbe household i the hired girl. PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE. J. D, Runyan, of Butlerville, 0 , laid the peculiar disappearance of hia painful symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He uys: "They are I perfect remedy, for diiai noes, sour stomaoh, headache, constipa tion, eto." Guaranteed at all druggists', pnos Zoo. NOTICE. North Carolina, 1 Iu the Superior naiiiax voaoiy. j inrt. B. A. Pope, J. T. Pope. A. Jovner. W. H. Jojncr, Mrs. Annie B. Hatrelland her husband, H. B. Harrell, M. P. Arrlngton and her husband, B. F. Arrlngton, plaint. mo ve. T. L. Emry and E. J. Emry, defendant!!. The defendant E. J. Emrr above named will take notice that an action entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Hnlihtx county, North Carolina, loejecttiteaeiendante above named from lot No. 87 of the town of Weldon, in the county of Halifax, and State of North Car olina; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Hali fax county, North Carolina, to be held on the second Monday before the first Mon day in September, IMS, at the Court house of said county of Halifax, N. C., and answer the complaint, in aaid action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded in aaid complaint. This 30th day of May, 1906. S.M GABY, Clerk Superior Cdurt. I j A.

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