I i Hi an jri -1 1 A. 1ST E "W SP APEB FOR TUB PEOPLE TEIE2MS: i-5o per annum in advance '- - ' " ..... i ?()L. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905. NO. 14 ;1 a 11 1 tt 41 fig (ail omoe't TO THE MERCHANT : If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco In stock, write the factory we will supply you direct TO THE CONSUMER : .jTlr We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid Juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Writ Dim ud iddrrai plainly hertt TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card which will entitle him to one Sc cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE ot any store Vrvllitrr thia brand. Manufactured Only by Llipfert-Scalea Co., Wlnaton-8aln, N. C. 10 o u Z O to o VI CO 2 O 30 m TJ m H m 30 CO c 39 P rt- rr- W o o o Pi w B M. O CD CQ P O CD P Q P P ct-OP CD 0Q CD P O CD P t$ p. o Cr-P- CD h-i M CO H on H O a o i a H CO CO 33 CO WATCHED OVER, WI SHOULD BKEIAVB IN Till DARKNIS8 AS IV WATCHFUL ETE8 OF DEPABTCD FBIEND8 WIBI CPON US. Vegetable, liver pills. That ik ) To A VPrK liW! is what they are. They cure 5 . constipation, biliousness. sick-headache. tSiHTISSi: unt your moustache or beard fie2'jtlful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE im era. 01 iiiiiiuWTiRE.r,iuuco,. nteici. u. (he i ResoiI TANNER'S PAINTS Retaio their pre-eminence above ill other brands is because tliey are made of the best materials obtaina ble and are ground jtn (jreat oare. If your dealer doeB not carry them write to the manufacturers. toz 180. Tanner Paiit & Oil Co,, 1419 K. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bui' of W elon A Scotch school journal recently pub lished the following palhetio anecdote : The orach batsman of a school cr'nket toam was the only ion of a gentleman who for many years had been blind, He had played and loved the game in his boyhood, and when bis son was old en ough to take part in it,he would be led to the field every lime he played, and anx iously followed every stroke through the eyes of bis eompanions. Upon return ing home, the game was eagerly discussed, and the son advitel in every detail. Last summer the father died suddenly. The nut week, to the surprise of the school, Tom, who mourned bitterly for his Father, asked to take his plaoe in the team. He played with unsual oare and brilliancy, and when the game was over went to tbe umpire. ' low did I play T" he asked, ani- ioualy. "Never better; you outdid yourself," waa the reply. "Deoause," the boy said, as he turned away, "it was the first time my father ever saw me at the bat." To mwy of the devcut, imaginative Scotch, the pains and pleasures of the future seem to be more real than they are to we more literal Americana. A dead mother ia thought to keep oonstaol watch over her children. "My father," says John Lindsay, in his "Rcoollections," died when I was a boy, and I was taught to believe him constantly near me. Nothing oould have bad a stronger restraint upon a turbulent youth than the belief in the unseen presence of this guardian, who I knew to be not only a saint, but a gallant soldier and a noble gentleman." If we fail to realiz3 and to be iro preBsed by the great truth embodied in the words, "Thou God Beest me," it certainly is not unwise to behave, even in the darkness of our chamber, aa if watchful eyes of departed friends looked upon us. GENEROUS. -4::!;::WELDON N. 0. mM Mer Tie Lais of the State of North. Carolina, AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. $32,000. Jack "Uno'e John, do you believe in dreams? Unole John "Why?" "I dreamed last night that you lent me a hundred. "Keep it, my boy, keep it " IN THE SUMMER BLOSSOMS DIM. BY FRANK L. STANTON. He only seems to be yonder in the summer blossoms dim : I see his bright faoe sbinin', an' I'm wavin' my hand to him I Come home from the misty meadows, where the bees in the red blooms roam : I am lost in tbe lonely shadows Come home I Come home I Come home I Once, when my soul was dreaming, I left him there at play, And tbe South-Wind whispered, "follow I" and the lilies led away 1 And they made him a ooueh of golden leaves, and daisies white as foam, And the South-Winds sang him to sleep ; and I am calling: "Come home) Come home I" He only seems to be yonder, with the blossoms and the birds; But I'm weary for hi, eomin' the thrill of his whispered words I 0, South-Wind, cease to lead him where the brceto-blown blossoms roam I 0, Sunflowers, o'er his pathway flame, and light bis footsteps homel THE HEAVEN OF NOW. He is in heaven who, lookiug, perceives Beautiful fruitage and floWera and leaves . Beautiful sunshine and beautiful rain Bathing the fields of the ripening grain Gold and silver in drops and in rays, Filtering, falling in beautiful ways Ovar the clover, the oorn and the wheat, And tender, green growing things under his feet. He is in heaven who, hearkening, hears ' Music that readies the listening eara In beautiful harmonies from the dear note That pours, silver sweet, Irom the brown thrush's throat To the beautiful mother-song lulling to rest The baby held close to the beautiful breast From the wind'a faintest sigh to the etorm's mighty roar As the waves sing aloud to the sands of the shore He is in heaven whose whole being thrills To humanity'! gladness while bharing its ills ; Who ol his soul's riches unstintedly gives For the sake of the race for whose welfaro he lives, lie is in heaven whose heart is so wise That not wealth Dor glory but love satisfies; Whose hands are upheld in all ways by his wife, The pride of his labor, his love and his life. This heaven is tare here on earth here at hand, For it's not a delectable, far-away land, Nor yet a celestial bright region above, But found in each borne where dwelt justice and love, All are heirs to this kingdom not a soul but may olaim His crown and his scepter in love's holy name. So enter at onoe Love will show you the way Find the Heaven of Now that Love offers to day Not afar, nor on high, but just now, and so near Enter in and be glad God's own heaven ia here I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS br ten years this institution has nrovided banking facilities for this section atookholdore and dirootors have been identified with the business interests of ilai and Northampton oounties for many years. Money is loaned upon sp ied aoourity at the legal rate of interest six per oentum. Aooounts of all are sited. president: Vice-President: Cashier :..E. DANIEL. - Dr. H. W. LEWIS. W. R.8MITH jt Jackson, Northampton oounly, N. C. The largest and best plant in the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, ijuarrier and Manufacturer of HON 11 K NTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 'ONES of every description, freight prepaid on all shipments e delivery guaranteed. Write for jigns and prices tVAlo Iron Fencing, Vases . ete., for cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. QUPID'S MIRROR. "The beautr of a woraan'i face or fiirare It but the external sign of the good health witmn," says ur. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the specialist in women's diseases. Further, to be hap py and beautiful one must naturally have Rood health. Now, tf a woman has drajrginfr-down feelingi, together . with constantly re turning pains and aches, a too great drain upon her vi tal itv and strentrth. he will never look beautiful. The feelings of nervousness, the befofreed mind, the Ill-temper, the pale mid wrinkled face, all result from those disorders peculiar to women, and the only way to effect their cure Is to strike at the source of the difficulty. There is every reason why she should write tome great specialist, one who hns made the diseases of women a specialty for a third of a century like l)r. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel ana burgicai institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. All correspondence is held sacredly confidential, and he gives hit advice free ana witnout cnarKe. During a long period of practice, Doctor found that a prescription made up entirely of roots and herbs, without the ! Work Delivered At Any Depot. I oct Illy. SEEING- & SUMMER o FOB L3IEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. ia of alcohol, cured ninetv-eiirht oer cent, of such cases. After using this remedy for many years in his private practice ne put it up in a form that can be had at any store w nitre meuicines are nanaieu. In many cases Dr. R. V. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will fit the needs and put the body in healthy condition. So sure of it is Dr. Pierce, he offers a reward of $yx for women who cannot be cured of Ieucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or tailing of Womb. All tie asks is a fair and reasonable trial of hit means of cure. Don't allow the dealer to Insult your intelligence by offering you a cheap sub titute. Send at one-cent stamps to pay expense nf n.ftilfiitr and set Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser in paper covers, free. Addresa Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelltts are the most desirable laxative for delicate women, 1 i Line Drv Goods. Notions. Gents Furnishings. 4o. The largest Hoe i brought to Weldon. Don't fail to see them before you buy. Our Shoe department is full and running over. The largest stook we have ever lied, and we are making prioet . THAT WILL SELL THEM. Juit reoeived a big lot of ( DORSCH) Shoes. Suits to order, made up in good pe and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed. Don t fail to see out line of Samples and. Prices Before You flaco Your Order. 2H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, I - WELDON. N. C. FLOOR COVERINGS. We oarry the largest and most c plete line of floor coverings ever brought to this part of Notth Carolina. Mat tings, earpctings, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large line of remi ants of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Linoleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, ourlains,and many other things In the line of house furnishings. Remember our new Hand ia next door to tbe Bank of Weldoo. SriERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. THE LATEST FAD- WHAT IT IS AND WHIN Till NIXT ONI 18 EXPECTED TO BE. Are you on to the latest fashion among the young men ? It was brought in by the boys who had been off to school wheo they returned in June. Of course, all the town boys who believe in being the real thing took it up at once. This "very latest" is described thus by a disgusted father : "I noticed for some time that all the half grown fellows seemed to be suffering with the hot weather moro than anybody else. Every time I aaw one of them be bad his coat on bis arm. Nothing strange about that until I began to notioe that no other folks seemed to be so hungry for cool weather, and then I began to look mora closely. I next dis covered that the young fellows never wore suspenders, and their trous ers bagged like empty meat sacks. I next observed that to be right up to date, a fellow must have hia aleeves rolled to the elbows, and better even than that is to have the cuff hanging loosely about the wrist like a cannibal'i beads. My boy can't go ten yards from home with out his eoat, yet he hasn't had it on bis back in two weeks, 'Tis t great fashion, and I expect to see it improved upon. By fall I hope to see the boys going with the trousirs rolled up, the shins naked, and the sooka dangling from a string around the neck." Monroe Journal. "Make Hay While the 8un Shines." There is a lesson in the work of tbe thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and and he propares for the showers that are liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoe and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain s Colie, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, ahould al ways be kept at hand, aa immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. Summer Diarrhoea In Children. During tbe hot weather of the sum mer months the first unnatural loueocss Ol a child's bowels should have immedi ate attention, so as to cheek the disease before it beeomea serious. All that is necessary ia a few doses of Chsmberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev. M. 0. Stock land, Pas tor ot tbe first M. E. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberleio's Colio, Cholera and Diar ihoe Remedy for several years and it a very valuable remedy, especially for sum mer disorders in children." Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beat ens, Enfield, N. C , J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. SOMEBODY. "Somebody did a golden deed; Somebody proved a friend in need; Somebody Bang a beautiful song; Somebody smiled the whole day long ; Somebody laid, ' 'Tis sweet to live.' Somebody said, 'I'm glad to give;' Somebody fought a valiant Bght; Somebody lived to shield the right. Waa that somebody you ?" Unueeeasary Eipenae. Acute attacks of colio and diarrhoea come on without warning and promt re lief must be obtained. There is no oe oessity of ineurring the expense of a phy sieian's aervioe in such eases if Cham berlaio's Cholio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia at hand. A doss of ihii remedy will relieve tbe patient before doctor oould arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases and no family should be without it. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldoo N. C , W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. One thing oau be said for the ballet girl. Her means of aupport are alwaya vismie. PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE J. D. Rnnyan, of Butlerville, 0 , laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ho says: "They are a perfect remedy, for dirti ness, sour stomaoh, headache, oonatipi tion, eto." Guaranteed at all druggisti price 25o. WHAT THE MOUTH TELLS. DROOPINU COIlNr.0.8 BIIOW HABITUAL I'BETKIII.NEHS AND DISCONTENT. In these days of boauty experts every fcaturo of a face may be more or less changed, but there is just one a woman makes herself, and which indicates her character. That one is her mouth, and by tbe lines about it one oau tell whether woman is nervous or placid, whether she has a sweet nature or a sulky one. For sny of these influences the way she habitually shapes her lips. As one wo man summed it up: "Your other feat ures you are born with, but your mouth you make yourself." Io other words it can be trained, and and she is therefore a wise woman who makes it look pleasaot even though she does not feel so. Looking happy is merely a triok of the lips turning upward a little at the corners. It is really just as easy to do this as to let them droop, as is habitually the oaae. But instead of looking as though life held some happiness the faces of women taken as they sit side by side in a street oar are appalling, While they are not talking and the faoes are in entire repose they look aa though they had not a friend in the world and oould never smile again. This is indocd a character istic of American women. When the eorners of the lips turn up trifle the face may be quiet, but still sb an appearance of serenity whicn makes it extremely attractive, as it seems on the point of breaking into a smile, Obversely, when the corners droop in the common way a woman either seems to be crosser than two sticks or else un happy. As a rule tbe latter expression prevsils. Moreover, many a pretty face sptii'ed by I peevish expression about the mouth, and instead of being an at tractive person the woman is quite tbe eontrary. As though this were not bad enough, drooping corners emphasize the two long lioes, possibilities of which are on every face, that run from the nose to the enda of the lips, and which always increase the effeot of sge. Pouting lips develop tho same lines merely at a little different angle, again spoil the prettioen of a face, while line drawn in tightly give a hard ex pression and oause little fine lines near the corners. This expression is largely result of nervousness and might readily be overcome. It may seem foolish to a woman to praotice a pleasant expression before mirror, but indeed it would be worth the effort. It is entirely a matter of muscles about the mouth, which may make her pretty or the reverse. It it not when she is talking that the average woman need fear how she looks. It is when her faoe is in repose, when she ia riding in street oars or waiting with nothing to do. Then her faco assumes a faraway look, and the mouth that she has made herself shows for what it is. New York Telegram. HE LOVED OLD ZEB- REFLECTIONS Of A SOLDIER AS BE OAZED ON THE VANCE STATUE. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. Tbe bilious and dyspeptic are eoustaot sufferers and appeal to our sympathies, There is not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happinesa by the use of Chamberlain i Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab lets invigorate the stomaoh and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also reg ulate the bowela. For sale by W. M, Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E, Beavens, Enfield, N J. A. Hawks Garysburg, N. C. THE GOOD OLD DATS. The maid "Unhand me, sirrah I you attempt to kiss me, 1 shall scream for help." The Man "Trouble not, sweet one I need no help." PUBLIC IS AROUSED. The public it aroused to a knowledgi of the eurativa merits of that of that great medicinal tonic, Eleotrio Bitten, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Waters, of 516 St. Clair Ave. Columbus, 0., writes: "For several months, I was given up to die. I bad fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked I could not Bleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I oould not eat. Soon after beginning to take Eleotrio Bitters, I obtained re lief, and io a short time I waa entirely cured." Guaranteed at all the druggists; prioe SOo. SAME EFFECT. "1 notioe that unco Jaok a engage ment to Beryl he hat stopped smoking, Did she exact that promise?" "No; but every time be oalla on her leaves with all the cigars in hit Test Pooket broken and crushed. Did you ever stop to think how small plaoe you occupied in this world, out side of your immediate family, and bow little the world would miss you when you were gone ? Standing on tbe corner of Fayettoville street in Raleigh the other day, watch ing people pass forcibly reminded us of the smallness of the spere in which we move. Those high up in power and with wealth and fame pass down the street known to a few, but unknown to many. Where one man doffs his hat in salute the governor, hundreds pass and do not to him. The chief justice of the supreme court drives out and it is the same way, one out a possible hundred recognizes and salutes him, the other ninety and nine pass him and know him not. An exoursion crowd came in on the train and it is slways interesting to watch exoursion crowd in a new plaoe. Their time it limited, usually to one day, and tbey must see all there ia to Bee before going baok and they go io a rush pushing and jostling each other, asking questions nd suggesting what to do and what not do. Then they past the corner, the old man ia oarrying the old lady to see the state eapitol, and excuse me a few minutes and I'll go along and see how they make it. "Mandy, things have changed power ful about here sinoe the war. Here tnat etate ot Washington at the en trance to the oapitol grounds and yonder faeing the east is the monument of old Zeb." "Zebwho?" queried Mandy. Zeb Vance, our war governor and the greatest man the state has ever produced, and Mandy, Old Zeb always remembered tbe soldier boys. Ho never forgot tbe soldier boys. He never forgot their faces and would alwaya speak to them when he saw them; let's go around and see the statue; I would rather see that than tbe eapitol," and then they atrol'ed around to it and stopping io front of it the old gentleman raised his hst and stood for a few minutes silmtly, while is lips quivered and the tcais dimmed hia eyes, I wonderod what be was thinking of and what it was that moved his heart and that caused his tears to flow, but the scene was too sacred to in terrupt and I passed on and left them andiog there. Perhaps be was, in memory, fighting once again the Virgin ia campaign and saw sgain his comrades falling around him and the groans be heard as they yielded up their lives, pencd anew the old wounds and tie tears would oome unbidden, or pcrhaiB he felt again the privations and hardships of the camp life and the chilly wintry blast when barefooted and without a cent he marched io the ranks to face the foe on the morrow. Yes, more than likely be lived over all these scenes and tears falling down his face were tcatB of love and gratitude to the memory of the man whose statue he faced, because of old Zeb's love for bis Tar Heel boys and how he so earnestly sought to have them clothed and shod oomfortably. Moore County Newa, Sick headache results Irom a disorder ed condition of the stomach and is quick ly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldoo, N. G, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N, C, Blame a woman for her extravagance in dress and she will blame the men for manufacturing pretty things for her to wear. A TOUCHING STORY is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes : "At tho sge of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with serious throat trouble, and two phy sicians gave her up. We were almost in despair, when we resolved to Iry Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief ; afler taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve a oough or cold. At all druggists' ; 50c and $1.00 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. When a fellow says that he is wedded to his art alono, it is a sign that some woman is to be congratulated on her escape. mm The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There ts a disease prevailing In this country most danperous because so decep- T live. Many sudden deaths are caused ht it heart disease, 7r Pneumonia' heart jl (allure or apoplexy r- are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance tha kidney-poisoned hnnA uritl ati-ii-tr ihm ..h vnai oreana or ma kidneys themselves break down and wasto away cell by cell. bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. it corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and tha extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and told by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may ftM'7v" have a sample bottle of ijrtP???v53f3 this wonderlul new dis- BTT- covery and a book that tells all about it, both iinms of swunp-Roos. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer fit Co. Binphamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'i Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE FIENDISH SUFFERING. is often caused by stores, ulcers and can cers, that eat away your skin. Wm. 1 dell, of Flat Rook, Mich., says:'T have used Bucklen's Arniea Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It ia the best healing dressing 1 ever found." Soothes and heals euts, burns and scalds; 25c at all druggists' ; guaranteed. THE PLACE FOH HIM. nwj Groceries, PROVISIONS,! Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merriranc Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-21-ly Of Course Notwithstanding what you lay about Kraltie, said Goodart, he teems to be a loyal fellow. He appeara to keep in with bii frienrla. He ahould be kept io with them, re plied Crabba. Most of hit friends ere in jail. ItlR OVEH SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winblow's Sooth ino Syrup has boon used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; ouret wind oolic, and it the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little euffirer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five eenta a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. You Can Live There would probably be more women barbers if Samson a wifa hadn't made nob. i mess of her first job of hsir cot- ting. WITHOUT TELEPHONE bLKVItt BUT YOU DON'T UVEAS MUCH AS YOU MIGHT BECAUSE Telephone Service SAVES TIME And Time Is the Stuff of Life. For Rates APPLY. TO LOCAL MANAGER or Horn Tftlophon and -Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N.C. r -. . : - It