V""':.' : DVEHTISI1TQ- RA-TES-MOMHATE. ' -A. NEWSPAPER 2T O IR, TUB PEOPLE TEI3ynS:-81.50 I'ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE E- ipinBinyu n M'T"aT TTaT "T " " ' T supply you direct I i 11""" Y "f TT M F i TO THE CONSUMER: Ptf iW TT" f i" iWl E l 1 1 B 1 1 IJLfl Wo give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains If Wl JfjJ fM bi IA a iWtff ImwBI mLiTm aw llWSli more K1 so''d Ju'cy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory tl I J jfk akv inr WI'UIL'D :V An I wnu ui luuntw iwavsrestorcscnlnrfnornufir.it. 6 hairslPs fallinj, S 3 . p m nn I z o p' p; 5 m (plm. p " W O IS 111 V1 1 Vr II A if H ia&&iLIL tminm aisanpears. An cie;antdressin(?.",'.rrrV',!.''r-,?1,f,," TANNER'S PAINTS Retain their pre-emineooo above all other brands ia because tlicy are made of the best materials obtaina ble and ire ground with great oare. If your doaler docs not oarry them write to the manufacturers. IREJlSOfl I 180. The Bank of i l -:-.WELl)ON N. C.- f ianizei Mer Tie Lais of tie Slate of North Carolina, 1 AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. I TOWN OF WKLDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ten years this institution has provided banking facilities for this section Aholders and directors have boco identified with the business interests of I aad Northampton counties lor many i seeiraty at the legal rate of intoreat d. ' Jent: Vice-President: Cashier. DANIEL. D&. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH t . Jaekson, Northampton county, N. C. The largest and best plant in I the State. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, wrier and Manutaeturer ol MUN NT3, TOMBS, GRAVE ES of every description, light prepaid on all shipments - delivery guaraDteed. Write fur ... la and pneea Work Delivered Oct Illy. 3PRING- & o FOIR, o JEN, WOMEN Line Dry Goods, Notions, Gents i uiought to Weldon. Don t tail to see i Shoe department is fuU and running -a, and we are making prioes THAT WILL '4 reoeived a big lot of (DORSCH) and by good tailors. If its Guaranteed. loo t tan to sea our line oi males and Prices Before You ace Your Order. mJD. ALLEN WELDON. N. C. J Ml a. i i , i i wuu wm kui uui um mau us mil RUveniKment, we Will mail nun a cam flair Kenvwr ti ....i. grows long and heavy, and all Tanner Paint & Oil Co., 141!) E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA W $33,000. years. Money is loaned upon an- sii por centum. Accounts of all are SMIA1bo Iron Fencing, Vasea etc., fnr cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. am-SATISFACTlON GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furoiahiogs, io. The largest line them Dctorc you ouy. over. The largest stock we have ever SELL THEM. Shoes. 8uits to order, made op in good & COMPANY, elk Wilt uni and addrw . . ... t . t f it WANTED TO GET EVEN- A correspondent sonda tu the follow ing eitraot from the pious petition of good old colored brother in a Georgia tettlemeDt : "Lawd, we wants bletsin' fer ever' one, 'oept one; eo dat one is yallci nigger, what boarded de railroad train, en runned ofl wid de whole collection hat wuz took up ter pay my salary wid; Lawd, please malts da train jump de track don't hurt de yuther passengers, ut take off one leg fum dat nigger." A TOUCHING 8T0RY the saiing from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 Booths, our little girl was in declining health, itb serious throat trouble, and two phy- sioians gave her up. We were almost in despair, wIhd we retoWed to try Dr. King's New Disooveryfor Conanmption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gbve relief ; after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve a cough or cold. At all druggists' ; SOo and 11.00 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. GHEERfULlJ GIVEN. Bobby's father had given biin a 10- eent pieoe and quarter of a dollar, tell ing him he might put one or the other on the contribution plate, says the Vbila- elphla Lrdgrr. "Which did you give, Bobbjr , bis father asked when the boy came borne from ehnroh. "Well, father, I thought at first I onght to put in the quarter," said Bob by, "but then just in timel remembered "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver," and I knew I eould give the lO-ceot piece a great deal more cheerfully, so I put that in." Do you remember the little thine (hit 7ve as so much pleuure when we were young? With what iet did we ait down te the table tiler oar play was over and eat the rousti ami nuiK our motner put oetor us. But u we get older it takes more to fftr us pleasure. Mush and milk no loiifrer tastes good to us, and our digestion may be impaired. The best advice we can give to such a person is to tone up the stomach with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is nature's most valuable and health giving agent made without the use of alcohol. It contains roots, herbs and barks, and is the concentration of nature's vitality as found in the neius ana woods. This remedy as a history which speaks well for it became it was given to the public by Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., nearly forty years ago, and has since been sold by druggists in ever increasing quantities. Some medicines, tonics or compounds, en toy a large sale for a few years, then disap pear from the public attention, but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has proved such a reliable blood remedy and tonic that it often enjoys the confidence of several generations in a family, and its in creased sales year by year coming from the recommendations of those who have tried It, prove its lasting merit, that every bottle bears the stamp of public approval. Every other blood-maker and tonic for the stomach that we know of contains alcohol, but Dr. Pierce guarantees that no alcohol U COnUsWCU a alm UCUs.! uiavuviy, Neuralgia And Other Pain. All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the result of a tur bulent condition of the nerves. The stabbing, lacerating, darting, burning, agonizing pain that comes from the prom inent nerve branches, or sen sory nerves, is neuralgia, and ia the "big brother" of all ths other pains. Dr. Miles' Anti IV.it ri!!3 rarely ever fail to relieve these pains by soothing these larger nerves, and restoring their tranquility. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-effects, and are a reliable remedy for every kind of pain, such as headache, backache, stomachache, sciat ica, rheumatism and neuralgia. They also relieve Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Car-Sickness, and Distress af ter eating. "For mny ran I have bn a eon Unt sufferer from neuralgia, and headache, and have never been able to obtain anr relief from various headaoh. rtowdeis and capsules, until I tried Dr. Miles' Anll-Pln Pill. They always cure my headache In five mmuiea lime. nr. u n, BninuvBi, Caahler 1st Nat. Bank, Atkinson. N.b. Dr. Miles' Aitl-Paln Wills are aald b your drueoltt, who will ouar.nta that lh. flrit packiga will benefit. If II fall h will rrtvrn your ony. ts do, aa aenti, Never sold In bulk. plainly berti ....... . . , t . . r i - wmcn win enuiK nun 10 one cui IF YOU KNOW, YOU - Shrouded in the midst of sges is the story of of this lioe, On in origin the reoords all are silent givo no sign, But its message speaks out clearly to all hearts, to yours and mine, Ever let the saying live; If you know, you will forgive. Has sotre friend soemed false, neglectful ? (was it not just seeming so ? Has another judged you wrongly ? (why not let the matter go ?) Do you think some one has blundered ? well, perhaps, hut do you know ?) Think of this each day you 1 ve : If you know, you will forgive. Time is short, the days are pasting, petty things are not woith while, Even if you have been injured, can the outward things defile ? Down below are bidden causer; trust, forget and wear a smile. Ever let the echoes live, If you know, you will forgive, AN EDITOR TOLD THE TRUTH. SOME OBSERVATIONS HADE AND BOW OI.AD fllUT WEBS Ot THE OLD WAT. Burlington News. The editor of the News is often ap prised of the faot that be ia the biggest liar in Alamance oouoty. We admit that necessity has compelled us to repeatedly sacrifice the truth in order to run this sheet successfully, and were about to determine to reform, but the following experiment of a western editor compels us to continue to do business along the old lioe, rather than tell the truth and be mobbed. The editor of an Iodiana paper became tiled of being called a liar so he annouoccd that he would tell the truth in the future. The first issue thereafter contaioed the following "John Bonin, the lstieat merchant in town, made a trip to Belville yesterday. "John Coyle, our grooeryman, isdoiog a poor business. His store is dirty, dusty and noiiously odoriforous. How oan he ezpeot to do much 1 "llev. Styx preaohed last Saturday night on 'charily.' The sermon was punk. "Dave Sonkey died at his home in this plaoe. The doctor gave it out as heart iailure. The fact is he was drunk, and whiskey is what killed him. "Mairied. Miss Sylvia Rhodes and James Conhsn, last Saturday eveniog at the Baptist paraonage. The bride is a very ordinary town girl who doesn't know any more than a jack-rabbit about oookiog, and never helped Lor mother three days in her life. She is not a beauty by any means, and has a gait like a fat duck. The groom is well known as an up-to-date loafer. He's been living off the old folks all his life and don't amount to shucks. They will have a hard life." The paper had no sooner reached the publio than a committee was sent to him boariog a petition asking him to contin ue in the good old way, and stated that they believed him to be a truthful and honest man. A MORNING DREAM. Mrs. Skynfint "What are yon chuckling about, Jonas?" Mr. Skynflynt "I dreamed I was going to give a Pullman poitoer a quar ter." Mrs. Skynfiynt-"Shouldn't think that would make yon grin." Mr. Skjnflynt "Well, I woke up ion as ne wae reacning tor it. iioais. -vil'e Courier Journal. FOR OVER H1XTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their ohildreo while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists ia every part of the world. Tweoty-five oenls a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup," and teka ha other kifid. NO FAILURE. Bosh "Do you think ruarriaue .is a failure?" Josh "Mine wasn't. I've tried every way i could think oi to get out ol it, but can t. It s the hardest knot that ever was tied." Detriot Free Press. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers end appeal to our sympathies, There is not one of them, however, who may not be brooght back to health and happiness by the use of Chaicberlaio't Stomach and Liver Tablets. These lab- lets invigorate the stomsoh and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also teg. nlate the bowots. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N C, W. E. Beevens, Eofield, N. C. J. A. Hawks. Oarysburg, N. C. f n.i . a rni?T? i ncu ivtcai a uoaccu i-.cc ai ar.y WILL FORGIVE. Hummer Diarrhoea lu Children. During the hot weather of the sum mer months the first nonatural lousenerS ot a child's bowels should have immedi ate attention, so as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of eastor oil to cleanse the s;tem. Rev. M. 0. Stooklaod, Pas tor oi the first M. E. Chureb, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoe Remedy for several years and it a very valuable remedy, especially for sum mer disorders in children." Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beaveos, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. NOT BEADY TO DIE. "If," said the ohemist, "you will give this now tonic a trial, I'm sure you will never use any other." ' Excuse me," rejoined the customer, "but I prefer something a little less fatal." Chicago Journal PUBLIC IS AROUSED. The publio is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Waters, of 546 St. Clair Ave., Columbu, 0., writes: "For several months, I was gives up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I oould not eleep, and my stomsoh was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I oould not eat. ' Soon after beginning to take Electrio Bitters, I obtained re lief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." Guaranteed at all the druggists; price SOe. Children are divided ioto two general olasses our own sweet darlings and the dirty-faced, ill-mannered brats of other people. Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colio and diarrhoea oome on without warning and promt re lief must be obtained. There is no ne cessity of inourring the expense of a phy sician's service in suoh cases if Cham berlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before a doctor oould arrive. It has never been known to fail, even io the most severe aid dangerous cases and no family should be without it. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W, E. Beavens, Eofield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N'. C. Tbe woman who oan't rule some man with a marriage certificate is the one who wauls to rule him with a ballot. 'Make Hay Willie the gun Shtues." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer, lie knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and and he prepares for the showers that are liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoe and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain' Viet Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which is the beat known medicine for these diseases, should al ways be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Eofield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Gsrysburg, N. ('. Aa loog as men and women are not thoroughly understood by eaoh other they will oontinue to be iotcrestiog. FIENDISH SUFFERING is often caused by stores, ulcers and can cers, that eat away yeur akin. Wm. Be dell, of Flat Rock, Mich., sas:''I have used Buoklen'a Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Sore and Cancers It is the best healing dreteiog 1 ever found." Soothes and heals outs, burns and scalds; 25c at all diuggists' ; guaranteed. ... . 1 uurz : -nr'uni inn orana. HINTS FOR FARMERS Car Fur Itimp. lt.Mii lu tin. lust hIuki'4 cannot bo curitl. When it lutes roiii'liiHl such n BtnKc tliu fowl Hliould Ik. kllknl ami burned or Lurliil su lwly that It cannot bo dug up. In the early stage of tho dbtoaso treatment may lw nditiliilHtered that wl!l prove effeetuul. Dissolve two ounces of penuuiiKiuinte of potash lu six aud one-half pints of water. Com pletely submerge tho fowl's head lu this solution and hold It there as long as the bird euu endure It without choking tu death. This will cauic It to sneeze, thus forcing the solution through the nostrils, whoa It comes lu contact with the diseased parts. Re peat two or three times mumlng'mud evening. Next dilute some of the Buiue solution with four times as much wa ter and give the fowls to drink, allow ing no other water. Chicago Inter Ocean. Mottle In Butter. Recent Investigations made by the experiment Btntloa at Geneva, N. Y., prove that the success of modem dairy methods rests, so fur as mottling Is concerned, upon securing removul of casein compounds rather than upon distributing the salt evenly. Butter entirely freed from the caxelu of the milk that Is, butter washed thorough ly enough to get rid of all buttermilk will not produce mottles, no matter how unevenly the salt he distributed, end butter containing nil excesx of buttermilk will produce mottles even If the salt Is uniform throuKhoiit the mass. The bulletin notes experimentally the effect of many factors upon mottling and Bhows clearly that only tlione which prevent perfect removal of the buttermilk tend to produce the defect. The Farm Mora In Summer. I make It a practice to give to work horses some grass commencing with the first of May, turning them out as soon ns their grain Is euteu and put ting them In the stable ngulu before dark, sayB Cyrus (irecue In American Cultivator. A little grass, a roll and a taste of dirt afford them much pleasure, and It takes but little time to do It. ltotween the house and tin barn there Is about one-third of mi acre, nud no slock but horses are al lowed In this luclosuro, and not even these when It Is soft cuotigh to Injure the grass. At most the horses cannot get far from Uio stable, and when wanted I catch one, aud the rest follow. They soon get used to this and con sider It a part of their dully routine. It takes but little time to atteud to It, and great benefit Is derived from It. Feedlnar Turkey. When cold weather comes we begin to teed oats for the turkeys' break fast, writes an Indiana farmor lu American Agriculturist. YVbou they come home at night they take their supper with our hogs, which are fed .corn. We consider oats oue of tho beet foods for young stock mid have found It a groat frame and muscle builder. After we have guthered our apples and the best of our garden vegetables wo give the turkeys free nccess to the orchard and gardeu. This gives them a chance to procure a good deul of vegetuble food. Wo ulso gather n good many cabbages and other vege tables which are too small to Bell aud feed them to tho turkeys during the winter. The Moltlnsr lien. To help molting and touo up tho wholo system add to each quart of the feed one tublespoouful of tbe follow ing mixture: One "ounce each carbo nate of Iron, pulverized gentian root, black antimony, mandrake, giuger und flour of sulphur; three ounces blear bonate of soda, four ounces flaxseed meal. Start feeding this at the begin nlng of the molting soason and use every other day until the fowls have their new fenthers. American Agrlcul turlst. Concerning- Clover. A bulletin of the Maine experiment Station gives lu detail the results of two years' study of red clover ob tained from different parts of the world. It was found among othe tilings thut the European clovers were invariably smooth and free from hnlrs on stem and loaves while American clovers were Invariably nioro or less hairy. This may be an Important fuc- tor lu relation to the dustiness of clover hay. Root For th Plar. Wherever root are used us part of tho pig's rations quite remarkable re- suits are obtained, apparently out of all proportion to tho flooding value of the roots. This seems to show thnt the rots nerve to rcudar stain more digestible. Although pigs do not like raw turnips, yet when the turnips are cooked end mixed with raw potatoes or cabbages they will eat them readily When a smnll amount of bran Is fed with tills mash, good gains ore made. Feeding th Dairy Cow, A cow must receive au abundant sup ply of feed at all times If we expect her to produce a large flow of milk Spasmodic spurts of feeding count for naught, hut It Is tho evenly sustained yields that produce large records. Hoard's Dairyman. Mnrketlnar a lloree. When fitting a horse for the market bear In mind the fact that 100 pound of fat on the animal will often add S100 to his selling value and sometimes more than that Hrvlaar Bean. 1 Beans at harvest time are likely to sustain damage If the pods am allowed to lie In contact with the soil long a a time. Mum.l.clurtd Only by Llipfert-St ilea FOR THE HOUSEWIFE NendluK Hone l.tnen. When linen Is well looked after aud kept In thorough repair Its time of usefulness Is considerably lengthened. Never throw a shoot uwuy because It shows signs' of growing thin down tho middle. Cut It In two and turn sides to the middle. The Relvagus should be Hewed together und tho raw edges hemmed. When blankets grow thin they should bo durned with wool of the same color. Old bluukets aro valuable to tho last fragment. When thin they can le used as undcrblaukctrt, and when they will not hold together for this purpose they are Invaluable to pud the Iroulug table and as floor cloths. Tablecloths usually wear first In the middle, where tho two folds cross. It Is well worth while to put In u piece In tho center cut from an old napkin or other cloth. Dam down tho edges without turning them lu, and It will scarcely show. It Is easy to arrange thut the patch shall be covered by the table decora tions. If a cloth Is too old to be patched thus It may be cut up to make tray cloths or smuller table covers. Wn.hlne; Colored Fabric. To lauudor colored cotton fubrlcs and keep their color bright have ready starch and a largo tubful of rluslug water. Have a half tubful of luke warm water very soapy and leave the soup In tho water while washing. Turn the garments wrong side out uud wash, rinse, starch and hang In the shade, finishing one piece before wetting the rest. Do not rub soap on the material unless It Is very much soiled. Let the clothes He sprinkled a very short time end Irou ou the wrong sldo with Irons barely hot enough to dry the goods nicely. Turn and press hems and seams on the right side. In tills way the little girls' school dresses can be bright uud fre-sh all s'lmmer. Rot nt Holder, When the edge of a plate Is grasped with anything like metallic Jaws there Is great liability of breakage or of the plato slipping or overturning Its eon tents. An Inventor, however, has dis covered that by making tho Jnws ot a wlro frame pluto holder somewhat Ir regular, so long as they aro not too greatly out ot balance, and by provld PHOTECTS THE HANDS. lug one Jaw say the lowerwith rub ber surfaces at points so that they may hold frlctlonally, most of the dlfficul. tie heretofore met are overcome. The Jaws are formed of separate wire bent to engage und bold the pivot pin upon which they osclllnte. A continuation of the Jaws rearward from the pivot pin forma the handles, which are gen erously largo and normally held open by a spring. The rubber bosses or knobs on the lower Jaw are held In place by loops eudlug In a point. Fig. 1 shows the holder open. In Fig. 2 It holds a plate. Waahlner Glne and China. Delicate china and glass should first of all be washed In lukewnrm water, and then. If tbe result Is not satisfac tory, hot water may be employed, for It Is not the beat that does the dam age, but the suddenness of Its applica tion. Even thick cut glass will crack If heat la suddenly applied, and too best way to wash It Is In warm soap suds and then cover with sawdust; When the onwdust Is dry brush It o.T with a soft brush, going carefully Into all the little crevices, and finish polish ing It with a soft cloth. It will be bright and sparkling after this treat ment. Cnentnb For Bnnbnrn. A wash that Is BOothlng nud bleach- Ing after burning or to be used for tan Is made of the Jnlco of one largo cu cumber, to which Is added twelve drops of tlnoture of bensolu or enougu to make the mixture milky. This 1 not to be put In uutll the Julco la cold Then add ten drops of essence of vio let. To ue wlp on with cloth, and let tbe Juice dry In. This may also be wiped over the face at night. To Roller Qnln.r. Take several good sited potatoea. roast them well In a good oven and when done burst them and apply on a rag or handkerchief to the throat In the same way as a poultice; bear as long as possible, then renew when cold. This Is a slmplo but famous remedy and gives quick relief to the throat, breaking very stubborn quinsies. The potatoes hold the heat longer than any thing, helping to burst the abscess. Bnrnrd Milk. If when boiling milk It should hap pen to burn pour it at once Into a pitch er and stand it into a basin of cold wa ter until It la cool, when t will be found to be quite free from the burned smell and taste. T Clean Nlrkel. To clean nickel use pulverlied borax. Scour thoroughly, using hot water and very little aoap. Then rinse In hot .Water and rub dry with a clean cloth. Co., Wltiton-8lm, N. C PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE. J. D. Ruoyao, of Butlerville, 0 , laid ihe peculiar disappearance of his painful, symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. Kings New Life Pills. lie says: Tbey are a perfect remedy, for dizzi ness, sour Btoniach, headache, constipa tion, etc." Guaranteed at all druggists' price 25j. The noblest mission in the world is to be a noble man. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody who reads tho news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. jr. it is me great meat TTm cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of Cjr-Ng Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent maney ana Diad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright 's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for every thing but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. KilraerStCo.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home ot fiaurRo dollar sizes are wid by ftU good druggists, DiTt make any mfstaka, but remember the nam. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Roct.7 and tho addrM, Binghamtoit, N. Y., on every bottle. J.A. ALSTON V FINE if PROVISIONS, -Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merriraoc Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, neinon r. u. lU-'il-lr THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Intarial College. COURSES Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Traikino Pedadooical Memo Three Courses leading to degrees. Well equipped Training School for Teachers. Faculty numbers 50. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for nse of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free-tuition stu dents, $125. For non residents of the State, $1110. Fourteenth annual session begins September 21, 1905, To secure hoard in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers sud stenogra phers. For catalog and other information, address CUARLES P. M.1VER, President. (Irecnslioro, N. C. MAS IT EVER OCCURRED TO YOU ( How Many People You f WCan Reach Without w leaving your own office A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKINO THE DOOR Can You Afford It? LET OUR MANAOER TALK IT OVER WITH YOU. For Rates APPLY TO . LOCAL MANAGER or Horn Telephone) and Telegraph Company,. HENDERSON, . . N. C, hiii Groceries ml 4 it