tpP1 fDVETISIlTO OL. XL. TO ANY CHEW ER of tobacco "l ll"v 11 ll II II III W ll I more good solid juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory I ll IJ leL 1 M fj 111 r Iz S"' F S 5 m 3 I m o m p rrr are-"" I - ? CO Jy" a. h'sh-cijss preparation for ihe hair. Keeps the hair soft and jbssy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and Jhavs restores color to gray hair. ''"tTUTt&tszstt" TANNER'S PAINTS Retain ihpir pre-eminence above all other braoda ia because tbej aia made of the beat material obtaioa. ble and are ground with great oare, " If jour dealer doea sot carry them write to the manufacturers. Why jfa 18. 1419 E. MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. The Bank -H:WELDON BM Me. The Lais of I AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY, f HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. J TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. I CAPITAL UNO SURPLUS $33,000. m ten years this institution has provided banking facilities fur this section fcoltholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of fac and Northampton oouotiea for many years. Money is loaned upon ap id security, at the legal rate of interest six per oentum. Aecounts of all are ited. resident: Vice-President: Cashier: .S. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH f Jackson, Northsmpton county, N. C. i The largest and best plant in 1 the State. IcHAULES MILLER WALSH, Harrier and Manufacturer of MOV ENTS, T'OM B8, GRAVE 3NES of every description, freight prepaid on all shipments. delivery guaranteed. Write for -.gos and prices I iWork Delivered i Oct Illy. SPEING & o FOR o JIEN, WOMEN Lina Dry Goods, Notions, Gents brought to Weldon. Don't fail to tee xu Shoe department is full and ruooing tea, and we are making pnoea I THAT WILL ast received a big lot of (DORSCH) Shoe Suits to order, made up In good 'and by good tailors. Fits Guaranteed, Don't fail to tea our lino of imples and Prices Before You lace xour Order. fJH.JD. ALLEN ? ' WELUON, N. U. RA.TES - MODERATE. St. -ifiJuA l l i ill , - ' C JL, gg' ..a. ail ... who wiU cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card VEGETABLE SICILIAN HairRenewer Tamer Faint fc Oil Co.. of W, N. C. tbe State of North Carolina, MvAlao Iron Fencing, Vases fcJfcTTn etc., for cemetery aud other CJPtsJ purposes at lowest prices. SgLSATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. SUMMER & CHILDREN. Furnishings, Ac. The largest line them before you buy. over. Tbe largest stock ws have ever SELL THEM & COMPANY, Writ unit aud addrou RASCAL KISSED PRETTY GIRL. WOHAtl, DO TOO WANT TO Til DP THI WBOLI LINE BIOAtlSI TOD'VI BUN KI8HID. Two Columbia atudeoti tut olasaet the other daj and went out for s lark, Ai thej turned into Broadway from 216 b itreet they looked around fcr something in the way of excitement. 'Say, Kid," Mid the taller of the two u an open ear Hopped in front of them, you don't dare kiso that girl in the Alioe-blnehat." The "kid'' used np the pretty girl at the end ol the seat and turned to hla friend. 'What do you bet 7" "Bet you two bucka." The "kid" gave a hurried g'ano about for au insurance against the mioiona of the law, aprioted after the oar, which meantime had started, and swung on to the step beside the girl. A resounding amack rose above the buzi or the car. Before (Ten the girl oould realise what had happeoed he had dropped off. Then the girl screamed and the conductor bur ried forward to her seat to learn what had happened. She was so eioited that the oar trareled two blooks before she could exp'ain The conductor, agitated possibly by her screams, polled the bell and stopped Ihe ear. ' 1 wonder what 1 ought to do f be asked of a stout, dignified citiien who sat in the rear aeat. "l'u'l that bell and let us go along," said Ihe dignified person. 1 be girl, who had atopped screaming and taken refuge in tears, turned indignantly. "Ub, you heartless man, she said. "Good Lord, woman, do you want to tie op the whole system becsuse I young rascal kissed you ?" ha asked. She did not answer and the oar went on. flew York frets. ROMAS A. KD1 SON, the in ventor, in mapping out the Eroblenii of the future, give rst place to the necewity of fighting the btcteri which give in our disesuei. Next to the BCtual btcteria of dis ease, the moMuitoa and fllei are the moit dangerous enemies of man. Tbe niorautto with Its bite injects into our veins malaria, yellow fever, and other fatal tioubles. The fly, with spongy feet, collects the invisible germs of diseases, spreads them over our food and poisons us with typhoid, cholera and other plagues of the numan race. Dr. Pierce, the eminent physician of Buf falo, N. Y., says, Mf each person will con sider his system as an army of men which he controls as a general, and will see to it proper provisioning and that it has plenty of ammunition in the shape of good red blood, he will be able to overcome the enemy in theie germs of di lease. Every healthy man has five million red blood corpuscles to every square millimeter of Dlooa. i ne oesi ionic lor increasing inr rcu blood corpuscles and building up healthy tiKue is no doubt Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. Tbis medicine has been on the market for over a third of a century and numbers its cures by the thousand. Many popular patent nicdlciues or tonic are made up largely of alcohol and will snnnk lite corpuscles oi tne diouu ana make them weaker for resistance. What Is needed is an site rut ive ei tract, like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, made of roots and herbs, without the use of alco hol, that will assist the stomach in assimi lating or taking from the food such ele ments as are required for the blood, also an alterative that will assist the activity of the liver and cause it to throw on tne poisons In the blood. When we have accomplished this we have put the system in a fortified condition so strong that it can repel the germs of disease which we find every wherein tbe street-cars, tbe shops, tbe factories, the bedrooms, wherever many people congregate, or where sunlight and good air do not penetrate. Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Titawnvrrv " There ia nothine Must as good " for distaacs of the stomach, blood and lunga. ... Neglected conatioation means headache. heart-burn, sour stomach, foul taste in the mouth, biliousness, pimples, and pal pita -of the heart. Constipation is promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. On for mild cues, otherwise two. Heart Weakness. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has made many hearts well after they have been pronounced hopeless. It has completely cured thousands, and will al most Invariably cure or benefit every case of heart disease. Short breath, pain around heart, palpitation, fluttering, dizzy, fainting and smothering' spells should not be neglected. TaLe Dr. Miica' Heart Cure and see how quick you will be relieved. It cannot make a new heart, but will restore a sick one by strengthening the heart nerves and muscles, relieving the unnatural strain, and restoring its vitality. "I bad a Yery bad (in of hurt troubl. For six anontha I could not work. lat Jul? I vu plowing corn and f.ellnv bad all duy; In the after noon In plowing on. row 1 had to Inr down, or full down, thro. time.. Mr Seart throubod aa though It would urst through, and I had dlftVultr In getting mr breath. I purchased B bottle of Dr. Ulle.' Heart Cure, and befor I had U'ed Stair of It I could ar down and sleep all night. Prevl. pualf I had to gel up from flv. to ten tlmea a night. I hav. taken aeveral bottle., and mr heart I. u regular aa clock work. I feel Ilk. a new man. and can work conelderabl. for an old tun, rear, old." ft. D. MoUIIX, Frost, Ohio. Dr. MIL,' Heart Cur I. ..Id by 'our drugc1'' who will guarantee that n. tint lottl. will benefit. If It fall. Ill reruna your money I refund your money. I MjOit( Elkhart, In4 A. NEWSPAPER F WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, pUloIr km which will entitle him to one 5c cut of THE RESTFUL BY FRANK L. Never yet could git him in the balleluia ranks: Always singin' that old bymo 'bout "Jordan's stormy banks;" An' tbat other old-time anthem beat the music that was new "In tbe sweet fields of Eden there is rest for you I" Seemed like he didn't need it never workin' much; an' then, When they bad a big revival, hardly hollerin "Amen I" But, ask some one to raise a tnne he knowed jnst what to do : "In the sweet fields of Eden there Is rest for you I" He sent tune a-risin' to the wind rs o' the sky, Till, I think, the sleepy angels must er fixed their wings to fly I Like they wasn't tired o' singin'l like they never knowed it too, "In the sweet fields of Eden there is rest for you I" Till ooe day, they got to prayin': "Lord, we're thiokin' that it's best To call him to them Eden fields, an' let Ihe world have rest I" An' he hurried from that meetin', an' be fsded from their view With his "Sweet fields of Eden," an' his "rest lor you I" 'Make Hay While the Sun Shlnee." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and and be prepares for the showers that are liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrboe aod cholera morbus may attack some member of tbe home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which is tbe best known medicine for these diseases, should al ways be kept at band, as immediate treatment is neoessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. 0. FULL MOON- A New York man named Tompkins, starting on a trip South, fell in with an old acquaintance, and was surprised to learn I hit the man he had known for so many yesrs was just starting on his wed ding tour. Congratulations followed, says the New York Tribune, and when the old friend mentioned the name of his bride, the daughter of in extremely wealthy man, Tompkins exclaimed : "Well, you are indeed a foitunate man I" Tbe bridegroom gave a little smi'e of modest satisfaction, and soon after ex cused himself to return to his wife. When Tompkios and his traveling compsnion were alone; the companion remarked : "Appears to hsveslruok it pretty Hub, eh?" "I thould ray so I" exclaimed Tomr- kins. "Of my personal knowledge I should say that tho girl is wotth several millions " "And so he is on bis honeymoon f" sdded tbe Now Yorker. "Honeymoon ?" tepealcd Tompkins, with a hurst of enthusiasm. "Why, 1 call it nothing less thsn a harvest moon!" DENIED HIS NATIVITY. During his recent visit to the Yellow stone psrk tbe president of Ihe United Siatea who is a close student of Amer ican dialects, thought ha deteoted in tbt speech of the driver of tba coach tbt region from whiob he came. "ion coma from Missouri, do yon not?" asked Mr. Roosevelt. The driver pulled in his four horses, set bis brake with his foot, and turned impressively toward ihe chief magistrate. "Mr. President," he ssid, "nay father 'a' mother ooot went to Missouri on i visit, and they visited there 20 years, During Ibet time I was born; but I want to tell you right now thet I'm no domed Mitrourian." Ilauer.iiary Bipeuae Acute altacks of eolio and diarrhocs oome on without wsrning and promt re lief must be oblsloed. There is no ne. oessliy of Incurring Ihe expense of a phy sician's servioe in suoh esses if Cham berlain's Cholio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la at hand. A dose of Ibis remedy will relieve the patient bclore doctor eould arrive. It has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous eases sod no family thould be without it. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N.C.W.E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. A soft snap is Satan's trap FIENDISH SUFFERING is often caused by stores, ulcere and can cers, thai eat away your skin. Wm. Be dell, of Fist Rock, Mich., says:''I have used Buckleo's Arnioa Salve, for Ulcers, 8ores and Canoers. It ia tho best healing dressing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds: 2fic at all diaggiati'; guaranteed. O IR, THE PEOPLE Red Meat Tobacco FREE at any BROTHER. STANTON. They Appeal to Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers snd appeal to our sympsthies. There is not ooe of them, however, who msy not be brought bsck to heslth and bsppiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tab lets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengihen the digestion. They also reg ulate the bowels. For sale by W. !. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W, E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks Garysburg, N. C. A woman's remarks sre often bsrbed like a fish heok. They don't hurt much until yoa begin to take them out for analysis. FOR OVEH SIXTY YEARS. MB8. WlNSLOW'8 SOOTUINO SyBUP has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; oures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. The woman who keeps ooe eye on the clock and the other on the ironing board not only never gets through, but doea bad work. A TOUCHING STORY ia the sating from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md, He writea : "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with serious throat trouble, and two phy sicians gave her up. We were almoBt in iair, when wa resolved to try Dr. Kieg's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief; after taking four bottles she was onred, and is now in perfect health.' Never fails to relieve a cough or oold. At all druggists' ; 50c and f 1.00 guar anteed. Trial bottle free. At soon as a man's private "den" be gins to get real comfortable bis wife takes it away from bim aod converts into a cosy corner. PUBLIC IS AROUSED. Tbe public is aroused to a knowledge of the curstiva merits of tbat of that great medicinal tonic, Eleolrio Bitters, for sick stcmsch, liver and kidneys. Msry II. Wsters, of 546 St. Clair Ave, Columbus, 0., writes: "For several months, I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked I oould not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, tbat I oould not eat. Soon after beginning to take Eleolrio Bitters, I obtained re lief, aod in a ahort time I was entirely cured. Guaranteed at all the druggists; price 50o. Woman msy not, as the men claim, know bow to keep a bank account, but aha think, she knnwa how nm it In gnnd advantage. Summer Diarrhoea In Children. During the hot weather of the sum met months the first nnnatural looseness ot a ohild's biwels should have immedi ate attention, to aa to check the diseaia before it becomes serious. All that is neoessary is a few doses of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of eastor oil to olesnf a tbe system, Rev. M. 0. Stoeklaod, Pas tor ot the first M. E. Church, Little Falls, Minn, writes: "Ws have used Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diar rboe Remedy for several yosrs sod it very valuable remedy, especially for sum our disorders in obildren." Sold by W. M. pehea, WelJou, C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C , J. A Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. 1905. store har.dlinp, this brand. PEOPLE OF THE DAY New Head of War t'ollesr.. Cenerul 'J'lioniaa II. Harry, who has just bvvu iiiwlntwl iiri'tiluViit of the United RtHtcs wnr culleici), U now lit MnUfhurut with the Hiisslnu army, and hla ordcra to tbe upv uiwlgnuient will be withheld until full, when he will have completed blH preeuut assignment. The apiiohitiiient of Oenorul Burry settles u controversy between generul officers of the army, Oeneruls Lee and Carter having Mho been considered by the special board of army officers charged with making tiiose assign ments. Several months beforo the assem bling of this board to 1111 this vacancy Jouteunnt General t'lmffee nuked Gen eral Barry If he would llko to be do- BniOalllXB OENEltAL THOUAH H. BAltUY. tailed as prealdeut of tlie unity war col lege. General Barry declined the hon or. General Chaffee concluded that General Carter should receive the as signment. Tho board of oftlccrg ap pointed to make the selection was di vided betweeu Generals mid Har ry and finally deckled to recommend General Barry, notwithstanding hi previous declination. This recommen dation was approved by Acting Sec retary Oliver. This action, of con rue, Is a high trib ute to the ability ot General Barry and ehowe how well he Is thought of by bis fellow officers. General Burry Is a native of New York elty and a graduate of West Point Military academy, class (if '77. On leaving West l'olut bo was assign ed to duty In the west, whero ho spent several years fighting Indtuns and oth- frontler duty. During the rtpunlsh war be went to the Philippines as as sistant adjutant generu! under General Otla. When the Boxer trouble broke out General Burry went to Peking with General Chaffee on the relief expedition, later serving us adjutant general-of the Eighth army corps and department of the radlic In the Philippines. In H be wag mado chief of stuff. General Barry la In hla flfty-tirst year. Governor of Hawaii. George R. Carter, governor of Hit wall, who recently visited President Booaevelt to teuder his reslgnutlou, has reconsidered his determination to resign and will return to his duties In Honolulu. It la suld that President Hoosevelt expressed his complete satisfaction with tbe mnnuer In which Governor Carter has administered his office tin der conditions that would be heart breaking to a man with less courage. The practical politician in Hawaii Is tatd to be aa practical as In any part of the Union, and with an elected ter rttorlal legislature Governor Carter, In big attempts to usher In an era of political rectitude, hog found him n formidable factor to be reckoned with lie was appointed to succeed Gov ernor Dole, who was appointed one of the United States district Judges of Hawaii, and at once eneouuterel opK OCUHUB H. CAHTKlt. sltlon from the officials In tho Islands, The trouble culminated two or three months ugo In tho sending by Governor Carter of his resignation to the presl dent. The president declined to uccept It. Since then all aorta of obstructions, according to Governor Carter, have cropped up In his officio I path. It wa this that prompted hla visit to Saga more Hill. There Is good authority for tho statement that ho Is going back to his bailiwick with the assuranco of vigorous support from the admlnlstra tlon. Governor VarLr, who la but thirty six. Is a native of Honolulu and comes of a family that was established thet- three-quarters of a century ago, hi grandfather having arrived In tbe Islands on a whaler In .the early thir ties. Mr. Carter Is a graduate of Yale and wa a member of the varsity foot ball team and of the boat crew while U toUef. TEKlIS: - Manufactured Only by Liipfcrt-Bcates CREMATING CUPID (Copyright. If, by K. W. Sargent "1 suppose that's all," snlil Marlon dolefully, as the lust envelope smoul dered upon the open lire, "Yes," usseittcd Massoll. "It's llko all the rest- blackness and ashes." "It Is a good tiling," she sighed, "that we found out our mistake In time. You are so practical, you take all tho ro mance out of life." You did not appear to think so once," ho nrgucd. "I idealized you," Bhe admitted. "I supposo It wus the glamour of the birth of love." Musson winced. He hated those bypcr-elcguiit speeches. "It seems to me," he wigirested, "that love's birth was registered upon tho vital statistics about the time Adum woke up and found Eve by his Bide," She gave a start at the suggestion of vital statistics In connection with love. It was Muhsou'b mutter of fact speech that had led her to usk him to release her from their engagement Love is born afresh," sho corrected gently, "with each new contiuest. Love. Is ever old und ever youug." "Yes," said Masson bitterly, "und sometimes he's old enough to kuow better, tvheu ho falls buck on that born again' pleu." "Have you no poetry in your soul!" she demanded Irritably. Yes," he admitted calmly. "That's wheru I keep It; not on the tip of my tongue, like some of the chaps who can talk a lot and mean so llttlo." "When love really come to you" she begun. "It has come," he Interrupted. "It cume to me when I first saw you com ing down tho stuirs at the hotel. I dM not kuow then that you wero In Mrs. Hargrenve's party, but I did know tliut you wero the one woman In the world for me." And yet," she Insisted, "you have placed your business before your prom ised wife." "No," he contradicted, "I have never done that, but I have gone at my work with greater spirit because I knew that I wo working for a home and for the sweetest littlo woman In tho world." Marlon raised her bund with a help less gesture of dissent. "The trouble Is," ho went on, "tliut you thought you were enguged to a viv lfled novel aud'expectcd me to talk like the hero. I cannot." "That Is Just It" ohe Interposed gen tly. "I saw that you could not give me tbe love I needed and asked you to break our engagement." Cannot you understand," ho plead ed, "that It Is because I love you so much that I cunnot talk llko a laure ate? If It wag Just a flirtation I could think up all sorts of pretty things. Now I can only think of you and 1 choke all up," ho concluded lamely. You will Boon find Homo ono else," she smiled tolerantly, "somo faithful soul who will understand and not do maud too much." And you," he cried miserably, "will marry some addle pated fool who will apeak honeyed words beforo you arc married and carry them to some one else afterward I" I shall never marry," she Bald de cidedly. Nor shall II" he cried. "There," pointing to the blackened paper in tho grate, "rest my romance. We have cremated Cupid, but his spirit lives on here In my heart." He rose und lightly kissed the broad white forehead. "I'm Borry," he said hoarsely, "you could not be content with tbe fact without expression. Marlon tote unsteadily to her feet. The burning of their old love letters had appealed to her sense of the ro mantic. It had afforded her a mourn ful pleasure. Now something In her heurt spoke insistently. She forgot that Masson could not make the pretty speeches for which she hungered. For the first time she sensed the mighty love of the man a love too powerful, too deep, to find expression In Wile speeches. She realised at last what love really was through the destruc tion of her self established Ideals. Masson had almost reached tho door. "Jim," she called softly. He turned and came forward. In tone and look he saw what she could not put in words, and he took her In his arms. "And you said we had cremated Cupid," she said several minutes later. "Love Ig llko the phenlx," he an swered tenderly, "rising from tho ashes purified by the flro through which be has passed." "And the phenlx," she added, "lives on for a thousand years." And love," he concluded, "for an eternity." KPES W. SAItGENT. Thooloar aod Politle.. In JfWfl, when the Mlllerltea predict ad Uiul Uiu ttui'id wiu Mureiy cunitng to an end before the close of the year and many worthy men and women so earnestly believed In the prediction that they prepared their anceuslon robes, political feeling was running high among the more worldly minded. One day two devout Mlllerltea and stanch old Whig politician were pas sengers In a atngecoucb lu one of the sections of New Hampshire not tlieu reached by railroad. As wa. natural, the Mlllerltea fell to discussing the expected approaching destruction of the world, and one ot them, turning to the politician, said aolemnly, "My friend, did you know that before another month la passed the treat Jehovah will hare returned In rnltm nn a-nrth .,.--.-,' V 'n, Mi, tlclan drew an old leather pocketbook from bis trousers, and, after deliberate ly taking account of the contents, turn ed to the M tiler! te and said, with great warmth and earnestness, "I'll bet you 110 that the New Hamnsblre delega tion don't vote for him." Tbe discus-' Ion ended right there. 81 - 50 I'Eil ANNUM IN ADVANCE no. i: Co., Wlnaton-Snlem, N. C. PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE. V. Runyan, of Bullcrvillc, 0 , laid tho peculiar disappearance of his painful, symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness, I'r. Kiog's New Lifo Pills. He pays: They are a perfect remedy, for dizzi ness, sour stomach, headache, constipa tion, etc. Guaranteed at all druggists' riio 25c. A failure to in ike a living is not a fit. eg to preach the Gopcl ol poverty. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble prevs upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambiticn: beauty, vigor ana chccrlulness soon disappear vhen the kid neys are out ot order or diseased. ' Kidney trouble has Decomq so p;calent that it is notuncemmon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too o(:en. it the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with oea-weiting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the idneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. , Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild ar.d the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is scon realUed. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- rT'Vl. cent and one dollar. ,:es. You may have afEiiir-ifrr sample bottle bv mail free, also pamphlet tell- nomo of sraonvRont.' ng all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 5t Co.. liiirninton. N. Y., be sure and mention tms paper. Don t matte any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y-. on everv bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Mcrriuiac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, neiuon m. u. lu-Ul-lv THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal aifl Industrial Colleie. COURSES LlTEKABV CoMMEBliAL Classical Domestic: Sciekcss Scientific Manual Tuaininq Fkdauooicai. Mi'sio Three Courses leading tedegrees. Well- equipped Training School for Teachers. Faculty numbers 6U. Hoard, laundry, tuition, and fees for nse of text books, etc., $1711 year. For free-tuition atn- iitnU, $125. For non-residents of the State, $I!I0. Fourteenth annual session begins September 21, 1 DOS, To secure board m the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July lo. Correspondence invited from thmu. desiring competent teachers and stcnogra- pners. r or catalog ami otner inlormation, address VUAHLES D. Mi 2 VER. 2ciJaU. (ri'uiistioro, N. C. ill 10W AM W3HI HDV3H 01 HDIHM HDnom AVMHOoa 3H1 SI awn HH0Hdai31 V 33S fJHV M39VHVW HtlO TTV3 0) psppv JSapq A3 IDV3H KY3 QOA aid03d AK1VW AkOH iVLOO 110A. Od For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . p.C. L -tin va 'M Ml i sii . Hyp irm;::tfs (affiSrl kll Groceries

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