rVijiswfciiiMaiefcaBa-,-y.,t ---j-.-i-vt-----jw-t..-- nwiv '1 l i 1 : r) ,. t .' '5 7 Ayer's Ayer's Cherry Pectoril quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain thisto you. He knows all about this cough medicine. "W hifl uvl Ar'i miarry Pectin1! lit our femur 'r tt vt-im tmf tltnmt ul Huiif trouble -nrf ff MvlsJr m n.''ficN- -.- i. ' fori Weak Throats Ayer's Pill, groatly aid recovery. Purely venetnblo, gently Iniativo. THE ROANOKE MiWS TUUKSDAY, SEPT 1, 1W5 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at Pott Office at WtUtm at Srantl-Cltut Matter. 1ATU Or 8UB8CBIPTION IN ADVANCI. On. rr (bj Mall), Postage Paid $1.50 8ii Month. 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. ItlT'Adveitislng rate, reasonable and famished on application. Wht aao't the doctors lay "new placet ol infcclion" instead of "foci?" Thi dov. of peaos was in luck when it took Theodore Roosevelt as partner. It mat be that the "high prioo" of leather baa something to do with Mr. Bookefeller going about in his bare feet. "A teacher i born, Dot made," is the opinion of the Portland, Orogooian, Wrong, "Necessity" makes them bj the regiment. As a holder of the lid, the President ia not to be compared with Secretary Taft if that Western earthquake ia any indication. Thi "cotton statistics" colony of the Agrioulture Department, now in Europe, ia reported prosperous and increasing in numbers.) A Loa Angelet man baa been discov ered whose heart ia on the "right aide." His name isn't "Legion," however, much to our regret. A reward of 11,000 ia offered bj a Chinese faction in Seattle, for the head of Mock Puck. There are very few of us that can afford "duck" at that price. Russia aajs that "Japan forgeta that Russia ia eiviliied nation." It might be added that Russia bis just learned that Japan it a "civiliur of nations" RocKimiiB doubtless thinks it un kind of the eiperta to discover that veg etable juiee will cure consumption, wheo the; might have had tome consideration for him and recommend kerosene oil. Tbi report of the discovery of well in Kantaa that spouts hot air ia not going to tprout any escitemeot Hot air wells have been too common io Kansaa in daja of Lease. Simpson and refer et lis. A Florida pcr public1; expresses the opinion that "there ia noihiog so no err ain as baseball," from which one may infer that not much attention it given to "horte-raciog" io the editorial sate, turn. A movement ia on foot io North Car olina to abolish the handshake aa a form of gre.tiog. When the pumphandle haodahake leaves, it ought to take with it the toappiog-turtle kiss women give each other when they meet. Years ago, when Judge Cloud was holding court it North Carolina, it ia related on one oeeasioo a ooupl. of per forming bears were brongbt out to do toots on tit streets of the town where the judge wu presiding at court, where pon the oourt adjourned and went out to witness the performanoe. Among the spectator! wat t ciliien who waa iuabri a'cd and in staggering about ht stepped poo thejud e't eons, for which hit hon or reproved bin. The inebriated eiti- icn thereupon cursed thejudge and wss arrested and punished fur contempt of out. The sams defeoee wu mad. for bint that Major Quthrit made for Me Cowen that court not being in tettioo the offense wat not contempt but simply tmall disturbance between eitiitna, Bat Judge Cloud held that ha wu Ike Cwiiti, tut swatt wu wherever be wu in person and to; offense agtinst bin wu oontempt of oourt If Mr. MoCowet bad bee familiar with this ruling be woald probably bav. kept bis hands off Judg. Ward. Good adviot to women. If you wtnt . betaiiful waiplexioa, dear akin, bright eye., red lips, good health, tak. II ol littcr'l Reeky Moootaio Tea. There it nothing like it, 35 eentt, Tea or Tab let. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. J.N. Brown, Halifax, N. C. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE 'DAY Take Laxative Bronx Quinine Tableta. AU drnggisti rerand the moorjr if it fails to ear. . W. Ororta aagnatarv l. oa each HOME AND ITS QUEEN. There is probably not an unperverted man or woman living, who docs not feel that the swi'ete-t convolutions and best rewards uf life are fonud io the loves and delights of homo. There are very few wbj do net fee) themselves indebted to the influences that clustered around their cradles lor whatever good I hero may be io their characters and Conditbo Home, based upon Christian marriage, is to evi dent an ioKiiiuiiuo of God that a man u'ust become profane before he can deny it. Wherever it in pure and true to the Chrimian idea, there lives an institution conneivative of all the nobler instincts nl soeiety. i.kesihecue li nn her. If the , it in the b"i eo-e womanly it al.e ia true and lender, Lying and heroic, patient nod self-devoted - ho consciously and unoonsciouily oiganifs and puta in oper ation a set of influences that do more to 'iiould the destiny of the nation than aoy ' man, uncrowned by powu of oloquence, caop. s-iblj ifjoct. The men of the nation sre what mothers mike them, at a rule; uod the voice that those men apeak io the eimiuii of power is the voice of the woman ho bon and bred ibetn. There eun be no substitute fur this There is no other powihle way io which the women of the nation can organize tbeir influence and power that will tell ao beneficially upon society and the State. The candle that is extinguished will not ainge the wings of the moth. Put out the saloon and its temptation ceases. Sin is avoided by temptations removed but encouraged when they pre spread od ovcry hand. Evil cannot come from that which doea not exivt. Tbe fire that ia never started burns no dwelling. If we would get rid of the evils of tbe liquor tiaffio we must get rid of the traffic. To establish it by law is to multiply crime by statute. The bee seeks no honey at the flower that it dead and the boys will not be beguiled by saloons which have no existence. The liquor traffic is a system for making the ruin of young men easy and of old men complete Supt. of Literature and I'reat Work, Weldon W. C. T. U. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- wtrd for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have kno-vn F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable to all busi ness transactions aod financially able to earry out any obligations made by his firm. Waldino, Kinnan Sl Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials tent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by til Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipa iou. Death at the hands of a person un known waa the oc racer's verdict at an inquest held on the body of James A. Daugherty, which was found in the hall of a boarding bouse in Asheville. A. C. HOUSE. Weldon, N. C. Dear Sir: Two years ago the estate of the late Congressman Scott, of Erie, Pa., painted 24 Rolling mill houses one coat of Devoe at a saving of 1 1 per eent. for paint (lead and nil wu after the job.) Tha'a how the tale reads. We infer what really happened. The buyer, at usual, went by the cost of paint; got bids. Lead-and-oi! bid low and gues-ed the quantity low; the saving was only 11 per cent. Nobody acemt to h"ve thought of this: tbe painting costs two or three times u much as the paint. How much did we save on the painting? Don't know. The tale ends with this: We often refer ioquirers to those houses, for wear of Devoe. That's a good enough story; but no body knows what it ia. Our only diffi- eulty it wtnt of paint-intelligence. Youn truly, F. W. Divoi & Co. 70 E. Cltrk, Weldoo and W. E. Beavaot, Enfield, tell our piiot. Near Wake Forest team of mulct attached to t wagon loaded with wood ran away. The driver, Will Ytrborough colored, wu thrown from the wagon and aloaoet instantly killed. MY CHURCH ' partontg. or inati tulioo supported by voluntary eontribn- nous will be given t liberal quantity of the Longman k Martinet L. & M. Paint whenever they paint. 8 aod 6 snake 14, therefore wl en von want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only 8 of L. 4 M. tnd mix six galloni of pur. Linteed Oil with It, making actual eott wf paint euout .1 20 per gallon. Don't pay 11.50 for Linseed Oil (worth 60 eentt) which yon do when yon buy other painta in a ean with n label on it. Many bouses are well painted with four gallons of L & M., and three gal loot of Linseed Oil mixed therewith. Wean and covert like gold. 1 These celebrated painta are told by Wells D. Tillery, Roanoke Rapidt, N. C. Are jou lacking in strength and vigor? Ar. yon weak? Are yon in pain? Do yon feel all run down? The bleating of health and strength jome to til who ua Flollutcr't Rocky Monottin Tea. 35 cents. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N C. J. N. Brown, Halifax, N. C State Callings. A8 (lATHERED FROM 01 R HTATK EX CHANUSS, In addition to the tin veins in Qaston eounty casseiito ore has also been re cently discovered in Lincoln county. A charter has been granted the Ward Shoe Company, of Greensboro, to manu facture and deal in shoes and boots, capital rtock f 10,000. Charlotte is pleased with the interest ing rumor that the Nationed Biscuit Company is to make that city a distribut ing point for its gecds. Tho rumor is so far UDCoLnrmcd. There arc now forty-three game war Jens in North Carolina. The supervis ing warden, Jubn W. I'poliuroh, of Raleigh, aays the Audtbon law ia popular in North Curolioa aod is being very well enlorced. Slate Insurance Commissioner Young who haa charge of build'ng and loan as sociation matters, tayt he is in receipt of t great number of inquiries regarding those associations and all information dciircd can be found in chapter 4.15 of the lawa or 13"5. The whiskey question was presented in t new form at Fayottcville on Wednesday. Judge Frel Moore hold ing that under Cumberland's special pro hibition act it ia ut'awful for a person to have more than two gs'lons of whiskey in bis possession at one time. J C. King, Jack l'ate, L R. High and W. F. Durham, attendants at the State hospital for the insane, have been committed without bail, to Wake county jail, charged with cruelly beating and oausiog the death of Thomas II. Nail, who was attempting to escape. The Supreme court, through Chief Justice Waller Clark, makes announce ment of its decision in the contempt case of cx-niayor Mcses MeCowm, of Dur ham, who struck Judge Ward, of the Superior oourt, and wbo, by that judge, wsb sentenced for contempt to serve thirty days in jsil and to pay a fine of (200. The Supreme court affirms the action ol Judge Ward. The opinion was oral and the chief justice announced that later there would be a written one filed. Charlotte special to the Raleigh Post: According to reliable information, a gen uine boll weevil has been discovered near Hickory Grove church in Crab Orchard township, the pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Brad'ey, making the discov ery. The insect was '.compared with soma dead specimens from Texas and was shown to a gentleman who has )seen nanj of the weevils. There is no doubt as to the fact that it is a genuine specimen. OASTOnlA. Bsara tat A "l Han .liars i The Kind You Haw lirsB Blgnttu at A New York elevated train plunged from the track to the street below, Moo day, killing twelve persons and injuring many more. The accident wat due to the switchman making t mistake in the signal the train was carrying. SATIRE'S HOME TREATMENT. Dr.J.S. Puijh'B Home Treatment lia heeo greatly revised after many years hard study and practice in chronic disease among men, women and children. After studying all tbe Home Treatments tn print up to date, he is conscious of having tue com hi nation 01 metuods and instruc tion that come closer to nature for curiutr dist'-ases than any known to-day. There fore, ne appeals to tfie good judgment ol those wbo have failed to be cured by all other methods not to lose hope but give nis method atrial ana ne convinced that they can be cured. Among his method are: the Biochemical sails, which are nature s remedies and an ideal borne treat ment. These new treatments for disuse are batted upon Biochemistry and are with out a doubt the greatest discoveries of the age. Instructions in exercise, baths inter nal and external, what and when to eat, deep hreathing, kinds and quantities of water to he taken daily are also given. Tliis combinatioD gives moie inlormation as to how to live than you can get from any other source, it tells you how to con tinue well alter you are cured. Write to-day and get his pamphlet free, which explains his method of treatment KOOMS 201MU & 11 COt'KkELL BLIXi. Dallas, Texas. I; is suggested that, after Mr. Roose velt retires from the presidency "he would mike a mighty good man to ap point to The Hague tribunal." Mr Roosevelt is already a tribunal that beat! The Hague. GUARANTEED t'UHE Fl)H PILE, Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile.. DrnitRista refnnd money if PAZO ui. laibn i latin tocore any caac.oo mat ter ol how long standing, in ft to 14 dava. First application give, aue and rest. &ilc. If yonr druggist hadn't it tend Btc in slainpt aud it will lie forwardrd ixwt paid by Parit Medicine Co ,8t Looia, Mo. Sale of Land Unier Eiecation. By virtn. of certain executions directed to tbe andemigned Hhinff of lialifai county, utned npon certain Jadeiuenui therein docketed id tbe KnTOTinr !'91!rt of taid connty, entitled as follows: W B. Perguaon Co. vt. P. E. Lynn. Ktewart, balph A Co. va, P. E. Lynn. 8. H. Marks Co. va. P. E. Lynn The Callego Milla ra. P. E. Lynn. Gilliam A Harrison ts, P. E. Lynn, against P E- Lynn, I, John K. Patterson, will on Monday, the 6th day of November, 1U4I5, at twelve o'clock M. at th. oaort boose door of said county in Halifax town, N. C, tell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and interest which Uie said P. E. Lynn, defendant, has to th. following described real estate: That certain lot or parcel of land lying situate and being rn the town of Weldon, connty of Halifax and slate of North Car olina, ljing on Washington Avenue, in said town and on the east side thereof ad joining the lots of E.D. Purnell, C. K. iiarvili tnd Dr. 1. E. Green, containing one quarter of an acre. Thit the 14th day of September, 1905. JOHN B. PATTEKrSON, . Sheriff By J H. Obiu, D 8. of Eastern Nl it u A1TD Tide Water WELDON, N. C. OCTOBER S4, 25, 26, 27, 1905. Under the same management as last year, the Society will endeavor to make the 30th Annual Exhibi tion a complete success in every particular, 0OO000()(OO0O00iKMK00OOOOKO0()00(K)OOkK) 004000000000(OOOOOOOX)0000moOOOO Large and varied Premiums will be offered in every department. $1,500 will be awarded in Running and Trotting Purses. Attractions designed to amuse be on Exhibition. OOOOOOOOWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Railroads most efficient transportation facilities. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow An Excellent Brass Band will be in attendance during the Fair. 0O0OCK)O00O00000O000O0O00O00)00O0OOOO00 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dances nightly at the Coast Line Hotel, with a German Thursday night. 0OOOIOOX)OTOXX)00JOOOOOOKXXXXXXOOOOOM This will be a the people. S-SEND TO THE SKCKETAMY FOR A PRKMICM LIST AND OTHKR INFORMATION DKSIREl). ooooowwockkwxxwooowkxmoooooooooooo Geo.E.Ransom, Sec & Treas.! Virginia.. and instruct will have promised 0OOXK)00O(XXXXMX)OOO0l)00OO0O000XX)0 Grand Reunion of ooooxooaxxx)oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Eugene Johnston. President. V WE ARE NOW IN POSITION TO SAVE MONEY FOR 01 R CUSTOMERS ON o . , Engines, Boilers. Saw Mills, Bins, Presses, Ribs Saws, d Fixtures BELTING, PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, and all kinds of Mill Supplies. Call at store, or drop us a card telling of your wants and we will have man call on you. PIEQCE-WWEHW HMDWQE CO. WlillSMI ft liAlii and American wire fence for fields than wood. Get P. N. m m m m m m io Flower of the m DRY GOODS. Pretty and cheap. j SHOES. Full line. $1.00 to $6.00. I CLOTHING. Our brag department. Strouse& Bros. High Art Clothing a specialty. 1 m m m n Mattings. n UUXDERTA-ICIIISrG. Coffins and Caskets f 5 00 to 1300.00. Burial Robes, 12 50 Io (25.00. COOKING and HEATING 8TOVKS CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. 8 ft Hall acd Parlor m 1 A.A1" n t Dm i urn i FOH KENT. , Tbe laodt of lbs lal. J. S. M-dlin, near Weldon. Apply to E.T. MEDLIN, EoEeld, N. C. 8-30-4 JgjXECUTORS" NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that th. under signed J. C and 8. B. Butts have duly qualified as executors of Jot. M. Hull, deceased, on the 5th day of June, ltti.'., and all penwos holding claims against the etlate of said deceased are hereby required lo present the sum. to us within IweWe months from said qualification, or this notice will be plead io bar of the same. Thit August 7tb, lUUT). J. C. BI'TTH, 8. B. BUTTS, Executors of J.M. Butts. ASffliuhlratcr': Notice, The undersigned having duly qualiSnl aa adiuiniatrakir of the nliu of Emily Fitmntiil. At,r !--.., Li.l ! r . N C this is to notify all peisons having claims aajusl the exuta of said deceased to present them to me on or belore August loth, iwift, or this notice will be plead in bar of then recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make lav MicuiAic payment. W. B. MtEWBT, Adm'r Emily Edmunds, deceased Halifax, N. C, Aug. luth, 1UUS. .-a .i.wL..i.iiii tea ritiggets Buy MaJi3)a. !gr Bniy Fwpl.. lirlnrs ( jd.a Haslta aid Enswrf Vig. ..win f. n.i..i i .i i ,"7 Jronbles. Pimple.. IVienn, Impur. - " ' ' nimn. rmriiin rww.u. Kl.rD. j. I Itackactaj. It's Rocky Hojnul. T. Hi tab. lt ftirm. K mm. - Kn . - , w u uJirui, wutamm, sa 60LDEI DUfiGETI FM tALLOW PEQnj Brushes and all .... WELDON. N. IRON FENCE For yards our prices and cuts. STAINBAOK, WELDON'S IS 1 Spring and Sammcr FURNITURE. B B H Handsome Parlor, Dining Room and Bed Room Suits, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Lamia II lo III). ntr . " WIS BUT AND " SELL EVERYTHING I THE MERCANTILE LINE. WE BUY NEAT, FI.OrK.COKN, nAY, OATS, COTTON 8EED MEAL, COTTON 8EED DULLS, AND PLOW CASTINGS W CAR LOAD LOTS. UP-TODATE GROCERY. w ptj nituctt cash pnoe l. r .verjlbioK Jon Lriog nt, ltd .ir. ib. 1,-t rvcrjthiDg io the aurcmlile lioa C. WELDON, N. C. HORSES & MULES. I HAVE Horses and Miles Thai von tan buy with 8 cent eotton. f j on doo'l beliefs me, cum. and ace. W. T. PARKER, WELDON N.C. E. T- CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, H. O. Practices in th. courts of Halifax and adjoining countlea.and la the Supreme oourt oltheHlate. Bpecul attention givaa ta eoUaetisns and pioaupt rstaras. kinds, of Gin v C. .... and cemeteries M now cheaper IT ? 1 1 j, Stock Is Now Id.1 BUG-Q-IES. I Open and Top. Wagons, Bobel, Dlanketi nnd Whips. EVERY DEPARTMENT ? Crowded with Dependable Mercbaodite. jj WK HAVE THE GOODS. .. WELDON, N. C. 9 I II! I CO., W.J.WARD, L DENTI8T, OFEICK IN DANIEL BCILDINO, WELDON, N. O. P U IT TEAS FOR SALE. Ibavtnnio. lot of SHINNY PKA for ssl. tl 11.25 to It 50 pet butbel. Apply to W. V. BOBBITT, Ringaood. N C eUafBlSM'SCEifSMH. LAPSES U U),raiiiuklir f i I awaaafflBSI ; ''Wifii', ftfiy i. ..www

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