i itii 1 Iri:1..jairm. Be A'DVBITISIITG- IA-TES-mookratk. VOL. XL. A. NEWSPAPER IF O 33, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1905. TSRMS:-8l l'KK ANN I'M IX ADVANCE NO. 20 TO THE MERCHANT: If vcu haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we will supply you direct r 11 . TO THE CONSUMER : .r 1 ... . ... . . . . i r i . i u a. ! l .. nc v........ ...i i . . 1 I T IWe give you our atisolute guarantee mat eacn iuc piug 01 kuu mra ia nuiuc 01 w.-iu.i iu uuu ununo .nore pood solid juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or sold by any factory Write Dome end. address plainly hare t TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card which will entitle him to one 5c cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE rt : . l-.cind. ml m ' " M v 51 ten a 1 fisto, mm nn mwav mmim. J. A&.m ,4-ni -sT11!. I I I i BB-fcJkH a If t i iii ii mm m km w n-v , rvMt-t Tut, rm atktuui Manufactured Only ly l.nnfcri-Ekal.11 Co., Wln.ton-Snlcin. N. C. RCAD Tills CAHKKfl.I.f, YOU OdflU. Ill llU " ' - " J -.., ... UUIIIU . J and lias been mad Z' son'11 supervision i WufcVfc JtUCAti. Allow uo one to do Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been In uso for ovor 30 year, lias bonio tlio signature of and lias been madn under his pcr- i Hinoo its Infancy. Allow uo one todcrolvo yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation and "JiiHt-us-gooil" are but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tlio licnlth of Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorln is a harmless (mbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotio mibstiinco. Its ago is lis guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays FcvcrlHhness. It cures Diarrhoea and AYInil t'nlie. It relieves Teething Trouliles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach mid ISowcIs, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'auacca The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TWtt eiNTAUH eeMMNV, TT MUftV tEtT. NtW YORK 6TT. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. NEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK ARRIVING. WATCH THIS SPACE, "THE BLUES." IT 1V1U, 1)0 AyerPills Keep tiiciii in tne- house. TskL- one w h'.'n voufotl bil- iousortlUzy. 't l:ey a.t di roctlyontheii Want your moustache or beard Rl R K I M G H AM ?S DYE abeautlful brown or rich black? Use nm it. . . '" " When you tliinlc vuu have u hanl lin e in life When you iuiini) your Botrows ro greater tlmo other pcnplo's When you are grouchy because your plana Jo not pan out uuattnen i a good limo to ctmpurc your condition with some who hnvo harder time than ynu, mire sorrows than you, less proscrity than you Should you hiippen to be in tho sort of mocd (li'HC. il. J, road a tou'hing pas sage in the life history of a poor Mil- waukeo woman. Read it anyway this from "the short and simple anna's of tho poor." Mm. Mary Wiedi", widow, hst her uol( child, a littlo girl. Klu had no money to give the child a decent scpul- cticr, snewentto t lie poor commis- siantr. And this is the frcquel : Mm. "A'icdig staggered up tho path in the crniotiry which led to the plot of ground where her husband was buried, bearing the little colfiu which held the body o! hi r little ono. Phc took a spade she had put th-rc tho day befuro and began to utg. roor woman, she ws digging the grave of her only child tho last sweet tiotl at had held her to earth. And as she worked she solib d and cried. Sim t ailed on the dead man under tho ground to help her bear h r sun till she cou'd con c to him. A man who pi-sed through the ceme tery heard the crjing and went to the spot where tho frail woman beat to her awful ta.k. She explaiaid why she was digging the grave herself, she bad no money to rav the Bcxtin "They would have buiied bcr for mo for nothing if I had lit them put her grave over there in the potter's field Hut she was such a little child, so little, and sometimes when I was obliged to leave her alone she was afraid ot the dark. I wanted her to lie by her father's side so she would not be afraid. I told the poor comrobsi'iner how 1 felt and ho gave this ci mo. The woman who lives next door from me is coming out next iMicday to p'ant seme vines." And the agonized mother talked i half wild with her grief and scarce know ing what she taid, calling tenderly the oume now of hutband, now of chhd The man had a heart. He hurried to the sexton and gato hiiu money to dig the child's grave and money to round tie little mound and plant some simple flow ers. And tho woman cried, but this time the tears wero ewect instead of bitter. This storv is not fr m tho pages of ila'zio. Neither is it fancy ekctch. It is i.rimed in reliable newspaper which gives full particulars concerning the wo man nnme anu io:orv. There are thousnnds ot storios as sad hers. ("i.nmaro tour disappointments and ir. utiles and sorrows and heart aches a-;ii, il,nn uf this miserable one. Are y, u n t at-bed i f your fault findings anil bit'etnrss and hatred if conditions? Y.iu hae not passed through tiaUea Ex. The "Rank of W, ,-,::WELDON N. C.:K OrpiM Mer The Lais of tie State of North Carolio?, AUGUST 20TH, 18'J2. STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA DKl'OSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTV DKIUSlTORt . ...... .... ii-i'i hou iii.'iiki rnu v. lunnur rv r.uuo.i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $33,000. f ten years thi. institution tiu' provided banking f.cin.ie. for luii'MkhildoriMa dirooloN hv. beeu UoniUod with the b- ""to IU'uf.x and Nottharapto. oountie. form my year.. Money is loaned upon ap proved security at tho legal rate of interest-six per oentuni. Accounts ol all olieited, I'rosident: Vioe-Prcsidwt: . C"8lli!!:.m., W. K DANTRI. Tin It. W. LEWIS, W. K.O.inn. N. 0. Da. n. W. LEWIS, Jaokson, Northampton county, i The largest and best plant the State. CHARLES MILLER WALSH, in S- WOMEN jy TI (Mfaa , Wiie.-jl win" HEAVEN, How bright that home, in which tho blest Bhall dwell Within its bounds no evil thing ean oume. hs sunlight is tho presence of our Lord, And there Ood w'pcsall teais Iroui ev'ry eye, In that most Holy Book to mortals given, As lamp to guide our ening foot aright And light to shine upon the narrow way That unto heaven, earth's weary pilgrims lead, Hy many a symbol God forcshadowctli What human eye hath never yet beheld Nor ear of uiorLl being ever heard, Nor heart of man is able to conceive, The figures that depict tho heavenly homo Have something suited to each human taste : The Now Jerusalem with golden streets, And gates of poail and ev'ry precious stono ; Tho water, life's river from the throne Flowing with crystal stream through fields of grocn, Upon whose banks the trees of life do grow, Hearing Iwclvekinds of fruit that healing bring To all the citizens of that bright land ; The choir lofily slrains peal grandly forth Like nolso of many waters, as ihvy swell Through all that city's bounds and sluiing plains, Or soft, seraphic mUBic, whose glad notes Shall thiill tho souls of all who there shall meet nd sad partings and then, hand in hand, Hold converse sweet of the long, lung ago When on the earth they dwelt and foudly loved And with abiding faith and patience, bore The ilia that come to all of mortal frame, Finding in darkest hours tho rays of light That beam for those whoso uarmenta wero mado By cleansing in the precious blood of Christ ; All that is promised and from thonco inferred Assurance gives that each redeemed soul Shall there find all there ean be hoped or wished, Say, brother, sister, is yourpurpeso fixed. And are your treasuro and jour heart np there? Joseph T. Deny, in Atlanta Constitution. WHFN DE SUN SHINES HOT. No, dire ain't no use in wukkio' in do bluzln' summer lime, When dc fruit done fill Je oichaid, and do berries bend do vino, Derc'e enough to keep us hbbin' in do li.tlo garden spot, And dere ain't no use in wukkio' when de sun chines hot. For I'so read it in de Bible, 'bout de lili"S how dey grow ; It was put in clere on purpose d it we wukk-iu' men would know Pat dis diggin' and a-grabbin wasn't meant to be our lot, And dere ain't do use in wukkio' wheu do sun shines hot. Does you heir de crick a-oailin' as it crawls beyunt dc hill ? Toes you soo do vines awaviu', bidoiu' mo to ooino and fill? Where my hook an' line? Say, Hannah, gimme all debait you got, For dere ain't do use in wukkin' when de shun shines hot. Jos' 'bout dark I oomc homo strollio' wid a buoch o' lubly trout, Hannah see an' start a grinnin', little Uastus gib a shout, Soon tho hoecake am a-bakin', fish a-fryin', table sol, No, dere ain't no uso in wakkin' when dc sun shines hot. DR. PflTTON, HE WENT HOW. IMl'O TUB UIIDU.NI) TO I'lKD ll.MN. OLD INDIAN PIPES- FAITH AIIOI'T hKINU'V. WHAT THEY while Tho recent oairow escape of I'r. John G. l'attou from losing his life in a fight between hostile tribes of cannibals on ooo of the uucvangeliz;d islands in the South I'ocifio, calls td mind ono of the most interesting ol his early experiences. It is the story of tho well he dug, and the tlToat it had on tho natives. Those hea'.hcn, it mu.-t bo remembered, wore on a miail island where uo freth water was accessible. All llicy had to depend upon was rain; and dining the dry sea son they diank the milk of ihccocoanuts as long as it lasted When th.) "rain god" delayed bis answers to their pray ers, thcro was much suffering Alter examining the ground carefully Dr, I'attuo believed a well might be Bunk that would yield fresh water. With much prayerful thought, and many mis givings lest the water, if ho found any, should provo to be salt, Dr. Patton chose a spot, and began to di. Tho lavages, supposed he was crazy. His unheard of way of searching for water aroused their superstitious fears. All ho could per suade or hire native hands to do was to pull a windlass rope and diaw up the looacned earth as he sank tho well deeper and deeper. He dug tho earth wiih bis own hands. After going down thirty feet he struck a spring. Ilosi'ntingly he tasted it. It was puro, fresh water, Tho ef fect was magical. Tho man who had been disbelieved and jeered at was now a "prophet. "llo had said he would go down into the ground and "find rain;" and now the people bclivid that all ho told them about Jehovah and Jesus Chiiit "vas true, i hen follows a wonderful Btory of success; of tho destruction of idols tho building of a church, tlio establish ment of schoolH, the framing of a code of enlightened laws, the transformation of a tribe of cannibals into a well ordered community. ' NATURE'S IIOMF. TIOTMNT. Paul from a llurn Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Halm. A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn , was recently in great pain from a burn cn the hand, and as eold applications only increased the in flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N. Nichols, a local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nic hols says: "I advised him to use Cham berlain's Pain Bafm, aDd the first applica tion drew out theinfiimmation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment niysolf and recommond it very often for cuts,burns,sprains and lame back and have never known it to disappoint." For sale by W.M.Cohen, Woldon, N. C , W. E. Bcavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. POK OVEKHIXTY Vi:HS. Mrs. Winsuiw'b Soothinu Svkdp has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their childien while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all paiu; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor Hi tic sufTvrer immediately. Sold by Pruggista in every part of tho world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup,' and take no other kind. A TEXT OF L1FK. Said the old colored deacon: "1 ain't bothered 'bout whither dar's life on de moon, or not. How ter keep life gwinc on de earth is what gits me!" Ouarrier and Manufaoturer of MON- U MUSTS. TOM B 8 , GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write for ""signs and pneea MLAlso ln Fencing, Vases . et., for cemetery anct oiner , nnriwuUVI At lOWDfit priceil. W.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. A mother's love starts man or woman on Hie rinht palh. Tlie light remedy at the riiihl linu,' fn a nmiliet for llw imual. UutherhiHKl is often looked fotward to with feelinirs of great dread by most worn en. At such a time when she is nervous, dyspeptic, irritable and in need of a uterine tonic winietliiua which will calm the ncrv. oils system through the special organs, and a strength builder, she will find tr. Pierce's Havotite Prescription just what is needed. Here is medicine that has stood the test of a third of a century with approval, in that time it baa sold more largely than any other remedy put up specially for woman's weaknesses. It is guaranteed by the pro prietors not to contain a particle of alcohol which could only do harm to a sensitive System. The World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, offer a t.yn reward for women who cannot be cured of Lcucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, nr r.-uUin.r nf Womb. All thev ask is a fair I and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Dr. Pierce's PlMBant Pellets cure cull abpation, biliousnesa and headache. LIVE IN THE PRESENT. The only safe way is to live in the pre'ent tense Yesterday we cannot rcaoh except that wo may repent of its sins and be forgivm, and the future has not yot dnie and will bo sufiVient unto itself on its arrival. To-day is our uwn. The duty uf life with us is "now." To live humbly toward God, to live cour ageously and generously, reaching nut our hands in a brotherly way and doing what good wo can to-day is nur privi lege. Every day livid right will make ii better for us to morrow, whatever that maj I.e.' Tu live each thy ra thaiji wc only had the one day on earth the mJ day in which tu do good, I ho one day In which to praiie God, the one day in which to be loyal to Christ, the one day in which to make the world happy that is the way to live in order to bring something of heaven into the pnseot. And surely lhat is the way wo lught to live; wo who are novelets passing through this world lo our home beyond. As Jcoph Luoaek tints : "We arc pilgrim" hound for h ime, For the su .ny, sunny clime, h re the na'my aephyrs waft the sweets Ol endloj-s BUiUtier time. Whie h aria at! always gay, Where fruits immortal grow, And music mingles 'mid the scene, Where joys unending flow." LI KB FINDING MONEY. Finding health is like finding money so think thuBe who are siek. When you have a cough, eold, sore threat, or cheat irritation, better act promptly like W. 0. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. lie Bays: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; hut, after finding no reliif in other n medics, I was curtd by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in tho world. At all druggists' drug stores; 50c. and II 00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. a m.r.Nsist, in nisunsi:. "The old man's m quarantine," said the Billville youth. "Thank the Lord!" exclaimed the old lady "We'll have poace in the family for ten days." GOT OFF CHEAP. Ho may well think, ho has got eff cheap, who, after having contracted con st i ration or indigestion, ;t (till able to pcrfeotly restore l.ia health. Nothing wil do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills A quick, pleasant, ar.d certain cure for headache, cnnatipaiiot' cto. 2.ic. at all druggists' drug at, res; gaaiinieed No man is a (ool who is wise enough to rccogoiiii his owu folly. Jlr. J.H. l'lmh'a Home Treatment ll:w been greatly revised after many years hard study and practice in chronic diseases among men, women :md children. Alter studying all the Home Treatments in print up to date, he is conscious of having the combination ot methods and institie tions that come closer to nature for curing discuses th;att any known to-day. There fore, he appeals to tho good judi'ment of those who have failed to be cured by all other methods not to Ioho hope but Hive his method a trial and lie convinced that they cm be cured. Among his methods are. tlie Kioelieniieul sails, which are uuturc's remedies arid an ideal home ttc;it nient. These new treatment for disease are bused upon ltiocheiniatry and nle wit li out a doubt the (;reuteat discoveries ol' the age. Instructions in exercise, hatha inter nal and external, what and when to eitt, deep breathing, kinds nud quantities of water U) be taken daily are also given. This combination give moro iulormatiou as to how to live than you can act from any other source. It tells you how to cou- tinue well alter you are cured. Write to day and get his pamphlet free, which explains his method of treatment. lilKJMS aos-iu & 11 t'OCKHKLL HUM. Dallas, Texas. The ooean of life has many people who arc fishing for compliments. Good advice to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear skio, bright eyes, red lips, good health, tako II ol lister's Rooky Mountain Tea. Thcro is nothine like it. ilo cents, Tea or Tab lets. W. M.Cohen, Weldon, N C, J. N. Brown, Halifax, N. C. It need scarcely be told that in the piper of long ago each feather appended to the stein represented an enemy slain. Ifone doubted i lie record of the war eagle feathers, t lie wairior then showed the scalps of the enemy, winch wero kept as a sort of sacred proof of his word Such pipes were used only on occasions of peace and war. Spcuking roughly, the pipes were in molded clay, the best of the Western tiibin ia slate pipe stone taken from the famous quarry west of tho Mississippi. Before the great buffa lo and antelope liunls, when herds ol game were driveu iuto a pound, or aD inclosed area of suares, it was customary for the Indians to whiff tho incense ol propitiation to the spitits of the animals about to bo slain, explaining that only tho desito for food compelled the Iudi- ans to kill, and the hunt was the will of tho Master ol Life or "Master of the Roaring Winds," who would compensate tho animals in tho next world, The pipes used for this ceremony usually show the figure of a man in conference with the Ggurc of on auiin il. Others show the figures of Indians with locked hands. This typifies a vow of friendship to be terminated only by death, It was usually between men; but sometimes be tween a man and woman, in which oasc tho Platonic bond not only precluded but forbade the very possibility of mar riage. After that who shall say lhat the stolid Indian has no vein of senti ment in his naturi? Ouo of the moat curiciB pipes I have ever sien I bought from a Crco on a reservation east of tho refugee Sioux, it is in tho shape of a war hatchet, of a metal which I do not know, though 1 suspect it is galena mixed with day, the edge being sharp enough, but the back of the ax being a bowl und tho handle a pipe stem. The odd lines in Indian carvings and woven work arc not without meaning. Fighting Mistah onuld read a legend where wo saw nothing butbizaire markings. There were tho circular lio hollow down, meaning clouds; tho ir ss, meaning the coming of tl:o priest; the tree, a tjpe 1 1 peace, with its branches overshadowing the nationsjtho wavy line, sieuil'vi e water; the arrow, war. lhe irdinary Indian can road a tribal song or chronicle Irom obscure drawings on the lace of a reck, or crazv colored work on raped bultalo skin. Outing. ( atise of Itisiuiiiita ludigislioii nearly always disturbs tho sleep moro or lets aud is oltcn tho causo ol iosomniu. Many oases havo been permuueutly cured by Chamberlain'a Stomaoh and Liver Tablets. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. K. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks Garysburg, N. C. i : i srtiyrr i Ynplc in a tttuQ'liog urgamcDt often occupy tho until of disoord. Thousands Ilave Kidney Trouble ami Don't Know it. How To VXwtX Oat Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; t sediment or set 'J tling Indicates an . iinliahhv eontif- Y?tion of the kid- Ineys; it u stains your linen it is ftvirience of kid- J;f( ncy trouble; too JV pacs tt or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are outuf onlr, Wlmt to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expired, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the tjreat kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in tho back, kiincys, liver, bladder and every part cf the urinary pascage. It corrects inability lo hold water and scalding pain tn passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root fs soon realised. It stands the highest for Us won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you n?d a medicine you should have tho beit. Sold by drugg:3t3 In 50c. tnd$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery (F -,V and a bock thit z?.6f7fr more ahriutit.bothrcntjgljHtJ abnolutf ly free by mail. -ilR Adare:. Dr. Kilmer Ik H..mof Rwamp-noot Co., Dmghamt'-n, N. Y. When writing men tion reading tin:; insrous offer in this paper Don't make a'.y mistake, but remember tho namo. S - -.rn-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, ami the address, Einghamton, IN. Y., on every uoitia. A life sentence "From tbc cradle to the grave." ATTACKEIMBY A M 0 B and btatcD, io n labor riot, unlit covered with sores, a Chicago street car eoDducUr applied Ilucklou'a Arnica SaUr, and vaa soon sound and well. . "I uso it in my family," wiitcs (). J. Yc!eh, of Ti konnha, Mich., "and find it perfect. Simply great for cuts and huron. Ouly 25a. at alt drupniMs' drug stores J. A. ALSTON FINE Family- Groceries, ;llAKS'l'I'.lil) f. VUli I'OH IMI.US. Itehing, Mind, Weeding or rrotrudimi Piles. DrueeislH reluud money it ' l'AO OINTMKN l tails toeure any easo.no mat ter ot how longstanding, in H to 14 days. First aiioliealum eives ease aud rest. 6lc, It your druist liasu t ll semi ooc in stanipt and it will be forwarded post paid oyrarlB Meuicine co , ni mollis, dio. The unconscientious aoamslross is not II she scams. t Arc jou laekiug in strength and vigor? re you weak? Arc you in pain? Do u feel all run dowu? Tho blessing ol health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. W. M. Cohoo, Weldon, N. C. J. N. itrown, Halifax, N. a In a sketch, tho two bitterest cneaics may be drawn together. PU0VIBI0H8,' -Cigare and Tobacco.-mm' Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merrimuc Club and Pride ol'Virainia, nica and mellow, liar atoeked with Choice llrinks of every kiud. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-21-lr THE I.ONlCSOMi; TIM K. Pay liiuka louetuiue, aud tho black- black nightl But maybe, whoio the road en Is, it'll all oouie light I Maybe atari 'I! (jlisleD maybe suns 'II rise, And wo'll reach the rosy gaidens, and we II see the brighter skiesl An interesting word "percentage." A deaf and dumb excursion go"wilh- 0 it saying. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of You Must Sleep. If you cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon de velopc into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of her building- and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes the mental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore ex hausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings reft'cdmicr sleen ltornncr it soothes the irritation and re moves the tongcslion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens ev ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Nothing will give strength and vitality as surely and quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "llortofr tlio past vi'lntT T Imil two nltnrks of l.aOrl.po whlrli lift me very weak, and In had condition. I was bo nervous I could not sloeo. My wiri after trvlnir different remedies, wont for a doetnr. Tho dor-tor wm out. and a nelishoor recommenrled Iir. Miles' Nervine, and she, hronulit horn, a hottle. 1 had not slept for somo time, and had terrlhlo pains In my head. After taltlmr a few dosea of Nervine the pnln w;i not so severe, and I plept. 1 nm now taklntf tho second bottle and nm verv much Improved." J1ENHV M. RMli'U, Underbill, Vt Dr. Miles' Nervln. It lold by youe druggist, who wilt guarantee that th. tint bottl. will benefit. If It fails, h. will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will fiud the choicest brands of RYE, I'I'RK OLD AITLK BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where.YouAsk? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - - N. C. Full line ttroeeriea always on hand. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY TELEPHONE? The Number is Constantly being Added to CALL OUR MANAuLK AND SEB A TELEPHONE LINE IS THE DOORWAY THROUGH WHICH TO REACH THEM WHY NOT OPEN IT? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company HENDERSON, . . N. C. out lily. ... I -