Jj g If If -A. IT E "W SPAPBB FOE THE P E O P L E TEElwrS:-8i-5o pkh annum kv advance NO. 2J VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C, TUURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905. f? Ml Ml? k TO ANY CHEWKR of tobacco 1 Vegetable Preparafionfor As similating ihcftxxt nittlRcfJula ting the Stoinacbs and Dowels of Fromoles Digc3lion.Cheerfur- nessandKost.coniams neither Opiimi.Morpliine nor Mineral. ot Narcotic. Apafed Remedy forConslipa- non , sour aiomacn.uiarmoca Worms ,( .onvulswivs .fcveri sh ncss and Lobs OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. NEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK ARRIVING. , :J&J?&jJLjJP Hall Ri-iiflvyVi-; Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and ulossy. ' Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restoitsl unlnr to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. "fTV-aa.vV""- Tie Bank -3::WELDON N. C.I- Orianizei Under The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY,, HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL MO SURPLUS $33,000. S 1 p' " this lastttatU Ui .s.J UiAisg fiwilUlsa to ttU asctloa ""f ntookhofdness4 tim.tr... k.n knn lrl.mrilii.ii with the business interests ol f.'ini anu north lamnton eountiea for manv t uuuuampiou oouotiea lur waujr ffoved security at the legal rate of interest Solicited. ! Prosidont: f- E. DANIEL. Vice-President: Da. H. W. LEWIS, Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. The largest and best plant in VI the State. HcilARTES MILLER WALSH. t Wwrier and Manufaoturet of MON MENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE o ' oesonptioo. Freight prepaid on all shipments, deliver Euarantcad. . Writs for wgnsandprioes V Work Delivered who will cut out and mail us this advertisement, we will mail him a card GAST0R1A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GAST0R1A TMC OtMTAUH CIMMN. HIW ITT. AW if. WATCH THIS SIP-A-CE. of W identified with the business interests ol years, Monoy is loanod upon jusm. ,.um : -r . six per oentum. Accounts ot nil e ap Cashier: W. R. SMITH IJsV.AIm Iron Fencing, Toms , et., for cemetery ana oiuer nnrnnMAS at InWflHt nriCefl. ' 1.8ATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED. I At Any Depot. eon TO THE MERCHANT. Tf rtf i We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better more good solid Juicy chewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered or Write oum nod address plainly nerei NO GLOOM AT HOME. LIT Till UtJsllAND THY TO l,EAV( A 1,1, Hl CARM BIIIIND WI1KN III NTART8 nOMI, Above ill thiols thern should tie no gloom Id the homo. The thidowi of dark diioonlent and waiting fretfuluen should Defer cross the threshold, throw ing their large, blaok shapes, like funeral palls, OTer the hippy young spirits gath ered there. If you will, you shall sit on a throne and be the presiding household deily; 0 1 faithful wife, what privil eges, what treasures greater or purer than thine I And let the husband strive to forget his cares as he wiuds around the long narrow street, and beholds the soft light illumining his Utile pallor, spreading its precious beams on the red pave before it. He his been hircssed, perplexed, perse cuted. He has borne with mm; a cruel tone, many a cold word, and nerved him self up to ao energy so desperate, that his frame and spirits are weakened and derreeEid. And now his limbs ache with weariocae; his temples throb with the pain-heat cause 1 by loo constant ap plication. He scarcely knows how to meet his wife with a pleasant smile, or lit dowo cheerfully to their little meal, which she has provided wilh so much eare, But the door is opened the overcoat thrown hastily off. A aoet, singing voice falls upon his ear, and tho tenet so soft aod glad that Hope, like a winged angel, flies right into his bosom and nes tles against his heart. A home where gloom is banished presided over by one who haa learned to rule her household. Oh I he is thrice consoled lor all pu trials, it is impossi ble he can be unhappy. 1 hat sweetest, best, dearest aolaco is hi- a cheerful home. Co you wonder that the man is strengthened auew for to moirow's care ? GROWLS FROM THE TIGEK. Money is no object; most of us believe it t myth. Most girls close their eyes when they are kissed; do you blame them? The poor ye have always with you often so close that they touch you. Politeness is the salt of life; you hite to have it rubbed into you when yon are cut up. A lot of people who sbculd be spend ing good time getting good money spend good money getting a good lime. It docs not make it right to do what you ought not to do when you don't do whit jou ought to do do. MISAPPLIED ENERGY. "lour husband bis a wonderful in tellect, anyhow," said the soothing rela tive. "Tea," answered the woman who telli her trouble; "he is one nf those who in bU on worrying about the treasury de ficit instead of the grocery hill.' Vv eah- iogton Star. The longer man travels withont uieeti'ig trouble the mure likely is it to ti pple him over when it comes For oyer a third of a century Dr. Pierce's Gultkn Mi-uii-ul bincuvery hatt sold more largely than auy other blood purifier or siumaco tonic. Burger ales to day than ever be fore, la that not the true testt Cures oth ers, why not you? Makes rich red blood. An imit lion of nat ure's tin-til. od of Teftli.ring wit -tic t'f titutue and itntinvfr- titluuent of the blood and nervous force Is d when you take an alterative extract of herbs and roots, without the use of alcohol, like Dr. 1'ierce'i Golden Medical Discovery. This vegetable medicine coaxes the directive function and helps in the assimilation of food, or rather takes iron, me ioou jusi iuc num- ment the blooa retitttres. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DUcovery purifies the blood and entirely eradicates tne poisona itiai nrccu anu irru uisritf. It thus cures scrofula, ecicnta, erysipelas, bnili. Di moles, and other eruotious that mar and scar the skin. Pure blood ia eftttentitl to rood health. The weak, run- rfnwn. debilitated condition which so many people experience is commonly the effect Of impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diacovery not only cleanses the blood of impurities, but it iucrcases the ac tivity ot the oioou-mamnfr gianii", ano u enriches the body with an abundant supply of Dure, rich blood. No matter how powerful the intellect or the resources of intellectual power, it must be backed up by physical force. Kvery day the youth or man must manufacture pin I 111 I It. II, linn" uruuui si ttmttUiinir to the brain, and that can re build the tissues that ware destroyed in yesterday's worn. Dr. Pierce's Pellet curt btliousnc, TO THE. CONSUMER ! which will entitle him to one 5c cut of A WOMAN'S SHORTCOMINGS, BY MRS, ELIZABETH HA II RETT DROWNING. She has laughed as softly as if she sighed ; She has counted six and over, Of purse well filled, and a heart well tried Oh, each a worthy lover I They "give her time ;" for her soul must slip Where the world has set the groviog: She will lie to none with her fair red lip But love seeks truer loving. She trembles her fan in a sweetness dumb, As her thoughts were beyond recalling, With a glance for one, and glance for some, From her eyelids rising and falling, Speaks common words with a blushful air ; Hears bold words, unreproviog : But her silence says what she never will swear And love seeks better loving. Go, lady t lean to the night guitar, And drop a smile to the bringer ; Then smile as sweetly, when be is far At the voice of an in door singer I Break tenderly beneath tonder eyes ; Glanoe lightly, on their removiog ; Aod join new vows to old perjuries But dare not call it loving I Unless you can think, wbco the song is dine, No other is soft in the rhythm ; Unless you can feel, when left by One, That all men beside go wilh him ; Unless yon can know, when nnpraised by his breath, That your beauty itself wants proving ; Unless you csn swear "For life, for death I" Oh, fear to call it loving I Unless you can muse in a crowd all day, On the absent face that fixed you; UdIcss you can love, as the angels may, With the breadth of heavoo betwixt you, Unless you can dream that his faith is fast, Through behoving and unbehoving; Unless you can die when the dream is past Oh, never call it loving I THREE God gave me happiness; I found no song to praise Him for His gift, nor for the joy that filled my day. My life was like a river in its calm content; Flows on in silence, made no musio as it went. God sent me sorrow. Then a hitter cry of pain Burst from my heart. But, nay, I hushed it back again. I wonld not sing for joy; I mut not moan for pain. The world would be no better if I should complain, God gave me oomforl; aod He bade my heart look up To see the blessings still, which overflowed my cup. Then from my heart arose a hymn of praise To Him whose tender care directed all my way. And then I longed to sing so that the world might hear A song for those who sorrow, just a song of cheer. "He never takes a joy, but that His love supplies A blessing better thin that which He denies." HOW TO TREAT A LIE. It's pretty hard to know how to treat a lit when it'i about yourself. You can't go out of your way to deny it, beoauac that puts you on the defensive; and send ing the truth after a lit that's got a good running start ia like trying to round up a stampeded bord of steers when the scare is on them. Lies are great travel ers, and welcome visitors in a good many homes, and no questions asked. Irutb travels slow, has to prove its identity, and then a lot of people hesitate to turn out an agreeable stranger to make room for it. Abuut the only way I know to kill a lie ia to live the truth. V hen your cred it is attacked, doo't bother to deny the rumors, but discount your bills W ben you are attacked unjustly, avoid also the appearanoe of being too good that is better than usual. Surmise and suspicion feeds the uousual, and when a man goes abont his business along the usual rut they soon fade away for lack of nourish ment. COULDN'T HELP IT. The youthful orator oime down from the platform at the olose of bis address, nd mioy peoplo pressed forward to shut him the had Ha accaUuJ their imu- gritulilions with a soiling face, but his eye were on a certain auditor who lin gered in his seat. The young Iccturtrer pressed through tne throng about him and extended his hind to the wailing man. "I want to thank you," he said, "for the close attention you gave my remnks Your upturned fice was an inspiration to me. I am sure you never changed your earnest attcniion during my lec ture." "No," said the man. "I have a stiff neck." Tit Hits. The preacher who adveitises his doubts would I rot out a lioe of faith if be thought there was more money in it The flock ii likely to auff.r for foed whea the pastor gets too aniious about bit feea. Red Meat Tobacco FREE at r",y , - GIFTS, Pain from a Hum Promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Halm. A little ohild of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn , was recently in groat pain from a burn on the hand, aud as cold applicationi only increased the in flammation, Mr. Strauss came to Mr. James N Nichols, local merchant, for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nio- hols says: "I advised him to use Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and the first applica tion drew out theinflimmation and gave immediate relief. I hive used this liniment mysulf and recommend it very often for cuts,burn?,sprains and lame back and have never known it to disappoint. Forsaleby W. M. Cr'.en, Weldon N. C , W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C J, A. Hawks, Qarysburg, N. C. It is all very well to get I good start, but the start you get when some fcol puts his oold hands down your neck may be too good. Princeton Tiger. LIKE FINDING MONEY. Finding health is like finding money so think (hose who are lick. When you have t cough, sold, sure throat, cheit irritation, bettrr act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Smdy Level, Va, He lays: "I hid I terrible ohost trouble. caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief other remedies, I was cund by Dr, King's New Discevery for Consumption Coughs sod Colds. Greatest sale aoy cough or lung medicine in the world At all druggists' drug stores: fiOo. and 81 00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free There is never any need to lie to your wife if you can only gel her into a frame ot mind where she will not b.-iieve any thing you say, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Signature of IrTtHJ tobacco and contains sold by any factory tn - h :n Wr. f. S.r. brand. HE BEST DEFINITION OF A BABY, A TINY KF.ATH ICR I'IKIII TUB WINU OK l.nVR, Iillcri'K.ll INTO THIS BACIIE11 LAP OK MOTIIItltllOOl)." London Tid Bits has just awarded a two-guiooa prize for "The Best Denfiai tion of a Baby." The priz was won by Miss Nellie Braidwood, of Girvan, Eng land, who sent in the following answer : "A tiny feather from the wing of love, ropped into the sacred lap of mothcr ood." Tho following is a (election from some of the be.st dt Onitions submitted ; An inhabitant of Lap'and. A padlock on the chain of love. A bursting bud on the ttce of life. A curious bud of uncertain blossom. The most extensive employer of female labor. A human flower untouched by the finger of care. The pulp from which the leaves of life's book are made. Tho only precious possession that never invites envy. The morning caller, noonday crawler, midnight brawler. A thing we are expected to kiss, and look as if we enjoyed it. A little si ranger with a free pass to the heart's best affections. The smartest little craft afloat in the ome's delightful bay. A native of all countries who speaks the language of none. A soft bundle of love and trouble which we cannot be without, The sweetest thing God ever made and forgot to give wiogs to. A quaint little craft called innocence, laden with simplicity and love. The magic spell by which the gods transform a bouse ioto home. KOH OVEKNIXTY I HARM. Mrs. Winslow's Sootiunq Syri p has been used for over CO years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Suld by Druggists in every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. DELAYS AUG DANGEROUS. "Ah, Gracie, dear," she said to the duke, "why don't you go to papa today? Delays are dangerous, you know." "Yes, I realized that, but I've only known you throe days, and these get- rich-quick schemes always seem to be so aisky. GOT OFF CHEAK He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contrnclcd con stipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore bis health. Nothiog wil do this but Dr. King's New Life Fills. A quick, pleasant, and oertain cure for headache, constipation, eto. 25c, at all druggists' drug stores; guaranteed. 8TOPPED THE SCKEAMING. The young man kissed her and she screamed. "What is tie matter, Nellie?" de manded a stern voice from upstairs "I I just saw a mouse," she fibbed. Presently the young man claimed an other kiss, and the scream was repeated. Again came the storn voice: "What is it this time?" "I just saw another mouse." Then the old man came down with the house cat, a mouse trap and a cane and sat in I oorner to watch develop ments. NATIVE'S HOME TREATMENT- I)r, J.R. Piuth's Home Treatment has been greatly revised nllt r ninny years hrmi study and practice in cluouit! diseaHea rttutniK men, women and olulitreu. After studying all the Home Treatments in print up to date, he is conscious ol having the combination of methr-da and injunc tions that come closer to natare for eurina diseases than nny known to-day. There fore, be appeals to the good judgment ot those who have failed to be cured by all other methods not to lose hope but give his method a trial and be convinced that they can be cured. Among his methods are.' the Biochemical salts, which are nature's remedies and an ideal home treat ment. These new treatments for disease are based upon Biochemistry and are with out a doubt the greatest discoveries of the age. Instructions in exercise, baths inter nal and external, what and when to eat, deep breathing, kinds aud quantities of water to he taken daily are also giveu. This combination gives more information as to how to live than you can get from any other source. It tells yon how to con tinue well alter you are cured. Write to day and get his pamphlet free, which explains bis method of treatment. ROOMS 209-10 All COCK KELL BLDG. Dallas, Texas. Most people have a lot to sny when thej Legio to talk about themselves. Msmifactured Only by Lliprert-ScnUs WILLING TO RUN CHANCES. TOHAVB HIS Al't'KNIHX AND SI'AUR HIS Pl'llRK, "My dear friend, you must hato your appendix removed." The kindly and thoughtful physician laid his band on bis companion's shoul der. That individual started impeicepi bly." "Wbyl" he exclaimed, "whot for? I'm healthy enough. Nothing the mat ter with mo. " "I know it," replied tho physician, "But its a wise precaution. You are go ing to travel, aren't yon?" "Yes Europe, Asia, Africa.'' "Exactly. You're going to unknown, unfriquented places. Don't make the mistake of taking your appendix with you. Have it removed bet ore you start then you oan travel in perfect safety." The other shook his head. "My dear fellow," ho said, "you're wrong. Xour argument would hold good if I were going to travel only in America and England. But whero I'm going it will be impossible for mc to have appendicitis." "But why. not?" The wise man smiled. "Because," he said, "there aro no up- to-date doctors there." Good advice to women. If you want beautiful oomplexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take 1 1 ol lister's Kooky Mouula'n Tea. Thcro is nothing like it, 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. J. N. Brown, Halifax, N. 0. UK WAS DELEUIOUS. Haven't you ever thought of going to work?" asked the farmer's wifo of Saun tering Sam. "Yes'm,1' replied the vet eran tramp. "I thought of it onec but, I was dcclecrjus at de time." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ATTACKED BY A MOB and beaten, ia a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicigo slrcet car conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family," wiites G. J. Welch, of Te konsha, Mich., "anl find it perfect," Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25o. at all druggists' drug stores. When a woman tells you that they don't sit on the floor to put on their a ockiogs, what makes them think you think so? CUAHANTl.l:l CUKE I'dlt I'll, I S. IU-hing, Blind, Bleeding or 1'rotrtidins: Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OlNlMhNl tails tocure any ense,uo niut- terot how long stnniling, in t to 14 iliiys. First upplii-alion gives eust uud rest. 6oo. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in starupt nnd it will he forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. A nice thing about having a bald head is you don t have to worry about when your hair turns gray. Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Aro you weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? Hie blessing ol health and strength come to all who use Hollistcr's llocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. J, N. Brown, Halifax, N. C. Every HearkAche Every pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing, palpitation, fluttering- or dizzy spell means that your heart is straining it self in its effort to keep in motion. This is dangerous. Some sudden strain from over exertion or excitement will completely exhaust the nerves, or rupture the walls or arteries cf the heart, aiid il will stop. Relieve this terrible strain at once with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery. Take no chances ; make your heart strong and vigorous with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "I suffered torrlbly with heart dfs ensn. I hnve been treated by different physicians for my trouble without results. 1 went to a physi cian In Memphis, -who claimed that I had dropsy of the heart. Ho rut the X-ray on mo, and in connection with his meiiictns he came near mak ing a llnlsli of me. Some time before llils a Mr. TToi ib, of Bt. Louis, was in our town, tie snw mv condition, and recommended Dr. Mites' Heart Cure to mo. 1 gavo It little attention until m--' return from Memphis, when I concluded to try It. and am pleased to say three bottles cured mo. chaki.es Gooimicn, Oaruthersvllle, Mo. Dr. Miles' Heart Curs Is sold by your druggist, who will pulrantes that the Ant hottls will benefit. If It fsils he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Co., Wlnston-Bnlein, N. C. 1'iltllC III llllHtlllllll. Iiiillgisii'in nearly always disturbs tho lerp muro or less and is olttn tliu cause ol im-'Ujiiiu M hi v cams hive been permanently cured by C'hamburlain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Forsaleby W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W, E. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, (larysburu, N. C. A daniieroiis thing about an heiress losing all hirmunry is that all her good looks go ith it. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All tl-.e blo'.d in your fcody passes through your kidneys ence every three minutes. i lie kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter cut the waste or impurities in the blood. H they are sick or out cf order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the biood, due to ncelected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through, veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. - . t If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sola on its merits cent and one-dollar siz- xjHfij oy anarupgi.iisiniiiiy-sTTi J? 63. i ou may nave a sample bottle by mail iioms or Awunp-rc-free. also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer l Co., Einghamton, N. Y. Don't make nny mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmcr'3 S-A-amp-Root. and the address, Binghamton, H. Y-. on everv bottle. J. A. ALSTON PINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimnc Cluh and Pride of Virginia, nica and mellow. Bur stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. C. 10-31-It DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - - N. C. Fnll line groceries always on band. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY TELEPHONE ? The Number is Constantly being Added to CALL OUR FlAIUbER AM) SEE A TELEPHONE LINE IS THE DOORWAY THROUGH WHICH TO REACH THEM WHY NOT OPEN IT? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER or Home Telaphono and Telegraph Company, (Via.; ,.::- ElfttsrtisHI Groceries raiii I HENDERSON, . . fj. C, ' I

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