, IjS. K- C f- ... j mmmmasssax jj IF" TEBMS:-"'6' i'KR annum in aiaame A. ITHWSPA.P'EI FOI-e- TUB PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THU118DAY, OCTOBER )9, 1905. NO. 24 VOL. XL. n The Kind Yoa IIuvo Always BourM, nml which linn been ' In use for over 00 years, lms borne ttio sliriintnre of and 1ms been made, under Ills per f-fWfi onal supervision iilneo Its Infancy. 44tAwt Allow no one to derclvo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations) and "Just-as-Rood" nro but; Experiments that tritle with and endanger tlio health of lulimts and Children Experience against Experiment! What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NurcotlO unbalance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and alluys Feverlshncss. It cures Dlarrhrca and AVtnd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nml flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Ilowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. V) in To Tlifi We n Make our Store your headquar ters duriner the Weldon Fair. iii visit our store and see xne Dar gains we are offering. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. NEW FALL AND WINTER STOCK ARRIVING. HE REAL "HOME, SWEET HOME," ARY IIAIIDEN WAS FAYKl's FIR AND ONLY l.OVS. OH, SING ME A SONG. KISSING MOTHER, Id modtit street in Allien, Ot , sods the "Hume, Street Homo," of I uhn Howard l'ajne's long the huuiie where lie rait and wooed his sweetheart nd promised wife, Mary Harden. At thin time l'ayne wit nukion a oatrical lour through the South, and tippid at AllieuS, Here he met Mary, and it was i case ol love at Grot lilit with both, lie returned to New York, but love's spell waa ttrong, and be anon oame back. With each return Lia visit was prolongid, and finally ho engaged board with Mary 'a mother, and here, for number of years, he made his borne. Ihe house 19 a well-preserved wooden structure, painted white, and stands its aide facing the ttieet. It is built in no particular style. Its plain lines and long, slanting roof in the rear reaenibles the Long Inland farm house; the green blinds, wide, comfortable porch across the front ("gallery" it is called by the peoplo of the South), the pleasant airyiall. give it a typical Southern appearance. Tbeie is a small grassy lawn shaded by sweet-gum and magnolia trees, and in the rear ol the house is a profusion of honey suckles. Inside the homo, at the left of the hall, is a pleasant, wciiiiinica panor, and nore Payne wiote. On one side Is a briok fire place that givca the room an old-time at mosphere which even the substitution of modern alass in the low, broad windows omnot wholly destroy. Here by the wal stands l'ayno's favorite chair with ooe ol its quaint arms and a part of the rush bot torn gone the way of all things. About the chair baogs the picture of Mary's mother, a sweet woman clud iu black silk and daioty lace, and across from the mother the pictures of l'ayne and Mary, hanging side by side' The picture of Payne is a fioe oil painting done in New York and pre sented to Mary on the eve of his depart ure for Kneland. 1 he one ot Mary is done in India ink. Mary Harden was Payne's first and only love. At borne and abroad hews feted and flattered; praised for his boauty and ability sod oonstantly thrown in the society of beauiiful and accomplished women, but never was bis heart disloyal lo this Southern air!. That they did not marry was beoause of his poverty He wis an indefatigable worker, but others, not himself, profited by his labors His death was caused by mental strain and fioancial embarrassment, GEN. MAU8TON PAID FOR CONTEMPT. Oh, singmo a song to quiet The stern and strenuous day, To soothe the nerve that is restless And tbo hope that is growing gray ; A song with something in it, Akin to the lotus balm, That says to the fivor cf passion, Like Christ to the sea, "He calm." StlK ID ALWAYH KKAHY T(l CURB I)Y ins sumo Toncit or a kiss when Till MTTt.1, CUU1IUY II ANUS ARE INJURED Ni t from tho eve of the battle, Where brash and brsien calls, Flush the souls of the legions To charge or stand like walls ; Ah, no' the spirit within me Is not the kind that longs Fur the grate of the martial trumpet, Nor the going of the gougs, Nor let it be an echo, Brought from the festal rooms, Where thoughtless mirth carouses And soarlet passioo hums ; Nor yet a note that is tainted With the odor of the alums, Nor from the red arena, Where rioters bite their thumbs. Oil, let the song that you murmur, To oalm my soul tonight, Be tinged with the rosy essence Of old and new delight Of leaves and sheaves of autumn, And el. earing lamps of home, And the chirp of the cricket's circle Where all the children come Now Irom the lash of labor My life would be enticed : Sin.; me a song of the little ones Who oneo were blest by Christ ; Bring love from the sylvan coverts And make it walk in white, And so in my dreams 1 will bless you For the song you sing tonight. HEALTH RULES. II Elm IH A NEW YORK r.lYBWIAN 8 SE CRET OP PERENNIAL YOUTH IN A NUTSHELL. SONG OF THE OUT-OF-DOORS. Come with me, 0 you world-weary, to the haunts of thrush and vcery, To the cedar's dim cathedral and the palace of the pioe : . Let the soul withio you oapturo something of the wild wood rapture, Something of the epiopasion of that harmony divine I Down the pathway let us follow through the hemlocks to the hollow, To the woven, vine-wound thickets in the twilight vague and old, While the streamlet winding after is a trail of silver laughter, And the boughs above hint softly of the melodies they hold, Through the forest, never oaring what Ihe way our feet aro faring, We shall hear the wild birds' revel io the labyrinth of Tune, And on mossy carpets tarry in His temples oool and airy, tluog with silence and the splendid, amber tapestry of noon. Leave the hard heart of the oity with its poverty of pity, Leave the folly and the fathioo wearing out the faith of men, Breathe the breath of life blown over upland meadows white with clover, And with childhood's clearer vision see Ihe face of God again I Herbert Bashfoid. WANTED TO SWAP WIVES. II 18 Kll'l WA8 SANCTIFIED AND THERE WAS NO MORI PEACE ON EARTH FOR HIM. The troubles of this world are mony and varied, and some of them are hard to be explained, as I learned from a con versation I hoard the other day. A fellow about half-and-half oame upon a alore piaiia whero I was silting and thus accosted me: "Hello, Cop, you're a preacher, ain't you?" "Yes," I answered. "I thounht so." be said. ' I like better D she does me. I'm a good man; I don'l owe a ted cent, and 1 never told a lio in my lilo, but I can't help from getting drunk when I hear her going on about eanctifioation. Cap. who started that thing anyhow?" "Why don't you try to get sanctified?" I aaked by way of reply. "Then you and your wile could get along better.' "Great Scott, Cap, sanctification would kill me in a month if I had to do like my wife but, Cap, ii you think I'd bet ter do it l believe l will try it the next lime they have neighborhood." A lailier, talking to his careless daughter, said, "I want to speak to ycu about your mother. It may be that you have noticed a earn worn look upon her face lately. Of oourao, it has not been brought there by any act of yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. I nt you to get up in the morning and get brenWu-l; aud when your mother comes in and bcginB to express her sur prise, go up to her sod kiss her on the mouth, and you can't imagine bow it will brighten her dear face. "Besides, ynu owe her a kiss or two, Away back, when you were a little girl, she kissed you when no ono elso was templed by your fever tainted breath and swollen face, You were not as attrac live theo as you are now And through those years of childish sunshine and shadows she wbs always ready to oure by the magic touch of a mother's kisa the little, dirty, otiubby hands whenever they were injured in those skirmishes with the rough old world. And then the mil- night kissis with which she routed so many bad dreams as sho leaned above your pillow have all been on interest those long, long years. "Of course, she is not so pretty and kissable as you ore, but if you had done your share of the work during the past ten years, the contrast would not be so marked. Her face has more wrinkles than yours, and yet if you were eiok lhat face would apbear more beautiful than an angel's as it hovered to minister lo your comfort, and every one of those wrinklcB would seem to be bright wave lets of sunshine chasine each other over the dear old faoe. "Sho will leave you ono of these doys. These burdens, if not lifted Irom her shoulders, wi'l break her down. Those rough, bard hands, that have done so many necessary things for you, will he crossed upon her lifeless breast. Those neglected lips, that gave you your first baby kiss, will be forever closed, and those sad, tired eyes will have opened tn eter nity, and then you will appreciate your mother; but it will be too late I" An Awful Cough Cured, "Two years ago our little girl bad a a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had spells of dance around in the cougbiog, just like ooe with the whoop. ing eough and some thought she would Just at this noint a fellow name ulnno not get well at all. We got a bottle of ( r r who had a bottle iu bis hip pocket and Chamberlain 8 Cough Remedy, which my man left mo abruptly, savine: "Can, ,cled 'iko cn"m' Sbe stopped cough- I II see you suain," and. a fow minutes lng ,nd Bot lout ,na ,at- ""les wre later, he and the fellow with the bottle Ora Bussard, Brubaker, III. This remedy preachers, and I ain't half as bad as folki The following anecdote is told of Oen. Di am; hut, say Cap , I'm in trou Oilman Marston, a once lamous lawyer ue, isier, ne ana tne tellow with the i New Hamrshire. I told him I waa eorry to hear it; and in his hip pocket were in ao old stable Oen. Marston was attending eourt at tDat if he would tell me what bis troubles near by, trying to drown (rouble with Dover, when a young attorney made were, I might possibly offer him Boniej the contents of that bottle. I motion that was denied by the eourt, wota f consolation. If whiskey won't make a fool of A v-xtTi t Act directly on the liver, vpr s Pills vzs. V Sold for 60 years. Want your moustache or beard BuURINunAtVIo Ult beautiful brown orrlch black? Us: "" .' The Bank of W eldon I The young man remonstrated against Y0U couldn t do it. Cap., H you are a I what he thought was the wrong ruling prcacher. My troubles oant be con of the judge. So vehemently did he ,0ej. My wife's sanctified and there remonstrate that he was fined 1U tor ,iQ'( n0 more peace on earth lor me. 1 contempt of court. An older attorney wj8n j oall uj,,a wben I wae fifteen jes took the matter up .nd he was fined l a ne?er fci4 U ltoMe similar turn. Still another, who thought i,i i. i,., k. Iinl t, irr w ih the ludEe. i ve goi rigui uow. endeavored to straighten matters out, but makes me get drunx ana i u navoirouoie Ihe, too, enriched the ci Iters ot Ihe Btato, ong my wifes sanctified, tap paying a "ten spot" (or contempt. wh( ig tD;ni 0f Mncliaoation?" Uen. wars, ... .ucu . - x told hinl ! ,upp08ed it w. a gooi in hi, seat and advar.ee to the clerk . M desk. Taking Ins loon pookeiboox irom miug, iu6. . . - his pocket, he took out two ?1U bills and laid them cn tne aestc fellow yoa need not experiment on bim with anything els3. And I will say right here, without fear of successful contradiction, that of all the fools in th world, a drunken fool is entitled to the premium, for being the biggest. Rev. It. H. Whitaker in N. & 0. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, C, W. E. Beavcns, Knficld, N. C , J Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. "his reverence." An English lord was traveling through this country with a small party of friends. At (New York World.) A famous New York physician, now hale and handsome at 75, sums up bis linlf a century in midicul practice and observation in theso simple rules of health; 1. lie tempi rale in all things, in matters of amusement or study as woll as in regard to foods and drinks. To bo temperate in all things, however, does not imply that one must be a pro hibitionist about anything, 2. Don't be afraid to go to sleep, for sleep is the best restorer of wasted energies, Sleep a certain number of hours every night, and then remember that a short nap during the day is a safer njuvenator than a oocktail. 3. Don't worry, cither about the past or the future. To waste a single hour in regret for the past is as sensoless as as to send good money alter what has been irrecoverably lost. To fret one's self about what the future may have iu store is about as reasonable as to at tempt to brush back the tide of the ocean with a broom. Worry, of what ever kind, banUhes oontcntmcnt, and contentment is a necessity of youth. 4 Keep the mind youthful. Live in the present with all the other young peoplo. Don't get to the remi niscent. Let the old people talk about the past, for the mere aet of thinking about old things reminds the mind of its years, lleminisoenccs are danger ous whether tbey are soothing or sweet or sad for tbey characterize old age, and most be tclu'ouBly avoided by those who would be ever young. 5. Keep up with the limes. Don t fall behind the procession. To accom plish this learn one new fact every day. The mind lhat is satisfied to live upon the lessons learn 'd in its youth soon grows old and musty. To keep young it must be fresh and ao tive abreast with time. The old methods of thought and tho old facts may have been correct enough but that time has passed. Today they are obsolete and only amusing as relies of antiquity. To remain young, there fore, one must keep the store house of the memory clear of all suoh rubbish. Throw away one ot the mildewed rel ics every day and replace it with some newer, fresher and moro up to date fact. Here, then, is this New York physi cian BBecret ol perennial youin in a nut shell: Be temperate. Don't be afraid to go toslccpl Don't worry I Keep the mind youthfull And kesp up with the times 1 It is not a difficult rule of life to fol- low. It is ever ao much easier than wan dering about the strange lands in seach of hidden springs. It is somewhat pleas- antcr than stewing over ill-smelling cruci bles. Moreover, it has the advantage of CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Some aro atraid to cat peaches lest tbey lone their apiielile for prunes, toit nvioiiHivrv litAH. Mrs. Winhi.iiw'b Sootiiinii SnttiP has been used for over 61) years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease prevaillr? In this country most dnnperou:! because so decep tive. Many audaen J deaths are caused by h heart disease. )- pneumonia, heart CL failure or apoplexy r- are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble la al lowed to advance the 'iL kidney-poisoned - l.U,l ..ill -ttl, tl.a vital orrans or th. kidneys themselves break down and wasto av.iy coll by cell. Bladder troubles nwl always result from a derangement of Ihe kidneys and a cure ts obtained quickest by ft proper treatment of ths kidneys. If you are feeling badly you cm make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rjreat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain tn passing It, and overcomes lhat unpleasant necesjit of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root Is Boon realized. It stands Ihe highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. SwamD-Roct 's pleasant to take and told by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f have a sample bctlle of this wonderful new dis- p-i;irj;" coveryand a book that -il! tells all about it. both nor, of sr!np-not. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer it Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous cfier in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE vs.' rwVni Kin mm Family Groceries, -::WELDON- N. C.i- OrflLanized Uafler Tie Lais of tie State of North Carolina. "What is lhat lor?" said the court. "I want you to distinctly understand," said the cencral, "that I have just twice as moth oontempt for this d- n court as any man here, and am paying for it." -Boston Heram. AUGUST 20TII, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUN l'V DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WKLDON DKP0SIT01U. .t.r ' k Mw taV CAPITM. INO SURPLUS $33,000. ,r ln lj iulutiuU IMS piuviottl id W mm 1i.i,.i,i..ii i w.:. -iih ihe business interests ol - -.uuiuurB arm uireoior. u.v. uuou iw,.,,.. -- - llilifaiand NLrih.mr.iA,. .Minti. Inr mauv vears. Money is loaneu upou provod aeourity at the legal rate of intoreet six per oentum. Aeoounts of all solicited. ProaiJni- vin..Pr.irlni! Cashier: W. R HA nipt n. n w t.EWfS W. R.8Mnn- Jaekson, Northampton county, N. C. I The largest and best plant in llCHARLES MILLER WALSH, U'l.rrinr .nrl M.nnf.nliir.r lf MON- UMBSrs, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. Safe delivery guaranteed. Write for designs and prices MBvAlso Iron Fencing, Vases . etc., for cemetery ana otner nnrnomn at lowest prices. Hm.8ATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. Th min ftf womanhood Is motherhood. n... lir. the head that wear, the .nu.n ... a.titriiMiN thi. corutiutum. when there I. lack of womanly strength to htar the burden, ol maternal aignuy aim uuvy. The reason why .0 many women sink under the .train of motherhood i Lscause they ... ..tnrf.nnrpd. I unhesitatiURly aavise expetuuu mw, er. to ue lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescnp i "rit Urn. 1 W. O. SteDhena. of Mil., Northumberland Co., Va. The reason for i.;. o.iuir i Hint llr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- acr ntion l. tile nest preparative ra m maternal function. No matter how Healthy and strong a woman may be, she cannot line "Favorite Prescription " . . prepara tive for maternity without irain of health and comfort, nut it i. toe wnn not .trona- who beat appreciate the great benefit, received from the u.e of "Favorite Prescription. " for one ming u u n.ay the bahy'" advent practically painleas. It ha. in many case, reduced day. of auffer Ing to a few brief hours. It has changed the period of aniiely and .truggle into a timeol ease .mi vuu.iu... The proprietor, and maker, of Doctor Pierce'. Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 lor anv ewe of Lencorrhe., Female Wcakne.., Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they omnot core. All the World'. Dispensary Medical AMOciation, Proprietor., of Buf falo, N. V.. .ak i. a fair and teesonaty trial of their rueana of curt. ibout it. "Is your Wife sanolified, Cop?" 't don't think she is." I answered. "If she is," I continued, "she don t say anything about it. , She s 1 woman w"ho don't brag much on her goodness. "Cap, how'd you like to swap? ' he asked io a business like-way. 'c wap what?'' I enquired. "Swap wives." "0," I said. "I don't reokoo our wives would like to be traded around in such a way." "I'll give boot, Cap; yes, I'll givs a house end lot worth three hundred dol lars, and if that won't satisfy you I be (eicuBC me Cap; I didn't intend to say a bad word,) yes if the house sod lot won't do, I'll give you seventy aores of land to boot botweco my wife and yours, II you will Kuarantes that she will never get sanclifiod. I know I ain't a bad man but I can't help getting diunk to drown my trouble, and sinoe riy wife got sane tided I've had more trouble than any poor moria' can bear, it seems to me." "What gives you so much trouble?" I asked. "My wife's sick all the time and won't have anv doctor and she's mad ell the time, and as spiteful Is a hornet, and the madder she gets the more she prays at me. I tell you, Can, I never was so tired of anything, as I am of hearing her pray. . "'Vh.t does she pray so much about?" I asked. "Cap, you are too hard Tor ne now, hut I just wish yon could hear tier one time. "I am sure I would enjoy it," I said; "for I love to hear praying." "Cap. let's trade. 8ho'd suit you ei- aotly, she'd suit a pteaeher t durncd sight A CURE FOR ANYTHING. Dr. William Oiler, in one of bis Balti more lecturcB, recited a quaint old cure from a seventeenth century medical work, that was detigned to show gout's hope lessness. "First pick," Bsid this old cure, "s handkerchief from the pocket of a spin ster ol thirty five who never wished tn wed; second, wash the handkerchief in an honest miller's pond; third, dry it on the hedge of a parson who never was covetous; fourth, send it to the shop of a physician who never killed 1 patient; fifth, mark it with a lawyer's ink who never cheated a olieut, and, sixth, spply it hot to the gout-tormented part. speedy euro must follow," "AI.F" CIIUKCII VOUCHED KOIt HIM. It is only a few years since Woonsook ot missed for good the familiar face of "Alf" Church, for a long time dermt. sheriff and chief of police, a man wb was straightforward and blunt in all h dealings. One day a grocer went to "Alf" for information about a certain "Joe" White, who had applied for credit and a book at his store, and the following dialogue en sued: "Good tnornin', Mr. Church. "Morniu'." "Do you know Joe White?" "Yes." "What kind of s feller is he?" "Putty fair." "Is he honest?" "Honest? I should say so. Been ar re-ted twice for atealiog aud acquitted both limes." Boston Herald. OAHTOIltA, Brers th. llal eillt Yw Ww slmrs Boit Bignatore of being thoroughly practicable. makes it well worth trying. which PKOVI8ION8, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Clnb and Pride of Virginia, nici and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-Ul-lT PLANS TO GET RICH. .re often frustrated bv ludden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Braco up and take Dr. King s Aow Life Pills. They take out the materials which ore ologging your energies, and oivfl vou a new start. Cure headache and dimness too. At any arug 25o. guaranteed. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will find the choicest brands of BYE, PURR OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wines, WHY AT- a farmhouse Ihe owner invited the party in to supper. The good house-1 ife, while preparing the table, disoovor-1 ing that she was entertaining nobility, I was overcome with surprise snd elation. All seated at the table, scarcely a mo ment's peace did sho grant her distin guished guest in bor endeavor to serve I and please him. It was "My lord, will 1 you have some of this?" and "My lord, I do try that." "Toke a piece of this, my lord," until the meal was nesrly finished. Some of Ihe chaps who don't go home TITV prp Vnii A QlT P The little four-year-old son of the family, tin morning, oause mourning when they ' heretofore unnoticed, during a moment I j0 g0 home. of pupreme quiet saw his lordship trying reach the pickle dish, which waa just out of his reach, and turning to his mother, said : "Say, ma, tiod wants a pickle." Nothing to fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little onos, as it contains absolutely nothing injurious. This rem- dy is not only perfectly salo to give small children, but is s medicine of grest worth and merit. It has a world wide reputation for its oures i f coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by W. M. Cohen, V olden, N. C . W. K. Beavcns, Enfield, N. C. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. 1 ou can leu bow much a man means his Wavers bv the way bo gets out and pushes things 'after the meeting, tmlX OFTRAGIC MEANING are these lines from J. H, Simmons, of Casey, III. Think what might have re lied from hia terrible couch if he had not taken the medicine about which h writes: "I had a fearful cough, that dis turbed my night's rest. I tried every' thing, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Disooverv lor Consumption, Coughs and Cold, which completely cured me." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all throat and lunc diseases, prevents grip snd pneu monia. At any druggist; guaranteed) fiUe. and f 1.00. Trial bottle free, Howls YourHeart? Ta votir nul.-,c weak, too slow, too fast, or docs it skip a beat? Do you have shortness ot breath, weak or hungry spells, fainting.smolhcriiig or choking spells, palpitation, iiuucrinp, pains around the heart, in side and shoulder ; or nun vnen lying on left side? II )oll hve any uf the symptoms your heart is weak or diseased, and cannot get better without assistance. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, and see how quickly you will find relief. "Abotil January 1st. 1902. I took dam with wt'Hkneaa uud dro.ny, and (rradually grew worse. I wa. told bv mv family rrty.lclnn that my case Bless, .ly nemiium" n,. W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - N. C. Full line groceries always on hand. TRAVEL? NO! lly Hail given me up 10 uii ' limb, and body were swollen to one third larger than normal size, anri Tinier had collected around my heart. For at least three months I had to sit propped up In bed to Iteep from .moth ering. I sent for five bottles of Dr. Mile.' Heart Cure, and by th. time I had taken them alt I was entirely cured. I feel better than I hav for twenty years, .nd I am able to do any kind of work on my farm My attending physician told tne. that If It hadn't been for iV. Mlloa' Heart Cure I would now b. In my grave. U T. CURD, Wllraore, Ky. Or. Mil..' H.rt Cur I. sold by your druggist, who will gu.r.nte. that th. flr.tUttl. will baneflt. It It falls h. will nfund your mon.y. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Telephone For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, - . N.C. ootUlj.