V) I 111 la ADVERTISIITQ- H,A.TE3S-modekate. -A. NEWSPAPER FOE, THE PEOPLE TBBMS:-"'M PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1905. NO. 26 n Thr Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which lias beea hi use for over 30 yean, has borne the signature of nill 1"8 been made under his per- CS jLtrrbtrJtts onaX uporvlslnn since Its infancy. WutfY, tmtSUK AHow 110 ono t0 dccclve yoII , t,,g All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ICv pertinents tlmt trifle with and endanger tlio health of lut.uils and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neitlter Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays Feveri.-Hiness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the tjtomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1MI Umu MMMNV, TT UNRM ITIIMT, MM VMI OTTT. UL I Swell FIND satisfaction in our HigM Claa Remly-to-wear garments. They have all the fit. all the qualitj, all the pernioucn fjQFCCjrOC ithHpt-lintat of the best mer rqfcughqg chant tailoring NothiitK is lucking except the costlirnsa ( you are dettrmiotd to Brendan untierttvury amount of money tor clothes, yon clothe, you get much tatter effect in buying two of onr suite foi the price you would pay for ooe made to order. More Clothes and Less Money-a - tied op in few garments U the tendency arooug people of taate. We fit everybody IAJLIBHT ALTER A T 1 0 N IS, of course, tomelimes necessary, but it imounti to do more Ihio joor tailor ale when he gives jou your ''try on." Don't mike the mistake of bujiog fsll nit or to overoott without seeing oar line. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. AyerkPilSs The dose is one, just one pill bedtime, buear-coatea, mild, certain. They cure constipation. Lw.Tui: ?EHamty!fX!i BUCKINGHAM'S DYE t Beautiful brown or rich black? Use nm cmmuiunui-r.iuuoo..,uiJi..a Tie Bank of W -::::::WELD0N N. C.r kiM Uitler Tkt Lavs of tie State of North Carolina, AUGD8T 20TH, 1892. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITOKY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. SINGING IN PRISON. JlbllB IS TINDERLT IIOHI. CAILINO THIS At the Sabbath morning and Tuesday ironing services among the prisoners in Raymond Btreet jail, Brooklyn, the chap lain given the men the privilege of selec ting some of the bjmoa. Among thoio frequently lung wu "Jctua ii tenderly oilling thee home." Thii particular hymn they aang with the apiiit ind feel ing that might be envied by many a congregation. 80 popular has it become, that the prisoners often meet the chap lain before the services, and isk that the hymn may be choaen, while others, who are not permitted to attend service, tend word to hive it lung. What may seem strangest of ill ia, that often through the day, when the men are walking about, one can bear them aioging the hymn softly, the words being caught up by those in their cells. Again you can heir some of them whistling it. Ooe day a prisoner came to the chap lain and laid, "I want to tell you aom ibing. I have been here t number of times, but I have never heard anything like this bvforo. Singing religious hymna when the men are walking about, exer oisiog. I don't think lue hymn is sung lightly, either, but just as you ling it in the services. Many s dark cloud ia lifted, and many a ray of sunshine ocmes into darkened cells and lives by the sing ing of these Gospel bymoa." A prisoner one day said to me, "Chap laio, yon know where my cell ia." "Yea,' I replied. "Well, I want to tell you that cell is my Bethel, for I not only read my Bible and pray several times a day to lbs good Ood, but bo ties an swered my prayera and bleated me in many ways, and 1 praise Dim that my ;ei have been opeoed, and through this Siperience I have aeon that there ia 1 tier way to live. The messages that you have brought to us here at our cell doors, have ao helped ua that many a man goes out from here better than when came in." K. C. Bowen. OUR NEIGHBORS. STUDENT while attending college laid ''onf of the professors en deavored earncitly to explain faith to bim. But it was a complete mys tery until he trusted his soul to Jesus Christ; when he did it be under stood it. People are often puzzled by the aimplicity of faith. They frequently discuss doctrine when they should be engaged in doing an act. They OAHTOIIIA. Bnthe Ths KinJ You Havs Always BongW HE HAD HIS ANSWER. "I with I dared to ask you something, Miss Helen," said Percy, with trembling voice. "Why don't you dare to aak it?" the maideo nid demurely. "Because I oin see 'No' in your eyes." "In both of them?" "Yea, yea." "Well, don't you don't jou know two oegativea are equivalent to an now arevou. till Take your arm from aroond mv waist! ioslaotlvl" But he didn't. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $33,000. Pns. i t .I.e..., , 1 C-'Y.l.. A Ulm euntliUi inn-ij Ul g joari idh inuutution Bae profioea oiminj - -f "w--uviiuuiiigri iaa aireotore Dave Deed mentinea wuu vubiuw I iod,Northmptoo counties for maoy yaari. Money ii loaned upon ep- i IrOTAll uvnuwita. . iU 1 I r !-a - u unlnm A .Will lit flf ill ATt I lolioited. " t I President; Vim-President: E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWI3, Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. Cashier: W. R. SMITH j I The largest and best plant in 1 the State. .CHARLES MILLER WALSH, Uiurrinr and Hi.nr.i f MOV ,BT3, TOMBS, GRAVE "ONES of every description. Freight lirAn.id n ll .hinmADt. lafa it.ll. ' Imj.. r . f'lgoi and prices Ht Also fron Fencing, Vases etc., tot cemetery and other nnranui at InwMt nricea. aJvBATISFACTION OTJARANTEED Work Delivered At Any Depot. ootUly. The American CM. WHAT MAKES HER POPULAR. The American girl li admired and like4 i home and abroad because the is the hanoiest. uhuaIIv the heal t hie t and Irieud ii,.t nf trirlr She ts fond of life and ia alive to everything beautiful and food in existence. Mrs. Langtry has said that the American woman has little to learn trotn hr KutrliKh sinters. Dr. Pierce, the specialist in women's dis eases, of Buffalo, N. Y., advises simple ea ercises for women, preferably in the out door air. But many women are confined to the house and their household duties or their business con fanes them to poorly ven tilated rooms. If a woman suffers from a nesoncne, backache, a sensation e: irritability m twitrhiiur snd uncontrollable nervousness, soturt&tui must be wrong with the head or back, she naturally asys, out an uic um the real trouble ver often centers in the womanly organs. In oS per cent, of cases the seat of the difficulty is here, and a woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The local disorder and in dam ma tlon of the delicate special organs of the sea should be treated ateauiiy ana system- .1 if. all Backed up by over a intra 01 a century at remarkable ana ununrm cares, u rrrom such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesaes peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrescnpnon miw it. 111117 warranted in offering to pay Isoo for any case of Leucorrbea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling 01 wo mo which incy cannot cure. All they ask is a lair ana reasonable trial of inetr means 01 cure. DID YOU SAY DRINKS ? Somebody near you ia at roggling alone Over life's desert sand ; Faith, bopo and courage together are gone, Reach bim a helping hand ; Turn on hia darkneas a beam of your light, Kindle to guide him, a beacon fire bright, Cheer his discouragement, soothe his affright, Lovingly help him to stand. Somebody near you is hungry and cold ; Send him some aid to-day ; Somebody near you ia feeble and old, Left without human stay. Under his burdoni put hands kind and strong ; Speak to bim tenderly, sing him a song ; Huts to do something to help bim along Over his weary way. Dear one, be busy, for time flietb fast, Soon it will all be gone ; Soon will our season of service be past, Soon will our day be done. Somebody near yon needs now a kind word ; Some one needs halp, auoh as you can afford ; Haste to assist in the name of the Lord, There may be a soul to be woo I UUVIIVVUUUUUwUUulVllUUUUU A LAY SERMON SAVING FAITH IN CHRIST. 6 A worry their brains when they ought to be yielding their hearts to the truth. Faith ia defined sometimes as an assent to the truth of the gospel which baa been given by God. But this ii only au intellectual set sod is insufficient to save a aoul. Millions entertain an intellectual belief in the gospel, who sro entirely destitute of the slightest penitence for sin ind who have never made the first atep toward follow ing Chrirt. This world of woe is full of intellectual believers, where "the devils lao believe and tremble I" Faith has also been defined aa "taking Ood at His word." This is another very important men'al act, but does any "word" of our heavenly Father live our souls ? The apostles never preached "Believe the Word and Be Saved." The mlghtest questions that ever agitated a human soul confronted Paul and Silas when tbe poor jailer ol Philippi lay trembling before them. They did not lake time to expound s doctrine, but enforoed s deed. Their purpose waa not to point to or give emphasis to s system of truth, but they poioted to s personal Saviour, to an almighty Person, a loving, compassionate Per son, to a divine and not human Person, whose atoning blood cleanseth from all sin. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Not in Christianity, but on Jesus Christ, wsb what they told the jailer. Mark that little aod yet supremely great word "on." To helieve in Christ is not rufficient. Millions of people who are unconverted believe iu Jcs'll just as they be- eve in Howard as a noble philanthropist, and io Washington as a pure patriot, and in Newton as a prolound philosopher, lint they neglect to trust their souls to JeBUS. They fail to rest on Him for salvation. They negleot to build their charaC' tenon Him as the only sure foundation. It haa been related by one of the aurvivora from the terrible buroiog of s hotel that when he was driven back by the fUmes in the hallway, ahe teized the escape' rope in hia bed-room, and from an upper atory he towered himself through thi blinding amoke down to the aide walk. The man had seen that rope before bu' had never felt the need of it uotil then. Hit opinion of the strength of that rope waa a good one, lut it was only ao opinion. But when he swung it out of the window snd trusted his life to it he put it to the test. Now that wu saving faith; the man let go of everything else and committed his entire weight to those strongly braided atraods of hemp when the human soul cuts loose from every other reliano in thia wide world and lays hold of tbe sin-atoniog Redeemer fur salvation that aoul "believes on Christ. He tbrowa bimself upon Jesus Tor pardon, for acceptance with God, for grace, for ittength, lor guidanoe, and for s full salvation, Some snxious inquirer when be reada the thoughts here written may aay that if Paul told the jailer to believe on Jesus Christ the apostle Peter had previously said to s gathering of eioners who were "pricked to their hearts" that their first duty was to "repent." Thia ia all true, and, reader, it ia your duty els 3, if you dwiro to possess s new life here aod an eternal life hereafter. But just what is genuine snd aoriptnral aod effectual repentance 7 Is it sorrow for sin ? Yes; but there is s vast deal mors in it than that. It ia the set or s aoul that with not only a sorrow for ain, but utter hatred of sin, turns it to Ood with an honest, earnest oodeavor to obey and even follow Jesus Cbriat. Faith and evangelical repentance go together. They are inaensrable. They are the two equal larta of one globe. Sorrow, shams, self- reproach, will ultimately end in nothing utilise the soul laya bold of Christ, who alone can impart to it tbe new life, the new chancier and the lew conduot. Is the Holv Spirit workiog upon your heart 7 Yes; then you must move whither He is pressiog you toward Christ. Repentanoe is not simply a mere feeling., It mors than that; it is an act. Saving faith ia not an opinion or a good resolution, or s devout purpose. It more than either of these. It is the act ol yielding your heart up to the ain-atoniog and loving Saviour end joining your aoul to Him aa your Redeemer a-d your Lord When Jesus called Peter, James sod John to be His diaeiplei He said to the "Follow Me." They did Dot ait down and weep : they did not oonsnlt anybody. tbey did not promise tbe Cbnst that, at some future day they would obey bim But straightway they left their nets and followed Him Here, my dear reador, ia an example Icr you. Begin to do the first thing that the spirit workiog on your eonscienee urges you to do. In honestly taking any step either in abandoning sin or in doiog a duly and you do this simply to please Jesus Christ ; then begins your conversion. You will then bsva chaoued masters. To be willing to trust on Christ and to go with Chiiet even in s single importint step is ths beginning ol genuine Cbriatien life. Have you but little hub 7 Use whM you have and pray for more, Cbriat will help Christ will be your help and guide aa aoon aa yog begin to follow II im aa child just learning how to walk. Millions of half Christians will never make whole one. Break entirely away Irom your old aina and old self aod taka s firm grasp on the almighty Saviour. That waa a pithy answer an humble servant madi who, when applying for admiiaion to the church, wia interrogated by her pastor is iowhat evidence she hid si her Ouaia.iuii. liar repiy waa, "Weil, for one thing, sweep now under ths rugs snd door mala." The fatal mistake with some porfessors of religion is tbst they bava left s aad amount of am snd selfishness under ths door mate. "Faith without works ia dead." Ths only proof you can give that you are trualingin Christ and followiog Cbnst is that you begin to keep Chriat'i command menu. Well you will find .l. .a. ::.. L, a. -r I lue ouuiucni ui.uiu u. RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Spsrkling wines, Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., Tall lias groceries siw - te bud. HON LOST MOTHER. Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes E B. Beid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. King's New DUoovery for Consumption, which haa aaved me fromeeriooe luug trouble." Hia mother's death was a aad loss for Mr Raid, but he learned thatl ingtroubl e must not be neglected, and bow to cure it. Quickest reliel and cure for ooughs and colds. Price 60c. and fl. Guaranteed at any drag store. Trial bottle free, A woman is as young ss other women think ska looks. THE TIME WILL COME. BUT, HOW LONG, Oil, HOW LONIJ, B(- PORK THE TIMS WILL COMB. When it will be a disgrace not to work hen one ia able. When ovciybody will know thnt scl- GsIidcmi always defeats itself, When the churches will not be closed as long as the s.loons aro open. When to get rich by making others poorer will be oonaulercd a disgrace When the golden rule will be regarded the souudest business philosophy. When the standard of morality will be emended of men as of women When all true happiness will be found iu doiog the right, and only the good ill be found to be real. When the buMocsa man will find that his best interests will be tho best of the man at the other end of the bargain. When all hatred, revenge aod jealousy II be regarded as boomerangs which in flict upon the thrower the injury intended for others. When a man who seeks amusement by oiUMng pain or taking the life of inno cent, dumb creatures will be considered a barbarian. When every man will be his own phy sician, and will carry bis own remedy with him when mind, not medicine, will be the great panacea. When men can realize that there can be no real pleasure in wrongdoing beoause the sling and pain that follow more than outweigh the apparent pleasure. When the world will bave everything to sell and oothing to give, aod the price demands will be the best service the purchaser can render the race. When it will be found that repression and punishment are not reformative, and our prisons will be transformed into great educative and character building institu tions. When it will be found that physical and chemical forcea were intended to re lease man from all physical drudgery, and so free hia mind from burden-getting that he can a make a pleasure of life. When do man will be allowed to say that the world owes him a living, since the world owes bim nothing that he should not pay for' it owes a living only to cripples, invalids, and all others who cannot, through aome misfortune, help themselves. When the "grafter" who fattena upon an unsuspecting public, wears purple aod no lioen and lives in luxury, will be meted out the sama measure of justice the vulgar footpad receives who knocks down s man and picks hia pock ets. When a man will be ashamed to har bor aucb an unworthy ambitious as the accumulation of an unwieldly fortune, merely fur the sake of beiog rich; when no woman will live simply to dress and waBte ber time in a round of idiotic and exhausting pleasures, or what she hypno tised herself into believing are "pleas- urea. W hen the "best society will consist of men and women of brains, culture and achievement, rathet than those whose chief merit and distinotioo he in ths posses-ion of unearned fortunes which they make it the business of their uvea squander. PUR OVBKMIX'l'Y V BARS. Mas. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, aod is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world Twenty-five oents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Wioslow a soothing syrup. and take no other kind. to THE EXACT THING REdUIHED ltR CONSTIPATION "As i certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tableta seem to be tho exact thine quired, strong enough for the most ro bust, yet mild enough aod safe for chil dren aod without that terrible griping ao oommon to moat purgatives," say R Web ster k Co , Udors, Ontario, Canada. Fr aale by W. M, Cohen, Weldon, N. C , W. E. Heavens, Enfield, N. C..J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. In Boston a rubber lao'ory ia osllei o inquisitive plsut. Some meo go to bed too late ever wake up famous. IN TIME OP PEACE. Iu the first months of the Japan Rus sia war we had a striking example of tho neeeasity for preparation and the early advanlangc of those who, so to speak 'have shingled their roofs in dry weather. Tbe virtus of preparation haa made hia tory aod given to ua our greateit men The individual aa well aa lbs nation ahould he prepared for any fiBMwn'' Are you prepared to aucoessfully combat the first oold you take? A oold can ouredajpuoh more quickly when treated aa aoon aa it has been contracted ana o fore it has beoome settled in the system Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cure! of oolds aod it shouM kept at hand ready lor instant use. For sale by W. M. Cohm, Weldon N. C, W.E. Beavens, Eofiild, N J. A. Hawka, Oarysbure, X C. The chief end of man is the one with the head on. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl Bears ths Signature of CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DORS IT RAIHE TFIK STANDARD OF MOR AL ACTION? rp HB abolition of capital punishment is in acoord with all the progressive tendencies of tho ago. A man is not re formed by banning. A stato is not ex- Ited by becoming ao executioner. Civil law ia based, or should be. in the Divine If it be crime lor a man to com- it murder in the passion of tbe moment, it less crime for the state with deliber ate purpose and all the machinery of the law at ill disposal, to commit another uidcr? Does it abrogato the first? Docb it raise the standard of moral action? tho state in soy sense, when thus re lated, lesa guilty than the man? Has the Hate which ia composed of units either a legal or moral right to require innocent man to put to death a guilty an? In this oase, who oommits the murder? Who is guiltless? Beyond this, when the state becomes an execu tioner, by the barbarism of the aot, it throttles the Golden Rule. Again, haa not tbe slate an inherent obligation of protection to its citizens? Un der the execution of a capital sentence. bat does not the state impose upon its citizens? Tbe followiog incident is suggestive: At one of the great chatauquas, dur- ng the past summer, I listened to the lecture of a gentleman from the east, who gave this incident, which be had verified by bis own personal investigation of the case. In an eastern state, ths sentence of death waa exeouted against s young man, the only sod of s widowed mother. After death his ioooceoce was proven. But bis innocence is not material to tbe problem. The mother, under ths de spair which fell upon her io ber lonely ome, at the hour of execution, groaning her agony, went away to tbe rubbish of the atlio, drew from iti musty reoessea the crsdled in which ahe had rocked ber . j I,,. ooy bdq sung iniiaDies to Dim in bis in fancy. Dust-covered and disordered, she placed it io the center of the room, sat dowo beside ii, etretched her smitten hands to the center of the cradle, moved gently, and alow aweet aong, the fren- of her thought rocked to sleep ber aby boy Day by day she refused food and she slept, she knelt by the cradle and ay her face upon that of tbe child and no tenderness of friends could woo er to a couch of rest. After dajs, ahe waa taken to sn asylum, placed under care in private room, but denied the cra dle. Uoder that denial, she became un controllable. As a fioalitv it was brought ber. and she still sat, as the weary days and weeks went by, till the Guardian Angela folded her in their wings and ore her away to the real embrace of the child whom God had given ber sod bom no man had a right to take away. Union Worker, Nebraska. SELLS MORE OP CHAMIIUKLAI S'S COUGH REMEDY THAN OP ALL OTHERS PUT TOGETHER. Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at Mt. Elgin, Ontario, aaya: "I bave had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since it was introduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it ss I do of all other tinea I have on my shelves put together. Of tbe many dosona un dcr guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally reeommend this medicine as I have used it myself and given it to my children and always with tbe same results. Sold by W. M. Coben, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. Some men owe more to their wives than they ever get paid. THE WORLD MISJUDGES. Till IDEA Or DYINO IN FIARSE38 NOT A SENTIMENTAL ONE. The world misjulges tho man who works on, after having accumulate wealth, or even s competency, till ths last expiring breath. How often do ws bear it said of men who aru near tbe journey's end, that they are juit as anx ious to make a dollar as they ever wero, This is generally true, but we often mis construe Ihe motive of that desire. Many of Ihe men agaiust whom the charge is made, work cn to make dollars, Dot because they love the dollars, but beoause they love the work they have always been accustomed to do. Tbey do not always understand this fact them selves, and many of them never thiok of the matter at all, but we are satisfied that thia is the last analysis of the faot. Tbey work on because they have worked all their lives snd would be miserable could tbey not continue to work, and of course tbey do the things that through long years they have not only learned to do, but so love. The world lays they are si ill greedy for the dollar. This at tachment to one's life work is immense, and about the saddest sight to be found U an old man who has been taught to believe that he ought to retire and is wandeiing about io an aimless sort tf way waiting to die. The idea ot dying in harness is not the sentimental one. It is a necessity for most men. The old man or woman who is foroed to give up the old homo or the old busioess to "rest" or to go live with the children, is gener ally doomed to a few years of misery when these years should be tbe happiest ol their lives. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK "i Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable. papers ia 1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 1 the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. n is me great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century: dis covered after years of "JJsl Dr- Kilmer, the emi- ncm Kianey ana Blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing tame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brighl's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and T-y send your address to iniNpL JEl f ItSE Dr. Kilmer cCo.,Bing- !OH39 hamton, N. Y. The 31 pillar fifty cent and nonooCBwuDp-feMfc dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Uon t make any mistake, but remember e name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, i., on every bottle. Tired Nervous When you feel languid, tired, nervous and irritable, your vi tality is low your supply of nerve energy exhausted, and your system running down for lack of power, The organs of the body are working poorly, or not at all, anil you are not gettincr the nourishment needed. This soon impoverishes the blood and in stead of throwing off the im purities, distributes it all through the body. This brings disease and misery. Feed the nerves with Dr, Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you will get strong and vigorous. "My wife suffered with nervounncfls previous to ft recent attack or typhoid It-ver, but after her recovery rrom the fever, ahe tvus much worne, and could hardly control herxelt being exceed ingly nervous when the leaat excited. She was very restless at night, and never had a good night's rent. She also sutTered much from nervous head ache. Dr. Miles' Nervine was recom mended by a friend. After the first three doaea she hud a good night's rest, and at the end vf the first wuek'a treatment ahe waa wonderfully Im proved. Continued use of Nervine has completed her entire core." OTTO KOLB. 1021 Cherry St., Kvansvllle. Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine la sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that ths flratWtlt will benefit. If It falla, hs will refund your money. Mites Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Afmost everybody who reads the news- cures made by Dr. aure to know of the wonderful J. A. ALSTON FINK Family Groceries PROVISIONS,! -Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES-! Herrlmac Club and Pride of Vireinia, nict and mellow. Kar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-31-lT Telephone Service AT YOUR OFFICE b to-day an admitted Business 1 UVLiJJl I 1 WHILE , At Your House It's at once s Convenience and a Ne cesslty, that you cannot measure by any money vulue. One Emergency Call, in One Year, Pays the Rent. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR, WHO HAS ONE. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER Of Horns Telephone) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C. ,) ... TP1'?"