Is-. IITW ,. ; B' ADVEIRTISIlsra- I.A.TESMor)ERATE. A. 2T E "W SP APEB FOE, THE 3? IE O IP L IE TBBMSHl'M mt ANN DM IN ADVANCE VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1905. NO. 27 fi AVtcbUe Pwparuttoitror As similating iheroodandlieSula ling Die Sluinacte ondbovwli of Promotes DigestioaCheerful ftcssnndlicsl.Conl.iins neither Oinim.Morphine norMiiiexaL Not Narcotic. A perfect Remedy forConslip Hon, Sour Slomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.FevOTishr nrss nnd Loss or Sleep. fu Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. D HESSE - J ; suite loi the More Less tied np in a few garment is the tendency among people of taste. We Ot everybody J SLIGHT ALTERATION 13, of oourte, sometimes neoenary, but it amounti to no mere than jour tailor ikt when he giraa jou jour "trj on." Don't make the miitike of bujing a fill tit or in overooit without teeing sir line. H. D. ALLEN WELDON. N. C. SIALICS A splendid tonic for the hiir, makes the hair grow long- ind heivy. Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for fifty ye.r. "-.,TT.!?r'--Krtrt'1" Tie Bui -::::::WELDON N. Oriaiiici Mer Tie Lais of AUGUST STATU OK NORTH CAROLINA DKPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DKPOSITOKY. 'TOWN OK WKLDON DKPOSITOUY. CAPITAL IND SURPLUS For tea vmm it-1. !--:!: 3 hi biofiUeu ueuiuI loekholdeiind direoton bin been identified with tbe businees interests o. nil. for ro.nv rears. Moaey ii loioed upon ip- r'ed security it the legal rate of interest elicited. President: . Vioe-Preident: Ouhier. B. DANIEL Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. 8M1TH Jackson, Northampton eoontj, N. 0. The largest and best plant m the iCHARLES MILLER WALSH, vwrrier ind Manufacturer of MON- S,0188' GRAVK uB,3 of every deaenptioa. freight prepaid on all ehipmeots. ' lierj guinnteed. Write for "gss ind prices Work Delivered For Infants and Children. avaaWaWatawal BMMHHMMMMHHMMMMBM The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA fi n FIND satisfaction in oar High CIm Keady-to-wear garment. They have all the fit, all the quality, a 1 1 the petnianen- shapeliness of the best mer chant tailoring Nothing is ft 1" lucking eirept tbe costliness If jou are determined to spend au unoeceaeary aruonnt of money lor clolhes, you clothed, you get much better effects in buying two of our price you would pay ior one nimie to onier. Clothes and Money - - & COMPANY, Hair Renewer of tk Slate of Horft Carolina. 20TII, 1892. $33,OOO.i lis per centum. Aooounti of all State. IMVAlao Iroa Fencing, Tasea etc., for eeeaetery aad other J ; Jfc u .t umL nrinm. T 1 lejJHTISF ACTION ODARAKTEED. At Any Depot. HOW WOULD IT? If i lesson jou teach ii tiught And the water Ton diink ii drunk, I! ii t sermon jou preichel been preught Or the (bought that you thick been I thunk? If tht kiss jog steal ii stoleo And the horse jou ride ii riddeo, tlaa the lore jou ire reeling folen Ur the knot that wai lied liddttn ? II the girl that jou woo bai beeo wood I And tbe boat that jou row ii rowed, flu the mustache jou grew been grewed I And the pace jou ire goiog good ? If water wai fretting trose And thevioe that waa dinging oluog, I Would the hand that joo were tquen log be iquoie, Or tbe gift jou were bringing bung ? If half of two geeee ia gooae And more than one tooth are teeth, Would half of two peaa be pooie And more than one trnth be trieth T INCONVENItNT. ' Phyaician "You will be glad to I kuow, midam,that jour huiband will! almost oertainlj teoover." Wife "Oh, dear me, doctor, what shall I do?" PbjBioian "Whj, madam, what do jou mean? Aren't jou loiioui that jour busbsod ihould get well?" Wife (robbing) "Yea oolj, when Jou raid last wek jou didn't think be would lire i fortnight I went and told ill hia clothes." WEDDING KALENOAR. Married in Januatj'a hoar and prime, Widowed jou'll be before jour prime. Married in February's sleety weather, Life jou'll tread io lime together, Married when March winda shrill ind roar, Your home will lie oo a foreign ibore. Married 'neath April'i changeful akin, A checkered path before jou liei. Married when beei o'er May blossoms flit, Strangers around jour board will ail. Married in month of Roses Juno, Life will be one long lionejmoon. Married in Jul;, with fljwers sblsie, B'lter sweet memories in other daji. Mariiedio Auguit'a host and drowse, Lorn aod friend io jour ohosen spouse. Married io golden September's glow, Smooth and serene jour life will low. Married when leaves in Ootober thin, Toil and hardships for jou begin. Married io veili of November aiat, Damt Fortune your wedding ring baa kiaaed. Married io dajaof Deoember ebeer, Lore's atar burnt brighter from year to year. The Toilers in Factories. Our No workmen in tbe world can do to muek or use the Mint intelligence that our own American work-men and women are capa- oie or. lint is way America it notv beating the worle In minuftc- turea ; all due to tke brain and muscle of our Yankee men aud women. Unfortunately where there ia amoke, dirt and dual and little aunllf kt there also can be found the eenua of disease. Nature'a great disinfec tant ia suniieni. it in the factory, the work- ehoo, the office, that men and women suffer from diseases which are in the dust and the bad air. Such disease renns enter Into the blood in two wars. cither through the nines or stomach. Alter veers of exnerl. enee fh an active prac tice, ur. K. v. fierce. f Buffalo, N. T-, discovered a remedy that ia a blood-maker and tissue-builder. at the same time alleviatea a cough. Ha called it Ir. Pierce'a Golden Medical Dis covery an alterative extract that aaetats in the digestion-and assimilation of the food so that the blood gets its elements from the products 01 digestion, the liver at the tame lime is at. .-ted into activity and there it oerfect elimination ol waste nat ter. The genua ol grip, malana. catarrh or consumption find a fertile field if the body is not kept ia perfect order and the blood pure. Hrratiie tne atomaen aitceeen twere is a diminution of the red corpuscles of the h nod. This is why one is sleepless. languid, nervous and irritable. Sensitive atumacha groan aloud at the irritating eod liver oils, but Ihey will get all the food elements the tissues require by using the "Golden Medical Ulscnvery.- The " Discovery " is abMluttly a wow- alcoholic s-id aoa narcotic medicine. There la nnlbine else "lust as good. 1 1. Plaree'a Pleasant Pellets, the best laialivt foe old and young people. They cure constipation ana duioubucbb. DID TOU SAY DRINKS ? Well you will And the ohoioest brands of RYE, PURE OLD APPLE BRANDY and Sparkling wioetf; Where, You Ask? WHY AT W. D. SMITH'S, Washington Ave., WELDON, - . M. 0. I Full line ITOoetiaa always aa hand. A WEATHER PHILOSOPHER. BY FRANK L. STANTON. Tht Bowers are sorter willin', like tbej misted the freah'nin' dew . But thar's wisdom in all weithera, in' jest inj kind'll do I Though the winter blights Ihe blossoms, in drcatn feller sees. The lilies leinin' over with the weight o' hoooj-bcoa I We sorter miss the niockio' birds that made the woodlao'a ring ; But ain't the wind i-whistlin'? don't the winter firci liog? Don't the mistletoe look temptin', when it's Love feller seeks ? Ain't the holly berries redder than jer sweetheart's rosj cheeks ? Oh, thar's life in' love amaiiu' in this worP fer one an' all : Warm jar souls up in tbe tuosbine ketob the blossoms it Ihej fall I From Ihe graj, froit epriukled meadows feel jor way Io ikies o' blue Thar's wisdom in all weathers, so' jeat any kind 'II do I THE HAZARD OP e TH II ia hard laying; but it waa one who knew the awful pouibiliiiee of human life ind dealinj who said that a man wis nothing profited if he giioed tht whole world it tbe cost of to lift ourselves over tht tsrrora of such a candor to consider with patienoe ill (hit is world has i certain theological ind somewhat unfamiliar flavor to the eager men ind women who hurry ilong our busy atreets. Tbej would not indeed deny that they hive aoula, but neither would tbej profess to know much about it. Tbe state of the soul thej believe in their hearts bai no immediate bearing on tbe business ia band. When they have more leisure, or when tbej fiod themselves too dangerously neatihe borders of another orld, it will be timt enough to consider the demands of the soul; and by the mysterious ex ercises of religion, it will be caved, no doubt, in the end. But whit if for "soul" we substitute i man if he gain the whole world and lose hie life? Il ii impossible for tbe dullest or the busiest to evade the item simplicity of thii question. Wt all hive a life. We krow whit it is to love i would not lose it for ill the world, nd every one would meet it with unhesitating assent even if we read into the word "life" tho lowest meaning of whioh the word is oapable. Clearly no one ii profiled if be gain the world and lose life; for if he lost bis life, be would lose the world, too, and then he would be poor indeed, with nothing to identify him in all the univerae. But Josus means something more iwful itual power in man whioh gives to existence its supreme worth, ind without whioh mm ii no better than his dog or his horse. To lose this spirituil ca pacity is to lose everything; and even could he gain the whole world, that would be but poor compensation for the loss of all that gives him bis right to oall himself a man. IN TIME OF PEACE. Iu the first months of the Japan Rus sia war we had a striking exsmple of the necessity for preparation ind the early dvinlinge of thoae who, so to speak, have shingled their roofs io dry weather,' Tbe virtus of prepaiitiou hai made his tory aod given to ua our greatest men. The individual is well si the nation hould be prepared for my emergency. Are yoa prepired to successfully combat the first oold jou take? A cold can be cured muob more quioklj when treated ai soon is it has been contracted and be fore it baa become settled in the system. Cbamberlaio'i Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of colds sod It should be kept it bind resdy lor instant use. For ssle by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C, W. E Besvens, EofiaM, N. C. J. A. Hswki, Osrysburg, N. C. WHIT'S IN I NAME. At Montreal the advertising manager of Ibe Cimdian Pacific is man named Ham, ind the city ticket offioe il charge of mm aimed Egg, ssys so ex change. Tbe two ire last friends, and if both happen to be out of town at once inquiries for Ham and Egg ire fnquent. By coincidence both report to in tfficlal whose name is Bason, whose chief clerk ia named Brown. Recently Ham and Egg were both io Baeon't offioe. The telephone rang and Brown am w red. He caught an inquiry for the Canadian Pacific offioe, and said : "This is il." "Who's this talkiog?" naked the voice. "This ii Brown. Do you want Ba con?" "No; 1 don't want bacon, brown or ny other way. I wint one of tbe Can adian Pacific tiffioiils." "Well, will Hia ind Egg do ? They re both hers." 'I don't want any of then I Central, switch tbst ebesp hssh house off ibis wire I" BOTH WERE 811 Y. Tom Wall, if jou think so much of her, why don't jaa get mirtied ? Jaek ReeasM wa are koth ahj. Tom How's that ? Jack I'm shj of her because) she ii shy of cash. KIX MORIS OP CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY THAN OP ALL OTHERS PUT TOGETHER. Mr. Thos. George, t merchant (' Ml. Elgin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlains Cough Remedy ever since it was introduced into Cansds, sod I sell ss much of it is I do ut sll other lines I hive en my shelve put together. Of ih msoy diims un dir guaran'ee, I have not had one bottle returned. I esn personally recommend this medicine aa I have used it myself and given itlomy children tod alwiyi with the same results. Sold by W. M. Cohen, WelJon, N, n tat v. n p.fl.u w r a . ia ucxena, muiina, j , a. uiwis, uarystjurg, . c. LIFE, OON QRE0AT10NALI8T. hit own aoul. Now it it easj for ui warning bj refusing to face with implied in the word "aoul." This the simpler word "life?" What profit il; ind unless in tbe throes of mad- Thnt the statement of Jesus it true, even thin that. Life it that spir FOR OVUH MIXTY YEAR". Mas. Winslow's Soothing 8yruf has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothi tho child, softens the gums, allays a pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold oy uruggists in every part ot the world. Twenty-five cents i bottle. Be sure ind ask fot"Mrs. Wioslow s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. HE MIGHT DO IT. "They ssy Miss Highstepper is going tomsrryin aimy officer. "Well, I ihould Ibiok that a mao who makes i business of war might be ibis to get along with her." HON LOST MOTHER, Consumption runa in our family, and through it I lost my mother," writes E B. Keid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on Ihe slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble. His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr Keid.bnt be learned that lungtronhle must not be neglected, and how to core it. Quickest relief aud cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c. and fl. Guaranteed at any drug store. Trial bottle free. THE TKOUULK IN THE CASE ' I thought it was i one of love it first sight." "Yes, but he hsd three days' grace sod chsnged bis mind." THE EXACT THING REQUIRED FOR CONSTIPATION. "As I eirtsin purgative snd slomsch purifier Chamberlain's Stomach ind Liver Tablets teem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough for Ihe mist ro bust, yet mild enough snd ssfe for chil dren ind without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives," ssy R. Web- slir t Co , Udnra, Ontario, Canada. Fr ssle by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0, W, E. Kesvcna, Eofield, N, C.,J. A. Hawks, Osrysburg, N. C. NOT AN A1CUENT LOVER. Butt "Does be love money?" Noidy "Only io plstonie way. He doesn't lovejt well enough to work for it. ' MAN'S UNHEABLENKMS. is often as great at woman's. But Thom as 8. Austin, Vgr, of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreasons' able, when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on bit wife, for female t-onble, ''Instead," he says, "we concluded to try Elec'rlc Bitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and con now perform all ber household duties " Guaranteed atauy drugstore, prireoOc, Worry gives the doctor hslf bis work. OABTOTIIA ...... ltd tinS Vm Um 11mm DimmIS nsariiae n "- "-) i jt u Kins lira niiw niwara a njgnltof if 9 HINTS FOR FARMERS Fd I'allrti per Barari, 1'ullcta tiuti'hi'd lu Murcli nud April out'lit now to be rvmly tu tiegiu lay hiKi uud tbvir iirmlnetlv'ctiitia will mors iliuu eiuiitxiisnlo the farmer for tbe Iiim uf ti'iKliK'ti'iu tut Uio purt of his olilor slock, wijii AniiTlraii Cultivator I'ullelH slioiilil lx IiiiIiioiI to start lay iutf now im iurly tin i,mhII)U, oud the .1) 0 I'lTriUlllto Itiriu to do eo Is tu Klvo mi cxliii iilliiniiiu'e of fmlily i-i-t)lieil lioiu itiid u llttli knu meat. Ucep tliciii v.1'11 ftl iiimI romforUbly IkiiisivI, cHiii'i'iully If ttu winds be cold, us tiny fi'i'iiui'iilly are ut tbta time oy j eiir. unco Humtiu uiey will go on Illy lux well iiu winter. ('Invited now, liowover, they limy not atai-t eveu be furo (.'hitstiiiiiii. Tlia Cure uf Clta. Col'.s lire Die im.4t easily etuutod dur ing I lie lint ye. ir, mid therefore during tills time they tliould lie most carefully in.,1 i;'.ie:u:iy fil, nays Andrew Bten k.j'.i lu l iinu Uoaic. If I hud a colt stunted lu growth 1 would give htm kK 1 in i..l:k. If I liml It, uud put some oil moil mid lirau Into his feed. I would feej him Home roots if I could. Colid should be wohikhI when be tween thi'co uud five niontha old. A thr. e or four year old should not be worked hiird, bemuse he Is shedding teeth iiit'l U likely Io Kt luto a fever- iuli touilltloii. If the colte get badly ruu (Uwu it little Ihixsced will be good. 1 heu turn them luto n good pasture. The Feeders' Trtanarle The moil, the feed and the stock fed form tho sides of a trlungle. If either Hide Is short, wuutlng or defective the entire co-operative effort will be weak and disappointing. The wild unlm- proved hog or cow will not respond ploimuitly to feed. We cau have no feeders' trluuirlo unless the stock fed Is capable of doing Its part. The skill of the feeder uud the abundance of cholco feed will all go to naught un less the uulmul holds up lu side of the business. We therefore stress the Im portance of currying Improved, re sponsive Uvo stock to consume feed. Farm anil ltnncli. hoelnsj a llorae. Boylston Hull was wont to say that there waa no such thing as a forger If properly shod. Ills formula la aa fol lows: For u horse fifteen and one-half hands high take u shoe about twelve ounces for every foot. Before the blacksmith begins to drive tils nail see thut the wall and sole are level nnd the bars Intact. The front toes should be rounded off, uud between the hind shoe nud hoof should he set n small piece of leather so as to do away with tho click ing until tho horse gcti accustomed to his new set of Irons. Breeder's On- zette. Preparing lllvee For Winter. In packing hives for outdoor winter lug any good, dry, loose material which Is accessible may be used, such as wheat chuff, dry forest leaves, planer shavlugs or excelsior, says American Cultivator. The best packing material ' that which Is loose enough to allow nlr to pcuctrato It and carry off the moisture of tho bees, l'ut over this a tight cover to keep the hive perfectly dry, aud you may rest assured that the bees are comfortable. Brnn Mash. lirau mush, ofteu mentioned In pre scriptions for animals, la a dough made by wetting of bran or shorts. But It should be well made. To three pounds of bran add oue ouuee of salt and two and a half pints of boiling water; stir well, cover over and allow to stand fifteen or twenty minutes un til well cooked. Urini mush is used for laxative effects and as a means of giv ing medicine. I'eedlag the Uorne. If you want your horse to have de ranged dlgestlou and colic occasion ally nud lie lu poor condition all over, all you have to do U to feed blra on some course feed tpna which he can get no nutriment.' This Is what keeps many horses in this way they haven't euough to eat. They may have enough lu bulk, but there Is eo little nutriment In it that the horse wears himself out In getting It. The best sheep for a small flock on a farm and for domestic use is toe Shropshire. This sheep Is seen the most often at the fairs and lu the mar kets, and Its size and the nature of the mutton and tbe wool suit the demand for these better than any other sheep. This sheep has a round, solid body and a good fleece of six to eight pounds. Farm Progress. Call tke Ikeep Hock. The watchful flock owner lets no sheep get very old on bis hands. . old sheep that will not get fot Is value less property. Be sure to cull and fat ten and sell every year the oldest anb mala In the flock, and you will keep the whole flock constantly In their prim. Aa Hog Feeding. The man who aald "There la more In scientific feeding than there la In the train" came about as near telling the trnth is Is domTuW fur luucUl uju. A common hog scientifically fed will yield larger profit than a high bred animal fed on nothing but corn. Heal Neeal Ckareoal, When you see the bens digging and scratching In the ash heap, you may depend upon It they are hunting for charcoal and egg forming materials- Feather. Par rr4 Steek. The nearer you get to pure blood In breeding tbe mar certain yon ere of gfjod results. CASTOR I A lor Infill ti and Children. Tin Kind You Hare Always Bought Biguatur of You cannot draw men clubbing then with it. to truth FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Removing Paint Ivalan, Crude vaseline will sometimes remove paint stains of lung standing, but tire vaseline Itself must then be carefully reimmsl by first soaking lu tepid wa ter without Bonn iiml, when the greuse Is removed, wiishlug out lu strong am monia liter and aoaMuds. When a dark ring Is left ou the goods after using turiciiiliie or any other cleansing ugeut In remove a stain inuko a ring all uroimd and well outside of tlie lint ring by dipping the finger lu chloroform and applying It to the goods. Keep rubbing toward tbe cen ter of the circle with plenty of the chloroform, allowing It to evniwrato freely, and Ihe ring will have disap pear ml when the spot Is entirely dry. In using a liquid that evaporate freely always luy a piece of perfectly clean blotting paper underneath the goods to nlrnurb the dirt as flat as It loosens and to keep HTroui spreading over a larger surface iilie fabric. Care of Piano Strings. Rust cannot be prevented from accu mulating on piano strings, according to an expert, who says that the only way to remove It Is by vigorously rub bing each string with a coarae flannel or cotton cloth. By pulling a rough rag briskly around the itrliifs most of the rust will disappear and the metal will become comparatively bright. To do this successfully a long, narrow, heavy piece of cotton or wool should be used Instead of a rag, for If the material Is bulky It cannot be put between Ihe strings without bending and probably stretching them, which Is Injurious. Dy taking the ends of this iiollBhlug strip In either hand enough strength can be put on the metal to quickly take off the rust. In this way rub each string from one end to the other. Care o( lings. Rugs have a tiresome way of curling up at the comers, which spoils their appearance, and In the end the corner gets torn away. To Insure agulnst this directly a rug Is bought bind It on the under edge with stout hollaud or fur niture webbing. Tbe expense of this la trifling, and the rug will wear twice is long In consequence. A Novel Strainer. The kitchen strainer herewith shown -forms the subject of a recent patent and presents some novel features. It consists of a screen of suitable shape adopted to rest on the pouring edge XlTl lIEN BTUA1KKB. of a cooking utensil as the latter Is tipped. The apparatus Is supplied with I handle held away from the straining mesh and Is also fitted with a device de signed to engage with the kettle's edge for the purpose of holding the strnluer and facilitating the pouring operation. Unking Hard Water Sort. Take one ounce of the best quick lime and stir It well Into a bucket of water; then stir all thoroughly lu barrel of water, and aa soon as It set ties the water will be soft and fit for use. The lime, having united with the carbonate of lime, which makes tbe hard water, will be all deposited. tale For Sewing. Always use when sewing a double thread for gathering and as fine thread and needle aa the garment will allow. When threading your needle make the knot on the end broken from the spool. Tbe rule for frilling Is one and a quarter the length of the edge to be trimmed. Hewed' for Poisoning. For poison attacks peculiar to eating fish or canned goods give au emetic such as warm mustard water; a power ful purgative, aucu as a big dose of castor oil, and after these have worked and the reaction sets In give a stlmu lent, such as hot coffee) or brandy or whisky. To Clean the Celling. When I whltewushed celling has be come blackened, apply a layer starch aud water to It with i piece of oft flannel. Allow It to dry, then brush off lightly with a brush. Tbe blackness will have disappeared, leav Ing no marks whatever. Oln Is tbe best thing to use to remove tea stains from a white dress. Place the stained part In a saucer, with enough gin to cover tbe stsln, rub with piece of the same material, press ou the wrong side with a moderately hot Iron till dry. Cava foe Hlaaaaake. Severe case demand drastic treat ment, such as hot mustard plaster laid directly on the pit of the stomach. For milder cases cloths dipped In either hot vinegar, brandy or whisky will sometimes give Immediate relief. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. It ia a dissstroua calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build np your digesliv or gans, and cure headache, diztineas, colic constipation, etc, guaranteed at any arug store; -oc by I Bio t fojtbold depends on our affinity l .01 it. PERT PARAGRAPHS.. There sre some people whom we might lovo if ihey would go 'wsy Bud airy long enough bbj, half million years or so. Some women sue for divorce frora llicir husbsmls jurl Io see how ihe men will act. A apenilllnift and his wife's relalioM are si on parted. Maoy are culled, says Ihe post, but on investigation mkt of thtm find ibal tbej are only called down, A soldier is seldom so curious that be wants Io look into a csnnon'a mouth to see how old il is. Some people make np quarrel so that they may have chance to have an other fall out, You never hear lucky people talking about luck. It is always expert judg ment with then. Tbe mao who needs i pull doesn't need to pusb. Like charily, a bashful man suffers long and is kind to any one who will en courage him. Il wouldn't do lohave a jury of doo- tors, because tbey would he sure Io disa gree. WOMANLY BUAUTY. This gcneralion has seen in remarka ble fashion tbe results of populsr expec tation ind general habits on physicil de- nent in the case of women; The number ol till ind strong girls now is most striking and equally so ire the beau- nd vitality of many women who are pest tbe fiftieth birthday. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vlfor ana cneertuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out ol order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urln aes too often, 11 the urine scalds the flesh or II, when Ihe child reaches an age when It should be able Io control the passage, It ia yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon II. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be tovards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit aa most people suppose. women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. Il Is sola by druggists, In fifty- cent and one dollars sizes. You may have aEiiiiiW! sample bottle by mail iree. also pampniet tell- rtome x snap-a. ing all about it. including many ol the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Sc Co.. Binghamton, N. Y.. be sura and mention this paper. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tbe address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, ale and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor, Washington Ave., and First Street, at, Family Groceries Weldon N. 0. 10-91-iv TELEPHONE SERVICE SAVES TIME TIME IS .THE, STUFF OF LIFE Have Telephone Service at Your House, as well as Your Office, and SAVE TIME at Both Ends of the Line. J j For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER of Home Talephon and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . J. C.

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