.rrz ':. I linl & 6 f I VSKTISpSTGr RA.TES-modehate. .A. NEWSPAPER FOR- THE PEOPLE TERMS:-'' " I'kh axni'v i aimv VOL. XL. . WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1905. NO. 28 A CENTURY OF LIFE, RING OFF, SWEETS NOT TO THE SWEET. n Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought, nnd which ha boca ill use for over 30 years, has borno tlio l(;imtnro of -J "d lias been nmilo under lils pex- .jtrrxtrtfTj, "onul P,vllon itlnoo lis Infancy. 'tUt"" Allow no one to deceive you In till. All Counterfeits;, Imllatlon nnd ,Tu t-an-(roo(l " nr but Kxi'crlnicuts Hint trlllo with and endanger tlio lienllli of lufutits and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla i a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrup. It In Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotfo suliKlnnce. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Wnrnm and nlln.vs Fevcrlslincss. It cures Diurrliuea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TWf OINTMH MMMHTi Tf MUHHAV ITRItT, ntw VtttW eXTf. n DESSEfS lacking except tied up in few garments ia the tendency among people of taste. We fit everybody AS L I & H T ALTER A HO H 13, of course, sometime) necessary, but it imuunts to do more than jour Isilor taike when he gives you your "try on." Don't mite the uiistako of buying (si sail or in overooit without seeing oir line. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. A J Ta1l! Wake up AyersPills Want your moustache or beard i beautiful brown orricb. Hack? use Tie Bank -::-::WELDON N. C.i- Opiiei Uuder Tim Lais of AUGUST 8TATK OP NORTH CAUOMNA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNlf DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY; CJPIHL HO SURPLUS Tot ten year? this institution hat provided banking facilities for this lection .woioomeri and direotin have been identified wit n " ousmea. iu.n.. Halifax and Northampton aountiea for minv voirs. Money is loiood upon, ip roved security it tho legal rite of interest solicited. President: Vioe-Presideot: W; E. DANIEL. , Da. H. W. LEWIS, Jioksoo, Northampton oouoty, N. C. The largest and best plant in l the State. HcilARLES MILLER WALSH, Uu.rriar nj M..r........ -f UlW. -j uw ra.UHI.UIUI.r ui ... v..- STnS"' TOMBS, GRAVE 8T0N E3 of ivory desoriptioo. Freight prepaid on all shipments. sfe delivery guaranteed. Writs for igM snd prioes Work Delivered At Any Depot. satin,. -; ; ; .':'.' 'wTtWWVcXV 1 1 i n Signature of O f f FIND satisfaction in our llighl &MfFti Clas Itetidy-to-wenr garments. "" Thev huve all the lit, all the quality, all the peininnen- tMipelinrss or t tie iMvt mer cliDut tailoring Nothing is the costliness. If yon are determined to spend an tinnecesanry amount ot money lor chillies, you clothes, you get mu. h better effects in buying two of our suits for the price you would pay for one made to order. More Clothes and Less Money-- Wake up your liver. Curcj constipation. Vjn rut biliousness. , , s . Oi.ltli Atlt Co . . I -r.-O. 11 ..J BUCKINGHAM'S DTE mis 1 1. HsUUltlUTt u - liu.wu . of W. tie Stats of North Carolina, 20TH, 1892. $33,000. sit por centum. Aooounts of ll Cashier: W. R.8MITH JsaAlso Iron Fencing, Vases etc., for cemetery ana oiner nnrooses ftt lowest prices. aJBATI8FACTI0N GUARANTEED. IT MIOIIT US INOONVENIENT II BVKRT OH LIVED A UUNbHED YEARS'. Suppose a man fifly years old, mulling s good income from bis business, were to decide to live till he was s hundred and not to retire until he was ninety. The first confidence would be tbst he would have tho opportunity of milting much more money then il bo died it evenly ; lies', lhat hit chi'druo would have wait much longer for it, Now, supposing him to have ittnincd the ige of ninety, the more money lhat ho takes out of hia business the It as there will be for others to taku. Ilii ihreo sons, junior partners in the same fiim, aged silly five downwsrd,iod hia nine grandsons, igrd rorty downward, will find very little to take out of tho buKineai between them. The business, io fact would not "go round." Even more distressing would be the ease of the family io which there wis do business out of which in income oould be obtained. The old baronet, aged s huodrcd, would (till be living it the fam ily scat, enjoying the income he had in herited, ilia ion, wearing oo to eighty and possibly et ill great tiial to his par ents, would be ckiog out preosrious existence on very little more than he was Mowed it Oxford sod for his pirt quite unablo to make hU own sons at ill, much less to tip his great grandsons when tbey went back alter the holidays to the rate provided schools. These sons snd grandsons would have to go into business. But into what bus iness could they go ? Possibly it m'ght be found necessary to ccnipel s person attiioing the sge of seventy to give up his money and his estate to his son and to live on small pension allowed him out oi the wealth he had inherited or acquire I, or possibly there might bo rule lhat man on at taining ihesge of fully might claim oom- plete control of his father's mooey snd 'stale, piovided that be undertook to ouse his parents and grandparents and to make Iherjj a small allowance. Hut even then not all the inconveni ences and uncertainties Would bo eoded. ven if a m n undertook at the ago ol rty all those obligations and bad housed say, parent, I couple of grandparents nd possibly (wo or three great grind- parents in I Dumber ol i-lou cottage on the fumily estate and were making them allowances suitable to their respec live ages it would yet be ilmost beyond his power to prevent them from reassert ing themsclveB should they desire to do A man's father, still io the prime of lile at seventy, might decide to set up in business afrosh, in eompetilion against tho old business he bad just relinquished to his son, He tuuht even, with his more mature experience, cut out the old firm altogether, ind then all the diffi culties snd inconveniences would begin over again. London Spectator. SOMETHING TO BE GAINED. "Moses, he said to the old oolored mm around the warehouse, "I hear lhat you are boy in college." 'Yes, sih, my son Peter has done gone to oollege, sih," was tho proud reply. 'Going to make a great man of him, eh?" "I dunno how great Peter will done turn out, sah, I reckon if he stiys in dat lleja lenii 'nuff he'll come home and be hie to tell a pullet Irom I rooster in de darkest i tglit, md not mm so msny mistakes." a'h.n a man nets to thinking tbst ill eyes are ou him h become ill "IV him If. The Toilera in Our Factories. No workmen in the world can do so muck ,,.r th. Mine inttliieence that our own American work men and women are cn- . ble of. That ia why America i. noiv beating the worltf In manufac tures : all due to the brain and muscle of our Vinkn uitn and women. Unfortunately where there ia smoke, dirt and dust and little sunlight there also can be found the e-erma of disease Nature's arrat disinfec. Unl ia sunlight. It ia in lhe factory, the work ahoo. the office, that men and women sutler from diseases which are in the dust and the bad air. Such dlxa. wm wter In." blood in two way., either through the lungs or stomach. After years of eaperi cne in an active prac tice. Dr. R. V. Pierce. of Buffalo, N T.. . discovered a remedy that ia a blood-maker ana (issue ouiiaer, at the same tim alleviates a cough. He called it r. Pierce's Golden Medical Uia covrr,n alterative extract that assists tn the digestion and assimilation of the food-ao that the blood grta its elements from the products of digestion, the liver at the aame time is started into activity and there is perfect elimination of waste mat ter. The germs of grip, malaria, catarrh or consumption find a fertile field if the body is not kept in perfect order and the blood pure. Because the stomach la diseased there la a diminution of the red corpuscles ol the blot 1. This Ia why one ia .leeplesa, lanruid, nervous and irritable. Sensitive stomacha groan aloud at the irritating cod liver oils, but they will get all the food element, the tissues require by using the "Golden Medical DiKovcry." The "Discovery" Is absolutely l sore alcoholic and son -narcotic medicine. There ia nothing elw "just u good. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the beat Uwatin for old and young people. They ootutipaU" ad biliouatveta. UXEttf J ' When you have sampled the joys of s night with the boys, And the taste in your mouth's dark browo, When without rcstrsint you have scattered the paiot That ia crimson all over town, Raise your hand in the air and solemnly swear That your dissolute habits you'll doff That you'll sover tho chain that iufcttcrs your brain : ' Have the oourage, my boy, to ring off. If you go od your jaunts to the dangerous haunts Of tho tiger that's buntiog for pre; ; If your salary flies like clouds io the skies Forever and ever away, Make the vows in good time not snothcr woo dime On the green covered table you'll oough ; You're contributing fat to the big striped oat, And you'd better decide to ring off. If you seek for delight on the etrcot after night, Are familiar with hovels of vice, If the glass you off oliok with companions and think You sre oulling a harvest of ioe, Take a wido sober view of the future when you May be wallowing deep in the trough Of adversity's slime, perhaps tainted with orime I Think of that, my boy, ring off. If you sre seeking for joy thst is free from alloy, For the es.once of healthiest fun : You are on tho wrong ground; it can only bo lound 'Neath morality's genial sun, Dah to earth the foul bowl that so poisons your soul, At the pleadings of right do not Bcoff, Let the sports of the town go 'wiy back snd sit down Bid them ill i good bye and ring off RETROSPECTION, BY JOHN From out tho mists of Tanished years Fond memory's voice is stealing, Raised by the sound that past appears And wakes the fount of feeling, It brings before my raptured gnio The young, the fair, the tender, And lights the scenes of childhood days With melancholy splendor. Through intervening time and space, As if swift pinions bore mo, journey to my native place, While mcmrry flies before me. Ag.in before mo lie spread out Greco hills and woodland a'ley, Again resounds the joyous shout That echoed through the valley. Again to early vows of faith My iomost heart is thrilling, Again before alHiotion's breath My achiog eyes are 6lliog. With joy my brother's voice I hear Feel sister's fond caressing, And smile to see my mother's tear, And I hear my father's blesiogs. SHE PLEADED NOT "My mami sent uie down here to get my papa." The speaker was I little tot of a girl, and she was speikiog to Station Sergeant Mitchell, at the police barracks, last night. of having been drunk on the street Saturlay night. She was poorly clad. Her dress wis i faded oalico, and hor toes peeked through holes io a piir of old shoen which were surmounted by stockings which times. On her head was wrapped a tattered shawl. She hid just come out of the oold night "It will take money to got your father "Me and my poor mama haven't a cent tened with tears. "You know we paid him took all the money mami made for a month " w ell, how did your tnsma expeot to get "Ob, the laid that maybe I might beg had a little girl at your home, and you might ba sorry for me," siid tbo ohild is sh' wiped the tears from her eyes with two The sergeant loosen at ner a long wnne afraid his voice might bo s little husky. The child, doubtless mistaking his silence further, hastened tossy : "Mamma said if you didn't get sorry enough to let my pipa out tbst I oould stand for him ?" "In what way oould you stand for biu, kiodly at her and smibsd. "Why," she started to say, as ber voice oheeked herself and ssked : "Don't vou know that my pips loves if he does let main and bad moo tempt him sometimes to do wrong?" 1 Y"S, I reckon he does," she was told, and then she said : "Why, my mama told me that you oould keep mshero and let my papi go home, and tomorrow he eou'd got the money and back if I was here, for he loves me so much that hi ealls me hia little sweethesit' You will let him go snd taka me, won t your Oh, please, please do, Mr. Poiioe mau, snd paps will promise never to do wrong again, and God will bless yon and your little boys snd girls. By this lime a number of other officers tfcfa wt'Or'.tn Mj9. Tbre were learned to deal with hardened criminals, as sin. "Captain, said theslatton sergeant, bond tonight, and if he lails to send us the tnney I will pay the fine." "We will all piy il," exclaimed several of the man. "He shall surely go home, ind right girl up in his arms, kiiaed ber tenderly And she was not kept as hostage, but his head down, she held his hand. "As at the officers aod said : "Mamma and me will pray for you Atlants Constitution. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tlii Kind Yod Have Ahvajs Bought Bean the Signature of F. COWAN. Anon, wboro leafless locusts wave, And wintry winds are blowing, Above affection's lowly grave, My bitter tears are flowing. Ah, me I what scenes of joy and grief Are waked by memory's power, Like blossom blight and faded leaf, The sunshine snd the shower, Hero, like the garlands of the spring, Shine joys that oroe delighted, There hopes lie strewn snd withering, Like leaves by winter blighted. But, from the earth on which they lie, Behold blight faith ia springing, And to the fadeless bowers on hih, Her angel flight is winging. IN VAIN For lltr Father Io Prison. liar father occupied asell on the charge had been darned md patched many sir, and she ihivered is she spoke. $5.75," the sergeant told her. io tho world," she said is her eyes glis out ths last time be was in here, and it by sewing fulsome of the rich folks." him out, questioned the scrgeint, and beg you ever ao hard, and mybe you small chubby and soiled fists. wituout speaking, remaps he wss for a disolioitioo to bear her plead the sergeint asked her, as he looked trembled with excitement and then she me? That he loves me ever, ever so much pay you. lis would be sure to oome had gathered about thi ohild, and among Ittrj in the cjci of tbCM tueu who had and who uw often woe ind want, as wel "we wi. I have to let that man go wilhou now," said ths eiptiin, he took the little snd order d her father released. wen the mas went out, shame-faced with she pa-acd out of the door she looked back and your little boys snd girls tonight. K OH AS r Rots CALAMITY. It is a disistrous calamity, when yon lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive or gans, and cure headache, diziincss, colic ooosupinion, etc uuarantcu at any nrng siore, voo, CASH OR CHARACTER, IT 18 CUARAOTKtt AND NOT OOI.D THAT MUST HAVE THE WORl.l). There is ao old English fable about a barefooted boy who, while walking along the highway, saw in the dust s bit of gold. So irouscd was he by this piece ol good fortune that, all tho rost of bis life, ho walked slung to i good old ige and accumulated quite i fortune, but he never saw the stars at night, or tho bud, or olouds of noonday; bo paid no itlcn tion to tho flowers by the wayside snd in tho meadows; he did not see the moun tains, the rivers, tho lakes, tho trees or the birds. All that life meant to him was a dusty road where, over and anon, among the dirt was to bo found a piece of silver or gold. Life should moan far more than that, Thero is something vastly nobler and higher to be sought than more gold, sod that is a character that is unsullied, a mind that is pure, and a heart that is free Irom sin, One groat fallaoy oonneoted with the idea of wealth is that in and of itself it brings happiness Thero is no question but that, with mooey, we may seoure msny things that oonttibute to our osse and happiness. Where people do not hive enough wholesome food to eat, or clothing to keep thorn warm, we call that poverty, and s few hundred dollars would bring much in the way of cimfort and happiness; but the idea wo havo in mind is that which seises tho minds of so many of our young people thit one must be as wealthy as a Pullman, a Vanderbilt, or i Rockefeller before he can enjoy life. Cash or character ? Mod put a crown upon the head of a prinoe and call him a king, but the orowo and glory of the common man is an unimpeaohable char acter. "A good name is rather to be ohosen than great riches." What the world needs everywhere to day is men of oharioter. What our na tion needs, what every Slate and every oommunity needs is men of character. For it is character and not gold that must save the world. HER FACE AND HER FORTUNE. "Why do you treat me with Buch cold ness?" he pleaded. "What have I done to merit your displeasure? I refuse to release you without in inswer." "Remove your arms from sround my waist," she commanded, "I hato you,' "But, surely you have some reason for this sudden chinge in your attitude to ward me. Give me a chance let me now how I have offended you. I must sve in inswer." I heird you telling thit Ka Flippc woman that my face would make a clock stop," she ingrily replied. Did you? Why didn't you listen to the rest that I said. I told her that your face would mike a olock stop to ad mire your beauty. I said that even the horses in the streets stopped snd turned their heads to feast their eyes when you you pissed ilong. I satd " But it was needless for him to contin ue. Ana tne next aay it was announced that her fal her hid been caught wheat ooroer and ruined. With wiil of dcspiir the unhappy young man tore her picture out of his witch case and yelled: "Why oouldn'l it hive happened be fore I sullied my white, pure iouI with thit awful lie I" Thus do we see how ths wrath of heaven ilill tails upon ths heids of the unrighteous, Chiesgo Record-Herald. ISTIMKOFPKACK. Iu the Erst months of the Japsn Rus sia war we had a strikiog example of the necessity for preparation an the i.tlj advintinge of those who, ao to speak hive shingled their roofs in dry weather. The virtue of prcpnation has made his tory and given to us our greatest men The individual well the nation hould be prepared for any emergency Are you prepared to suooossfully oombat the first oold you take? A oold can cured much more quickly when treste as soon as it has been oontnoted and be fore it his become settled in the system. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its ourej of eolds aod it should kept at hand ready lor instant use. Forssleby W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C, W.G. Beavsns, KoSold, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C A single teir in tne study does more for a sermon thin a whole flood in the pulpit. 4 '' mX WtoTA They were newly married and on a honeymoon trip. They put up at a skyscraper hotel, Tho bridegroom felt iodisposcd, and tbobiido said she would slip out end do a little shopping. Io due time she returned and (tipped blithely up to her room, I litllo awed by tho num ber of doors thai looked ill alike. But she WbB sure of her own and tapped gent ly on the panel, "I'm back honci; let mo in," she whispered, No anwer. "Hoicy, honejl"slio called again, rip ping louder. Still no inswer, "Honey, bonoy, it's Mibel. Let me inl" There was silence for several seconds; then a man's voice, oold and full of dig nity, oame from the other side of the door: "Madam, this is not a bee hive; it's a bathroom." SON LOST lHOIIII.lt, Consumption runs in our fumily, and through it I lost my mother," writes E. II. Keid, of Ilnrniony, Me. "For the piuit live years, however, on lhe slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, I huve taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved mc from scriouB lung trouble." His mother's death was a end loss for Mr. Keid,butlieloarned thatlnngtronlile must not be negloctetl, and how to cure it. Quickest reliet and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c. nnd $1. Guaranteed ut auy drug store. Trial bottle free, HE CUUEIi THE CONGREGA TION. Grown people, as well as children, are sometimes given to turning their heads to observe every late comer at church, a lecture, or any placo of meeting. One should always remember, however, that this is bad manners, as bad as to be late and thus annoy others. A good many years ago, a ceitaio Meihodist minister in Alabama was so disturbed by this bad habit in his con gregation that he cured both obsetvers and observed in the following manner: One Sabbath, being especially disturb ed at the beginning of bis discourse by several of the oongrcgation turning to see the late arrivals, he said: "Brethren and sisters, don't bother to look around any more; I'll tell you who oomes in." This he did, calling etch name, niuoh to the mortification cf the tardy members. who thereupon mended their ways and removed tho temptation lhat had assstl- tho early comers, FOR OVl:H SIXTY YKAKS. Mtta. Winsi.ow's Soothing Syrup as been used fur over GO years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all paiu; cures wind colic, aod is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Uruggi8ts in every part of the world wenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and sk for"Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup," and take no other kind. No self respecting baby ever indulged in so-called baby talk. TUB EXACT THING KKUUIHUO FOR CONSTIPATION. "Asa eerlain purgative and stomach purifier Chimberlain'iStomioh ind Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing re quired, strong enough lor the most ro bust, yet mild enough and safe for chil dren snd without thst terrible griping io common to most purgatives," siy H.Web ster & Co., Udors, Ontario, Canada. For Bile by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C , W. E. Besvens, Enfield, N. C, J A. Hiwks, Garysburg, N. C. The euocess of ooe man is sometimes due to the failure ol many: MAN'S II Hi R E A It I. E NESS. is often as gre.it as woman's. But Thom as 3. Austin, Mgr. of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unrenaona' able, when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on hia wife, for female trouble, "InsU-ad," he says, "we concluded to try Electric Hitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her lied, aud Ave (ft) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household duties. ' Guaranteed at any drugstore, price 60c, Somo preachers think they are flaying the devil because they are raising a dust in the pulpit. SELLS MORli OP CHAMBERLAIN' t'OICH REMEDY THAN OK ALL OTHERS PUT TOGETHER. Mr. Thos, George, merchant it ML Elgin, Ontirio, says: "I bivo had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy evor since it wss introduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it is I do of sll other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the msny doieoe in der guaran'ee, I have not hid one bottle returned. I can personally recommend tbii medicine as I have used it myself snd given it to my children and always with tne same results. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, C, W. E Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J, 1 Hawks, Girysburg, N. C. JOYS OF THE CHILDREN. DO NOT ROll YOUR little onis op THEIR PENNY PLEASURED, fFI II E amount of pleasure that a -s- Binglo penny will purchase for the boy of ten today cannot to bought for many hundred times that amount when he is ten years oldi r. The delight of tho proud possession of a "whole cent" is turned into woe when hois called baok from his trip to thecaody shop with the liarp reminder that he must "save his pennies, It is not wasteful to lot the child have today what he cannot enjoy the future, even if, by spending, he is out a few dollars in later years. Allow im to have his penny's worth of pleas ure today, for (he lime will oome when he will ahvo outgrown the playtime of life, aod the pennies bo has saved will not give him the value they would have been to his childish mind. The wholo situation has been summed up by Thackeray, who said that at twelve o wanted taffy, but didn't have the ha'penny, ut twenty he had the ha'penny, but didn't want the taffy. It ever so. Once gone, the taffy is not the Bimc as that moment when it scorned our ooly joy on earth and when wo dream ed of the lime when we would have ill the money we wanted to boy the sticky uff for which we wore then willing to give our two eyes, See that your children ire not robbed of their penny pleasures. You ire de priving them of their birthright. To the ohild there is no future. The mo- ent thit he wants taffy is his past, fu ture ind present his all. Don't make him sive his penny and do without his toffy. Exohango. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cncerruiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out ol order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. II tho child urin ates too often, if ths urine scalds the flesh or if, when the chili reaches an ar?e when It should be able to control the passage, It la yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause ol the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is socn realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar 4 sizes. You may have afetiiit'?it& sample oouie oy mail free, also pamphlet tell- Hon. at sminvRoc, ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don I make any mistake, bul remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, P.. Y on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON. FINE E51 Family Groceries, PKOVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES-H Merrimac Gab and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street. Weldon N. 0. 10-31-lr You Can Reach Over 1,000,000 Telephone Subscribers DIRECT FROM YOUR OWN OFFICE! OVER THE LONG DISTANCE LINES For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER of Home) Telephone- and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. Oi N, A