1 Acer's You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingoftheliair,also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that sc? MMy hitlr fil4H iinltl II wti ni ton.: Jlnl mm vf !' restore 51 tai H I'Hii- f'ltuU rti-t-Hair V'Kr crrininlv l" ' It." A. 11. ikKJUAN, Itutltiniili.i fori Fading Hair Tug I'enn-ylvania railmal has just placed an oidcr lur MO, ODD new freight cirs aud 500 locuuiotives, invuWia an espense of $10,000,000. In tho first half the last ccn'ur) the. average amount o' i'lcouiu uf (lie whnle 1 r .. it d Ftilie II ivcrr.mcnt wa l'n than t' i suit. State Callings. AH lUTIIKUKl) FROM OtB NTATli KX ClIANOKHi THE ROANOKE Nc.W rnrnsDAY. Nov n; i !..- PUBLISH KD KVKRY TIHUtSDAY. Entered at hut Office at Welilun ai Secmd-Clatt Mailer. BATKS OP SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50 Six Month 76' A Weekly Democratic journal ilevoteil to (he material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. (ey Advertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. U.NOI.E Joe Cannon iay "ono state fnr Oklahoma and Indian Teriittry or none at all; and the country used to un derstand that the Speaker i'wys with the nrnjoiity if he Miles with the man who makes the motion lhnu(jh Uncle Joe may fee Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory o me in separaely yet. TllKKa'cigh Mori.int; l'oat, after an nphi.l buttle of eihl years, has finally p irretidered, and on Sunday made i'S 1 .si a'f iirmiep. lis mbscripiion lint and mech Hiioal (unfit hat been leaned, ir mid, lo tl 0 Evening Times. The tapir hid a limit many frit o In in North . urnlinu who regret to give it np Aiiikaiiy a sti r? ci uics from Hirling- ion in which it is a'aii d ihut Mr, (irif, i'ajno while nut huotiniz, waa shot hy nib-lake fur lurkey hy a friend who was wiih him. The turkey were scattered and li e nun i-cpa'atid Nicho'srn raw a buh ahako and shot in that diiectlon wounding his friend Payne. 1 he GriTUlt..ro Industrial News is thie.itci.ed wiih a la.v suit f. r libd. Windsor now has telephone connection with Lewiston, Kell'ord and ltoxobel. The K'adinp; of the Ualeigh St, South port railroad has beeo oompletcd to with in six milu of Favettcville. Tlu te is a ease in the Alamance court this icstdon BgainKt the Southern railroad fir running freight trains on Sunday. A ynucg man named Roy Welch is in jail at Lenoir for killing Cicero Shehan. llolh had been diinking and qiurrellcd ov- r a tamo of curds. lli v. A. J. McKelwuy willrelire from the Geld of j'luruaiinm and devote him self to the r. gult ion of child labor in tin eollou Uiilliui' the South. Ili.hop J. W, II nod, ol Kajellcville, one of the best known negrcei in the South, was stricken with anil) lis last week and is in a serious o 'odi iun. The congregation of the Chri-lisn Church at Hncky Mount, has purchased Accidents of this kind are cri; and should bo so treated by otitis and juries. Prisidint Roobevklt oonttnues to win golden opinions from all sorts of people. Befori he got out of Georgia, Mr. Roosevelt is said lo have advocated 11 cent ootton. Tm Czir will doubtless learn that yielding Oi mes easier after one gets the habit of it. Tbc Ciar has decided to ' grant" Rus aian people everything bo cannot prevent them from taking. Candidate Ivins, of New York, seems to be almost little enough known to be put in New York Hall of Fame. "Tuehe are no real canals on Mars," ays an aBtronomer. There are no real canals in Panama, either, for that nut ter. Mb. Choati tells us that wo are working too hard and too fast sod doing too much, money." Possibly, but we ''need the This announcement that eightosn wo men are bank cashiers in Iowa is a little surprising. We supposed they would rather be "tellers." Minihtkb, Barrett hays we are in danger of looi-ing our grip in South Ame.lca. It i difficult to Leo some thing we haven't got jTllE Hungarians have announced thai they will retain their language. That's good. No one else wantB it, or can ue it with any satisfat'tinn. AT the proper time, of course, the Kaiser will file the documents, showing that he pulled the curtain for the dawn of liberty scene in Russia. ANOTHER Oregon congressman has been aentmced to jail. Oregon sceno-lik.-l) in ho ui r.- .r ii ioeiitly n i res, m ed in the penilculi.ry than it is in Lun grew. Kansas will probably agree to tem porarily waive the qiexiioo of taint on that 13 000,000 that the Standard OH Company proposes to spend on new pipe lines in that State, There are 11,250 women employed by the United Slates Government in its Fediral departments of whom more than half receive less than (720 a year It is a Utile over firty years since General Spinner, "tho Father of w imon in the Federal Service," gave the first employ ment to women in the Treasury Depart ment, While the number has greatly increased since then it still continues but one tentn if the total number if Federal employees. Of the 122,000 men em ployed in the Civil Servico not one-half receive salaries over 2850. If the elections of last week mean anything they mean the passing of boss, es, as the following would indicate; New York The boss, Charles Mur phy; the issue, bos-i-in and clean govern ment; the result, Jerome, machine fighter elected. Philadelphia The boss, Durham and the "machine;" the issue, clean govern ment; the result, sweeping relorm vic tory. Baltimore The boss, Senator A. P. Gorman; the issue, sufTtage amendment; ihe result, ameodment defeated. Cincinnati The boss, George B Cox; tho is(ues, bossisui, insurance and liquor legislation; the result, Cox defeated, gives up politics, iNew Jersey The boss, Carl Lenll; the isBue, bossism, the result, busi?m defeated. rolral 00 ''"'J will build handtome ohurch. ('. W. Pewey, defaulting cashier of tho Farmers' and Merchants' bank at New Bern, has entered on ihe service of his six years' sentence in tho peniteo fiary, C. W Ward, a fl igman on tho South era K.iiUay, whoe home is io LaGrange is io jail, charged with raising a check uiven lo him by the railroad authorities, from K2I.60 to $71 50. The Stale Auditor announces that of the 2,400 oorpirations in the State, all have paid ihe State tax except 80. If these delinquents do not pay by Novem ber 20ih, the S50 penalty will bo imposed. For mailing an indecent letter to a young lady in Lenoir county, Sam Scar borough, a young white nan of Kinston, was senteoced by Judge Purncll at New Bern Federal court, to 18 months im prisonment. J K. Doughton, son of ex Lieutenant Governor K. A. Doughton, of Allegha- ny, has been appointed teller in the State Treasury Department to succeed A. 11. Arriogtoo, appointed private secretary to the Governor, J. J. Hll.1,'8 plao to build a railroad from Alaska to St Petersburg, will be more popular when he fi(.ds any consid erable number of persona who want to "go to St. Petersburg." It is reported that io Mas-aehuseMs a man is running for office as a "Bryan Republican." And in Florida one is mining as a "Roosevelt Democrat." Where are we "at" anyhow? Dr. Wiley is now sampling eorTee io an endeavor to ascertain how Amor cans use 3,500,000 pounds of ''pure Java and Mocha" onrTeeeach year, while those placet export 137,000 pounds annually. That is a dark aurret. Doctor TDK LADlKt lavur palming thtir churches, and therefore we urge every ministry to remember that we give liberil onanlitv of the Longman k Mat. tint i L & M, Paint toward the paint. Weara and coven like gold. Don't pay f 1.50 a gallon lor Linseed Oil (worth 60 eents) which you do when yon buy other paints in a can with a paint label oo it. 8 and t make 14, therefore when yon want 14 gallons of paid, bay only rittht of L A M , and mix six gallons pure Linseed Oil with it, and thus get paid it lese than II 20 per gallon. Many bourn are well painted with four gallons of L k M. and three gallons of Unseed miie i therewith. Waara and covert like gold. These celebrated paints are sold by Weill V. Tillery, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. STATE OF OHIO. ) CITY OF TOLEDO, Us. LUCAS COUNTY. J liFrank J. Cheney makea oath that lie is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co , doing business in the City of Toledo, County and,utate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sumofONE HUNDKED DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Pworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of December, A- I)., 1X86. (Seal) A.W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Halls caturrh cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mnconB sni faces of the system. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. A telegram from Washington to the Winston Journal conveytd the news that the contract has been let for the Winston public building at 247,000 and that the lime limit for the completion of the struc ture was February 15, 1907. Raleigh News sod Observer: Prof. Harold Hume, North Carolina State Horticulturist, has been made editor tf the Horticultural Department of the Ameticao Nut Journal, pub ished at Pe tersburg. His duties io that connection will not interfere with his 'abors with the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. No doubt the Presidents next book will be "The Winning of the South." When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Tbey are easy to take and produce no grip ing or other unpleasant eiTect. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. K. Beavens, Kofield, N. C, J, A. Hawks Garysburg, N. C. The N. C. Baptist says: "There is talk of organiling the Cumberland Fair into a Cape Fear Agricultural Fair cov ering the counties of Cumberland, Samp son, Bladen, Robeson, Scotlsnd and Har nett, and make it a great exhibition of the products of these counties without the addition of fakirs and gamblers and iher thines of a demoralising nature." ft Iffe Ik- i -m r , 7 i. v" Correct Bzaz: The "Modem MVtliod" ivftcm of t hii.-gradc tailoring intrcdikcd by t U . Hayt & Co., of Cincinnnii, O., Mti:fie good dresser everywhere AU Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure si mocJrrar pric, 500 stvlm of lWign and dcimebc lahrici from whavhto cook. Rcprttentcti bv H. D. ALLEN & CO., well on, y. a feREEN PEAS should be treated IkLJ with a fertilizer containing a high percentage of Potash, in order to get the healthiest, fullest pods. "Truck Farming" and "Plant Food" are two practical books for the farmer, which we mail free of any cost or ob ligation to those who write for them. r They contain valuable facts about truck-gardening as a profitable business. A ill! re How Yurk03 NitBmiu Otr. , OEHMAH SAM WOKKO. or AUaiitu, Ou, aa Bo. Broud Street. rota ONE KNIFE FREE With the Greatest "One-Third-Off-Price" Clubbing Combination Ever Offered. EOT TAKE YOUR CHOICE -.X""HlfKft fllDWD"d Pain may go by the name of rheuma tism, neuralgia, lumbago, pleurisy. No matter what name the pains are called, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive them away. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. J. N Brown. Halifax, N. ('. has stood 'rut rutrxs iear Theolo tfrininal (itioVL'H Tasteless Ton ic Ton kuuw wlit yon are taking. It la troa au4 qjixoue in taeUleaa iorm. No isi, DO pay. fiOo. Judge Boyd has ordered that the No roh r mm nf ib Cni'rt f! M irict Court for Asheville be eooliouee until the regular May term Judga Boyn io sifoioir the order for a oontinoaoce ol the term gives as his reason the prolong td term of court in GreeosSuro, for the trial of the Glenn Wi.liams whiskey fraud GUAFtANTKblt CUHK FOR PILE. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrodim Piles. Drngeiste refund money if FAZO OINTMEN I' fails tocura any cam, no mat ter ol how long standing, in 6 to )4 days First application gives ease and rest. 60c If yoor druggist hasn't it send 50c lo stampt and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co , Ht Louis, alo. Ths scramble over tbe Spencer pott "ffioe has beeo settled by the appoini meet of J. D. Dorset!. OA8TOIIIA, Agaatars f FLOOR COVERINGS. We carry Ihe largest and most com plote lioe of floor coverings ever brought to Ibis part of Noith Carolins. Mat tings, carpeting!, druggets, art squares and rugs. A large lioe of rcmcanla of carpeting and mattings at one-third to one-half REGULAR PRICES. Ltooleoms, oil cloth, linen and oil window shades, curtains, and many other things in the line of house furnishings. Kemember our new stand is next door to the Bank of Weldon. SPIERS BROS., WELDON, N. C. OTICB. The nndere.KtiNl having duly qualified us eiemtor oi j. ii. jndkiiiH, nrcaHi late of Ilahfai countT, N. C-, this la to notify all persona bavins claim attain! the mid decedent, to exhibit thero to the underHiuned executor on or before the lfth lay of Outober, ltMMl, or this ootice will he pleatled in oar o their recoTery. All per nont indebted to Raid estate will pleaM make immediate payment J H. CLARY, Eiecator This the 19th day of October. 905. A1 DMINISTRMORS NOTICE- Tbe undersigned having dnly qualified aa administrators of J. B. Brickell, de ceased, late of Halifax eonuty, N. C, thia is to notify all persons bavins; claims against the estate or said deceased To exbthit tnem to the nndersigned on or before the l'2th day of October or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to this estate will please make immediate settlement. Thia the 12th day of October ISM in. FULLIEM. BRICKELL, W. I. GRIMMER, Administrators of theestatcof J. R. Brick cU, deceased. 10-1 x x hickory mm PRLMIUM mi 53 A Braalliicl " lm Steel Blades. A no, STROftQr HONESTLY MADE KNIFE. No better stpel or prtndlntr can he produced. Every part la made of boat material by Hloat skilled cutlers. The bladea are hand orirwt Irjin WarJlow steel, temtiered neilher top hard or tailt Just right Ui tact lor mecxjqmtf worn nunc rarmcrauu jtw-ijuiqu. trCUT OUT THE PICTURE OFTHE KNIFE YOU WISH BENT and j.lu it to your letter. Bond elKht cents extra if you want us to send Knlie by retf iatered mall. H . . .1 s-a, X .v I W X "Farmers' Favorite" lactj Clip Blades Tobacco Blade. For STOCKMEN and FARMERS. Three Wades, and all ood ones. Hand forced wai alow steel, tempered ana ground to suit me most exacimK Xuscr. No Is'tter elect prodiicetf. !, lour incncs ions;. bus nanuie, i liued. Genua a Silver shield aod Bolster. Noth ing fancy, but tboro- Sp.yto.Bl.de. dffftJSiffi shape of the handle arTordu bii excellent grip. It is by long odds the iuot popular and Mtiafactory kaife we have ever oeea. READ THIS LIBERAL PREMIUM OFFER. TBIS OFFER MUST BE ACCEPTED AT 0CB by all who desire to got the combination, aa it is liable to bo withdrawn at any time. SEND TWO DOLLARS ($2.00), (The One-Third-Off-Price) to the address given below, and you will receive the three papers, each one year, postage paid, and one of the knives (your choice) will be FREE. Just Loot f The Weekly Times-Dispatch, One Year, AND ALL , ,, The Weekly Inlaid Farmer, One Year, Y nn x. At TJilS OneeiKnife,(Yourcboiceofthe tw.) J jQR $2. THE IhLANG FARMER. (1 00 7e".) published weekly at Louisville, Ky., and contains expert information oo Farm topics and Home interests, gives the markets and is full of inteiesting features. THE WEEKLY TIMES DISPATCH. ( J) well known to all in Vir- ginia and North Carolina, It contains full Slate and Nalion.l news, complete markets, Co'or page, Confederate column and many other other features. Isssued at Richmond, Vs., every Wedoesday. Adddiess your order to THE ROANOKE NEWS, WELDON, N. C. mm. Hade scientifically from pure ingarj (I and ease of digestion Goy er's Maplecane Is made of pure mapls and. Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, imooth consistency and the true I "woodsj"mapleBaTor. Whole tome you can eat it every day. FOR SALt IT E. CLARK, W'lLDON, N. C. oct 5 30t. N OTICE. State of North Carolina, Halifax County, Id the Superior Court. JES8IET. THILLII'S, Plaintiff, Rgainttt O. P. PHILLIPA, Defendant. To O. P. Phillips. Notice: An action for divorce having been com menred by the plaintiff Jessie T. Philli pa, afcttinst you in the Superior court of Hall lai county. North Carolioa, yon are hereby omnmaoded to appear belore the jndtceof flnpenor court, at a court to he held fnr the county of Halifax at the Court-House in Hull fni on 12th Monday after the fiist Monday in Kcptember, 19t5, and answer the complaint which baa been deposited in the office of the CUrk of the Superior court of said county, and take notice that if you fail to answer the aaid complaint within that lime the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my band and seal of aid county thia 34th day of October, itio. (Seal) BTEKLING M. GARY, Clerk Halifax Superior court, oct 26 6L J. W. Perry Co. COTTON FACTORS, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 14, 1906, COTTON Steady. Strict Middling, Middling, 1 Striot Low Middling, 1 Low Middling, 1 Tinges Stains Blues and Sandy PEANUTS Easy. Fancy, Strictly Prime, Prime, Low Grades, Mschine Picked, Spanish, per bushel, B. E. Peas, per bag Black and Speckled Peas, Clay and lied Pea. Peanut Bags, in bales, 68 inoh, aw a if We bought several carloads of T T 1 1 T T A 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 9t Before the big advance in price andean, today ::::::: -UNDERSELL THE FACTORIES. Complete line in everything needed in BUILDING A HOTHOUSE From the brick foundation to the tin roof. Give us a trial order and be convinced that : we can save you money. pierce - Whitehead Hardware CompanY is3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE, WELDON. N. C. m n A.TJ TIT I S CLOTHING FOR WELL-DRESSED MEN. (HravsMiMaf Miki&iaAAiAi'AiAAiiitkia tyMkvjw' m m Autnmi 31 31 2f 2t 2-21 95 320 1.00 .90 10e Eaciiai and Tie. and Peanut Bans for Sale. oct 5 LAO ni OH. LaFRANOQ'S GOMFOUHD. 8afi. aprAj renlstAr: ooxrtat. Tnifrit or nil, sVAiMfns. ia. UiiUMVQ. ntiaaswa, ra m 'pRUSTEFSSALE OF LAND. By vlr.ue of power vested in me hy that deed of trust made to me on the fith day of Marrh, hy W A Dunn and Mrs. D. 11. Which iii Of UlU im uf mni in the oftios of tbe Register of Deeds for Halifax county In book 153 at page 75, I shall sell forcasb to thehigheat bidder at public auction at theoourt house door in Halilai, N. C , at 11.311 a. m., on the 4th day of December, 11X15, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land described io aaid deed of trust aa follows; That real estate lying, being and sitoate in the coun ty of Halifax and Htatc ol North Carolina, which was devised to said D. M. Dnnn for life with remainder to her children hy Wells Draoghon by his last will and testa ment ol record in theoounty of Edgtcomhe and bounded by tbe lands of B. C Dunn 'a heirs, tbe main ran of Beeeh Swamp, hy the lends of Mrs W. T. Askew, John WhiUker, Penny King, and J. L. Firming and containing from eight hundred to one thousand acres, more or lees All timber trees of every description, to gether with rights of way over aaid land, and ample time for removing said timber will be sold first Then the reversionary interest In aaid land will be sold. The timber will be sold in fee. tbe land will be sold subject to the life estate of Mrs. D. M Dunn. Thia the 7th day of October, 1905 DAVID BELL, Trustee ostUtd m m u n m m m m n m m m u m n m S i'; If 1 1 if ' 1 Season 4 1 "High Art" Clothes commend themselves to men of tate because they embody high class co. am tailoring perfect fit, latest styles; are made of only the best wearing fabrics, and the patterna are exclusive. We bavejnst reieived from the nwktrsof "High-Art" Clothing a lull line uftiinjje and Double Breasted Sack Suite, Belt Bark Oven'oals, Long Lose 52 inch Orereoals, either Single or Double Breasted Paddocks, Newmarkets, Surtouts, and every other style ol garment ordained by tbe mode We want every self-respecting nn.n in Weldon to come in and inspect this ininmnaratile collection of FALL and WINTfcK CLOTH US. Full lire DRV COODS. SHOESand UNDERWEAR FURfilTURE OUR SPECIALTY. WrUKDEKTAKlKO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL ROBES H SWaiou, Carts, Bngnies, aii GsoUn aifl HeatiDi StirtLS P. N. STA1NBACK, - - - WELDON, N. C. J L WAIT AND WATCH THIS SPACE 1 fill II M 11 m is BY: KENT -FURNITURE -C0MFAS7 PiiTEESBTJEQ- - VA, n n 11 r n 1