1 Lift mil Issl llBS w AlDVERTISinsrO- KA-TES-moderate. VOL. XL. A. FESPAPEB FOE, TUB PEOPLE. TBBMS:-i- per annum in advance WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1905. NO 2.c TJnBffg7"-Mgto7i'i r r. iT sli.T I Ai'CctalilcPrepaMlionforAs ! -simiiniinC itieFoodanrttlcflula- ! ling tlie Stomachs ardDowelsof Tromolcs DigestionheerfUr- nessatsi Kesi.coniains neither Itoiim.Morphine norrlineral. JtOTJJAKCOTIC. nuf tfouarSmvnrtKHM W Smi- A perfect Remedy forConsllna- lion, Sour Stonvvh, Diarrhoea Worms.l.oiwulsions.Fevensh ness nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WSAPPCR. -aex! . ! II 0fSSfS; tied up in a few garments 18 the tendency among people of taste. We fit everybody II SLIGHT ALTER A 0 N . IS, of course, sometimes Decenary, but it amount! to no more thio jour tailor ike when he givea yon your "try on." Don't make the mistake of buying a fal ait or id overooat without teeing our line. H. D. ALLEN WELDON. N. C. 'AW W iLL5 Renews the hair, makes it new aain, restores the freshness. Just what you need if your hair is faded orturning erav,foritstv;:vs restores the color. Stops falling hair, ahn."'"'7tt;r:' "i."'.." ' " Tie Bank -WELDON N. C.I- Qraanized Under Tie Lais of tie Stale of North Carolina. AUGUST STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITOR. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS For ten years thia inititutioo bai provided banking faoilitiot for tbia lection "siocanoidersend directors hare been idenlioea wun mo Dunum - Uillfil ftnd Vn'trtamninM AHririai i'nr man Vftatrfl. Munev ia loaned upon ap. proved seouritv at ih 1..1 rata of intaroal lolioited. Pfwdeut: VioK-Preaident: Cathier: W.K. DANIEL ria H W The largest and best plant in the IJLCIIARLES MILLER WALSH, furrier and Manufaoturet of MON UHBsrs, TOMBS, GRAVE STONES of every description. Freight' prepaid on all shipments. ale delivery guaranteed. WlUa for "gnt and prioes Work Deiivered-At Any Depot. IP' -..avriawMmwrwai In II STflRIA y i UUIfl For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years STOMA VM! tttTAWH MM FINDwt.sfaetion io oar High Class lteady-to-wear garment They have alt the fit, all the quality, all the pcimauen- Himpt'liiifMi 01 the hen mer chant tailoriue Nothing it AW m CL01MNG lackiDg except the costlioewi If you are determined to apeod an unueceMKiry a moan t of money tor clothes, yon clothes, yon at nimh better effect in buy inn two of our suit foi the price you would pay fur one made to order. More Clothes and Less Money-- & COMPANY, VEGETADLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer of W, 20TH, 1892 $33,000. aix bit ocntum. Aooounti of all are LEWIS. W.R.8MITH JaekaoD, Northampton oonnty, N. C. ' State. aVAlso Iron Fencing, Vaaea etc., for cemetery and otnei arnaaM at lowest prices. HA.8ATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. GOOD ADVICE, DO HOT I.XT TOUR DICONTXNT KILL THIS NIW Lin Bf FOBI II It BORN. 'tr"P t N yi ars ago, when the late John -- Sherman was Secretary of State," sijs Sucee.s, "a young man, the ton of ooe of Sherman's schoolmates, wrote to him fur as'intunre. "He said that he had fullen so low In life that there was no place fur him but the gutter; that existence had beoome a burden, and tbat be wanted to die. To day thia tame young man it aprosferous merchant of New York city. lie told Suocesa that his position is due to the ad vice given to him by John Sherman in answer to bis letter, Mr. Sherman wrote aa follows: ' 'You say ll.at your life haa been a failure, and that you are thirty yean old and ready to die. You say that you can Dot find work, and you see no hope in life. You tay that your frienda do not care to speak to you now. " 'Let mo tell you that you have reach ed that point in life when a man must see the very bt at prospects for his future career. You, at thirty, stand on the bridge that divides youth aid man hood. The one it dying, perhaps, but the other will son burst, young and hopeful, from the axhes, and you will find in yourself a new being man. Do not let your discontent kill thia new life before it is born. " 'Unless you are physically deformed, go to work. Go to work at any honeat work, if it brings you only a dollar a day. Then learn to live within tbat dollar. Pay do more than ten cents for a meal, snd tweoty ceots for a bed, aodsave at much at you can, and with the tame tensity as you would save your mother's life. Make the most oi your appearanoe. Do not dress gaudily, but cleanly. Aban don liquor as you would abandon a pes tilenoe, for liquor is the curse that wrecks more lives than all the horrors of the world combined. " 'If you are man of braioa, aa your letter leadt me to believe you are, wait until joy are in a condition to seek your ideal, and then seek it with courage and tenacity. It may take time to reach it; it may tale year; but you will surely reai b it you will turn from the worltiuKo.a'i into the business man or the professional man with so much ea-e that you will marvel at it. No ship ever rtached its port by sailing for a half diicn other porta at the time time. " 'Be contented, for without content ment there is no love or friendship, and without those blessiogs life indeed a hope lew case. Learn to love your books, for there are pleasure, instruction, and friend ship in books. Go to ohuroh, lor church helps to ease the pains of life. But nev- be a hypocrite; if you cannot believe God, believe in your honor. Listen music wherever you cao, for music unarms the mind and fills a man with lofty ideas. " 'Cheer up I Never want to die. Why, I am twice your age and over, and I do not want to die. Get out into the world. Wort, eat, aleep, read, and talk about the great events of the day, even if you are forced to go among la borers. Take the first honeat work you get, and then be steady, patient, indus trious, saving, kind, polite, studioua, tem perate, ambitious, gentle, loving, honeat, couiazeoui and ontented. Be all uf these, and when thirty years more have passed away, just notice ho vouoe and beautiful the world ii, and bow young and happy you are. MAN'S UNHEABLBNESsl. ia often as great aa woman's. But Thom as S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not nnreasona' able, when he refused to allow the doctor to operate on his wife, for female t-ouble, Instead," he says, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (S) physidana bad failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household duties. " Guaranteed at any drug store, price auc, SYMPATHY, r. Ferguson Laura, how ouch more have you got of this new breakfast Mrs. Furgertoon Enough to last us a month yet. Tbat reminds me, Ueorge, that 1 heard a mouse last nieht id the drawer wbert we keep it. SEI.I.B MOKtS Of CHAMBEBLAIM'I COUGH REMEDY THAU Of ALL OTHER PUT TOGETHER. Mr. Thot. George, a merchant at Mt. Elgin. Ontario, save: "I have had the local agency for Cbamberlain't Coogh Remedy ever aince it waa introduced into Canada, and I aell aa much of it aa 1 di nf all other lines I have on my ahelvea put together. Of the msny doteos no dec guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recommend thia medicine as I have used it myself and given it to my children and always with the same results. Sold by W. M, Cohen, Weldon, N, 0., W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A Hawkt, Garytburg, N. 0. AN OLD SWEETHEART OP MINE. BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. Asone who cons at evening o'er an album all alone, And muses on the facet of the friends that ho has known ; So I turn the leaves of Fancy, till in shadowy deiign, I find the smiling features of an old sweetheart of niioo. The lamplight seems to glimmer with a flicker of surprise, As I turo it low to ro't mo of the duzzle in my eyes, And light my pipe in ailenee, save a sigh that seems to yoke, Its fate with my tobacco and to vanish with the smoke. 'Tie a fragrant retrospection for the loving thoughts tbst start Into being aro like perfumes from the blossom of the heart ; And to dream tbo old dreams over in a luxury divioe When my truant fancy wanders with tbat old sweethea-t of mine. Though I hear beneath my study, like a fluttering of wiogs, The voices of my children, and the mother as she sings, I feel no twinge of oonscieooe to deny me any theme When Care has cast her anchor in the harbor of a dream. In fact, to speak in earnest, I believe it adds a charm To spice the good a trifle with a little dust of harm For I find an extra flavor in Memory's mellow wine That makes me drink the deeper to that old sweetheart of mine. A face of lily-beauty, with a form of airy grace, Floata out of my tobacco at the genii from the vate; And I thrill beneath the glances of a pair of azure eyes As glowing ts the summer and as tender as the skies. I can see the pink sunbonnet and the little checkered dress She wore when first I kissed her and she answered the caress With the written declaration, that "at auroly as the vine Grew round the stump," the loved mo that old sweetheart of mint. And again I feel the pressure of hit slender little hand, As we used to talk together of the future we bad planned ; When I should be a poet, and with nothiog else to do But write the tender verses tbat she set the musio to ; When we should live together in a eozy little oot Hid in a nest of roses, with a fairy garden spot, When the vines were very fruited, and tbe weather ever foe, And the birds were ever singing for that old sweetheart of mine; And I should be her lover forever and a day, And she my faithful tweetheart till the golden hair was gray ; And we should bs so happy that when either1! lips wero dumb They should not smile in Heaveo till the other's kiss had crme. But ah I my dream in broken by a step upon the stsir, And the door is softly opened, and my wife is standing there. Yet with eaiterness snd rspture all my visions I resign To greet the living presence of that old sweetheart of mine. LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF LIFE, fpt T IS not too much to say th it sunshine aod shadow firm a part of I every human life Tbey are not always equally distributed. In a num- J ber of cases we find more of day than night, while the darkness predom inates in ether cateB. These two are closely joined together day and night follow each other io rapid succession in nature, while sorrow aodjoy We frequently celebrate a wedding in our afternoon conduct a funeral in the same ohuroh on the same day. The lilies and tne paims are removeu to maae room tor mo our experiences of bitter and sweet, The day of youth and young manhood is age. Possibly, dear reader, you may nave ooe to you. The blood flowed freely in your veins, your pulse beat r pidly, your aoul wtt full of hope, and all your tenses were keen. But it did not last ong. If you are spared a few more years you will enter ow sluggishly through your veins; your m and your ear dull and your step feeble ill run low, because with you the night How often doestbeday of prosperity gue change has been experienced by tbe best of of the Lord shone round about him; he washed his steps with butter md the rooks poured forth rivers of oil. But adversity David had hit day. From the aheepfold lem hit pathway was almost ooe unbroken followed by hitter sorrow. It was daytime with the Son of God when the g'ory of the Father, but He entered in lehem of Judea and they gnw deeper and darker until He was nailed to the cros8 and His Father's face was veiled Do not think it strange concerning the darkness and sorrow which overshadowe you as though some strange thing had happened unto you. sometimes tne aay ot spiritual exaltation Almost every Christian hat experienced the joiced in hope of tbe glory of God, when God, when his soul was filled with the light should ever grieve or suffer again. But peaceful hours I once enjoyed ; how sweet their memory still I" He may not have backslidden. Elijah waa not a backslider but he waa greatly depressed. Paul wa' not a backslider hut more than ooce be earried a heavy heart. There wat a time when our Lord "began to be heavy," when Ho even unto death." Yea, the night and day otteo meet and gone, while tbe reclmiog sun in the western Hcavtn with orimaon and gold the shadowa Daya of spiiitual exaltation and night with each other in the aame life. Paul ha taw and heard things which it waa unlawful to reveal, but while he wat ttill re counting tbe ttoty of hit rapture he began ... 1 U . . , 1 sna tne nr?:rr or cjun, nsm nuacgu ttill linger In his raiment and the halo if the torn begins to pierce hit flesh and the aoul. This it not to ttrange. Others have lifted up above tbe world by the indwelling with joy unspeakable tod full of glory, and Sorrow upon sorrow, torso the tigM and ducd aou miDgia 10 iuiui iuv .wnigm in FOR OVER HIXTY VEAK8. , Mrs. Wm8Low'8 Soothino Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mother! for their children while teeihiog, with perfect euccesa. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind oolic, and it the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for" Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. ' Weak-minded people ihe most headstrong. sometimes are A LAY SKKMON may be closely found io every life. ohurohes at high noon, and in tbe saoaoiotu ana tne willow. Just to it quickly followed by the night of old had your day. That day waa brigh the shadows of old age. Yo ir blood wil' puUe will boat slowly; your eye will become and faltering, and tbe tide of vitality ootneth. placetothe night of adve.sity ? This men. Job had his day when the oandlc followed swiftly on tbe heels if prosperity of Bethlehem to the throne in Jerusa soooetsion of triumpht but it was quick. amid the hosts of beaveu He shared the ahadows when ha wat born in Beth. is touowea ny a nignt ot depression day of spiritual exaltation, when he re he was assured ol the love and favor o of heaven and be could not believe that he toon, 0 how toon, he began to sigh "What siiJ "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful mingle. Long before the day is quit horilou ia painting the blue vault of night are Healing over us. of affliolion maybe found running parallel wat caught up into the third heaven, wbert to tell the story of the thorn Id the floth 1. Tl ' I , . . f , , - u jL-tma ; ii u.,o luu ouuis ul 1 arauine the third heaen ttill lingera on hit bro messenger nf Satan begins to torment bis had a similar experience. Tbey have been of the spirit of God and have rejoiced at the same lime they have experience the darkness blind so the day and night me ujuruiug auu (no eveoint;, RON LOST MOTHER. Consumption runs iu our family, and thronghit t lost my mother," writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest aign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which haa saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, buthe learned thatlnngtrouhle most not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and onre for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1. Guaranteed at any drug store. Trial bottle free. HARD TO MANAGE. AM ACCOMMODATING WITNESS AND LAWYER. ' T o You know the prisoner well?" ---'asked the attorney. j . "Ncvor kbew him ill," replied the wit ness. 'No levity," said the lawyor. ' Now, sir, did you ever see the prisoner st the ar?" "Took many a drink with him at the ar. "Answer my question, airl" roared the lawyer. "How long have you known tbe prisoner ?" "From two feet up to five feet ten inches." 1 Will the oourt make the" "I have, yer worship," said the witness anticipating the lawyer. "I have an swered tbe question. I knowed tbe prisoner when he was a boy of two feet long and a man five feet ten." "Your honor" "It's a faot, yer worship. I'm under oath," persisted tbe witness. Tbe lawyer placed his bands on ti e table in front of him, spread his legs part, leaned his body over the table and said : "Will you tell the oourt what you know about this case ?" "That ain't hit name," replied tbe wit ness. "What ain't hit name?'1 "Case." "Who laid it was?" "You did. You wanted to know whst I knew about this case. His name'B "Your worship," howled the lawyer, plucking bis board out by the roots, will you make this man answer?" "Witness," said the magistrate, "you must answer the questions that are put to you." "Great Soottl" Hain't I been doin' it? Let him fire away. I'm all ready." "Then," laid the lawyer, "don't beat about the bush any more. You and the prisoner have been friends?" "Never," promptly responded the wit- Si. "Whatl Weren't you summoned here as a friend?" "No, sir. I was summoned here as a Presbyterian. Nary one of us was ever Friends. Ho's an old timo Baptist with out a drop of Quaker in him." Stand down!" yelled the lawyer in disgueBt, "Hey?" "Stand downl" "Can't do it. I'll eit down or staod up- "Constable, remove ths man from tbe ox. Witness retiree muttering, "Well, if he tin't the thiok headest lawyer I ever laid eyes on!" Galveston Tribune. IN TIME OP PEACE. Iu the first months of the Japan-Rus sia war we had a stria ing example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantange of those who, so to speak, have shingled their roofs in dry weather.' The virtus of prepaiation hat made his tory aod given to us our greatest men. Tbe individual as well as the nation should be prepared for any emergency. Are you prepared to successfully oombat the first oold you take? A cold can be cured much more quickly when treated as soon as it has been contracted and be- foroit has become settled in the system Chsmberlsin't Cough Remedy it famous for its cures of colds and it should be kept at hand ready for instant use. For sale by W. M. Uoben, Weldon N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, A. Hawkt, Garysburg, N. 0. ALSO TO HEAR IT. Bill It takea a lot of wind to learn to play the cornet, does it not ? John Indeed, it docs I "Well, bow about tbe trombone? ' "Ob it takea a lot of nerve to learn to play that!' THE EXACT THING REQUIRED FOR CONSTIPATION. "Abb certain purgative and ttomach purifier Chamberlain't Stomach and Liver Tablets teem Io baths exact thing re. quired, atrong enough for the moat ro bust, vet mild enough aod safe for ehtl dr?n snd without that terrible gripin; common to most purgativca," say R. Web ster 1 Co., Udors, Ontario, Canada. Forssle by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C , W. E. beavens, Enfield, N. C. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. 0. RESULT OP VIGILANCE. "Eternal vigilanos ia the price . ol petce, you know." "I don't know anything of the kind My wife meett me at the head of the atairt every night, and there's always war." Yonker't Herald. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King'a New Life Pills. They build up your digestive or gans, and cure headache, dizainess, colic constipation, etc. Guaranteed at any drug atore; 25c. BEREAVED HUSBAND NEEDED THE TIGER. ntS WIFE HAD RECENTLY DIE!) AND nE WAS SEEKING CONGENIAL SOCIETY. At a sale of animals from a hippo drome a tiger was being ofTorJ. The highest bid waa made by a man who was a stranger, and to him it was knocked down, The owner of tho animal, who had been eyeing tho Blrongcr uneasily during Ihe bidding, then went up to him aod said: "Pardon mo for asking the question, but will you tell mo where you are from?" "From the oountry," responded the man. "Are you connected with any show?" "No " "And are you buying this animal for yourself?" "Yea." The shoman shifted about for a few moments, looking alternately at the man and the tiger, evidently trying his best to rcooncile the two. "Now, youDg man," be finally laid, "you need not take this animal unless you want to, for there are those here who will take it off your bands." "I don't want to sell," waa the quiet reply. "What on earth are you going to do with such an ugly beast if you have no show of your own and are not buying for some one who is a showman ?" "Well, I'll tell you," said the pur chaser, "My wife died about three weeks ago. We had lived together for ten years, and and I miss ber." He paused to wipe his eyes and steady his voice, and then added: "So I've bought the tiger." "I understand you," sail the great showman in a husky voice, as he turned to hide his emotion. London Tit-Bits. METHOD IN HIS MADNESS. He had called at a bouse iu the sub urbs on business and as he rose to go be said: "I believe you were in the lake district last summer ?" "Yes." "Go fishing ?" "Yes." "Catch anything 1" "One little perch." "Ha, ha, hal That's what I expected. Well, good night I' When the caller had gone the wife, indignantly: "Riobard, how cao you sit there and tell stories in that bold way? You know we caught ovor twenty fish weighing 5 pounds apiece, and that big jack weighed 1 pounds." "My dear wife," returned the husband soothingly, "you don't know human na. ture' That man is now willing to take my word for a thousand dollars. If I d told him of those fish he would have gone away believing mo to be the biggest fibber in tbe kingdom." From Bystand TOO MUCH ECONOMY. "Yon don't look well thia morning,' remarked the foreman aa a factory hand entered a Detroit establishment the other morning. . "Nawl" was Ihe response. "Ain't no body well to my house." What seems to be the matter?" asked the foreman, as thoughts of smallpox, diphtheria, cholera and other diseases ran through his brain. "stinginess, was the unexpected an swer. " i ou see, we Dougnt a new nouse, a while ago, and we economised to pay for it. We got to dadblamed atiogy that we didn't eat enough to keep the cold out, and now we're payin' the doctor the money we saved to pay for th' bouse."- Detroit News. FORGOT AND LOOKED BACK. Senator Chauncey M. Dcpew ia the anlhn. nf Ifii. atnrv "Ooe day I met a soldier who had been wouoded in tho face. He wat a I Union man, and I asked him in which battle be had been injured. " 'In the last battle of Bull Run, sir," he replied. "But how could you get hit iu the face I at Bull Run?" I asked. " 'Well, sir,' said the man, half apolo getically, 'after I had run a mile or two I got eare'eaa and looked back. Wash ington Post. CONVINCED "Jones (rote his eart thit morning," "How?" "Looking at (be thermometer to find out how oold it was." Detroit Free Press. CASTOR I A For Infaati and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Bigoaturo of A C'HO.SS-mtEKI. A buxom negro woman who bad cooked for a number of years io the family of a Jewess announced to ber mistress one morning her intention of quilting the job. "Why aro you going to leave us, Ma ry?" inqniicd the Hebrew lady. "Well, Missus," explained the cook, I's ginetah git mur'icd." "That won't make any diffirenoc," said the lady, "there's room enough in my yard for you and your husband; you don't have to leave because you're goiog to bo married." But," replied tbe oolored woman sheepishly, "you don't know who I'l gwioetah mar'y;" and without giving Ihe Jewess time to aBk further questions, she said, "I'se gwioetah mar'y a Chioee, Missus." The employer raised her bands in holy horror. "Oh, Mary," she said, "hava you thought of what you are going to do ?" "Oh, yas, Ma'am," said Mary; "we't thought about it we love each uddah, Missus.' I don't me in that, "said the Jewess, "I was thinking about your children, Mary. Have you thought about what tbey will be?" "Ob, Missus," said Mary, looking up in mesk submission and intending no insult, "I knows dey'll be Jews, but I can't he'p it." Silas Xavier Fliyd, in Lippincott s. PROOF POSITIVE. Her Aod would you be willing to prove your love for me? Him Sure thing. Haven't I asked you to marry me ? Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It. How To find Out. Fill a bolile or common glass with vour water and let It stand twenty -four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys: if It stains your linen (t la evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back ts also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge sa often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Koot, me great money remedy lultllls every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, tiver. bladder and every part of Ihe urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing; it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary elfect of bwamp-Koot Is soon realized. It standi the highest (or its won-, derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. andSl. sizes. You may have a sample bottle ol thta wondertul discovery more about It, both sent SJM fci? absolutely free by mail. Jigj Adaress ur. Kilmer 8c rtonw or sn,p.Boo. i Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper.1 Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N.Y.. on every bottle. J. A. ALSTON FINE PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco, Fine Whiskies AND WINES-) Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and Firet Street, Weldon N. C. 10-31-lT HAS iTlVER I fnri mni-ix -rr iaii UbUUKKLU IU IUU ?liow Many People You f Can Reach Without P t leaving your own on ice 0 A Telephone Line IS A DOOR TO YOUR BUSINESS NO TELEPHONE IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford It? LET OUR MANAGER TALK IT OVER WITH YOU. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAQER oa Home Telephone) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . far rally Groceries, .J

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