SI fe ,'1 v .A. 1TBWSPAPEB IE1 O IR THE PEOPLE TEIlSS:-81-50 PER ANNUM N ADVANCE OL. XL. WELDON, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1905. NO. 30 m It S fV imp i-1 Irlll foba i n B 1 U qer4 ViiitJl 4 ai Tim Kind Yon Havo Always Bouirlit, mid which hnx been In uo lor over ( years, linn borne tlio slirnntnrn of nnd has boon nmilo under lils pi-r- soiml supervision nlnco Us liifimry. Allow no one to ilcoolvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " JuHt-nn-good" nro hut Experiments that trifle with nnd ciiilitngcr tho heiiUli of Infants nnd Children Experience ngnliut Kxpcrinicut. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrlslmcss. It cures Diarrlxea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and naturul sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA AUWAY3 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc ecTun eoHHN, tt muhmv amiiT. hew votm errv. 1 I O Iff FIND satisfaction in our lligha N MfF L L Clas Kcndy-to-wcar garments. They hiiTe all the fit, all the M quality, a 1 1 the permnnen- fVPFCCFPC shape! litem of the best nier 'WS" chant tailoring Nothing in lucking except the costliness If you are di'termim-il to spend on unnecessary amount of money lor clothes, yon dollies, yon net much hetter efl'ecta ill buying two of our suits for the price yon would pay for one made to order. More Clothes and Less Money-- - Wo fit everybod y up in a few garments in the tendency among people of taste. SLIGHT ALTERATION IS. of course. aomelimM nueninirv. but it tmooDta to DO more than jour tailor e when he gives yon jour "try on." Don't make the mistake of bujiog t fil or an overooat without seeing our line. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. Oyer's Pills ant your moustache or beard UfjQKIfjSIAI'S OKE luumui uruwo urriui mautr Ubc Vegetable, liver pills. That! is what they are. Thcycurej constipation, biliousncssj siek-hcndache. Jj. tim en, oi bKuiiu4sri uur. v. i Tho Bank of W, -::.-.::.WELDON N. C. .t. ...jSr- Opizei Under Tie Lam of tie Slate of Nortl Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1892. BTATB OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITOR.. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WKLDON DKPOS1TORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 3,000. SUNSHINE, I know the whole crowd of young fellows, Who (ravel the run through our town, And aotno are all lauhin' and pmilin', While others are robed in a frown Uu! liuj one that does tiusincm, I notice, No malter what may bo liii line, Is the man who pours out with each tncasuro A "bonus" of bubbliDg sunshine, I'm not much forrcadin' nor Icamin' Nor ejpyio' wisdom from books ; I ain't stuck on new fads nor fashions, Nor wealing tight shoes for their looks ; Just jamming your hoUBe full of money May seem to this age a good sign, But I b'licve in the old fashioned doctrine 01 filling your heart with euushioe. The world has gone mad over gamin' The preachers are carpin' at trusts 'The rich ain't content with the center They grab and fight for the crusts 'The palace is dark, damp and dingy, Where shadows and ghost fo-irs intwine ; While the cot of the poor, humble peasant la bright with the rays of sunshino. AVould I barter the light for the darkness ? Would I give up my life for your gold ? AVoold I sacrifice precept and manhood At altars where honors are sold? !No, still let Ore live free and simple, And practice his teaching divine, To fill one sad heart, dark with sorrow, With the blessings and light of sunshine. TEARS, Tears, idlo tears, I know not what they mean, Tears from the deptha of some divine despair, Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes, Io looking on ihe happy autumn fields, And thinking of the days that are no more. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, That brings our friends up from the underworld ; Sad aa the last which reddens over one That sinks with all we love below the vcrgo; So sad, so frcb, the days that are no more. Ah, sad and strange as in dark summer dawns, The earliest pipe of half awakened birds, To dying ears, whon onto dying eyes, The casement slowly grows a glimmering square ; So sad, slraoge, the days that are no morj. Dear as remember'd kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign'd. On lips that ore for othors; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret ; 0 Death in Life, the days that are no more." Alfred Tennyson. For ten years this institution has provided banking faoilitioi for this section utookholders and direoton have been identified with tho business interests ol lifai and Northampton oouuties for many years. Money is loaned upon ap ed security at the legal rate of interest six por oentum. Aooounts of all are licited. President: Vioe-Presideutt Cashier: E. DANIEL. Da. H. W. LEWIS, W. R. SMITH Jackson, Northampton county, N. C. I The largest and best plant in Ithe state. CHAttLES MILLER WALSH, THE WHY IT GOES. An Atohison man and his wife had two sens and two daughters. With tho arrival of the first baby they began plan ning about how their children ahou'd be "eduoatcd." The woman did her own work, and the man worked, serimped, and both denied themselves every pleas ure. The boys were sent to college and the girls were educated in t boarding school. The children are men and wo men now; the parents having spent every cent on their education, aro poor and de pendent upon them. This is what their education has done fur their children . One son has a government position; GO a month and no hope of promotion or a raise. The other son learned a trade from a "common" fiicnd of his and is getting along pretty well, in spite of hia college training. One daughter married a dry goods clerk, and has forgotten her French and German in talking baby talk to her two babies, and Ihe scienoes she studied at soliool do not help her mu-sh io mapping out her work, which iocludcs washing and ironing. The other daugh ter married a country school teacher, and her "education" is only an aggravation, as what she knows dors not agree, always with what her husband kn iws, and they have more Butjcte to quarrel over than ih ivernire mariied couple. And the poor old parents, with every cent sunk io four "educations," are Using first with one child and then with another, and are not any too welcome anywhere. At chison Qlobe E1,I.IIM(1IIH OK CIMMIIKHLIIN'H COUCH HUMI'.I.V IIUN UK ALL OTIIDItx PUT TOG IS I'" Hit Mr. ThoB. Gcorgo, a merchant at Mt, Elgin, Ontario, says: "I havo had the local ag. ncj for Ol ambul iin a (.oiigh Krme'ly evrr 'in'' i wn" iniroiluomi into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do f ill other lines I have on my shelves rut together. Of ihe many diims un dcr guaran'ee, I have nut had one bottle relumed. I can personally recomniem this medicine as 1 havo used it myself and aiven it to my children and always with Ihe same results." Sold by W. M. Cohei, Weldon, N n. W K Heavens. EuBeld. N. C. J. A Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. COURTING. OLD STYLE. There is not a country bred man or woman now living but will tell you that life can offer nothing comparable with the innooent s:st of that old style of conning that was done at Binging school in thc starlight and candlelight of the first half of the oentury. There are few hearts so withered and old but thoy beat quicker sometimes when they hear in old fashioned churches the wailing, sobbing or exulting strains of "Bradslrect" or "China" or "Corona tion," and the mind floats down on the current ol these old melodies to that fresh young day of hopes and illusions of voices that were sweet, no matter how false thoy sang; of nights that were rosy with dreams, no matter what Fahrenheit said; of girls that blushed without cause and of lovers who talked for hours about everything but love. "The Blood Seed ling," by the late John Hay, in Lippin-cotl'a. ISVAIso Iron Fencing, Vases , etc., for cemetery ana oiner , muDoses at lowest price. ' (.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. turner and Manufacturer of MON MBSra, TOMBS, GRAVE TONES of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments. fe dolivory guaranteod. Write for 'gni and prices ' Work Delivered At Any Depot. MtUlT. Ridicule is the first ment of fools. and last argu IN TIM HOP PEACE. In thc first months of tho Japan-Rus sia war we had a striking example of thc necessity for preparation and the early advantanee of those who, so to speak, have shingled their roofa in dry weather.' Tho virtus of preparation has made his. tory and given to us our greatest men The individual as well as thc nation should be prepared for any emergency, Are you prepared to successfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be cured much more quickly when treated as soon as it has been contracted and be fore it has become settled in tho system Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its ourei of colds and it should be kept at handroadv lor instant use. 1'orsalobv W. M. Cohen, nelilon N. C, W. E B avens, Kofiol l, N. C. J. A. Hawks, Qaiynburg, N. C. Rockefeller has about exploded that Biblical expression: "Thc world is mine and the fullness thereof. Old Rookio now owns it. I'LL PAY YOU FOR THAT." AND 00 AM. Timit GOOD TIMES WKttE f.VKR IlKCAI KE TUB IU CK WOULD NOT OTERI.UHK A I.ITTI.S HURT WHICH WAS NOT INTENDED. rp ii i -1 kn I s little parable by an uo- nown author leaches its own lcson: A hen trod on a duck's fuot. Sho did not go to o'o it, and did not hurt tho duck much; but tho duck said, "I'll pay you for thai!" So tho duek flow at the old hen, but as site did so her wings struck an old goose, who stood closo by, "Ml pay you for that 1" cried Ihe goose, and sho flow at the duck; but as she did so her foot tore tho fur of a cat who was just then in the yard. "Ml pay yon for that I" cried the cat, and she started for the goose; but as she did so her claw caught in the wool of a sheep. "Ml pay you for that 1' cried the sherp; and she ran a', the cat; but as she did bo her foot hit the foot ol a dog who lay in the sun. "Ml pay yon for that I" cried he, and jumped at the sheep; but as be did so his leg struck an old cow who stood by the gate. ' I'll pay you for thatl" cried she, and she ran at the dog; but as she did so her horn grazed thc skin of a horse who stood by a tree. "Ml pay you for thatl" oried he, and he rushed at the cow. What a noise there was! The horse daw at the cow, and the cow at the dog, and the dog at the sheep, and the sheep at the oat, and the cat at the goose, and the goose at the duck, and the duck at the hen. What a fuss there wast And all because the hen accidentally stepped on the duck's toe. "Hi! Hil What's all this?" cried the man who had the care of them. "You may stay here," he said to the hen; but he drove the duck to the pond, the goose to tho fi -Id, the cat Io the barn, the sheep to ber fold, tho dog to thc house, tho cow to her yard, and the horse to his stall. And so all their good times were over because the duck would not overlook a little hurt which was not intended. "A little explained, A little endured, A little forgiven. The quarrel is cured." POIt Ol'EH SIXTY TEAKS. Mrs. Winslow'8 Sootuino Syrup has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Drugmsts in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. AN APPROPRIATE TUNE. The chaplain of one of bis majesty's ships was giving a magio lantern lecturo, the subject of which was "Scenes from tho Bible." Ho arranged with a sailor who possessed a gramophone to discourse ap propriate music between the slides. The first picture shown was Adam and Evo in the Garden of Eden. Thesailor oud gelcd his brain but could think of noth ing suitable. "Play up," whispered tho chaplain. Suddenly a largo id;a struck the jolly tor, and to tho great consterna tion of thc chaplain and the delight ol thc audience the gramophooo burst forth with tho Blraina of "There's Only Ooe Girl in tho World for Me." THE ROAD OF BY AND BY. THE TRl'Tn 01' SOMS OLD PROVERBS REGARDING rnoCR AST I NATION. rMn eii's J this effect: i Spanish proverb to "The road of by and by leads to the town of Never." Most proverbs are tho contrasted statements of important truths, and this is not an ex ception. Wo aro all familiar with the men who are going to do great things by and by, They are to bo found in all ranks and all vocations, Thcro was a scholar who talked for halt a lifetime of tho great book he was going to produce. Ho purchased an air pie supply of stationery and indulged in many sanguine dreams of the reputation his book would bripg him, but when he died not a line had been written. Ho was a man of talent, and could have written a book that would have done him credit, but tbo fatal habit of procrastination made his life barren of results. The active and successful workers of sgeB have been quick to decide and prompt to act, They wasted no time in talking of what they intended to do, but set to work and did it. "Write me an article on the financial question," said a busy city editor to a gentleman of elegant leisure. "I will some day," was the reply. The editor shrugged his shoulders, aod wrote Ihe articlo himself in time for the morrow's papors. It seems to bo true that the busiest men undertake new tasks most readily. They are so trained and disciplined, mentally, they aro always in a condition to work. No one is likely to achieve large success io any field who consumes too much time in getting roady. The general must be ready to march at fivo minutes' notice. If he requires a week of preparation the foe will be out of his reach, or will have struck tho first blow aod gained the first advantage. Another proberb contains an equil amount of truth: "Tho man who hesi tates is lost." A friend of ours was of fered a real estate investment at a very favorable price. He knew it to be a de cided bargain, but he was in tho habit of making up his mind at his leisure. At the end of a fortnight he concluded to make the purchase. Three days later he roado an effort and called upon the parly with whom he meant to deal and bigni- Gcd his acceptance. "My dear sir," was tho response, "I gave a deed of tho place two days after I offered it to you to another parly. If yon wanted it why didn't you say so at the time?" Shakespeare (ays, "There is a tide io tho affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." But if the tide is allowed to ebb the chance of for tune floats away. The mill can never grind again With water that has passed." GETTING AT THE FACT. THE EX ACT THING KEO.UIUEI) FOR CONSTIPATION. "Asa certain purgative and stomach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing re. quired, strong enough for the most ro bust, yet mild enough and safe for chil dren and without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives," any R.Web ster & Co , Udors, Ontario, Canadu, For salo by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0 , W. E. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N, C. A SKEPTICAL WIFE. THE USUAL WAY. IT IS USELESS TO PUT IT OFF WHEN VOIIR JIINDU ARK TtlOlloUdULY MADE LP AIIMT THE MATTER. He put an arm around her waist, "Shall it be Boon ?" ho inked in a low voice. "No! Positively not for juars and years," alio replied, shuking her protly head . 'IOIi, thunder I" he ejaculated, "Now, Arthur I" she said, reprovingly. "I om so rough," ho npologiaed, There wus silence for a littlo whilo. Then Arthur returned to the attack. What right hai she to ho ao decided about it, he thought. "Priscilla," he said, 'one year would be a long tin e." "Well, in some ways," sho admitted. "Then why," he went on, "such an awful delay ?" Ho paused for a reply. There was a short silence, while Pris cilla thought how best she could put it. At last she began. "Arthur Motley." She looked timid ly at him. "We should not bo rash," she urged, pleadingly. "N-o," was bis monosyllable, comment, "Wouldn't a year be rash ?" sho per sisted. lie stood up in front of her and cried to her from tho fulness of his ' heart, Lovo gave him eloquence. "Let us be rash," he said. "Make it two years," she said. "Horrible I" he muttered, with clenched toeth. Out aloud, "Priscilla, my Priscilla," dwelling lovingly upon the name. Ho held out his arms to her, and no longer could she resist him. "Let it be pretty soon," she cooed. "Next month, darling?" he asked, hardly able to believo his ears. "Yes, Arthur, sbo lisped Harper's Weekly. WOUN AND PROVtRBS. A STUPID HULL, It happened in North Carolina, The scene was a freight train of tin Capo Fear A Yadkin Vnlloy Railroad. One of the cars contained a bull which was haltered by a rpa and to the rope was attached a tag bearing the anlmal'i destination. At one of the stops tho brakernan looked io the car to see if the hull was all right, and found that ha bad chewed up the rope, tag and all, "Cap'o, I dunno what wo're go! a' to do 'bout that bull down yonder in the oar," said the brakernan to tho oonductor a few minutes later. "Why, Hob, what's thc matter with him ?" replied the conductor. "He's eaten up where he's gone." i TUitX ABOUT. "A depositor io a neighboring (mat company, ' said a banker, "is an eeoentrio farmer of middle age. This farmer, though ha ia wealthy, overdrew bis ao oount ooe day to the tune of 500. "Notification of the overdraft waa at once sent to him. "Ha replied ; '"You tell me I have ovesdrawn my acoount $500. Well, I know it. So what is the neoessity of bothering me about it? Why not trust rate as I do you? Do I go to you when I have toon ey in your institution and shout, "Yea have $500 of mine?" Such statements are perfiuous either way,' " Buffalo En quirer, Mistakes are blessings in disguise to nearly everybody but the jailer dog voter. "Were , a pea and a The census taker rapped at the door of tho little farmhouse and opened his long book, relates tho Youth's Compan ion. A plump girl of about eighteen carao to tho door, and blinked at him stupidly. "How many people live here?" ho be gan, "Nobody lives hero, Wo aro only staying through tho hop season." "How many of you are there here?" "I'm hero. Father's in the woodshed aud Bill is " "Sec here, my girl, I waot to know how many inmates there are in this house. How many people slept here last night ?" "Nobody slept here, sir. I had the toothache dreadful, and my little broth. er bud thc Btomach ache, and Ihe new hand that's helping us got sunburned so on bis back that he has blisters the sue of OL-gs, and we all took on so that no body slept a wink all night long." THE WITTY AMERICAN. The Spanish rhyme has it : a woman as little as sho is good pod would mako her a gown hood." An old English saying : "If a man lose a woman and a farthiug, ho will be sorry he lost the farthing." Tho French adage : "A man of straw is worth a woman of gold," The Gorman : "There aro only two gojd women in the world one dead and thc other can't bo found." The Scotoh say . "Honest men marry soon: wise men never. In Fife they say : "Tho next host tiling to no wife is a good wile." The Arabian declares: "Words arc women; deeds are men," lue rersiansage says that a woman s wisdom is under her heel. The German affirms that every daugh ter of Eve would rather be beautiful than gool. Tho Persian asserts that women and ragons are best out of tho world. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of HON LOST MOTHER. Consumption ruua in our luniily, and through it I lost my mother," writes E. R. Keid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, I h ive taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reiil.bnt he learned thatlnngtrouhle most not lie neglectod, and how to core it. Quickest relief and core for coughs and colds. Price 50o. and $t. Guaranteed at any drug store. Trial bottle free. If the devil loved us as well aa he pro tends, thcro would be to need for Heaven. He met his early flame. She had greatly changed, but was still coquettish. "Do you romembcr," she asked, "that lock of hair I gave you just before we patted ?" no scowled, "Romember it I" he died. "I should say I did. Years afterwards my wife found it among my papers, and has been fussing about it ever since." "And what did you tell her?" "I I told her it was my only a souvenir of a lamented pet dog," "Mercy I Aod what did she say ?" "She said she had novcr before heard of a dog that bleached its hair." A DISASTROUS. CALAMITY. It is a disastrous calamity, when yon lose vour health, because indigestion and constipation have supped it awny. Prompt relief can be had In Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build np your digestive or gans, and cure headache, dizsiness, coUo i constipation, etc, Guaranteed at any drugstore; !25c Mr. Chauncoy llopew s name as a raconteur is world-wide, Hero ia one of his stories, "I went to an hotel in Georgia," said Mr, Dcpow on one occasion, "and said to the olerk, 1 A here shall I autograph?' " 'Antogrsph?" srtH thc cl'rk. " ' Ycb, sign my name you know.' " 'Oh. riaht herd' ''I signed my name in the register. In a Utile while in oame some Georgia 'crackers.' One of them advanced to the desk. "'Will you autograph?" asked the clerk, with a smile. " 'Cerlainlv ' said one Georgia 'crack er,' beaming. 'Mine's rye. What' yours, fellows ?' " MAN'S LINREAIII,EN.:SS. Is often as great as woman's. But Thorn as 8. Austin, Mgr. of the "Itepnhlienn,' of Leavenworth, Ind., was not nnreaaona1 able, when he refused to allow tho doctors to operate on his wife, for female t'ouhlo, "Instead," he sajs, "we concluded to try Klectric Hitters. .My wife wus then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (K) physicians hnil failed to relieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, aud can now perforin all her household duties." Guaranteed at any drugstore, price 50c, BEAUTIES OF OUR LAND. Nature's beauty in America ia a mar velous and ra-ely wonderful sped note. There are long rivers the rushing Bwecp of which drain tho heait of the oontincnt. The Rooky Mountains, lift granite peaks, alien and remote, far up into the clouds; scarred clefts and oanons, deep wooded valleys that hint of savago withdrawal from human assooia ciation. The mysterious aod barbaric land of thesas, and the great primeval forests that whisper aod rustle, and gleam and gloom in light and darkness, and through every season of tho year. The forest that is never seen twice in the same aspect and never tells the same sto ry; ia as silent as the grave, and yet ii d with oanstantly moving, hidden unseen life; as changeful aud mutable as human thought, and as mysterious as the impulses that sway human acts, A LINCOLN COMPARISON. When Lincoln was practicing at tho bar, the opposing lawyer in a certain case had delivered spoech for the prosecu tion which was conspicuous for its exhi bition of the man's oonccit. When he wis thro'igh, Lin"')lri, who wss s!tom;y for the defense, rose slowly to hia feet and, with that quiet dignity and droll wit for which ho was so noted, eddiessed the court aa follows: "Your Honor, my colleague, who has just delivered this brilliant exhibition of oratory, reminds me of a little flat-bottom steamboat that way back in the 50's used to poll up and down the Mississippi. It had a five-foot boiler and an eleven foot whistle, and every time it whistled stopped." Tbo man who refuses to think of the future will have a "hot old time" after he leaves this country. Our Churches will oontinuo to remain "Ice Houses," just as long as "humai icicles" fill our pulpits. The fellow who can't havo fun with out first filling up on booz-, surely haB a very pool idea of pleasure housands Have Kidney Trouble) and Don't Know It How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common class with vour water and let It stand twenty-four hours; s sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass tt or pain In the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort in tho knowledge aa often expressed, that Dr, Kilmer's Swamn- rcooi, uie tjreat money remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, rain in tha back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing u, or oaa euccrs roiiowtng use ol liquor, wine or beer, and overcom s that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during ihe night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root la soon realised. Ii stands the highest for Its won-i derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have Ihe best. Sold by druggists In50o.and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells s more about it, both sent i absolutely free by mail. Aaarcss ur. Mimer & rtom. of hwkml Co., Einghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading Ihis generous offer in this paper. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and Ihe address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. liilfl J. A. ALSTON FINE Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, ; Cigars and Tobacco, Fine Whiskies AND WINESH Merrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N. 0. 10-Sl-lT A Telephone Lino is a door YOUR BUSINESS No Telephone IS LOCKING THE DOOR Can You Afford it? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL. MANAGER OP Home Telephone) and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N. C.