ESSES .DVBRTISIlsra- EA.TBS-MODERATE. VOL XL. -A. NEWSPAPER FOE, THE PEOPLE TEPvMS:-"'5 PER ANNUM IN ADVAM K WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. NO. 31 4 r mi iis n a r ,...-- ,i,.Li i; fi'jiii.ii ii.iiii! IIIUVHWIH" 'im AWfictaule Preparaiionror As similating iticFoodanilHcCula liug iltc Stoinoxlis and Dowels of Promotes DigcslioaCheerrur nessandRest.Contains neither Orrium.Morpliine norXiiieral. 'otNarcotic. lrJi Stmt' Aporfccl Remedy forConstipa rion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ncss nd LOSS Or SLEEP. I Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. !L.'. LXACT COP OF WRAPPER. STADIA Ff ft! Tor Infantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM m it - i & j ! h Jfv In jUr for Over Thirty Years ICASTORIA TMI OIHTUH eOVMNt. MIW YRK CfTY. U A f T T Vf n J.J u I J 0, S, . FIND RatiwfHCtion la oar High) WFLL Casg Hemly-to-wear garments. w They have all the 6t, all the quality, all the peimanen JT O C FB .shapeHiWM of the best nier- W1 I chant tailoring Notlnna is luckinif exrent the coat li new If you are determined to upend an uuoerewuirjr amount of money lor clothes, you clothe, yon net much better effect in baying two of onr suite foi the price you would pay lor one muoe to oruer. More Clothes and Less Money- lied op in a few garments in tbe tendency among people of taste. We fit evcrjbod y SLI&HT ALTER A JIM D N IS, of oourse, sometimes necessary, but it amounts to no more than jour tailor te when he gives 70a jour "try 00." Don't mike the miatake of buying fil nit or 10 overoott without seeing our lino. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. rarTf rv iv? lira S K M " Perhaps you like your gray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not i then remember Hall's Hair Renewer always revere'? crloro! Stray hair. Stops falling hair, also. '"irZCVS-) The Bank of W, -:!:::::ELDON N. C. hiM Uilcr Tke Lais of the State of North Carolina, , AUGUST 20TH, 1892. STATU Of NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY,DKPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. TEMPERANCE. THE IMPORTANCE or ENLKHITINING IHI TODTII or OUR COUNIRT IN TKMPKUANOE WOHK. THE M0TKERL00K. ''As Tin twin is bent, so the tree L J- will grow." An old adage thin, but ens wliuse truth foioes itself to the brsio of any thoughtful observer of oilure, Oo into the forest tod examine the trees about you. Here ia one stiaight.tall, majestic, whoso generous blanches afford sheKer and protection to the sweet mu sicians of the wood, or the industrious little squirrels. It has responded to the influences of nature, and has grown with out let or hindrance, and stands a per fect specimen of the proper development of the law of growth. But observe soother tree. For some renon, either the result of soma storm or the trampling of some Nimrod in the ohaie, oi mayhap tbe woodman's careless ai, It has received a hurt sod a bend in its sapling age. It has grown, to be suro, but it oirrfcs the soar, and is bent aod unsightly eveo in ila fullest matuiity It has never gotten over tbe injury given in early life. As this tree was lnissbappeu by misfortune, so a mind will beoome warped by a mental or moral injury received in ebildhood. How impoitant then is it that the youth in our homes be given the most auspicious environment, the purest sssociaiioo, aod the highest men tal and physical training. We oaonot afford merely to arrest tbe thought of psrenthood; but we must form and train the thought of childhood. We must de velop thought into oooviclion, oonviction must grow into principle, and principle must be aroused to action. Convinoe boy that a'oohol will injure his physicsl faculties, and dwarf bis mental growth, convince a boy that sin agsinst na ture is a bin against Ood; that I rio against the body ia as fatal as a sin against the soul, and you have a temper ance ally id that boy. He will abbor the evil of strong drink. When we introduce into our publio schools a system of oonseientious traioiog along this line of work, bringing all sci entiGe facts and experiments to our as sistance, and prove to the sight aod rea son of our children that alcohol is sn ab solute evil, then we shall bavo prepared a coming eenention of voters to deal with the temperance question at the polls Education ot mind and conscience is equally necessary for both sexes. When we remember that our daughters are the future housekeepers of our ooaolry, then we realise the necessity of their prepara tion to meet theissne that so closely affect the aorrow or happiness of tbe home. If every girl in Amerioa would stamp with disapproval and disgrace the young man ho drinks, and positively refuse him a icial recognition, how quickly the evil would disappear. If the white hands of American womanhood would never be laid in holv marriage service within the bsnd that olaspa the intoxicating glass, how soon a reform would begin. Young women have resting upon them most largely the responsibility of solving the old question of heredity and environment so far ss the problem of the drink evil is concerned. They csn remedy this evil to a great eitent, and how necessary that they should be eagerly taught to throw their influence against this greatest curse of thtir hcautilul homeland. Let our ambition be to give to tbe world sola, whose nobility of purpose and true ideals will lift humanity to higher standards of living. Lot ua give to those sods for help-meets soch grand, lofty-minded women that will encourage them in the battle of life, and make for them sweet, wholesome home atmo phort, where love aod purity dwell. When we thui train our youth, and develop their beat endeavor, then America oan enroll with the iters and stripes the whit fljg of temperanoe to tbe world, point wiib pride to the watch lighti burning on the sacred home altars of her people. Virginis Call Sunt. I'reaa Wnrk, W. U. T. U., 'Vol- don, N C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $33,000. For ten years thia institution has provided banking facilities lu stockholders and direotors have beon identified with the buai facilities for thu acction mines! interosts of 'I'ftx and Northampton sonntiea for mauT veare. Money ia loaned upon ap P'oved lecnritv .1 iV,a ,.1. r inir...i ! ixir centum. Aooounts of 111 arc 'elicited. President: V!.PidBnf. Cashier: w- K. DANIEL. Vice-President: , D. H. W. LEWIS, Jackson, Northampton oounty, W. R. SMITH N. 0. I The largest and best plant in A - the State. KOH OVIiKHIXTV YEARS. MRU. WlNHl.OW'8 SOOTIIINO SYRUP hs b?n n'H far over 90 y?rs by mill ions of mothers lor their ohildrcn whit teeibini. with perfect suooens. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays paiu; ourea wind oolio, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold hv DrutriMsts in every part of the world. Twentv-five eents a bottle. Be aure and ask for"Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. You take the finest w man, with lb' iofcs in her checks, An' all th' birds a-singin' in her voioe each time sha speaks ; Her hair all black an' gleamin' or a glowin' masa 0' gold An' still th' tale 0' beauty isn't more tb'o halfway told. There ain't a word thit tells it ) all description it defies Tbe molherlook that lingers in bsppy woman's eyes. A woman's oyes will spark lo in her innocence and lun, Or snsp wnrnin' message to th' ones sho wants to shun. In pleature or in anger there is always han'aomeoeas, But still there is a beauty that was surely made to bless A beauty that grows sweeter, sn' that all but glorifies Th' motherlook that sometimoi comes into a woman's eyes. It ain't a smile exactly yet it'i brimmin' full 0' joy, An' meltiu' into sunshine when she bends above her boy Or girl when it's a-tlcepio', with its dreams told in its (aoe ; She smoothes i's hair, an' pels it as she lifts it to its place. It leads all th' expressions, whether grave, or gay, or wise Th' motherlook that glimmers in a lovin' woman's eyes. There ain't picture of it. If there was they'd have to paint A picture of a woman mostly angel an' some saint, And make it atill be human an' they'd have to blend the whole. There ain't a picture of it, for no one can paiot a soul, No one oan paint tbe glory oomin' straight from paradise The motherlook that lingeis in a happy woman's eyes. MARKS OF LONGEVITY. PHYSICAL INDICATIONS THAT YOU MAY STUDY POR YOURHtLP. NOT IN DANGER. U the 1 1 R Y person oarrici with him i physical indications of bis longevity. A long-lived person msy be distinguished from a short lived person at sight. Id many instances physician may look at the head of a patient and tell whethsr he will live or die. The primaiy conditions of longevity are that the heart, lung and digestive or gans as well as the brain should be large. If these organs are large tbe trunk will be long and the limbs comparatively short, The person will appear tall in stsnding, The hand will have a long and somewhat heavy palm and short fin gers. The brain will be deeply seated, as shown by the orifice of tbe ear being low. The blue hazel or the brown hazel This story comes from a representative from Mississippi.' A whangdoodle, hard shell preacher was holding forth and wouDd up a Aiming sermon with a icro- alion which eauie near taking the shingles off the house. He said : "My brethren aud sisters, ef a man's full of religion you can't hurt him. There was lbs throe Arabian children; they put 'cm in a fiery lurnacc helled seven times hotter than it could be bet, an' it didn't swings a har on their heds; no, not a single har. An' there was John the Evaogeler; they put him an' where do you think brethreo sol sistern, they put him? Why they put him iu a cala dronic of bilmg water an' ile an' biled him all night an' didn't crack his shell. An there was Dao'el; they put him in a lion's den an' what, my fellow travelers an' companions in sin, do you think he flf eye, as showing an intermission of tern- wa9 Put 10 ' llon 8 lor ' wbT ,et nerament. is a favnrahla inilinniinn Th. P"yin' three times a day. Doo't be nostrils being large, open and free indi- brethren aod sistern, I don't cates large lungs. A pinched and half tWlak ""J of yau will ever get in a lion's SHE WAS BRED IN OLD KENTUCKY. When a lad, 1 stood one day by a cottage far away, And to me that day all nature seemed more grand, For my Sue, with blushes red, had just promised we should wed, And I'd eome to S9k her mother for her hand, As I told the oH, old tale of a love that ne'er ehou'd fail, The gray-haired mother stroked her daughter's bead, And I fancied I oould traoe just a tear on har kind face As she plaoed my sweetheart's hand in mine and said, CHORUS. Sha was bred in old Kentuoky, where the meadow grass is blue, There's the sunshine of the country in ber face aod manner, too, She was bred io nld Kentucky; take her, boy; you're mighty lucky When you marry a girl like Sue. Many years have passed awaysinee that well remembered day. When to that dear old Kentucky home I came ; And my happiness through life was my sweetheart, friend aod wife, For the sunshine in her heart remained the same ; I am aittisg all alone in a plaoe we've long called home, For yesterday my darling passed away ; Though io tears, I think witu joy of the day when, but a boy, That I took her hand and heard her mother say : I closed nostiil indicates weak or small lungs. These sre general points of distinction from those of short lived tendencies, but of course subject to the usual individual exceptions. Still, is is well acknowledged that the characteristics noted are expres sions of inherent potentiality, which have been proved on tbe basis of abundant sta tistical evidence. Medical Record. den I" THE FINAL BLOW. It is said that often when a woman says ' no" she means "yes," but there are signs which discourage even the most hopeful and persistent wooer. "1 didn t so much mind Hetty s say ing she'd as soon many a jumping Jack as me," staid Ethan Hatch forlornly to a sympathetic friend, "nor I didn't much care when she said she'd rather stay at home than go out to Jordan's park with such a slow coach as I was, but when Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Dnbealtby Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes Ihrout-h your kidneys once every three minutes. I he kidneys are your blood purifiers, they III. ter out ilie wasio or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out c( orjer, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to netrlertM kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though Ihey had heart trouble, because the heart la over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves thai nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy ia soon realized. It stands the highest lor Its wonderful cures of the most distressing coses and Is sold on its merits fry7 by all druggists in fifty- prfmBwwinm'Erft cent and one-dollar siz- Ei-ir!H TlrfiH'a You may have a iS&iSsm sample bottle by mail iicm. o sunp.Booe. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out It you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's - Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, M.Y., on every bottle. E. KINO Otr ALL COUGH MEDICINES Mr. E. 0. Case, a mail carrier of Can ton Center, Conn., who had been in the I U. S. Servioe for about sixteen years, ssys: " We have tried many cough med- she told me sbe d got to help ber mother I icines for croup, but Chamberlain s iron when 1 asked her to go with me I vougn nemeay is King 01 all and one to aown in me center lor some ice cream adjoining counties.aud in the Supreme be relied upon every time. We also find soda I sow '(wasn't much use hanging 00 I conrt of the Slate. Special attention given I it the best remedy for ooughs and colds, I any longer." giving results and leaving no bad after effects. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C , W. E. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Qarysburg, N. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and to collections and prompt returns. TAKING CARE OF THE BABY. W.J.WARD, THE UPWARD LOOK. She was bred in old Keotucky, where the meadow grass is blue, There's the sunshine of the country io bur face and manner, too, She was bred in old Kentucky; take her, boy; you'rs mizhty lucky When you many a girl like Sue. THE MOTHER. :ny yourbilp a pliasur por mothir'8 8aki. Just tbe knowledge that you have a mother should be sufficient to fill your life with sunshine, and make pleasant evers duty asaigoed you by her. 01 oourse, our girl reader loves her mothet HEARTSEASE. "It is of no use to tell me to look for ward," esid one in great trouble, the other day, to s friend. "The worst of uiy trouble, I know lies ahead. To look back upon the past, beforo this shadow came, simply adds to my agony. I can only sit io tbe darkness, and shut my eyes to everything, aod hear as best I may." "There is always one way left," ssid the friend, gently. "When we cannot louk forward or backward we oan look The world ia but s restiog place on upward. I have been ia every whit I our journey to the grave and sometimes hard a plaoe as you, and I sat a long we are tired in body and soul and feel while in darkness before finding the way the burden of lire bard to bear. out. Trv the unward look it ia meant PORTUNATI ARK THOSE WHO ONI IIAVIN OP REST. fortunate are those wbo have one for just such sorrows as this, which seems ... . . 1 l 1 I. r .... .....! . . . . tut let your little sots 01 sinuous H 000 irue ana trueiiDg l0 sibut in the soul inexorably. It we your affeolion. Deny yourselt t lew pleasures for mother's sake: be interested The following rules for the care of tbe baby have been sent out by the Mayor of Huddertficld, England: Always feed the baby at regular inter' vale, every three hours. Always keep the baby very elean. Always bathe (or sponge all over) the baby once a day in warm water, Always let the baby s'eep in a cradle or cot; a wicker basket makes s good oot (or eveo an empty packing case.) Always use fullers' earth to powder the baby, oot starch or flour. Always attend to the baby when it ones. 1 be baby cries lor one ot three reasoDs: (1) The baby is hungry, or (2) tbe baby is uncomfortable or hurts, (3) the baby is ill. Merer give tbe baby soothiog syrups fever powders or anything of that sort. Never give tbe baby bread or soups or DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDINO, WEI.DON, N. 0. piaiy QEO. C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Practices in allStateand Federal courts Collection of claims in Halifax and ad Bomothiog I joining counties. oiouey 10 loan on approvca security. Attorney for First National Bank. DE. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. iCTlARLES MILLER WALSH, Ttui iiuuiuiuir ui niutv "'uana of every description. Freight prepaid on all shipments B,, delivery guaranteed. Write for "gus and prioes Work Delivered At Any Depot. ctUly. tjaaAh Iron Fencing, Vases , eto., for cemetery ana omer , nnrrjoses at lowest prices- ' !.SATI8FACTI0N GUARANTEED. There are two things that are not na tural. The "fop" end the "mule." IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush io mad chase after health from one extreme leddism to another, wheo, if they would ooly eat good food, aod keep their bowels regular witY Dr. Kios's New Life rills, their troubles would all pass sway. Prompt relief and quick cm for liver and stomach trouble 25o. at aoy drug atore; gusrao-teed.. in the things that interest her. "But, says one of our girls who thinks it brainy" to act independent, "momer doesn't oaler to my ideas, wby snouia 1 ester to hers ?" My dear girl, by pleas ing mother you are only doing what a womanly girl should do, and wnst gin would be uowomanly? Talk over your affairs with mothet; shs has ths wisdom that comes with yeara and is capable of managing and direoting all that pertains to the life of ber girl. Mother will serve you from no self-interest, but her wiss counsel and good advtoe will spring irom pora fountain of love aod she has only her gill's welfare at heart. Trust mother, she will uring you safe into port. Keep ooeeerel from mother; well does she koow the stumbling blooks ia your path, and willingly she will lead you around then. If from ny negleet and indiffer ence mother and you have drifted opart, hasten, dear girl, to make her your friend and oompaoioo; it will make you wiser, better; it will bring baok the roses to mother's oheeks; end when the real sweet heart comes, as he is sure to, it will make htm Vi.nnv and more manlv to win for - 111 - bis owo, mcthei's girl. THKKEV THAT UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO LONG LIVING, Themes of eighty-five and ninety years of age sre not the rotund wall fed but thin, spare men wbo live 00 s alcn der diet. Be as osreful as be will, how ever, a mso psst middle rge, will occas ionally eat too mueh or of some food oot uitad to his oonstitution. and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach aod Liv er Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach snd regulate his stomach and bowela. .When this is done there is reason why the average man should not live to old age, For sale bv W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C . W. E. Bcavcns, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. gravy or aoy other food except milk till irtend to speak words of oheer aod giye l00k up, we never look io vain." it is more than 7 months old, mmmr.Ku,Bui 10 me laiteriog Bean. "Time alone oan belo such sorrows as v., ;. ,1,. k.K. .kimm. milk -JLl:l. !.t .... . . . f " (,...- uu wn.n me wun ait its mysteries and yourS)" ,d , woman who oalled herself or Bik tnat j, nok perfeotlv fresh snd a Christian, to a bereaved friend lately. There was do upward look suggested there. A heathen oould have said much. Time only can dull the edge of struggles tears tbe heart, aod the soul is bewildered snd full of doubt sod we grope in ths darkness, in which there is no rsy of light, nothing but the black' ness of despair, it is then we turn to this angel of wisdom and gentleness. In "an old farmhouse with meadows wide, And sweet with olover 00 each side" resides my guardian angel. 8he lives with the freshness snd dewy fragrance of nsture all about ber, and her mind aud heart are rich with love and kindlioess, n rural uie tnere is nothing mesa nor debasing. It lifts a msn up and nstnre's In Pralae ot Chatmnerlaltk's Cough Remedy There is no other medicine manufae- balmy breath fans the hot brow, effacing I lured that has reeeived so much praise 11 tbe cruel paio and bewilderment. And and so many expressions ot gratitude ss sbe wbo lives surrounded with nature's I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is purity and truth, speaks sweet words into I effective, and prompt relief follows its tbe esr, words which enter deep ioto tbe use. Grateful parents everywhere do sonl, and we take up life's battle with re-1 not hesitate to testify to its merits for the If the devil would appear on the floor of ths United States Senate, half of that body would claim kin with him, and do one would doubt it. OABTOnlA. BMratlo IhB Kitul You Haw lwava B AND FIRE INSURANCE, iWildox, N.O .Roanoke News Office. pain; the upward look robs suffering of its sting surely and lastingly. It is al ways possible to lift our eyes to the sky; and though at first, perhaps, we see only the clouds, we shall Dud it true belore long that "Over all onr tears God's rain bow bends. Never use a feeding bottle with a long I tube. Nobody oan keep the inside of I tube clean. J. A. ALSTON newed strength and fortitude. Her words fall on th bleeding heart like a benediction, and as she speaks ths san- sbine ereeps into our heart with all its old lime sweetness our chilled heart is warmed and our soul is fed. Whea benefit of others. It is a eertais cure for croup and will prevent the attack if given at the first appearanoe of the dia It is especially adapted to children as it is ploasant to take and oontains nothing injurious. Mr. E, A. Hum- Never carry the baby "sitting op" un til it is 5 months old. Never negleit to send for 1 doctor if I the baby is ill. Babies are soon over come aod easily die. No Opium lu Cnamberlalu'a Cough Remedy. There is not the least danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children as it oontains do opium or other harmful drug. It has an established reputation ot more tnao thirty years as tbe most sucoesstul medicine id use for eolds, croup snd whoopiog ooug It always cures and it is pleasant to take. Children like it. For sale by W. M, Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N.C., J. A. Hswka. Garysburg, N. C. FINE Family Groceries, death has stolen ioto our midst aod laid pbreya, a well known resident and clerk low some beloved one, and silent grief is in the store of Mr. h. Lock, of Alios, breaking our heart it is then we kneel I Cape Colony, South Africa, aaya: "1 side by a:de wltb this sweet friend and I have used Chamberlain's Cough llemody pray, the flood-gates are opened, aod the to ward off oroup and oolda iu my family. hot tears we thought would never oome, 1 1 found it to be very satisfactory aod it fall like rain. I gives me ploasure to rcoommend it." Sorrow is life's greatest purifier. Ooly For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldi great hearts suffer intensely aod it is for tbem nature s smiles srs brightest. TORTURE OF A PREACHER The story of the torture of Rev. A D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harpersville, N: Y,, will ioterest you. He says: ' I suffered agonies, beosuae of a per-istent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up io bed. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. Kiog's New Disoovsry for Consumption, Coughs snd Colda, which entirely cured ssy cough, sod saved me from consumption." A grsnd oure for diseased condition of the Throat aod Lungs. At aoy druggist; price 6O0 aod $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. N. C, W. E. Beavans, Enfield, N. 0. J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. "lis mors commendable to win virtues at home, than yiotoiies in battle. When you want pleasant laxative take Chamberlain's Stomach snd Liver Tablets- Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfiold, N. O, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. Ths devil never doss much business with the fellow who is real busy. FURIOUS FIGHTING. "For seven years," writes George W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., I had a bit- tsr battle, with chronic stomaoh snd liver trouble, but at last I woo .and eared mj diseases, by the use of Eleotrio Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't intend to be without tbem in the bouse. 1 bey are certainly t won derful medicine, to have oured such s wondeiful ease as mine." Sold, inder guarantee to do the same for you, by all druggists, at duo a bottle. Try them todsy. 'Tis not the fellow who reaohss "goal" that gets the "gold." ths It is hard to tell whether the "new woman" is male or female. The fellow who "does" his friends. "does well" often "Curses" often oome from "customs." "Good fellows" are seldom good eiti- IODS. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the) Signature of A FEARFUL FATE. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry Colston, of Masonville, Ia., "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Buck' en s Arnica salve is tbs best cure made." Also beat for outs, burns snd injuries. 25o. it any druggist. PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Herrimac Club and Pride of Virginia, nict and mellow Kar stocked with Choice Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, Weldon N.O. 10-31-ly DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY TELEPHONE? The Number is Constantly being Added to CALL OUR BAHAGER AKD SEB A TELEPHONE LINE IS THE DOORWAY THROUGH WHICH TO REACH THEM WHY NOT OPEN IT? For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Home Talephon and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N.Cr