gp MJf?; III s33sll TERMS:-'15" annum in aivante A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE NO. 32 VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C T11UKSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1905. n i (IT c. I TELLING HER SO. jpjjljpsiSMSTI HE LOVED II IH DEVOTEDLY, BUT NIVER TOLD HER SO. Tlio Kind You lluvo Ahviys Bought, nnd wliicli lias been - In uso lor over ;k ynitrs, lins uonie the algiiauiro or nnd has been nmdn under bin pcr (TT donnl miporv ision sjlnoo Its Infancy. CUcMv, Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All OiiuitcrlVHR, Imitations nnd"Junt-as-eood"nre but Ivvpci'lnii'iits that li'lllo with nnd endanger tlio beulth of IiitUnU nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric. Drops and Kootlilnjf Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nnr other Narcotic) siilistnnce. Its njfc is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllnys FevcrixImcN. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nnd ltowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Punaeea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of THE SILVER LINING. 4M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI ecNTMUN toMHNV, TT MURNAT ITMIT, NEW VOHK OfTV. A Swell DfESSEfS FINDaatisfaction in our High t'lus Rcudv to-wenr uinieiil. Thryhaveull the fit, all t lit quality, all Hie permanent shapeliness of the let mer chant tailoring Nothing is Licking except the costliness. If jou are determined to Bpend on utiuecenwary amount of money tor clothes, clothes, you get rum h better effecta in buying two of our suite for the price yon would pay for one made to order. More Clothes and Less Money-- tied up in s few garment is the tendency among people of taste. A SLIGHT ALTER A T 1 0 N We fit everybody rri ii irr's nothirg wrongs with -a- Arthur, I hope, said Mr. Lob dell to his daughter, in whose bands were t number of o'oscly written sheets of foreign note paper, Although Mr. Lob del eat on It e other tide of the hearth, he noticed that several tiara bad fallen on the letur, Mrs. Bentoo was reading "I've nevor been quite Bure,Elleo,that you diJ the right thing when you let the boy go to Paris to study. It's easy for a young fellow like him to get weaned from home. We ought o heehim n ar us. Now, if he's iD any trouble " "He isn't, father. Ho's very well, and biuy with his work, and he life written me such a desr letter for my birthday that well, it made his foolish mother or; a little, Read it, father." Mrs' Benton gate him the letter, and then took from the mantel photograph of a bright, boyish faoe, whose fearless, honcBt eyes seemed to answer her tender gaze. Mr. Lobdell glanced at the first page hastily. The pleasures of correspondence bad never especially appealed to bin, and he was rather scornful of long letters In moment he adjusted bis glasaei more secuiely, and began to read slowly, hen at last be came to the end, be folded the sheets carefully and n them in the envelope, sighing as he did so. "It's beautiful letter, Ellen, beaut i ful: strong and manly, too, he laid, in reply to his daughter's look, "but makes me sad." "Whyfatbei? I thought it. would make you glad, not sad." It does make me glad for you and for him, but it takes me baek to my own boyhood. Arthur says that the thought of you is his inspiration, his safeguard that be carries your image in his heart1 and with your picture io bis pooket he oaunot go to an; p'ace where be couldn't take you. It was just so with my moth er. Tbe tliought of her goodness kept mc out of many a eorapc, and I loved her just as Arthur does you, but I never told ber so. What wouldn't I give, El len, to have written her letter like this one! Mrs. Benton knelt by her father's side and took his band. "Grandmother always understood," she said. "She knew how you loved her." "Yes. perhaps, but what t oomfort There's never a day so sunny But a little cloud appears , There's never a life so happy But has its lime of tears ; Vet the sun shiocs out the brighter Whenever the tempest clears. There's never a garden growing With roses in every plot ; There's never a heart so hardened But it has no tender spot ; We have only to pruno the border To find the forget-me-not. There's never I lun that rises But we know 'twill set at night ; The tints that gleam io tbe morning At evening are just as bright, And ibe hour that ii the iweeteat Is between the dark and light, There's never dream so happy But the waking makes us sad ; There's never a dream of sorrow But the waking makes us glsd ; We shall look some day with wonder At the troubles we have had. it DREAMS FOR SALE, If dreams were sold io tbe market-place, What kind of dream would you buy? Tbe maiden answered with glowing face, And the love-light in her eye, "I would buy a dream of a gallant ship Coming dancing over the foam ; Of a captain bold in bis stars of gold, And her sails all set for home." Visits Curei Tie Blues. EIOELLENT REMEDY DISCOVERED BY A BACHELOR GIRL, "I have discovered an excellent reme dy for my old maid blues," said the bachelor girl. 1 1 have times like any other unmarried girl of being discontent ed with single blessedness and of wish ing that I had borne and a double life. Now, when I feel one of these moods coming on I go straight to spend tlio afternoon with some young mariied friend, and I return home happy and I oontented with my lot. "Maybe I'm nicked, but when I hear the baby whining and tee it taking up its mother's time when she wants to road and sew 1 think of my little den, where I can read all night with no one to dis turb me. When I find I can t intercut her in any jolly talk about the theaters I or what is going on in tho world, but must ooofine conversation to tbe price of I coal, the oost of living, baby's new tooth and hubby's ills, 1 fairly thrill with joy to think I oan soon go to my bachelor If dreams were sold in the market-place, If dreams were sold in the market-place, I quarters and have the companionship of What kind of a dream would you buy? I would buy a dream" said a happy youth, "Of honor and purpose high, Wrought in the work of the ooming years, A dream of a loving bride, Of work well done and a home well won, And of children by my aide. What kind of dream would you buy ? other bachelor girls in tbe apartment. I And tbe man uplifted oalra, still faoe I know I don't have all tbe comforts my To the light of the western iky : married friends do, but when they oook "I would ask a dream of my younger they are obliged to have all sorts of uteo days sils around and stir up trouble for them A dream of the household band ; I selves generally; while my eooking Of the bills and rills, the vales and dsles, confined to a chafing dish and its few Of my obildhood'a native land," So ever and on the soul would dream, From its first hour to its last ; of If drm. were sold in the market-plaoe. What kind of dream would you buy ? Backward and forward in searoh And the mother lifted a tender faoe, good, And said with a longing sigh, In memory and wishes east, "I would buy a dream of my absent boy, But, oh, the joy when we shall awake For what oould be sweeter bliss Io the laod wo are going to, Thao to clasp his hand in the land of And find the good and beautiful dreams And give him a mother's kiss ?" Of our hearts have all come true I DISASTERS FOR THE COMING YEAR "OLD MOORE MAKES MA" DI0TION8 WHICH WiLL 0AD8I DIS COMFORT TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN HIS PROPHECIES. 0: 13, of oourse, sometimes neoeasary, but it amounts to no more than your tailor tkt when he gives you your "try on." Don't make tho mistake of buying a fal nil or an overcoat without seeing our line. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. . nil II .1.. l NOt Sgain UIQ Kioore, in '- msnac prophet, has awakened and written. But his dream of 1906 la so aroaiing that it is a wonder he ever regained consciousness. Ilis familiar white almanac, with its grotesque hieroglipbioB leads off with dis asterDeath plying his sickle lustily h land and sea. Then come financial and pleasure it would be to me to have CXposures, outrages, murders and earth. told ber as your boy, Uod bless mmi nas qUaie shocks. told you. ioutn a uompaoioo. keen them in the nouse.l - r. . . . r - . ..... 'Virv l X-j 8 AC? lake one when you teeiDii-i u w. rj ii n , i: . -ru.. n : i H r", , "i lous or uuy. nicy uur I ctt i y vii iiiw ii -i i,owpm. m .i Ayettl Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE beautiful brown or rlct bl.tck ? Use inirm, i4m . i . uu. c.. sua. . No Opium In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There ia not the least danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children as it oontsins no opium or other harmful drug. It has an established reputation of more than thirty years as the moat successful medioine in use for colds, croup and whooping eough. It always cures and it is pleasant to take. Children like it. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N. C. W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks. Garyshurg, N. C. But for all this, January will not see an manv unemployed in the streets, and in the house of oowmons there will be .n nnwnnted sne'ctsole "the govern- just sucn apiaoe as yon represent, now hbiuiii i.wi.Mit. - - - February is to be distinguished by ALARMED TOO SOON. HI WAS LOOKING TOR A ROOM MATI. A few weoks ago a lady living in the vioinity of Copley square was approaehel by a particular young man lodger, who said : "Mrs. H., if you oould find joBt the right kind of fellow, one who would appreciate a good home at a law price. It would be agreeable to me to have a room-mate so as to reduce my ex penses." A lady friend suggested that Mrs. H. make the want known at the Y, M. C. A., where one would be sure of getting just the right person. This was done, and the face of the young man at the desk lighted up right away as he said : "I think I have just the man for you ; stranger of good address has baeo around here for several days looking for acoessonea. If 1 must oonttoe myseit to cresmed oysters, and such menus, bava six dishes to wash, while my mar ried friends have about fifty. "I took supper with my dearest mar ried friend last evening and proposed that we go to tbe theater afterward. But she couldn't becsuse Alfred that's ber husband never liked to have her out when ha was going to bs home. My ntxt proposition wss that I read to hi while she sewed, but she said my read- ing would disturb the baby. I euggested a game of pitch, but she oouldo't find the chips becsuse tbe baby had hid them So I deoided to go home. That seemed to please her. for she yawned and said she bed to go to bed early because baby waked her at 5 o'olock every morn ing. "I fairly tore home and I wanted hug everything io my room. Of course, there was do person to greet me, there was my Maltese cat ourled up oomfort on my oouob, and io the next room were two of the dearest girls in the world with whom I oould ehat if I lonely. I made a delicious rabbit called in my neighbors, and at 12 o'olock I want to bed, glad that there was no bsby to wake me at 5 o'clock " HIS LITTLE BIT OF MAGIC. I REQUIRED A HW CALLERS, A HE DELIVERED Till OOODS. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidney9. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. but MR H . Woimuii was fretting. " It's a'mcst 8 o'clock now," lie said. "I d .n't suppose any ono will ,p in to sec us this evening." 'Oh, l.e easy!" scolded Wobbles. What do you want of uuy one?" "I don't know," his wile answered vanuely. "I jual feci as il Id like to sec somo ono. It's 8 now, and I'm sure no one sill come to see u. So Wobbles wis informed when it wbh n minutes pasi o anu agaiu mien Drtceu minutes past 8, aod so on until he became more and more irritated. "Yes," he cried, "I heard the clock and knowthot it is now half past 8 with out your telling mel I know that no one has cornel 1 oen see that for myself can't I? Hut, look hcrel Do you want callers so very badly this evening?'' "Why, yes, I do," his wife answered. I don't know just what tho feehog is, but 1 sort of long for some one to drop io for a little while. Why do you ask? You speak as if you could dj something about it." I can," declared Wobbles. "I'm sure enough niagioiaol In five minutes by a very simple act of magio I cao briog the Browns, the Dorkins and the Christoohors all in a bunch at our floor. Vnn nan?" said looredulous Mrs. Wobbles. "I'd like to see you do It. Have at them!" said Wob bles. I'Simd" uliB cried. "Why. what are vou doing?" For Wobbles had torn the lambrequin from the mantelpiece In tbe middle ot the room he made a pilo of ohairs and sofa pillows. He koocked over a He tore up newspapers pieces over the floor. "Vrestol" said Wobbles Some ono knocked on the door. There were the Christophers. He pulled out some bureau drawers, and the Browns were heard in the hall belo v. The Dor kins were s'ill absont, but to bring them all that was necessary was to upset the coal scuttle. "I never knew it to fail," Baid Wob bles. "When your house is upset you'll aiiralv have callerH New York Prew. W-hich in the greatest riddle in th world? Life, because wo must all give it up. All the LlooJ in your body passes through your Kidneys onue every three minutes. inc Muneys are your LLod purifiers, ihey fil ter out the wast or Impuniic3 In the blood. U they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu m.niLtn come from ex ccj3 of urio acid In the tl jod, due to neglected am kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart bmt:, makes one feel as though they tud hart trouble, because the heart ia over-wjrkuij; in pumping thick, Hdney- pol:;oncd biooa inrougn veins and arteries. It used to bs considered that only urinary troubles were to bs traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in Ki.iney iroutie. It you are sick ycu can mane no mistane by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary eftect of Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Koot, the great kidney remedy la soon realized. It stands the highest for Us wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits bv alldrupsistsinlihy-. cent and one-dollar si;- Rj b-HlHi You may have a sample bottle by mail Home of Bwimp-Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out it you have Kidney or Diaaaer uoudio. Mention th.s paper vnen writing ut. Mimer (i Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer 6 Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, H. Y., on every bottle. and table. Mattered mm E. T- CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining countiea.aud in tbe Supreme court of the rttate. Special attention given tA collection and prompt returns. W. J. WARD, Tie Bank of W elk -4;::WEL1)0N N. C.i OpiieA Mer Tie Lais of the Statu of North Carolina, suoh strange happenings as religious con troversies, and ere the nation baa recov ered from the novelty Maroh will oome io with a great stir about hospital man agement, a taE on bioyoles, great time r. .),;. lh: rin South Africa aod for Britoos in France, But April ia to see something almost comic a great olearanoe of the streets of bogus blind and lame beggars, lo this month, too, the Crystal Palaoe will be burned. In Mav the dreamer's soul reaohes a is l.nouaee and a world s brotherhood. Next he sees a viaion of farm colonies gathering in IrampB, vagaoouas wastrels. In Julv many wealthy poople will die, trade wiP flourish and Russia will make . rnr Tndi. August ia to see bank smaBh. September is to bear some A FEARFUL FATE. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I oan truthfully say," writes Harry Colston, of you will Sod hia at (giving the address.) Mssonville, Ia., "that for Blind, Bleed Just say to him that I sent you." ;Dg Itching and Protrudiog Piles, Buck Mrs. 11. found the plaoe all right, enl Arnica Salve is the best oure also two young meo, eaoh about 25 years mtde," Also best for outs, burns and Why is a street ear a safe place io i thunderstorm? Because it has a oonduo When vou want a pleaaut laxtiva lake t'liamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Snld hv W. M. Coho. Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A Hawks, Qaryabura, N. C. THEY TELL A DIFFERENT STORY. There are peculiarities of our English language which no other language ei hibits. Pid you ever notice how many English words are formed by simply dropping a'ternate letters for example, wheat, heat, eat, at; sham, ham, am wheel, heel, eel: whale, hale, ale, and I soores of others ? Again, we have io our mother tongue i i L . .1 - I. . tWO WOriK wniOO, JOIOEU Ulgnuer, ui. , jr. . distinct word of an entirely different 'J ft"?- . toner win lie uuuDpuuMGu v of age, in the doorway. To one of them she said: "I am looking for a Mr. X. at this number." "Tha that's my name, was tbe re ply. "Well." oontinued Mrs. H., "your ama was given me by the olark at the Y, M, U. A., who said you wera looting for a roommate; now, I' "Ye ye yes, broke in tbe Diusniug vounn mao. "I I was; but 1 want a gentleman " Boston Herald. injuries. 25o. at any druggist. What knitting is every lady able to do without knitting needles? Knitting ber brows. AUGUST 20TH, 1892. 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNI Y DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. sale killing of little shops by big stores, Many railroad accidents and some coal mine disasters will blacken November December is to witness damagiog tides the south coast, and a host of destruo C1PIT&L &N0 SURPLUS $33,000. For ten years this Institution baa provided banking facilities for this section ItSiluokuoideraaoddirootora have hoon identified with the business interests ot Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upoo ap proved soourity at tho legal rate of interest six per contuiu. Accounts ot all are olicited. President: Vice-President: Cashier: W: E. DANIEL. Dr. H. W. LEWIS, W. II. 8MITH- Jackson, Northampton oounty, N. C. I meaning, just as a sing'e word disjointed does. Take the words "aiooo and "rely I nr the senarate word "sinoerely." To illustrate : Your letter, came, in words that j me ueanv. - I . , . You wrote them sweet, most truly and live fires, and on lop 01 it ait uiu i..u sioo-relv. has the ooorage lo wisn everyuouj For praise like that heroes might gladly n,DDV New Year. London Telegraph oie, i lu Praise of Clialmbrrlaln's Cough Remedy There is no other medicine manufao- i.,l ik.t h.a merited so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude Chamnerlain's Cough Remedy. It effeotive, and prompt relief follows its fir.tefnl Barents everywhere do THE KEY THAT UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO LONG LIVING. The men of eighty-five aod ninety years of sge are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slen der diet. Be as careful as ht will, how ever, a man past middle age, wilt oecas-1 t),e bark. ionally eat too much or of some food not suited to bis constitution, aod will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomaoh aod Liv er Tablets to oleaose aod invigorate his stomaoh aod regulate his stomach aod bowels. When this is done there is do reason why the average mao should not live to old age. Forsalsby W. M. Coheo, Weldon, N. C, W.E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, QarjBburg, N. C. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health from one extreme faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keen their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief aod quick cure for liver and stomsch trouble. 25c, at any drug store; guaran teed. Why is a little dog's tsil liko the heart of a tree? Because it is farthest from But en anoiher'slove you sinoe rely. FOR OVER SIXTV If EARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrdp haa been used for over 60 years by mill ioni of mother: for their children while hinir wilb ncrfect success. It soothes the child, Boftena the gumB, allays nain: cures wind colic, and is tne remedy lor Diarrhoea, I The largest and best plant A the State. UaCHARLES MILLER WALSI1, tiuarrier and Maoufaoturor of MON- I UMBNTS. TOMBS. ORAVE WSVAlso Iroo Fencing, Vasee STONES of every description. Freight prepaid oi all shipments cafe delivery guaranleel. Write for igos and priocs ih- ii will al best relieve the poor liitlo sufferer immediately. Sold I , hesitate to testily to its merits for tb. hv ruiruisls io every pan or ine wonu. v.n. r others, it is a oenain Twcoty-five oenls s bottle. Be sure ana k for" .Mr. " mslow soooining oviuf, W. W. KAY, Family Grocer, WELDON, N. C. Dr. Bouvier's Buchu Gin Ren n mended by best physicians of the country. A sure cure for all KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WEI DON, N. 0. pi!) It QEO. 0. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDlNfi. Practices in all State and Federal courts Collection of claims in Halifax and ad joining counties. Moiit?T to loan on npprovea secnnij. Attorney for First National Bank. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, iWxldoh, N.O .Roanoke News Office. J. A. ALSTON FINE Family Groceries RlDDLBS.- desth? Lie -What do still. liars do FURIOUS FIGHTING. "For seven vears." writes George W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., I had a bit ter battle, with chronio stomach aod liver trouble, but at last I woo.and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, aod don't intend to be without them io the boose. They are certainly a won derful medicine, to have cured such a wondeiful oase as mine." Sold, under after euaraote to do the earns for you, by P.. . . . . rn l ..I. n. .1 all druggists, at duo. a oome. irj luem today. Best of Wines, Whiskeys and Brandies al ways on hand. I keen the best of every thing in my line. BA-Polite attention to all at Kay s, mv 2 ly. PROVISIONS, Cigars and Tobacco." Fine Whiskies AND WINES- Merriraac Club and Pride of Virainia, nic and mellow Bar stocked with Choico Drinks of every aino. Cor. Washinitton Ave., and First 'Street, and take do other kind. etc., for cemetery ana otner , mironHAH at lowest nncea. ISS.SATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. Work Delivered At Any Depot. Why was the whale that swallowed J o- oah like a milkman who haa made his fortune? Beoause he got a great profit rut of the water. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bean the Blgnaturt sf for croup aod will preveot the attack if given at the first appearance of the dis ease It Is especially adapted to children bb it is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. A. Hum nhrcys, a well known residont and olerk in the store ot Mr. K. liooa, oi anoe, Cape Colony, South Afrioa, says: "I have used Chamoorlain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and oolds io my family. I fouod it to be very satisfao.ory and gives me pleasure to recommend it. Vnt.ilobv W. M. Coheo, Weldon TORTURE OF A PREACHER, The story of tbe torture of Rev. A. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist ehuroh, of Harpereville, N. Y., will interest you. He rays: 1 1 suffered agonies, beoause of a per'isteot oough, resultiog from the grip. I had to sleep sittiog op in bed. I Hied many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. Kiog's New Diseovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, PPOMATTOX IRON WORKS Why ix a waiter liko a race bnrsc? Eo cause be often runs for sleeks (stakes,) plates or cups, KINO OS? ALL COUCH MEDICINES Mr. E. G. Case, a msil oarrier of Can ton Center, Conn., who had been in the U. 8. Servioe for about aixteen years, ..... . L J ssys: " we Dave inea many oougu meu ieinea for croup, but ' Chamberlain's which entirely eured my oough, aod (jough Remedy is king of all and one to saved me from consumption." A grand ,( te-lej Up0 e,ery time. We also find oure for diseased condition of the Throat j( tD( BMj remedy for ooughs and oolds, and Lungs. At any druggist; price 50o jjjtjng results and leaving no bad after and 11.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle tBtsli A 23 to 34 Old Street. PETERSBURG. VA. Mann facturers of Machinery, Shafting.Pulleys Agricultural Implements. N. C , W. E. Beavens, Enfield, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. 0. free. Why is an egg overdone like an egg underdone? Beoause it is baldly done. CABTOltlA. Fr sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C , W. E. Beavens, Eofleld, N. C , J. i A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. 0. N. C. Burs the Blguatars at ,lln Kindlon Han Mwari BoiitB What Is that which works when it nlavs and dIsvs when it works? A foun- Havine bouubt out Steel & Alexan der, founders and machinists, with all natterns. we are now prepared to fur nish parts to machines formerly made by tbem. HYDRAULIC PRESSES ,na, PEANUT MACHINERY ipMWty Mill work and castings of all kinds i second hand machinery for sale cheap, Call on us or write lor what you want. Telephone Service is the Modern Genius WITH A TELEPHONE IN YOUR HOUSE THE RESOURCES OF THE WHOLE STATE ARE AT YOUR ELBOW : i For Rates apply to Local For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER OP Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON. . . N.C. i