AIDVEITISIIfcTQ- IRA-TBS-moderate. A. NEWSPAPER POK, THE PEOPLE. TEBMSH'-M PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. NO. 33 AVi'Cetablc PreparaitonTor As similating itwFdodandRcgula luil! Hie SlomaclB and Bowls of 4 Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Conlains neither ()m. Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. tf(XdJtSiMUa,HTHHU A perfect Remedy forComtipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms ,Convulsions,Fevtrish noss wkI Loss or Sleep. FacSunitt Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. 9 UL ""-1 DfESSEfS lacking eicept :1 v Less led up in few garments U the tendency among people of taste. We fit everybody ft S L I & H T ALTERATJO N 13, of oourss, sometimes osctmry, but it amouots to oo mora (bio joor ttilor ike whet he gives yo jour "Irj on." Doo't mike the miittke of bajiog fit Nit or to ovtreoit without teeing oar line. H. D. ALLEN & COMPANY, WELDON. N. C. JH A IT Jud I Makes the hair grow loos and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. "-tt.rrTrFtriT',?"" The : Bank : of : Weldon, WELDON, N. C. Opizel Under The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AUGUST 80TII, J8M. STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. Capital id Sqta. $33,000. TV o k it yeen mil inmtuiion .. . n taction. lu lUwkholdera and director! oave oeeo luanuoea -A- hnin l.uuii nf H.lifai and Korthamnton oounliet lor many yetre Money ia loaned npoo approved security Cnttim . - - - II ..I I v. ui mi in pui . . TICI FBISIDtNT: Dr. H. W. LEWIS, (Jaikwl, NuLi Mui Cti , N. C ) E DANIEL, I The largest and best plant in J the State. U.CUARLES MILLER WALSH, Uoirrier and Manufacturer of MON- llUVUPJ rh .i i irl7 ""''io, i u v do, una v a STONES of at or j description. Freight prepaid on all ihipmeote oife delivery guaranteed. Writ for signs tod prion Work Delivered otllly. The Roanoke until January 1st, cash in advance. L For Infantg and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature . of In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM Tt INTAUH IIVNir. NCW T.MN tITV. minim mi iiyniiii jiiiinmiii S n ll. FIND satisfaction in our High Clan Ready -to-wear garments. Tbey have all the fit, all the quality, all the permanent shapeliness of the Itest mer chant tailoring Nothing in the eoHtliuens. If yon are determined to Ad AW apfnd an aunfeewwry amount of money lor clothes, clothe, you get mm h better effect in bnyin two of our auita for the price you would pay for one mnde to order. More Clothes and Money - uGE.TAn E S,C,L,AN Hair Renewer 30 dbi proiuru ....... ...c. .... r.:t!ii. r hi. at the legal rata of interest-sii per CiSHItt.' W. R. SMITH. teaAlao Iron Fencing, Vsaet tf&TTi etc., (or cemetery and other j-'. pnrpoaea at loweet prices. " r aajuSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. At Any Depot. News from now 1907,foronly $1 i ON HIS'.GOOD behavior. THI PMACillR, TU( DAM AND Till nun. "You mutt be on jour good behavior tl is evming, George, fur the minuter it to itke diaoer with us," (aid a Hyetrs ville lady to her woner half, aa he get home from bit office in ibe city taat Tli urn), j. 'Wht' hate jou lor dinner ?" queried the husband. "Well, I know he it fond of fish, to I bought quite a tiling of email lifer fish and several larger onea from the dam." ' I'm not much it doing the honors when we get a minister at tbe table," said Qrorge, "but guess we can get through wiih it all right." Half an hour later they were seated it the table, and a bleating had been asked by the minuter. A little nervously, the head of the family begin dishing out vegetables, and, turning to the guest, aid: "Will you hive some of the little river 6h or would you prefer some of the Jam big fish?" Tbe warning ki jk under the table from his wife was nnneceisiry. He knew he hid blundered and oolds beads of perapirition stirted out oo hit fore head. "I mem," trying to repair the error, "will yon lave some of tha dim river fith or tome of the big fish ?" Worae and more of it. (lis daughter alyly pulled bis eoal (ail to bring him to hit sense. "That is, would you like some of the river fish or some of tba other dam fith?" The deep oiroatioo tpreadiog over the good lady's face didn't mend mitten i bit, and, with a gasp, he plunged In once more. "Ahem! which of (he dam fiih do you prefer, anyway?" " DON T WORRY. A Cincinnati woman who ia noted for her amiability tays, according to the Philadelphia Telegraph, that aha ac quired the habit of oheerfuloeas by lay ing the following lines to herself every time she felt inclined to worry : Tne cow's in the hammock, The cat's in the lake, The children ire in the garbige cm What difference doet it make ? Tuis it a good enough formula for the woman who bit children and a orw and a oat, but of whit use can it be to the lady wb i lives in a childless flat ? For her benefit we take the liberty of furnish ing a few lines of her own make ; The building's afire, A lady'l who's fair la flirting with hubby But what do I care ? For the married woman who is in clined to worry and who would hoocitly rather not, these littls lines may ba ben- ficial: "My bank account ia overdrawn, The landlord's waiting for hit piy ; I've lost my job, my ooat'i in piwo Who caret a cooky, anywiy ? Let ni all aid in spreading cheerful- nee wherever and however we may. LOVE RUKIKG LIMITED. "Cupid s Ten O'c'ock Club," an or- of young women for the pur pose of limiting the houre of love mak ing, has been founded at Lngaosport, lod , with Miss Florence Moore, Presi dent, end fifteen other charter members. The members are pledged to limit swains lo two calls a week and to bid callers good night before the dock strikes 10 Penaltiei which membera declare are "aomething awful," provide for violation of oblieatinna Mm Moore believes the olub supplies a remedy for the divorea evil "Girla who are alwiya raoning around nevir learn housekeeping," the uyt. They beoome rctlleat and dissatiafied wi h the dull tried of marrud lire. They ezpeot boabaodt to devote is much lime to them it iwerthtarta did. Ibis is te'dom praoliul, bene,) the crowded docket. " Betoud donbt." b-i declares, "men re permitted lo tea loo mtoh of ibeir gill friend rvea dmiog engagement and loae much I tbetr respect. Msa. WiNSLOW'n SoOTB I NO STn hat been need for over 60 vcara bl mill loot of mothers for their children while taaihinir. with nerfect auooest. It soothes the child, aof'leos lb gums, tlliyi all pain; cures wind colic, and is tne nest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the rioor little suffirer immediately, sola hs Drairoists in everv Dart of the world. Taentv-five cents a bottle, tie sure ana ask for".Mr. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. We're not only thankful For what we receive, But we're almost resigned To whit millionaires leavel CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Bsaxs th SlgnsttortO : O CHRISTMAS, The slars that ihLe oo Chrialmsa night lleyood ill other stars are bright. For in ihcir brigblnona shinea restored The one great alar whose light outpoured His led ill nations lo the Lord ; And ill night long with solemn vuioe Tbey cry again : Kcjoice I Hi j nice I The wonder of the Cbiislmss dawn No other morn has jet put on. Oh, win white radiance, breaking slow On field and woodland wrapped in snow, Oo the worn cities and their woe ; Ob, holy message breathed again I Peace oo earth. Good will toward men. And now nolo the new born King Bring we our lowly offering Lord, take ourselves, our hopes or fears, Oar griefs, our memories, our tears. The harvest of our troubled years ; We bring them all to Thee, to Thee, And lo, once burdened, we ire free. AN OLD-TIME DANCE, De Banjo sorter gits me, 'twel I never wints ter res', En I'm hippy w'en a fiddle ii a singin' of its bos'; Den it'a "Cl'ar de way, my boney, fum de ringin', eis' ter wet', Eo dance 'twel de Daylight ray, 'Good mawoin'l" I don't kter of setlio' io de meetio' house, so still, A-lookin' at de brightoeaa oo de top er Zion Hill, De singin' er a fiddle make me lose my way en will, I'll danoe 'twel de Daylight lay, "Good mawnio'l" It's dat way in de Summer, w'en de dreamy days begin, Eo de Liurd think he runnin' er a raoe he got ter win ; But I has de fcelio' wusser w'en de Chris'mus time come io, Eo wa dance 'twel de diy light say "Good miwnin'l" Den it't never min' de weather, wid de tlingin' er de sleet, Wid de music des a-makin, sich a fidget inyo' feet ; Chiis'mus, eo a fiddle ob, dey mighty herd ter heat I Ko we'll dance 'twel de daylight say "Good mawnin I" F. L Stanton. THE SPIRIT OF IT 13 OUR FESTIVAL OF LOV10 BY THE BKSTOWMENT OF GIFTS, 01 F all the year's festival diys, Chiis'mas is peculiarly the festival of love1 Eisler commemorates the resurrection of Jesus. It is our festival of life, divine and immortil) for the power that into the lives of the millions. It comes with of the yeir when nature is awakening to sunshine, growth and beauty. Thanksgiving ia our festival of Divine God over all that He hat made. It comes muoiiiei, the earth's fruitage hu bean girnered and the year'a work draws to I elote. It ia a good lime io all pursuits to Him tha only possible return for His benefioenoe, the gratitude and appreciation o' our hearta. But Christmas ia the olimax of tbe Christian yeir. It ia our festival of love, and as such ia it not beautifully fitting that tha ment of gifts? It is as natural for love to to grow. Tha spirit of Christmas ia the spirit of classes of people, carrying into every soul try. It Itviihoa gifts in homes of wealth Cbr'.atmis tu the day when God give and that marvelous gift of the ages has given birth to the apiiit of giving among remanbianoet to just is many people as we to our friends and to tha poor. It doesn't friendahip. Remember particularly the livei that are cast in hard pi acts. Lift a mortKiee. Div t debt, send a check to the brave woman who ia fighting for be' children. Bring the young man or young woman who is away from home to you, own fireside. Send a Christmas dinner whareyon are sure there would be a scanty one if you did not tend it. The spirit of Christmas is love eiprcaaiog found its expression io the gift of a Saviour its expression in the gift of a life of pure gave Himself to the closest association with in the struggle and have a reasonable hope This sift of service ia the best gift which gift ia within the reach of everybody. There ia no excuse for those who do no mike it. None are too busy to be friendly nessea. I once thought there were natures that could not be cordial, but I know now that it waa t mistake. The most incxo-able duty men ever have is to love and to render services of love. It wis one of judged st last by out attitude io practical itranger and to those who lack the plainest But tbit spirit of Cbristmss which is to servioe it not the spirit of mere benevolenoa. comradeship is not beautiful at all. It may not friendship, and it is not the deep brotherly lova of Christianity. Men need friends mora thin Ihev need alms. We ill ins 'parably bouod together aa ueo of one need tbe sympathy and recognition of the cultured of the uon boed, and ior Ibit rvasoo tot itle wbich node lit eiprctttoB in unaffected and oniversal friendship is the life which has most nearly caught the spirit of Chriat and of ChrislD s. Let ns give gifti, and among them that largtr lit of Inviuv aervice. Tbut will the tpirit of Christmas be abed abroad and mike O n - the world bruhtcr and belter. N Opium In Cbamberialn'a Cough Remedy. There ia not the least danger in giving Chamberlains Cough Remedy to small children as it oootiini no opium or other hirmful drug. It hai in etttb'ished reputation of mora than thirty years at lbs most successful medicine ia nse for oolds, croup sod whooping cough. Il slwayt cures tnd it is pleasant to take. Children like it. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N C, W. R. Beaveoa, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawkt Garysbnrg, N. C. The time will come when our tin. themselves will beiftfen more eloquent than oar sicpKsfor them. E3IZ3IZIIZ31 CHRISTMAS, AND 8HOULD BE CELEBRATED raised Christ fiom the dead has patted peculiar appropriateneaa at the season spring and everywhere are warm w'odt Providence, eelebritiog the loving care of at tha time wheo, in agricultural com olose the nooks with God, and to briog to day should be celebrated by tbe bestow. give as for birds to sing and for flowers giving. This spirit takes hold npoo all the sweetness and purity of love't minis and it finds a way 10 the direst poverty. Hu richest gift to men -Jmus the Christ proved the inspiration of the day and men. And for this reason let us give can afford to give, to those of our homii need to be much, so that it is a token of itself in eervtoe. Tbe love of God to tha world. Tha love of Christ found and unselfish service to mankind. H men so that every man might take heart of being able to live likewise. can be given to the world. And this and none too great to atoop to little kind the last teachings of Jesus thit we will be aervioe to the siok, the oppressed, the neoeiamei of food and elotbing. Bod ill expression in tha gift of loving Kindness that ia not inspired by bt pity from a prond heart, but that it need etch other's friendship. Ws sre rase and mm of all rtei-a Tbe powerful humlle, ihe rich of the poor, and the TORTURh OF A PREACHER The story of the torture of Rev. A D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harperaville, N. Y , will interest- you He siys: 1 1 suffered agonies, because of a persistent congb, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting np in bed. I tried many remedies, without rslief, nnlil I took Dr. King's New Disooverf for Consumption, Coughs and Colds which eolirely eured my cough, and saved me from consumption." A grind cure for diseased oondilion of the Throat and Longs. At any druggiii; price 50c and fl.OO, guaranteed. Trial bottle free, A LIVING OR A LIFE. a nimRa-Nca hitwekn makino AND JD8TUEINU. T hire's a mighty big difference between making a living snd making a life. Almost any one can make a living. Not every one can make s life. In making a living one may or may not have to work hard. Io making a life building eharactcr one must do tho hardest kind of work. Some men have their living made for them. But their lives cannot bo made for them, He whoso living is made for him by another usually makes a poor business at making a life. He is not used to work ing at anything. The canoeist must paddle hard going upstream. He oan drift down stream. So it is easy to drift along making a living aod failing to make a life. It is easy to lie and to deceive. It is easy to g) with the current It is easy to give way to temptation. It takei moral fibre to tell tbe truth and to turn down temptation. Take lying, for instance. A man can make himself believe that a lie can be told with good inten tions, there ia such intentions, that there is tuch a thing as a "lie of necessity." Once a mm admits that to himself be is subtly, poiso-ously deceived. The be lief gets into practice. Aod the practice is s boomerang. It reams on the man's life, It weakena his cbaraoter. Some body hu said that even Ood cannot af ford to lie in order that good may come. And what God Almighty oannot do a mao had better not try. A man deserves no credit for making a living. He deserves great credit for miking a life. Tbe only thing on earth any man has a right to be proud of is his character. It represents something. It stands for striving, deprivation, clenched teeth, will pjwer the labor of Hercules. Milwau kee Journal. THE SWEETEST MUSIC. Dey ain't no sweeter music In dis ringio' worl' below, Dan dem HT tia horns blowin' En we lhankful Oh, we thankful 'Cross de medders er de snow I Dit we lovio' of 'em so Blowin' fer de Christmit in de mawoio Dey lakes us fur bsck yonder, W birds chimney nied ter ting, En we use ter eel en wont'er Whit de Saoty Claut would briogl Ob, dey gives de wildest winter All de mnsio er de spring I Blowin' fer de Cbris'mas in de miwnin'l A FEARFUL FATE. It is i fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully tay," writes Htrry Colston, of Masooville, Ia., "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Pilea, Buck len's Arnica Stive it the best cure made." Also best for outs, burns snd injuries. 25s, st sny druggist. When you wint s pleistnt lixtivi take Cbamberiain't Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N C, W. E. Beavens, Eofield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. A DREAM OF A FACE. I'm tilting here an' dreimin', in the shtdder an' the shine, Of a face there, on tbe mantel, that looked sweetest love io mine; An' it takes me back to youth time to the sweetest long ago, When ws thought we saw Love's roses crimson all the winter snow. The tame dear eyes that lit for me, the stars that gleamed above The lips that moved so sweetly to the melodies of Love ; When we knew the joy of loving went together, holding hinds, When the musio of the whipporwilli mide sweet the twilight linds. Is PrtlM l Chalabtrleln'i Ough Remedy There it no other medioine manufac tured thit haa received to much praise and so many expressions of grititnde as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It effective, and prompt relief follows its use. Grsteful parents everywhere do nol hesitate to testify to its merits for the benefit of others. It is a eertiin euro for croup tnd will prevent the attack if given at the first appearanoe of tbe dis esse Itia etpeoislly adanted to children as it is pleasant to taks and oontaioa nothing injurious, Mr. E. A. Hum' phreya, a well known resident and elerk io tba store of Mr. E. Lock, of Alice, Ctpe Colony, South Africa, says: "I htvt need Cbtmoerliin's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family I fouod it 'o be very eatiifaolory and it gives mt pleasure to recommend it." For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon N. C , W. E. Beavens, Eofiell, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysbnrg, IT, C CHOOSING A HUSBAND. Dr. 1 1 in riot Keating gives twelve rules for choosing a h unhand, They include consideration of the physique, mentality and morals of the man. Rut they leave what is commonly called love out. Dr. Keating advises a woman to choose her husband with her head, leav ing tin heart more or less out of the question. The average woman falls io love with the mm who on the surface, appears to be what she has mapped out in her mind as satisfactory. Aod it revolves itself into lottery with few prizos. Dr. Keaiing's ruleB define the only right ideal, making Ihe uplifting of hu manity the highest consideration. Aod, married to ono chosen by her rules, no woman could fail to finally love, genuinely and truly, Ihe man who cot- formed. The stable, real affection that stands the wear of the years is r.o1, a thing that springs up in a nilit. It is largely a matter of habit. That doesn't sound agreeable, but it is so, From a habit of close association with my one, no matter if he be a fiend in carnate, and it will cauao a wrench to break the habit. From a habit of issociitioo with one worthy, io body, soul aod spirit, aod an uplift into the realm of noblest affection is tbe inevitable result. THE KEY THAT UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO LONG LIVING. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slen der diet. Be as careful at he will, bow- ever, a man past middle egc, will occas ionally eat too much or of some food not suited to his constitution, and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomioh and regulate his stomich and bowels. When this is done there is no resson why the average mm should not live lo old ige. Forsileby W. M. Cohen, Weldoo, N. C , W. E. Beavens, Eofield, N. C, J, A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. GOODNESS AND MEHCY. Some people can see providence in their past lives, and hope for them in their future lives, but never trust entire ly in their being there io ihe present. Yet God is as truly working out His plans for His children in each hour to day as at aoy lime in their lives. Good ness aod mercy follow us all the days of our lives if they follow us at all. The preseot trial, the present drudgery, are put there to work out good for us, and more than good grace and glory, too. J. R. Miller KING Of ALL COUGH MIOIHCINES Mr. E. G. Case, a mail oarrier of Can ton Center, Coon., who hid been in the U. S. Service for about sixteen years, says; " We have tried many eoogh med icine! for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is king of ill tnd one to be relied upon every time. We also find it the beat remedy for ooughs tod oolds, giving results tod leaving no bad after effeclt. Ft sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C , W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. The heroic sonl does nol sell its justice and its nobleness. It does not ak to dipe nicely aod to sleep warm. The essence of greatness ia tbe perception that virtue it enough. Poverty is its ornament. Emerson. FURIOUS FIGHTING. "For seven years," writes George W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash , I had a hit ter battle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of E Iconic Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to sll nd doo't intend to be without them in the house. They ire certainly a won derful medicine, to have eured inch a woodetf'ul oase aa mine." Sold, ander guarantee to do the saint for you, by ill druggiats, at 50o s bottle. Try them tsaaj. "The word graft has been incorporated into ibe language," says a lexicographer Aod it bis also been incorporated else where. IN MAD CHASE. Million rush in mad chase after health from one extreme faddiam to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr, King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pats sway. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25o at sny drug store; guaran teed. Ooe of the blackest tins is that of praying for the souls of men to save tbe expense of cirioe fur their bodies, OABTOIIIA. Basra tba stm Vl" fiigutut of The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Tltero Is a disea prevailipr; In this " heart tf.n-. laiii.iT nr apoplexy ari cii-n the result o( k.dnry discate. II knii;ey trouole Is al k.vod toadvanca tho kidiie y-po Is o nod blood will attack tho vital organs or the kidneys t,ioin:,elve break down and wasta away cell l:y cell. Uladd'jr troubles most always result from a derangement of tho kidneys and a euro Is obiakwd quickest by a proper treatment of tho kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. lbs great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In passing It, and overcomes lhat necessiiy of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many limes during the night. The mild and tho extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon rea!L-ed. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. S'.vamp-Roct 's pleasant to take and aold by all drurgists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized Dottles, You may have a sample be '.tie of tins wonderful new dis- RH-itt!!H covery and a book that '-il ions ail aoout It, DOtll HomnofSmunp-rtoot, sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer St Co, Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention rcaaing tnis generous otter in mis paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. E. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N, 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax tnit adjoining oounties,and in the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given vuiitMiLiniM ana prompt return. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING, WELDON, N. C. opta ir G EO. C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Practices in all Stateand Federal courta- Collection of rlnima in Halifax anA jt joining counties. Money to loan on approved security. Attorney for First National Bank. D E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUR C. AND FIRE INSURANCE, iWXLDON, N.O .Roanoke Newa Office. J. A. ALSTON -Cigars snd Tobacco. Fine Whiskies AND WINES Merrimac Club and Pride of Virtiinla, nice and mellow. Bar stocked with Choica Drinks of every kind. Cor. Washington Ave., and First Street, weiaon is. u. lu-tii-iy TP AlFl 9 um v ll; NO! Telephone For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER or Homo Telephone and Telegraph Company, HENDERSON, . . N.O. country most ci.wcrous berause so decep. r j iji 1 1 I ' i-VA ,ivo' M"y sucider L ' i K.4 V i deaths are caused by frJl&hhK- V I - heart disease! '.via m FINE Family Groceries, PROVISIONS.