-w r. 3a i DVEK-TISIIsra- IjTES-modkrate. I VOL. XL. A. UESPAPEB FOR THE PEOPLE TEI2S:-l-60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1906. NO. 44. ITS! issi WW IP The Klml You Have AlvvnysOlniifrht, anil wlilcli lias been in iiho lor over ,ki yonrs, Jiuh borno tlio KlLMiatnro of mid lins boon matin under lib pcr soniil Hupervision hIiioo lis Infancy. Allownn tmo to deceive vim In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jimt-ns-Kood" nro but Experiment tliut trifle with and ciulunifcr tlio lienltli of Inl'iintH ami Children KxperleiKo nguiiiNt ICxporiiiient. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Nnrcotlo substance. Its n(;o is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ami allays FcvorUlinrss. It eurc3 Diarrluea and 'Wind Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep. The. Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 2. 7 The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CCMTAUH eOMMNV. TT MUHHftV WHIT. M(W VOntt OOTV. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORE I. the only 7nln. on ,h. market. It I. me"eVour ,nd "'"'",,,, ,ed blood. tppetlt.nd maker. d Btrengtn. It It " ,'h--,B pleasant choco PRICE, 60 CEHTS. Cough, PreuCma,:rtWh0P"K Pneumonia inn nd Prent8 A.f.."d,.uemed7mP,l0n PRICE, 25 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'9 Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation and 3lugglsh Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to c!o all we claim or your money bacK. Fur Sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C W. K Beavans, Enfield, N C. 30 Ik : Bank : of : Weldon, WELDON, N. C. Drpzeil Met Tie Lais of lie State of North AUGUST 2(lTlf, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEl'OSI'lOItV. HALIFAX COUNTV DEPOSITORY. TOWN OK WELDON DEPOSITORY. Capital anfl. Snrplns, $34,000- Fun 14 years this institution lias proucbd hanking facilities for thit section. Its stockholders and dim tors have been identified illi the buiinewi interests of Halifax and Northampton counties lor many jeirs Money is loaned npon approved sccnr. y at the legal rate of uitereU-sir per Centura. Account of all are solicited. W. !:. DANIEL, VHKPI!fcilIENT.- Dr. H W.I.I WIS. CJacksoB, Norlhamfton Co, N. ('.) CASH I KB.' W V. SSI' Ayer'sPills Vegetable, liver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, low.."..' Want your moustache or beard ikautlful brown or rich Mack ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Has Stood The Test 25 Years j Grove's I Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. MSI NATIONAL BANK OF WELDON, N. C. United Stitk Deposit W WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. FIRST- Wears the first .d only DEPOSITARY of the United . . r...j. .1,;. .onion of Eastern North Biatee uovernmcoi iuuu m - - Carolina. Reoeiver io charge of National Banka. .,.,, THTTP.-n W. .k eollee.ioos on every banking point id North Uro lio. at the lowest banking rate; and make a apeouu; bankiog and aommercial collectioDa. -OtTRTH. We ,ow t reasonable interest on lime deposit; an eourageraenl to thrift and saving. OFFIOEBS: H.8. Burgwyo, President, (National Bank Eiaminor 18J3-1JUI.; 8.P.tterSo.1Vioe.PrCf.ldeDt,(QeDeralMao.Ro.ookeM.lla Co. and marj MinufaotariDg Co.) . s t, Qooch, CmU., (M.yot of W.Uod, N. C. d 0. 8. Coa,..0Der.) WHAT WOMAN SUFFRAGE WILL DO, IT WILL HRINQ ABOUT HUNPRKDS OF REFORMS THAT WILL MAKE THIS OLD WORLD JUST HE LOVELT. The national conventioo of Woman Suffragist was in cession io Baltimore re cently. The Baltimore Suo says of it : Woman suffrage will according to dif ferent speakers : Bring an end to war. Solve tho divorce problem. End the conte.it between capital aDd labor. Make salaries and wajios higher. Canae prices to bo lowered. Bring an eod to the supremacy of the servant girl. Settle the race problem. Purify municipal government. Decrease race suicide. Make babies plentiful, fat and preco cious. Improve the complexion. Make jails and penitentiaries more congenial for criminals. Keep girls from gettiog too sentimen tal. Improve the methods of courtship. Causo factory girls to stop wearing red hats, Increase the age of messenger boys. Make Grover Cleveland admit that he knows nothing about women. Teacb the boys and girls to go band io hand to school aDd arm in arm to the lis. Make girls stop idolizing soldiers and show greater regard for the young men with tall foreheads and serious purposes. Bring about a hundred of other re forms that will make this world just lovely. FROM THE PROFESSOR. KKIIAPS NOT BTRICKLY IN ORDER, tin r still aooD sense. A young Southern lawyer sat in the Supreme court in which Justice Henry M. (lildeisleeve was trying a case. "This the first time I have ever seen the justice, he said, "but if ho s ss broad- minded as other members of his family there'll be no narrow application of the w in this ca-e A relative of his, Prof. liildcrslecve. was my professor In the University of Virginia, I was in the ime class of which young Bradley John son, son of the famous Confederate Gen eral of that name, who died last fall, was member One day several of m bad been out on a carouse and had failed to ppear for recitations. It wa our duty i) report to Prof. Gildcrslecve and make our cxcii'e-i. 1 think it was 1 was that puted to present the excuse. I hadn't Siid much when the professor broke in wiil) a tteruncis which made us wish we u'dn't tell the difference between French wine and coru whhkey. "Young gentlemen,' ha saidyou must raaliae you havo entered upon the stern realities of life.' We all boxed humbly, wondering whether expulsion was to be our fate. Youoj! gentlemen, he added, 'never t ike it with water. 1 never do. Good ay, gentlemen.'" New York Times. L1KK XKKlNt; OI.O 1'HIKM). The elderly cannibal grot ted the new missionary warmly. Jackson r ho said, with a vigorous pressure of the hand. 1 Surely not K Hooker Jackson III ?" "Yes," said the young man, beaming, "Yes. Th sane." "Then it will interest you to know. sir," said the savage, "that I once served your grmJIailnr, the firt K. Hooker. "Ind.cd? And in what way?" the missionary said Broiled, the ntlur aniweicd, grin niug ominously. ALWAYS KEEN CHAMBERLAIN S CiltKlll UK lY IN It IS llllOSK 'We would not bo without Chamber lain'a IWh Remedy, it la kept on kautl coniinuslly in nnr home," aji W W. Kearney, editor of tho Independent Lowry City, Mo. That is just what ev. ery family should do. V hen kept hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at tho outset and cured much less lime than after it has become settled in the system. This remedy also without a peer fur oroup in children and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the ohtld beomes hoarse, ever after the eroupy cough appears, whioh otn only be dono when the reme dv ia kept at hand. nr..lbf W. H. Uonen, weidon & us " -J N n W. E Beavens. Eofield, N. C J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. THE FORSAKEN. It has been said, for all who die there is a tear Some pining, bleeding heart to sigh o'er every bier. But in that hour of pain and dread who will draw near Around my humble couch and shed one farewell tear. THE CHEERFUL LIFE, NO CHARACTER IS UOMl'LETE WHIOH LACKS MORAL SUNSHINE. Rose Women who are g)od cooks and tidy housekeepers seldom have occasion to waste limeiD a divorce court. If it is a bilious attack take Chamber i..:-'. Sinmnnh and Liver Tablets and quick cure is certain Fraa!e by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0 , W. E. Heavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawka, Garysburg, N. C. Who'll watch life's fast departing ray in deep despair, And soothe my spirit on its way with holy prayer ? What niouoer 'round my bier will come in weeds of woe, And follow me to my long home solemn and low ? When lying on my clayey bed in icy sleep, Who there, by new affection led, will como and weep ; By the pale moon implant the rose upon my breast And bid it cheer my dark reposo my lowly rest ? Could I but know, when I am sleeping low in the ground, One faithful bonrt would thore be keeping watch around, As if some gem lay shrined beneath that cold sod's gloom 'Twould mitigate the pangs of death and light the tomb. Yes, in that hour if I could feel from halls of glee And beauty's presence one would steal in secrecy, And come and sit and weep by me in night's deep nooo, Oh I I would ask of memory no other boon. But ah I a lonelier fate is mine, a deeper woe ; From all I love in youth's sweet time i soon must go. Draw around me my pale robes of white, io a dark spot To sleep, through death's long dreamless night, lone and forgot. GOODBYE. Good-bye, a lover whispers, Standing beside the gate ; 'Tis hard, ao hard to leave you, But we cannot alter fate ; Think of me love for aye, Good bye, sweetheart, good-by. Good-bye dear mother ; hold me Close to your loving heart, Ah I how it hurts to say it, To know that we must part ; List, list, the wild heart cry, Good-bye, mother, good-bye. The little wasted fingers Rest calmly in our own, And baby's bright young spirit, Without a sigh or moan, Steers for its home on high, Followed by our good-bye. EPIGR&NS ON WOMEN. Em.il Reich in a rcoent London lecture said; "Nations differ in nothing more than in their women, "You will never know what a woman is unless you suffer very much. "Women do not love Napoleons; they love mere middle-class mediocrities. "Men who want to found empires do not want the higher development of wo man. "You will in vain search history for a great man who has not been influenced by a gieat woman. "In America the woman governs the man absolutely. In a oertain sense the last man that came Io America was Christopher Columbus." DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth McIvcr,of Vanccboro, Me , is ihe sub ject of much interest to the medical fra ternity and wide circle of friends. He says of his ease: "Owing to severe in flamtnation of the throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, at a last resort, I was in duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life.' Cures the worst Coughs and Colds.Bron chitis, Tonailitis, Weak Lungs, Hoarse ness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at any drug atore. 50o. and 81. Trial bottle free. SNUBBING HUBBY- The lady was making some remarks about tbo kind of clothing some other ladica at church had on. "The finest garments a woman can wear, earn nor nusoano. -is mo m.uuo of charity." "Yes, she snapped, "and it is about the only dress, juJtjiog by the fuse they make over the bills, that aome husbands want their wives to wear." AKLICTED WITH RHEUMATISM 'I was and am yet afflicted with rheu matism, eajs Mr. J. J. nayne, eunur 01 the Herald, Addiogton, Indiaa Territory, "but thanks to Chaniberlaiu'a Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business. It is the best of lioimen's." If troubled with rheumatism givo Pain Balm a trial and you oertain to be more than plea'ed with the prompt relief whtoh it atlords. One application rslieves the pain. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N. C . W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. Naturally, the girl who frankly ad mil. that she ean't line firmly believes that she has a keen sense of humor. It takes a great deal of sunshine to produce a perfect peach or a perfect rose. The sunshine will do what clouds cannot do. It is the sunshine that gives the inimitable tint of beauty to fruit and ower. No character is complete which lacks moral sunshine. Many a man has fail ed because, he thought that life was loo important and too short "to bo trifled with," as ho put it. But tho fact is, the cheerful life is the healthy, productive life. Cheerfulness is as necessary to man as sunshino is to the flower. Nothing normal can be produced in darkness or in the shade. Sun is just as necessary to the normal life as water is to fish or as oil is to machinery. Nolo it where we will, the smilcless life the life which has no brightness or sunshine, no humor or gladness is morbid, sour, pessimistic It is the joy ous life, the cheerful, happy life that is helpful and inspiring. This is the sort of lifo the world wants. It has too many sour faces, too many vinegary counte nances, too many eriticiscrs, too much pjisimism. It wants more sunshine, more optimism, more joy. Is it not a pitiable thing to see people goiog through life peddling vinegar, ra diating bitterness, criticising, finding fault, seeing only the ugly, ignoring beauty, nagging, worrying, fretting and tearing down?" Some people seem to have a genius for seeing the crooked, the ugly, the disagreeable. There are many vinegar peddlers. We need more joy peddlers, more sunshine makers, people who ignore the ugly, the bitter, the crooked, but who see the world of beauty and perfection which God has made. We need tho people who see the mas and the woman that God made pure, elean, sane and healthy not the ugly, diseased, discordant, criticising one that sin, wrong thinking and wrong living have made A man becomes strong and creative when he sees his fellow men aod the world as God made them but those who look for the bad, the ugly, the orooked, are never creative. They IT WOULD SAVE MANY A HEARTACHE, ro proJucer8. They are de8troy. ers. They tear down. Success Maga-ainc. GOVERNORS SINCE 1719. YOU MAY PASTE THIS IN YOUR SCRAP BOOK FOR HEKRENRCE. Bring hither spotless lilies, Roses and milk white flox ; With loving fingers strew them Inside the rosewood box, For maidens too, must die, Good-bye, alas, good-bye. Thus, at each oross and tuio, All through the ceaseless rush Of restive, busy life, From morning's earliest blush To evening's latest sigh Good-bye, good-bye, good bye, Manner on life's ocean, Mourner beside the tomb Traveler along earth's highway, These, words thy path illume ; Beyond these changeful skies ' There'll be no more good-bye's. A TEXAS REMEDY FOR DIVORCE. THOmill IT MIGHT PLAY THE DICK ENS WITH THE I1USINESS OF THE DIVORCE LAWYERS. TORTURE BY SAVAGES. Lamar eounty furnishes a case of mar- "Speaking of the torture' to which riage after probation that is unique and some of the savage tribes of the Philip suggestive. A widower farmer desiring a wife wss introduced by a mutual friend to a widow with children temporarily abiding in a chatity institution. Both were favora bly impressed on first acquaintance, but the lady had a saving sense of prudence and suggested that she keep house the farmer for a week, and at tho nf that time each could more intelligent ly determine the grave question ot a union for life. Accordingly, bIis went, with hor children, and waa duly installed as housekeeper. The experiment was eminently Balis pines subject their captives, reminds me nf the intense Buffering I endured for three months from inflimmation of the Kidneys," Bays W. M. .-German, ot Cush iog, Me , "Nothing help. ! me until tried Eleclric Bitters, three bottles of whioh completely cured me." Cures Liv- for I er uompiaiot, Dyspepsia, oiooa fisor en4 acre ana iaiaria;ana restores me wean and nervous to robust health. Guaran teed by all druggists. Price 50c. Some one asked Mrs, Baldwin, the eomnomialic artist at the Academy of Music the other oilier night who the governor of North Carolina was io 18C1. Tho question was answered "Clark." From the answer many questions have arisen and for the satisfaction of those who are interested, the list from 1711 is given below 1719 Charlei Klen. Sir Richard Evard, of Bart. Gabriel Johnson. Matthews Ransom. William Tryon. Josia Martin. Riehatd Caswell. Abner Nash. Thomas Burke. Alexander Martin, Richard Caswell. Samuel Johnson. Alexander Martin. Richard D. Speight. Saruuol Ashe. William Davis. Benjamin Williams. James Turner. Nathaniel Alexander. Benjamin Williams. David Stone. Benjamin Smith. William Hawkins. William Miller. John Branch. Jesse Franklin. Gabriel Holmes. Cutchins G Burton. James Iredell. James Owens. Montford Stokes. David S. Swain, Richard D. Speight. E. B. Duley. Charles Manley. J. M. Morehead. VV. A. Graham. David S. Reid. Thomas Bragg. John W. Ellis. Warren Winslow. Henry T. Clark. Z. B. Vance. William Holden. Jobnathan Worth. William II. Worth. Tod Robinson Caldwell. Curtis H. Brodgen, Z. B. Vance. T. J i Jarvis. Alfred M. Scales. Daniel Fowle. T. M. Holt. Elias Carr. Daniel Russell. Charles B, Ajcock. R. B. Glenn. Chaxlotte Observer. TOO BUSY TO HEAH IT. the beds." remarked the observer of events and things, "of courso, ho is too busy to hear his daughter in the parlor. singing: "Everybody Works but lath' er." When the old man is shaking down the furnace, carrying out Iho ashes, Iced- factory to both parties and at (he end of I ing the cat and six kittens, and making the week they were married. The example is not altogether practi cal of emulation, and perhaps it will shock the sentimental and the romantio, but it contains the wise suggestion that folk desiring to become husband and wife should be sure of knowing each other in their common clothes and under worka day conditions. Parlor manners on the part of the lar'y and picnio gallantry on the part of the gentleman are not con clusive indexes of character, nor ia thi yum, yum of ecstacy of infatuation suffi cient evidence of incompatibility. If the man may not put the woman to a practical test in housekeeping, he may at least find occasion to observe her every day temperament and her household ac complishments. If the lady may not test the man's disposition to hand over his pay check on Saturday nights, she may learn whether ho ia decent to hia sister or his mother and whother his church assessment equals his bar bill, Keeping oompany oowaJays runs too much to bonbons and embossed station ery. Of course, there is abundant oppor tunity to get acquainted after the en gagement, but it is bctoro tne avowa' that the pair ouicht to pu each other through the praotioal paces. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears ths Signature of FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is few dosca of Chcmberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the atomach, strengthen the digestion aod cive vou an ai.petite like a wolf. These TablctBjIso act as a gentle laxative. For sale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon N. C. W.' E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C. J. A. Hawks. Garysburg, N. C. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. is alwa) FAVORITE REMEDY BABIES. A man with a now watch anxious to consult it. All months look alike to a mao whose bills become due on the 1st. An mm feodum has causa to doubt her husband's lovo for her money Love at first sight may require th services ot ao oculist alter a secouu look. Nothing succeeds like the euecossful harvest of a vouns man who has sown wild oatf. FOR POK OVIJK HIXTV VHARH. Mrs. Winslow's Sootiiino Syrup Its pleasant taste and prompt curea have made Chamberlain's Cough Reme-1 teething, with perfect success. dv a f.roril. with ihe mothers of small I the child, softens the gums, children. It quickly cuies their coughs pain; cures wind colic, and is the b - vamnnv in. ..larrnran. . will run has been used for over 60 years by mill ions of mothers for their children while It soothes allays all best ievn and colds and preventi any danger fj lhe p;ot utile sufferer immediately. Sold pneumonia or oiner serious cousequeuceo. Drussists in every part ot tne world It not onlv curea croun. but when eivcn I Twentv-nve cents a bottle, lie sure ana as aoon as the croupy couch appears will I ask for" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,' 1729 1734 1753 17CC 1773 1777 1780 1782 178-1 1785 1788 1790 1793 1790 1798 1799 1802 1805 1807 1808 1810 1811 1814 1817 1820 1821 1824 1827 1828 1830 1832 1835 1S37 1840 1844 1845 1850 1855 1859 18C1 1801 18C2 18G5 1865 18fi8 1871 1874 1876 1880 1884 1888 im 1893 1890 1900 1904 Graii Display The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease prevailing in this counlry most dangerous because so decep. F J II ML RItt$,Iv' M"y sudden -J? Ite bffW deaths are caused by j5TJTO-TTi li heart disease, WWl Pncumo,,ia h I4r7 Ha Vfc'allure or apoplexy are. otten ths result PS$i- cf kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is al lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will alfdrk th ti-.-. Jr.-- Vital Ot-Pfln. nr th kidneys ihcm.dvcs break down' and waste away cell by cell, bladder lnul)lc3 most always result from a doran.;ement of the kidneys and a cure la obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you ar feelinp badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, lbs great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. ll corrects inability to hold urine and scald Inrr piin in Dassir.tr it. and overcnmn nplcasant necessity of beinp comw-lle.d to go often during Ihe day, and to get up many times during (he night. The mild and ths extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamn-Root 's Dleasant to taka and nM by all druggists in fifly-cent and one-dollar srzeo. Domes. You may fC have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis- gBKOTRf covery and a book that icijj an auoui n. DOin ll. o..-.n.. :ent free bv mail. AdHr. r krilm-,. n, r.n Binghamton, H. Y. When writinp mnlion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, i .. uu every Dome. OF FALL AND WISTEE- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. II. & G. CORSETS, Hisses at 50c., Ladies 75c. to 1. fcsaPrices will be made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets mads and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfulness ana ease oi digestion Goyer's Maplecane Is made of cure maple and . Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, 1 smooth consistency and the true I woodsy" maple flavor. Whole- lome you can eat it every day. FOR SALE BY E. CLARK, Weldon, oct 5 30t. N. C. i E. Ti CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme court of the Bute. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns. QEO. C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Practices in all Stateand Federal courts' Collection of claims in Halifax and ad joining counties. Mouey to loan on approved security. Attorney for First National Bank. HOLUSTTR'S Tocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy Medioim fc Buy Paopl. Uriagt Golden Health r.ad Henewed Vigor. A Hneeillc for Constipation, Indigestion, Llvs and Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure Bloni, una Breath. Kluciriprt Bowels, Heauaonq and Hftc'kaorm. it's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab. t form, 85 eeuts a box. Genuine made by dobLlSTKU DRCO COMPANY. MadiSOU, WiS. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE D. E.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE IN8UKANCE, Wai.DOK, N.C .Roanoke News Office. Talking Machines and UopH prevent the attack. Sold bv W. M. Cohca. Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, En&eld, N. C, J. A, Hawks, Garysburg, N. C. and take no other kind. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LARGEST STOCK In ths South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank at., Norfolk Vs Luck; is tha man whose troubles don't bjtbr him an; core than they do his friends. It often happens that the man marries for money never seems to any. OABTORIAi Bus tha 11111 m m "al who have WANTED Men in each State to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods Salary 175 per month. 8.5 per day for eipeosea. I Kuhlman Co,, Dept. S. Atlas Black i Chicago, III. We have made contracts with sevoral Talking Machine and Grsphophone Com panies to both Retail and Wholesale their Machines. V.'e have on hand over twen- ly-fiye styles of the latest improvements, from Four to Ninety dollars each. Sev eral both Disc and Roller Records, all New and Up-to-Dato Musio, Songs, etc. We take old worn-out Records in part pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquarters of several companies and spent time and money to learn all that is to be learned in conneotion with this business, and think we are well prepared to furnish all needed information to our euitomera. Wo will take all old style Graphophonea in part pay for new ones. Ws handle the Victor, Columbia and other patterns. Come or write to ua for catalogues and information. We have in steak t Isrgl lino of Mneioal Instruments of many kinds, Our stock of Mattings, Carpetingi, Rugs, Art Squares, Druggeta and Houi Furnishings of all styles ia larger than ever before. SPIERS.BROa WlLDON, N. C.