I- . r fulfil in ! 6 'i'r)-VElR'TISIlTC3- E,A.TE3S-moderatb. loL.xr, A. NEWSPAPER 3T O THE PEOPLE TEPIL3IS: HKH ANNUM IN AlWME WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. NO. 46, ' J .gggamiimmnMri -in iiiiiiiiiiniriniBiiiliiMMtiiffiMMiiiWi 4 The Kind Yon Ilavo Always la tio ir vrr jonrs, All CimiiturfcltH, Imitations and " .Tust-as-good" are but I Eiiierlments tluit trMlo wllh und rmlutigrr the health of Infiuils aud Clilldrcu Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Ik ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains ncKlu-r Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fwerishnrss. It cures Diarrhauv and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation anil Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. . The Children's ranaccaTlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tHC et NTAUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRUT, NtW TORH OTf, McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORE. l,tne nt.ln Ing quinine on lllufwntWngq ch( mar. It will Increaseyour ,nd ,rl"-'"r oh red blood. tWlwSSSnd strength '"? t ii h a Ple."t choco wlng. " '""f.Hr.nllkelt. I.. Ual I11IT no..-- I,te taste anu . PRICE, 00 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Llttlo Bluo Sluggish Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to oo an we Claim or vour money bock. For Sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. W. K Heaven, Enfl.ld, N. 0. Ayer'sPilS Want your moustache or h.ard ihea'dtifiil brown or rich Mnc'? IT- Ik : Bank : ol : Yin, WELDON, N. C. Opizcl Mer The Lais of tie Slate of North Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, 1891 STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. . TOWN OP WELDON DEPOSITORY. MMll8. $34,000. FOB 14 years this institution has provided bniikirg facilities for this iiectioii. Its stockholders and director have been ldeutllitd with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties lor many yeini Money is loaned npon approved security at the legal rule of iulret-,u per cenlnn. Aocouutsof all are solicited. PRESIDENT: W. F, DANIEL, vice-president: casiiikb: Dr. 11. W. LEWIS. W R. SMITH. (Jacksua, NorihamftoD Co Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic pmsT mm m A - OF WEL MfiijED States DEfosimY- WK SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ' 11 K A SONS: i ETRST- W.ar. the first and only DEPOSITARY of ihe United a n i r,,n,l. in ihii section of Eastern North Carolina. S5TPrr--K-r -n. rv... ..n.n,ni vWlM banking business; and aa a National Ba.k Examiner and ' , Beoeiver in charge of National Banks. THII?,T3 -W. make collections on every banking point iq North Caro- , . lioa at tb. lowest banking rates ana mas a speedy hankie? and commercial collections. - FOUIREH. W. allow a ' eourageroent to thrift and saving. . . OFFICERS: Wm. H. 8. Run,.."- PrrfnVr,L f.Natiosal Bank Examiner 1893-1901.) 8. F. Pauerso., Vice-Preaident, (fjeneral nary Manufacturing Co.) i T. Goooh, CuMe. (Major of W.ldoB, N, C. and U. 8. CoiesiMer.) nought, and which lias been nus Dorno tlio siL'imtiiro of mid lias bw'ii nmdo uiiditr IiIh per sonal supervision slnt'O its Infancy. Allow no ono lo aVrolve you In till. Signature of aJtT LUNQ PLA8TSD .una sorption In ouri . wor" Bronohlt , A J,?LCU5.. Cold. Couf a, V Cough, Plaurla. .:jnooPr,8 Pneumonia J?"0 Pvent. Baf. and suri;, "-"Ptlon. price, as ceH;t Liver Pills for Constipation and The dose is one, just one pill Snt bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cur: constipation. L&rv;: BUCKINGHAM'S W ..... .r. 0 rnt&. ON, M. h.a had twontv-one veara experience reasonable interest on lima deposits; an en Man. Roanok. Mill. Co. . Rosa A SORROW THAT WAS DEEP. "OH WHR SHALL REST Bl J0U1ID, BIST FOR THE WEARY 80UL." ON one of the morning train, in a neighboring town there waa a lady cleaely veiled in the rear car. She waa dressed in white and her atlire evidenced that ihe belonged to the higher, cirolei of society. Her figure was delicate and symmetrical, and when she occasionally threw aside her richly embroidered veil the glimpse of her fia'ures whioh the beholder obtainod satisfied him of her extreme love'ineas. Beside her sat a gentleman in mourning who watched ovir her with unusual solicitude and several times when she attempted to rise he ex cited the curiosity of the passengers by detaining her io the scat. Outside all was confusion, passengers hurrying and looking after baggago and all the usual bustle attending a departing train. At (bo first motion of the cars the lady in while started ts her feet with 03e piercing scream, and her hat falling off disclosed the most lovely and attrac tive features. Her raven tresses fell over bar sbouldera in graceful disorder, and clasping her hands io prayer she turned ber dark eyes to heaven. What agony waa in that lookl What beauty, too, bad not so muob of misery been stamped upon it. Alesl that one glauoe told a melancholy tale. Her brother, the gentleman in black, was unremitting in his efforts to soothe her. He led ber back to the seat but her hair waa s'.ill dishevelled and ber beauty unveiled. The cars rattled on and passengers in groups resumed their oonversatioos. Suddenly a melody arose.it was the beautiful maniac's voice, rich, full and inimitable. Her hands we'e cross ed on her bosom and she moved ber body aa she aang with touching pathos : 'She is far from the land where ber young nero aieeis, And lovers are around her sich'nK. Bnt coldly she turns from their gaze and weeps, For her heart in his urave is lying:. She aiogs the wild songs of her dear native plains, Every note which he loved awaking. Ah! little they think who delight in her strains How the heart of the minstrel is break ing !" Her brother was completely unmann ad and wept as only man can weep. The air changed and she continued: 'Has sorrow thy young life shaded As clouds o'er the mormon Beet. Too fast have those young days faded mat even m sorrow were eweet, If thus the unkind world wither Each feeling that once was dear. Come, child ol misfortune, come hither. I'll weep you tear lor tear!" Tlsn ah. aang a fragment of a beauti ful bjmt : "Jeans, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly ." Aftoiher attempt to rise waa prevent ed, aad aha threw herself on her keen betide her brother and gave him suck a mournful, entreatiog look, with a plain tive "save me my brother, Bave your sis ter,1 that not a pabseoger could refrain from weeping. Again the poor besigbt ed biauty raited ber voice to one f ihe solemn, sacred airs: "0 where shall rent be found. Rest for the weary soul !" and oontioued her melancholy ebant un til we changed cars. Hia was a sorrow to) deep, rewC or profound for ordinary oonsulrtina aud no one dared intrudo so fr upon, bisgriif aa to satisfy bis curiosity. ALWAYS KEEPS CHAMBERLAIN S CO I'd II )1EHE DY IN HIS HOUSE. 'We would not be without Chamber lain'. Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W, W, Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lo vry City, Mo. That is just what ev erv fasnilv should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outxet and cured in much less time than after it h as become willed in the system This remedy o without a peer for emu p io ehildreo, -od will prevent the attack when gives a pooo as ibe child hco'nr hoarie, fi even after the crimpy ooagH appears, whioh can only be dor.e vtteo the reme dy ia kept at hand. For sale by W. V. Cliben,. Weldon, N. C , W. E. Beavesa,. Koficld, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Oaryaburg, N. C. THUPl Rati. Doeaakaliec tire you?" Shake lNo;.il's the sitting doww often that tirea dm." SO DOCTORS ARE PUZZLI4D. Th. aersarkable recovery of Kenoetb Mclver.of Vanocboro, Me , is the eub- ieet of much iotercst to the netlicsl fra ternity and a wide circle of franda Me ssyt of his case: "Owing to severe) in flamaaation of the throat art congestion of tb. Lungs, thrta doctorgsvo m up t. die, when, a a last rcejatyl wa in duced to try Dr. King's Now Diiicovery and lam happy tossy, it saved' my life." Cure. tb. worst Cough and Colda.Bron ehitit, Tontilitis, WeaW Rungs, Hoarse Bess and La Grippe. Guaranteed at any drug store, fife todj ill Tnal bottle free. HE LOOKED TO THE LIGHT. He looked to the light forever when the shadow dimmed bis eyer ; Singin' ever a song o' aunshine when tb. rain was in tb. skies ; In the dreariest dawn o' winter be bad aver a dream ' May ; "The light is there, in the darkness 0, the light will ahine some day I" What to him were the shadows? They were ever fast io flight I The world a thought of heaven In that beautiful dream of light I And what the thoroa that reddened forever along tb. ways, When be saw the later roses that com. with the brighter days? 0, light of Love I be with us when w. reach the valei tbat seem To cast a dreaiy shadow over Life's sweetest dream ; Sing to us of a deathless dawn, 0, deep, enduring Light I Where the Stars of Msrniog sing to Qod, and there is n. more Nigbt I BACK TO HOME, DOWN ON THE FARM. Now and then the clouds enwrap ae, Closing all the world from view ; And alone I sit in dreamland, Wbete the meadow bathes in dew, All about the flowers blooming, Nod and bow their pretty head, And the bluebells seem to jingle Merry songs to roses red. Down the pathway to the pasture Grain is swaying in the sun. I oan hear the coroblades rustle, I can aee the shadows run. In my vision I am listening In the twilight, when the stars Dimly peep through mellow aiure Hastening toward the rustic- bars. A STOCKING SOCIAL, PIOCS GIRLS TO PAY DEBT. TUI CHURCH The truly pious young w.men of th. Second Methodist church will hold a "stocking social" Thursday night. Aa a aucoess, it is expected to bulge at the calf. The ohuroh owes 8800, and tb. "social" will be given to pay off the debt. "Drop 85 io my stocking" is to be (be keynote, the motif, of the eotcrtainment. This is how the entertainment was ar ranged. Ways and means of liquidating tho church debt were being discussed, when a shapely misa suggested the "stooking social." It was necessary for her to explain. The old ladies and the thin ones were bonified, but the young girls hid their way, and are now soliciting their men friends for contributions. It goes without saying that when tbey began their collections the atockiogs were limp, empty the young women carry them, tbey do not wear them there will be nothing in tbem tut money when th. "social" end.. Never were more attractive, inviting collection bags. At the at the top, so to speak at the opening so to say where the money goes do you understand there is not th. usual, accustomed ah girdle oeinture retaining strap. Instead, a. each earnest church worker holds out the stocking in ber hand, th. extends the drawstring nf pretty baby blue rib bon that binds the receptacle or what ever you please to call it. Next Thursday eveningtha atookloge will be opened and the oontentt plaoed on the collection plate. It ia certain now tbat the church debt will be paid and there will be enough money left to buy a carpet for the pastor's study, Pittsburg Dispatch. A FAVORITE REMEDY FOR BABIES. Its pleasant taste and prompt euros bave made Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy s favorit. with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and preventa any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. Sold by W. M. Cohes, Weldon, N. C, W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, Oarysburg, N. C. Beware of the man who usea perlura ery. He's either silly or in love. AFLICTED WITH RHEUMATISM T wastind sm y afflicted with rheu matism," sijs Mr. J C. Bayne, editor ol th. Herald, Addington, Iodian Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business. It is the Lest of linimenis." If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you certain to be more thao pleaed with the prompt relief whioh it afforde. One application relieves the pain. For aale by W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N. C . W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A. Hawks, GaryBburg, N. C. Blissfulneas of ignorance is responsible for many a blister. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. The cores that ataad to hi credit make Bucklen't Arnica Salve a soientiSo won der. It cured E. R. Mulfard, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynes boro, Pa., of a distressing ease of Piles It heals Ihe worst Burns, Sores, Boila, Ulcere, Cuts, Wosnds, Chilblain, sod Salt Rheum. Only 25c a any drag store. Again I loiter near th. moorlands, Chasing butteiflies at will ; Again I bear th. sowbells tinkle, ' And tb. sail of whip-poor-will, The lazy .owe I find in biding 'Neath the willows there in vain, And I drive them homeward tinging, "0, to be a boy again." Then the cloudi tbat close enwrap me In my restrospeetiv. dream Seem to lift and bear me onward Toward the oosan down th. stream, 0, bow tweet is memory's calling, Lifting one from thought of barm, Baok again a barefoot boy Back to home, down on the farm. GOOD ADVICE. RESOLUTIONS WORTH FOLLOWING BY ALL MARRIED 00UPLE8 YOUNG OB OLD. W. are resolved to return from our honeymoon full of high hopes and bright anticipation, of tb. unknown futur. that tretohu so fair befor. us. Remember ing that, though at times dark clouds may sismentaiily obscure our bappioess, the sun will toon shin, through the gloom, and all will be radiant again. To liv. well within our income, and every year save aomething for the raioy days which, sooner or later, are bound to corns. To try to oorrect our own individu faults, instead of wondering at the aize and number of eaoh other'a. To b. perfectly frank and loyal in all our words and deeds, and let nothing have power to breed mischief between us. To never have s second quarrel, for th. very good reason that w. never had, nor intend to bav. a first. To treat our reapeotive mothers-in-law with due propriety, and try our best to get on well with all our new relations. To taka for our motto that golden rule of married life to bear and forbear. To resolutely resolve to always stand ahoulder to shoulder to fight the battle of life, for union ia strength. To never do things, however much we would like te, that w. know ar. against tb. wishes of the other, and, above all, never try lo deoeive or bav. secrets from eaoh other. To keep s sharp lookout for the Kttle rift within the Int. which will change the rausio of tb. domestic duet from the glorious major to the minor mournful key. To, if our marriage is a failure, let no body but ourselves be aware of the aor rowful fact. If you ar. troubled with Piles and can't find s our., try Witch Hasel Salve, but be tur. you get tbat made by E. C. DeWitt k Co , Chicago. It ia tbe orig inal. If ton have uaed Witch Haiel Salve without being relieved it is proba bla ihat you got bold of one of tbe many worthiest counterfeits that ar. sold on lb. reputation of tba genuine DeWitt'a Witoh Hasel Salve. Sold by W. M. Coken, Weldon, N. 0. Don't attempt to belittle othera be causa vou feal that thev ar. superior to yourself. FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE Lass ofappetit. alwaya results from faulty digestion. All that ia needed it a lew UueejorCl.Sitsrllia'l 8t9B?h am Liver Tableta. They will invi-orala the atomach, strengthen the digestion and live vou an atpttit. lik. a wolf. These Tablets also aet aa a gentle laxative. For tale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. W. . Beavens, Enfield, N. C. J. A. Hawka Garysburg, N. C. Many a man ia unable to atand on bis dignity because bit wife sits on it. A LIVELY TUSSLE with that old enemy of the race, Consti pation, often ends in Appendieitis. T avoid all aerioua trouble with Stomach. Liver and Bowala, take Dr. King'e New Life Pills. They perfeotly regulate these without nain or discomfort. 25c, et i i at all druggiata. There would be so labor troubles every man had a job on Easy street. if o Bears the Blpaaars .STOniA. .. Itsl bnl Yos Htvt Wav5 tunpr RICH TOWARD GOD, HE OAVE UP ALL HIS GOLD TO SAVE THE LITTLE FATHKRI.ESS CHILD. Soma years ago a steamer on Lake Erie caught fire. Tin y headed at once for the shore. On board was a man from California with a heavy bag of gold. He began to get it out of his trunk to bind around him, when a little girl looked up in his face and said : "Will you save me ? 1 have no papa oo board to save mo." He looked first at hia bag of gold, hich represented years of hard work then at the pleading fane. lie dropped the gold, and as tho boat struck the beach, he placed tho little ouo on his baok, with her arms around his neck, od leaped into the flood. He struggled fur (bore, and was at last thrown up by the breakers with his treasure oo the sand. He bad got the little one on shore; but ha lost consciousness for a time. Coming to, he siw, first of all, the eyes of the dear child lookiog down into bis and the tears of gratitude (ailing on bis face. Others who had reached the shore with their effects, while the ories o( the drowning were ringing in their ears, stood baok, sod instinclivoly gave thie ero the place of honor. It wub not de manded, but was given without jealousy or envy. So it will be iu heavoo. with those who are "rich toward God." When I Bee Casey and Juileon and tbe great host of toilers who counted not their lives dear unto them, that tbey might follow Christ, not only in hi service, but in his Buffering sacrifice; when I shall see them ooming with the dusky throngs behind tbem, whom they have won from to'.id heathenism, I shall shriek back io- stinoiively to give theui the place ol honor. Christian Alliance THE LITERAL IDIOT AGAIN. A VERY SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION OP NOISES HEARD, BUT NOT SEEN, The lodgers were alarmed one night by what sounded like a man running at tremendous pace in tho room above. As the noise came from the room of new lodger, nothing was said. The next iht the Same runoioe- noises were heard; still it was thought best to say nothing. But the third night the noise differed. Tbe boarders huddled togeth er in the parlor as tbe chandeliers shook, as the man above apparently came down at intervals with a thump, thump that fairly shook the houso. Two men were delegated to see what was the matter. "What io the world is tho matter up here ?" asked one of the men as the door waa opened by the now lodger, ap parently breathless. "Why." oame the answer, between gasps of breath, "I'm taking my tncdi sine." "Medioine?" echoed the men. "Yes, said the mau, ss he dropped into a chair from sheer exhaustion "It s harder on me than it is on you But the dootor said I should take it two nights running, and then skip tbe third night.' Tba best way to rid the system of cold ia to evacuate the bowels' Keooe dy's Laxative Honey and Tar acts aa pleasant yet effectual cnthartio on the bowela. It clears (lie head, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengtheD toe bronchial tubes, relieves oougbs,co1ds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by W. M- Cohen, Weldon, N. C, k REMIKISCENCE. "It hat bees so wet for the last three or four years," remarked Truthful James, "that a good many people have forgot how dry it uted to be. I remember ono year when th. Missouri river war dusty all th. way down from Kansas City to the Miwnsainni. Of courss the river i . was running all the while, but the water in it got bo dry that it lumed to dust and blew away. I took a boat down th. river at that time, but it whs so dualy oo the boat that you cou'dn'tsio the hii end of it when you was standing on th r.".,nt csd It littls the Wrtt I ever see My mouth gut so much grii and dust in it that I could strike s match on the roof of it any time One day tbe boat cot stuck in fifteen feet of Missouri River water. It was so dry and dust that ihe wheel couldn't tutn. What dii we do? Well, air, wo weDt out hired farmer to haul fresh well water for fif teen miles to mix with the water until it thin enough to run the boat through." Kansas City Journal. Query: It the poor man who mar ries a rioh grass widow in clover ? The eoat doesn't make the man, but tbe lawsuits make the attorney. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of VERY TRUE. ABE YOU ONE OF THESE, YOUNQ MAN ? How frequently we look about us and see some bright, promising young man going to ruin. When he is tottering on bis last legs, so to speak, and finally is down and out to t lie great majority he is lost forever. The begioning of that young man's ruin was bad company. "He that followeth vain persoos shall have poverty enough." A young man starling out io the world should first of all firrciso great care io choosing his company If ho is honest, efficient, capable and at the same time congenial, train him with persons of (he same calibre. Men who posses these traits of character seldom go out of their olass. The teodoncy is when a young man is turned looso he , g es into his own company be it good or bad. You can always tell the kind of a man he is by the company he keeps in Hie hours. Every Judas goes to bis own place even in this world. We can ee bow a young man of splen did training and good attainments gets into bad company by mis'ako aud goes wrong. At first he is nothing like his associates. Gradually bo becomes more nd more like them. Within a short time be has lost all his former goodness and is one of them. "Who lies down with dogs, rises wiih fleas." Gambling hastens the ruin i f many a yoong man. Wine and women go nana in hand with gambling and the three soon puts their victim in tbe clear. Up II night roaming around in the company of either of the thr e interferes with a man's success by weakening and shorten ing life. How many young men you ear complaio of the salary they receive, and yet nifctit after night ynu oan find them io front of a bar svndiog their hard earned money without a moment's hesitarina, or a w rd of c impUiot. "Young saao if this hits yu, wake up If you are formingbad habits that you know are wrong, oat them out." Re- meouer the world is full of "nobodys." Drink and card nlavini' will make V"U that, If ynu want to be somehow turn your back oo both. Indigestion much of a habit. Dotf't get the h'bit. Take a little Kodol Dys pepsia Cure after eating and you wil quit bclohing, puffiing, palpitating a Del frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. R.N. BRIDGE RS : ; PREPARED TO MOVE : : Trunks, Saw Mills or Steamboats, At all hours, Day or Night Phone No. 61. .OF FALL AND W.INTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS sad NOViEltflES. Buttariek'aPatt-roa. R. & G. CORSETS, HUneaat60c., Ladies 76c. to $1. asB-Pricea will be made to snit the times, Hate and Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OHPERH PROMPTLY KILLER MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. D. E.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC. AND FIRE INSURANCE, Weldon, N.C Roanoke News Office Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY ... LARGEST STOCK In the South Illustrated Catalogue FREE. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 159 to 183 Bank St., Norfolk Vs MVS It. Gut Display DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful curat made by Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It Is the great medi cal triumph of tho nine teenth century: dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad if- der specialist, and la wonderfully successful In promptly curltif lame Dacx, Kianey, Diaaoer, uric acid trou ble; and Brig ht'j Disease, which is the wont form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found ut the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful III every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When wrltingmentlon reading this generoua offer In this paper and :end your address to. Dr. Kilmer 8tCo..Bing-1 hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and nomaof swamp-Root, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healtbfulness and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane Is made of pure maple and. Louisiana cane sugar, or rich, smooth consistency and the true I "woodsy"mapleflavor. Whole- lome you can eat it every day. VOR SALI BY B. CLARK, Weldon, N. C. oot 5 30t. E.T' ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, K. 0. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, aud in tbe Supreme court of the State. Special attention givea to collection", and prompt returns. QEO C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Tracticea In all State and Federal conrta Collection of claims in Halifax and ad joining counties- Money to loan on approved security. Attorney for First National Bank. HOLLISTER'8 locky Mountain Tea Nuggets. A Buy Hedlohu for Buy Faopla. lirlnga Oold.a Hatltk aad Baewed Vigor. A snoelfle for Constipation, InSipestlon. LIvS iii'l Khttier Trouble. Pimples. Eerema, Impure IM'MHi, B id nreath, Kluircnh Bowels, Headache n, Hflrkarnv. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. -r form, 8ft cnt a box. . Oenulne niaUe by I'.ILLISTEll Dai'O UOHPANV, MAdlSOn, WIS. r,OLDEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Machines and We have mad. contracts with several Talking Machine and Orapbophone Com panies to both Retail and Wholesale their Machines. Wa bays on band over twen ty-five style, of tbe latest improvements, from Four to Ninely dollars eavh. Sev eral both Disc and Roller Records, all New and Up-to-Date MUSIC, SONGS, &C. We Uke old worn-out records in past pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquartera of ssv- WJ m aw w aa Uopkes! eral companies and spent time and money to learn all that la to be learned in connec tion with this business, and think we are well prepared to furnish all needed infor mation to oor customer. We will take all old style Qnphophonet in part pay for new ones. We handle the VICTOR, COLUMBIA and other patterns Come or write to aa for catalogues and ia formation. We have in atock a large lias of Musical Instruments of many kinds. Onr atock of Mattings, Caxpetings, Rnga Art Squares, Drnggetaand House Furnish ings of all atyles is larger than ever before, SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. 0. WANTED Men io each State to trsvel, post signs, advertise and le.ve samples of our goods Salary 179 per month 13 per day for expenses. Kuhlmao Co., Dept. 3. Atlas Bleek, Chicago, IU. bm aaaaaaasBBei "BasBBslasjBsBsttBBBvaBsV .. n . 0f Mill sVsmsj.sV V a vn fr'1itfi-'