t f !-. 3wyraiaayv' mi t ...,. . i 1 " ll jj il ll Wat? r.l i LAW I K" 5 J W4 ADTBKTISI1TC3- RATES-modkratb. A. IT ID "W SP APER FOB TH1 PBOPLB. TERMS:-'11 pkh anmim in aivanci j WL. XL. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2d, 1906. NO. 47 JnsTVv IB SM . "i -IGllSTOIllil Isfilif AV'tH'tiiblePreparaiionfor As similating ihcFootindUciula lm(J Hie blotnachs nrel Dowels of Promotes DigcslioivCheerfut ncss hk1 Rest.Contnins neills? r 0)uini,Morphine nor Mineral. ot Nam c otic. Ikwx tfOUDrSmUELPtKIW IStmJtiH Sfrml tlx Smim ' fixk.IU.Ult- Hmfutt .flJMe A perfect Remedy forConslira- litm, Sour Slonuich.Diarrlwca 'units .Convulsions .Fcwrish-iu-ss itiul Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COP Of WRAPPER. K&ltffSSael McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORE, ohlll eurav no nt ! nlng r u ??LT,r:V:Hmk.rlohr.db.ood. snlng. It hM P ke ,t. PRICE, WW""' Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation and Sluggish Livers. Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money baoK. For Sale by W. 11. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. W. K Beavans, EoBald, N C. MALES A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and itvavs restores color to pray hair. " rtWttXT" The : Bask : WELDON, N. O. Oiiaiiiel Uiltt Be Lais if the State if Null Canto, AUGU8T20TII, USi. STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA DEPOSITORY. HALIFAX COUNTY DEPOSITORY. TOWN OF WELDON DEPOSITORY. Ca?.Mll $34,000. FOBH years thia institution has provided banking facilili.a for this section. Ita stockholders and dim-tor have been identified ith tbe h.in im.rmi. nf Halifax and Northampton counties lor many jura Mouey ia loaned npon approved security centum. Accounts of all are solicited. president: W. F.. DANIEL, Vlft-PBMIMST: Dr. H. W. LEWIS. (Jacksoi, Norlhampton Co , N. C ) Has Stood The Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome No - Cure - No - i - w OF WELDON. N. C. UfijED Smes Deposit W- WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ' P. K A SONS: FIRST. Wear, tbe first and only DEPOSITARY of the United Btates Government funds in thia section of Eastern North Carolina. SECOIN" D- Our manaRement has had twenty-one years experience in UiN IhJb anki nKbusi neaa; and as National Bask i.xaminer and Reoeiver in charge of National Banks. THT"R,"n We make collections on every banking point in North Caro line it the loweat banking rates; ana mane a spec...., h.nlincr and commercial collections. PQTT"R,T,TT We allow oourauemeDt to thrift and saving. OFFICERS: Wm. H H. n,. P,.U,nt. f Nsiional Bank Eiaminer 1893-1901.) 8. P. Pattersoi, Vice-President, (General Man. Roanoke Mills Co. and Rose mary Maaufaoturing Co.) t h T, Qooob, Cublar, (Myw of W.ldoo, M. 0. and U. 8, Cobbujiobm.) For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years Cough, p,'. Whooping Pneumonia .-2' J?"d Pvents A afe. and iur. ,.",umPln. PICE, 25 CENTS. VKUETADLE SICILIAN HairRenewer ol at the legal rate of interest-si. per c.ian its.' IV V. SMITH. Test 25 Years ay. reuonable iutercat on time deposits; an en m m w m. wm AW i i)(V lr Ml Weldon ORAL AN OLD MAN. Bl WAS 8I1LL PAPA8 BABT BOT. There ia muoh of novelty aod interest in Asbeville Federal coatt and tbare Defer a da; ao dull or proaiao but tbat much of the diverting may be found in tbe array of defendants and witnesses summoned from their mountain retreata conneolion with malting illicit fire water, Nothing more pathetie or inter- eating, however, baa developed at thia than an incident recently when an old gray haired mas, Dave Hall, of Shelton Laurel, Madiion county, aeed 73, who hero to answer the obarge of blocka ding, aroae and with teara couiaing down ia tanned cheeks, pleaded to be allowed go home, stating tbat he bad received message that bis lather waa dying and at be wanted to see him onoe more. He pleaded tbat he waa papa'e baby boy and his broken voice and ahaking hand ahowed hit distress. ' The proaecuting attorney agreed to bis request and he waa allowed to go bit way free man. The family ia well known to tbe rev enue officers, and in speaking of the oase Deputy Marshal Ben Barnes said; "Tbe statement tbat Dava Hall ia tbe baby boy is not really a fact. - He may be the youngeat living though. Tbe father of tbe defendant resides on Shelton Laurel Madison couoty. He must be be tween 115 and 120 years of age. I be hove be ia the oldest man in North Car- Da. He ia a remarkable person. He the father of 39 children, all boys. He is Alex Hall, and when I saw tbe old man last fall he was well and hearty. He baa a clear eye. He doesn't wear sssee and I was told tbat be never has. He is not deaf. Ex. INFLAMED STOMACH' Frequent eating and eating between meals are also among tbe tilings tbat shorten life. It eannot be too strongly asserted that deaire for food, oo matter bow insistent, can not be taken aa an indication that there is any need for food. In faot, here the appetite ia habitually very keen where there is intense craving for food it ia merely a aign of diseased atomaub. In such cases food is the worst thing pos sible. Tba free drinking of wster, hot cold, wilh abstinence from or light meals at long intervale, would give tbe flamed surface a chance to heal, Thia perhapa the moat practical way to oure such hunger. There is, of course, s nor- appetite a keen desire for food which follows bard physical labor. But any man-1 r woman of sedentary babita bo ia habitually hungry ia probably mffrririg from ao inflame! atomaob, the result of some dietio bad habit. Health Culture. AFLICTED WITH RHEUMATISM "I was and am yet afflicted with rheu matism, says Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addiogton, India! Territory, but thanks toChambtrlaio'e Pain Balm am able onoe more to attend to business. is the best of liuiineo's." If troubled ith rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial aod you certain to be more than pleased ith the prompt relief which it affords. Ooe application relieves the pain. Forsaleby W.M.Cohen, Weldon, N. O , W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. C, A Hawks, Garynburg, N. C. Si me pei ple buy Bibles for tho gilt oo them, others Iur the gold in tbem. i FAVORITE REMEDY FOR BABIES. Its pleasant taste and prompt eures have made Chamberlain's Coaeh Reme dy a favorite with the mo.heri of small children. It quickly cuiea their eougbs nd colds and preventa any danger ol pneumonia or other serious cooscqueocs. It not only cures croup, hol when given aa soon aa the croupy sough appeara will prevent ihe a'taik. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N C , W. E Beavens, Enfield, N. C, J. A tlawka, Garysburn, N. C. Heaven b -ro love makes the higher life. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. Tbe crea that atasd to ile credit make Buekleo'a Arnica Salve a aoienlifia wou der. It cured E K. Mullord, lecturer for the Patrons uf Husbandry, Waynca boro, Pa., ot a distnssing case of Piles It heals the worst Bums, Sorts, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblaias and Salt Rheum. Only 25c at any drug etore. It mailers not what kind ! gambling yot follow, they all lead yea down. A LIVELY TUSSLE with that old enemy of ibe race, Conati nation, often ends in AppeBdieitis. avoid all serious trouble with Stomaoh Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate thee organs, without pain or diaoomfort. 20c, at all druggists. JUpitlng ii iot rapratlaf . LET IT Be not swift to lake offense ; Let it pass I Anger is a foe to aense I Let it pasa I Brood not darkly o'er a wrong Which will disappear ere long 1 Kathersing this cheery soog Let it pasa I Let it pass I Slrife corrodes the purest mind , Let it para I Aa the unregarded wind, Let it pass I Any vulgar aoula that livo May coodcino without reprieve ; 'Tis the noble who forgive. Let it pasa I Let it pass I Echo not ao angry word ; Let it pass I Think how often you have erred, Let it pass I Siooe our joys must pass away Like tbe dewdrops oo tbe spray, Wherefore should our sorrows slay? Let it pass I Let it pass I ABOUT THE LITERARY LADY, Tbe Literary Lady, though she's clever, nooe can doubt it, Too often makes us wonder why she worries so about it, And why, wben one picks up her book and meekly looks upon it Her altitude distinctly says, "Please look at me I done it 1" The Literary Lady, if her novel's a success, Occasionally shows it in the manner of her dress, As if to sk, "How is it the Immortals do their hair ? And wben I reach the Hall of Fame pray what am I to wear?" The Literary Gentleman ia otherwise, for he Is shrinking, shy and blushing to a marvelous degree. He never talka about himself or writes the kind of stuff That geta it into the papers for a literary puff. And when a sordid Publisher would advertise bis book He shrinks from such publicity wilh dumb, appealiog look, And every lime a compliment oomes amiliogly hie way He shrieks, "O please don't mention it I" and sighs and faioti away. But the Literary Lady is alert, for well she knows How one mistake of hers might wreck contemporary prose. And aa the laurel crown above her shell-like ear she sticks 8he wears her honors lightly ai a Wigon load of brisks. There ia some strange divinity that shapes her rides and walks, As now she sits for photographs aid interviews and talks, And in her friendly satliea with the lawyer and the parson She awiogs the torch of knowledge in a way auggesting arson. Tba Literary Lady wracks her fascioating head To write her own biography before ahe's really dead, To tell about her Eliiors, her Loti-ra and her Cata, Her spring and snmmer poetry, her fall and winter Hata. For proudly she explaios to us, as proud her lip is curled, "The baod that rocks the cradle rules the (literary) world; Therefore I firmly tread though with tbekindlieat intent Upon tbat drooping violet, the Literary Gent." Wallaoe Irwin, A JOLT. A Boston publio school teacher wa hying to give her pupils a definite id "i f a volcano. With red rMk she diew on the blackboard fiery fl iniea issuing from a mountain Inp, When the draw- ing was dooe, sne turoea to ine oian oo-1 . i . .t. i i fore her and aaid: "Can any one tell aie hat that lookiMike?" "It looks like hell, ma'am," replied one of the young aters, with startling promptness. Indigestion much of a habit. Doo't get the h-bit. Takes little Kodol Dys pepsia Core after eatiof and jou will qtit belohing, puffiing, palpitating and frowning. Kodol digests what you eat and makaa the atomaob sweet. 8old by W. M- Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Putty and piety are nu the same. FOR AN IMPAIRED APPETITE Less ofappotite always results frona faulty digestion. All that is needed is a lew dosei of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tahleta. They will invi-orate the stomach, atrengthen the dilation aod vim un ai.netitc like a wolf. There Tablets alo act as a gentle laxative. j -r f Forsaleby W. M. Cohen, Weldon, S. C. W. E. Beavens, Enfield, N. I., A, Hawks. Garyaburg, N. V. Ha who baa glad newa need not be afraid of sinking a noise. Tt vnu are troubled with Piles aud ean't find a oure, try Witch llaiel Halve, but be sure you get that made by E. C. DeWilt Si Co , Chioago. It is the orig inal. If you have used Witon Itaiel Salve without being telived it is proba ble that you got bold of one of the many worthless eounterfcita (hat are sold on the reputation of (he geunine DeWitt a Witch Hazel Salvo. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. 0. You cannot feed tbe aainte by running tht church into a kitchen. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Uii Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 8lgatVof PASS, If for good you've taken ill, Let it pass I Oh, be kind and gentle still I Let it pass I Time at last makes all things straight, Let us not resent, but wait, And our triumphs shall be great; Let it pass I Let it pass I Bid your anger to depart ; Let it paaa 1 Lay those homely words to heart; Lot it pass I Follow not the giddy throng ; Better be wronged than wrong ; Therefore eiog the oherry song Let it pass 1 Let it pass I QUITE A TURN DOWN. In a atreet ear in Cleveland the other day a young man suddenly stopped aod picked up aomeihing from the floor. After looking at it a moment he aaked in a loud voioe, "Has anybody lost a (5 gold piece?" Instantly a aolemo man at the front esd of tbe car roae aod walking baok to the young chip aaid, "Yea, I have lost a tS gold piece," and held out bia hand. 'Well," said the young man, "here's 5 oeots I just picked up toward it." Kaoaaa City Journal. ALWAYS KEEPS CHAMBERLAIN 8 CODUH BENE- DT IN HIS HOUSE. "We would not be without Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our borne, aaya W. W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, - i Lowry City, Mo. That ia just what ev- ery family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant nae, a cold may be checked at the outset aod cured in much lesa time l ban after it baa became scttled in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for eroup in children, and will preveot the attack wben given as toon as tbe child beomea hoarse, oil even after the crouov conga appeara, which oan only be done when the reme - dy is kept at hand. Vr..leh W. M. f!ob.n. Weldon. N. 0 , W. K. Beavens, Enfield, N. C J. A. Hawks, Garyabsri, If. 0. The praise of holmees is not its pur - suit. DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. Th remarkable reeaverv of Kenneth MI., f V.neeboro. Me . is tbe sub- ieot of much iotereet to the nodical f. I ' t ' teroity and a wide oirole of friends. He aaya of his oase: iiA;..n :n UWIUK .V damnation of the throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, ai a last resort, I was iu- duced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it aaved my life Cures Ibe worst Coughs aud Colds.Btoo- ebitia, Tonsililis, Weak Langs, Hoarse ness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at aty drugstore. 60s. and 1. Tiial bottle frea. SAT IN PRESIDENT'S CHAIR. TUl MAN WHO KILLS WOLVIS WITH BI8 HANDS OOOPPIM CHAIR OF oarir ixiodtiti. Some of the best stories about things that happen at the White House reach thia city tbrosgh the talka of visitors on their return home, aaya Thomas J. Peooe, Washington correspondent, in tbe News and Observer, One of the men who reoently visited Washington waa John Abernetby, who was appointed marshal of Oklahomo because he killa wolves with bia hands. The papers (nought they bad all the good stories ,bout hm bB, , di,poh (tm Llw0Di Oklahoma, tells of an incident of hie trip here tbat ia characteristic He went to the White House, and after numerous inquiries found himself in th President's reception room "A man stepped up and asked me what I wanted," said Abersatby, "and I told him to just tell the President tbat Abernathy wanted to see him. " 'Is this John Abernathy ?" asked another man, and when I said I was, be took me by the arat and led me Into an I other room, where around a fine table were seated a number of fine looking men, He told tbe men present my name and then left me standing there. "Looking around aeeing only one va eint chair, I sat in tbat. Then the door opened behind me and two powerful hands slapped me on the aboulder, and looking up I recognised Preaident Roose velt. He grabbed my hand in bis and shook it like a brother. Then he laughed and said "John, you're getting up in the world -occupying the President s otaair at a Cabinet meeting." "1 started to spring out of tbat chair, but the President just pushed me back into it and laughed. Ha then excused himselt to tbe other men and took me to aoother portion of tbe White House, where he iotrodneed me to Mrs. Roose velt, A LAZY DREAMER. Ef you don't tbink I'm happy whar Na ture's amilin' free, Jest turn me loose in meddera greeo, an' plow the Ian' fer me I Jest leave me in the sbadders of a river- bank, so oool, Whilst you're nrgio' on the ox team, or geehawin' o' tbe mule I I Ef you don't tbink I'm satisfied with this terrestrial ball, Jest turn me looas in spriogtimi, ao leave me thar till fall I You jest don't interrupt me, aa I dream beneath the trees A friend to all the daisies a brother to the breete I 0. then it is. dear friends, I know this world's a friend to graoe. Tbat theaters air rightly roltin', an' the sun is in bis place ; That tbe heaven tbat ahmes above ns is not ao fur away, But it bears the world's heart beatio whar the winds kneel down to prayl A SPIRITED WITNESS. Sir Henry Irving was once the guest of honor at a lawyers' baoquet in New York. In tbe oourae of a graceful ad- drees, be said : "You, gentlemen, have giveo me moat helpful advice on the art of acting will you permit me to give you in return a pieoe of advice regarding your profusion? "Mv advice, then, is that yon make your orosa examination less vigorous, leas harsh. What is the gool of treating an honest and sensitive witieis oo the wit- I ness stand as though he were a sneak thief? A young man in my coopaoy I was a witness in a oase of robbery. He had seen a thief snatch a youoj girls pocketbeok and make off. "Well, Ihe thief a lawyer oroaa-exatn- ined my young friend shamelully. He roared at him, shook his fist al hia, raved at bits. "And at what boar did all thia bap- I pea ?' the lawiet, Siieutisg, tiled 10 1 ward the end of hia examination. " 'I think my friend began, but he was st once interrupted. jrV S.. with I 11 11' J .'a n I L i n it It axV.ant . ' f ,.., " 'Don't vou want to herr what I 1 think r uii aJ young frieoj) mildly. " 'Certainly not, tbe lawyer roared. " 'Then,' aaid my friend, '1 uay well step down from tbe box. I'm not a lawyer. I can't talk without thinking. The best way to rid tbe system of a I ... .. it- XT oold u. to evaauaie tne ooweta, n-enue- 1 Jv T a!-. CI...- ..J T.st . . aJ " .HI. . i Dieasaoi vet varemai oumiiu v. t.c bowels. It dears tba bead, cuts the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens tne bronchial tubes, relieves ooaghs,oold, oroup, whoopiogoough.sto. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Vanity is the mother vice. rt-ti. - law Una toe Hate alwtrt BoagM 01as, sr Written for Tim Roanoki News. PUT IT BACK. BT CAM I'll ELL. "Put it back," the maiden cried, Her cheeks with red like rotos dyed, When he, wilh ynulliaail coinage bold, II ur form eiulirao il, tier chin did hold, And plucked a kiss fr iin lips ) wide. He, lotliing not, ('iickly complied, told- And took a score moro from lis side Kich one be ptuckcJ ho did as Put it luck, Tli o in lidcn stood in imidu-n pride, With eyes so bright, and coyly sighed ; "You might have took a hundredfold Ere I bad screamed or thought to sold. "Pul it back." TWO BETTER. During (be civil war the late Colonel Gabe Bmck orguniz d a regiment, which he controlled as a dictator. While the army was resting after Colonel Ga'oe's first campaign, un iiinniaQt evaDgelint wandered into ciuip aoJ, approachiog tbe colonel, asked if Ii3 was the com- anding officer. "Ugh !" snorts'! "Old Gabc, "what do you want?" "I am only a servant of the Lord en deavoring to cave the souls of the unfor tunate. I have iu U left the cimp of the Massachusetts, whoro 1 was in strumental in icaain;' cixm men into paths of righteousness." "Adjutant," thuudered Colonel Bjuok, "detail ten men for baptism. No Massa chusetts regiment shall bea: mine for piety." y.-ite Saying. It . Is n suyliiK that no man la atriii(,r ,,,, Ills stiiiniu-li. l)r. rierccs Uoldci, j ",,,, 'al Itisnivcry strengthens tho stomactl puts it In shape to make pun, rich blood helps llm liver and fcidnuvs t expel the pnicins from the body and thus rmvs Iwlii liver anu Kia nev troubles. If von take this natural blood puritier and tunic, you will assist. your system in maiiuinciiiriiig eac-n uay a nint of rich, red MhihI. that Is Invigo rating to the lirain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run dou I). debilitated condition which so many people suffer Irom, is usually the ellirt nt poisons ill the liloml; it is often Indicated by liimulea or holla appearing on ihe skin, llio face hei'omo linn nun I ic lee lias "niue." l)r. IMerce's " hisenverv " nircx alt blood humors us well as Ih iiik ii uuue that makes oim vigorous, siroug anil forceful. It is ih onlv iiiiilicnic put up inrsaie through druggists lor like purposes that contains neither alcohol imr narmrui habit-forming drugs, and the only one, ovi.rv Inirreil en! nf u hich litis the nrofeS- slonal endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Nmm ot these endorsements are ptilili-lusl in a little book of extracts from standard medical irks and will lie sent to any addresa free, on receipt of reuuest therefor by letter or postal card. aiUlressisi to Dr. K. V. "lerce. lluhalo. X. V. It tells JUSt what Ilr. I'ierce's tiHilicines are made of. The " Vt ords of Praise" for the several lnirrcillcnls of which lr. 'lerce'a medi cines are comtsised. by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them for tho cure ot the diseases for which the "(iolden Medical Discovery " Is advtsiil. should have rar more weight with the sick and afflicted than anv amount of the so-called "testi monials" ao conspicuously Haunted before the public by those w ho are afraid to let the ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Hear in mind that the "(tuition Medical Discovery "has thk ii a do k of HoxKsTV on every bottle wrapper, in a tun list oi ns ingreaients. Dr. Piorcn's Pleasant Pellets euro con stipation. Invigorate the liver and regu- lato stomacti and howcis Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page lllua- tratod Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for HI ons- cent stamps, or cloth-hound or 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. In M nninPCDC niiiiDniuucno ; : PREPARED TO MOVE : : Trunks, Saw Mills or Steamboats, At all hours, Day or Night Phone No. 61. Grani Display OF -FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVF.LTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. It. & G. CORSETS, Miaaea at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. Beta-Prieea will be made to suit the times. Hata aud Bonnets mads and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. D. E.STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND FIRE INSURANCE, .Roanoke News Office. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ml, . i . ain cnceriuiness soon ) ft disappear vvlien the kid. - or air;ea:,ea. fu LW.CJTiC-- Kldncy trouble has ., , become so prevalent IVex.. V ll that Ills not uncom W IV J ' neys. If the child i UIIUUHIIIiUn born weak I'ld- .-' ates loo otien. If th urine scalds tho (le.-li or l(. when the child reaches an aji vhen II should be able to control the par;are, It Is vet afflicted wilh bed-wcttlne. dir-nd upon It. the cause ot the difficulty h Hdnev trouble, andtheflrj step chsuM be towards the treatment o these important orfjans. This unpleasant trouble Is due lo a diseased condition ot the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men ara made ml. erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the, immediate effect ol Swamp. Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty- ceni ana one dollar (jnujjjpyl sample bottle by mail siarfgtj iree. also pamphlet tell- riomo of eranp.Roo. ing all about it. including many ot th thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton, v. i ., on every bottle. J V4t Made scientifically from oure supers and with an eye to heslthfulneas ana ease ot digestion Goy er's Maplecane Is made of pure maple snd . Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, I imooth consistency and the true I 'woodsy'Tnaplenavor. Whole lome you can eat it every dsr. FOR BALE BV E. CLARK, Weldon, N. C. oct 5 30t. Ei. T" CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, K. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax sal adjoining countiea,aud in tbe Supreaas court of the State. Special attention lives to collections and prompt returns. Gr EO C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BL'ILDINfi. Practices in all State. md Federal courts' Collection of claims in Halifax and ad joining counties. Money to loan on approved aecnrity. Attorney for First National Bank. HOUl?TSR' locky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy atedloins w Btny People. iMag Golden Health rod Bta.wod Vigor. A KniM-iflc f'ir Continuation. InrilptMtloo. LIt Hid Ki'hicv Troubled, rimples. Eczema, mpun atoiHl, Bail Brtillh. Slucrish Howell, Hrad&eh, in t Hackachf. It's H'Vkv Mountain Tea la Ubi t. fni-m. !K ,pnta a C.-nulnA tnAAm h HoLLlSTElt Ilaco Companv, MAilltOQ, Wis. GOLDEM NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPlf Talking lacks aai Graphophones! We have made contracts with several Talking Machine and Graphopbone Com panics to both Retail anil Wholesale their Machines. We have on hand over twen ty live sly lee of tho latest improvements, from Four to Ninety dollars each. Rev era! both Disc and Roller Records, all Seir tirA i'p-t-ln, MUSIC, SONGS, &C. We take old worn-out records In part I pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquarteia of sev eral companies and spent time and money to learn all that la to be learned in connee tion with thia bnsineas, and think we are well prepared to tarnish all needed infor mation to our customers. , We will tnke all old style Graphophones in part pay for new ones. We handle tbs VICTOR, COLUMBIA and other patterns Come or write to na for catalogues and in- I formation. We have in stock a large lias of Musical Instruments of many kinds. Our atock of Mattings, Carpeting, Rug Art Squares, Druggets and Houae Furnish ings of all aty lee is larger than ever beiore. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. WANTED Men in each Etate to travel, post signs, advertise an! I leave samples nf our poods Balary 178 per month 13 per day for epen Wildob.N.cI Kuhlman Co., Dept. 8. Atlas Blest, Chioago, 111. J riir

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