wm TERMS:-1'511 ?EIt annum in advance A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE NO. 48. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1906. VOL. XL. u ii Tim Kind You llavo Always Bought, nnd wlilch lias) been In uso for ovt ;5C) ypai-H, lias liorno tiio Mtrimtiiro or and Iiiih boon iiimlo tumor 11U per sonal giiporvislon hIiico Un Inl'anoy. Allow no ono to dooolvoi you In tlila. All Countorl'oltd, Imitation ami .Tust-as-uoocl" aro lit Korlinont8 that tilllo with and ondaiiKor tho lioaltH of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l'loasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevorishness. It cure3 Uiarrliwu and Wind Colic. It roliees Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TIGHT LAW, The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE fllNTA eOMHNf, TT MURUY TKT, NtW VOBR 0n MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE . -L.telv tnstelet I, the only ""'.- Quinine on chill euro com""- , to chl. the mantei. . ,noreaseyour enlng. It r.rtrBn ,lke It. i.tiiBtoanacni. PRICE, 00 CENTS. " t.WHO PLA8TIR. Ctat right at the c, ,unm PRICE, 25 CENTS. DREAM GARDENS. DARED TO TELL THE TRUTH. SEEKS WIFE TO CRY, She aaidshe would build her House of Dreams where the autumn helds begin To stretch away from these sioging seas if her ship should ever ootne in : She would plant 'nealh its sapphire towers unlearn in the radiaot air A led rose Garden for loving and a white rose Garden for prayer. And the house would be so stored she would call it the Houbo of Peaoe : For the music that faith alone can make in its chambers should not oease, And the sweetest winds would blow through them franght with the fragrance rare ooun, of lhe affair Of a red rose Garden fur loviog and a white rose Garden for prayer. Ilere in the waste of the world that house our hearts can never win. But over the tides that never saw a returning sail drift in, Dear Girl, have you found the Homo of Peace and the roses blooming there In a red rose Garden for loving and a white roso Garden for prayer? I never may reach the mjstio shore where your radiant palaco gleams, But many a night by the moonlit seas I have pictured in my dreams How gently a Heavenly Bridegroom's haoda are laid on the golden hair Where a red rose Garden for loving fades to a white rose Garden for prayer. Take McOUFFIE'S Little Bluo Liver Pills for Constipation and ' 'u"glsh Livers. Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all wo claim or your money book. FobSai.k by W. M. Coi.o, ll'eldon, N. C. II'. E. Buavans, EuBeld, N. C. i 7 HRYt 7 1 nc U'"1 lulc "tuu" AyersPillsgggg Want your moustache cr beard abeautiful brown or rlcnlikul:? TV KINGHAM'S BYE MANY A WOMAN, BY SUBMITTING TO AN INCIl OB TWO IN TUB WAIST, C011I.D IMPROVE llfiR COMPLEXION, HBIQI1TKN IIER EYES AND RENEW HER YOUTH Most Women will declare and with reason, that they are mote comfortable iu some fori'i of corset than without any; and although it may be argued against this by the cors t hater that this is because they hate accustomed tlum elrrs lo oi nulrictioD that is unnatural, the fact remains, and it is probable that this garment, in some form or another will .Iways bo in tho fashion. It remains. thcrelore, for the would be reformers to evote their encrgiei to the proper non- truction and the oorrcct use of corsets. As to construction, it may be claimed that any ooreet which makes pressure on the diaphragm is harming the wearer, for the reason that it then becomes im- to breathe properly. Singers invariably wear their olothiog loose here because they could not get eoough breath to siog if they did not, and they are gen erally healthy and splendid developed wo men. It is probably not an extreme state meot to make that ninctentha of corseted women never breathe as they should, be cause they have entirely lost the habit. The result is that tho blood is never suffi ciently arated, and the condition is all the time rendered more or less anemio and below par. For this reason t he so oallsd "stiaight-front" corset is s great advance on the old-fashioned shape, be oause it gives more room to the breath ing apparatus, and exerts the pressure whfro it can be better borne. But whatever miy beoonceded in the direction of loose, well-made oorets, noth ing but ill can bo said of any form of oorset that is worn ligh'; and by tight is meant the application of any pressure that is itiffitiiiDt to oontraot tho figure. Col. Holden, of the Fort Gibson Post, Then are few indeed who do not !nrympthlii with everybody iu hard om ooder Ihu condemnation What- luok prioted this letter from Richard ever women say to tb eontrarj, the Beoge, Cherokee, whose pack of trail principal use of tho oorsit i' not to give hounds has often made mnde awoag the necessary support, but to produce the hills: "Will you ploase let me have a shape prescribed by faahion; and as this small epace in your paper? I w nt write shape changes from season to season, the much. 1 juH want to ion you corset lines chance with it, and women 'Drum,' my good old dog, is dead. lubmit to the tyranny of one sert of waist died of I don't know what only uc just and hip-line one season and soother the sick and died, l'oor ola Drum is aesu noit, to the ureat advantage of the dn ss- and gono where all goon aogs go. i makers and the corsetieree, but to the in- eorler lonesome smoe old Drum died, for evitablo detriment of their own health. I've only old Spot and Muse left. It stands to reason that any pressure Qld ptum was tho best. When he bark- sufficient lo chauae theJines of a figure . vnnw,i it was a possum or a r . . . i. . i ""i r- . must be Mrong eoouuli to compress u , . . but he won-t AN EDITOR WRITES UP HIS OWN MAR RIAGE AND ENJOYS THE TASK. WEALTHY MAN WANTS TO GET WIFE FORT HE PURPOSTE OF HAVING SOME BODY TO WBEP WHEN HE DIES Tho editor of the Gaylord, Okla, Sen tinel was married recently. Ho wrote Jersey City has a citizen, John Hallo- Mia tnrv" himself fur the Sentinel, and ran h name, livioe at No. 36 Centra he appears to havo derived a certain sort ?enue, who admits that be is 50 years of enjoyment from it. Hore ii his ac- 0f age and the possessor ot wcjllh to tbo extent of $30,000, and he wants to get "This is the first instanoe in several married for the sole purpose of haviog years of newspaper work that the somebody to weep wheo be dies, writer has dared to tell the truth I don't want to be taken lo tho about a wedding, for fear of getting Morgue," said ho to a reporter yester- licked, and does so now with a keen rel- day. "I don't want to dio among stran- Tlifl liriftonrnnm i. an pditnr. Itld ir.M T wunt a wife to sit at my bed- is not a popular and accomplished leader! Bide when I am sick, weep when I die Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cncerlulness aoon disappear when the kid neys are out ot order or di-.eased. Kidney (rouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born ,J afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty ts Kidney trouble, and the lirst steo should be towards the treatment of of aocietv in fact, he doesn't know bb and look after the funeral arrangements, these important organs. This unpleasant . ,,. r,- l . r. i : 4 i.. trouble is due to a diseased condition ol ths much about it as a rabbit. His bair H I have few relctivcs, one neice and two kidn!ys an(j bladder and not to a habit as POMP'S DEFENSE. I stole dem britches, I 'knowledge de corn, But it wan't no crime as sho' as you're born, If de motive am right, what's de sin, I stole dem britches to be baptized io. My onliest pair had clean wore out ; Doy gib up de ghost when l 'gin to shout, But religion is mighty and must prevail, If it do Ian' dis nigger in de county jail. Yes de chain-gang's got mo, an' de coal mine, too, But what was a 'fcnselew cullud man to de, When de judge an' de jury 'lowed 'twas a sin To steal dem britches to be baptized in I Tell de folks all howdy, and good bye, too; I'll meet dem in Heaven when my work am thro.' For my heart is white if my Bkio is black ; An' I sho' gwine to trabel on de (hinin' track. When da Lawd am Jedge, I know he's gwine ter SBy "Pomp's straight as a shingle an' fair as de day," He'll shout to de world dat it tain't no sin "To steal dem britches to be baptized in." red, and the freckles on his face crowd nephews, living in Wcekawken, but they most people suppose each other for room. Io tho dusk it ib don't want to be bothend. Bly sister i,.,i i j;i!nr.i,Lli him from a tele-1 aio.i uar jo. She had money, but I -B " - 1 " . . . phone Dole, He has never considered died amoog strangers, and I bear that the future looked very bright or when Bhe was sick she was not treated nromisine it has always kept him too well. I don't want to die that way. ; hi. hnar Villi, in hav anv Hallnwran has advertised for a wife uuojr pjiuB -" ' ,. . dreams about future greatness He is and thus far has zuu applicants io mci just a common sort of fellow, and claims I from. distinction only io that be is a Kansan Irom the solo of his clumsy feet to the top of his head. '1 he bride is the young- ,t m not haT0 the mme e, est daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, . J. fj. rjc Witt Co." printed on the wrapper Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ot Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar dmtiK? sizes. You may have a fflte&lM sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- nom. of sr-imp-Booi ine all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer T( n ovor bouuht a box ot Witch Hazel k Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., ba sure and k1v ili,it fulled to iiivo satisfaction me F'" White, and was born and raised in the ad pressed in the box. The original De- L ii. t..j: r. .I,- win'. Wilnh Hazel Salve never fails to OIOOUIUU yaucj. g..6i"S livm ..v j ..... - I ,. ... ..i w h.n4. .h. U eive satisfaction for bums, sores, boils, sue uao i.iuu u uc. , - - . , , . . . Kli, , j ... .. j. tetter, cracaeu muu, cm. .v. young tauy OI more man oru.uary u... i.ehin. and protruding Piles it He embraces the opportunity to give immediate relief. It stops I.. . .i na " i,,.. " Ins reaaers "someunug uiucibui, i tlle paini will be noticed that he mentions the gold by W. M. Cohen, Weldcn, N. C. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer a Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. groom first and devotes a comparative wealth of spaoe to him, Another case of journalistio enterprise and good taste come to the parting of the ways. It's your life that lifts the prayer of your lips, SOME BAD LUCK SIGNS. dream before OASTOniA Baarstli Eigoatu lhe Kind You Han Always LOVE FOR HIS DOG. PUT DANIEL IN FIERY FURNACE. It is bad luck to tell a dav light, If you dream about money in Putty and piety are not the same. small Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthlulness ana ease ot aigesuon old He r irm meCM. Its COOa lUCt. inn . 1 --- o smaller the change, greater the trouble To drears of frail eut of iu season is a A clergyman, recently engaged with pieo,s jt a aa 0( trouble ; if in dollaii another of a diuerent belief in a contrc ? ersy regarding rorae question of religion, tent to s sewspaper office as arliele iop- ooriinz his aide of, the question. The article io question oontained about 2,- 000 words and had bees prepared at lhe eipense of muoh midnight oil. The maousoript had been received at a local newpaper office and set up in type for the next day's issue. About midnight oppsvv Goyer'sMaplecane ,itl..i,. ..f n medicine, sold through dniRHists fur family uso. takes his patients fully Into his i cont.dence by frankly and fearlessly puhlnhmK brtiad 1... .i .n a. nn Its Ih)U e wrsnmTS, ...If. full USL OI an ls lllK'euiuun. .i. .k.i .nn m Km a nnarrei With. 1 li.i. .hi. mtinn on bis t'.irt is tho 1 .'3' : .M.n that'he is not frirf ThivB the search light of lnYee- tla-atlon turned full upon his formula white is a out reason. To dto.2 of seeiog una in sign of death. - s To dream of pork means death; dicam of beef means a negro death. Bad luek results from doiog the foi ls made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth consistency and the true "woodsy"mapleBavor. Whole- lome you can eai ii every uy. - SOU SALE Br to a: Ike . Bank . oi . Weldon, WELDON, N. C. flrpzeft Under Tie Lais of tk State of M Carolina, AUGUST 20TII, IS92. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C api t al an el Sriil us, $34,000. internal jirL'ans. with the result mat brpathioi! is itno-ded, natural muscular developuien' is weakened and digestion impaired Many a w..uian, py muimi tineto an inch or two more in the waist, could improve her complexion, brighten her eyes and reuew In r youtn. Grin Uub'kly Kuorked t)ut. 'Somr weeks aso during the tevere win ter weather both my wife and myself con tracted severe colds which speedily dcvel- bark, just wags his lail."- Journal -Kansas City for a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Cham berlain's Stomach mid Liver Tablots will help you to digeit your food. It is not lhe ouantitv of fooi taken that gives ir..,.,iii nnil viimr te the system, but tho amount digested and assimilated. Iftrou u.iih wank iliuotion. don't fail to the telephone bell rang furiously, the miniiier at tho other end askine for lhe lowing things i . . . i .1 i- i city editor. To look in a wen at i o cioox 10 "I am sorry to trouble you at such a I day aie hour," he said, "but I am io great trouble." "What can I do for you?" was asked. "In that article I sent you today I put Daniel in the fiery furnace. Please take htm out and put him in the lion's den Baltimore Sun, oped into the worst kind of la grip;e with give these Tablets a trial. Tliousauds I ai... i. inofiMi muin annrovvu centum. Accounts of all are solicited. PRKS1DENT: VICKPRKSinKNT: W. E. DANIEL, Dr. II. W.LEWIS. (Jackson, Norluauipttiii Co. N. C) cash ii;' W R. SMITH, n 1 nil ita miserable svuintoiiis," tnys Mr. J 8 Kg'eston, of Maplo Lantbng, Iowa. Knees and jointi aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, e es and no.so running with alternate spells of cliille anil lever. We began using Chamberlain's t ongn Remedy, aiding the tame with a dose ol Chamberlain's Stom.ich and Uvcr Tablets, nd by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip " For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beavuns, K UeliljJ. A- nawas, uuija- bnrg have been benefitted by their use. They cost ouly a quarter. For sale by W. M. Cuban, Weldon; W. K. Beavaus, Eulleld; J. A. Hawks, Garys burg FACTS ABOUT FAILURE. Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome No-Cure-No-Pay. i-.. tl,.,t irvinf ncnod 111 which women so often sutKr from nervousness, Dat.Kdi.in., sick headache, or other pains, there is nothing that can emial Dr. Miles' Anti-l'a.n I'll s. They stoji the pains, soum nerves, ami give to T - YV UlllWi the relief so much desired. If taken on first "J pain or misery, they will allay the irritable condition of the nerves, and save you further suffering. Those who use them at regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods, lhey contain no harmful drugs and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. 'ny Riv Pi?"? .a ! navo , rheumatism "i h,..,rt. Uy a" U-l'aln I'iU I am 50 cents. IlirVIU - aaa a - FltlllaL BISK OF WKLDON. N. C. UfiijED States Drnvt' WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. FIRST. SECOND. REASONS: We are tb. first and only DEPOS.TAKY o. the United Slat Great Relief People do not dio from overwork to much as Irom a sense of failuro in their work. It is not what they have done that kills them, but what they cou'd not do: not fatinue, not mental nor phys exhaustion, but a sense of not having bad the power to grasp their opportunity fo! . . ... l.. f nn n(l-.llfif Buocess. o one ever iut u. . dviog of overwork such people have an opinion of their own capabilities that w ..,r,r.n,i ih.m throui;!! all disisters; but it t r is the eensitive person, who after havio made a desperate struggle and bent every eneritv loward reaching the goal, that they are left behind in the race for ..lih or linnnr. who feel the sense utter failure Bnd the chagrin uf defeat, and are conquered, and bo they fill premature craves with viotitns-au ol overwork-but of fail ire of haviog succeeded in their work. HUMAN BLOOD MAKKS. A tale of horror was told by marks ot human blood in the home of J. W. Wil liams, a well known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes; ''Twenty yearsago I had severe beaiorrhagcj ot tho lungs, and was near death when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have remained well ever since " It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set tled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for weak lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by any druggist. 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. Alt HEAD OF HUMAN INO. BE- Ao Eoglisb cflicir, during a success f.il campaign in the eau, many years For two petsons walking together to go on opposite sides of the Bame tree. It outs their mother's grave, or divides their friendship. To look io across-eyed person's eye. For two or more perjoos to look in a glass at the same lime. T mM r.mnT with one eho on. i'ou will have a hard lime in life. To sew anything while you are wearing it. Some one will tell a lie on you. To change the luek always hold something in your mouth. To break the bread in another person's hand. You will fall out. To shake bauds serosa a fence. If you aie going fishing and want good luck, take au old shoe and just as you are leaving the borne, throw it behind you. Caugbt Cold Willie iiumiug ...(,- Mr. Wm- Thos. Lanorgan, provincial Constable at Chapleau, Ontario, says: "I ,ught a severe cold while bunting a nor- and that It will bear the fullest scrutiny iid tlin nuat. mormon hit.!. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription for tho eure of the eakiwstos, periodical pains and functional rierangemenU of the or gan, distinctly talplr h the e cine puf up ..' t' rr.Tf h leh Is not afraid to take lis- patients into ki., r.iii ei.nii.leiiee bv such opea and the honest publicity. A Blance at tho pnniistioii ihispw"" on each bottle wrapper, will show Hint it is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no poi sonous or hahit-fonniiiK droits no nar cotics and no nleoliol-pure, triple-refined Elveorine. of propi'r strength 'Ihk ufeil Instead of the commonly employed "I. hoi, both for etrnetiiiK and preserving tlieaetivo medicinal properties found in the roots of the American forest plants employed. It Is the only """"' "J women's peeular diseases, sold by (lniR uiu Unit, does not contain a liirire per- centi'iiie of alcohol, which is in the long run so harmful to womnn's delieate. nerv ous system. Now. glycerine is perfectly harmless, and serves a valuable purpose ..Iinr tntrinsie Villlie llll US OWn, ami Is'sides it enhances the curative effect of tho other ingredienis entering Into the "Favorite inscription." Some of the ablest meilu-al writers nnd teachers endorse these views and praise all tho several Ingredients of which "l'a vorlto Prescription" is composed -recommending them for the euro of the very same, diseases tor which this world famed medicine Is advised. No other medicine for women has any such pro teKioim! endorsement worth more than anv nnmlier of ordinary testimonials. U Interested, semi name and address to Dr. R V Pierce, HiilTalo. N. V., for his littlo book' of extracts from tho works ot eminent medical writers and teachers, the several ingredients and E. CLARK, WlLDOB, if. C. """ et 5 30t. IE. T. OTaARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, H. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties,aud in the Bnpreme court ol tnestaie. opeciai i"'" to collectinns and prompt returns n a telling just what Dr. Pierce's r are made of. It's Jrte. for the as 's medicines asking. QEO C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BL'ILDINfi. Practices in all State and Federal courts Collection of claims in Halifax and ad joining counties Honey to loan on approvm .ecunvj. Attorney for First Nati jnal Bank. hOLU?TER'S "acky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Modiolm for Busy People. jJrlain Oolden Uealtb irad Rmiswed Vigor. A leeiflc for Conslinfttten, Infwitloo, Llv . t Ki'lney Troubles. Fiinplen. Ee:em. Impur n.. Hid Brtath. Sluceish lioiveli, Haileli1 I HnekaehK. It s Rooky HnnntalB T l tlx ' form, 85 cents a box. (lenulne made of n,i.itTEU Dat o Companv. Mauinon, Wla. iiirif!i:TS FOR SM.10W PEOPLf R.N. BRIDGERS ago expressed a wish for a well-eooked glar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing boar's head. On the following day his of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy; I tried , it and alter using two small bottles, 1 was table was graced with what uti repre- ',..,.. Thi8 tem(lAs i8 in- Beotcd to hiai as a native disli ot tne tcndell wpeciaiy for coughs and colds. It food that he. desired, prcpaiea witu espi- wJ1, loogcn and relieve a severe com in less cial care by one of the mot roted oooks I timc than, by any other treatment and is a 8r0 . "T r tr nf Eastern North Carolina. mem ninus iu l i. . . .. i.nnevar8esnericuee iutbebauk Our management , ..as ' Examiner and Iteceiver in PtlVIWU"' at the and com ini businese; and as charge of National Bank. . .. .. . iwnking noint in North Caroliu; THIRD. We malcecoiieci.onuU - - . lowest banking rates; and make a specially mercm, concent. FOURTH. We allow a reasonuDie mvcic-v . to thriftand saving. U-m. H. 8. BitRtiwYH, Preside,,, 7 8. P. PATTKHSOts, Vice-President, (Qen. Man. and Boaemary Manufacturing Co ) roiuiuissiouer.) J. T. GOOCH, Cashier, (Mayo of Weldon and H- 8. Comwiss.ouer , XrV-mrVround lhe heart using l.W. ' " ,. and art sleep relieved ui....--, j knnwn n ""d ,f7'- Plfls when I wai first taken tho l'aln Fins y ' ,':, cured me. I your druool. J ou . f (t VOHItVKK SIXTY YK" Mrs. WiKstow'sSoortiiNO Svitttp has been used fir over m years uj .mu...... mothers for their children while teeming. rith perfect success. Itsootnei tuecinm. softens the gums, allays all punj cu,. wind colic, and is the best remedy ir Diairhoea. It will relieve tne poor nine .Vrer immediately. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Tweuty-nve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask f.n "Mrs. Ifiuslow's Soothing Syrop," and take no other kind. NO CHISEI5 FOlrlTHEM. D. "Hero's a letter fro u Mirandy at eol lege. She says she s in iovo wnu 1 Pong." "Sheis.hej? Well shed bet-er pive w:.- ..n w sin l go o icr matu n. I UtlM VV ' - 1 Woman's Home Oompawon Keep your bowels regular by the use ol Chainberlan'sSloniucnnmi uiver ia..io Ti.ore t. nothing bettor. ..Ti,.vnP .lh W. M. UOIiell. nciiimii " AND FIKb '.?-'.... 1 A Hawks. Gnrvs, WXI.DOH, n.v i js, Beavaus, r-u... . . . burg. of India. The efficer ale with unusual relish, not ncgleoling to bestow most ex travagant praise on the manner nf ooo't ing, andbeggel that the recipe fot pre paring boar'a head might be gives him The reader may imiaioe his horror whso ihn Kn..lihiuan aftorwarJ reojived io- oonte.table proof that he had dioeJ on a alavo'a head, who had boon killed for the purpoM-, instead i f a bear, no such ani mal biioi! known in that countrv. W THE MOON INHABITED? Hcicncc has proven that the moon has an i atmosphere, which makes life in some form possible on that satellite; bnt not for hu man beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who dou't know that Electric Bitters enro Headache, Biliousness, Malaria.Chills nnd Fever, Jaundiee.Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor pid Liver, Kidney Complaints, General nhilitv and Female Weakness. Uno- nualled as a general tonic and appetizer for weak persona aud espocmiiy ,or m ..,Tcrt. It induces souud sleep, ruuy guaranteed by all druggists, 60c- 2"T'r.Z: c.n.. Elkhart, Ind Chinaman marry.ag inter ...h lamny. - Mites msv"v. - - E.STAINBACK, . -NOTARY PUBLIC favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon; W. F. Keavans. Kolk'ld; J. A Hawks, Garys- borg. Dewdrops ol piety are very pretty but .i... ,nri.i hef ire anv thirsty ones iii.j e - get to them. Bheumatlam Makes Life Miserable. A hannv home is the most valued pos session tint Is within the reach of mankind but you cannot enjoy its comforts it jou ...n'..rino from rheumatism, iou innm "." o aside budneBS cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those -i,...,.natic. naius on'y by applying vuam- herlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you relief and its continued use for a sborttime will bring anoui a permau-L.. re. For sale by.W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Bcavans, Enfield; J. A. Hawks, Garys- burg. ; PREPARED TO MOVE : Trunks, Saw Mills or Steamboats, At all hours, Day or Night Talking Machines and Graphophoncc! Phone "rVTri 1 AlO. v - Price only The prai-e of holiness ia not in suit. pur Grand Display What good does it do you to cut if your stomach fails to digest the food? None. It docs you barm-causes belching, sour stomach, flatulence, etc. When the atoin aeh fails a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will digest what you eat aud make the stomach sweet, i gold by W. M. Cohen Weldon, N. O. It is the last resort of weak minds to seek to be interesting through their melancholy. Liviug indoors so much during the win ter months creates a sort ofastnffy, want Af.mnne conditions in the blood and sys tem generally. Clean up nnd get roauy foraurina. Take a few Early Risers Those famous little pills clcase the liver, .tomneh and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify itself. Thoy relieve head ache, sallow complexion, etc. Bold by W. M. Oobeu, Weldon, N. C, OF FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Mioses at50c, Ladies 75c. to $1. Prlea will he made to suit the times, Hate and Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKDER8 PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0. We have made contracts with several Talking Machine and Oraphophone Com panies to both Retail and Wholesale their Machines. We have on hand over twen ty five styles of the latest improvement, from Four to Ninety dollars each. Bar oral both Dial! aud uuiier Keourua, ail New and Up-to-Date MUSIC, SONGS, &C. We take old worn-out records in part pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquarters of sev eral companies and spent time and money to learn all that is to be learned in eonnee. tion with this bnsiness, and think we are well prepared to furnish all needed infor mation to our cuatomen. We will take all old style Graphophones in part pay for new ones. We handle the VICTOR, COLUMBIA and other patterns Come or write to us for catalogues and In. formation. We have in stock a large line of Musical Instruments of many kinds. Our stock of Mattings, Carpetings, Bugs Art Squares, Druggets and House Furnish ings of all styles is larger than ever before. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. O. WANTED Men in each 8tate te travel, post eigni, adfettiae and leave samples of our goods. Baler; id per month. 3 pet day for eipenjee. Kuhlman Co., Dept. 8. Atlas Blsokf I Chicago, 111. jt,K0tBiki Nwi Offlci i 1