IP i ADVERTISING RATES MODERATE. VOL. XL. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS $1.50 Per Annum In Advance. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1906. NO. 49. J v'Ebw I ?or Infants and Children A('fielable Preparation for As -slmilaiing iheFoodandRcgiila tiitjl ihe Sloinacte are! Bowls of rroinolca Digeslion.Clveerf'ur ness and Rcst.Conlains neither 0)ium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. V tfOUO-SAHlTLPtKlW jttx.Snvta A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour Sloinach, Diarrhoea itr I-! I7 L j norms ,i .uiivuisKms ,revci jsn- ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YOT1K. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. ?'m.Urr.t It "h to .hill. PRICE, BO CEMT8. I JFFIE'S Little) Blue Liver Pills for Constipation and . Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold en a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Take Mo DUFFIE S Little Blue Fob Sale by W- M. Cohkn, B'eldon, N. s mi mm i mi if, r ir-T ni - c' ISO! A H M Is it true you want to look old ? Then keep your gray hair. If pot, then use Hall's Hair Rcncwer, and have all the d:rk, rich color I of early life restored to your hair. 'S1X&U5.VJrm 3E The : Bank : of : Weldon WELDON, N. C. Oria.iz.ftMcrTk.Lai. of AUGUST 20Tlf, 1892. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ani Sarplns, S34,Q00. FOR 14 yean this institution his provided banking facilities for this section. Its stockholders snd directors have lieeu idmlilied with the business Interests of Halifax and Northampton counties lor many yeirs Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rale of intrrtrt-Mx per eentun. Accounts of all are solicited. VirK-PRESIDEKT.' W. E. DANII.L, Dr. II. W. LEWIS. -(Jackoi. Northampton Co . N. C) Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic HO"VUrV-IU-C wjr FIRST IUUUL II OF WELDON. N. C. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. a-REASONS:-- 'FIRST. We sr. the first snd only DEPOSITARY of the United States Cover, raent fundi in this section of Eastern North Carolina. sr.. r, nt k..hH . ingbualDei;odas .National Bank Examiner and Receiver in charge of National Bank. THIRD. W. make cllectioa. on every banking point in North Carolio. at the lowest tanking rates; snd MillARtiODS. FOURTH. We sllow reonable to thrift snd ssving. OFFICERS: Wm. H. 8. Bt.BOWY, President. (National Bank Examiner , 1 893-1901 .) S. P. Patt.-. Vice-President, (den. Man. RoaDoke Mills Company a fiosemanr Maaufscturiof Ca ) , The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature uf Use For Over Thirty Years TMI eiNTAUH eOWMNT. NEW VORM CUV. Bronohlt nsth8mC-US!L,'Co,d Cough, PlMrtwm;A(,Wh0P,"B Pneumonia and ?nd Prent8 PRICE, SS CENT Liver C. If. E. Bkavanh, Eufield, N. C. vecutadll; uc:u.v.- C-"t! If -"UL-l. I swetn tie State of North W R. SMITH, 3 30 iwentv-one years eiperience in the bank- maae s apwwv - interest on lime deposits; an eneouragenient NOT SERIOUS. "Miss Flvrlie," said the jealous lover, sternly, "I demand an explanation." "About what?" asked the fair jouog girl. "I want to know what you mean by be'ng engaged to Tom Digby snd me at the tame lime." "Nothing." SPOKE TOO SOON "My dear," said the caller, "I was over to tee Mrs. Gabbitt yesterday after noon, and you just ought to have beard what she said about you. Why, she talked about you all the lime I was there." "Mrs. Gabbittl" exclaims the hostess, warmly. "Well, all I've gut to fa; is that nobidy believes a word she says. That woman oouldo't speak the truth if she tried. Kveryihing she says is pure invention I won't give it a worse name, but I have my own opinion." "I am dreadfully sorry to hear it Slid talked all the time about yon, aud said be thought you were one of tho nicest women in tlii- to. and a l it m ire of the same nature." Chicigo Tribune. for a Weak Digestion. No mtdiciiie can replace food but Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digeit your food. It is not the quantity of loo. I taken that gives strength aud vigor to the system, but the amount digested aud auMiuilnted. Iftrou bled with a weak dlgMtion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thousands have been hciietnted by their use. They cost only a quarter. F( r sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. K. Beavans, Eulleld; J. A. Hawka, Carys- burg. ' CLUMSY ' Our frien 1 Pogrcl admits that he aometimrs has trouble wooin ' bis muse," "That's queer. I It feel aro usuilly so duaiiy, 1 d n'i ef how she Could get away lioni him." I'OH OVI'.tt SIX I V VI'.AIH Mrs. WiNsi.ow'H8(ioriiiN(i Rykhp has been used for over AO years by millions or withers for their children while teething, with perfect success. IUnolliei the child, softens the gums, allays all pun; cures wind colie, and is the hist remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Tweuty-flve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask foi "Mrs. H'iuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no Other kind. " BUT htAHLY "Thf giraffe wa tilling tne he felt lick all over this morning," remarked the antelope. 0! that is just his imagination," re plied Dr. Monk. "Wasn't he really sick all over? "Nut quite; just throat trouble " Keep your bowels regular by the use ot Chaiiiherlan'a Stomach and Liver TableU. There is nothing better. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beavans, Eulleld; J. A. Hawks, Gnrys bur. Robbing Yourself That is just what you are doing when you fail to pet reg ular ami sufficient sleep. Your l,uilv requires this tm--"n-ioiis period for repair work; with out it your nerve energy be comes exhausted, and you are tired, worn-out, nervous, ex citable; have headache, neu ralgia, indigestion, poor appe tite, or other ailments caused by a lack of nerve force. Make it your business to sleep. If you are restless, take Dr. Miles' Nervine; it soothes and strengthens the nerves, and brings sweet, refreshing, life-giving sleep, and gives the organs power to work natur ally. Try it to-day. 1 had s severe spell of fever, which left mtln "very weak condition and very nervous 1 had severe apeUa ' headache and neuralgia, and iiuU ileeo but very Utile. Every effort that S made to recover my "trenK"' " r. uiL..' Nervtnt Is sold by your nritboltle vlll be""4' " ' ""' h will refund your money. MatJWeSp--1"4 THE BEAUTY QUEST. Klizubcth has given up her muie and her club j 8ho spends her time between two things her mirror and her "tub." The cookbook aud her new wliinl rules ere covered thick with dust, For Lizzie has a braud new fad, and practice it she must I She's going to be the loveliest 1 1. i ig Alive if she just lives till Spring. She gels up in the murning and brings out the diagram Which tells her how to breathe and loosen up her diaphragm, And then she grabs a dumbbell that weighs an ounce or two And "puts it up" just eighteen times, as she lias learned to do. While mother hustles down and makes The coffee and the batter cakes. From breakfast lime till lunch is served Elizabeth is found Before her dressing table with strange instruments around With which she werks her oheeks and lips, massages throat and chin And "rubs the wrinkles out agaio," in case some have crept in. But mother with her dust rag goes About with smudges on her nose. The afternoon Elizabeth divides with jealous cire Be'ween a walk of counted steps and putting up her hair ; She reads each day an article about the beauty quest, And when she yawns, lies dowo to seek a little well-earned rest, While mother stands on guard to keep Folks from disturbing Lizzie's sleep Most of us think that Lizzie's always boo a a pretty girl (Although she had a freckle once and though her hair won't curl), But Lizzie's found her mission and when Spring gets here again She'll be a bowling beauty who will turn the heads of men. And mother? She'll be pleased to death Just to admire E izibeth. THE PATTER OF When tho angry passion gathering in my mother's face I see, And she leads me in tho bedroom, gently lays me on her knee ; Then I know that I will oatoh it, and my flesh in fancy Holies, As I listen for the patter of the shingle on my breeches. Every tingle of the shingle has an eobo and a sting, And a thousand burning fancies into aeuve being spring ; And a thousand bees and hornets 'nuath my coat-tail seem to swing, And I listen to the patter of the shingle Oh, bo warm. In s sputter cjmes my father whom I supposed had gone To survey he situation and toll her to lay it on ; To see her bonding o'er me, as I listen to the strain, Flayed by her and by the shingle iu a wild and weird refrain. In a sodden intermission, whiob appears my only chance, 1 say ; "Strike gently, mother, or you'll eplit my Sunday pants." Bbe stops a momcut, draws her breath, the shingle holds aloft, And cays: "I hadn't thought of that, my son; just take them oil." Holy Moses I and theaugcls, cast thy pitying glances djwn, And thou, Oh, family doctor, put a good soft poullioe on ; ' And may I with the fools aud duuues everlastingly oomminglo If I ever say another woid when my mother wields the shingle. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, DR. TORREY SAY CHRISTIANS TO GLORY WHILE ENGAGED IN THEIR EVERY DAY PURSUITS. Dr. Reuben A. Torroy, who has been ojndiiotiog a great revival meeting in Phil delphia, in a sensational sermon declared his firm ooovictioo that Christ is likely to ooaie st any moment, and, gathering up Christian p;oplo from the streets and homes of Philadelphia, carry them to heaven in a cloud uf glory. Everything will bs go ing on just the same as now, he sai 1. The theaters probably will be gay with light and music, man and women will be miking merry at oard parties and ohampagne snppr?, politicians will be holding convent bos and other people will be engaged in their ordinary pursuits. And then, he said, all at ouoe, the sound ppcar, and amid a eluol of light Christ people will leave the theaters, not by the have been longing for the Lord will go forever to live with Him m g'ory. Dr. Turrey preached with vividuoss and en. At times peoplo glanced involuntarily ec the glory of tho Lord breaking in upon fervent cries of "Glory be to God. ' "Praise the Lord' sad similar eipresions of eli.ious fervor. Dr. Torrey supported his arguuieut n to merous Biblical quotations and, iu the coarse Christian Scientists, and "humbug Crarists" iomr chambers." He said : "Some people speak of the great revival comine of Christ. But that is uot the coming told about in the Bible. That the Lord Himself shall conic, u what tho Bib o oloud in the vciy manner that we raw n His glory. This is not what 1 think teiohea " Bosides oomiog visibly, Christ will ooma oil of die Kist sodsbioeth toward me nest, so snail the coming ol tne Lord. Is these days men are ooustantly professing that they aro Christ. But these aie lUeur c rt.ei" and "inner chamber Clirtsts. Iheysreali predio ed and ex p'OCVi llUOihUt!-. ;rln Uuli kly hnurktd out. "Pome weeks ago ilnring the icverc win ter weather both my wile and myu ii con tracted sevcro colds which spiedily devel oped into the worst kind ol hi grip; e with all its miserable symptoms," mys Mr. J. 8. Eg'eston, of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints liming, inuseas suie, head atopped up, ees and nose running with alternate spells on Hills aim nur. We began using Chuinberlaiu'a Couh Remedy, aiding the fume with do-e of Chamberlain's StomJih and Liver Tablets, and by it liberal ue scsin completely knocked out the grip " For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beatana, E- field; J. A. Hawks, Garys bnrg. One H novel m. re on u'ul iban in the momeit i f ric-i-five good foiluno What good does it do you to eat if yoor stemnch fails to digest the loonY isone, It does you harm - causes belching, sour ttawisrli, flatulence, etc When the stom ach fails a little Kodid Dyspepsia pure after each meal will digert what yun ent snd make the atemach awcet Sold by W. M. Cohen Weldon, N. C. THE SHINGLE. WILL BE GATHERED UP ol a trumpet wiil be heard, angola wil1 himself will coino to redeem his own. The trout door but by the roof, and those who realism and held his autiancs awe-strick at the ceiling as if they half expeoted to them At othsr tim 8 they broke ioto tho second couaiog of Christ with nu of bis argument, ma le a sharp fling at who hide in "obscure corners" and sweeping around the world as the second teaches. He will come visibly, in him go, and every eye shall see Him or what 1 leach. U is what tho Bible publicly. "As the lightning Cometh IS THE MOON INHABITED? Science has proven that the moon bus an atmosphere, which makes life in some form possible on that satellite; but not for hn man beings, who hare a hard enough timi on this earth of ours; especially thosewho don't know that Electric Hitlers cure Headache, Biliousness, Ma'aria.Chills and Fever, Junndice.Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor pid I.iver, Kidney Complaints, General Debility and Fciialc Weakness. Une qualled as a general tonic and appetizer for weak persons and especially for the aged. It induces sound sleep. Fully guaranteed by all druggists. Price only sue. Little kindnesses c ime back to us full grown. II you ever bought a boi ol Witch Hnzcl Salve that fuiled to give satisfaction the chancesarc it did not hate the name "E, C. DcWitt A Co " printed on the wrapper aud pressed ill the box. The original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve never fails to give satisfaction lor burns, sores, boils, teller, cracked hands, etc For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles it affords almost imnediate re'icf- It stops the pain. Bold by W. M. Cohen, Weld.n, N. C. A MARRIAGE COMPACT, THE PATFI CP REl'ORU UAH ALREADY BEEN BLAZED BY A FORE91GHTED COUPLE IN IIENTER, COL. Unqestionably the root of many do mestic troubles and marital controversies may be traced to the looseness and vague Dess af the marriage cortruct. Il fur mutates no definite and practical modus vivendi for the oonlractiug parties. Even the "obey clause" is either omitted alto gether cr is no longer taken seriously. The mutual rights and duties of manied life are left to be determined by combat aud compromise, arbitration und concilia lion. If the two parlies got together at the outset and drew up a form of agree ment to govern their partnership the chances of controversy and disruption would be greatly diminished. Here is a project for reform upon which the stu dents of the divorce problem might well concentrate their efforts. The path of reform has already been blazed by a foresigbted eouple in Denver, Col., under the guidance of the mother of the eanny bride and the father of the groom. The bride's mother drew up an agreement, or rather, a catalogue of don'ts, which she asked the groom to sign. The latter submitted the draft to bis father, who framed a couuter pledge for the bride to sign. The ooneordat possesses high sociological interest, Tbe groom pledged himself, in part, as fol lows: I will not smoke in tbe bedrooms. I will not join more than two secret societies and will spend at least two nights a' week at home. I will not pretend to have business conditions and financial conditions from my wife, pretending to be afraid she will worry. I will not quit dressing well, and run around looking like a tramp, saying "I'm married now, it doesn't make any differ ence;" but promise, if able, to buy at east two new suits of clothes each year. I will not insist on choosing the names for all the babies. I will attend to the furnace myself or hire a man to do it. I will not refute to discharge the cook. I will not complain or get sarcastic if the meals are disar ranged or bad, and, finally, I will go to church with my wife at least three limes a year. And the bride promised, among other thing: Not to invito all my friends to visit, and not to exe'uda my husband's friends from the hou-e. Not to join more than threa women's clubs or insist u;ou reading my papers to my husband. Not to keep pet dogs. Not to piok out some other man in thi neighborhood and hold him up as a model. Not to complain of feeling sick, tired out and nervous oftener than is neces- 7- Not to go chopping more than three times a week. Not to drag uy husband out to even ing parties when he comes borne tired out and worried. Nut In iohist (but the baby gets it temper and bad trails from its father's family. Not to ini-i-t on trying to economize by doing home repairing, painting, or making home furniture. Not to tell my husband tho shorioom- ings of tbe servants every evening at din ner; not to insist on talking to him while he is reading tho paper at urraklasi; not to ask him to suggest what to havo for dinner, and finally, not to iosi-t on buy ing bis clothes. Caught Cold While Hunting s Hurglar Mr. Wm. Thos. Lanorgun, provincial Constable at Chanlcau, Ontario, soys: "I aught a severe cold while hunting a bur rlar ill tbe forest swamp last fall. Hearing )f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I tried it, and alter using two small bottles, I was couioletely cured." This remedy is ill ended especially for coughs and colds II ill lisisen and relieve a severe cold in less ime than hv any other treatment and is a avoritc wherever its superior excellence has become known. For wile by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. I Beavans, Enfield; J. A Hawks, Garys- org. When the preacher is sati.-fied with his sermon the people are often going away sad and empty Hheumatlsm Makes Life Mlserab'e. A happy home is tho most valued pos session that is within tbe reach of mankind but you cannot enjoy its comforts if jon are suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when yon cuter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic piius on'y by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you relief and its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beavans, Enfield; J. A. Hawks, Garys- bl"8' Vanity is the mothtr of vice. OASTOIIXA. Bean las ll Y Hi,w Nl A PERFECT MATCH. The Portrait Painter (in depiir) "Madam, I find it impossible to pro oure colors, that will mitch your exquis ite complexion," The Sitter (without reserve) " Well, man, just draw the outlines today; and when I oomo next time I'll bring some of my oolors for you " April Lippio- OJtt's. Living indoors so niiieh (lining the will ter months creates a sort ofa stuffy, want of-ozone conilitiniis in Hie blood and svs- tem generally. Clean up ami get ready for spring. Take n few ' Early lin-ers These famous little pills clcase the liver, stomach and bowels and give the blond a chance to pui ify itself. They relieve head ache, sallow complexion, etc. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. ONE LITTLE STONE- ' What's the mattei? Dead broke? ' "Well, to be exact, I'm 'stono broke" "What's tho difference?" "I went broke buyiog a solitaire for my girl." SIMPLICITY. These "simple" gowns we read about lhat women think eo nice Are never half so simple as 1 he chumps who pay the pnoe. HUMAN BLOOD MARKS. A tale of horror was told by marks ot human blood in the home of J. W. Wil liams, a well known merchant of liac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty yearsago I had severe hemorrhages ot the lungs, and was near death when I begnn taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have remained well ever siuce." It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set tled Colds aud Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for weak lungs. Every bottle gimrautced by any druggist. SOc. and $1. Trial bottle free. Every good deed helps make a track for others. Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless? Wurvniietin; nnrl tliu-iilixciinua nrn no. not fed on jirnpcrly nourishing Moml; (toldon Medical DiHeovorv mitkcn pure, 1.1..,,. I II l.l 1 1,1. tl,,. .w.-W.., ..,. properly nourished anil all the ourans of tho. body are run as smoothly as niacliin cry whiVh runs in oil. In this way you feel I'lcun, strong and strenuous yu'u am toned up and Invigorated, and you are goon or uwnoieiot, oi piivsii'ui or uioniui irnfl: It. .u ,,f nil tin, uiii.,Pll. um.I tn. crea te in vitality and health are Utnthiq. lilt! iriHIMJU YviUl iiium, tunics iinu n un it' i lies which have a lare, booming sale for a short time, is that they are largely composed of alcohol holding the drugs in solution. This alcohol shrinks up the red blood corpuscles, mid in the long run greatly injures the system. One may feci exhilarated and better for the time being, yet in the end weakened ami with vitality decreased. Dr. I'ierce's tiolilcn Medical iii-covery enuiiims no ihcojioi. r,very bottle of it hoars upon its wrapper The liiulije uf lIuiu'Htn. in a full list ot all its t'ti'iiii iiiKii'iii' in. nil iiir in uvisi, Li offer Villi something he chiims is "just as glH'll l! UJ IIIMIII J'Mtl HIH'lllt'lH 'I'. Every ingredient entering into tho world-famed "..olden Medical Discovery" has the unanimous approval aud endorse moot of the leading medical authorities of all I he several schools of practice. No other medicine soli) ihroutrh druggists for liuo purpose! ii a any such enuiu seniciii. Tl... H. ' .1.1.... XI I I ll... I ifi wum.-ii .M'nn in instiMfij lit only produces all the good ellects to lx obtained from the um id (iohlen Seal root, in all stomach, liver and bowel troubles, us in dyspepsia, biliousness, con stipation, ulceration of stomach and bowels and KttHlrcti ailments, nut the MMtien rV'lll rl H il, UMtl Ml 1 1 a 1 1 Mil I H HI III! ng Is grently enhanced in its curative ac root, Blucl; ('hern burl,, IMoodroot, Man drake root and chemically pure triple retincd glycerine. "The Common Seiiso Medical Adviser," i M-iit nr i ii uiijiei riitrin on n-n ii in 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mail- ngofWi. For .tl stamps the cloth-bound 'oMimowin no sent. Antiress nr. i, v, Til- Pir..'j Plno.OMt l,J1..tj niipn Mn. u.,tr..t.. v v Btiputkm, biliousness und hoaduchu. R.UIDGERS :: PREPARED TO MOVE : : Trunks, Saw Mills or Steamboats, At all hours, Day or Night Phone No. 61. OF FALL AND WINTER- MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS snd NOVELTIES, Bntterick's Patterns. It. & G. CORSETS, Mimes st 60c. , Ladies 75c. to (1. feaVPr'ces will be made to suit the times, lints snd Bonnets made snd Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Tiiousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; i i JZS, ct, sediment or set JijjJJ L-rT-'fJ tlin? Indicates an H-'vj (?) -OT-g unhealthy condi- W irw7l'lion of lhe kid" ZAyJ3Mir ncys: if It stains T-n 11 rTJ"iJ evid(;nC!! of bid iH It MeVi llcy tr0UDl ; 'oo nLLyj C-A f'cqucr.t desire to ,' 5Jv pass It or pain In . , ' , """" the back h also convincing proof thai the kidneys and blad der are out if order. What to Do. There Is co;nfort In the knowledge so Often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Kooi, lhe Creat kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every cart of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability o hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad efiecls following use of liquor wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra Ordinary effect of Swainp-Root is soon real.zed. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases.' If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a samnl Uiu i .ki. "uuuciiui uiscovery and a book that telisa more ahnut il Kr.,1. fl'f! absolutely free by mail. iSa ... v.... oui re?- noa.ess ur. Kilmer & nom. or sp-no ui;iusn, in. r. wnen writing men tion reading this penerous offer In thisnanM-. Don't malt nmf ...Ittot. I.... .. the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Made scientiflrnllv and with an eye to healthfulness suu esse oi uigestion Goyer's Maplecane is made of nnre manl itij i-uuismjia cane sugar, ot rich, sniooin consistency and the true "woodsy"inapleflavor. Whole lomc you can eat it every day. FOR SALS BY E. CLARK, Wkldon, N. C. oct 5 30t. Jg T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in tbe courts of Halifax snd adjoining counties, nml in the Supreme court of the State. Special attention gives vt collections ana prompt returns a EO C. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Practices in all Stateand Federal courts Collection of claims in Halifax snd ad- joining counties. Money to loan on approved seenrity. Attorney for First National Bank. HOLilfTER 8 'ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bmy Hodiotne ta1 Bair People. Jrb?i QjUon Boalia rr.d Eemwed Vigor. A wide f-ir Cnnstlpatlon, Indication. Live - I Ki-lii--y Troubles, hmplet. Kc.ftms, Impure '-I. B ut Breath. slueTlsh Bowels, H.adchi . I lnc'l.:u-rn. II'sIbieLyMmiutalnTeaintabf ' r.in'i. :r, eniit n box. (li-nuino made by .l.h,rUU IlKl'O CMI'AW. Mmliu, Wis. 'net, NllliGETS FOU SAttO PEOPlf at Machines and We have made contracts with several Talking Machine and Oraphopbons Com panies to both Retail snd Wholesale their Machines. We have on band over twenty-five styles of the latest improvements, from Four to Ninety tlollsrs each. Sev eral both Disc snd Roller Records, sll New and Up-io-Date MUSIC, SONGS, &C. We take old worn-out records in part pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquarters of sev eral companies and spent time and money to learn all that is to be learned in connec tion with this business, snd think we art well prepared to furnish all needed infor mation to our customer!. We will take all old style Orapbophones in part pay for new ones. We handle tbs VICTOR, COLUMBIA and other patterns Corns or write to ns for catalogues and in formation. We have in stock a large lins of Musical Instruments of many kinds. Our stock of Mattings, Carpeting, Rngs Art Squares, Druggets and Home Furnish ings of all styles is larger than ever before, SPIERS BROS. , . WELDON, N. C. fv'A li-iMSEtea 'iaiiiflfia aphoph ones WANTED Men in each Btste to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our poods Silarj f 75 per month. (3 per lay for expenses, Knhlman Co.. Dept. 8. Atlas Bitot. I Chicago, III,

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