ra irk Wiil Wfb s ! ii iiML .m il war tie WW w loVEKTISINO RATES MADE KNOW N ON APPLICATION. A N R W S P A P I; R FOR THE PEOPLE TEKi.'i i OF SUBSCRIPUON-$I.50 Per Annum In Advance. XL. WKLDON, X. ('., TIirKSDAY, AlMilL 2(5, 11)0(5. NO. ol. ri 1 gg:v: 'y"'" ssrrgaag i .L-Tr l For Infants and Children. AM'Ccl.iUi' PrcporalionrorAs- sin)i!;iliii ilic roixi ami ucg ma -imj iho Slmmichs and Bowels of ltaniolcs nigeslionXheerfiil ncssaint Rest .Contains neillicr Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. tinr oflM Or. S04VH PHXIHSR .7.1 -Unr ' Amtr fi-erf ' rfvnierf -; CtiHwHokXcda . 'tvihU -Uigur Ajuilccl licnwily rorCon?lii linn, Siuir Sltniyuh, Diarrhoea Winn., .( tmvulsiuns .rVvensh m's, anil Loss OK M.EKI'. l'.-.i' '.".nt.'le. Si-n(tlui'C vi SEW YORK. 7 V3 fl McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE- h. market ',r.eour and mlrl- It ' d b,ood. .ppotlt. JJ .2 atrength It ! body-bulW'n8 " choco. enlng. It nM-Kn ilfc.lt. Ittaatoano v....-- PRICE, BOCt'- Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue iluggiah Livers. Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your Foh Sai.b by W. M. Cohkn, HVIdon, N. HOT A W W 9 C! Oi&lL.L Why not stop this failing of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair' Just remember that Hall's Hair Renewer slops falling hair, and makes hair grow. "7ffu7r?.ff.'.gnl"" 3E The : Sank : of : Weldon, WKLDON, N. C. Owl Uufler The Lais of the State of North Carolina. august 2oth, ihm. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Ca5!!iL....slrplns:.... $35,000 , 17"t ok H renr-. tins in-tilution .r.. i.l.i h.nikii js la. ilitii lor Ibis i seitinu tasthiddcrsanddireclrsli.ivehcuidct,lihcd Willi the - business interest of II ilifax mid North imp coiiniies li.r in my e irs Money ia loaned upon sppioved seturitv t ilie lfKal rale of ml. re.-t-.su per eentUD. Accounts of all are mliriteil I'KKilliKMT: w. i;. DANir.i.; virsc PKKsioicN'r: .r II w I I WIS. (Jackson. Niii'lhamti"" N- ) OE 3E Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's 4 Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-Ntf-Pay. 50 cents. GARRETT & I tar 1 Wine S PEOIALTIBS; V I R C I N I A D A R E P 0 otl Ji5iIri 8 & : (W1,rrru TaTE blackberry iH.A w ATM A lyllNNEHAHA 1 J A T H A (,ry sruppernong) , (HwlChnupaKiic) ... PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL Sparkling CluuiipW'f) ,,. A,,,!.,, olller vari.tie.of fur ..rf Whol-om. Wi ne. K MuHlKbest. toll Mm, rtii. 1 1 omc ( ''l" K FO l.K , V A . nwurn iiriLiiiTii. ni miuin. ihu The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over rhirty Tears TURPENTINE AND MUTTny SUET LONG PUS" Cough,pl'.uXma-. Whooping Pneumonia 71' J?nd Prvents A.af.m.nnd,.un?ed--Pt-on. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Liver Pills for Constipation t,.,d I money dbck. C!. II'. H liKAVAXs, KnttfM, N. C. VEGETABL,E SICILIAN Hair Renewer O c isini u: W V. S.MIlll. COMPANY, 3 Americans m Growers M 11 1 If AW CCNTAUH COMPANY. MCW TOHK CITV. FJTARi.I8ll"ED lM3fi. M I fft .. .... jr. .u. i A BRAVE BOY. He Had Promised His Mother that He Would Kneel Down and Say His Prayers Every NiyM, and He Made Dp His Mind To Keep His Word. i i A consecrated clergyman from England, preaching in this country told this story of his boyhood: When a litile fellow of ten, he was sent to the great school at liton where there were six hundred lads of various siages. The night he fore he was lo go, his moilier knell down wiih him beside his bed, and putting her arms around him, talk ed most earnestly of the danger and temptations that he would have to meet, and drew from him a promise that he would never fail u kneel down and offer his night ly prayer. No matter what com pany he might be in, nor how hard it might be thus to fulfill his pledge he was to do it bravely. Little did the lad realize what was involved in the keeping of diis promise. The first night after his arrival at school he found himself in a large dormitory with thirty other boys, nearly all of them older than himself, and many of them rough and course in words and ac tions. How could he kneel and pray in such a crowd ? The devil whispered that he would be keep-1 ing the spirit of his pledge if he j said his prayers in bed. ! j The battle was a sore one. It i ; was a sorrowful dilemma for a lit- tie fellow just from the shelter of ' his mother's arms. But he was brave and true, and he had given j his promise, he would keep it to ; the letter. j He knelt down before them all, and the act was a signal for a storm of ridicule. The boys threw books at his head; they gathered about , him and jeered and sneered; they tried to pull him from his knees by main force, but they did not sue-, ced in making him give up. The uproar became so great that a teacher came into the dormitory. The kneeling figure and the tumul-, tuous boys told the whole story. He restored quiet, and reported the matter to the head-master. The result was that every boy mus: kneel by his bed for live inin i utes every night. Whether the lads said their prayers or not, they were obliged to go through the form. It also gave an opportunity for any w ho wanted to do their ' duty, but were not brave enough to act as our little friend had done, to say their prayers in peace. A great change was soon evident at Eton. Boys could say their prayers without fear of ridicule and in a few short years the religious element at Eton was in the ascen dancy. All this came about be-: cause one lad fearlessly braved the ridicule of his associates, that he might do what is right in the sight of God Sunday School Lesson Illustrator. IN THE DARK. Ma Is Edith in the parlor with her beau ? Pa I couldn't find out. Ma Couldn't you find any thing out? Pa-Nothing but the gas. Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. '1 he storage battery is the nerve ccii3 in the brain and spinal co'rd, and (ruin this baitcry nerve force is sent out through the svstcm of nerves. '1 o keep the bo.lv healthy you must have plenty of nerve force : it vou have not, the organs work Iniperfcctlv. the circulation is slu-gish, digestion bad, appc iite poor, kidneys inactive, and aches, pains and misery are the penalty. You can keep the system strong with Dr. Miles Nervine. It assists in generating nerve energy, it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole svstem strong and vigorous. . . L ni,.niire In recommending '.!", Km to those minYrh.g V mM' m"rv.,i H prostmtlon. Insomnia from "iryOUi,!J After several ,! meliine ol diseases Sml Inlpe. " I- 8uPl'r" mrn r" "lrCr -"jUlXJB JACOB HERMANN. I ?n.UVr benefit. If It f.H. h. wl" refund your mon.y. ; Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind WHICH BY NIXON WATERMAN. If you could go back to forks of the road, Back the long miles you have carried the load ; Back to the place where you had to decide By this way or that through your life to abide ; Back of the grieving and back of the care, Back to the place where the future was fair If you were this day that decision to make, O, brother in sorrow ! which road would you take? Then suppose thai again lo ihe forks you went back, After you'd trodden the other long track ; After you'd found that its promises fair Were all a delusion that led to a snare That the road you first traveled, with sighs and unrest, Though the dreary and rough, was most graciously blest, With balm for each bruise and a charm for each ache 0, brother in sorrow ! which road would you take ? LKJIIT. BY WILLIAM PITT PALMER From the quickened womb of the primal gloom, The sun rolled bleak and bare, 'Till 1 wove him a vest for his Ethiop breast, Of the threads of my golden hair; And when the broad tent of the firmament Arose on its airy bars, I penciled the hue of its matchless blue, And spangled it round with stars. I painted the flowers of the Eden bowers, And their leaves of living green, And mine were the dyes of the sinless eyes Of Lden's virgin queen ; And when the fiend's art in the trustful heart Has fastened its mortal spell, In the silvery sphere of the first-born tear To the trembling earth I fell. When the waves that burst o'er a world accursed Their work of wrath had sped, And the Ark's lone few, the tried and true, Came forth among the dead ; With the wondrous gleams of my bridal beams I bade their terrors cease, As I wrote on the roll of the storm's dark scroll God's covenant of peace. Like a pall at rest on a senseless breast, Night's funeral shadow slept Where shepherd swains on the Bethlehem plains Their lonely vigils kept ; When I dashed on their sight the heralds bright Of Heaven's redeeming plan, As they chanted the morn of a Saviour born Joy, joy to the outcast man. Equal favor I show the loftly and low, On the just and unjust I descend ; E'en the blind, whose vain spheres roll in darkness and tears, Feel my smile, the best smile of a friend. Nay, the Mower of the waste by my love is embraced. As the rose in the garden of kings ; At the chrysalis bier of a worm 1 appear, And lo ! the gay butterfly's wings. The desolate morn, like a mourner forlorn, Conceals all the pride of her charms, 'Till 1 bid the bright hours chase the night from her flowers, And lead the young day to her arms ; And when the gay rover seeks Eve for his lover, And sinks to her balmy repose, I wrap her soft rest by the zephyr-fanned west In curtains of amber and rose. From my sentinel steep by the night-brooded deep 1 gaze with unslumbering eye, When the cynosure star of the mariner Is blotted from out of the sky ; And guided by me through the merciless sea, Though sped by the hurricane's wings. His compassless, dark, lone, weltering bark, To the haven home safely he brings. 1 waken the flowers in their dew-spangled bowers, The birds in their chambers of green, And mountain and plain glow with beauty again, As they bask in their matinal sheen. Oh, if such the glad worth of my presence to earth, Though fitful and fleeting the while, What glories must rest on the home of the blest, Ever bright with the Deity's smile b Crip (luli'kly knurkcit Out, "Some weeks nuo during ti e tevcre win ter weather both my wife and mj'M'lf con tracted severe colds which spiedily devel oped into the worst kind ol la iiip;e with all iU miserah symptoms," mys Mr. J. 8 Eg'csttin, of Maple Lamliiur, Iowa. "Knees an I joint aehmg, miiscle-i sure, ! head l.pptd up, e; es and nose running ! wilh alternate spells ol chills nud lever We began uing Cliuniliei Iain's Cnnuli Remedy, aiding the Mine with n do-c of ' ( lmniberliiin'sStoiuicliiind Liver Tablets, , and 1 y its liberal use soon completely ! knocked out the grip " For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Heiiums, E Belli; J. A. Hawks, Garys burg . ; Nothing is so foolish as the laugh i of a fool. I i'ok ovi''.n xix i'v vuam Mus. WiN8Uw'sSootiiini Kyki-I' has been used for over fill years by millions o'' ' mothers for their children while teething, ! with perfect success. Itaootliei the child, softens the gums, allays all pun; cures : wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diairhoen, H will relieve lhe poor little x sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ' in every part of the world. Twenty-five ' cents a bottle. He sure and ask fm ' Mrs, ' H'inslow's Soothing Symp," and take no other kind. I Work is not i j merit it is his I strength. man s punisn reward for his UOADV I For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chain berlaill's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of tool taken that give) strength and vigor to the system, but tho amount digested and ns.-iinih.te I. II troll bled with n weak digestion, don't lail to give these Tab'ets a trial. Thousands have been heneli.ted by their use. Tiny Civsl iiiiIv ii oii.irtpr - " F r sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. K. Hcavans, Eniieid; j. a. Hawks, Garys- iirs. We are more sensible of what is done against custom than against nature. 1 iving indoors so much during the win ter months creates a sort of n stuffy, want of ozone conditions in the blood and sys tem generally. Clean up and get ready for spring, lake a few Early Kin-ra These famous lilt'e pills dense the liver, stoaiueh and bowels and give the blood a chanco topniify itself. They relieve head ache, sallow complexion, etc Sold by W. U. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. There is precious instruction to be got by finding we are wrong. Keep your liowels regular by the use 'ol Clinniberlan's Stomach and Liver Tablets. There is nothing better. Forsnleby W. M, Cohen, Weldon; W. E Heavans, Eulield; J, A. Hawks, Garys-burg. IN A FREIGHT CAR.' Honeymoon Journey of Canadian Couple Economical and Unique. 'One of the queerest wedding j journeys 1 ever heard of," the girl remarked, "was that of a friend of t mine who was married in Canada 1 the other day. She lived in Onta- rio, and her husband had settled on a farm in one of the new prov inces in the far west. After they were married ihey set out for their new home in a freight car that the j bridegroom had specially fixed for the journey. ' "The front half of the car was ; ranged as a sleeping and livine i I room and kitchen combined. They ! being in Devonshire, England. Af ! had the necessary tables and fold-! ter preaching his farewell sermon ing chairs, box cupboards for the dishes and supplies, and a big oil stove. Lamps hung from the roof of the car, ship fashion, and the whole interior looked particularly CDzy when the bride had finished the work begun by her husband. "The odd part of the outfit was the fact that the rear half of the car was fitted up as a stable for the two horses that were a part of their wedding gifts. The journey end ed safely and happily, I should im agine, from the letters 1 have had from the bride. No girl who could have a private car or steam yacht for such a journey would be more enthusiastic than my friend was over her economical and unique honeymoon." IS THE MOON INHABITED? j Science has proven that t lie moon Viuh an atinosiihere, which make life in some form i possiblc on that satellite; lint not for hn- ! ! man hein, who haven hard enough time ! on this earth of our-; epeeially tho-e who dun t know that Electric Hitters enre Headache, Hiiiousnets, Ma'aria, Chills mid Fever, Jaundiee,I)yspepsia I)i.iness,Tor pid Liver, Kidney Complaints, Genera! Deliiiity and Feiua'e Weakne-s- Une i i mil le I as a general tonic and appetizer ! lor weak persons uuil csiecially for lhe ! a.cd. It induce uniud sleep. Fully ' tsnarantced by nil dtue.gi.st3. Trice inly ! 6IC. NO HARM DONE. ' The customer at the five cent 1 lunch counter, with some exertion, had dug a spoonful from the con ; tents of the side dish. ! "Waiter," he said, "this tastes different, somehow, from the mashed potato I usually get here." "It is different," said the waiter, : inspecting it. "It's the chunk of j putty, for a broken window pane, i that the old man has been making i a fuss about for the last ten min j utes. He'll be glad to get it back. Thanks." FRIDAY HAPPENINGS. Moscow was burned on Friday. Washington was born Oil Friday, Shakespeare was born on Friday, America was discovered 011 Fd- day. Richmond was evacuated 011 Pi- , Uay. , The Basiile was destroyed Oil Friday. The "Mayflower" was landed on Friday. Queen Victoria was married on Friday. King Charles 1 was beheaded on Friday. Fort Sumpterwas bombarded on Friday. n ..... lNopaieon tsonapart wasDom on PriH.iv rrlud"' Iiiliiie PiPQir win n.iccmared juiiuscaesar was assassmaicu 011 FridaV. U" 1 ' The battle of MoreilgO Was fought n on Friday. The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Friday. ; Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on Friday. i The battle of New Orleans was ; a . . . ,-. i ... tOUgnt On ITIuay. The Declaration of Independence i was signed on Friday. Caught Colli While Hunting a Burglar Mr. Wm. Thos. Lauorgau, provincial Constable at Chaplcan, Ontario, says: "I caught a severe raid while hunting a bur glar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I tried it, aud alter using two small bottles, I was completely cured." This remedy is in- i tended especially for coughs and colds. It I will loosen and relieve a severe cold in less time thau by any other treatment and is a favorite wherever its superior excellence j has become kuown. j For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon; W. E Reavans, Enfield; J. A Hawks, (larys- hing. Nothing hardens the heart and conscience like the acq tisition of a fortune at the expense of others. OASTOnlA. BMntk. The Kind You Haw Hlways Bont "AHIDR WITH ME.' Few people there are who have not at some time in their lives heard and been touched by the words of this beautiful poem. Ii was written more man halt a cen-: tury ago, but the pleading sweet- j ness of the words will never grow ' old. Henry Francis Lyte, the au- i thor, was born at Ednam, Scot land, more than one hundred years I ago. When he passed middle life, af- . M havillS charge of one church for twenty-five years, his health so far failed that he was ad- monished to give up his work and swk a l1lilder climate, his charge and administering the sacrament to his weeping people, he was taken to his little cottage home, where, in the evening, he composed this matchlessly pathetic and beautiful hymn: "Abide with me! fast falls the even tide, The darkness deepens Lord, with me abide." He fel' ihat he was slowly dying; he hau DiuJen his beloved people good-by, had partaken of the sacred emblems with them for the last time, and now he was alone with his Father. He died at Nice a few weeks after writing this hymn. Christian Herald. What (looil does it do you to eat if yotr stomach fails to die-,t the food? None It does you harm- causes belching, tour stomach, flatulence, etc When the stom ach fails n little Kodol Djspcpsia Cnre after each meal will die t what ;ou eat aml mAVv ""' '" " r-'old by W. Ill Cohen Weldon, N. C. But for some trouble and sor row we should never know half the good there is about us. If jou ever lion lit a box ol Witch Hazel Salve that failed to Fiitislaclion the ehanccnrc it did not ha e the name "E. C. DeWitt A Co " printed on the wrapper and ires-ed in the box The ordinal De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve never fails to uive satisfaction lor Iiiiiih, sores, boils, tetter, cracked turn Is, etc For Mind, I bleeding, itchinn. and rotriiiliiig files it affords almost immediate re ief. It slops the pain Hold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. One may dominate moral suffer ines only by labor. Study saves from discouragement. The best education in the world is that got by struggling to make a living. A Valuable Agent. The irlycctine employed in Dr. I'iorce's miilieines irciitly enhances the medi cinal pros'rlies Which it extracts and holds In solution much better than alco hol would. It .l-o 'i,,s-eses medicinal properties of iis o.vii. beini! a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic unci anti fennent. H iidils Kt'eallv to the ellicacy of lhe lllack t herrybaik. tiolden Seal root. Stone root and Oueen's root, con tnineil In "llolileii Medical lllscoverv" ill j sutHluinir chronic, or linuorlnir n.nirhs, bronchial. Ihroat and ImiK i.llietions, for ail of winch these np'ius are tvcoin- mended by standard medical authorities. , In all eases where there is a wasting 1 nwav of llesh. loss of nppetite, with I weak stomach, as in the early staires of conMiinption, there can be no donlit that i Rlvcerine acts as a valuable nutritive and j aids lhe tiolden Seal runt. Mono root, Queen's root and lllack I'herrybark In I protnotiiiK digestion unit iiiiiuiiug up in" flesh and strength, controlling the cougti und bringing about n healthy condition of the w hole svstem. Of course, it must not lie expected to work intrudes. It will not cure consumption except in its earlier stages. It will cure very severe, obstin ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn geal troubles, aid chronic sore throat with hoarseness. In acute coughs it is not so effective. H Is 111 the lingering coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it bus performed its most marvelous cures. Send lor and read lhe little lunik ot extracts, treating of the properties and uses of the several med cinal roots Hint enter into Dr. I'iorce's Golden Medical Discovery and lenru irlij I Oils toeilieiiie has such u wide rilllgl1 ",..,,, iK ,i,1M.,-eot diseases, it t 01 scut fm: Adiire-s Dr. It. V. Tierce. I llntrajo. N. Y. The "Discovery" eou- i tains no alcohol or harmful, baliit-fornt- j llin.ii,.ms n nrumd mi each 1 bottle wrapper in plain Englih. j Sick people, especially those suffering i from diseases of long standing. nr' invited I l. nl! llr Pierre bv elli r. tree. A l corresponitelice IS llelll lissini'iu pnvnin iiinl saiTisllv eontideiitial. Address Dr. K. V. I'ieree'. Murrain. N. Y. Dr. I'iorce's Medical Adviser Is scut .free on receipt of stamps In pay evpense o mailing milp. Send Ul oin-eent stamps for paper-covered, or ill stamps for cloth bound copy. -SPUING AND Sl'MMER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick'6 Patterns. 11. & G. CORSETS, Mimes at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. MuPrieea will be made to snit the times, Hats aud Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL-MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Grani Display Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure blood. All the blcoJ in your body passes through your kidneys np:p rery three minutes. . 5-.i: . The kidneys are your Wtlfri klco J Puri,''ers-lhey til- Impurities in the blood. II they are sick or out J Kjjj their work. rnatijm come from ex cels of uric acid in the blood, due to neelected kidsisy troalle. ICi 1vl ! twuble causes quick or unsteady hear; !us, and makes cue feel as though they k ,J h-.n l trouble, because the heart la ever-working ia pumping thick, l-idney-poijoiui blocd through veins and arteries. It u.;d lo bo couriered thai only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ail c jnoti'. itloiial diseases have their begin ni;.g i.i l.idn; trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by lust doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraoroiiujy effect ol Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-lioot, lhe great kidney remedy Is soon reali.-.ed. It elands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and lo cold on its merits cent and onc-dolhr tie- EferarsHS es. You rnav have a'i&jSLgS sample bottle by mail Home of sunp.Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. I.leuiion tl.:o paper when writing Dr. Kilmei i; Co., binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's! Sv;amp-Root. and Ihe address, Binghamton, 'I. Y., on every bottle. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfulness and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth consistency and the true 'voodsy"mapleflavor. Whole lome you can eat it every day. iOR SALE BY E. CLARK, Wh-don, N. C. net 5 H(h. E. T. CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice." in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and ill the Supreme court of theSiate. Special attention given to enllpetions anrt prompt TtnrTjfl Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY the FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . L AUGUST STOCK 111 the South 1 Illustrate! Catalogue Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk V ot 3 It We have made contracts wiih several ! Tulking Machine and Graphophone Com ' panirs to both lietnil Ami Wholesale their Machines. We have on hand over twen l ty five styles of the lateit improvements, from Four to Ninety dollrs each. SeT- i J--L. Talking i Machines and i Graphophones! eral both Disc t and Roller Records, all New and I'p-to-Date MUSIC, SONGS, &C. We take old worn-out records in part pay for new ones. We made a trip to headquarters of sev- , erel companies and spent time and money to learn all that is to be learned in connec tion with this business, and think we art well prepared to furnish all needed infor mation to our customers. We will take all old style Graphophones in part pay for new ones. We handle the VICTOR, COLUMBIA and other pattern! Come or write to us for catalogues and id- formation. We have in stock a large line of Musical Instrument of many kinds. Our stock of Mattings, Cnrpetings, Rngs Art Squares, Druggets and Honte Furnish ings of all styles is larger than ererbelore, SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. 0.

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