r hrL A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. WKLDON, N. ('., TIU USDAY, MAY '.i, 11)0(5. NO. o2. VOL. XL. 11 " - A FAST AGE. CIVILIZING roon LO." "OWINE BACK HOME." wm ! The Charlotte News Throws To I nether Some Astonishing Facts. 'I'lic Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which liu liecu in use for over 30 yoarx, lias borne tho nlciiii(nr of ri nrnl hna been nmtlo under Mm por- If' jJJtf-f-j1- (tonal supervision allien its Infancy. larXd-CtcAtM Allow no one to dtwlvo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation and " Just-BH-trood" nro but l'.-rlia'iits that trifle with and endanger tlio health of liitUiits and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA distort is o harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorle, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It Is lMensant. It vontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms iud tillays Fcverlshncss. It cures Diiirrhuuu. and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation 4iiid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the atonmcli and Howcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Fnuaeea-The Mother's Friend. BY NIXON WATERMAN. The Old Man Had Been Robbed and was Giving way to His Oriel. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAO COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRUT. NIW VOflft CTV McDUFFIE'S cough pi;ur",.";,,Whoop,n8 phice, as CENTS. Tk MeDUFFIE'S Little Blu Liver Pills for Constipation a..d Sluggish Livers. Mo Dunle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money baoK. Fob Balk iivW. M. Coiikn, Weldon, N. C. W. E IIkavann, Enfield, N. C. TASTELESS CHILL CURL ohllour.oontWnq M the market, it is rea8eyour and oil''-'r "r oh red b0od. .ppetlte.ndmaV'' ,trer,gth- is body-bulldog . choco. enlng. "Jidren like It. late taste and cni.o PRICE, Ay ers Pills The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. fc.S.lfiSi: Occasionally when we are ! brought face to face with siatistics i about ihe rapidly changing events of the day we are made 10 partial ! ly realize what a fast age we live in. In fact it is so rapid thai this realiza tion is only experienced seldom but when it is we are appalled and I made to start at the sheer facts. A person today lives just about ten times faster and more strenu ! ously than did his ancestors of a j half or even a quarter century ago. j New York has been termed the ; Paris of America and possibly just i Iv so. It would probably be safe to say that life in that city is just about as rapid as anywhere else in this continent, if not more so. We eive below a few statistics on the happenings in that city as they oc cur day by day in succession. From these facts we can faintly realize what a fast age we are in deed living in. They are as fol lows: In New York Every forty sec ond an emigrant arrives, Every three minutes some one is arrested. Every six minutes a child is born. Every seven minutes there is a funeral. Every thirteen minutes a pair get married. Every forty-two minutes a new j business firm starts up. I Every forty-eight minutes a buil- ! ding catches on fire. Every forty-eight minutes a ship - reaves the. harbor, i Every fifty-one minutes a new j building is erected. ' Every fifty-two seconds a pas ' senger train arrives from some point outside the city limits. Every one and three-quarter hours some one is killed by accident. Every seven hours some one fails in business. Every eight hours an attempt to kill some one is made. Every eight and one-half hours some one is divorced. Every ten hours some one com mits suicide. Every two days some one is murdered. The lime has come when "Injuns" must be civilized, ihey say ; ! Their blankets, paint and savagery must all be put away, As we waited in the L. & N. They've got to have their hair cut short and wear their clothing plain, : (jepot at Nashville for the train, And act like other citizens of Uncle Sam's domain. At first the noble red man may not feel so kind, alack ! j Toward collar buttons and a shirt that fastens down the back. 'Twere better that his savage self he never should assert As he puts a fifteen collar on a stubborn sixteen shirt. The new, made-over Indian is standing in the dawn Of a triumphant future where he'll have to mow the lawn And hoe the garden, split the wood and when the fates conspire, Remove the snow from off the walks and tend the furnice fire. But not till he's familiar with insomnia and gout, Headaches and indigestion can he really boast about His great advance; when he has had appendicitis, then The Indian may think himself as good as other men. We cannot call him civilized till he is brought to see The truth of things concerning which no two of us agree. His crude and cruel notions we must earnestly assail He's got to take to prize-fights and must dock his horse's tail. We'll teach him that he isn't "it" until he gets the rocks," And show him how to form a trust, and likewise, water stocks, We'll make him know that wrong is right when cunningly disguised ; He'll trade his knives for Catling guns when once he's civilized. DID GOD SEND YOU? She Had Faith--"Ciive Us This Day Our Daily Bread," and the Little Girl Believed It. CASTLE YKNTEKDAY, In the Valley of Conteniment, just beyond the Hills of Old, Where the streams are always silver and the sunshine always gold, Where the hour is ever morning and the skies are never gray, In the yellow haze of springtime stands the Castle Yesterday. , Oh, the seasons that we spent there when the whole world was young; The friends we've had as maid and lad, the songs that we have sung ! The echoes of their music cannot quite have died away, But still must thrill the rooftree of the Castle Yesterday. And the loving hearts we knew there in the time of trust and truth, Surely still they wait behind us in the Pantheon of youth ! But the angel of the valley at the portal bars our way, And a flaming sword forbids us from the Castle Yesterday. When the pilgrimage is ended, may we turn then, may we change To the vanished and familiar from the present and the strange ? Who so chooses to his heaven I shall be content to stay Where the ghosts of dead years wander through the halls of Yesterday. Want your moustache or beard i beautiful brown or rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim era. or huoout or k. p. hall oa, ruuda, h. a POINTED PARAGRAPHS. SO The : Bank : of : Weldon WKLDON, N. C. Organized Mer Tie Lais of the Stale of North Carolina, AUUUST40TIT, l9i. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. P?!!!?! $35,000 . Ill ob 14 year thin institution lion proulel liaiikirR fatilitHS for this -4 seition It stockholders ami directors have hem nlentilied with the - biisiuees interest ol Halifas Slid Northampton counties lor many ye.rs Money is loaned upon approved seenritt at the legal rate of inlerest-sii per centum. Account of all are solicited Many mixed ideas are due to mixed drinks. EARTHQUAKE AND VOLCANIC DISTURBANCES. Year 79 -1906. Year, A. D. Killed. 79 Eruption of Vesuvius, Pompeii, Herculaneum, destroyed 200,000 557 Earthquake, Constantinople Thousands 1 1 37 Earthquake, Catania, Sicily 1 5,000 1 1 58-Earthquake, Syria 20.000 1 268 Earthquake, Cilicta 20,000 Ifi3 1 Eruption of Vesuvius, Torre del Grecco, Resina and Grana rugninKMT: W. I.. nNIR, VH'K-rnKsiiiKNT: t asiiikr: Dr. II. W. LEWIS. W R. SMITH, (Jacksoi.NuriliainploB T.o.N. C) Success never comes to a man who is afraid to face failure. Don't expect to get rid of your troubles by advertising them. You can't alway tell what is in a man by trying to pump him. The skin-deep beauty of a girl may be good for marriage license. His Satanic majesty will trust any man who is good at making excuses. . i Many a man would act other- i wise but for the fear of legal con-1 sequences. j After a young man has made his j first ringing speech he should buy i ! the ring. It takes an accomplished liar to hand a woman satisfactory compliments. sello 1726 Earthquake, Palermo 1731 Earthquake, Canton, China 1755 Earthquake, Kuchan, North Persia 1755 Earthquake, Lisbon, Portugal 1822-Eruption, Aleppo 1830 Earthquake, Canton, China 1857 Earthquake, Calabria 1 883 Eruption, Island of Krakatoa 1 883 Earthquake, Isle of Ischia 1886 Earthquake, Charleston, S. C. 1888 Eruption, Bandaisan 1891 Earthquake, Island of Hondo, Japan 1894 Earthquake, Venezuela 1902 Earthquake, Guatemala 1902 Eruption, Island of St. Vincent 1902 Eruption, Mount Pelee, Martinique 1 906 Eruption, Mount Vesuvius (estimated) 18,000 6,000 100,000 40,000 35,000 Thousands 6,000 10,000 36,386 2,000 41 1,000 12,000 3,000 3,000 20,000 30,000 3,000 some one began crying, and an excitement was raised among the passengers. A brief investigation proved that it was an old colored man who was giving way to his grief. Three or four people re marked on the strangeness of it, but for some time no one said any thing to him. Then a depot po liceman came forward and took him by the arm, and shook him roughly and said : "See here, old man, you want to quit that ! You are drunk, and if you make any more disturbance j I'll lock you up !" "'Deed, but I hain't drunk," replied the old man, as he removed a tear stained handkerchief. "I'ze losted mv ticket and money, an' dat's what's the matter.". "Bosh ! You never had any money to lose ! You dry up or away you go ! "What's the matter here?" queried a man, as he came for ward. The old man recognized the dia lect of the Southerner in an in stant, and repressing his emotions with a great effort he answered : "Say, Mars Jack, robbed." "My name is White." "Well, then, Mars White, some body has done robbed me of ticket an' money." "Where are you going?" "Gwine down to Kaintuck, whar I was b'n an' raised." "Where's that?" "Nigh to Bowlin' Green, sah, when de wah done sot me free I cum this way. Hain't bin home since, sah. "And you had a ticket ?" "Yes, sah, an' ober $20 in cash. Bin savin' up fur ten y'ars, sah." "What do you want to go back for?" "To see de hills an' de fields, de tobacco an' de c'on, Mars Preston an' de good old missus. Why, Mars White, I'ze dun bin prayin' fur it fo' twenty y'ars. Sometimes de longin' has cum till i couldn' hardly hold myself." "It's too bad." "De ole woman is buried down dar, Mars White de ole woman an' free chillen. I kin 'member de spot same as if I seed it yistiday. You go out half-way to de fust to backer house, an' den you turn to de left an' go down to de branch whar de wimmen used to wash. Dar's fo' trees on the udder bank, an' right under 'em is whar dey is all buried. I kin see it ! I kin lead you right to de spot !" "And what will you do vhen you get there ?" asked the stran ger. "Go up to de big house an' ax Mars Preston to let me lib out all de rest of my days right dar. I'ze A gentleman saw two little chil dren before him on the cars, a boy and a girl. Both looked tired. They were poorly dressed, but neatly, and were traveling alone. Toward noon the little girl got up from her seat, and presently he found her kneeling on the floor, with her head bowed in the cush ion. Was she sick? Did she find this an easy way to sleep? No, she was praying. "What are you doing, my little girl?" he asked, when she got up. "I was saying 'Our Father who art in Heaven,' " she said. "And what are you saying it for now?" he asked again. "I'm so hungry," she said. "We've been traveling two days," said the boy, "and our luncheon is gone." The gentleman wished he had something in his pocket, but it was empty. At the next stopping place he went out himself and bought something for the children to eat. When he handed it to the child, "I knew it would come," she said, looking up with a blush of joy up on her faci. "Did God send you, sir?" Yes, God sent the gentleman. I'ze been I The child not see how the cars were to furnish the "daily bread," and the little girl believed it. She asked him, and God well knows ever so many ways to answer our prayers. You see, he let a kind gentleman bring her some. There is a small word in the Bible of which some people ask, "What does it mean?" The word is faith. What is faith ? It is asking God, believing and trusting him. That is what the little girl did; and that is the kind of asking which God loves, and loves to answer. Unknown. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in yiur body passes through your kidneys once, svery three minutes. jvjli , i nc moneys arc your p. ci;ca pumiers, uiey Hi ll ler oi't ;he waste- nr impurities in the blood. ktfi UAftZw 1' lhey ar sick out I5P Pains, aches andrheu- ma'.ism come from ex cels of uric acid in the Hood, due to neglected kidiicy trouble. Kidnsy trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they hud heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working i:t pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. l! used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. ' If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary eflect of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderf ul cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on i;s merits by all drugpUts in fifty-. cent and one-dollar siz- K&JnjHIIti E es. You may have a -eiJ sample oottle by man Home of swuip-Rooi. free, also pamphiet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention th.s paper when writing Dr. Kilmer i: Co., bmghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember l!ie name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's j wamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtou, i. Y.. on every bottle. mm 38 mm. I'OR OVER XIX I'V YIJAKS Mrs Vitfsuiw's?iniiiisii Svitt i1 has been uwil for over 0 years by millions of mother for their children while teething, with perfect success. HsjoUhh the child softens the gums, allays all pin; cures wind colic, and ia the licst remedy for Diuirhoea. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every p.irtofthe world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, lie sure and ask fin "Mrs. i Winslow's Soothing Byrnp," and (like uo other kiud. HOW TO HELP. To have willing feet, A smile that is sweet, A kind, pleasant word For all that you meet That's what it is to be helpful, In a mild gentle way, To help through the day, To make some one happy In work or in play Thai's what it is to be helpful. Union Signal. SO CAUTIOUS. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfuluess and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecanc is made of pure maple and . Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, j imooth consistency and the true "woodsy"mapleMavor. Whole lome you can eat it every da;. ' FOR SALE SY E. CLARK , Wn.noN, oct 5 :!0t. N. i:. g T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to enlleetinnH and mnmpt return. SASH, DOORS.BLtNDS. MANTELS, TIM'S A (1RATK9, II Alt I WAKE, FAINTS.&C I RANK T. tLAHTcOMPASY, Hi. Kortolk, 1 a. aiiT w ALTER E . DANIEL. ATIOKNKV-AT-LAW, Wki.iipn, N. C. Your collection of water colors Has Stood The Test 2b Years The Pain Grove's Family No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. n GARRETT & COMPANY, Pioneer m i ps if! Grows! i ESTABLISHED 1835. $ M , SPBOIALTIBb; M tuiBiuii niRE POCAHONTAS VVSJPpeAroI?.gARC (HcdWrnong, g ft OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY & 11 .. t- u a Minntnunn . . - - - - - , - (KeChnipagne) (Dry Scupperoong) PAUL C ARRETT SPECIAL- (.Sparklinu vnampiigurj SS And all other varietiesof Pure and Wholesome Vt Ines lor c ami u.e. U vimgbmt Caah Price. Paid iu Season for till i'WSS.W wT.... Braio h fit Louis. Mo Home Office, NORFOLK, VA. . ' 1 - You know them; tlicy are numerous, and make tlu-ir presence lelt everywhere. The names of the family are Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Uackache, Stomach ache. Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated, Headache makes you miserable; if the stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Tills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. "I find Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln rills an excellent remedy for overcoming head ache neuralgia and distressing imlns of all sorts. 1 have usid them for the past seven years In this capacity with the 1 Sciatica jCured After twenty year of torture Kor more than twenty jearsMr. J. B. Msey, of 332'2Clintoii8lieet1 Minneapolis, Minnc , ... .irinr.l be sciatica. Ihe urn and suffering which he endured during tltis time is beyond couipieution Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he u-ed Chamberlain's Paiu llulni. One ap f ication of that linia eut relieved the pain aud made sleep aud ret possible, and lew than oue bottle has effected a permanent cure. It lioiih'ed with sciatica or rheu matism why not try a 5c bottle of Pain I'.nlui uiul ee for yoursell how quickly it relieves Ihe paiu. For wilehy W. M Cohen, Weldou; W. E Ueavaii", Enfield; .1. A Hawks, Oarya ! burit j You do not will a front seat m ! Heaven hv takine a back seat in ! church. Not as if Rich as Rockefeller ... I '"b II you nan all the weath of Kockc-eller, fuf m when my neart aches." "Where were you robbed ?" ole an' all alone, an' I want to be js qUiie interesting, said the caller, nigh my dead. Sorter company j "but have you no oil paintings? Practices iu thecouils of Halifax and Northampton aud in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch office at Halifai, N. C, open every Monday. MKS. JOE M151UULL. Peru. lnd. n- mils' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your drugolit, who will ouarantos that the first package will Benefit. If It never sow n iuim falls. IS doses, 36 Mlltk Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd How to Ward Off Old Age. The mto-t soecea-ful way of warding off the approach o( o d ae is to n aintaio ii orous diae-tion This can lie done by eating only food suite! to our age and occu, atiou, aud when any disorders of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamber- luiu's Stomach and Liver TubleU to cor rectit. If you hare a ecak atonarh or are troubled with indige tion, jon will find thee Tab'ets to be just what you need. Forsaleby W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E Beavans, E'ltield; J. A Huwks, Gurys-bur,;. theMamlard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints thin Chamberlain's Co'ic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. The mast eminent physician can not prescribe abetter prepa ration fr colic auddiarihoc.i,hoth for chil dren nod ndulti The uniform success of this re i edy has shown it to be superior to all others. It ucver fails, aud wlun re duced with water and SKeetene.l. is nlcjl- ant to take Eery family thou Id be supplied with it Fir sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Renrnns, Enfleld; J. A. Hawks (iarys "rg If life is a voyage, (he cargo and the port are of much more impor tance than the fish thai may be caught on the way. It Is Dangerous To Neglect a Cold How ollen do we hear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few daja later learn that the man is on his back with pneumo nia. This is of such com mou occunence that a cold, however sliaiit, should not be disregarded, t hainberlaiu'a Congh Rem edy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneuuiniia, and has gained its great popularity and extensive sale by Its proni t cure of this most common ail ment, rt always enres and is plsasant to take For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beavana, E field; J. A. Hawks, tiarys-burg "Out doahs, dar, I reckon, in de crowd. See? De pockei is all cut out. I'ze dreamed an' pon dered I'ze had dis journey in my mind fur y'ars, an' now I'ze dun bin robbed an' can't go !" Oh. no." said Mrs. Nuritch, "I don't consider them safe." "Not safe? How do you mean?" "Incase of fire, you know." Treating Wrong Disease. Mhiiv thiiH women call mi tlu-ir funiftv He fell tO Crying, and the police- j pliyu-iaiw. HiiflVrmir. as they .imnim, IIIMII uj' Tpia, hiiuiiu'i iiiMii lit ni i When the cracked choir sings, 'O for the wings of a dove,' they can be sure of the congregation be ing with them on that. Villi e a bilious attack is decidedly nu-plea-wnl it is quickly over when Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tab et ore taken For sale by W. M. Coheu, Weldon; W. E. Beavans, Enfie'd; J. A. Hawls, Garys-burg Many men think they would obey the Ten Commandments if they could just clip off one or two. Death from Appendicitis. decrease in the same ratio that the use ot Dr. King's Now Life Pills Increases. Ihey save you from danger aud briug quick and painless relief from constipation and the Ills growing out of it. Hlrength and vigor always follow tticit use. Guaranteed by any druggist. S5c. Try them. man came foward in an officious j manner. ; "Stand back, sir!" commanded ! the stranger. j "Now, gentlemen, you have heard the story. I'm going to j hup the old man back to die on the ; old plantation and be buried along side of his dead." "So am I!" called twenty men in chorous, and within five minutes we had raised enough to buy him a ticket and leave $50 to spare. And when he realized his good luck the old snow-haired black fell upon his knees in that crowd and prayed: Lord. I ze bin a believer in You all my days, an' now 1 dun axes You to watch ober dese yer white folks dat has believed in me an' helped me to go back to de ole home." And I do believe that nine-tenths of that crowd had tears in their eyes as the gateman called out the train for Louisville. A man cannot exist long without food. That is probably why so many poets die young. The water wagon doesn't require I any sleeping accommodations. inn' iiiseao. aniitlnr (ruin liver or kidney i uistiim. another fmni nervous exhaustion or prosl ration, a not her with pain loTe and linn', ami In tin- nay tin ) nil priM'iit 1 alike to tlii'inii'Ui's ami their I'ssv-giiiiig ami InilinVri'iil. nr mer hUM cluctur. m'1- j aralc and dtsiini'l dtwaws. for v. hirh lie, aiuoiMK t Its-ilk to U' sui'li. pri'si-rili's his pills ami pillions. In n iilily. tin y an' all unlv siifiiiiniHM csummI hy sunn1 uterine i ifui.tt-i, 'I'ln' iiIiviimii n It'iiiiriiul ill llm i iiiina' of sulTrriuir. I'ln'iitiruires this prac- j lice until lame lulls are made. The i-of- j fcriuit paili'iii m ix no U'tter. hut pruliahly . wiirso, liy reason of the di-luv. wrong treatment ami ciitiM'uui'iit complications. A irnM'r medicine like Itr. PitTcc's Fa- j vonto Prescription, dlm-fecl In On- mime I woulil have entirely ri'innvisl the disease, ; thereby illsH'liir' all those ilistressiUK ! symptoms, ami instituting comfort In- j stcail ol prolonireu misery. 11 lias twii well said, that "a disease known is half cured." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription Is a scientific medicine, carefully di'Visiil hy an e'rienciKl and skillliil physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It is made of lull! ve medicinal root nnd Is pi'i'loi'tlv harmless 111 Its effects in tiny eonoiriiiii of me Mfsrem. As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription " imparts strength to the w hole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out." "run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop girls." houso-ki-eiM'rH, nursing mothers, ami feeble women gcii erallv. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tint greatest earthly boon, being un equalcd as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine " Favorite Prescription " is iincniialcd and is Invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, St. Vitus' dance, aud other distressing, nerv ous symptoms commonly attendant npon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and desimnaency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets liiv'gorata the stomach, liver and buwals. tine to three a dosa. Easy to take as caudy . Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY tbi FREICHT akdCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . LAKC. bnTNTOl'K luths South lllusttatd Catalogue Tret. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 1S8 to 163 Bank it., Norfolk Ya ot It 1 II Grand Display OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIE8. Butterick's Patterns. t II. & G. CORSETS, MiascsatSOc., Ladies 75c. toll. kit. Price will b mad to nit the times, HaU and Bonnets mad and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, 'Weldon, N. O. aaf ISM mam.