JKJ Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPKR FOR THE PEOPLE. erms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. XLl. WKLDOX, N. 11 1 L USD AY, MAY 10, !!;. NO. 1. i ' -Lrrr For Infants and Children. PPM jl AMijctdble IYviar.ilionTor As .!' siniilaliii' ilieFoodaiulllegulii- I . in! tlie Siouiiths otl Bowels ot' Promotes l)i4oslion.Chirful ni'ss ami Rost.Conlains neilhiT 0ritim.Mirliiiii nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. HapraftlU OrSm'aPITCHSH lwyJttK Sad' .tlx Xmtui ' SJU -.Swiv.VW ' Sh""i'Hf - tit fiubirmlf.imfs - lUr f StJ Ctvtttfi .SutHt Minify Hmnr, A polled Htmdy I'of CoiistijKi linn, Sour SlotiuicibOiarrlioea niul Loss ok Sleek Facsimile Si Can lure of NEW YOHK. EXACT COPY Of-' WRAPPER. ! 'jjjjj H MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE nil!,nln "8 pulnln. on hllloureoontainmsH .,, chill oure the market. r:1;r;;..tw1n!nor....your .nlni. " ha. ? " ;., :" i.t taste and onnor" PRICE, BO CENTS Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation k..d Sluggish Livers. McDufTle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. VorSai.k hv W. M.f'oiiKN, W t lil C. W. K P.kavanm, Kiitichl, N- C. eA Tf W tlf ALES Asplendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Alwavs restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for IE The : Bank : ol : Weldon. Orpiiizfifl Under Tie Lais of the State of North Carolina, Aiiui's raoTir, iHi State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital liWi $35,000. Foil 14 years this institution has provided hankii g faoiliii s lor this am t ion Its stockholders and direcii rs have linn ulei.liuVI v it It the business interests nl Halifax and Noith nnptun ci.nniics lor in .i.y ye irs Mouey is Iimued upon approved seturit. at ill- legal mte if iiilcre-l -su per centim, Atcnuntsof nil are sdicited prksiiiknt: W. I 11 AMI l , Hr.ll CJaksttn-Nut l h OE Has Stood The lest 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic NoCure-Nu-ray, GARRETT & Ploie'er ESTABLISHED 1H35. PBOI ALTIBS; s VIRGINIA DARE i w kit Kriintttrnonn) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY 'uiiWATHA MINNt n An A (av-' -PAUL GARRETT SPECIAL- (SMirniinu i j .11 niher virie tirsof Fore iiri w wSSr. Br...cb,8t. Loi, Mo . ww.i ummmm The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years ORIA THI CCNTAUR COfMNT, NCW YORK CfTV. TURPENTINE AND MUTTom suetloncpusSr." CougCh, p?.uAri" '""Whooping PRICE, 25 CENTS. VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer tifty years. ' 30 VIl'K-PHKKIflKNT.' W.I I-WIS, a mp ton (j N. I.) V SMI I II. 3E v COMPANY, POCAHONTAS 5g (Red Beiippernong) m i.usmpai"-f noifsom. n uies nr m . vv i Hiune O c, hOlii OLK, M i n.i r. I. ..... ...I linlol ma or WW THE BEAUTY OF CHEERFULNESS. BY BKATIilCI- FAIRFAX. KNOW a young woman i I who always wears a bit of pink or red. She says it HHSi$ makes her feel eheerful. A coral necklace is one of her chief joys. "The moment ! I put it on," she says feel gay and I cheerful. " I It is a pleasant theory to work ' on, and if we could all chase away ! our doldrums with a scrap of red ribfon we would go about looking i like perennial rose gardens. But whether o no we believe in the psychology of red, we can prac tice cheerfulness. There is no sense in bowing our heads before each trouble as though an avalanche was descending upon us. Life is not long; do not let us waste it in moping and grumbling. The whole secret lies in trying to make the best of things. Don't give way before the little troubles; save your strength to fight the big ones. Begin each day witl) a smile. A frown is bad enough at any time, but it's "doubly depressing early in the morning. Don't bore people by talking about your worries. They will listen at first through politeness, but they will soon begin to dread meeting you. Be happy and gay and cheerful and you will count your friends by the score. Be dull, morose and depressing and you will have no friends at all. It may sound hard and unsym pathetic, but it's the way of the world. We human beings are so constituted that we love sunshine and cheerfulness. We cannot go through the world blind to the sorrow and suffering that lies all around us, but we can dr our share toward lightening the burdens of others by offering our sympathy cheerfully instead of gloomily. And when our own dark hours come, as they must once in a while, it is betier to fight things out by ourselves. Nothing is ever quite so bad as j it seems at first. Just make up your mind that you are going to get the best and the happiest side out of life. Don't go about hunting woes and worries; you will be sure to find them if you do. Look out for joys; life is full of ihem if you look hard enough. ! And that is all there is of this lit tle sermon. Its text is "Cheerful ness." Practice it and preach it and life will bring you much joy and peace. New York Journal. It is possible to obtain relief from chronic iniligestionnnd dyspepsi.i by lh usn if KODOI, FOK IHSI'EI'sI A. Seine ol'lhe most hopeless cases uf long Nhintliiut h:ie jieMeit to il, It eli.ihle yon tucli'.cMl the I'ooil yon eut and cverei-cs . e.rr"etive in llnenee, hnildiugup the etlnieney of the dinestive orpins, The s'onnu li is I he Iwiler lieieiu the steam is made that keeps upyonr vitality, be ilth aad strength. Kulol digests what you eat, MakiH lie sloniaeli sin i f -puts the I oiler ill condi tion to do the noik il iture demiuds of it gives you lehef from digeslive disorder!, and puts you ill shnie tu do jour best, and teel jour best. I Hold by W. M. ruhoii, Weldon, f). C. The strong man the weak. never crushes Epilepsy Fits St. Vitus Dance Are nerve diseases, and unless checked, lead to destruction of both mind ami body. The weak, shattered nerves must have soim'thing" to strengthen and build them back to health. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tonic and stimulant. It strengthens the nerves, relieves the nervous strain, and influences refresh ing body-building sleep and rest, Persistent use seldom fails to relieve these afl'ietions, '1 was taken with eplleptle fits; had eleven In li-ss than 12 hours. My father sent for our family iihyslelan. but h could do very Utile for me. and , I Krew worse every day. nnd ut Ust they hud three dnetmn with me. and I stilt (rot worse. My father heard of Hr. SlUes' medicines and bought a bottle of Nervine and a box of Nerve and l.lver I'llls. 1 bad taken only a few doses until I began to feel better. I took 12 bottles, nnd It cured mo Bound and well. It bas been worth all the world to me. I recommend It wherever I go. You mnv use this as a life-long tcstlmonl! to the merits of your medicine, for I nm enjoying jlie best of health, and feel that my life and health la due to this wonderful medicine." I.KVY WILLIAMS. R. P. V. No. !. Boston. Oa. OrMll.f' Nervine li told by your druoglit, who will guirante. that the tint bottl. will benefit. If It fall., ht will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind i'xclk r.KHHY's I'll declar! Marse Tom, you's changed; I hardly know yo' face, An' den you come er sirut'in' like you never seed de place; I b'lceve you is got Miss Sue's eyes; an' sunipin' 'bout dat smile Is sorter like Ole Marster, alter I dun thought er while. Lemnie see; bin twenty years, Marse Tom, since you went 'way, An' still I 'members des ez well ez if 'twas yisierday; Both ine an' Dolly stood out dar, w'en you driv 'way, an' wait An' watch de buggy 'twel hit lu'n off from de big road gate. You ain't fergol Aunt Dolly yit, Marse Tom, I good ez know, De many limes dal she's sol here an' hel' you w'ile she sew; Dal ve'y night Lawd tu'k hur 'way "Berry," said she, "don't you I'orgii ter tell Marse loin good bye. You oughter see the ole graveyard -de flowers 'buut tii'k charge; In all yo' life you never seed de jass'mine grow so large; An', Marse Tom, dese yer daisies an' de yaller buttercup Is growed so thick dey's kivered mos' Miss Sue an' Marster up. Mean' you, Marse Tom, dat's all, we's de onliest ones is lef, An' 'fo' dis tune anudder year you mought be by yers'f; But, honey, fer ter tell de troof, since times is done changed so, I'se tole de Lawd, 'cept leavin' you, I b'leeve I des liv go. Stop, Marse Tom ! you hear dem bells, you recollicks w'at 'tis Or is you bin 'way so long you fergot w'at a cow bell is? I'se b'leeged ter luff, kaze I des thought 'bout how you useter ac W'en we'd start down ter de meader an' Miss Sue call you bac By de way, I'se hyerd de news fo'kes boun'ter ta'k, dat's true, Kaze dey's so skeerd somebody else will tell hit 'fo' dey do; Now, look here, Marse Tom, don't git shame, fer dat dey say is proof, If you fixin' fer ter marry, des less up wid de troof. Well, Marse Tom, hit's gittin' late, I s'pose you's tired, too; So I'l go up an' fix yo bed des like I useter do; An' 'bout sun up termorrer morn' I'll come up an' blac' yo' shoes So you kin git up den or wait, w'ichever way you choose. UKNT. BY ABKAMJ. My feet are wearied and my hands are tired My soul oppressed And 1 desire, what I have long desired, Rest only rest. 'Tis hard to plant in Spring and never reap In barren ways; 'Tis hard to sow and never garner grain In harvest days. The burden of my days is hard to bear, But God knows best; And I have prayed but vain has been my prayer- For rest sweet rest. 'Tis hard to plant in Spring and never read The Autumn yield; Tis hard to till, and, when 'tis tilled, to weep O'er fruitless field. And so 1 cry a weak and human cry. So heart oppressed; And so 1 sigh a weak and human sigh, I-or rest for rest. My way has wound across the desert years, And cares infest My path, and through the flowing of hot tears 1 pine for rest. 'Twas always so; when still a child 1 laid On mother's breast. My wearied little head ; e'en when I prayed, " As now for rest. And I am restless still; 'twill soon be o'er; Far down the West Life's sun is selling, and 1 see the shore Where 1 shall rest. A good complexion is inipissih c with tlel stomach out of order. II pisty sallow pe , pie would pay more attention lo lln-ir j stomach and les to the skin on their laces, they would have better complex:!) s KO DOL KOI! DYSl'EI'SIA will digest whit you eat anil put your stomach back in right shape to do its own work Kodol re lieves palpituli iiiof the beirt, flatulence, sour stomach, lit art hum. etc. Sold by W. M Cohen, Weldon, N. C. - - - When His day comes our deep est sorrow will seem like a dream that has past. Foro painful bniiithtreisnolhing like lie Win's Wilch Hazel Salve There are a host ofimitiitlot,s of IVWitl's Witch Hazel Salie on the market see that yon get the ! genuine Ask for De H ill's (lo tl, too lor sunburn, cuts, bruises, and o-pecial1) rceoiiitn. nd d lor pill s The name F. C IV Hill .Mo., Chicago, is on every box. Witch Hazel Sold hy'W. M Cohen, Weld, n, N. C j It takes more than a brotherly manner to make up for a lack uf business method in a religious work. A torpid, ii aelive live can prcducc more bodily ills thuii almost tl yihing else. II is good to clean ihe system out ocasional - ly. Stir tin liver up, mil get into shape For sale hy W. M Cohen, Weldon; W, generally. The lest r, suits are i'riud 1 E. Bcnvans, K field; J. A. Hawks, Uaiys from the use of Dell'ilt's 1 itt'e Fairly h irg. Risers. Ke'iable, effective, p eisant pit wilhn rapnttitinn Sold hy W. M C..h.nt Webb u, X. C. Flashy people give the world lit tle light. POH I1VI.II HIXl'Y YI'.AB ! Mm Wikri.iiw'n ?oothinii Svki'p ha? been used for over to years by millions o' : mothers for their childien while teething, with perfect fticcess. Itsoothei theehild softens the gums, allays all pun; cures . wind colic, and is the best remedy for ; Diairlmen. It will relieae the poor little j sufferer immediately. PoM by druggists In every p.nl of the world. Twenty-five ceuts a bottle. He sure and ask fin ' Mrs. I Winslow's Southing Syrup," and take no ! other kind. .i.kktix(. she know hur time wuz nigh RYAN. Not as if Rich as Rockefeller. ll'ynn had all Ihe wcatll of liockcleller, theStandard Oil maguate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints ; thin Chamberlain's C'u'ic, Cholera and 1 Diarrhoea Iieinctly. The most einincut j physician can not prescribe abetter prcpa- : ration for colic niul diarrhoea, both for chil- j tlreii and adults Tin uniform success of this ica cdybas shown it tube superior to j all others. It never fails, and whin re- iliiccd with water mid aneeteued, is pic is- ant lo take Every family hould be supplied with it. I l r sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. I K Hcavans, Knliehl; J. A. Hawks (iarys. i hur,t i:i,, i nl m.1.., , I i uiiii iii vst'vi uwiitia atiiiit; iiwiic for man. It Is Dangerous To Neglect a Cold How olleiitlo wehcaril icmarkel: "It's 1 "lily n cold," anil a few dais later learn; tlul Ihe man is on Ills lack with piieiimo nia. '1 his is ol Mich common occurrence tL.it a told, Ufiii ;,!,!, lutiU not W disre allied. Clmnihcrliiin'a Cough Item ely couiileracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneiiiiienia, and has gained its1 great popularity and extensive sale hy its ; prompt cures of this most common ail ment. II alwavs cures and is ulensant to ! take One mahogany tree, when cut into togs, will sometimes fetch as much as $10,000, How to Ward Off Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach ot o'd nge ts to nnintain i oriins digestion This can lie done hy eiitiiii only foo l suite I to our age nnd orru.ntioa, and wheu any disorders of lite stoninch appears take a dose of Chamber lain's Slnmuch and Liver Tablets to cor rect it If you haven weak stomach or tlie troubled with Indigestion, you wil' find these Ttih'ets to lie just what you nee I. For talc by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. E Hcavans, Knilcld ; J. A Hawks, Onrys-bnrg. THE MILLER AND HIS SON. By Trying to Please He Had Succeeded Nobody. Everybody in Pleasing Mll.LF.H and his son were driving their ass to a fair. A .;.! un tncir way, tney met a tWu'y, troop of girls. "Look ' there!" cried one of them, "did you ever see such fools, lo be trudging along on foot when lliey might be riding!" The old man, hearing this, nuieily bade his son get on the ass, and walked merrily by his side. ' Presently they came to a group i of old men in earnest debate, j ' "There!" said one of them, "it 1 proves what I was saying. What i respect is shown to old age in these days? Do you see that idle young rogue riding, while his old father has to walk?-Get down, you scapegrace ! and let the old man rest his weary limbs." Upon this the father made his , son dismount, and got up himself. ; In this manner they had not pro- J cceded far when they met a com-; . pany of women and children, i : "Why, you lazy old fellow!" cried several tcngues at once, "how can i you ride upon the beast, while that poor little lad there can hardly keep ! pace by your side." The good natured miller imme diately took up his son behind him. They had almost now reached the town. "Pray, honest friend," said a townsman, "is that ass your own?'' "Yes," said the old man. "Oh ! One would not have thought so by the way you load him. Why, ' you two fellows are better able to carry the poor creature than he ; you!" j "Anything to please you," said the old man. So, alig'. iing with his son, they ; tied the ass's legs together, and by the help of a pole endeavored to carry him on their shoulders 1 across a bridge. The people ran i out in crowds to laugh at the sight I till theass,notliking thenoiseor the situation, kicked asunder the cords ! and tumbling off the pole, fell into the river. Upon this the old man made the best of his way home with his son ' convinced that, by endeavoring to please everybody he had suc ceeded in pleasing nobody, and t had lost his ass into the bargain. ! From Easop. Sciatica Cured Alter twenty years of lorliire. For moie than twenty years Mr. . I. I!. Ma'sey, of Clinton sliect, Minneapolis, Minne , was lortnreil by sciatica. The pa:n and MitTcring w hich he endured during this time is beyond coiiipreiision Nothing gave him any permanent relief until l e ii'cd C hambcrlain's Pain Halm. One ap p'icalitui of Ihat liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less lhaii one boltlc has eil'cclcd a permanent cure. II lioiiblcd wil'.i M'iatica or rheu matism why not try a '25c. bottle of Fain Kalm and M C for yoiirscll how quickly it relieves the pain. For salehy W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. E lleavuns, F.iilicld; .1. A Hawks, llarvs- hnrg STEVENSON'S PRAYER. The day returns, and brings us the pretty round of irritating con cerns and duties. Help us to play the man; help us to perform them with laughter and kind faces; let cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us to go blithely on our busi ness all this day; bring us to our resting-beds weary and content and undishonored; and grant us in the end the gift of sleep. Robert L Stevenson. HAPPY AFTERTHOUGHT. laude Adams tc ; a story of a negro couple once personally known to her. Pete was very bashful, and having decided, firstly that he desired Miss Johnson for his wife, and secondly, that he dared not ask her in person, had recourse lo the telephone to make known his passion, says the Phil adelphia Ledger. He rang her up ; a, ,he house of her employment, j j inujre(j. i "Is dat you, Miss Johnson?" "Yaas," came the reply. "Well Miss Johnson, I'se got a mos' 'important, question to ask you." "Yaas.' "Will you marry me, Miss Johnson?" and the answer came: "Yaas. Who is it please ?" Sometimes, remarked a rural philosopher, it's a mighty short road between the fust false step an' the last dollar. HAPPY AUGURY FOR THE BRIDE. Dove Alights on Young Woman's Shoulder as She Leaves Church. T is seldom that such an .-. augury of good luck greets a bride as was vouchsafed !f$f$ to Miss Mary Waters, of Philadelphia a few days ago. As she stepped out of the church by the newly acquired hus band, Michael Dohcny, a white dove aliglued on her shoulder. This prosiae, practical bird, be it known, w as hungry, and the rice-be-showercd bride was too goi.d a chaiice to be missed. All in at tendance held their breath, and the bride's heart fairly stood siill for fear that the little creature might be frightened away. After sitting on its chosen perch and pecking rice from the hat of the astonished bride until i t had eaten a good square meal, it un folded it wings of peace, and, after hovering a moment over the happy pair, flew back to its home in the belfry. It is probable that such another symbolic occurrence might not hap pen again in a century and Mrs. Doheny is- naturally delighted with the harbinger of peace which bless ed her with its benediction at the outset of her married life. Death from Appendicitis. decrease in the fame ratiu that the use ol Dr. King's Sew Life Pills increases They save you from danger and bring (juick and painless rcliel'froin constipation and the ills crowing out ol'it. Strength and vigor always follow tlieii use Guaranteed by liny tlrugiiist- 2)C. Try them Why take n dozen things toenre that cotighv Kennedy's Laxative Honey nnd Tarallays the congestion, stops that tieklit g. drives Ihe cold nut llnouh your bowels Kohl by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Many raindrops are hollow. See that your r'luj.'gist gives yon no imita tion when you ask tor Kennedy's Laxn tire Honey and Tar, the original cough syrup. i Sold by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The Cape Colony earthworm is j six feet long.. V bile a bilious attack is decidedly nn- j pieman! it i quickly over w hen Chamber- I 'ain's Stomach nnd Liver Tiih'ct tire taken For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. K. Hcavans, Knfie'd; J. A. ltuwks, C.arys- j if! Miners commit all workirgmen. suicide least of JEFFERSON'S IDEA. i Joseph Jefferson was a strong j i believer in early marriages, and he I never missed an opportunity to ! impress his convictions upon the j young men, says Everybody's j Magazine. In an address at Yale J he said : "1 abominate bachelors. The j older they grow the more conceit- j ed they become. I was talking to j one and I asked him why he did j not marry. He parried the ques-: tion by telling me about different i young women he had known, find- ine fault with all of them. But nnnpnrerl thai all of them had mar- ; ried. j "You are in danger of gelling i left," 1 said to him. 'You had bet i ter hurry up before it is too late.' ! "Oh,' said the bachelor, 'there are just as good fish in the sea.' "I know that,' 1 said, 'but the bait isn't there danger of the bait : becoming stale?' A Heavy Load to Carry. Along with thspepsia eoines nervous- ; nesMtuil general ill-healih. Vh? lie- j cause a disordered slomach dis-.-. nut mt- i mil the ftsul to Is' properly dlge-tod. and ; its products assimilated by ihe sistcm. '. The liltssl is charged w nil poisons u hich come from this disordered digestion, anil 1 In turn the nerves are nut fed on g.ssl, red bloisl. and we see symptoms of nerv ousness, sleeplessness and general break 1 doiMi. Il is nut head wur'i. nor over phv- ! sical exertion thatdis-s it. but ismr siuui ii. h work. Willi 'r. thin blissl Ihe Issiv is not. proti'i'iisl itirttiusl Ihe attack of germs of grip, bronchitis and eotisuuip- lion. Foriiiv the tssli at once with Dr. , I'lerce's tioitleii Mistical inscovery a i rare coinliinaiioii ol native mtsiielual risits without a particle nf alcohol or . dangerous habit -funning drill's, A little Issik uf exiracl.s. (rum prmnl- ' nent niedical aulhorilies extolling every 1 ingredient contained In Dr. I'lerce's j Oiildeu Medical Discovery will le mailed five Ui any address on request by imsiai card or letter. Address Dr. It. V. nerve, I Hitflalti. N. V. Many yimrsof active praetiecconvltiecd 1 Dr. Fierce of tin value of many native j roots as medicinal aiceuls and lie went to great expense, both in time and in money, tu jM'rfect bis ow n peculiar proeessus tor i rendering them both etlicient and sate for ; tonic, alterative and rebuilding aiieuls. The enormous popularity of "tiohlen i Medical Discover!' " is due both tu its : seieutilic conis)itnding and to the actual niiHlleiual value of Its ingredients. The nublication of the mimes of the immll- fntn on the wrapper of everv tsittle sold, gives full assurance of Its non-alcoholic character aud removes all objection to the use ot an unknown or secret remedy. It is not a patent medicine nor a secret one either, This fact puts it fn il clous nil ilntif, bearing as It does uimn every bottle wrapper The Had go ot Honesty, In the full list of its Ingredients. The "tiolden Medical Discovery cures, weak stomach, Indigestion, or dysH'psia. torpid liver and biliousness, ulceration of Btonmch and Isiw les and all catarrhal at fectiuns no matter w hut parts or organs may be affm-ted with It. Dr. Plen-e's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills, first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and Invigorate, stomach, liver and bowels. - Much Imitated but never equaled. Sugar-coated aud easy to take M candy. One to three a dose. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Then Is a diseao prevallirv; In this country mor.t dant;crour. because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths arc caused by i. heart disease, pneumonia. heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance ihe kidi.cy-polsoned Used U'iil aitark the MnmSftM vital orrans or the I kidneys themselves break, down and waste a way cell by coll. Bladder troubles mosl always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure h ; obtained quickest by ft proper treatment of the kidney). If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's 1 Swamp-Root, ih; great kidney, liver and i blydder remedy. j It corrects inabi.ily lo hold urine and scald ! lug pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to I go ofien during the day, and to get up many times during Ihe night. The mild and tha extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root 's pleasant to take and sold tv all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f ' S have a sample bcitle of f0!Sfl!JSSSai this wonderful new dis- Eiriltllittffi covery and a book that -AliyiKWgS tells all about It, both nmf Swamp-Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer St Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous oiler in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember Ihe name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfulness and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, (I y imooth consistency and the true II 1 'woodsy"mapleflavor. Whole- V g lorae you can eat it every day. FOR SALE Br E. CLARK, Wki.don, N. C. oct 5 301. J ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. I ! I. t : I ... I I'm, lice In the enant uf Halifax and adjoimag counties, rd,, in , the- Supreme I court x.'i.UsuUi. hpo.)xl attention gi.ee ... . I to eolleciinmi and urnmpt ran r " l ' i i i e- ft SASH.DOORS.ELINDS. MANIKI.S, TII.KS A (IR4TKS, IIAItnWAItK, 1 AIN'T M.&C FRANK T. U-AlfTcOMPANY, LU. Virtolk, la. W ALTER E . DANIEL, A TTOIISEY-A T-LA IP, Vt'Ei.roN, N. C. Practices in the emits of Halifax and " 1 Northampton and in the Supreme and ! F.deial courts. Collections made in all I lvirlw nl Knrtli f-lMilin i llrnuch office at Halifax, N. C open e cry Monday, Monuments AND Gravestones. I 1 WE PAY the FREICHT amCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . l.AKt.KNT HTOCK In the Mouth islialcl Catalogue Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bank St.. Norfolk Ta aoi 9 It OF -SPHINIl AND Sl'MMER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 60c, Ladies TSo. to II. MCPHi-ea will be made to suit the times, Hats aud Bonnets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKDEH8 PROMPTLY FILLED. - MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. 1 9 it- "' '-w-.T''-'