' j 1 'S! S!pa '1 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.SO Per Annum. 1 VOL. XLI. WKLDON, X. ( ., TIll'HSDAY, MAY 17, 1.KH5. XO. '2. i n if n n Si 0 Tim Kind Yuii Have Always Bought, ami wliiclt lias bceu In ii so for over yours, linn linnio 1 lie Kitriinlnre of jp and linn boon uiado under lil r- , JjP-f-' Hoiial supervision hIiioo Kh Infancy. Wiasyy, -uttAif. mnyl no oue tod,.(.,.V0 y,i i ti,i. All CoHiiteiTeltN, Imitation and "Just-as-frood" nrn lint KxiH-rinicntN tlmt trifle with and endanger 1 11 lieultli of liil'iuits and Children Experience aguliiHt Experlinout. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare Ifovic, Props and "Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ':it;iiiis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .siibNtniice. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlidmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. 1 GENUINE CASTOR A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of NOT PROPERLY DISTRIBUTED. T It Would Seem That There is No Excuse for the Existence of So Many Spinsters In this Country. i The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TWI eCNTAO COMMMV, MUMUV .TRIKT. HKW TORII CITV. as MCDUFFIE'S -ri.TEI.ESS OHIULCORE. I, th. only bo " , on chill our. oontain.n oh(- and malar'"- loh red blood, .ppetlte and make no " '. bdi'; ha. a Pl".ant ohooo PRICE, BO CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'8 Little Blu Liver Rills for Constipation bod Sluggish Livers. Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to do all we claim or your money back. Fob Salic iiy W". M. Coiikn, Weldon, N. C. W. E Kkavans, Enfield, N. C. Bronchitis A.Vh Co"Kn. Colds Cough, PleuX m.'' WhPn8 Pneumonia and c- Pr,v" 38 CENTS. ( Ayers Pills Wake up your liver. Cure your constipation. Get rid of your biliousness. Sold for 60 years. iZftltti: Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE l beautiful brown or rich black? Use m cn.ur Miognnui.Muu.co.,iuMui. O The : Bask : of -. Weldon, WELD')N, N. C. Or&ani.p, j UDier The Lais of tie State of NortI Carolina, AUGUST )TII. IHH-I State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Snrplns, $35,000. 0 B 14 years thin institution has provided bank i rip facilities fur this MKtion Itii stockholders and directcrs have been i.lcntillcd with the business interest, of Halifax and Northampton couuties lor in my ye is Honey is loaned upon approved aeruritf at lli legal rate of intereH six per ceutuvi. Accounts of all are adicited Fi PKKHIIIKNT: VICI-PREHinKKT; cahimkr.- W. E. DANIEL, Hr. II W. LEWIS. W R. SMITH. CJackson-Nurihamptuo Co N. C) mul ao-ain there is a ! $ tendency on the part of t ' I the over -sympathetic to ; lUJll feel sorry for the spinsters, ; a large number of whom flourish and seem to he happy in this country. The opinion used to be generally entertained that the women outnumbered the men by a large majority and hence there were not husbands enough to go round. The last Federal census upset that notion very thoroughly, for it showed that in this great and growing country there are over 1,800,000 more males than fe males. Those statistics were doubtless read with interest by the involuntary spinsters and the other kind does not care whether there are any men at all in the world. The Financial and Com- j mercial Chronicle recently made I some investigation as to immigra-; tion, and its figures indicate thai j ! during the last five years the nuni- ! ber of males who came 10 this I country front foreign lands is 2,685,439, and during that time only 1,148,509 females have come i showing an excess of over a mil-! lion on the side of the men. Ac-1 cordingly it appears that there are in the United States today over t'iree and a quarter million more m :n than women. It would seem that there is no excuse for the existence of so many spinsters in this country. There are enough men to go around and tospare. Of course, it is fair to consider that the foreigners are not eligible, perhaps, at least, for several years. It is not the number that are at fault. The blame lies altogether TP ith the geo graphical distribution. There are too many men in onejjaceand too many women in another. The men go where there is work and the women do not go where they are wanted. It is said that matri mony is largely a matter of pro pinquity and proximity. Certainly if a man never sees a woman he will never want to marry her, un less she has her picture in the pa per and he falls in love with the shadow, for lack of a chance to look ai the substance. The reason why so many young people go from the country to the city is that they want to get into business where there is business to do. The same rule would prompt the unat tached ladies who desire no longer to be single to go to those places where men are plenty. There is always and everywhere work for willing hands, so that no starving process need 10 be undergone dur ing the interval. The census sta tistics are certainly encouraging lo the spinsters. Unhappily there are some who are so well suited with their present state that they have no matrimonial ambitions and prefer to stay where they are rather than to take chances. They believe that marriage is a lottery and hesitate to buy a ticket less they drew a blank, and goodness knows that in this particular lottery there a great many blanks. The blame for celibacy can no lonter be laid at the door of the census bureau, for it has declared with all the emphasis of big type and the accuracy of figures that there are over three million more men than women in this country. GARRETT & COMPANY, T America! w 'nni ,i mil ii MHt a W 1 fin t?smsss9m fating $5,000 Reward THIi SHADOW. BY K1.LA WHKKI.ER WILCOX. HARD ON THE CHILDREN. circumstantial evidence. ' ESTABLISHED 1835. P 8$ S PBOI ALTIBS: i ffVIRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAsff X (WhiteScoppernong) (Kwi Siuppemou(i) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY $ MHIAWATHA MINNEHAHAM (RedChimpagne) (I)rj Senppernong) m PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL W (ttparklinn Champagne) - JJJ -it And all other larietfeaof Pare aud Wholesome Wines for honied and hotel a . m W .Higheat Cash Pricei I'aid in Seaaon for all kinda of small fruits, grapea etc I Weatern Branch, Bt Looia, Mo Home Office. NORFOLK, VA. Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's tasteless Chill Tome will be paid to any person who can titul one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform or their derivatives in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered be cause certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies. It is understood that this reward applies only to goods purch ased in the open market, which have not been tampered with. Dr. Miles' remedies cure by their strengthening and invig orating effect upon the nervous system, and not by weakening the nerves. "I consider that there are no DPtter remcdlea put up than Dr. Miles' Nervine. Antl-Paln Pills, and Nerve and Liver Tills. We hove used them for years, and recommend them to many others. My wife Is using the Nervine, and considers It the best medicine In the world. A lady friend of mine, who was almost a total nerv ous wreok, through my enrnest solici tation has used severnl hollies of the Nervine with wonderful results." WM. CROMB, Bait Lake City, Utah. Dr, Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit, If It falls, he will return your money. ti dosei, SO eants. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind To get all you can and to keep all you get, That was the motto his young life set. He spelled success with letters of gain And stopped at nothing that meant attain. Love went by him - he said, "Well lost, Kor wives are wasteful and children cost." He laughed at fashion. "But fools," he said, "Toil, thai tailors be housed and fed. "And clothes wear rusty, while gold wears bright, And heap on heap 'lis a goodly sight," Want, though worthy, and need, though great, He held, as always, the spendthrift's fate. "I toil," he argued, while others sleep ; While others are idle 1 gain, and keep." Pleasures he pushed from his path aside, "Make way," he commanded, "for Gain, my guide." And even Comfort he thrust from his door, Lest she should lessen his growing store. Friendship he scouted, "for what is a friend, But one who tells secrets and asks you to lend ? "I keep my own counsel, that no one may know, And ask no favors, and none bestow. "And those who hate me shall one day cower And serve me," he boasted, "for wealth is power, "But whether men curse me, or whether they bless, Mailers bin little I seek success." And while he labored, and gained, and kepi, A hideous shadow behind him crept. She dogged his footsteps, and bided her time, "1 am ready," she grinned, as he reached his prime. She peered through the window, and chuckled to see How he counted his gold with a miser's glee. Then close beside him he saw her stand, And he clutched his treasure with trembling hand. "Nay, not your treasure I seek," quoih she, Leave them behind you and follow me." He shook with terror "Not yet, 1 pray Give me a year, or a month, or day. "I will scatter my gold, I will do kind deeds, I will seek my fellows, and give to their needs. "Oh, much could I do ere another dawn !" Death answers briefly "Too late, come on !" Now, where she took him I do not know, But all his money he left. And so 1 trust he is musing on that same thought : "I got all 1 could and kept all 1 got." And 1 hope he is honest enough to confess t- That wealth is a very small part of success. The Tuberculosis Campaign is Alright, But it is Putting a ' Pretty Big Burden on the Children. Rev. Dr. Deems once told the following story to his congregation: A minister called upon an aged class-leader, and, afier having prayed with the family, said : What's the use of being a child; "Brother, how is it that you nowadays? Oue by one tradi- have been a church member so tional rights and privileges have : long, and yet you arc noi a con been taken awav bv modem edu- i verted man?" OPPORTUNITY. BY WALTER MALONE. They do me wrong who say I come no more When once 1 knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door, And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win. Wail not for precious chances passed away, Weep not for golden ages on the wane ! Each night 1 burn the records of the day; At sunrise every soul is born again. Laugh like a boy at splendors that have sped, To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb; My judgments seal the dead past with its dead, But never bind a moment yet to come. Though deep in mire, wring not your hands and weep; 1 lend my arm to all who say, "I can !" No shamefaced outcast ever sank so deep But yet might rise and be again a man ! Dost thou behold thy lost youth all. aghast? Dost reel from righteous retribution's blow? Then turn from blotted archieves of the past And find the future's pages white as snow. Art thou a mourner? Rouse thee from thy spell; Art thou a sinner? Sins may be forgiven ; Each morning gives thee wings to flee from hell, Each night a star to guide thy feet to heaven ! 1 caiional methods and scientific in sight. The carefree days of child hood have become merely a myth read about only in old-fashioned books, and from the time when ihe wrinkled and red-faced baby opens its blinking eyes on the world it faces a regime of rules and regulations by the side of which military life becomes one of happy liberty. The modern baby long ago be came accustomed to getting so much food so many minutes apart, with no concessions made for an unexpected spasm of hunger. But the child has managed to hold onto a few of the cherished traditions handed down from bygone ages. Now, alas ! the tuberculosis buga boo comes along and takes the most of these with one fell swoop. Slates must not be spit upon, pen cils must not be wet in the mouth, I iingvia uiuai nui lt v. Cl lu IUI II IIIC leaves of books, pins and money must not be put in the mouth and j hands and faces must be washed i before each meal. Fruit must be j peeled or washed before eaten, and ! apple cores, candy, chewing gum, whistles or bean blowers must not be swapped. Tough lines for the son of an old-fashioned boy with an inherited tendency for borrowed bits of apple, or, better still, the whole core: for grimy hands and for naturalistic and economic meth ods of erasing pencil sketches of the teacher. The tuberculosis campaign is all right, but it is put- ting a pretty big burden on the children. For u puiuliil burnt lie re is nothing like I)e. iit's Witch Hnze.1 Salve There are a kost ' ofiiuitati.u s of TeWiti's Witch Hazel t Salve on the market see that yon get the rifCul'.ilie .Ask for Dcintl's (lod, too. ! lor sunburn, ciita.'lrftiivs, .and e penally rccoinin nded for piles The uanie E C Pi ll"itt c to., Chicago, is on every hot. Sold by W M Toheii, Wel l d, N. C. "Are you my judge?" "I know by your fruits. have no family worship." "Well, it is true; but 1 would like lo know who told you." "No one told me; but, had you been in the habit of having family worship, that cat would not have jumped out of the window, fright ened, as it did, when we knelt 10 pray." The test was true in that case. The brother confessed that he had omitted family worship because he did not want to hinder his work men. Selected. OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABHS Teacher Where did George Washington live after he retired from public life? Small Boy In the hearts of his countrymen. Why take a dozen things to cure that cough? Kennedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar allays the congestion, stops that licklit g. drives the cohl out through y.tur I'owcU Kold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. i --r. j v t ii i rrr- rZA m tw4L failure or IWU The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There, b a disca:.-; prevailing i:i this country ino:t dirrerou- l-eause'co decep- r 1 heart urease, i' n::c'ir,r:'i.i. hrart )!exy arc c!ten the r-.vlt cf l'.idney ciea-e. If kiiii.ey troutlc is al lowed to advance the I'.ldi.ey-poisoned Wscd v .11 auattt the ,.'.. vita! orrans or the kidney:: lhi::ii::clvo:; break down and waste avay cell ty cell Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement cf the kidneys and a cure is ob'alnsd q jicke;t by ft pi jper treatment cf the ltidneyj. If you are feeling- badly you ca:i make no rni::iake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Root, ths freat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects ir abi.ity to hold urine and scald in; pain hi passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant neres.;:! of being compelled to g i often during the day, and to Ret up many limes during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect cf Svramp-Root is soon reali;ed. It stands the highest fcr its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Roct 's pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and cue-dollar sued bottles. You may have a sample bcttls of . this wonderful new dis- -'!'rrf ;ti ovary and a book that ICUj ui auou 1,, DOm irm of Swamp Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Einghamt m, IJ. Y. When writing mention reading this generous ofier in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. The love that provides a spring- j time after every winter will not ; fail to plan n springtime for the ' soul. See that your diuggist gives yuu no imita tion when yon nsk lor Kennedy's Laxa tive Honey aud Tar, the original coosh syrup. Sidd by W M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. 40Ks Every flower awakening from the seed tells of the greater glory : of the life that springs up out of 1 this. ! j The prizes gained by trickery caary their own punishment. j A torpid, inactive livr can produce mote bodily ills than almost a ythiiu; else. H is good to eleau the system out occasional ly. Stir the liver up, an get into shape Kenerally. The best results arc derived from the use of Dell'itt's l.ilt'o Early Risers, h'c'.iable, effective, pheasant pills with a reputation fold by W. M Coheu, Weldon, N. C. Whiteiv.bilious attack is decidedly tin- pleasant it is quickly over when Chamber- i aiu's Stomach and Liver Tab ets are taken f For sale ty W. M. Cohen, Weldon; W. j V.. Beuvans, Knlie'd; J. A. Hawks, Oarys liurg ' ' There ar.-rKa:iy eyes that would J never have looked to Hea.en in love had not taken their treasures j there. Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfulness and ease of digestion Goy er's Maplecane is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth consistency aud the true lwoodsy"maple3avor. Whole icme you can eat it every day. FOR SALE IIY E. CLARK , Weldon, i-st S 30t; . ' u- N. C. T. CLARK, Death from Appendicitis. decrease in the snniu ratio that the use ol i Di. King'aNctr Life Pills increases. They j save you from danger ami bring quick and paioless reliel'from con-Uipatiou and 1 lie ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor always follow tht-ii use (iuarautee l by any druggist 23c. Tnr them X? ' AjjORlsi ''. r uw, ,. WELDOS, V. C - Practices iu the courts ol Huliltix 4 adjoining counties, aud in the bnpreme court ol'the State. Special attention given to eolleelinnn nd "rompl. TeTnrnp Expecting to be saved by theol ogy is like treating disease by feed ing men with medical books. i Where eternal love lives death j i dies. I - It Is Dangerous To Neglect a Cold How to Ward Off Old Age. ! H(1W ,tfndo we hear it remarke I: "If. The most succes.fnl way of warding off only a cold," and a few d;r s later leum j the approach of o d axe ia to a aintaia n j tint the ninn in on his hack with pncuino- 1 vi nrous digestion This can he done by niii- Til's i-t of such common occun.-nce j eating only fuoJ suite I to 5 our age and that a cold, however slight, should not be j occuiutiou, and wheu any disorders of the i disre urded. Chamberlain's C'ouish Kent 1 stnmnch appears t ike a done of Chamber- 1 edy counteracts any tendency of a cold to ' Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cor- j result in pneniiionia, aad has gained its SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, M AXTKI.M, TII.KS (lllATES, HAItliWAUE, l'AINTS.&C I IUK I. ( I UK COMPANY, l.H. V.rlolk, V. I. T F. H F. . t) A N I E h t is possible to obtain relief from chronic indigestion und dyspepsia by the use of KOD )h FOK DISI'El'SI A. Some of the most hope'ess cases of long staoding hae yie'de I to It, It enables you to digest the food yon eat and exercises a corrective in fluence, building up the efficiency of the digestive organs, The stomach is tbu boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps tip your vitality, health ami strength Kodol digenU what you cat, Makm the stomach sw eet puts the I oiler in oondi tiou to do the woik nature demands of it gives ou iclief from digestive disorder,1, and puts )o.i in hIih e lo do your hevt, and leel your 1h st. Sciatica Cured Alter twenty years of torture. For more than twenty tears Mr. J. B. Mu'scy, of 3323 Clinton sheet, Minneapolis, Minne , was tortured by sciatica. The pain and fullering which he endured during this time is beyond coniprension Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he ti'i'd Chamberlain's Fain Halm. One ap p icntinii of that liniu ent relieved the pain aud made sleep and rest possible, and less than one iMittle has effected a permanent cure II tionhVd with scinticn or rheu matism why not try a 'Joe. bottle of Pain Italm mid Fee for yourscll how quickly it relieves the pain, F.m soiel.y W, M Culieli, Weldon; W, rtct it Ifyouhatea weak stoaiach or arc troubled with iudige-tion, yon will find these Tab'ets to he just what you nee I. Forsaleby W M Cohen, Weldon; W. E Beavaus, Eotield ; J. A Hawks, Oarys burK BRAVE LOVE. Keep the gates Of lite eyes and i K lleivnns, Enlleld; J. A Hawks, Oarys. there will be Fewer insurrections ; hm in the appetites. He'd nothing but his violin, I'd nothing but my song ; But we were wed when skies were blue And summer days were long ; And when we rested by the hedge The robins came and told How ihey hud dared to woo and win When early spring was cold. Fold hv W. M. 'ohuu. Weldon. S. I we sometimes supped on dewber ries, Or slept among the hay ; ' The Bible is to be valued by the i But oft lne farmers" wives at eve with the i inspiration it gives rather than by j Came out to hear us play its information. The rare old songs, the dear old great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ail ment. It always cures and is pleasant to take For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. Beavaus, Eifleld; J. A. Hawks, Carys- burg If you have a god who can be packed away in a definition you had better yet another. A 7 TO II SK Y-A T-LA H', Wki p n, N.C. Practices in thee, uita of H"''!ax and Northampton and in Ihe Supreme and Fuleial couits. Collections made in all parts of Mirth Carolina, tinmen office at Halifax, Ntf C, open eveiy Monday. A good complexion is iniHwsili stomach out of order. II pasty sallow peo ple would pay more attention to their stomach und leas to the skiu on their faces, they would have better complexion KO DOLFOU DYSPEPSIA will digest wh .1 you eat and put yonr stonvich hack in right shape to do its own w ork Kodol re lieves palpitati iiiof the hcirt, flitnle ce, annr stomach, hinrtbnrn. elc. Bold by W. M Cohen, Weldon. N. C. Reverence gives the heart its rest. FOK OVI-.U MX TV VRAH4 Mrs Winrj.ow'hSoothino Sybi'I' has been used for over to years by millions o' mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothed the child softens the gums, allays nil pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Fold by druggists in every part of the world. Tweuty-flvc cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ' Mrs Winslow's Soothing Fyrup," and take no itber kind. ' Not as If Rich as Rockefeller. tunes We could not starve for lone- If von had all the weath of Rockefeller, wu'i 1. j t.- r .. ' . ,,v, , ,, 'While my man had his violin the Mnndaril Oil magnate, you could not j ' buy u better medicine for tmwel complaints thin Chanberla n's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician cannot pi tscrihe abetter prepa ration f ir colic and diarrhoea, both for chil dren and adults The uniform success of this le tedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when re duce I ith water and sweetened, is pleas nit to take Every family Bliould be supplied with it F r sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E Reavnus, Euiicld; J. A. Hawks Oarys burg There is no health without holiness. CABTOntA. Ban the Eifutars gf The Kind Yw Haw simp Botirf And I my sweet love song The world has aye gone well with us, Old man, since we were one; Our homeless wandering down the long ago was done. But those who wait for gold or gear, ; . For house or for kine V Till youth's sweet spring grows brown and sere And love and benuty pine Will never know the joy of hearts That met without a fear When you had but your violin And I a song my dear. Mary Kyle Dallas. HADE FROfl NATIVE ROOTS. SAFli AND KELIABLl:. That the roots of many native plants, (trowing wild in our Ainerienn (uresis, possess reuuirhiitile properties fur ill.- euro of biinmn maladies is well mcti, Kcn the untutored lliditlll hint leunieil the curative value ot sonic of llt.se ttud taught the early settlers thei'. i-es. The Indian never lll.eil work so he u:iutnl his Rtlliaw 10 gel Well as S.HOI II" p.tMhlr llllll she miuhl do ihe wul'L and lei h;m 1 1 11 lit.. Therefore, he dug "painso r.s.t " fur her. f.r Ib'lt wis tlo'lr i.t reoM'tlv fi.r f male weaknesses, llr. Fierce iises the same nsit called Itllie t'olio-h-ill bis "Favorite Prescription," skillfully com bined with other aueiits that make it nioro effective than any oilier medicine in curing all the various weuLnos-es mid paintul dernugenienis peculiar 10 wnint n. Many altlicted ttoinen haw ls u s:ued from the osrating table and the sur geon's knife by III.' timely use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tender ness over the lower pelvic region. . ith backache. sih-IIs of dizziness. Iiiiiitio'ss. bearing dow 11 pains or distress slumLI nut go utilieisled, A course of Favorite Pre scription" will work marvelous henetit in all such cases, and generally etleet a pernitinent cure if tiersisled in fur a rea sonable leuatli of time. The " Favorite Prescription " Is a harmless agent, being wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, without a drop of alcohol in its make up, whereas till other medicines, put up tor sale through druggists for woman's jHtciiliiir ailments, contain large quantities of spirituous liquors, which are very harmful, especially to delicate women. "Favorite Prescription" con tains neither ale 1I10I nor harmful hablt formlng drugs. All Its Ingredients. aro prlnlecfon each bottle wrapper. It Is a powerful invigorating tonic, Imparting health and strength iii particular t.i Ilic organs distinctly lemiiiine. For weak and sickly women, who are "worn-out," or debilitaUHl, esiiecially for women w ho work in store, olbco, or school-room, w ho sit at the typewriter or sew Ing machine, or bear heavy household burdens, and for nursing mothers, Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benefit because of Its health restoring and Strength-giving power. For constipation.' thn true, sclentlllc dure Is Dr. Pleren's Pleasant Pellets. Uild, harmless, jet sure. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY thk FREICHT andCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . I,H(.l:KTTO( Klnthe Mouth llusiult'J Catalogue Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1848.) 169 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk Vs ot 3 It OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS aud NOVELTIES Cutterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c, Ladies 75o. toll siSVPr'ces will be mad. toiiit toe times, Ha(a aud Bonnet made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. 1 1 3 'A ;1 it Vy4 f X,, mais&iSajltl

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