fir' ' ' ' -Uf.a h V A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDOX, N. C, TIU'USDAY, MAY lit, 11)0(5. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. advertising Rates Made Known on Application. NO. k'OL. XLl. A HAPPY ENDING. Tne Knitting Needle Mightier than the Demijohn. "OLD LOVE LETTERS," -The Press. AV.,....t.t,ir)i'ftniirnlitvnriir An- rtuyiuio"- 1 1 vK --- slmilatindlUcroodamtHefiula Itng lte Stomachs and Dovwls or Promotes Di&'slion.Cheerful ness and Resl.Conlains neillier Unium.Morpliiiie nor Mineral. NOT NAHCOTIC. Young Wives Need New Illusions. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' t was in I8H5 when the I I first jjrog shop opened in fitnyJcM Set ' Mx mM ' Jbifsnninl -lit CiuMuikJedu .' Itfiwwm "w: A perfect Remedy forConslipa (lun . Sour Slonvich, Diarrhoea MiriK .('.nnvtilsions.Feverish- j ncss nml LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sionnture of NEW YOUK I Bears the , W i in Use For Over Thirty Years " - " l EXACT COPy OK WRAPPER. jj I . "'' TMI CtlrtU CMH. HtW YO CITY. I MCDUFFIE'S ... OHIt-L CURE chmoureottntl"h ch,u, the market, it ' aseyour and malaria. oh red blood. appetite "" ", ant .trengm- ening. -rcn ldren line n. itettend enno PRICE, ou - TURMfN MUTTON SUET 1 1 1 U ni a ri.AS.IER. h .I'.8' "! the ' Lung Bronchi,,., Asthln'whoo i PRICE, 35 CtNT8. ' I by W. M. Coiiku, Wcldnn, N ('. W. K Bravasm, I-.tniil I. K C. . ...,,.-..-,, i i.iu di... i.... piiu far Conatloatlon lugglart Clvera. McDuffle't Remedlea ere sold on n gunrantee to DO nil wvuiniii) mi fww. i..w..f Pi. W Tf JlS VEGETABLE SICILIAN i&jbiL Hair Renewer Kenews tne nalr, manes new again, rcsioi cs mciiuun. j what vou need If your hair is faded orturning gray, for it always restores the color. Stops falling hair, tlso.'nsrrffCCgtf1' 0 3E ao don 1 The : Bank . of : Id WKLDON, N. C. Orpniieiinijler We Lais of tie State of Hortl Carolina, AUJUST JllTIf, l'3 State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Cuunty Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. FOB 14TarHthiSinstilutionlu.provulortlnkirMi.nlili1 l;.r IhW e, ti..n IU 1. .tkliol.UTH an.l .hnotom Leu wlenl.!,..! v ul, the buMnwn ii.teresU ol ll-Uf... and N..rlhimptm. nuinil U.r n. y r Mun; i lonl upon pptov.d Hcnriu nt th- rule l .nl,rt-Mx .or (icntiin. Accomit-iof all rc ailiritwl priwiornt: W. P.. DANIF.I., Vli'ltrr.KsinKXT: rlllK: nr. ii w.i rwis. w k smith, (Jackson. Nurlhnflui C N. C ) 1 i.iMM(M w w " ' -.. - I Moore's Hill, Ind., and WA the hrst customer nau scarcely entered the new saloon before the door was dark ened hy a woman's ligure. She was the spokesman for her neigh borscome to buy out the shop, and in her hand she held the pur chase money. "But 1 ain't here to sell out. 1 have got to make a living and I'm i going to make it. 1 ve as niuen right in Moore's Hill as you have, ! and money won't make me get ; out." Thus spoke the keeper. If the ! potency of money had failed to oust him, one would conclude the ! attempt was over. By no means ! A private meeting was held, where ! was involved the most novel meth- ' ods of warfare ever waged by wo man against man. I Next morning before the aston ! ished bar keeper could inter ! pose, a Hie of . solemn deter j mined women passed through the 1 saloon, and having arranged them selves deliberately about tne room, drew out their work bags, and ad justed their sewing caps. A cus tomer now and then straggled in at the door. He glanced sheepish ly along the walls at the awful sight that stared him in the face, mum bled out a lew remarks about the weather, the crops, and darted out into the fresh air. The village i doctor peered through the door, and tied over the hills so fast that : tradition says, the boys might have played ninepins upon his coat tails. ; Thus it went rather, one would say, thus went the customers. At l noon not a dram of liquor had i been sold. The women had de- ! termined to knit the saloon out of I town ! Twelve brought a fresh re ! lay of knitting women, but the sa I loon keeper, poor man, had no re- lief force, and he stood at his post all day long, unassisted. At six in 1 the evening the throng of the morning appeared again, and the ! next morning the keeper saw once more his friends of the afternoon, j Twice he tried to smoke his un ; welcome visitors away, twice he ! tried to lock them in, but he always ! failed. For days the unequal con-' tlict raged. Meantime, no custo ; mer dared run the gauntlet; busi- ; ness was at a standstill. The nee ; dies flew unceasingly; the woolen stockings grew and grew, and the ; saloon keeper unconditionally sur ' rendered The knitting needle is mightier than the demijohn or ! words to that effect! Now to make this legend of a local legend ro i mantic, one need only to add that ! the despised and persecuted, the out-witted and the outknitted ven- dor of liquor became one of the j most liked citizens of the commu . nity; and such is the fact. Zion's Watchman. lorpiil, i iii-liuf lin- can proiliuv more iKxlily ills ihan almost a y liinn ik 't isn"ol to (Iran Hip fyali-m t cciaional ly. Stir tli"livr up, ail 1 not inlo shape 'generally. ThelitM. nsiilt ure 'niel I from tl.c iuo iif Drll'iil'a 1-itl'o K.arly j Itinera. He iihli', i flwiilve, p'eawint pil;8 I with a reputation ; K.,1,1 hv W. M Cohen. Welrlon. N. 0. There's a face all worn and wrinkled, 'neath a crown of snow white hair, A pair of eyes that kindle 'iwixt the lines of grief and care ; And a pair of tembling hands that clasp a treasure old and rare, The letters that he wrote her years ago. 'Tis the old romantic story of a love in early life', When the maiden lips had whispered, "1 will be your own true wile; But the lover was a soldier brave, who fell in battle's strile, So many, many weary years ago. and thro' Old love letters, tied with ribbon of blue; Faded and worn, latter'd and torn, with reading them thro Old love letters, no one can value their worth; For they bind a soul in heaven to a beautiful soul on earth. They are only human letters, singing love's old thrilling song; The writing is not beautiful, the spelling's sometimes wrong; But the writer's hand was guided by a heart both pure and strong, The heart that found its bullet, years ago. All in vain new lovers souglii to win the favor of her eyes; Her soul was steep'd in sorrow, and the love that never dies, And until they meet beyond the bar, all tenderly she'll prize The letters that he wrote her, years ago. Sets of It was a Critical Moment for a Young Woman, but She was Equal to the Emergency. HE woman who marries 'I rl' t for love is bound to have QOne of the Danbury young nun J lhe s?uce of disillusion who has OCCi)Siomiiiy escorted a . Ssl fleVrriaJf Bui V-g lady home on Sunday even I whether her disillusion grows into in and wem for lunf '!ttcr disappointment and becomesstcady Performing both services last Sun diet rests largely with her. ; dl,v m suddci,l' sa,d ;, ! If she has a mother or a dear 1 Vou ,i,lk in yllr ! friend in whom she confides her i "Why-no, she answered hnnp I surprise, tu ,.iv,npM nf honninoQ nrf v.-rv "Do you walk in your sleep IN BLOSSOM TIME, nii'h gone When she begins telling her dear friends about Jack's trying ways she is laying up endless troubles for herself. One's difficulties always seem greater when they are made the topic of conversation. If a wife could only keep her troubles to herself it would not be he next inquired. "No, sir." He moved his chair an inch closer, and with increased interest asked : "Do you snore?" "No," she hastily replied, look ing uneasily at him. At this reply his eyes fairly sparkled. His lips eagerly parted, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney TroubU Makes You Miserable. cvcryLociy who reads the news :;ur o know of the wonderful curej made by Dr. . Kilmer'; Svamp-Root, il tiie great kidney, liver I. and bladder remedy, hi", lhe preat medi- jr. cal triumph of the nine- covered ailcr years of '-"ifTil if in rpsnrrh hv lj Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame bad;, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brian's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for every thing but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or biaddcr trouble.;t i p-1P'jr; 'j mm in 1 JL .u: .,. .-.II . . . IIICSC IIMMgM NVtlC IIUI nil I saw her sweet tace gleam to-uay 1 reiueniner, i lemeniuci nuw Forth from the apple tree, So short a spring ago, c. u The bink and white tints of its bloom She would hide among the branches j And (,n nine cases out of en) she Reflected blushingly, Where the apple blossoms blow; ! would find she had married a lov- And in her eye the azure sky, And when I'd fail to find herj I able flesh and blood man in place The sunbeam in her hair, She would laugh and call to me; ; of me maudlin, angelic creature As framed in scented blossom mist "Here 1 am, the biggest blossom j , iinagination nad pictured. I saw her smiling there. In the dear old apple tree. , ,( g each f us shou,d I Winnpfl from the doorwav. down Oh, it would not much surprise me ! have our illusions. To where the old tree grew, Should 1 really find her there But j, is ais0 wen t0 remember Gazing up into its branches tor Midst tne Diossoms rosy wmteness The face and form I knew; And the sunshine ot her hair ; But the soft wind sighed and sadly For 1 know she still is blooming Shook the petals all apart In the garden of the skies, And a veil of perfume drifting And 1 feel that in the springtime Shut the vision from my heart. liarth gets close to Paradise. Yl,n ta.pitinrr r.ipiitir.n fparlinff lhi: c"..nrnusi rou lies to nerseit it woum not ue . . . . . , -.. .."- ., am as he rave his chair another offer In this paper and f 'ft : long Petore sue wouiu realize mat - - . . sed your address to A WOMAN'S WAY. When pa came home the other night he had a happy smile And said to ma that we would soon be livin' in great style, L-secause a man nau neen aiuuuu ui.h uuy ,u mum mi, Just as a favor, on a thing that couldn't fail to win. "He'll let me have the stock," says pa, "at fifty cents a share If I'll subscribe tomorrow, for there's little left to spare. "He'll let us in for fifty cents for every share we buy," Says pa, while ma she didn't seem to hardly bat an eye; "And in six weeks from now, if we've a mind to let it go, We'll get ten dollars for each share that's estimated low I've seen his papers and they're straight; there ain'ta chance tolose, Say, whai's the trouble with you, ma? You don't seem lo enthuse." "If it's as good that," says ma, "I can't quite understand What makes him want to let it go. Of course it would be grand To get the money, but I'd feel as though it wasn't fair Toaob him, as we would if we should take a single share," "Confound a woman, anyway," says pa, "she always seems To want to wake a person when he's having pleasant dreams." i that all our illusions, even the most precious, are turned out in our ; own nrivate thought factory, and ' when they are dispelled there is ; nobody to blame but ourselves. A woman is apt to think her fiance the most generous creature alive. (Illusion No. 1.) She is positive he is the most thoughtful of men. (Illusion No. ; 2.) I She has seen innumerable evi dences of his unselfishness, so she is convinced he is one of those rare oirds an unselfish man. (Illusion No. 3.) inmnr-1 hitch he briskly inquired "Do you throw the comings from your hair in the wash basin?" "What's that?" she asked with a blank face. He repeated the question, al though with increased nervousness. "No, I don't," she answered in some haste. Again his chair went forward, while his agitation grew so great that he could scarcely maintain his place upon it as he further asked : "Do vou clean out the comb when you are through ?" "nf PAnrp 1 do " shit said, star ing at him with all her might, j In an instant he was on his j knees before her, his eyes ablaze ' with flame, and his hands outstretched. "Oh, my dear Miss, 1 love you, he passionately cried "I give my whole heart up to you. Love me, and 1 will he your slave. Love me as I love you, and 1 will do everything on earth lor you. Oh, will you take me to be your lover, vour husband, your protector, your everything?" ! It wus n critical moment for a send vour address to Dr. Kilmer fit Co. ,6inr- hamton. N. Y. - The regular fifty cent and Homeo swamp-hoot. dollarsizes arc sold by all good aruggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N.Y., on every bottle. " ...j. She looks upon him as a paragon ,,,,,,, 0r hpr years, but I she was equal to the emergency, ' as a woman generally is, and she i scooped him in. of virtue. (Illusion No. 4.) i And I am only beginning to I touch upon her illusions. i Anyone who knows men at i Sl.t, ti,.lt vom. ,i,nu jsiv- you no imiiu- Close range (and 1 say it With all ! tiou when you iisk lor Kennedy's I.uxa- respect) knows that it Will not be j live liom-y ami Tar. the oiiainal ' t,,nrr prp thpep llllKlftllS lire tllS- ".,,"l Made scientifically from pure sugars and with an eye to healthfuluess and ease of digestion Goyer's Maplecane is made of pure maple and Louisiana cane sugar, of rich, smooth consistency and the true 'woodsy"maplenavor. Whole I me you can cat it every day. FOR SALE BY B. CLARK , WnuiiiN, N. l cut :iin. rou KV six i" ' Mhs Wiiii.ow'hSmithisu Svitri' Inn I ..-.-ii null tor over W years by millions o' i inolhi rs fur their children while tcethinu. j with perfect sum-. Itsoothet the child softens the Rii'in, nllujs all pun; core 1 . . , l l . I...... r..t..,lv fill- WltlU i0!10, Him is mo "---". .. j .... Dhuilioeii, It will relieve Hie poor little suflVr.-r iuinifdiaiely. Ko'.il by druiiirisH inenry put of the world. Twenty-live cents a luttle. lie sure anil ask fi t ' Mrs. Winslow's SouthiiiK Hyrnp," anil take no other kind. WHERE THE RUB COMES. "Well," said the good-natured boarder, "there's one thing about our boarding house. You can eat all you like there." "Of course; same as ours," re plied the grouchy one; "you can eat all you like, but there's never anything you could possibly ItKe. Not ns if Rich as Rockefeller. It' vim had all tliu wi-atli of limki'li-llir, the Standard Oil magnate, yon i-oulil l ot buy a better me lieine lor bowel complaints thin Chiniherlain's (Vic. Cholera anil Diarrhoea licini-dy. The most eminent physician can uot prescribe a better prepa ration fir colic anil diarrhoea, toth for cliil-ilri-nunil adult-) The uniform success of this le x e ly has shown it to he superior to all others. .It never fails, and whin re duce j illi water and sweetened, is pleas ant to take. Every family should lie supplied with it. T. r sale hy W. M Cohen, WYIdon; W. I-; !eaaus, Enlield; J. A. Hawks llarys hurj; COURTESY. celled. Illusion No. I will go flying when he objects to the size of the housekeeping bills. This can hardly be said to be his fault. It is merely that he has had a sudden reminder of the stern fact that it costs two more than one to live, and he realizes with a start that he has to economize in innu merable ways. When he is so careless as to Sold liv W M. Cohen, Weltlotl. N. C. A Live up to your good intentions and put the devil out of business. -I j- 3 m "T- T A . bigaatura of J JE. B -X- - JL-. J- , lhe Kind Hon Haw Wwars B g T. CLABE : ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Piactieesin the courts of Halifax and j adjo uina: couuties.timt in the Supreme 1 coin t ol the State. Special attention given to collections ami ' innipt ,.lnmi. When you want to bet, put up something stronger than a bluff. Death from Appendicitis. decrease in the same ratio that the use ot forget tWO Or three tilings she asks j Dr King's New Life fills increases. They him .0 do, illusion No. 2 quickly ! -e you ,m danger and ..ring ..nick and follows No. I. Again 110 fault Of j m, growing out olit. Strength anil vigor I . .. always follow then use l.naranteen ny ms- , nnv druggist 25c I fit them. He didn't realize on what a pin- hoil hppn nliic-fd or he I fnine neonle take fiendish de- :;ash,doors,blinds, I M.VNTK1.S, Tll.lii (IUATK.S, I IIAIIDWAItH, l'AINTS.&C. ,1(NK 1. CI.AKK COMPANY, Kurtolk. Va. 1 ?') iv UtlVlV. I w IH1V1 lWV'l j uu,v 1 , would have been more careful not j light in always being on the wrong : to fall. : side. Her erowine grief is when he 1 GARRETT & COMPANY, 1 Americans I .71 1 X 1 r m ESTABLISHED SPECIALTIES: VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS V ' hlJJe1,, peuimg) " (HeU Ht-uon,) OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY (RedCtTnipagTe) Vf ''''PP"DK) PAUL CARRfel 1 orcwii. Mparitiing vuniiip.B'iv, And nil other v.rietiesof Pure sod Wholeronic W inesfor home ami hotel a e. g,, Prices .aid . Season for allkinds ofsmnU OT Wiwlera Kranch. St. laum, mu ' .. ........ . ,-. 111. .H. t. ,'U, i4J', tU'i tUi 'J-r 1 Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Ncr-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. Head Ache Sometimes? U so. it will ititrrost you to know that it can he stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain 1'ills; and without any bad afU't ctlccl."., ami thin v.'ithoitt tlitn-p-r ot forming a lni?! habit or having your stomaih disar rani;od. They positively con tain no oiititn, niorihine, co caine, chloral, ether or chloro form in anv form. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve pain, and leave only a sense of relief. The reason for this is explained by the fact that headache conies from tired, irritable, turbulent, over-taxed brain nerves Anti rain Pills soothe and strength en these nerves, thus removing the cause. They arc harmless when taken as directed. "We use Pr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills j for th euro of Iwa.laefe, i';1 ! think that there la nothing that ll I eoual them. They will euro o severest spell of nervous or alt k lieailncho In a very few minutes. 1 ! n of n nervous temperament, and I ooeasloniilly huve pe l mv 1 ner.ea seem to be completely exhaust i ed. and I tremble so 1 can scarcely contain myself. At these times I al I wavs take the Antl-1'aln l ills. end they quiet me. right away. It Is re ! marknhle what a unnthliij efteet they have upon the nerves. ' MRS. P. K. KAHL, Detroit, Mich. Dr. Mil' Antl-Paln Pills r old by yur druggist, who will guarantee that in tint packao will benefit. If It falls, h will return your money, (t 00e, 25 cents. Navtr sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind It is possible to ordain relief from chronic indigestion inn! dyspepsia hy lhe use of K0U L 1'OK IIISI'EI'SIA. Some uf the most hope'ess cases of long standing have j it-Mel to it, It enables you lo digest lhe food vou cat and exercises a corrective in- ,1, l.nil.l,,,,. nn the efliciencv of the digestive organs hoiler wlieicin th keens un your vitality, he.iltli anil stiengih, Mali. a the stoinach sweet puts the toiler in condi tion to do tho work nature ileiuauds of it gives you relief from ilig.alive disorders, ! puts Jim in slmc tnilo jour he-it, and led jour Ivst. v I Sold hy W. M- 'ohen, Wehloti, N'- C "Do you see how smoothly this I p i .t..--ni I imie on ot Her growing grief is when he . : ,, w nBlhin ,k, De said a scientific man to his son. I i unacmii-itina tu-pntv-fivt I n?:..iiu'.i..ii u-ivkis-iUa There rfe a host have a few drops of oil on i.-.hat , cem cigar after she has denied her- ? J y- it"' is the reason. Now take a hand-.scjf something else absolutely genuine Ask tor iviint's tio d, too. Fill nf rlii snnrl nnrl past it smniw!' , j oi.- : u.t... ,,. ;,, ' tor sunhum, cuts, liruises. and e-pccially .. -- neeual. 0c is wuuauu ...a. , ml(,,, fm pis ThenameECPe II itt A Co., Chicago, 18 ou every u,.. ALTER E . DANIEL ATTORXEY-Ar-LAW, WKt.noN, N. C. Practice iu the omits of Halifax and Nnithainptoii and iu the Supremo and Fcdcial courts. Collections made in alt parts ol North Carolina. Branch office at Halifax, N. C open every Monday. the wheels." The son hesitated "It will spoil the running, father," he said, "and how can it ever be cleaned again?" His father smiled. "You are right, my son- as to this The s'omach is the 1 machinery. But 1 have noticed steam is made that 1 hat you habitually practice sand throwing in other inmgs, ana as the lad looked amazed, he added, "Good manners are the drops of oil upon the delicate wheels of life. Bad manners are the grains of sand thai clog and ruin its usefulness. You hesitate to cast sand into this stead of being unselfish he is the i most selfish creature she Knows. Like the pendulum she swings from one extreme to the other; and so it is with all her pet illusions. But if she will have patience she can grow a whole new set of illu sions that will be much more valu able in facing every day life. With a little skilful management she can do much toward training "Dear Jack" in the way he should go. I And if she be of lhe right sort she can do much toward making Monuments CONDITION, NOT THEORY. lou ncsitate to cast saitu nuu mis --- - ... . - machine. Can you not be wise i him not a perfect man (tor that , where M. J. Irons, who has been grow-! ing plants with wonderful success under an ncetylene light at the Cornell department of agriculture, said recently: "Plants are like men. They adapt themselves to the conditions confronting them. If a plant can't have ten hours of sunshine it con trives to get along somehow on five hours. "It is like mankind. A man said to his friend one day: "Do you think two can live as cheaply as one?" "Before my marriage 1 thought they could," the friend replied. " 'And afterward?' i " "Afterward I found they had i to.- - While a bilious attack is decidedly tin- life is concerned?"- Tor- Sciatica Cured would be most trying to live with) hut a good husband who would be a joy to her heart forever and a day. SPIRIT COMMUNICATION. i j An extraordinary story of spirit j communication comes from Aus- I.. ....rt. rtn ihn Yarro I jrailtl. Ill n luwn u.v i ...... i Yarra river, a Mr. Brown attended j Alter twenty years of torture For more I than twenty eats Mr. .1. II. Ma'fey, of ' aiijii Clinton slii cl, Minneapolia, Minne , was toitme.l by sciatica. The pain and nillVring which he endured during thiB time is bevond couiprcnsion Nothing ca-e him anv nerinani nt relief until lie il eilt lianiberliiina Pain Halm. One up- i p ieation or that iii.ia .-nt relieved the pain i a Spiritualistic seance when his two , and made sleep and rest possible, and li-ss t SOUS and a friend had gone OUt j than one bottle has cfl'is tcd a permanent i yachting for a few days. During j cure II tumbled with sciatica ur ilieu- i . sp!,.,rp j, js sta(Pcl one of the malism why not try a bottle of Paiu , ,,;,, , n,t ,hp Fuct that Palm and see for yonrsell bow quickly it , j it ..: relieves the pain. "e ya nau capcu aiiu a., m, . - 1..1... w ki ri,e.. We ii.m- w i wpi-p cirownco. ucscnu nc iw iu E llcnvans, Entield; J. A Hawks, Garys bi.rg Sold by W. M Cohen, Weld n, N. C. There is no tool like an old fool, unless it be a young fool with plen ty of the old fool's money. NO MAN IS STRONGP.H THAN HIS STOMACH. Let the greatest athlete have dyspepsia : and iiis muscles would sum fail. Physi cal strength is derived from fiasl. If a iniin hasiiisiitlieieiit food he lose strength. If he lias no food he dies Komi is con verted into nutrition Ihrimu'li the stom- 1 , mli ii i el bowels. It ilep,nd on lhe - strength uf the stomach bi what extent : ' fiHsl eaU'll is digested Hint II -Mill I la led. People cull die ol slnrviitinn who bino 1 abundant food to eat. when ill" stomach 1 and it iisso.'iate oreaus ol tliireMiou mid ; nuiritiiMi do nut iierform ilu-ir duty. ; , Thus the stomach l Ivallv the vital or- gaiiiil Hie Isslv. II the stomach is'weak" I tlio Isslv will U-w.-aU also, lava use II is i li;sn Hie stonnieh the Issly relies fur Its j sirength. And as the Issly. considered as ; a win ili.. is made up id iis wmtiiI niem- 1 tiers and organs, mi the vi-akno-s of the S body us a cuiiseiinii.-e of "weal." stom- i .. .i." in iu. .lii i ii ,, i,..l iMimiiir the or gans which collisise the Ind). If Hie llv is weak ln-euiise It Is ill-iionrishi-d thai tdivsical weaUness will bo found in all the organs- heart, liver, kidneys, etc. The liver will Is- torpid and inactive, givioa rise ui biliousness, lu-s ul appetite. weak nerves, feelile or liTi'L'iilar action ot heart, palpitation, di.iiu-ss. headache, backache- and kindred disturbance and weaknesses. Mr. I ni Is Pare, of tjuelss-. nrltes: "For years after my lienllh heeaii to tail, my liead ioew dlz.v. eyes paimsl me. sod inv sioinaeh was sole all the lime, while everything I would eat would seem lo He heavy like lead on n.v stonineh. The doctors clniiueil that AND Gravestones. WE PAY thi FREICHT anpCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . I.AIUil-'.sT Tot K Inthe Houtb IllustiaU'l CaialtiRiic Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Established 1H4H.) 16 Ui ICS Iluukal., Kotioik Va io4 It Oil ll'J su'iiini ,. , ' ,. I....I.. t a.i. .1.. , ,,. il. iw-IWIB. r s-u on in.-. uu .T cality minutely. He also said that one body had been devoured by a K ' shark. Search was made, ana Some fellows worry because found Som tney can t meet iittn uunguuuno, others, because they can't dodge them. , . : 1..1.1- -i,nn i'ln,.,,l.r. I Wbv tnke a dosen things to cure that congh'r pieassui ii iB(iii.i,j - Iain's SUimachand Liver Tab'cts are taken I Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tarallays For sale hy W. M. Cohen, Weldonj W. E. Beavans, Enfield; J. A. Hawks, Garys lore;. the congestion, stops that tickling, drives the cold ont through your bowels. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldoo, N. C. time later a shark was killed near the spot, and on being opened the waistcoat and watch of the unfor tunate man were found. The watch had stopped at nine o'clock, the time mentioned in the sons message to the seance. then- powders regularly yet I fell no hotter. My wile ailvlseo mo loil'y it. riem- s ......-.. Meilleal lilseuvery-aim slop msui o.v ... tor's iin-ilii-ilie. She Umghl me a Unite and we soon found that 1 Is-tan to Improve, so I kept mi ttie I rt-al tiiPlit. I hsik on ttesh. my sloiiineli Iss-auie normal, the lilaesli.e organs Wolkeil is-rfeetly ami I soon l-imil lo look like different person. 1 cull never cease, to tie trim-fill for what your medicine lias done ful me nnd I eertsinly rive il hMiost praise. Don't Ik' wheiHlled hv a peuiiy-gralibiiig dealer Into taking inferior sulistltiitos for Dr. Pierce's misticines, riTuminendisl to be "Just as gissl." To gain knowledge of your ow n brsty In sickness and health send for the Peo pie's Coininott Sense .Mislieiil Advisor. A Issik uf Hw page Send '.'I one-cent stamps for paper-eoverisi. or 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, 0U3 Malu Street, llutlalo, M. V. SPUING AND SCMMEli MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Hiaaca at 50c. , Ladies 75c. to f 1. akPrli:e will be made to snit th times, I lata and Honneta road aod Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. v MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldoo, N. C.