4. Kl 0 K -i V -3L' a '.ft ES4 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, '1 '..this of Subscript 5on-$i .50 Per Annum. VOL. XL1. WELDON, N. ('.. TlirWSDAV. .Jl'I.Y .", UMMJ. NO. ul 111 EaSak 1 I .4 '1 I i i 1 1! St r i For Infants and Children ANetJctaljIe Prcparntionfnr As 1 slmiUiimg ilic Fixxl nml n cti ula -; ImtS the Stuiwiclis und Dowels of l'rof!KMesl)igcslioi.Clk.f rful nL'iisatulHt'sl.CiMiltiinsiii'illier 0iumi, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nam c otic. .VdfitafMilJiXM U HTUUH .tlx feltut htimtHt -iltCttitwtMlrJeita -' llvmttJ - hintofHV" fhinr. Aperli'cl llemerty for Constipa tion , Soup Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,t 'oi ivtilsions , feverish iii'ss mhI Loss ok Sleep. Yuc Simile Signature of NEW YD UK. EXACT COPV OK WRAPPER. : I MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. th. "Xng quinine or. the market. "u,ncreaeyour appetite andm.W no th. It body-buiUUng choco. PRICE, BO CENTS. Take MCDUFFIE'S Little Blue- Sluggish Livers. Mo Duffle's Remedies are sold on u guarantee to j ao an we ciaim or your money duck. FlH H.M.K II V W. M. ClIIIKS, Wcllloll, N. C. V. K liKAVANS, Kliliclll, N C. Ayerk Pills Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use The : Bask : WKLDON, N. C. Organized Uufler The Lais of tie State of North Carolina, AlIGl'STailTIf, IK92. Siaie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Su rpl ns, S 3 6 . 0 0 0 . "TT o R 14 jonn thin liiklitiition 1ms pr.iviili-il liankii (! I'm'ililii s tr lliis H seitioii. Its sl"i'kli(ililcri)u.l iliivctors luve luwn uln.liliid villi tin--L biisimva interests iil'H:ilil'.ix uml Nurlh iiuutnn ((iiinli lor lu.iiiy yi'irs Money ia loimeit upon opproveil seuiriw centnu. Ai'ommHol nil aiv sili. ili'il PRKUIDKNT: W. F, DANH.I., VICS PHKMIIIKXT.' Br. II W.I.F.WIS. (JackM-Niirlhaaiftun Co. N. (!) IE 2E 1 GARRETT & E8TABI.IHIIEI) IMS. $ 'SPBOIALTIBS; U ffviRCINIA DARE POCAHONTAsj f (WuiUsHcnpperiiiiust) (Kl Hrnpiieiuoiig) ffe M OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY . plAWATHA MINNEHAHA W (KedChunpagiie) (Dry Kenpenioug) , W PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL W (Sparkling Champagne) W And all other varietieiiof I'nre ami Wholetome V, inesfor homeaaml hotel n e. Ml nP K.llighcat Cash Hriees Paid in Season for all kinds ol'wnall fruila, grapes eti'.w Western Hraneb, 8t Louis, Mo Home Olliee. N'OltKOl.K, VA. Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic! NCure-No-Pay. 50 cento,. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years THI CINTAUR COVMNV. HtW YORK CITY. dl..a...nd do thVrw!,0.'"" orptlon In ourlne, trk byob- Cough. Pl.uZmaa:riWh0P'ne' Pneumonia and Crl. P"6"'- i A'-nd.urencUmP"'n-i -"1.6, 25 CENTS. Liver Pills for Constipation t...d Ayer's Fills. Ayer's Fills. Ayer's Pills. Keep saying this over and over again. The best laxative. Lwf. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 3E 30 of : Weldon at lh If Kl mlf of inlne-l-ii per k W l SMI1II. 3E COMPANY, 1 .I ( iF 111 BEAUT1TUL TRIBUTES. Lincoln's Tribute to Washington, Benjamin Hill's Tribute to R. I;. Leetind IiikuHs on theOrave. Lincoln said of Washington : j "Washington is the mightiest name on earth long since the mightiest in the cause of civil liber ty, still mightiest in moral reforma tion. On iliat name a eulogy is expected; it cannot be. To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Washington is alike j impossible. Lei none attempt it! In solemn awe pronounce the ; name, aud in its naked, deathless j splendor leave ii shining on!" ! Hillonl.ee: "When the future , historian conies to survey the char J acter of Lee he will find it rising i like a huge mountain above the I undulating plain of humanity, and j he will have to lift his eyes high to I ward heaven to catch its summit, j He possessed every virtue of the , other great commanders without j their vices. He was a foe without hate, a friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty and a vic tim without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices, a private citizen without wrong, a neighbor without reproach, a Christian without hypocrisy and a man without guile. 1 le was a Ca.-s.ii without his ambition, a Frederick without his tyranny, a Napoleon without his selfishness and a Washington without his re ward. He was as gentle in life as a woman, pure and modest as a virgin in thought, watchful as a Roman vestal, submissive to law as Socrates and as grand in battle as Achilles." lngalls on the grave democracy of the dead last are equal. There "In the . all men at is neither rank, station nor prerogative in the republic of the grave. At this fatal threshold the philosopher ceases to be wise and the song of the poet is silent. Dives relin quishes his millions and Lazarus his rags. The poor man is as rich as the richest and the rich man as poor as the pauper. The creditor loses his usury and the debtor is acquitted of his obligation. There the proud man surrenders his dig nities, the politician his honors, the worldling his pleasures, the in valid needs no physician and the laborer no rests from unrequited toil. Here at last is nature's final decree in equity. The strongest there has no supremacy and the weakest needs no defense. The mightiest captain succumbs to the invincible adversary, who disarms alike the victor and the van quished." A Tragic l inish. A walt-lixun's insert pcrmiirt'il u leak in I In uivat Ninth S.m ilyke. wlneli :i fluid's tinner r.Mll-l liave. li''pi'il to lie e.nne :i iniiious break, (lev Minting an eo tire pr.vinee ui' llnila'i I Iti like manner Kemielh .Mel v.), ul' Vulieeb no, Main1 permitted a little eol 1 r e. nnnoti'-eil until n tnwie lini-h vvuh only by tl .'tried lr. Kint;' New llUenvery. Ite writes: Time doe'ors gave me iijitn di. ol'lniiii in llainmnliini.eu'lsetl by a in tf'tele I en!d;but Ir King's Mmv IJis.o ery faed my life.' Omiranteed best eon b tui.l cold cure, lit any th store. ."He. iintl si, 'rial bit tie I'ree. No married man would care to go fishing if his wife insisted on going along. Robbing Yourself That is just what you are doing when vim fail to gi't reg ular anil sullieieiit sleep. our body requires this luuuiiseiotis period lor repair work: with- ' out it your nerve energy be comes exhausted, and you are tired, worn-out. nervous, ex citable; have headache, neu ralgia, indigestion, poor appe tite, or other ailments caused by a lack of nerve force. Make it your business to sleep. If you are restless, take Dr. Miles' Nervine; it soothes and strengthens the nerves, and brings sweet, refreshing, life-giving sleep, and gives the organs power to work natur ally. Try it to-day. "I had a sevre spell of fever, whleh left mw In a very weak eondtllou and very nervous t had severe spells of headnrtie and neuralgia, and could Bleep but very llllle. F.very trlrl that was made to recover my slrennlh was of no avail until 1 began taking Or. Miles' KestorallvB Nervine. After I eoinmenittd to take the Nervine my rleep was profound and restful, ami the pains In my head, as well as the neuralgia pains, left me to a certain extent and I grew gradually Jiet'er.' MU8. K. K. OIl.BMtTSON, 821 Berylun Ave., Belvldere, Ills. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druagltt. who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It fads, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind FOR THI: CONSIDERATION OF SOME OF FRIENDS. The sculptor wrought on the marble white From early dawn till the shades of night Fell over the landscape far and wide Then he looked at his work and sadly sighed, So poor and incomplete ii seemed Beside the model of which he dreamed But all his hopes were centered there His days of toil his nights of care; And now he thought with a throb of pain Thai all his labor had been in vain; For none would see in the work achieved The grand ideal his soul conceived. A prayer hurst forth trom "Oh, God," he cried, "I have done my leu!" That nighi an angel, in mercy scut, Over thai marble figure bent; And as he worked ilie siatue grew More beautiful and fair 10 view; For every stroke to form and face Added some new and subtle grace. The sculptor came in the early morn Willi heavy heart and looks forlorn; But his eyes were dazzled, his brain distraught By the wonderful change the night had wrought: With rapturous joy his bosom swelled And the glorious image his eyes beheld; And there on the wall, just over his head, In letters of gold these words he read: "When the workman haih wrought the best he could, Whatever the work, God makes it good." THE KISS, DEAR MAID, BY L O R I) The kiss, dear maid ! Shall never pari Irom iiiine T ill happier hours restore the gift Untainted back to thine. The parting glance which fondly beams, An equal love may see; The tear that from thine eyelid sircams Can weep no change in me. 1 ask no pledge 10 make me blest In gazing when alone; Nor one memorial for a breast Whose thoughts are all thine own Nor need 1 write to tell the lale My pen were doubly weak; Oh! what can idle words avail Unless the heart could speak? By day or night, in weal or woe, The heart, no longer free, Must bear the love it cannot show. And, silent, ache for thee. HIS CANDIDATES. District Attorney Jerome tells of a certain citizen whom he encoun tered on the last Presidential elec tion day. Conversation was some what hampered by the fact that the citizen's vocabulary was limited to about eighty-live words. "Who" and "what" were evidently one to him as yet, but he made himself : clear on one point. ! "How long have you been in , in ibis country?" he was asked. i "Ah bane one month," he an ; swered. "Are you going to vote?" : "Yah." : "Whom are you going to vote ' for?" j "Ah bane goin' to vote for tan ! dollars," was the self-satisfied re- spouse. Harper's Weekly. Modest Cluims Often Curry the Most Conviction. When Maxim, the l.iinoni nun inventor, plueetl bis nun belbiv 11 in uiillee !' judges, lie staled its entry inrf power lo be j much below whnt be tell. Hire the gun would lUTomplish. The result or the trial j was tnerelure a great suprise, instead of disappointment. It is the with the : ruaiiulaeturei's ol ( baninerlain s t olie , , , ... , i, , .... ' ( hotel a and Diarrhoea Ktineilv. I hey ! do not pubii. iy boast of ail ibis remedy j will tteeomptisli, hut pr, lei to let the users ; make the slaleiuenla What tliev elaiin, . is that it will positively eure diarrhoea, dyseutery, paius in the stoiuacli and laiiv-. ' els anil lias never been kiinwu lo I'uit PorKiilebyW. M (.olieu, Wehlou: V. j K Beavaus, Kulield; .1 A Hawks, liaii ' i hint; ! IF I WFkl; A FAIRY. A class of little girls were a..ked to write an essay on what they would do if they were fairies. One little girl who had a very kind heart wrote: "If 1 were a fairy, I would make poor people rich. 1 would make sad people happy, and make sick : people well. I would make the ' trees and Mowers bright all the year. I WOUld llOt have bad IIICII and women in the world as there are now. 1 WOUld make the hard things soft. In the summer 1 would watch the birds and listen to the birds singing. I WOUld give Old people Strength and make everybody happy." Christian Observer. Twenty Year Battle. 1 was a losor in a twenty year battle with chronic pilei mid maliitimn . sores, until I tried llucklen's Arnica S.ilve;bicli turned the tills, hy ninnliilb, till nut a tiaim remaii.R. writes A. .M. ltruee, of Fanuville, Va. lltsst luro'd ITcers, Cu s, Burns aud Wounds- 2.i ut udj' dmg- i gut . OUR DISCOURAGED his sorrowing heart: B Y R O N thy lip ha left WILI.INU TO TAKE A CHANCE, "Ain't you rather young to be left in charge of a drugstore?" "Perhaps so, ma'am; what i I do for you' " "Do your employers know dangerous to leave a mere boy like you in charge of such a place? "I am competent to serve you, madam, if you will state your wants." ; "Don' t ihcy know you might poison some one?" "There is no danger of that, madam; what can 1 do for you?" "1 think I had better go to the store down the street." "1 can serve you just as well as they can, and as cheaply." "Well, you may give me a two- cent stamp, hut it don't look right." Houston Post. j , A Hard Lot ol tioublei to I'liuteuil with, spring liom n tnlpid liver and blockaded bowels, unless ; you awaken Idem to their pr p r aeiion with Dr. Kiiijj'sNew Lite Tills; the pie is anient and most ell'ectivu cure for I'nnsti pation. They prevent nppendiciii ai:d tonenptbe system. 3.V. at any drug store. ... r . , . Misfortune comes by the huu- I 3 j dred weight and goes by the . OUIlCe. 1 " Only 82 Years Old. I am only years old and d ou'l expect even when I get to be re il old to (eel that wa as long as 1 can get Idectric Hitters, says .Mrs. K. II ItriiUMiu, id Dublin, I In. Surely there's nothing eNe keeps the old as oung and makes the weak as stlong as III s grand Ionic medicine. Dyspepsia, loipnl liver, iuil nurd kiihics or chmnie roilvlipilion ale liukiiiwu alter lakimr r.lccl lie III ters a reasonable time tiuar anleed bv all dui'jgisls I'riee ollc. A dinner that appeals lo the eye doesn't alw ays appeal to the stom ach. Saved His Comrade's Life. "While leturniiig I'roiu Ihe Crand Army Kncampmeiit at Washington City, a com' rade t'rutn Wuin. II1.. was taken vulliehol- I llmrbus and was in a critical cnudi- , lion," says Mr .1, i;. iioughiami, f i.i- don; ha. "I gave him Chamberlain's Colic. Clndi ra and Diarrloea tiemedy and believe saved his life. I have been i-u- inored I'or 1tti vp.IS in i In in i,rr;il ion Wink ! amj (..mducted lualiv parliei to the south jaud we-t. I always carry this remedy aud iwet.i it u.vttiiiiy o many i ions," V r sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. lieavaus, Knlieltl; J. A- Hawks, tiarys hur " ' ' m 1 A he told Cleverly may be ll lier than the truth told foolishly. OASTOIIIA. Bmi tbs ) llie m m ,'1S fi;satui JOY IN THE MORNING. Thy Head May He Crowned with Thorny Troubles Now, Hut it Shiitl Wear a Starry Crown Ere Long. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy coinetli in ilie morn- ing"- l'salm.hkS. Christian ! if thou an in sight of trial, think of the morrow ! cheer up thy heart with ihe ihotighi of the coming of the Lord. Be pa tient, for "l.o! 1 le comes with clouds descending." Be patient! The Husbandman waits until he reaps his harvest. Be patient; for you know who said, "Behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man ac cording as his work shall be." If you are ever so wretched now, re member "A few more rolling seas, at most, Will land thee on fair Canaan's coast. " Thy head may be crowned with thorny troubles now, but it shall ! w ear a starry crown ere long; thy hand may be tilled with cares- it shall sweep the strings of Heaven soon. Thy garments may be soiled with dust now; they shall be white by and by. Wait a little longer, Ah! Iiuw despicable our troubles and trials will seem when we look back upon them! Looking at them here in the prospect, immense; but when Heaven we shall then "With transporting joys recount The labors of our feel." Our trials will then seem light and momentary altliciions. Let , us go boldly; if the night be ever so dark, "ilie morning cometh;" : which is more than they can say who are up in the darkness of sin. i Do you know what it is thus to live on the future, to live on expecta tion, to antedate Heaven? Happy ' believer, to have so sure, so com forting a hope. It may be all dark now, bui it will soon be light; it may be all trial now, but it will i soon be all happiness. Winn mat- ters it though "weeping may en- dure for a night," when "joy coin- eth in the morning?" FAITH. There is no unbelief; Whoever plains a seed beneath ihe clod, He trusts in God. Whoever says when clouds are in the sky, "Be patient, heart breaketh by and by," Trusts the Mom I ligh. Whoever sees 'neaih Winter's field of snow The sileni harvest of the future grow, God's power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep, Content to lock each sense in slum ber deep, Knows God will keep. There is no unbelief; And day by day, and night, uncon sciously, The heart that lives by faith the lips deny, God knoweth why ! Bulwer. Cood For Stomach Trouble and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and l.ivtr I'.tl -lets have done lue a great deal id guol,'' says C . Tow us, of Kat I'ortage, Oataiio, Canada, ''lieiug a mild physic the alter etl'ecls are not unpleasant, and I can ice omtneud them ti all who sutler lioiusloiu ach disorder " l or sale by W. M I'obeii, Weldoii; W V. Iteatans. Kilield .1. A Hanks, Oaiyn lu.rg Fellow-travellers a u d fellow- gaiiiolein soon Know each oliiel well. Try a little kiiUul. I'UU DVsl'CI'SlA alter your meals. See the etlecl it will piiuluce on your gene al feeling by dig st ing your food and helping your stomach . to get itself info shape. Many atonuirhs am overworked t 4hi; paint wheic they reluse In g i further. Kodol digests your fund and gives your stomach the lest if, needs, while its reconstructive propeitiis get the stomach back into working order, j i Kudo! relieves lialuleiice, nun slotuacb, ' 1 palpitation of the heart, lr-1 lung, etc. Kohl by W. M Cohen. Weldon, N. C. At home a man is judged by his dress; abroad by his wit. i nn ui i u six 1 1 i: Ale ,Iks WiNsltin'sS'tiiilillMi Si kl l' has lus'ii used for over nil years by millions of lunthers for their ehildreu while tectliini;, withperfisit tnimss. Ilsoothet the child. softens the gums, ullays nil pun; cures wind colic, and is the lu-st remedy for ! Diairhoea. It will relieve Ihe poor little I suflen-r imiiiediately. Hold bf tlrtittgists in every p.iilofth" world. Tweuty live cents a bottle. Bi ure and ask fot "Mrs. M iuslow's f-'oulbing Hyrnp," aud take no oilier Lind. POETS AND THUNDER. A Description of fiyron and a Com ment on It by Scott. Byron in ilie third canio ul "('Inkle Harold" describes a thun derstorm in Switzerland which oc- curred at midnight on June I H I li. I le notices the av. lul sull- ticvs v. Iiicii precedes it: All heaven and rjrili are nil, though not iii lecp, Bui l reaihle--s until From peak lo peak, the I anliiig crag.-, among Leaps the live thunder! Nut hoiu one lone cloud, But every niouiilaiu nm1. ha . found a tongue, And Jura an.v.vct .;, ihruuv.h her misty shroud, Back to the joyous Alp-., who call to her aloud ! The description is too long to quote, and, indeed, loo well know n, but Sir Waller Scon's criticism on it may not be so well known. I le says : "This is one of the most beauti ful passages of the poem. The "fierce and far delight" of a thun derstorm is here described in Verse almost as vivid as iis lightnings. The live thunder leaping among the rattling crags,' the voice of mountains, as if shouting to each other, the plashing of the big rain, the gleaming of the wide lake, they seem ! lighted like a phosphoric sea, pre.s ve get to cut a picture of sublime terror, yet j of enjoyment, often attempted, but i never so well, certainly never bei- ter, brought out in poetry. " F.x : change. Praise your wile, not three days after the wedding, but three years after it if you can. Nature's Way Is Best. Thi' fiihcii-.n triiL'lhi'tiitiif ami tis-;n. biiildiiiv! pliiu ul ti'i'Ji tinur fhi'tiiiii. liiiL'ff hm ami uiMiuati' i;im"s nf diM-aM- n- nir- Slli-tl liV 11-. I'i'Tt't'. IS follnwiliii alLi-1' ; Nature's plan uf n-sturiny health. ', Hi' uses isutnral ri'imilii. lliat is cxinu'ts fnuii nutivn ini'tlicinal MiiK i pn-pni''! I'V pnict'sst'S wnntwlii tml v tin' (Aprtuiiliin' of much linn- ami '. imnii'V. withiitii tin- use tit' niculiul. ainl by sliillful combiniituiii in ju-i the rii4 h t prniunioiis. Vt'tl as itiLM-i'difiils uf Mr. I'mnv's lii.ldi'ii Mcdifal liist't.wrv. lihu-U rhi-n- - , burl. QlM'i'll's 1'uut. (ii'ld'-ll Seal nil. lihnnlni.iT and Stotn rnut, prt.'iii ll cxt-rt . their InlliH'in'i' in cacs nf iunir. lii'niit'!ii;il and thmat inmbli's, and tliis " Hincnv Kltv" is. iht'n-lnrt'. a Mivci't'iru'ii ivnu'dy : fur lirnin'hitis. liiryncitis. I'lironic vuiihs. catarrh and kind red ailnn-tiis. 'i'ln1 altovc nutivc runts a No have lln . Stl'iHIiTOt p(tilili' I'lldnr-i'MliMlt Irnm iht' leading iiH'dical vriti'i. of ail tin- m- t-ral M-lioois of prariifi'. for iIim cun' 1 1 t only uf til"' d:s'arS llitlili'd ilirtiVi' lint il!-u for iu.ii";.'tioii. .ti.rpor of livt-r. or liilious-iio-. idt-tiiiati1 foiislipatiitn, liidn-'V it ml bladder troitides and eatarrb. no matter , where loeat.-d. Von don't liuve ttt take Dr. I'iejve's say-Mt alone as ttn llii-; wlntt be elaiins for bis " DiM'overy " harked tip by the writinirs of the most eminent m. n iii the Illi'dit'al proles-ion. A reilie-t bv iiistal canl or letter, aldresse( to Dr. U. V. I'ierve, l.iitlalo. X. V.. lor a little I U of extracts from fmim-nt tnttlttMl au thorities i'!ulorins the iiiirn dlents uf his meilii-iiies, will brinif a lilt If I k I'm' that is worthy of yntir attention if iieediiiR a irotHl. safe, reliable n-metlv t,1 ' knm i ftiniitixitiit for the eure of almost i any old chronic, or liiureruiir malady. Dr. IM'-rce's Pleasant IVlh -u cure con stipation. One little "i'eli'-t " N Cetillo lttiitie, and n a tmhi catliarlic. The most valmible Ivtok for both men and women is Dr. Tierce's Comilli'll S'-ne Medieill I viser. A p1riuiiil Iftns-paiii' 1 Kcri Volume. Wltll enlM iiej Hk-'S paper-coveretl. will he N-nt I Vfl1 i lo iiiivuiin HMiiilinir L'l e.nns in one-cent stams. to p;iy the cost of mailinu imhj. to Dr. K.V, IMerce. liulTaln. V. V. I'loth-bomid. :n slainjis. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY Tint FREICHT am'CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ... I.MK.i:! "UOCK In Ihe Nouth , W.Tr?lllu.SllJlvj CaUliifUC I I'll'. THE COUPER IHARBLE WORKS. (Established 1M1M.) 15!) to lti:i Hank at., Norfolk Vs nv '2 1 y ii)' -OF- Sl'KINC. AND SUMMKIi MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVKI.TIKH. Butteiiik'sHatleriis li. & (J. CORSIiTS. Missos at 5(lc. , Ladies 75e.to$l. fcPrices will be made to suit the times, LtuW and llonuets made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OUDKItR I'UOMPTI.Y FILLKIi. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wtldou, N. C. ... Grim Ovcr-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Itofceaimy KiJncys Hake Impure Blood. Lid passes through u ,i.: ?e minutes. 7!: : r.:j!:r.;-; arc your li.vi p:i.ii'jrs. they til i c : i!.o waste or i rr.. i .e. ia tU bleed. ..rti: V' ,.. i'TVwiU cfcr-.tr. they tailw out ::ar.drheu- 1 ii c.!..o from er f in :c scd in i.'ie iix lo ii.'isctei I-., j:i.v 're ji.lt;. Ki i.i, t. :b!e cau:;ej q ( r ur'.cteaJy li-art ar.i v.tJ,i-:z :.r. f.'d though they hcurt '.i olL.o. U-.-an.-; t:.c hcaitj over-v:;rkjng in pumpi: c.ui;, V-.diwy-jvii;c:.cJ Lbvd through v. in:, ar.d arteucr.. I: uj-jJ t3 be coiijijjred liut o:J urr,L: truL15 were to U ir-.;eJ lo ihe k.uacys, b-i iiov modern suoii--3 proves it. at r,.i';.y a:l cun.it utiont di::;ae3 have their begin ning in l-.idii-ry IriuLle. If you ars ziJ,: you can iiuke i:o mistake ty first docionr.g your kidneys. The mild and the e::rao.Gin:..y ct;e, t Jf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, tL.ec'reai kidi.ey remedy is soon realised. It j;:aud5 the highest for us vonderful cures of the rr oot uiotremg cases :id iz sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- A$r,:l cent and one-dollar si;- W: U.IL-.'WII'J You may have &iSj3 sample dou,o Dy man i!m8 c.r 8imnir.-nmit. free, also pamphlet Idling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer t Co.. Dirighamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilrnr': S'.vamp-Root. und the address, binghamtoii, H. Y., on every bollie. Tin; s. i . State Normal aud n m hMm Collep. COURSES I. ITKI.'.M.'V ('ii.I.Mi:i,CI.M. ( L.tssti AI. DiiMKsTlcst IKM'i: -i II Mil It MAM'IM. Tb'MNI.Nt; I'LDAiaiiilf.vl. Ml sic ri'f e cun- ii leading In ibircis. I sp -i i il c .in-is t.,r ii ailnalesnf ollu r - ml'!". Well it .)! I'laining In ol f'.r l e 1 1, ei.-. Kiai.l, laumlry, tin Moll al.d In s !oi lle ,f lcl looks, etc., linn via- F .r lice liuloi s t inlt-u Im, -I-.'."'. I i lentil : , i ii -1 1 icii.iu begins s. ptunbcr .'ii, l: i;. I'.- se nr.- bnar.l in the dir. nit lie-, all In e a i.pbc it ions sil.'.llil I e tine e I !. re .hlly l."i. C r.es. i milt-jt e mi it, ,1 in.'ii I hu i ti ing i nui pel i't t 1 1 1" In is alul slfi o ..ia; hers. I'nr catali'g as tl iitlicr ii limn tu,.n. a 'tiros Charles I). Mclver, President, i.i,'i:i:Nsi:oia), n. c. Correct Dress The "Modern Vt. ;v:tcm of higli-eii.dt' l.'ii. iir..: irin.'duced by L. E. Hays &. C., t..' fin.-innati, O., s.itiffics jood chcfu'ri everywhere. All Carnuriis M.,d Sti icily to Yo-jr Measure al niodVrah; prices. IK) ftvl' i ct foreign an 1 (kiir.e lie f tl.ric- ,r.im ivl.i. hli i l"iue. Ror . .'.it) bv Jv. S. ALL'SN, u'A'.yo.v, A', c. Central Academy. '1 be Fall Ti tin nl t his scbiail will be- jiin on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 106. For 1 ii r I li i n. I iini.itinn aiitlriss .1 SI. lillOllF.S, Littleton, N. C. . :l lm CH01CU ROSES ! Carnations, VioU'ts and otlit r tlowern, always on hand. Shower Wedding lttiihiit'ts, Handsome Floral Pf.sifn.i. 1'tit and out door b'ildinj pbnils, To mato, r.tbbauf ami oilier Vegetable I'hiiits, Maiiuliits Oidcrn promptly I'Xei tiled, Wiifp, 'phuim or tidci'japh. ii. stuinmijtz, l':.l)E!..T, KALKIUIt, NOItTII I'AltOUNA. 4 111 ly Jj T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Practices iu the courts of Halifax and adjoiuiUK couuties,and in the Supreme oourt oftheHtato. Special uttmilioo (tiveii I to cnUeclimis and nrntnpt. rn.iirns. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MANTKI.S, Tlt.KS A (IKATKS, iiAunwAiti:, PAiNirs.ic, fknk i. (xakk Company, iu. NorltilU, Va. A I. T Kit E. DANIEL. ATTORNEY-LT- LAW, Wki.iwn, N. C. Practices in the courta nf Halifax and Northampton unit in the Supreme aud Federal conrl-s. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina Branch ofllce at Halifax, N. C oprn ercry Monday. tl --it-- f. Mm SB?'" W J i 1 -1

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