1 Ma flSsI 111! w 0 , Ivertising Rates Made Known on Application. -t - ' - - A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ' ( nils of Subscription $1.50 Per Anninr wi:u)()N, n. c, TiiriisDAY, -iri.v 12, ummj. NO. 10. t ik jtlml You lluvo Always Bought, and which lum been I in UNO for over ttO yearn, 1ms borno tho signature of All Cimiitert'i-lts, Imitation! ami " .lust-as-Kood" nro but l'.K'i imcnis that tritlo with and endungcr tins heultli of liil'uiits and Children Experience against Kiperinieut. What is CASTORIA CustmU Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, I'mo Kiivir, li(i)S and Mouthing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It voitluiiis neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Narcotic -substance. Its if Is Its guarantee. It cb'stroyM Worms unit allays l-VverUliiiess. It cure Dial liui-a and Wind t'olie. It relieves Teethinii' Troubles, cures Constipation anil I'latiilcncy. It, assimilates the I'ood, regulates tho .Stoumcli and Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'unaeea-.-The Mother's I'l icml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the iTfie Kind You Have In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CINTftVft eOHHNV, TT MUHRAV THIT. NEW VORH C TV. in MCDUFFIE'S 1 TASTELESS CHILL CURf. ih,,,o.ulr.t it". i.5th to ohm. the market, it i r.eyour ,nd malar la. It T m , r.d b0od. ppetlte.nd make ric H body-building ohoco. nlng. hfidren like It. late taste and on,,' i PRICE, BO CENTS. if Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue 1 Sluggish Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to jut do all we claim or your money bauK. ; t'os Hai.k IIY V. M. CoilKN, WeMciu, N. C. V. K J!kava.s, Knllrlil, N ('. Avers Pills KDcauuiui Drown or ricuDiatir use 1 Ike : Bank : WKU)()N. N. C. AllUUsiTiuM, trim.- Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C apital an rl Snrplus, $36,000, For 14 yean this institution Irs provided limikii u. facilities lor this Beitiou. Its stockholders and dim-tors have hcen identitied with Hie business interekt ol Halifax aud Northampton eoiuiliea lor many yen Money ia limued upon approved security til llie legal tale of iuterest-six per centn-n. Account nf all are silicited PKKalllKNT: VICg rilKSIDKNT- f'ASHIKR.' W. F, DANII.L, r.r.ll W II WIS, W K SMI 111, (Jackson Nm lhaiiiion Co - N. C ) 4E 3E 1 GARRETT & Pioneer 1 . KSTABt.IHHEI) 1H:. $jk S PEOI ALTIES; 'VIRCINeAOARE POCAHONTAS Ijgt (WUiUtoipperuonn) . (Hed HeupH-Mioug) OLD NORTH 8TATE BLACKBERRY ' " 15 HIAWATHA MINNEHArl A ? (KedCh-mpaiitie) (Dry rtetipp.-niou() .g J PAUL GARRETT SPECIAL 1 (Sparkling And all other varietiesof Van aud Wholetome W iuisfor homes and h dcl u e i A-Hiiihiwt Cacb Pricni faiil iu Season for ill kinds of small fiuila. giapes elc. Western Branch, Ht Ijouis, Mo Has Stood Tho Test 25 Years Grove's s .... Tasfc eless Chill i oiic No-Cure-No-Py. mm and lms been iniulo under Ills per noiihI Hiipei'vUloii rdneo Its int'uiiey. Allow no 0110 to deceive, you in tliiH. Signature of Always Bought Pn.umonla and Con. prevnt "ICE, 25 CENTS. Liver Pills for Constipation u.,di Sugar-coated, easy to take, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, BUCKINGHAM'S DYE mn vi. or ML'utuiv uk b. r. hall uu hmuwa. n. i 3E of : Weldon 3E m COMPANY, American " t. n n tt1 Chanipiune) lloineOlli. NOHfOI.K, V . w 50 cents. THINGS BEYOND. Amid the Worldly Scenes thut Appeal to Action, There Comes A Voice From Ahove. the i It is euod for us to revel in delights of vernal summer; to im bibe with enthusiasm the signifi cances of the ripening year; to . husband the beauties of nature witli which to sweeten our lives: par l iking of these things with loud ness of heart, lo ihe continual ex clusion of everything tainted by j gloom or sourness. ! But all these things perish with the using; they pass away as a i i dream of youth; and though we j may cull, analyze, until the essence j of them is crystalized, becoming i : our own, selling our very being in j harmony with all that is excellent i and beautiful in the walks of life, what, after all, is it lo us if we fail 1 to hear the still, small voice of I God, and feel not the effects of the I spirit-wind that blows into the soul an assurance of siill better things i things beyond where things counted as excellent here will re-1 1 main only as shadows only the I ' buds of glad fruition? j It is our business, our privilege, our duty to consider our interests, to see that our fields are tilled for the best possible results, to perse vere till the glorious science of ag , riculiure shall reveal to the world i iis perfected front, not a single : i problem of it remaining unsolved, nor a single feaiure unenlightened. Kui, after tins attainment, what took a pedometer with nun to a are we if we fail to obiain an in-; hall, and found that in the course of heritance in the earth the land ihe evening he had covered ihir beyond wherein dwelleih right-, teen and a half miles. The aver- : eousness? Our fruit trees of the ; age length of a waltz was half a years will die ai the top, our plow-! mile ; of a polka, three-quaners of shares will rusi into dust, our a mile; of a galop or shottishe, a houses cease to be even rcnieni-; mile, and of a lanciers, a quarter of i bered. O mortal man, what then? a mile. A girl usually dances more Amid these scenes, these environ- j than a man, and is calculated to nienis that appeal 10 action, that j cover more than sixieen miles in a claim much of our mental and single evening. physical energy-- ihe things that we must pursue for the world and ourselves there conies a voice from above, from beyond, whis pering of a river, the streams whereof shall make glad ihe city of God. And though the land scape is very beautiful, ihe fields rife with promise, the front yards ablaze with bluuin and fragrance, the orchestra of woodbirds inspir ing with delight; there are heller : things beyond. And we are more than dullards if, enchained by the : shadows, we do not desire a bet ; ter country, that is heavenly. Saved His Cotnrude's Life. "While letni'tiiiK IVoin the (I rand Army Kncainpimiit at Wailnitoo t ' 1 1 y . a com. r.ule fnim lllKin, II'-, waa Itiken with chol era morbus and w;is in a critical tmdi- ' tion," says Mr J. K. lloiijjhlaiHl. of IT dou; Iowa. "I gave him t hamherlnin'a t'ulic, t'holtra and Oianl o,u Hemedy and believe saved his life. 1 have been ell Kaged for ten years in immigration work nud conducted many pariiei to the south and wet. 1 alwa.u carry tliis remedy aud have used it successfully on many occas ions." F- r sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon; W. K Beavans, Kulleld; .1. A Hawks (larys barif satisfied bachelor who imagines he inighi be happy if married. OABTOIIIA. srj till m H1" NjM Heart Weakness 'Hie action of the heart dc ieiid uioii the heart nerves ami muscles. When from any cause they become weak or ex hausted, ami fail to furnihli siillicietit power, the heart flut ters, palpitate:, skips beats; and in its effort to keep up its work, causes pain and distress, such as smothering; spells, short breath, fainting-, pain around heart, arm and shoul ders. The circulation is im peded, and the entire system suffers from lack of nourish ment. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes a heart strong and vigorous by strengthening- these nerves and muscles. "I had palpitation and pain around my heart, and the doctors said It was Incurable. 1 don't believe It now. for after toklng nix bottles of Dr. Miles Heart Core, ttiree bottles of tlie Nervine and three boxes of the Nerve and Liver Tills I am entirely cured, and feel belter than I have for live yearn, and II Is all due to these remedies I . want you to know that your medicines cured me. It relieved ine from the first dose, and I kept rlirlit on till the pain In my chest was none, and I kept on feellll better even after I nail taking It" JOHN It. 8IIRKMAN Beldlng, Mich. Dr. Mllee' Heirt Cure li old by your druagltt, who will guarantee that the flret bottle will benefit. It It falle he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind CONTEMPLATION, I stood, in admiration, watching the sunset's rich glow, Viewing the clouds, their colors softly come and sofily go ; And I wondered if my life's evening would be nearly so bright My reward awaiting me in that land of pure delight, There to mingle my voice with others in anthems of love 1 he home of departed spirits- that crystal city above. I wondered, too, if 1 should die in the glow of ihe noon tide sun Utile done for the Master my life's mission scarce begun No reward beyond the grave - no mansion in Heaven No fruit at the harvest no crown lo me given ! I siood, in admiration, watching the sunset's rich glow Viewing the clouds, (heir colors sofily come and softly go -And I resolved in faith to labor, hough I've but a little while lo stay, And, indeed, reap my reward in heaven ihe land of Eternal Day. ISTMKLtIC Mother's eating carrots, lettuce, greens and beats; Father lives on onions; we've quit having meats; Pancakes in the morning, breakfast food and rice Well, we're saving money and it's worth the price. Sausage? Bah! We wouldn't feed it 10 the pup! If you speak of beefsteak sister's nose goes up. We have eggs for dinner, bread and milk for tea, And we must be gelling richer rapidly. Every morning father, as he reads the news, Seems to gel discouraged, seems to have the blues, And he pounds the table, saying things are wrong Vegetables seem to keep him pretty strong. Every day somebody tells about some more Packing filth we hadn't heard about before; It is nearly time to hear again, 1 think, That the milk is doctored and unHi to drink. Onions, prunes and carrots, lettuce, turnips, rice Well, they might be better, st ill they're pretty nice, Yet before to-morrow some one, raking muck, May discover tilth in these things, darn the luck! DISTANCE TRAVELLED IN DANCIINU. A young man fond of dancing A Tragic IMnish. A w.ilcli i all's lit-lt-i-t pi-iiiiilli-d a lt-:ik illlll-uieat N'tl'lll S.M d lie. wllieli ;l child's linger eouM have s(np-il lo In (Mtlie a liliiHMis lnv:lk, devasltilinjj an ei tile province of Holland In lihi- manner Kenneth Mclv.i, of Vaneebuo, Maine pelinilleda little cold to c, llnllnlia ,1 until a Ira ie liai h u.ih only Icy avtrled 1 1 r. Ki ji's Nrv lliscnvcry He Wliles 'I'lir.e iIim-'ois (iae ine n) to do- ol'lnn-i ei llaiunia'ioti.ea'tsei) liy a nelecte I eoM ;lmt Or iiu's New llts o:(rv niu-d my 1 i - -tlnalalltee.l lies! e;nl haul eald cure, at any drn store. "ili. and . 'r.ial hd tie lie-. IN HOT JULY. Uh, the ripening of the summer, when the cricket bring to pass A recollection of the years of which the dotards gas; When the watermelon opens with more interest than the rose, And scents from field and wood land regale the loiterer's nose; When the cider press is going, and the picnic on the bill, Oh, life is worth the living, say otherwise who will. What a pity, what a pity that the flies are on the swarm, ! Alld a ,1,e lwrmo.neter, insists that it is warm! What a pity that the Hainan 01 a housedog, soon and late, Must feel the Jew of vermin for ever at his gate ! A pity for the jobless man to wear his last year's clothes Oh, the pity, piiy of itthere's a thorn beneath the rose! ! Only 82 Years Old. i I iimooh t'l tears old and don'l cupecl even wllell I get t i be roil old to feel tint 1 way ashing iis I cm get lllictiie Ititi-1-, ' says Mrs. I.. II. Pinui-oii, ol Dublin, da I Surely tic re's nothing else keep the old us Miiiog anil makes the weak an strong us this grand touie medicine. iyep.ia torpid liver, inllini'-d kidneys or chronic eonslipstion are unknown afbr lakiu Klfctric lliili rs a reiisouuble tune Ouai anteed by all druvgins. Price n'c. Tliere are still a few old-fashioned married people in the world who really do not want a divorce. Modest Claims Often Carry the ' Most Conviction. When Mali in, the famous guuiiiviiilii , D well his nun hffure a enii.niiltte ol j judge, lie slftteil its t-nrrj iiifc (lower Iu hi- I much lielow whnt he frit pure Ihe gun would ni-eoii plish. The mult of Ihe lil il 1 WilN therelure u irrent nunrise, iiiHteutl (if ilinni)ointiiifUl. It i the name with he iDHiinfm turtri of ( hiiiiilierlnln'i Coli ' t'holem mid Ilinrrhnea Keinfily. They ! do nut pnlilii-lt lwt of nil thin remedy will amntplinh, hut prefer In let Ihe user ; mnke the Rtntenienls Whit lhe i-lnim, tntlnt it will positively cute ilmrrli-ieii. ilyo-iilfry, piiins in Ihe oloin ii'h nnd how ! eh and w never heeu kmiwn to I'uil. FwKilehy W M tulieu, Weldiin; W. E Beavans, Eulield; J A Hawks, Oai j b- NO LIMITy THE LITTLE SCHEMER. "What are you making, my pret ty maid?" "!'m making a bathing suit, sir," she said. And what when it's finished, my pretty maid?" "I'm going to the seashore, sir" she said. And then what will happen, pretty maid?" "I'll capture a husband, sir," said. my she Try a little KoUul. l'tili DYSl'DI'SI.i alter your meals. Seethe ellecl, it. will pvodnee on yolll' uelle al I'-'i-li" by ilij; sl inyonrloid and helping your stoinnh to fiet itself into -.liajii-. Many sloitiiii hs are overwotki il I I 'ie poinl wtiete thi-y letuse to ; , fntlllel'. kodol digests yoi r loo.l aid (iives yonr stotnaeh the lest it tteetls, while its leeonstriiclive pmpertits t;el the st-nnaeh hack into working order. Kodnl reli. v.-s :ihiieiH'e, MHir sloinaeh, palpitation ol the loan, li I Inn,; etc. Sold lit W M oh. o. Weldon, N C Many a husband would lose his job if his wife was a mind reader. I-Oil OVI.lt H I V VI'.AKS Mils Wivhijiw'sFootiiiku Svki'I' has beet) used for over till years by millions i,r mothers for I licit ehildreu while teething, with pel left. Hit'ceis Itsnothei thechild. softens the gums, allajs all pain; cures wind co ie, und is Ihe best remedy fir Oitiirlioc-a. It witl relieve Ihe poor little suflVrer imnifiiia'e'y. Pold by druggists ill every put of the world. Twenty-fire cents a bottle lie sure aud ask f t ' Mrs. Winston's soothing Kyn'p,'' and lake no other timl Wise men never borrow trouble as long as they can borrow money. Cood lor Stomach Trouble and Constipation. "I'hiiUihei'luiii's Stomach ami Liver Ta' -U ts have done me a great deal of goo says I' Towns, of Kit Portage, Ontario, Canada, ' lleing a mild physic the al'Ur effects are not unpleasant, and I can rec ommend them to all who stiller troni stom ach di-iorder." For sale by W. M Cuhen, Weldon; W. E Rent mis, K field;.!. A. Hawks, (lary. bur A woman's vaniiy begins with Iter hat and ends with her shoes. Twenty Year Buttle. I was a liwer in a twenty v i.ii iii- with i-hrniiii- pilei and mill i(i:Lii'. sun-s, until I tried Mm klen's rnii-a Salvi uliieh turned tin- tidi. hv curing li.ith, till nut a tl,4'-. ltuii.il b. Alilei A. M. lliiUi, uf l'iiuiville, Va. Hi--t loru'd l li-eis, ( u h, I'liriis and UiiuiiiIs. o.,,-. at any dr it- i-t. t he stubs in cheek books cover a multitude of disappointments. - A Hard Lot .I iiniii,ii- t.. i-ouicii.i iih, u i'uii iv.iiii n torpid liver and hlockadcil lioweU, nulesH you avvaki-u I lii-m to their pr p r ut-rou with Dr. KiiiK's.NeM' Life I'illx; IheplciH. iiiilol unit most efli'iiive ciin- for Ciiisli pit mn, Tlu-y prevenl. appen.liri ii aid tune up ihn sy-Hteiu. 'i w. nt any ilniJ! store. NEWS TO HER. "Madam," began the beggar, "won't you help me? 1 haven't a cent to buy a loaf of bread for my-" "What?" Sxclaiined the econom ical housekeeper. "Where can you buy a loaf a bread for a cent? Tell ine and I'll give you a dime." Detroit Free Press. ... A business man should neither noze nor bulldozer. A PLEA FOR THE "OLD MAN." A Pi't on the Back for the l-'ellow 1 I Who Pays the Freight. Why doesn't somebody start a magaine devoted to "articles of interest 10 men?" Why don't the newspapers devote a few columns of their space lo the newest wrin kles in men's trousers, airy hits of tlolsain and petsam, giving the best recipes for making things in which men's hearts take delight? The book stands groan beneaih he weight of pages devoted lo Milady, bless her heart. I have ' read women's pages by the peck, says a writer in ihe New York ! Press, but it was all about boas and boleros and coral pink heiirieuas and ribbon appliques and things of that sort. Nothing about the old j man. Nobody cares what sort of glad rags he wears or whether he has any to wear. Nobody gives! him a tip as to the latest fashion j I he happens to get a one-cent ad- j vertising circular from a tailor who j got his name out of the directory, j I have a warm spot in my heart j for the old man, and 1 think he ought to be given a liule attention, i just a paragraph or two once in a while down at the bottom of ihe j column uexi 10 pure reaumg mat-1 ter. In the old wilderness of fash-! ion notes and recipes and hints to . housewives and other things of thai son. 1 have read between the lines just one tip for the old man. Thai is thut his coats are worn longer than usual. They have to be. He has troubles en ough paying drapers' and millin ers' bills. He has to wear them longer, and the trousers and waist coats, too. You know he fellow 1 mean, ! the old man; the ostensible boss of ihe ranch; ihe gent whose beaded' brow drips the dollar that make j Milady and her daughters so dain-! ty and cool. Henry or John, who j lies awake nights figuring how to j make both ends meet ami who is j gently banished to llie second par-; lor when there's any big doings going on ai the house; "llie gov- ' ernor," w ho digs up, or digs down, ' for the corn to send the boys to College and whose reward is the enthusiastic declaration made by I the boys in private that the gov-! ernor is a brick; "papa," who likes i lo see the girls pretty and Mutty i and dressed as well as the other ! fellow's girl, because they are his j girls and because he liktd to see ' their mother look that way back there in the long ago. That's the chap 1 mean. The lord bless Milady. We couldn't live without her and lots of times we can't live with her. But ihe Lord bless her. Increase her pul chritude with every blooming liule furbelow and folderol, every dinky little frill and Hounce, every putty liule Hurl' and every tlutty liule puff thai makes her sweet and dainty and delightful. That's all right. But here's a pat on the back and a gouj word for the old man, all the same. OKN. LEACH WAS A COHKER IN HIS TIME. i Anem the discussion in, and ed-, iiorial of the Georgia gubernatorial campaign, and the violence of the ' speeches between Hoke Smith . and Clark Howell, and Smith's share in a hotel bar, the Charlotte Observer brings up this reniinisj cence : i The older public will renienilxri the Congressional "back salary i i;ral" of llie hue (ill's or early 70's the members of one Conre'-s reaching back and voting iliein- ! selves additional salaries which ; they convinced themselves was , due them from the preceding sts-: sion. Among those voting for this measure was the late General i : Jamcs Madison Leach, of North Carolina, then a Representative in Congress. The next year he was a candidate for re-election and when he was thundering away on the stump one day a man in the audience interrupted him: "But what did you do wiih your part of the back salary grab?" "1 used it to pay a debt for your daddy, damn you that's what I did with it!" hie who thinks no evil can do no wrong. It sometimes happens that a shady character basks in the sun shine of popularity. When a man gets a chance to dispose of his troubles he always heaps up the measure. WHY III; DIDN'T PNOSPLK. John I). Rockefeller, Jr., ill an address on ihe subject of success, said: "1 will illustrate my meaning with an incident that happened in a western mill. "A huge, brawny chap applied to the foreman of the mill for work. Though there were no vacancies, the foreman took him on lie told so piteous a tale of woe and set him to shoveling coal in the mill yard. "In the afternoon the foreman wrm lo see how the new hand was doing. He found him in company with an old hand a lean veteran of HO -shovelling coal into a can. But the old hand worked faster than the new one, shoveling in two shovelfuls of coal it) llie new hand's one. " 'Look here,' said the foreman to the brawny stranger, 'this is hardly fair. I 'etc is throwing two shovelfuls into the cart to your one.' " 'Yes, boss,' replied the new hand, 'and I told the fool about it, too. KI.POUTI-K'S SWI-I'THKART. Her beau IkkI called. 1 ler liean beat warm, She eliuse her prettiest dress; And then with care made up her form Before she went to press. It is so easy to tind fault with the good things possessed by oth ers. A man is seldom as old as he feels or a woman as young as she says she is. A Wonderful Record. As mail'' uii hv itnpruvnl and i-Xiift priici'SM's Dr. I'i ri'i''s l-'avuritc i'rescrip tum i u must i-ilirii-iit rt'ineily fr rt-tfu-littintr all Oh- unmanly functions, runvt't Inir tlisplat'cnicnls. as prolapsus, anlcviT sion ami ivO'nvt'rsioii, uvi'ivmiunir painful M'riiils. ton i ml' u;t tin- tmrvt'S ami lirintj uik' a I m hi t a perfect state of health. It ; cures the liackache. periothcal headache, ! the rinuwEiiK-Umvii distress in the pelvic ! region. 1 he pain and tenderness over i lower abdominal region, dries up the pelvic catarrhal drain, so tiisni,ri'eeahle ; and weakening, and overcomes every form of e;iknes incident to the ornaiis , distinctly feminine. "I'avorite Prescription" is the only medicine fur women, the makers of : which are not afraid to print their formula on the Imtde wrapper, thus . takiuti their nitrous into their full eon ; tideliee. It Is the oillv medicine for j women. erry imnvdinit of which has the strongest possible endorsement of ; the mu-t eminent medical practitioners ' and writers uf our day. reeommendini( ; it for the diseases for which "l-'avorim ! I'rescriplioii " is used. It Is the only 1 put - ui) medicine for women, sold ; tli rough druggists, which does not eon- ! tain a large percentage of alcohol, so I harmful iu the long run, especially to ; delicate women. It has more genuine ! cures In its credit than all other medi- j cines for women combined, having saved thousands of sutleivrs from tho ; operating table aud the surgeon's knife. ll has restored delicate, weak women to strong ami vigorous health aud virility. I making motherhood possible, w here there . was barrenness 1m -fore, thereby hrighteii ; ing and making happy many' thousands 1 of homes by the advent of little ones to I strengthen the maritul hotels and add 's sun-hine where gliMun and desondeiicy had reigned U-fore. rile to Dr. K. V. Pierce, lie will send you giKKi. fatherly, professional advice. In a plain, seated envelope, absolutely free. Address him at liutlalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets do not gripe. They effectually cleanse thu sys tem of accumulated impurities. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, hy Dr. Pierce. H)nH pages, is sent i five on receipt of stamps to pay expense I of mailing oni. Send :.M one-cent stamps forthelook in paper covers, or ill stamps for the cloth - hound volume. Address as above. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY run FREICHT ANi.CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ... 1 VKI.IMIHKK K III I he Muuth ituld Cauliiguc I ra1. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (KstHhlished IMtM. ) lGOtolfillKankst., Norfolk Ta of -SPHINt! AND SlIMMKK MILLINERY. FANCY GOODHaud ftOVF.t.TIF.B. Botterick'a Patterni. R. & (J. CORSETS, MUwea at60c., Ladiea 75c. to$l. Ma-Pr'uee will be made to suit the times, Hats aud BounetH made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Wlllu Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unheal thy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, All ih.- L... ..1 ;.. y :ur body paj.es through yu'r i;kir.jy j nc;. t; uy liire minutes. i !.; i'.:iicy:; arc your : u V,rs. they f 1 t.r cu; .iis vasic cr h:i::,!ruic; in the blocd. U they are sick cr out cf order, tiicy fail to do their work. Pain::, aches and rheu matism come from ex cel of uric acid In the t Uod, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney ttwuble cause3 quick or unsteady Ikmi t LcaU, and makcj one feel as though they hud heai t trouble. bc;au,e the heart is over-wurkinj,' in pumping thick, kidney pii -..ned bbed through veins and arteries. t: u.icd tc be conu .hied tiiat only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but nov modern science proves that nearly ail con 3: .rational uieai, have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Us wonderful cures of the moat distressing cases and is sold on its merits f'-'K by all druggists in fifty- jSRptfft cent and one-doilar siz- ffS.-Ttfsinl e3. You may have a sample Dome oy man Home of swump-Ront, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper vhen writing Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remembei the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer bwamp-Root. and the address, Binghamton. M. Y.. on every bottle. TIIK . C. State Normal and m m Iiifltistml Collep. COURSES i.jtkkaky co.m.mkkciai. classical ihimksticsciiack SCIKNTIFIC MAM KLTK'AlNIVd I'KDAtKMilCAL Ml SIC rj 1 rce co I SpM-i il ci colleges. cotimn leaning lo degrees'. eotirsi s lor "louluati's of other l leges. V el I i j ii i pned Trai u ing School lor Tc ehers. linaid, laundry, tui tion and tee tor use ol text looks, etc., l"u it :.. For tree tuiCo i students, W."i. L't let-ill h :Hinn;d i esimi begins St pttiiihcr '.'0, Jpiiii. T.. se ure heard in t he doi'ttiil it s, all lit e applKMt iuns should he made I rl iv July .. C r es pondeiM e in itt il I loin tho e desi ing com pctent tea-lit is and siei ngiai hers. I'or (Ml:ilog aid other i elo ill il em, a Mn s Charles D. Mtlver, President, (lliKI-NSliOliO, N. C. lid Correct Dress The "Mi Mi iliiid" fyton of . i in: inlruJuced by iliuh-ercule t L. E. Hay & t n p' i mcmnati, U., satr.fioj good dieEsT:. everywhere. All Ganm-ntj Made Strictly to Yoer Measure at moilrrate pri.:i t. 'nJ Ivt-- of foreign and d.-me'tic I -hiic fnun whi hlo choose. S. ALLE1T, WKLDOX, N. C. Central Academy. Th.' Kali Term of lliissi-huul will be-1 gin on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 106. ror luiili r ii't-iriiiuiiuii a1lress J. M. KIHiDKS, Littleton, N. C. s :i tin CHOICE ROSES ! Carnations, Violets and ot ht r Mowers, iilwiiysnu liiiml. Kliowcr Wedding Hoiiijiirts, Hiimlsonio Flornl Designs. Pot iind out door li uMing dunts, To liiiilo, ( iihhan-i and otlnr Wnt'tnlile lMuuts, MiiKixdia OrderK ptomptly rtvi ult-d Wi ili. ' phone or tt'ltrnpli. II. STEINMI-TZ, pt.oKim, ItAI.KKiil, NOKl'll f'AkOLINA. 4 1 ly tic , it!. V- .r1,.;;r-':l j T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax aud adjoining count ies, and in the Kuprcn e court ol the State. Kpei'iul attention given to collection!, and prompt ret.nrna SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MAKTKIJI, TILED A UKATKH, II AltDWAKi:, PA1NTS.&C I RANK T. CLARTcOMPANY, LU. Murliilk, Va. l ALTER F.. DANIEL. ; A TT ORNEY- A T-LA W, I Weldon, N. C. j Practices in the courts of Halifax and Northampton aud in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all . porta of North Carolina Branch office at Halifax, N. C, open every Monday. i J 4