? jL ' ' ""s-r' .- ... " -' .aMT- ,aw-w-a----. ( , BSB () Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'i crms of Subscripliun$1.5() Per Anmstr ! VOL. XII WKLDON, N. ('., Tlll'liSDAY, .IPIV 1!, UMMJ. NO. 11. ;! AN t J,V-1 i i b lc IV ( n n r. 1 1 i ( ) 1 1 lor A s - t-; .i , " i n ; iiui Hil'i-.l.uullh(fiitn , (I;! llio Stoinatlis imilllowelsol' i, 'I I'romolos Diijeslioii.Clwerftil i!i ii.-ss iiiul Ileal CoiUains neither l!i (rpiitni.MiirphiiiA nor Mineral. !i Not TMamcotic. Mx iYait ' I .(..; i iti I Mhtihtr ?ultt I Him JVa iluiUtd Siip-r I Ilii.;t'i Huyvr. I AjuMH-d licmi'ilv r.iri'onslii.i I urn, Sour Stomach, Dinrrlwoa Worms .('imviilsiuiis.I'Vwrish iu-ss find Loss OV Sl.EUI'. KiC'Jimih' .Suliuilure of NEW VOIM. BBSS I NEW YOIM. McDUFFIE'S TA8TELE3S OHtLL CURE. l.theonlyab.o.u.' on chill curecontlnlnqto chm, the rnnrkot. It ' roaso,our and malaria. It w"' " redblood. .ppetlteandmakeno u ', bodi; h. p "nt c;,oco" enlng. cnlldren like it. It taste and cniior PRICE, 60 CENTS. Take MoDUFFIE'S Little Blue Sluggish Livsrs. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold on a nuarnntco to do all we claim oi your money bacK. KduSai.kiivW. M. Coiikx, Wililon, N. 0. V." I'. Ukavaxh, Ki IIiIiI, N C Ayer's Pills Want your moustache or beard i Deamirui crown or run uim& ruse lit : Bask : WKMMW, N. C. HnM Under The Lais of lie Stale of North Carolina, AUGUST AlTII, l!M. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CM.S. $36,000. Fob 14 yeiiM lliis iiililiitiini li ir. ln.nkii i liinliiirs lur tt,ii Mtiiiin. II ntnckliolili.ru uml ilirwtfM liivi'lioni iiIim.IiI'uiI iih tin-liiisiiK- inlcrcfts of H.ilif.u uud Surlliampimi i ininiira lur ni iiiy ye ,i Money is liwued upnu approvwl no lint m ill li'n il lalf of inttri-t-Mi per cfuIiiii. AfiMuntsof all are sill itnl pimmiiKNT: W. E. DANIEL, vicK riiKsiiiKNT; l-r.ll w ir.wis. (Jacksun Nm irumtliirt l!u . N. (1 ) 1 GARRETT & COMPANY, p ?S Pioneer V A Americans I win &mM$wm fiB,m8 H ESTABLISHED 1836. $1 QTs-mnT A TiTIES: W ESTABLISHED IH35. QDT31i-!T A T,TIES: VIRGINIA DARE POCAHONTAS U Wf' 8?Jp5uo"iO ( lt',, Hvum' ""g) 1 OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY Ihiiwatha minnehaham U PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL f Stt And all other varietifnof Pure aurl Wlmltfonie Wines lor homeHand Imlel n e. igi W .Hii:heat Cash I'rit'fa I'aiil in Hwisun for all kindt. ol'sniall Inula, Krapwelc.W M Wwtern Hruucli, Kt Louia, Mo Home Olllce. NOIiKOt.K, V A. Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grovel Tasteless Ghill Tonic! No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. ! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years Tttr CCNT.UH COVNNr. NtW VOW CITY. SUET LUNC PLASTER Pneumonia and' c'"d. Pr8n A safe and iu,ri.5?n.,umP'n- PRICE, 23 CENTS. f Liver Pills for Constipation u.,d cj Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di rectly on the liver.i.o.HrM?.;: BUCKINGHAM'S DYE t CIS. M iJHLiiUliUUK M. r. lULLty.. HKliU, x. a. 3 Of : WsllOD 1 W 1( SMI 111, I Bears the. j SigiiaturAJ K .ft' j THE CROSS ABOVE THE STARS. ! You Cannot Name a Navy Officer : Who is Not a (iod fearing Man. ' Richmond Pearson Hobson, lute of the United Stales Navy, in the course or a public address in Brooklyn, urged his hearers to make u closer inquiry into the re- lifious life of tlie navy, which, he 1 believes, is hut partly understood by the general public. "It is a good thing," he said, I "for us to be proud of our country because she is great but it is a ' . , I,,' ,,.,,,. 1 belter thing to love her because , she is good. You cannot name a navy officer who is not a God-fear-i ing man. He is bound to be a God-fearing man. The govern ment does not take any chances. For four years' every man of them j must go to church every Sunday, l and every fourth Sunday you will i t .i ri .1," . . I ear a clause something like Ins : It is eniomcd upon every officer : and enlisted man to attend the ser- vice of God.' Let me suggest that you go down here in Brooklyn and on one of those ships. They will be glad to have you. Arrange to get there about 10:30 sharp. The bugle will begin to blow slow ly. That is the call for divine ser vice. Then you will see the flag lowered, and another Hag go away up in the air. Look at this, please. : It is a white cross on a blue back ground. You will see the nation al flag go up again slowly, and stop just below the other Hag. i This is to nie very impressive. My friends, you know there is not another Hag under heaven made by the hand of man that can float above our Stars and Stripes. It will not take much imagination on your part to grasp the symbolism ; there. Broad stripes, rich crimson in color, tell simply of our coun- ; try's sympathy with the oppressed sons of the earth. And the stars did you ever watch them? You can see them glitter and sparkle and twinkle. They know that they are the glorious constellation thai ( heaven has set in the dark night. ' , You will see that glorious white Hag waving proudly above things of this earth, but you will see it looking up in humility t the Hag of the white cross abii,v.--Ariny and Navy Journal. CjoJ l or Stomach Trouble and Constipation. "i 'liuujliiTluiir Slmn.icli uml l.iv. r 'I'u' - ; lit ll;IVI lilllli1 llll' 11 t'(';i! i Ki:n't" su.VfiC Town, ot Kit r,n!;if, iit:iriii, Ciiiuiln. 'i'.eii-K it n.il.l ih.v.iu' tlie after t-llVrls tire not iiupli iiHint, ami 1 can ree. iimmeuil llieiu t.i all u lio MilVer IViiiii wtom nt-li tlioril.jr." j rot pale liy VV. M t'ollen, Welilou; W, K. Heatau. K tieli!;.!. V Hawk, (laryi lutrn Of course it's a disgrace to get rich by making others poorer, but the chap who is gathering in the coin looks at (he mailer through the other end of the telescope. Twenty Year Battle. I was a Iiisit in a tivt-nty ji'iir tiatlle with chronic pi le i anil inalinan' Moit'.s, until 1 tried llticklen's Aniiia Mlvt ;wliirh turned the tiil, hy cnriuliatti, till nut a trace remaiia. writiM A. M. limn1, uf Fartnville, Va. llest loru'd I li-ers, fit's, liuriis and Wounds. 2V. at any tlrug. Use your mind as a store house, bin not as a junk shop. The Pain Family You know them: they are numerous, ami ni.tke their presence felt everywhere. The names of the family are Head ache. ' Toothache, I'araehe, l'.ackaohe, Stomach ache. Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated, Headache makes you miserable; if the stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way to stop pain is to sooine ami strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. "I find Dr. Miles' Antl-Pnln Tills an ejoi'llent remiHll for ovi rcimiliit? henil ael. ni'iiralRla and illstresslnir laln of nil sorts. I have us, d them for the rust seven yenrs In tins capacity with the best of results." MUB. JOK MliUllUX, Peru, lnd. Dp. Miles' Antl-Paln Pill. ar. told by your druoalat. who will auaraiUM that the first packaq. will benefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 25 doiei, 23 oenti. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind THE PASSING livery little while they tell us that the horse has got to go First the trolley was invented 'cause the horses went so slow; And tltey told us that we'd better not keep raisin1 colts no more, When the street cars got to moling ihauhe horses pulled before, I thought it was all over lor old Fun and Doll and Kit, S'posed the horse was up and done for, Hut he ain't went yii! When the hike craze first got started people told us right away, As you probably remember, that the horse had saw his day; People put away their buggies and went kitiif 'round on wheels There were lots and lots of horses didn't even earn their meals, , w sandand wadl .em with lhdr bloollers as ,ley-d And , thouglt tne horse was goin', But he am t went yit Then they got the horseless carriage and they said the horse was done, And the story's been repeated twenty times by Fdison; lvc V c lie Htia a un li u hid i'uui iv.c iu He om Q Ie, us laI ,he don., sund shuw And you'd think t0 see lhose chauffeurs as they go a-ehaufhn it, vias good-by to Mr. Dobbin, But he ain't went yit! When the people git to Hyin' in the air I s'pose they'll say, As we long have been a-sayin', that the horse bus had his day; And I s'pose that some old feller just about like me'll stand Where it's safe, and watch the horses haulin' stuff across the land; And he'll mebbe think as I do, while the crows above him Hit: "Oh, they say the horse is done for, But he ain't went yit! And the next time you hear from went yit. K 1.CM KM BER I sat beside the streamlet, I watched the water flow, As we together watched it One little year ago: The soft rain paltered on the leaves, The April grass was wet, Ah! folly to remember; "l is wiser to forget. The nightingales made vocal June's palace paved with gold; I watched the rose you gave me Its warm red heart unfold; But breath of rose and bird song Vere fraught with wild regret, ' Tis madness to temeinbcr; 'Twei'c wisdom io forget. 1 stood among the gold corn, Alas! no more I knew, To gather gleaner's measure Of the love that fell from you. l'or me, no gracious harvest Would God we ne'er had met! 'Tis hard, love, to remember, but 'Tis harder 10 forget. The streamlet now is frozen, The nightingales are lied, The cornfields are deserted, And every rose is dead. 1 sit beside my lonely fire, And pray for wisdom yet; For calmness to remember, Or courage to forget. Saved His Comrade's Life. Only 82 Years Old. "Wlii'e leturuiiiK front the (Oiiiul Army I am only s-.' je.trs oi l anil don't expect Kmaniiiinrnt at, Washington 'ily, a com- even wlteu I p't In he toil old lo feel thai rade front laiu, II1., was (akin withehol- way us lung ns I eau ( e'. KUeirie llitl.rs, era niorlnis and vas in a rritieal eondi- says Mrs. K. II. HrutiMin, of Puhlin. ia. lion," says Mr. J. I'l. liouhland, of Kl- Surely th-re's nothing else keeps the old don; Iowa. ''1 o..ive him I 'liainlierlain's as joiini! and makes the weak as strong as folic, Clioh ra and liiarrl oia Kenudy and litis ;raiid louie medicine. Dyspepsia, helieve saved his life. 1 have hecn en-; torpid liver, inll lined kidneys or ehronic Hailed for fen yenrs in iiumifiratioii work eotistip.it ion are unknowii alter liikiim and condui'led mauy parliet to t lie south i llleelrie llilters a reasonahle lime, (inar nnd west. I alwavs earrv this remedy and i anteed hv all drniruiata. l'rioe "ilk'. have usiil it sueeesfully on many oe ions." V, r sale hy W. M C h n, Wi ld in; K. lleavans, Knlield; I. A Hawks (la hilly w. Il is hard c'lien. to down an upright A Tragic Pinish. A w jli'hanin's neglect periuilliil a leak in Ihe ureal Noilh Sea il.vke, which a ehihl' tiniter could have sto pt'd lo he conn' a ntimm htsk. l..viisimiii an en lite prownccni Holland In like manner Kenneth Melv.r. nf Vanechno, Main pciniiitrd a little coll lo g niiuoliccd until a Ira ie. linoli as only hy ii'irlcd !r. Ki ii'a New Piscovery. He write-: Time dec ors gave me up to dieot'lutii in llitninialion ra'isi d hy a neglected cold dull Or k ing's New Dis over.v nued my life,' (iuuraulced licsl eon li and cold cure, at tiny di tig store ."ale. and l. Tiial hot tie fiee. No man ever shares the self esteem of his neighbor. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. j When Maiim, the famous gutiinviiilo , i placed his gun before a con.iitiltee of I judges, he atnted Its carrj ing lHtwcr lo be much below what j would accomplish. he felt (tire the gun The result of Ihe tiial was therefore n great auprise, instead of disappointment. It is the saute with he manufacture of f hamberhtiu'a f oli , Cholera and Diarrhoea lieniedy. They do not publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, hut prefer to let the naers make the statements What t her ehiiin, ia that it will positively cure d nrrluan, dysentery, pains in the stomach and how els uud has never been known to fail. FnrsalebyW M Cohen, Weldon; W. E. lieavaus, Eiitl.ld; J A Hawks, Oarys borg- OF THE HORSE. the horse yo'll hear that 'he ain't NICK NAYLOK. 0 li FOKGI.iT. ; Thick longues are responsible for a lot of thin ideas. I'tdl OVI'.U MIXT V HA 11(4 Mils Wi vhi.ow'k Kim III t Nil S v il I I' lua hecn used for over no years hy millions of tnotlieiM liir Iheir children ttlnlc Icetliing, with pert'eet Mlecuis. Itsoolhei tllechild. softens the guiii't, allus all pun; eurea wind colic, and is the hct letucdy li r I lliairlliH'tl. It w ill lelieve the pistr liltlc I suit, icr imtuediaiely. So'd hy iliu'gista i in every ptilollhe wolld. Twenty-live I cents a h dtte, lie sine and ask I'm 'Mrs. j Winslow's So-.thing Hyrop," tind take no I other kind, Vt'hcn a woman is said to have seen better days it means that she knows cut glass when she sees it. Try a little KOINH. Ft I It HYSI'Kl'SIA niter your meals. Seethe ell'cet il will produce on your gene-itl feeling hy dig. st- j ing your food and helping your slotuicli ; to get itself into shape. Many stomachs are overworked 1 1 the point wheie Ihey reluse to go further. Kodol c.igesta your food and gives your stomach the rest it needs, while its reconstructive propertits get the stninaclt hack into Hoiking order. I Kodol relieves flatulence, tour stomnch, ' -f i.- I . 1. 1 ... p iiuiuiuuii , Die limn, li , 'long, t-ll . Sold Ity W M rohen, Welilon, N C Marrying an heiress is often as unsatisfactory as any other feet-rich-quick scheme. Bveil the llian Who expeCIS the unexpected is apt to be surprised when it happens. OASTOIIIA. Hun, iba i Hm Always Bought tij4u4tura of ALPIIONSE KARR. A liniiiicl of Thoughts Taken Irom the Works of Alphonse Karr. I lappiness is composed of the misfortunes we avoid. To know that one knows what he knows, and to know that one does not know what he does not know; that is wisdom. 1 have read somewhere: The size of statues grows less as we depart; that of men as we ap proach. It's impossible to defeat an igno rant man in an argument. A man may save money hut he need not hope to be saved by mon ey. Men have faith in what they believe only when they want to be lieve it. It's easy to be content with what we have; it's what we haven't that worries us. It isn't so much what others say about you as they way they say it that hurts. An ounce of confidence in your self is belter than a pound of con fidence in others. Most men are better acquainted with Faith and Hope than they are with Charity. I The man who attends to his own i affairs has no time to laugh at the mistakes of others. After a girl gels to be about so old she tries to forget that she once wanted to marry a poet. F.ven a poet is able to distinguish between the fire of genius in his S. wwtfinB of huneer in his stomach, It's a fortunate thing for the weaker sex thai the average man isn't more than half as attractive as he thinks he is. ONE on oimi. Opie Read recently made a trip through Arkansas on horseback. I le lost his w ay and rode up lo where a squatter was sitting, his liddle by his side. "Jes' ridin' or a goin' some wheres?" asked llie setiallt-i', with little show of interest. "I was goin;; Miuifw here," au iwered Opie," "Inn I lo.,i my way, and now I'm jtw riding. 1 low do you get lo the next town r" "Kidin' or walkin'?" "Where do I hit the road?" "Hit it on the side or in the middle, or if you git close 'nutt' you can hit it with a slick." "Are there any forks lo ihe road'-" "No forks 't all, mister; jes't straight as a string." "You're a d fool," Mr. Pead said, losing his temper. "Yes, sir, mabe so," answered the squatter, taking up the liddle and drawing the bow carelessly over the strings, "but 1 ain't lost." TACT LACKED. Miss Clara Clemens, Murk ; Twain's brilliant daughter, was ! talking at Atlantic City about en-! tertaining. "Tact," she said, "is essential: to good entertaining. With the , most hospitable spirit in the world, one may, without tact, only render one's guests uncomfortable. Tact averts blunders. "I once dined at a house wheie the hostess had no tact. Opposite me sat a modest, quiet gentleman. This gentleman suddenly turned as red as a lobster, and fell into a horrible hi of confusion on hear : ing his hostess say to her husband: l 'How inattentive you are, j Joe. You must look after Mr. i Blank better, lie's helping him ! self to everything.' " HIS PI;kr.;CT NATURAl.Nl-SS. Nothing is more wonderful about our Lord than His perfect naturalness. I lis absolute balance, ! His reality, reasonableness, artless ness, completeness. Nothing ex-: cessive, nothing; nothing artificial, nothing unsymmetrical; no under doing, no overdoing. The good ness of Christ was like the sun shine, the breeze, the dawn, like the sweet summer raided with the rainbow. William L. Watkinson. A Hard Lot ol tiouhloi to nintrnd with, apring fro turpiil liver nud tilui-kuili'il howela, milr-aa yuu itwitktMi Ihi'iii to thfir proper ai'tiun with Dr. King's Ner t.ife Tills; the ploira anlest ami most nnVctivc euro for (.'nnsli- p.tlion. They proveut npprntliri'ii anil tone up the ayilcut. n'. at any drug alore. i-SSAY ON MAN. Man is an omnivorous animal. Some smart people call him fl biped; but this a toulogieal error. I le is just a plain, every-day iwii legg'.'d animal. Man is found in most parts of the world. I le nunis at w ill, feeds in the day lime, and .sleeps at night. Sometime.-, he i'- like the dog howls a great deal and runs around at night. Like the elephant he has a trunk, but he does not always carry it with him, the elephant ; does. As lo w hat a man is really good for, anthropology is still in the dark. Being strong he is used ; to draw pictures, carry news, and pull revolvers. j He often goes in the human j race. Properly trained, man can 1 jump higher than any other ani mal; he has even been known to ! jump mountain resort board hills. I Although in many respects, man ' is like other animals in one repect i he is different from them all - he lies standing up. ABOUT WOMI'N. Deaf mutes are the only women that ever go without saying. The average woman don't want a vote if she can gel a voter. The woman who hesitates isn't always slow, but she stutters. The less you say about woman keeping a secret the better. The woman who is proud of her small feet walks on her pride. A woman never finds experience for sale on a bargain counter. A woman never weeps more bitterly than when she weeps for spite. DIIED SUDDENLY OH HEART DISEASE. How Iri'iriiMy im a , lar to lln' .ibitvi' cf-.'t ii i udDer1. Tlie ru-h i fli t 1 1 liiiM sinii ': tl.-1. ni'w- I miss of tin Arii'Ti. .in i- '.. !'' Im n tr ltf j tt'iidt'iu-y lo I- a. I ut- tt ..Iw.l.ir uii-1 olher ! aliVi'tUiii of the hcari. iittctidtd )-y ir- 1 regular iiftion. p.i'pnuU.in. di.imss, hiiHfUiiT'Ml sti'ii-aMoin a ii-1 iitln't' Ubtntss- illU SVtllltllll, Thrt'i- fit the pruiminit inun-iliiMits uf : v.hifh Or. IMi'm-'s OnKli-n Mfiiical llis ; ruvery i-i in.nl"1 ait' li tMHiwiiciiili fl liy m.iup : of tin' li'juiiiiw writers hi Materia Mnihn I fir tlm fiin ut siu-U cast-. (hI1i-u j Nital I'duL, ft.r iiistaiu'i). is said Uy tl i LImtkii Static Disi'kxsatohv, u stand ut'tl authority, "to imparl lorn; uud iu-cn-a-rd powt-r t tlm Ih-ui'L's aftitiii." Nuim-rtiiK other It-ailhig autlmrities n-p-niM'iit Otddi'ii Seal as an unsuriiasst'd tunic fur llm miisi'iilar ysit ui in w ut-ral, , and ha tint heart M alnio-t wlitilly nitn ! iiusi-d uf miiSL'ular tiue, it naturally fullmvsl.ia.il must he greatly strentli nied hy this superii. tp-nerul louii-, Itut pruhahlv the mu-t iiniiurtaul ingredient uf "iJtddi-ii Medical l)Li'uvery." so far as iu marveltius cures uf valvular and utlier all'ei'tiiMis uf tlii heart are cuu- corned, is Stone rout, ur i'ollinsuniti fun., Prof. Wm. Paine, author of Paino's , Kpiiomy of MediciiH', sas of it: "1. nut luutf Mineo. hail a nutienl who wan bo imu'li omnvM-d Willi vahular riiteiw uf tiie heart Itmt liis friends were ohiii-'etl to carry him uiWalrs. Me. tiuwever. irrailuitlly reeuvered under the lutlueiiee of I'tilUrisetnn i imedlclnal principle extracted from Sume ; rHt), mid Is now attetidlntf lo his biiNincss. lleretoforn ih.Vf h'ian- knew of no remedy for Out removal of o HUt ressintf and st dan-Ifei-uus a malady. Willi ihem it was all t'ness - work, and it fearfully warned the arliliMeil that death was near at hand. Cul i linsonin uiniuesliunatily allords relief In I biieh casuH, and In most instances t llects a cure," 1 Stolid root Is also recommended hy Or. Hale and Kllinitwoud, of ( iiicaijo. for valvular and other diears of the heart. Tlie latter says: "It is a heart tunic of direct anil in'rnuincnt influence." , "tioldon Medical Discovery." not only cures serious heart affections, hut is a nio.st etVieieut general tonic and invitior ator. streutftheniut: tin stomach. iniij uratiim the, liv.-r, r"iru!atirm the Umels ; and curiim' catarrhal atTcctious in all parts of the sy-tcin. Ur. Pierco's PoII-jU euro Constipation. Monuments AND i Gravestones. WE PAY Tim FREICHT am'CUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY ... I i"t l.tltt.l l lo h llliiulii l'alaliii;m 1. tlt.lrnru( h Inthr Mouth iiaifl I'-aialiiitac lut. IHE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. I KMliihltHheil IM4N. 1 l.r,H to lliU Hank at., n 1 1 T Mnrlolk V. -Sl'lilNtl AND SUMMER- MILLINERY. KANCY OOODHand NOVELTIES. Bntterick'BPatlerna. It. & G. CORSETS, Uiaaea at 50c. , Ladiea 75e. to $1 . fciL.l'rii9 will he tuuile to suit the titnaa, ttata and Houneta made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKDKHS l'KOMlTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wehlon, N. 0. i ; ', j ! The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There fa r, a country mo.a clu ki.l:;-; fl'.v:iy lil.i'l.11- tr?uU"j rr alvay: rc-.ult frcin a d:ra'i:?i:i::st t-f th I'.i'li.i-y.s and a cure is o'vamr.i q':Lv.".t l y r. pi ..t treatment if thikilneyj. If y 't ate fiKi!( badly you en ma.", no mi .lik"! hy takitir Dr. Kilmer's 5wamp.Uoo'., ill.; real i-.idncy, liver and bl li.l'ji' r.'Mii'viy. it c .rrei.-tr. In ili.ity to hold urine, and scald in:: .:n i:: it, and overcomes that u:r!;a:i..' m -e :.;i' - of beinp compelled to C oflin an.-inr; tin day, ind to pet up many t;;nor, during t!;e nijiit. The mild and the c-irairdimry eff:.otrf Swamo-Root is soon -li v;-r-f-i! . e bir'het for its von- of l! mc:;t dia're::5'.in cases, pkorai.t to ta'.e and sold .-. f.fiy-cent a::d one-dollar i oof.l-:: V f'-V a :;an li:; v.'Oiri-: :.r th-t -:ySSS '.1 I 1.' Swainp-Koi.t. !. A '.U-.. Dr. Kilmer & Co. V. V'!"::i vi.iing mention xuv.z cf lor in t!::s paper, ny iTiisUkc, bi:t remember .imp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's j l.c address, bingharnlon, loltb. ?n't m I::imr', I n.y. Tl Y '. - Slate Nornnl aiid li COURSES -- I i ll Kl,'l 'I A I. I.ITLUAI.'Y i l. slr.U m II. VI II li iiiMi:sTlcsrlKN'l': M NI Kl. TliAIMXti IT.Ii Man, II .U, Ml sir ''lf 1 ive roil 'ci Irailiin; to thLt;r I Sii i il i' mi-is lor ;iiuluatl'sol'ot i- loilmis. W. II I'lirpn.'d 'I'taiu dcretf. other iupp''d I laiuinu Stdnol for Te cheis. iinurd, Jan miry, ttii lion aiid l.es lor use of text looks, etc., slid a vta-. l'.r nee tuit 0:1 students, rl ''. I 'i teent h annual ! essiim hegitis Si'ptt nilur 1 !I0(;. 'I'.i sr tire hoard in tin- dttaiit ties, ;ill lite aplicilions lnu!il he iinide helt iv .lu!y l- i' rn-s-I on!ei:( e iiiviti d 1 1 niii thn-c de4irin; rom peteiit tea' In is ai.il siei orai hers. Fur catalog iii tt oi ln'1' it, fui in. it i mi, a MrtfH Charles t). Mtlvcr, President, t.h'i:i:Ns;oh'of N. v. Correct Dress The "Modern M.'.liod" ryslem of high-gr.idc t.iili lint! introduced by L. E. Haya & Co., of Cincinnati, O., satisfies good dressers everywhere, All Garnienla Made Strictly to Your Measure at nimlrrate jiic-k. 'AlO tll. 3 ol foreign and Jiimeitic fabrics hum wliivhto choose. K.,Dr,'i.i,let bv a. s. jlxj h nsr. WEl.l'OS, N. a mmmmemmwmnm Trurirrn Central Academy. 'Un' 1 .1 1 1 Tn.ii ol lliisihnol nillhc- I "in on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1006. 1-or lunli r n I nutation uililrts-i .1 M. HIIDlii'.S, l.itllpton, N. C, 5 :t Im CHOICE ROSES ! Cainaliotis, Viulels and olln r (Iowith, always on hard. Slmwer Wt-tltling Pouipn 1. Hauihnnie I'lnl.il DfsiDft. Pol and on) door h ihln phots, To nuilo, ( '.ilihax ' and oilier Vielahlu Plaut, M;ie,uoli;n Orders puiinptly eneiuled. Wiile 'phono or telrraph. II. ST1-INMUTZ, n.i:ui'T, KU.KIIill, NOUTII CAROLINA. 4 III iy ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Pnetiee in the court of Halifax aid adjoining cuuutiea,amt in the Huprrnie court of the State. Hpecial attention (jivm to nnllwl.tnna and prompt ntt.nrna SASH.DOORS.BLINDSJ MANTK13, TI1.BS it 0HATK8, IIAUnWAKI-:, I'AINTS.&C FRANK T. CLAkTcOMI'ANY, Ltd. Nurtolk, Va. w ALTER . DANIEL. A TTOHNEY-A T-LA W, Wbi.don, N. C. Prai licea in the eourta of Halifax and Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal cntirtH. Collecliotia inaile iu all i parte of North Carolina Kiauch olllce at Halifax, N. C, open every Monday. :.;:r-; prr.vilii'rf in Kits l('t".l lo ailr.c r.o tlec?p- ZZi I I ,.I.Vi:v. Many mMn r;-MWfV r i h..-.n Jhr.,:t( ': VTirrvV r i'"' " 11 - lV'f Vl rf I..,;,,, y, if In -n ' " J,i J II i v.il nis.i. k tin ..irim ir th !:r::.i .'N .': . il.a!'. OO'Vll ;ll.J v;i t'! II I v ( ' II.

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