ml ST Iptf J nJI 's XJi IE5 f Advert isiiii? kales -Made Known on Application. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. vi:u)on, n. c, TiiriisDAY. ari.v i'. i!);. onus of Subscript ion $1.50 Per Ann err. VOL. Xl-I, NO. 12. g8K ' 1 w ffiiiij 4n, ujr JHk w en n:- m-ws. Arm e w m-uw nr fa i u e a l li Kind Von lluvci Alwnjs Untight, nml vliiili lum linen in iio lor over :( yours. Iiiih boriio 11m Niirimtnrn of ami lu lilts I low All Coiniti'isTelts, Imitation inui " iTiiNt-nx-oml " iii o but i:ii'i'iiiu iil.t that tiillu with mill ciKlunncr I ho limit Ii of Infant and Children-r.iu'rk'iio(( against lOviivriniriit. What is CASTORIA Ca-lnria is a lnmiili'ns mtustltntii i'ur Castor Uil, I'uro I'orli', limps anil Nuntlilii Syrup. It l-t I'li'asant. It millions nciihi'i' Opium, iMorpliimi nor oilier Nuivotin NiihslHiii'i. lis iijrc is lis it'iai'iiiitt'e. It ilesh'oys Woiins ii ixl allays lYvoi'hhiiexs. It cures Dlaiiinua anil Iml t'nlie. It relieM'S Ti'i'tliiiiK' Tronbli'.-,, cures Const illation ami rialiileney. !l ussimilates the I, regulates I ho iSlomaeli iiinl llowels, jiiiio, lieullhy anil naliiiul sleep. 'J he Cliiltlrc u'g l'anaeea--'J lit; .Molina's l-'riciiil, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTAUN COHMNV, TT WuRMAV TBIIT, NIW VOHK C1TV. MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS 0H1LU CURL th. marke . " ceaieyour ,nd malar la. It ' blool). .ppetlteand makaMon strenKth. PRICE, BO CENTS. Take Mo DUfFIE'S Little Blue Liver Pills for Constipation h.,d Sluggish Livers. Mo Duftle's Remedies are sold on u guarantee to do all wo claim or your money buck. Fun Sai.k ny W. M t'niiKN, Wi !. N ('. W. K l'i: s v I : tit I ! , N (' a 9 rll "le treat rule of health- "17""1C l-l IIC? Kt'el' ,lu: howe,s regular. f VLvl TlBIIIr5! And the great medicine- iijwio aiaujAu,r,sl,.-Si r;::. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE a beautiful brown or rich black? .ui,.mi.iui.i.,iinii The : Bank : WKLDDN, N. nil I uu uti na ui thdt'ST 'ul'll, SH! Siaie til' Nonli t'iirnliii.1 iKposihu y. Hulil'.ix Cuimiy l)epo:,iuiry. Town of W'eldou hi'piisiiui y. Capital aurt Surplus, 336,000 - 17 o K It vimm thin iiftiliiliini Ir-K pr.niil'il r Imihlii l"i H dpi tiun ' llsst.i'klinl.lin an. I ihl'.rl. I - ll i v - l.i'ill l.l. .t i li.-.l v ill 1 - buMiuos inti-ie.-ts nl II 1 1 1 v nml v i,i 1 1,'i, c..unii.- lm m n. Money is liuimd uvhi Hiptuvril so, nrM :l ih Ii j' il i.itt i I ii.t, n- I m r,-litum. Amiuiitt nf nil an- i 'h. itt .l Vii-K 1 1: k-1 ik r; br II U 1 1 W (.l.tcksuii Nui thjniptuD I'u N. I-) W. I UANIll., oc w m m w . l rn r l n Pioneer r Ih:Ci SPECIALTIES: ,1- VIRCINIA DARE (WhlS'l'llliptT I') 1" r" '"'"'K' OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY HIAWATHA (lied til ttiipdne) v '"M'l",",f ' PAUL C RRETT SPECIAL pinkliMu l'liieiii.i(m') Ami nil nlher vaiirtimof I'nri' :)U'l W'lioli-wmif VVinislor lionit'S mill li.iti'l ll e rail Ksjuliiiiliesl C'a.-h I'lirrs faiil in Svusnn u,, u i. w. i ...a- ll., n win ii mnm u, 01 i.utiin, .i." Has Stood The lest 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cw-NoPy. 50 eenti. bi'i-ii Hindi" iimler hi pcr- NiiH'rvisiiiii hiiier lis tul'aiii y. no one toili'ci'lvo you in (hi-;, Signature of "TssaawaBS" Pneumonia ani' nS Plants A.n-njumption. PRICE, as CENTS. r HZ of : Wcldon i ii i) ui in Has i lllr i p. i M O f if 1 ni 1 i i rvi American ,a'i'i"i, r -- . -p m ?-S4T'B'Biwi'. Pocahontas MINNEHAHA mi no khhis hi siiiuii nuns, niupii-u- II, m,' llllnv. MlltrOI.K. V V. m AT THE TELEPHONE. Mr. Milk's DUI Not tint Two utiK'ht four stviii. Mr. Mijnlis was n yiiij; 10 c.ill up a friend who lived in a Mtliur ban Kiwii. Mr, Mici'lesi louked up lh'.' iiuiuliiT, nut etniral. I lell!" he said, "i iive inc I lm dale uvu .itijiht lour si vi n. ' ' "Idindale:' I'll j'.ive you ihe long dtsljiirt." 1 oilK ttiMuncc a' kid. " is i(?" "lihnd.ile i w ii uu(;lit Four sev en." "I.luid.ile i w o otiyhi four-seven?" "Yes." " VHiai is your number?" "I iusl told you. I'lindale lo o.ight " "1 mean your own house luini b.'r." "Sixiy-tive lilieken sireet." "Oh, 1 1 in t isi) ' i what I mean. Your 'phone number. " "Why didn't you say so?" asked Mr, Migpjes, w ho is noted for his quick temper. "I did. What is it?" "Violet Park eijjhty-si'ven sev en." "Violent Park eipjit-douhlc sev en'" "i reckon so." "And what number do you want?" ,'1-lniilale two-outfht-four sev en." "What is your name?" "My name is John I lenry Mig gles. I live m (i5 Hlieken streei, Violet Park. My house 'phone is Violet Park eiglity-seveu-seveii, of eight-double seven, as you choose; I am married, have no children; we keep a dog and a eat and a per petual palm and a Boston Fern and "All that is unnecessary, sir. We merely, " "And last summer we didn't have a bit uf luck with our roses. I tried to have a little fim den, too, but the neighbors' chickens got away with that; the house is green, with red gables; there is a cement walk from the street; I am Forty years old; my wife is younger, and looks it; we have a piano; keep a cook and an upstairs girl; had die front bed rooms papered last wci;k, and want to "l)id you want l.lmdale twu-ouglit-lotir-seven?" "Yes," gasped Mr. Migglcs. "Well, the circuit is busy now. Please call again." But Mr. Miggles w rote a letter. - - New Orleans Picayune. Keniftily's l.;u.i iw tl.nifv 'I'm in tin1 uliill.ll kuuliw r mli ynii unit rum lnnis tli,, ijiinlitieM ni'i-coiu v In ii'lit'.f tlu- I'llllll ill.ll pillar til,' )ti III I.I t'l.lll' Con tains no opiatiK. Kol, I h v W M ( mIi-i. WYI I ii N (' When a New York man gives his scut to li woman in a street cur iis a sign she is sinpidous he wants 10 thrt with her. Ti a liitli KulHH. Kuli liSsl'l'.t'SiA .lllt'i nii lur.l'-i. Ulf I'lVft't iL will piniliiff mi ftii' :il t"if 'in! liy iliyt'-t-ii!j.r imi luiitl ami lit'ljitii mn Mttimiuli In ;. t itii-ll' illln ill:!!!!', littl,V htdlliiullS .oc o t i rttti ki it t.i tin puttit lieri they I'clust- lo .v1 liiillitr. Kiiilnl I'iotH your lilti.l Mi I .'IMS UU I ttUlKM ll tilt' H1 it lu' tH, w In l it m-tmH tu-lc propei'lit rt l ! slimiacli hiuk inlii noikiu mttti. ImkIdI vtlu'vcM ;! at till iter, four viimiaih, i limitation nl' the In-art, h I lniii. ftr. Sulil l).v W. M 1 '..Inn. WMiitiii, N V. Epilepsy Fits St. Vitus Dance Are lime iliseaes, ami tiuitNS elit-ekeil, Ir.ul to iletruetion ui hotll miml ami hmlv. i he wt-ak, shattered nerves must have sotm-lliiti to strenlhell atitl hnil'l th'-Mi 1.--H-1.- 1 it. ilih li'. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tonic nml stimulant. It strengthens the nerves, relieves the nervous strain, ami iiithu-nces refresh ing hnily-lntihliiitf sleep ami rest. Persistent use sehlon; fails to relieve these at'tUclious. "I was taki'ii Willi epllcptlo tit1'; liatl elt'U-iJ in Umii U Imiii h. Aiy fa l In i" pt iH t'tir uiir family ijlivUt lan, but lie co. tlil do very little t'ir in', ami i KifW wtirm fvery da, mid at List tilt')' liatl tlltfl! iill' ltll'H Willi mi', ana 1 stfll ht woriif, My fatli'-t' )i-ail uf Iji Milffi int-ilit'liifH ami b.niKia a liottle of Nfivlne ami i box of Ntivo and I.U.M' I'llls. 1 inul laK-n only U fw Uomn until I IwKitu to f-"l tiftter. I totik i'l liolttt's, una U ruiva ma sou mi and Will. It has been wottb all tlif wui Iti to mi'. 1 tvi'o nun. 'iid It wlii'Twia' I k- Vou may utu this ai a llft'-loiiK btlmonljl to the nurltn of your inf'dli'lnu, fir I inn enjoying tbtt bHt uf hfitlih. nntl f ! Unit my lift' and lu'itith If due t.t tbis wuntlfiful mydivliip." I.KW WILLIAMS. It, F. I), No. 3, boiiioii. iia. Dr. Ml let' Nervine It told by your druggist, who will uuarantee that the flr.-t bottl will benefit. If It Ulli, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind WITH YOU p. y r ii i a This has been a weary day n nir - A weary day, hecause ulmtit ine, anywhere, 1 could not see the sw eel set'eltiiy ( )l your brow u eyes Your hi own eyes, as sweetly, softly fair To ine as ( iod's pure skies liiown eyes so full nl temlei i less, and yet So lull of patliot;, too, as tliougli still wet With Millie dead leal', shed years agone; P.rnwn eyes so lull of beauty, like Ihe Held I hat autumn kisses far loo pure to yield To one dark scow l ol anger or of scorn. This has been a weary, weary day, NX'itli you away. This has been, to ine, a weary day, Since round about me every breath of air Seemed saddened that it could not play Willi your brown hair Your brown half-soft love locks that eniwiiie Themselves about my heart, like some brown vine That holds the sturdy oak in its embrace And would seem lonely in another place; Brown cutis, like tangled sea-weed on the surging tide, I Tout round your throat or gently ride Upon your heaving bosom; brown waves that seek The shelter of the eddying dimple in your cheek; I'jfown hair, whose soft and silken strands 1 love to smooth, then tangle in my hands. Oh, it has been a weary, weary day, With you away. This has been a weary day to me - A weary day, with breezes dumb Of word of you. And though I listen so expectantly, With strangled breath, ihey never come -The peal on peal of your glad laughter. And my heart drows lonely in the stillness. I kneel and part The grasses, scan the imprint of your shoe, And touch it with my lingers, since 'twas left by you. But your glad laughter! How I long for it! As breezes softly blow at first, increase and roar, So is it with your laughter, that comes from Heaven's door, So pure it is, so tender and so sweet. Oh, it will be the soul of music when we meet! But this ah! this has been a weary day, With you away. THE CITY GOD. "l-'or he looked for a city which hath foundations, w hose builder and maker is Clod." 1 lebrews xi. It). Abraham and all the patriarchs dwelt in tents, frail, temporary and unlit for permanent residence. Their hope, in contrast to this, was a "Ciiy." glorious, enduring and splendid. The tent, they were told, would soon be struck, and that then upon their eyes w ould Hash the spires of a city, shilling in an eternal light; for there shall be no uighl there, and God is the light thereof. 'I he site of this city is evidently nit this earth. There is no reason to suppose that this world will be annihilated. Nothing made by (iod will be annihilated. Sin will be utterly expunged from the earth, but dud did not make sin. It is man's curse, but not dod's creature, livery- thing that dod made lie will restore to more than its pristine glory, And this earth, that has wept and groaned for so many thousand years, covered with the debris of fallen cities and palaces; its broken shafts of dismantled columns, and with its destructions and decay everywhere, shall emerge from its baptism of tire and yet bear upon its bosom a city thai shall have no comparison and can have no companion, for its "builder and maker is (iod." With this city is wrapped up the thought of safety. When Abrahdn looked forward to "a city," it was to some spot where, protected by his God, his desires would be satislied and he would have an enduring resting place. And w ho does not feel that desire? liarth's brilliancy fades the longer we look upon it. liarth's light grows darker the longer it shines, Men become less sensitise as they grow older and less capable of im pression. Change and decay on all around we see. It is, therefore, one of the instinctive yearnings of the human heart for a home a city that hath foundations, into which no thief shall break to steal; where there is no sonow, no parting, no death. A city suggests the idea of society. The future state, whatever else it may be, shall be a social state. It will not be a solitary, sequestered spot, where we will be alone. The everlasting anthem of the blessed w ill not be a solo. It w ill be a grand and mighty chorus, and the man ifested and splendid company there will be ihe company of the sons of dod. I here will be in that city pertect the light of the land will be truth. 1 here will be all colors, all i complexions, all climes among its heart, one Lord, one faith, one dod and Idther of us all; many man- A mother seems to think it's a sions, but all its inmates at peace with one another and in perfect love, horrible retleciion on herself if her Another idea evidently suggested here is that of dignity. We may daughter doesn't get married be say of this city (if we be privileged to enter it): "We are citizens of no fore she is twenty-two. mean city." livery ininaie of it will feel so, and yet not be proud- , ', None wall be conceited, but each w ill feel a sense of his grandeur and a Saved ,l,s tomraae s ,. i , "W hile it'timiiiiK tinin Itie liiaiul Vniiy corresponding gratt tide lor its enioynieiit. , . , , ., , . , I j l.tit-aniiiiiii'iil at W a-luiid'Hi i a,, a I'uiii- 1 lere we shall have combined the dignity of kings, the sacredness of r.i,. r, iin, ii' mn ti.Wn iiin ii,.i- priests, the sovereignty of a kingdom, the solemnity of a temple; and ma mm-im-i ami ;n in a ,a nie.ii l uii.ii- (iod Himself shall he the glory in the niidst uf us. Dignity, then, is 11 " n.v Mr .1. i: llmilai,,!, i i t .... l'i i- i t't'ii; loua "I ii lutii I liamlit'i Iain's msepaiahle Iro.n the idea ot such a ciiy. , ..n, . ru..i. ... amt h,ai ii,H.iy ami Ul its transceiKlciil hcauty ve cannitl speak, hir there arc no words b, iwe sawtt in hie i have wia cn- whieh we can employ The vision hursts upon the soul, cheenii", and u-wi y''m iiniinuratioii mirk sustaining it; hut -oh' what w ill it he in he there'" This eity for uhieh Ahiaham looked wa; eternal. Ve cannot build a house, however beautiful or siroiiK. and say: "Here I will live len( twenty, lil'ty yeatv" We may woul it so in the lease, hut (iod reserves for 1 lis own hand when, where and how to separate the house and the ; houM-'holder. But that "eity" is everlasting W hosoever enters Hoes ; out never mure. If we are traveling toward that eity we shall feel we are but pilgrims and strangers here. We must tight the good fight against all sin imd the world, sitting elose to its dearest things and looking with a holy ' apathy upon its brightest things: for our heart, our treasure, our hopes i lie in the "eity that hath Foundation." This it is to be a pilgrim. God ! sees and knows a pilgrim, whether they live in the noblest hall or beg ! by the wayside. I Nun it-il.tiKlv OiniiU ur otiard had roads running from that capital i ol' her greatest cares was to guard or defend them. Ours is a kindred ! 6 . , . , ,, duty. X e ought (it we be hue) to point out and guard the way, as well 1 as walk in it ourselves. ' i Take care that you are not walking in the wrong road, w hich leads to the city that is to be destroyed. See that you are walking faithfully day by day in that strait and narrow path w hich will end in a "city i which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." AWAY. 1. T O N C O O I. Ii Y CASTOIIIA. unity. I he law will be love, and citizens. But there w ill be only one Rome the annroaeb to th:i( eiiv! to the ends of the world, and one KtMUVE WRINKLES. These Highly Sensitive Cinliis Have Infliii iKc llpuii Teuiiera iniiil Ciiiiliiiui'il I'uiiis Leaves Well IMai keil Sibils. "If women would have tbeii fed massaged instead of their laces there would be fewer winkles," says a well known chiropodist. T or this treatment w mild i enn i- the cause of numerous worried lines that appear in llu; forehead and around the eyes and mouth, though few persons realize it. They do not know that the feet are ihe greatest nerve centers in the body, and that when they become irritated and hurt it shows plainly in the face. Mor are they aware that continued pains make wrinkles, For ibis reason I w ould advise wo men to make certain that their feet are well caied for before they be- gin to have their faces treated to remove linesor the massage will be practically useless, for unless the cause of the wrinkles is lirst done away with the superficial patting and piuchiiif ol the seamed llesh will be of small conseutlenee - ,, in making the ski it look hesh and young again. "I know, too, that many cases ; of stomach trouble are directly I traceable to the irritated nerves in j the feet and thai, as a rule, all sorts j of causes are suggested before this one is considered as even possible. 1 Yet w hen women appreciate the : sensitiveness of the nerve centers in the feet they realize how impor tant it is to have them properly : Wiuslim---. s..tiiina frni," ami taki treated and well cared for to secure I "l1"'1' '-'" comfort as well as good health, i i . i . . i i ny ptnper care oi me teet l uo i not mean that one should have them regularly treated by a trained chiropodist unless there is actual need, but 1 do believe that a sur geon or some one who undcr smnds thoroughly anatomy should make an examination to be sure the instep has not dropped or sagged and then should recommend a kind of shoe that would meet all the ncc- cssary retiuireuienls in shape, and width, and give the proper support to toes, arch and ankle. The rest, the selection of stockings and daily bathing, etc., can be easily attend- ed to by each iddividual, and the natural law ol hygiene, it followed, should be sufficient to keep them in condition. W ith hosiery that nts closely, yet does not bind or cratitp the toes, and shoes that conform to the shape of the foot - women can well defy the marks of time. A CAKi:i l l. SI.RVANT. s your mistress at home?" ii - quired Mrs. P.orcm, standing in the shadow of the doorw ay. "1 don't know, ma'am," replied the servant, "CuiT lell whether she's at home or not till 1 git a good look at ye. If yo have a wart on the side o' yer nose, ma'am, she ain't." - Philadelphia Press. There is hardly anything as un comfortable as to meet a summer gill you were engaged to and not be able to remember her name. ..i:tiM llm hd Ymi ll nw Hvmvs Baugtit llii! find ymi ll in tlivin Boujiil Bu-uum and (Miidticlt'd in any ii.irlies to the south Miit i"i I 'iKvns t'in'v the fetuedy umI ! he.e ustil it MUces-lutly uu many mcas f ituis " !'. r sale by W. M ('..hen, W'eld.m; W. K Heav.nn, l.iiiiel.l; I A Hawks tiarn i buiT ( 11' he wasn't so busy making ev- j erybody nervous, it would make a 1 baby awful nervous to have wo men talk all the queer languages to 1 it they do. A Tragie 1 inisb. A ivaliieiiali'M tieirlei't iierinilti'il a leak ! in the Blent Ninth Se.i ilykc, wliii'li a i'liiliK tinker eoiiltl have tiiiieil to tie- ! t'"""' """ '". ''vk j : ""," ' " " '", Ki'llllelh Melver. 1I V aneelliilo, Minna p,.,,m,.,i tittu, ,t,n K umiutimi : V:"'1,." 'v'T "','1''' "ul-v ','' "VH"''1 llr. Kiii h New Illsi'itvery. He writes: Thneiioi'inrsimu'iiie up i. ,ii.- ui Ihub m. : Tmu iiuaniuiiT.i tnst nm h ami enM mre, t '( '"ll' a"u T""' bul- MYSTtRlOUS DISEASE. It Comes On Suddenly About Tinit', inui Continues I'ur Nearly Two Hours. Then tile Patient l eels Heller ami l.nls a Henri v Minner. A new recently a S.ihluiictt- and f. a di member.. utile:,', has appealed I is know n its Mm bus or Sunday -.icLness, a ,e peculiar to Jiuivli The all, kk i, urn on suddenly every Sunday ; no ymp louisaie leh on s.uiuday inglu, the patient .sleep-, well, and e.tls a beany breakfast, but about church tune the attack mines on and con tunics tuiiil ihe services arc our for the uioriiiie;. I hen the pa ticnt IciT-ea-y and eats a I dinner. In the aheriioon he feels much better and is able in lake a walk, talk about politics and read the Sunday papers; he cats a hear ty supper, and about church time he has another attack and stays ai home. I le retires early, sleeps well and wakes up on Monday morning refreshed and able to go to work, and does not have any 'niptoins ol the disease until ihe billowing Sunday.- Brooklyn l a j,L. Mill lit I. II Sl I t 1 lillll Mils l la i.i's s ,m 1 1 ll l m; Sv ll I r lias liei'ii u-iit I'ur mer nil year- by inillinm u' liintlii'l'i t,.r llleir i liihlli'li uliih' leelliin,;, mill i, iI,, I tunvn, Jtsniillie. Ilieilnhl : solh li tlu ! w miiI i o'it' 1 DianWa. mini', al!a and ! lliJ It uill ii in all im ; i iim-s bfst. ifiu.ily .( ilif io..p liille llll't lel' iilililt'ilia'i,,T l-'o'il liv diult n rw ry t oi' Ilif wui hi . 'Iw cut v-lii' t-iitM a l) t:li'. He suit' ami li ' Mi.-v The way to have your wile save UJ 0f c(. llowance is to owe n to her Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, U not a MTivt or Mteiit meillfine. uiruiit wh it'll t In- nuM intelligent tftijil.- am quite naturally at-le beeniNe ul the llll- certainty as to their liannle.'-f" diameter, but is a medicine ok knhv ihmi'osi nov, a full IM of all it itiurt'iliciits beiint prillteil. i j i jjdlM '.''I'.tiVi. oil eiTV Ix-llle ru i o r. An examination of tin list of ihtfiv.ii.-iils uill ilisduM' Ulf fact liiat it, I noii-ali'uhuli'' in il riiiiiiiuMiii..ii. cb-'in-icaily inire ylvcerine laUiiis,' the dace of the cuniuiuiily uetl ulc.iiol. in it- make up. The " KaYnrite rre-criptinii " tif Mr. Pii'ivc is in fact the only iiH-ilinue put up for the cure of woman's peculiar weak h -e- and ailments, stild tlinnicli ilruu-ri-it-s. that dues no'- contain alcohol iiml Unit fun Ot fil'ti uihltttititx. l-'urllu l lllore it is the only met lit iue tor wotini u'- peci:il diseases, tin ingredient.- of uhicli liavo the unanimous endorsement of all the Iciniitiii medical writers and teachers of nil the several schools of practice, and that tot. a-reinetli.-s tor t he ailments lor which " KavoriLc I'lvsi-nptioti " is nvoiu tnended. A little book 'jf some tif these eililul'sc- meiits will be sent to any address, po--t-patd. and absolutely five it mhi request hame by jjostal i-anl or letter, uf Dr. K. V. I'lerce. Ilullalo. X. Y. tdiu't forget that Or. 1'ietve's Kavorito Piescription. for woman's weaknesses ami delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret medicine, beini; the " Favorite I'res.-rip-ttoir'tif ii rrttulurly educated and jratlu a ted divsician. enirauett hi the practice, of his cilost'li special!) -that of iji-e.t-eii of women - that its inured ienis an' print ed IN limit Kwjlixli on eerv lnttle-W rapper; ttliit 'f only medicine especially de- that contains no ulcohol. ami the only urn- that has a professional entlor-enii ut worth more than all the so-called "testi monials " ever published for other med icines. Send for these emlor-einents as abovo. They are or for the u-l; iutr. If you MilTcr from periotlical. heatlaclie, backache, di..ines. pain or dr;nfuiia down sensation lv thtw n in thcabdoiueii, weak buck, have disagreeable and weak lun, catarrhal, pelvic drain, or an- in distress fnun heinu lonur on ytur feel, then you may be Mire of bem-iit from takinjj lM' Tierce's Favorite 1'l'escl Iptloli, lr. Tierce's I'leasant Telh-tslhe best lax ative and n-KUlatnl -of tlleboW.d-i. T!cy iu ii irate stomach. Ii -r and bow eh. Ouu u laxative; tvvu or three a cathartic. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY mi: FREICHT am CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY ... I, VIM. KM -llll k In it, r Siiulli "rs iiiusiuK'j falaluiiiic I 1W. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Kslalilislieil lHls.) l.r.H to Hill Hunk t., Norfolk Vn ) it --SI'ltlNIl AMiUMMK.K- MILLINERY. FANCY (lOOlhSaml NOVKLTII-X Hn 1 terik th TatteriiB Ii. &. ()RSMTS, MiKsen at otic, t.ailiiiB 7.rc. lo$l. fcsjul'rieeH will he niaile to unit the tituiui, llatn ami BonnntH maile ami Trimined tu order. A I.I. MA It, OlillKUS I'liOMI'TI.Y Ktlil.Kli. MRS r. A. LEWIS , Welduii, N. C. i , km' The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. r"v:iiipp in llus ( I I I iril i n ll l i .- f ti'.'alin'aa . f U". f,' i;:a' 1, idly you I ,e. ln-i.s: i.j l.n 1 a-..; I;' t,.ll Dr. Kllmr 3 .Swainp-Knot. I!-: (Teal li.a.r?. liver and Hi I 1-r e-ni-ly. I' ' -ii-': i , in a i.lty t , li ,1.1 in ir.o ami r.cM 1 ;: I- ):i si fsi :;ii:; ll, anj ov-jicionie'; that ii:,.....i.-.a,a n'.i i'. i' .f lainff compelled tu r , .'.ffn ,li:: '!',' ill., ,! ,v, ,n,l to pf up many Ins,'", daring !lio l,ii:ht. The :;:il,J and iho eilta.irdinary effect if S-J.-amp laot is coon rallied, ll illmda the hi;h.::;l far its won (i"i f d cine-, nf ih", ina.a iliatreaain cases. Swamp 1'lJ.I is plsa:ar.l t take'and sold ly all urueinala in fifly-cent and one-dollar n.-.'-l bollle ;. Ysumay fL' (Z inr, a inaerl al new His- ll-.i.-.-r:;, r vn? and a book that -itt; lal... a,l i(, both !.,,,. (,ra,vaini-iiyt. rr:.t ii : : ly mad. Aikirew Dr. Kilmer & Co. Li-ss'diainl ai, 11, Y. Vhen writing mention loa.'li.s l!n.; cener ,sa ofier in this paper. Don't make any iraalahc, but remember lii-i nan."., f'vanai-Hool, Dr. Kilmer's T...' imp. i:.oat, and tin: address, Bingharnton, ! I . Y ., en every biiltle. ! III Y f. Stale Iloniiil an j COURSES- i.i i i i;m;v oimmkih'I.h. i t.tssti 't, lin.Mt'xrn si ikni'i: .- 1 I.N It 111 ' M Will. TIJ.VININti l'l.ii.iii,lr.l. Mlste fll'ii'i' I'liiifu', leailiim to ih irrt't'H, I p'iial i iiir-is tnr firiiiltiali'.Hitl'otlii'i' euiUei's. Well i.iii'iipeit 'I'rauiuiL' Sell, ul lm I e i In-i -. r.naril, laiunlry, tni- h ami iee, ir t,,,i ti,i,Sl ,.(.. , si ,ll u viae l ,ir tiee Inilnni stnitenls, sl'-."i. l'i leenl h annual ii-sshin lieijins S, lileliiliir '.'II, lilllll In seme linarii ill 111,- ilni'iiiil t ies, all li. i' apphe.iliim.s sh.mlil lie made I eleiv ,ln!v Is. I' r,es. pi, In I e ll e llll Hi ll 1 1 mil I liu-e 1 1, si I ilij inui. pel. nil lea, III is anil slei in:iaplleis. I'm laialnfi ai il nlher inr,,iin:il,in, adilrns Charles I). Melver, President, (,Ki'.i-:si:iiiai. x, r. Correct Dress Tlie"M(idi-rn M t!,.,d" fyMrm of ligh-gr.idf t.'.ierir. inlioducod by L. L:.. H.ayit Si Co., inr Cincinnati, O., satisfies mud ilre.'seri cvrrywlierc. All Garment. Made Striclly to Your Measure at nifulerate pii el-. Ol H) Mvier, of lorein anc! liunitstlc l,.hries tiani vl,i, lit.i irsiose, H. or. .',,l,,,l b A. S. -A-T-iLJllIsr. WELD ON, A'. (. Central Academy. Tile Kail 'l'i on ul Ihis.selieul will be- am mi I uesuay, M'ni. i, ivoo. Knr I'ni lli r iiit'iilnatnili aililriss .1 M . l.'llnlii'S, I.iiilei.m, N. C. r, :i t'.i choici- ROSES ! Carnations, ViuU ls and 4tl.t r flowers, always on hand. Shnwev Wedding l'iiutiiets( Itaudsoiue Klnrat Design. Tut and out door bedding plants, To mato, Cahbufte and other Venelahle Tlatits, Magnolias Order promptly executed. Write, 'plume ot telegraph. II. STKINMirrZ, I I.HlllSl', KAI.KIlill, NOItTll CAKOl.lNA. t 1(1 ly T. CLARK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, WK1.1H1N, N. 0. Praetieeii in Hie eoiiila of Halifax and adjoiniiii' eont,lieH,a,,d in Ihe Nnprrne I'oiirl. oI'LlieHtate. Hneeial attention xivil) li eiillt't.ioiiH and iiroiont rfii.nnta SASH.DOORS.BLINDS. M.IN1KI.H, I'll. US A UIUTKS, HAItnWAKK, l'AIaTS,AC, I'HANK T. f.l.AliK OIMI 'ANY, Ltd. Niii liilk, Va. w A I. T K H K . 1) A N I E L . ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Wki.don, N. C. Prai ticOB iu the courts of Halifax and Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal ennrtn. Collections made iu all parts of North Carolina Branch office at Halifax, N. C,, open every Monday. Thrm 1.; r, si:.' :, f i'ry mr I ! u t w Ml f Mi iii , " " (..!. .,'"1. I .11 11 fi , i tA v 1 ' ' 1" i Crv , 1 11 n 11 ,c - ' v v i n " " jf ou mil ' , i '1 1 ' 1 . '. '' J I ' " I ! i ..'.It all. I k ll.- .... I . iar.s , r lh,; Ii! l ii a i J , i i ... . II I v i1. 111 i i i I i; r at if ! i 111 (111 1 1 1 I 11 I e: '..i , I ,. .1 1 y 1' u Hi mm