4 v:, Ail crtisinjs k'ates Made Known on .Application. VOI, Xld. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. .DON. X. ('.. TIIl'liShAY. .r;rsT J. i!in;. nis of Subset in! ion $1.5(1 I" w No. i:;. li lalil i i t "' 'f '.' .1 I r X . .nt a h mi iu J B AN r i; et.il ili' IVopnr. ilion lor As Mlilil.llll'.mlll'l'lHHl.inillUtllil I II Mi'UUHlis iiwl I lowvis of i'i Hu.l'slli-4i'slimi.CUiful- 1 1. : ,..ull,V-l iVllt.liilS Ik-lllHT upturn .. fm pliiiu nor MuuTiil. ,Sct X Aiic-oTir. .,ruij n mm -a m mil ,' ..I II. .' ',..,. i:l ll.lw.lW i hutl-.td 'nnf:tf I ttolV iMln-l Uemi-ilv I'lirConsliiw !.ii,Smir -similarly I liarrluii-ii Urn ii.-i.I iiiivnlsuiiis.lvvi'nsh ,n ssciiiilLosSOtr Sl.EIXl'. 1 .'i.- Mn.ili: S'Cmilure of " KAV VOHK. jj C.'.CT COPV OF WRAPPER. MCDUFFIE'S TA8TEUMCH.LL CO". j 0 MUTTON l.theonlMO. chllloureconmlnln ch( .!,. marktlt. H ... .. n.ir . .h.aluteiy " - in"'"' " lni .. quinine on chill cure contnlnin.- , the mark.. It I. -tcrB.,our I 0pptitonrt mono ,,.,. It l o'y;b"''dinlB-.,,nt choco- .;:nd children like It. II 113 '"' -wTC .c mi CENTS. pRICt, o Take Mc DUFFIL'S Little Bluo Sluuulah LIverH. Mc Duffle's Uxmedles are sold on u i.tmioiitBO to i do all we claim or -in: nv ' M C.iiiKX. Wil.li.n. N Ayer'sPil "?""r 4 UCUUI1IU1 L'lUW U Ul I 1CU Vldi.H r Ike : Bank : ot : Weldon WKI-DON. N. jilt) it Ul .UUifsT .' I'll. I Ml! St.ite ul Nin th (';iroliii.i iVpuMinry. I l.ilil.is ('ninny IVpoMiui y. Tow n ul W'cldiiii ltepiiMitiry. Capital and Surplus $36,000. IrinB I I vi..ii. Ili.s iii-lilnlinii li 'H ir.iinliil li.nliii v. I 'ii iiilii li.i lliii -r. 1 1, in lis -I. .;.h..lil..H mill iliiii-ii h in. ' ii nl.-i.i Hi. ! nli I In-l.iiiiui-v. iii1i.i-I ul II ilil ii iii'l N"Hl .l"ii ii.iiiili. I.H hi ii. l li- n M.IIIIV IA llllllf.l II ll(lII..l..l 1 .11 III Uf ll III.' I I ll.ll I Ml lll i-.iiIimi. AiniMHt-Hil :ill lire s.h.ilr.l riiK-niKnr W. I HMII, I. I KIlhkM lit II W IIUK (.Ij,Imi Nall.Jt.il.il I'u N. I ) OE :iFnimp.r r m- Si. St. htViiY. m ;i -jifunr. i t' cz .i rj- "ti, t.Miair.v m . i icstaiiuhu'i:!) im;i:.. S PIDOIALTIKS: RCINI.A DARE POCAHONTAS AI,H,--,,,1,..III,.M1'I l11"' OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERBY i 1 wHIAWATHA 1 ill.tllTt iiitMKh.-) W PAUL C a RRETT SPECIAL 5U (1iillkllll! I Ilil tl (.IV'.I ' J Vi ' A ml nil ntluT viiii, li i.nl' I'tiit- mi l WTiiiIhuiiiii- Wiumfiir liniiii tiiinl hold )V Mulllghixt (Vb l'ri....a I'tliil in Si-iis.hi lul ail kilnls nl sllilltl lolils. iiiiifs .-lis aj- w,..,, iimnil., M Uiuin, Mn Il.iiii.-oili.-.i, Miia ol.K, VA. f. immwmmmMmmw)tm Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. tin ctona 111 For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Hav Always Bought Bears the in Use For Over Thirty Years CAST! TMt CfNTAUR COMFaNV. NIW ' i kk. cuts rluht ot the. .,.. di.oa.osnnU d. ih.? " ' LunR eorption iVculm ro.l hfk by Bb' Pn.umon Proven,, PRICE o ""1-IHIS. Liver Pills for Constipation , your monuy bdcK. ('. W. i: I'm Ki.li.l l, N (' Act directly on the liver. C Tlicy cure constipation, liiliotisnt'ss, sick-headache. S..U r..r iii vi-.irs. f. .t;1':'.' BUCKINGHAM'S OYE iiMin) ... .ir,.M. . . i lllli Dili w A mmnm '.i'i 111 r j 51 U MINNEHAHA (IHySiUHHUii.tir) $ i un h MM I Signature An DNM CIT. i.'i HATER FUR HEALTH. When niul How Tiiken ti Olitain Item-filial Nestilts. Iliiee I'arts ConsiiiiH-il in 2-1 Honrs. Cases of kiilm-y Troulile Altriliuteil to I aik of Ohst'i'viiiK I his L'nii liun. I l.iv. ,iikI hen and lin e we iliink ttnlti" : . em.. In nii'-l ul ns Mich an niiinip.iriant p. ill ol mil' daily esisienci- lli.it v really c.ive llic inaller Very lillle llliiUj'hl. ll seems so mil. h like Miim iliin lul nulling; dial We iu ;di el tt li.il is really mil a puvenianve ul, Inn a panacea lm', niaiiv ills. A In ;'. i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ul kidiu-y truill-le lies ill lilt: I'.iel that people, espei ially w Him n, tin mil tli ink t iiiiiifh water. The lew general hinis I am civinc are w ell wonky of con sideration. Try lo drink as little water as p.issihle willi meal:;, hut take a glassful ahoin Itali an hour before faiini;. 'I his rule alone, persisted in day alter day and month alter month, will improve the j;eneial health and the complexion like wise. NValcr taken with meals should i he sipped as well as taken sparing ly. Ice w ater should be taken as sel doiil as possible, never would be a hjtier rule. And jhe habit of pulling chipped ice in the drinking water is to be avoided, as one never k'tow s w haltnay be lakcti in the siniiaeh through this medium The heller way is to till bottles with water and allow litem lo stand be side ice to chill. Tests w hich have been made s'luw that one gill of ice water, which means an average liunhler fiil, pouted hastily down the throat reduces the tempi i . mire of the s.ouiach so thai it takes it more l tan half an hour to regain thi ll. -at it lias lost. Cold water, sipped slowly, Will quench the thirst and lit it cause such a result. NVhcii in doubt about the purity of the th inking water, the billow ing simple lesi can he made: I'oir a pint into a perfectly clean botile, cork it securely and allow it lo stand live or six hours. Instantly on withdrawing the cork smell the c intents. If ii has an unpleasant o lor, beware. The most intp.it lain things to re niebcr abiittl drinking water are: I'trsi, he sine thai u is pure; sec ond, drink generously before meals, hut sparingly with them; lliiid, avoid chilling lite stomach willi ice laken hurriedly and in large iptaiiliiics. As to hoi waier, there is no end lo the gootl thai tnav be aciptired through this simple remedy. Cold blooded people, who have little ihit'sl, will do well to make a bnsi ness of drinking a certain amount of hot water every day through. nil the w inter season, ll lessens ihe tendency to lake cold and im proves the circulation. I .dure going lo bed is a good nine lor ibis as ii warms up and relaxes the system, thus preparing the way lor a guild night's sleep. Vi.tiiy causes of indigestion, headache, neuralgia, cold hinds atiil Ii el t an be ipiii kl cm id by ill 'inking .low Iv one or lit o pints of w ater so hot 1 1 i.i I it almost burns lite tliioat. $5,000 Reward ,. ill be paid lo any person who - i,t I'uiil nut' alum ul' opium, , liliii.d, lutnphiiii', etieaiiii-. i .her or chloroform ur their !, i ii alives in any of Dr. Milt s' Kt im dies I Ins l eu ai d is olTi i i-.l be cause et-i laiu llilsei upulotis it-1 3 ,i make f,t! e si.il. mi nis ahull! these remedies, ll is under-loud that this leuanl applies only lo goods pmeb ased in 1 In- upeil market, tthirb have nut been i.unpei id with. I r. M iles' remedies cm e by their strengthen, ng and invig orating' eli'ect upon the nervous syslein, ami not by wtakening tiie nerves. "1 r.inslili r Hint tlltTi' nr.- no li,Oi-r r- Il.'.i lllt up lliiiit Oi. Mili-H- N. ti In... AnO ruin l-iin. tin.l N'. iv.. niul l.lv.-r l-ilN. l h.vi- ii-iil tli.ni rm- ye:ii. ituvl ri.,'.iiiiiii-iiil tti.-in tu iimnv utlu-r My mi.- In u-'u tin-N'.-riln,', iitt.l iii-lil, im It tin' l'-t ni.-illi'lno In On- wurlil. A luilv Miii.l .if niliu-, w li.i mis ulmiHt it ti'l tl In-l i -on i'..i'k, IhrmiKli my I'lti'tii'sl i-oliel-t'lOiui linn tis.-.l -..yenil t.i.lll.H ..f Uin Ni-rvlliii ivltti Willi. l.-llul if-iiltn," W'M. e'lloMi:, tiall ljiki- t'lty, t'luh. Dr. Mllet' Antl-Pln Pills ir told by yqur druogltt, who will yunrjntee that the first package will benefit. If It fdllt, he will return your money, fa Uosei, 2& cent. Never toU In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind LONG-LOST When the day grows old, and its cares and irrosses Are lost with the phantoms of yesterday, When we turn h orn the medley of gains and losses, And seek for theiuiel homeward way, Then, borne on thelleete.l ol fancy's wings, Comes a rapturous visum ol long lost things. I hear the warbler's trill in the hedges, Ihe iptail's "hob white" tn mi ihe clover hill, I know lite piiuuo.ses nod from the ledges l o ihe liukhiig chime of the meadow lill; I know it all, yet I vainly long lor thai sweet voiced silence ami way ward otii'. I i an see ihe sunlight, sifting, shilling, I hioiigli the tangled boughs hv the l iver bank, I he elm and willow, tenderly Idling I he woodbine pi tab., with shower dews dank; The ftagrancc and sacciniv, come, chat and Iree, Yet I want to listen and loui.li and see. I know how the wheat lields wave and ripple - A verdant sea to the ebb ami How Of the summer hrcce; how the mayweeds stipple I he rich green carpel spread below. 1 can see the wave and ihe while gold gleam. I '.in my heart cries for more than tins w aking dream. 1 know how the mystic shades are steeping The vales and hills in a sirange, sw eet peace, How the spirit of slumber her watch is keeping, I low the sundown glow will grow dim ami cease, O'er my canvas the perfect picture steal, I hnnarred by ihe rough, rude touch of the real. Olive A. Smith, in Christian Register. MOTHER'S I've been thinking of the day ihat has long since passed away, When my mother, through sickness, drooped and died; And the still and silent room when they laid her in llic lonth; I remember then how bitterly I cried. I, but a buy, was then, my age was scarcely ten, And with sorrow I had grown ihin and pale; When the home had lo be sold, I cried with grief untold: 'Oh, save my lumber's picture Irohi the sale." UltiKliS. My mother's face, thai dear old face I ler loss I ever shall bewail; llon'l break an orphan's heart, With lhal don't make me pari: Oh, save my mother's picture Iroui the sale! The unction day came 'round, wild inirih the room did sound; The things I loved so well soon passed away; The chair in w hich she sat, and in which she liked to chat, They all went into stranger's hands that day. The table where I played, the cot in which I lay, All passed away like chart 'before ihe gale; I '.in w hen llic end came near, I cried with piteous fear, "Oh, save my mother's picture horn the sale." The picture round was passed, and iuestions they were asked; A price was bid for it just here and there; And tears streamed down my face, I could scarce keep in place, When I saw the picture pass without a care. I '.ut the angel of a girl, with a mass of golden curls, Who was struck to see my lace so sad and pale, Outbid them all, you sec, and presented il lo mc, And saved my mother's piciurc limn tin- sale. Warning ll vi'il liioi' Iviiltii-v :i!i.i lihutit.-i It a in il it I H i' I-iiV. 's Kiilm t -in-, wil li.i,' i.nly ,"i r--. ll I" Illume U Mill ., ,i- il it-iI iv . 1 . rlir -t nil I I.i.Iim V niul lil.nlil.-r 1 . il-i- I .ii -.lie l.l P. I'I ill-. W. I.I li. N I' Men think they can fool some women all of the time and all wo men some of the lime, bin as a inatter of facl they can't fool any ul the women any ihe time. ' Olillll I. I V.llivi" I'lllll St OI. i , M.lil III) iln a ,I,-IV. lill llilllti'i. I.ir UMi-lliU ti.m, si. U lu ml iclii-. slum u l' O.'ttl'li'. in any lm ui .'I iinlii;i'-l t'li I' '' '.ttK 0"' 111111,111:11 On, r-i l. luii-l H'tti u .imy. W li.il 111 lr i .HI .III. nil" ilil I 1,1 -i , li.i I. ( -l.uk. W .l'l hi, N. '. ll is almost sell evident lhal tin man who boasts of loving his neighbor as himself may have a grudge againsl himself. May I ever ami Summer Colds. ,i lm,- ..I lul In. r iv ill i ii. i .-un' ui. ill lu iiitit l,y l.il.lln; Ful, '- Hum-,! ami T ir, a-it .-tii,-ililli. nit I'H'.it I'liiiS iiiiini' ih.ih'ly ami Inals itit- ii.lt.iiiu-,t an i.i--:i-t-' lul i v. ii il it -l.iiiil.l I. til In i'iiii' nut H will jii, c iii-la'it i. ti.l." I lie 'S'tiii li' i in ii 1 1- I. ,iv i.u -li .i;t- I i.r Kit.- In V. t hn k. "V,.,l,,ii. N. I . An Ohio farmer, having heard ol a man w ho successfully raised iwo dollar bills wrote lo his Congress titan for some of ihe seed. Ten Years lu lied 1 I ..I I. 11 1. Mis I Wil, i-iililiilril In I lil-il llllil illsiils-l.l III V ki.llli v ,. ' wil li a i. mi, .1 i' . ..iuiivi.Hi. ti a W.IH -II S ll-lt-lllll I llllllll ll.ll III. Ill' It .0 III III. IHI .' I III.ISllllllI III,' ll 1 I... I . I I," II,. .11. ll -kill .iv. III., I.'. . lull , Irlli I until 1'iit.V- Ktiliu v I tin- nil, lit iillinii'iiili it lii llic. II li t- I.n n ii t,.i -, ml In lu,- ' I ul sal. l.y I :. (Till-. W, 1,'i.u, i- A Miiiucappuhs iiisiuaiice man has been sent to jail for three yeai s. I lis policy was not good. I-'I IK (IVI'.II MX I V VKtllN Mils W I vhlhiv'h Sti.i'1 II I Nt. Sviil I- Itit lii'i-ti it-t-il I'm- nit-r r.n vrnt-i In util I ihiih i, iiiuUi.th I'.ir llu-ir I'liililit-ti nlulr li-i-t h i lit: . lllttl l,-.'l'l HhTI'SH. II HiMlllll'l tll..rl.l kiiI'i.'ii iln- K'utt, iilliiytt itll tin; I'ttti' Hillll I'll'tl-, Hhll h lit.- h.'-i ii'iiiulv lur I.u rlini-a. ll Hill n-lit've llir .iH,r little-Hiill'.-li-l' iitimt'ilia't-ly Sulil lit ilntitiitsls ilti'Vi rtf ittt ut' lite wurlil. Turn! -y-liif t-i-nlM u li 'Ole. lit-sunt Hint link lul ' Mist Winslovi's i-'nntliinn hi r"ii," an.l taki- i,u otli. r k iii l. When a woman marries a man's ' I (roubles begins. THINGS. PICTURE. A 1)11 I Ck'LNCi:. (live a man a ten cent cigar and he will beam all over and love you for six hours, says an observant editor, bin oiler him the ten cents wild which lo buy il lor himself und he w ill throw it in your l.tec. ( live a man a pass to a show and ...mi . h .. .. . . i- t, . he languages at his disposal; oiler him the money lo buy him a licket and he will call you a fool. Ask a man to your home to lake "pollock" and he will jump at the chance, give him $2 and tell linn to get a good meal al a cafe w ith your compliments and he will knock you down. The dollar is iniglny hut it is not warm. Nothing chills hospitality and good fellowship more than the touch of cold niel.il. You may spend money on a friend, but you must not ask him lo touch it. Sil vcr is not a good eondiicior and you can't transmit half as much cordiality to a friend ihrough the medium ol' a silver dollar as you can by ilie means of a had cigar. Money substitutes for good looks and good sense with great success, bin can t lake ihe place ol good fellowship worth a toothpick. Webster's Weekly. A I'l.RSONAI. TllOl tiin We arc ( iod's children, and lo us our bather divides I lis gracious and glorious gilts. To all of us I le gives ibis earth, w ith its daily mini cle ot beamy and power; lo all of ii- the sunrise and sunset, the llower and ihe dew of heaven, the in, Hint. nils and rivers, the sky and fields. And lo many ol you spe cial and precious gifts the gulden hums ul' vnuih. ihe inestimable gem of lime; to many of you rank - ;lu,w' direst, you had been giv and wealth, strength of arm ad- '" lP hy all the doctors." vantage of position, power of mind. N() . ,M,wkWN,i TROUHI.I-. I hese are Cod's talents, the in- herilance he divides among us ai i , "Oh, dear!" she exelainu-d, ner our birth. He gives to us tor , V01s,Vi ..,., SUIV 1L,,.L,-S ., wluii purpose? To bury or hide Oorsto-Hn coming up." or squander ihein in self-seeking, ; "Ti,.lt-S Kll0j( ,c replied, phil in self-indulgence, for self-glory? I osoplialyi c necJl,'t Wt,rry so Nay. not so! They are his, not t jong ,ls jt doesn't come down," ours; given, not earned. Nay, .ill,,. i- lent mil imVn - li ill lis lot his service, lo he used for his gloi y with industry, w ild love. HUH TO 111 IffiLM. Always lie on the Watch fur Slights unit Insults, ami lie tilooniv. Silent anil Moiuly sever hesitate to talk about yourself and alfair-. Tin: in Iciest everbodv. l)o not fail to thiuw eold w ater on other people's plans and to dis courage ihcir ambition. Nobody is sensitive about this. lie sure to dwell upon the de lects and failing-, of others, and call everybody's attention to them. I verjboily likes gossip. Never try to stop gossip, no mailer if il does drive an innocent person insane or to suicide. Then is no reason w by oit should be deprived of a little innocent pastime just because of oihefs' sensitive ness. I'ass the gossip along. Always he on the watch lor hghis and insults. Remember iiiosi people arc your social supe riors and are It ing to cut you. There is nothing w Inch will en dear one lo others like selfishness. bvcryhody admires it. friends with bright ambitious young Always take the hesi seal where- people many of w hom will occupy ever you go, and after you are high positions later un well scaled orter your seat lo old lines ii pay to become familiar ers without the slightest inletllioii w illi all the lessons that history of getting up. and science can leach us as to how Just look out for your ow n com- lo make life healthy and success- I flirts. I. el other people do the ful? ' same. Docs it pay to become an enlight Never do anything thai you do no! feel like doing. v.. n.-.. i. "v,u ii J I-' ii'ivi. ) oil I 1 1 li ,o vis. Let them lake care of themselves, Nobudy will mind if you gel into a rage, or nag or scold, or if you have the "blues. " It is pleasant 1 lo have gloomy, silent, moody pen- ple wild long faces around llic dousc; il is so unlihim' in everv- , , uouy. oui mini mc lougn maioie nu ll is much plcas.iillcr lo lei other statue that sleep-; in the block, people entertain you than for and w hich shall tell the story of you to entertain them. They heroism and greatness to unburn are not much interested in generations'-' their own alf'airs. They sec so Does it pay to have one's men niuch themselves they gel lired of taliiy stirred by the passion ol ex Iheir own company. They would pansion, to feel the tonic of grow ill, much rather lalk about your affairs he indescribable s.nisf.iciioii w hich and what you are doing. conies from the consciousness of . ' -Icssyin, 'cc, hkc jj ,. vc ii. Just get in a corner and read, tt i,i, ,IC nl0M ujij,h,hul asso or lie down and lake a nap. I. el ciations with cultured people at an s .me one else entertain the guests, age w hen ambiti-m.- and high ideals Do not holder about trying m be have been duhv d or sham-re d by .. ... ii . .i , i ,' . '. ,i disappoint, llcii!. oi 'the unli sinded 'agiecanie ai uic pi eat. as ai'ie. i ... u , , , ,its hide yom'scll behind your paper, hud fault w ith the food and SII;P ; tlie servants, 1 0 lc Popular with the servants, vein your spleen upon ihcin at every opportunity. I'iikI fiuli with everything they do for you at home or anywhere else. 'I hey .lie ser vants and used in it. They have no business to be thin skinned. Iil"l IN Till: MAM) ( )n a cabbage patch owned by a negro in a Southern community oil W.IS found. Spcellk -s ollel Cll 1 the negro $20, tit II I. which was ac cepted without waning, to consider another proposiiion, said lo be woi'ih $-U),0tlil. "What ir. this about your cab bage patch'-" inquired a neighbor of tiie- neg.ru. "I understand ou have sold it for $.';t!,000 r" "Va:., that's true, bo-.,," rcplud the negro. "Von see, men come picking, round my place, an' diy J' iliir's oil llmh. iKy say, 'We gib yo' 1il.0i!t) ' I say 'All right.' " "1 am told if you had wailed a lay or two you might have soltl n -,,r p) 000 "Vas, dat mebhc so, bin a bird ill ilk' lldll's til' lllihlcs' Work of cod! Sill; WAS I t(Ki;ilAM)i:i). A w ealthy Parisian, tired of sup porting Ins nephew, determined lo gel him married oft" and settled, lie called upon a matrimonial bit -lean and looked nu'l his allium of candidates lor husbands. To his horror he found the piciurc of his own pretty wife. I le reproached her and demanded an explanation. "I do nul deny il," she said, "bin it w as last year, when, as you - . OASTOHIA, I Tww-., lh J) I'll M!" lMI Haw 1 tie Kniil Von Haw Hways Bunjlit MmiWUIIIIN PAY? Sun ess MaKaim- Sinus ll I p As I'oIIom s; Dues it pay to make life a p,!..i y instead of a grind r I lots it pay M open a little wider the door of a narrow life V 1 1. .e il pay to add power to the li u . of the niiv.ro-.cope ur llic t-KsCoKc I )oes it pat to k now how lo I ike tiic di div.iry dm Igvry nut f life'- I !ow il pal to la .(" tin- exhilh'.l li.nl ol feeling one'-, pn-.'.'i r tuiluiii.- ll.ies it pay to (iii-.li ..He's hori zon fundi r out in , del to I'.ei a w ider outlook oi a v le.ii'i r i- mu- hoi -, il p. iv to leai u how i.i in r dial one':, m. m il t . ii i '.' i l i i cti'v ' K - I lot", il pay lo :iv ipiii'e a ell.u .ic ier of wealth, a ...ul property, w in, h no th vaster or mi loroiiie can i - .-!. or ruin'' 1 J.ies ll pa to have e -.p- 1 1 a 1 vice and irauiim1. li li.ivi- idi.. s hehl up to oik in ilie iiio-,1 crui.al years of life? Does il pay to make lib- long ened cilicn, able to see through the political sophistries of political ..i i ....... n,, .,!, v. 1. 1 1 'll .l ' .11 1 vi v i 'iv. 1 1 1 1 v i . i , . e 1 1 1 1 . v . i public matiers- Does il pay to expcticncc the joy of self discov ery, to open up whole comments ol possibilities in one's nature, w hich might olher- wise remain undiscovered r Docs it pay the sculptor to call iii.ii . . i '.u'1' 1,1 llu,,U! pledges - wiiii im d 1'V Mi Habit-forming Medicines. Whatever may In- tin' fart a- In (il ilie -n-i-alli',1 hat. -ul ini'ilii-ini , many ,-, ,ii iii. 1 1 y taiuiiiL-' iniiiri..u- liiL-r.-ilii'liI- a- lil 'liiili-lii-,l in -.in.' ,i .iiluiii- el ni'il-i' ..r 1.-- itilliii-n.'... tin- i;il'li.'it tea- i-.-rtnin'y Im'i'U ul i.'1'i iit Ii lu iii in iirjti-in-.' iii',-,l,-il all, -ut i.i lie- -iiej'vt. ll ha-, in a v'His-ith-ral,!,' Iii.-'l-ul'.'. re -nit, it in tin-lii..-t nil. iliL'i-ut i. ..,1,. avi'iilii-K -ii. li I,m!- an, I iii,-ilii'in, s a- may In- fairly -n-- p.'i-li'it ,tf , laiiniii: tlie iujnri.,11- ine-i-,.- iti.-uls I'uiiijilal I ,.f. l,-eiii;iiiiiiK Un fa, ! sunn' lain,' in-rn, I'r. I'i, ree.nf llinfain. N. Y.. "tnni, liin.' hy Ihe l,.i-.-ln--l.." a- il iv-er.', niul ,iihli-li,., l.-,.iiil.n-l. all tin-iliKl'i'ili.'lit- ,,f vvliieli hi- i,.iiilar moll-eiii..- an' .-,iiu si-,l T'lni- In- li.i- ,'nin-i!,-t'-ly l,,r,'-l:ill,-,i all l,:ir.,hu' ,-nti,--ami till nlilin-itlnll Unit lllik'llt .itln-rvv i-i he ittc-i ntfam-l hi-t , am-. I,. , an-,-lin y ur.. ti.ni' ill.' uviiu V I I IM I'l s(l 111 IS 1 III- llH'niiorc. from tin- formula printed on t'V.-rv lint tic v r:tpi-r. it w ill In- .'t-n thai thee ineiili-lll'i infitaill till !ltfllol of oth. t li.iliit-fiinuiiiL' ilniL'-. N mIi-t i lliey I'oiitain any narfotii-s ur injiiritms iiL-'iTiN. tln'ir iu-tfi't'ilh'iiis lit'inir purely Vegetable, i'tra. 'it'll fl'olil the routs of liii .li.'iiial plants ft.iiint jri'iiu mil' in tin1 iji-lil lis nf i.iir AtmrifaU b-revt ;unl of well n 'trio .el t-iir.itiM' irtm-. Itlsti ;ttl t.f uloiili.il. liifli eV. n in MliaH Imrtiitiis litim eniit uoietl, a" in I'li-tniate l-.t-.! tif tllM-a-en, bef.illirs t.Pj.v tionatile from it teinlem-y to ptiHin.-c a iraiii!f ful' -tinmlaiii-. Mr. I'l.-l.'e ein p!o' i-lieuiu-aliv pili'e. triple - felilicl yUi-iTine, whu'li'of itM-lf t a valuable remedy in many t.f t-htoiiii' diseases Lei ml' a smieriur deinuli'i'nt. iiiitivptu-, untifermoiit nnd suppi.rtinL' nutritive. 11 i'IIMHIire tlie i iiitiini- in mui n t.i.lii.n Seal root. Mone rout. HiaiU riiorrvtiiirk ami liloinlroMt, contained In "te.l.b'ii Mfdii-al Hiro r." in ;ill Imin cliiiil. lliroat ami liinj.' atreetions attended W itll veVTe follKlls. A- ill I'' w ell flolU Ihe writniu-i of tin eininiit lrs. (i rover l oe. of New York; liari liolow. of .l.-ller Hon Medit-al College. I h H u . ; Seudder. of ( iiifiiiiiati ; Kllintfvv , of t'lm au"! ; M:ile. of t'lii.'aL'o. and ullietv. who M;tnd leaders in their several Is of pi a t'l It't'. 1 lie I On 'Ull I I IK illfeill .lie cm vn'it lust inirredients that Mr. I'lirni run Id have cIiom-u to inaki' up Ins fa mous " Discover) ' for the eure of nL onlv hroii.hi.il. throat and mini atTe.--tuntM, but also of fliroine i-atarrli in ail lis various forms wtn-rever lovak-d. 1 1 u n i mini i r.i ii i Mil Ilil .i 'in, t 'IJINt: AMI SI MMKU MILLINERY. I-NCV (i(MHS nnd NOVKI.TIKS. Hntteriek's Tatterim. li. k il. COItSKTS,! Mixxtti n( ;IK'., l.iulieH 7,rM to $1. WiL.rrTs will lie made to suit the tuni't1, MtitH nnd Itouiuts miide and Trinuutil to tirdt-r. ALI, MAIL OKhKliS PliOM I'TLY KI I.LK1. Mf?S. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Id IM DO YOU CET VP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Ituw-k M.-K.s Yeti Ml v r.-il-le. ..n ii mil 1 I.-r. 1, ..;''r-, i , f .. . l..r.e- J-1 r r,r. ,( .Viir .ii t . tj.e frru- r'y cunnj k ii lr,u- "C L". r..i::. t'l Swamp-Root U r. ! rcc- (,!:.:..-:.: i ,r . : rr.u.:.,-1 if y h-vc kui I li i.v'.j... il.' ...l.r it v.i! ifi f.iiinJ i...1 ti.t: t n.rj )' '.!.' h:..-, b'-.n t-- c i in n..Liiy v.'a;. 1.1 i. . : k, i;i nvai:: u-v, iv.' :; li. ' h- i: I ,j .;.or tu pur cha:! rcli-.'f a : i 1 h...; ruv i ) r;.' ;r:;;.-.:(ui m cvry c;i.;r ;-.: a z:.-u a'T.T;i,".'in' lit hau Ll-.i'h r;ia:i'. Ly vii1 'h .' i; i-::ci"r:; t f tli,;: pupcr wioh.tvr; ii-jt ihf:.y U::.l it, t:.y have a .-.ar ;!.'(.. li j 1 1 1 - - : :.t (r t: ly rr:;ul, ai::o a b joh tcllirit; ii.. rc xjcva i:-j.,rr.r PoM ar.J how tu f,:, 1 t n'y. ul.-.vt i... or LLiiiii-rtioubU:. Vii-;i vrii.ri,; i:.. ;.'. .:i r-aaii,g l!.;; fiicrous r in thiu r ' r 1 f V ... I - .. t v.,' l.-i . ! '.nmt-r ':. C:,., t.'di loUi.-c.ii, li. Y. 7 I . 'iiuir fifty cttit ai J llomoof limmni-liimt. (i-.liai- : 1.:- .-, ;ifi: ui-i by kll yood drupliitS. j..ii t c.riKi; ai.y ii.ifitrtke. but it-member ti," ii..ruc. Swn.p Rout. Dr. Kilmer's i!:;f' iuul. ai.d tiic uuicss, Binghaiiiton, J. Y., un cvt.ty Lni.,. r Stale Noniiiil and Indestiial Collep. COURSES i n i i.'l;v cl.h u -'IIS I II H t iiimi;i:i i i. niiMii ti si li st t; X t It. ti; MXIXi, I'I Ii 0 li I . Ml -H r I T. I.r... i .ii- .-. l,.i,iiiiL' In ileyr.-iv. S, i ll i III-1 s I,. I i; ailllll'i.-i ul litlll-l-I i-.r I, e.e Will i an tfiiil 'liainiii ,-h, ul I'm T,- i-Iii-i-. I'.-'iii.l. 'a-lliili'v, Ini- I'. iiii.i, 'a-lluliy, tni- nun ai, a -i; a . I.H II r I I It'll I links, I'll'., I t lli-i' hill ml slilili'tlls, tlllll 11 Ci I' II :i I .'1-i.ill tii-jlH II, ll'l'li I ,l llic ll,. ;,1 in . Illl llllll on- .l.,i i i; , lit-. it imiH l ' r.r-i. -l:..iili! I,.- iiiiuli- t I i.n. !. n, I- Hi v Hi it I in in I In, -I- ill i l i i IJ-J ruin . 1 1' 1 . 1 : 1 Ii .1 III- .Hnl .,1 l,)ll I-. I i,- , il.i),'i; ill ,1 ,itl,, l i I , I ill .11, :i '.ili'i.- Cliarlt-s I). Atelier, I'resiilenl, i.i;i:i;x:-i:iii;ii, x. c. f ' I I. ? s i-y-v3.-f.-T-ij ' Bcteh.-i-.;') Correct Dress The "M. .d" si .-trm of iinduced by .'intiimati, O., vvcrvviliero. liirb vi.ide I ri, I.. E. 1I.-.VJ lil l .).. satisfies (-nnd l!ir; All Carnios.tt to Yni:r MrajsUff nt motjtriti' pn.ts. rM :iv!-;of f.trcipn mid dmiii' lit, f ibiirs iMiin vvlii- li tu . l"irse. a. s. .".l,Xjh:isi-. H7.7.IC.V, ,V I. Central Academy. 'I h I .n: T, tin i iln- -, !, nt vi ill li. j mn mi luesilav, M-pi. l"oo. pur i'u ri 1 1 i ul .i mi' l mil a sin -s .1 11. klll'IO'. I. ml, tun, N. C. cnoicn ROSES ! t'.lll .ititu s, Viiilt :.i.d nil). I tlowiT-, alttiiv-i.M hud. Miou.i W.dditt; J ''iii( net-, llatiil'Mini' I liiiol leeiun-. I'ol Ol I ollt lleoi b '.ItlO'e itl,,!,!,. Til- in. iln, r.,L1,:i,:,' ;1m. oilier ictahU I'laiit, M.iejiuli.is (lob is poniipltv mi' iilfil Wiile phnin' or ;eleraih. II. S'miNMI-TZ, I I nlil-l, I; t I Kltill, NtlUTTl f'AliOI.INA. I 111 ll- 1". G 1-aJVlIC, ATTORNEY AT LAW, wr.i.noN', n. c. t'rii.'lit't's in llic i-otirtsul' llaliiiix null ailjtniiina i-imiil u-h. tui.t In tin. Supruie i-iitirl ul Ilie Suite S'i'iiil uUi-iiliiiii nivni tn 1'oU.Ttmni. und nrniu,l. mliirnH SASH. DOORS.BLINDS. MAXTICt.S, 'lll.KS ,vj (IKATKM, 11. V It II W A It I-:, l' AITS,(! HUNK 1. 1.1 l'k IIIV.I'WY, l.ij. ni lidl,, a. W A I. T Kit K. HANI K I, ATKjllSEY-A'r-lA If, Whi.don, N. C. J ay lr:n ti.-i'M in Ilie loiltt.i of Halifax nnd Niirtliiitnptnn anil in I he Ktiirenie niut Fi'tli'iiil fiiurlH. t'ntlft'licitm iiiailo in all )iarlH of fioitli Cniiililia llinin-li n&H-e Ht Halil'nx, N. C, opeueier-y Munday.

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