M AelvcTtiMiiy; Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Ictus of Subscription -$1.50 l'cr Amum NO. 1 I. VOL. XII VK1J. N. C. TlH'lisDAY, Al'lil'ST i. 1.MM!. I It 1 Dl I 'C5 I I ' Wl I aa W I V rJ. i.tftirtf!"ata' l ln' Kind Yim llaw Always lSoiiglit, Hint .vliiili lias hecii in iimi lor inrr :i ji'ars, lias loriii tlit signal nir uf - anil lias heon limili' under liis per- '"" sniial unpen ision sinci- its Inlaiu y. Vtlitw mi urn f n ilei'i'ii i mi i ii I All t 'imiii i leils, Iniilaliiins linn ' .1 iist.ns-e:ninl " art' lull i:mi inn lit-; Dial. liillo Willi anil i'nil:iliL.i r I In lirallli ul' 1 ii I . in I s ami ( liililrcii-r.NM'rii'ii'0 uyain-l i:n riiui'iit. What is CASTORIA t'nslniiu Is a liarinli'ss fiilistllnlc lor Castor Oil, I'ure Iliups ami Nonlliinir Sriiis. It is I'lensant. It mil mis ni i'l iT )iiiiin, Moi'liiiii. nor t!icr N a rent in Milislaiiri'. Its aire is sis unarantiT. It (h'sd iiys Worm anil nlla.vH I cveiishni'ss. It citivs Dial ilnra anil Wind folic. It ri'licM'S 'I'l'i'lliintc Trotilili's, ciii'cb ('nlistiiatiiill anil I ' hit uli'iu'V. It iissiimlalrs tin I'miil, i-ceiulatos (ho St aril ami linwcls, iriviii", ln-allliy unil natural sleep. 'l ln- Children's I'mmcr-it The Mother's I'rieiiil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CrMTtO OOMHNT, ft MUNKAV TUtJT. NCW V McDUFFIE'S TA8TELE3S CHILL CURE. rhll.cUr.con"-.l"lnto the m'K- ' . increBsoyour nnd malaria. I ' ,od blocul. SUET LUNO PLASTER f',.l .1..!.. -. .. Burn p .. .... . Cn.i.,h n.' wnooulnu H It l.body-bulldinS ""' n hoco. Pn-umonla ,n"J f Prvent '",e PRICE, 00 CENTS. , PRICE, y5 CENTS. ; L TaUe MoDUFFIE'S Little Bluo Liver Pills for Constipation i...rl B SlUKglah Liver. Mc Durtlu's Bumuiliioi O'o srlcl on 0 Guarantee toy do all wo rlftlm or your money buck. j I'.. t So r. uv W M Ciimi:. Wi l,l..ii. N r. V. i: lii-mv la. ii. i.i. n c AyersPilis 1 he Uusc is one, just one pill ut bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. f..'. 'fiiV?. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE aDUUiuui DrownorncaDiaur uic ... fn ,i,la I J utt 11 t lUU-t UJ., (lAiULi, H. Ii OE Ho : Bank : of : Weldon ! iM inivp 'I U 111 WKI.D )N, N. C in., i ,,, r tt.n dt i ,;V I' Jlil'll. I-H! Stale uf North ('aroliiu Dcpnsiiury. Halifax Coiimy lVpoit"i . Tow n of WcMoii iKposiloi y. Capital ami Surplus, $36,000. 17 iik It f't- tin" i"" i t' I. it itili' M nil i. hlu i Illl'lllfVi ivhtu n. ArcinniH "I :tU :tr l'KKsllit-:N I': W. I 1MII, I - llii iii'tllill 'I'll Ii I'l ' ' 1 1,1- :in,l ,1,1,1 I' I ll" lil'K in, I ! 'l"'i "null"' l"i iii'l' I s I :il III I, v il I ll'' i ' ml' I'' I ,l. lr,l l.,l III' Hll III, GREAT WEARY MEN. Peculiarities of Some f the Rest Kiinun Authors ll.nulioi'iic tiUitys washed his hands hclure reading a Inter from his wife. I le delisliled in pol ing over old advertisement'; in the newspaper liles. Thomas r.al'ini'.ion Maeaulay kept Ins closets crammed with elaborately embroidered waistcoats ami llie moro naudy lin y were, llie belief he liked lliem I lisi aeli w ore em sets. The ol def he t',rew , the Ri caier became his desire o diess like a youiiH man. 1 le had a pen stuck behind each year when writing I'. Marion ( 'raw lord carries his men stationery, pen and ink, and never w riles wiih any other. I le has written every word of every novel Willi the same penholder. BJornson kept his pockets full ol the seeds of trees, seallerint! handfnls broadcast in his daily walks. He tried to persuade his assoeiaies in do the same. l)arw in had no respect for books as hooks, and would cut a big vol nine in two, for convenience in handling, or he would tear out the leaves he required for reference. Zola would pass whole w eeks in the belief that he was an idiot. While in this stale he w rote more loan at any oilier lime. I le w ould never accept an invitation to din ner. Oliver Wendell I Mines used to c u ry a horse chestnut in one pock et and a potalo in anotner to waiu oft' rheumatism. He had a great fondness for trees and always sat under one when he could. Voltaire, as a preliminary to his day's work, would sharpen an even doen lead pencils. I le would untie and relic his stock whenever an idea coiiccrnins; his work particularly pleased him. (!ouiii Tolstoi goes barefoot and halless the year round. I le is fond of French perfumes and keeps his linens seemed with sachet powder. There is always a llowcr on his desk as he writes. Although very rich, he wears the cheapest clothes he can buy. A. Coium Dolyc, even in ihc coldest w e.ulier, never wears an overcoat. When he jives an af ternooii lecture he removes his vest, and bullous his Prince Al " bcri coat close to his body. He is O a golf enthusiast and spends all the J tune possible on the links. lire I I lane, when the inspiration was on him, would hire a cab for lite night, and drive without stop ping through the darkness until the snuggle lor ideas was over, and he 1'ivw calm enough to write Nothing pleased be taken for an Fnglishman. MIX III I II M i I. Ills Mil V 1 s l.utt 1 1" I II I M I S V U I I' Ii;ih I'l'fll IIMll I'll I'U'I ,;' .ll I'V lllllll'lMH ll1' llii.llli l. I,il thru rlulihl ll M hill- In llilllU, n III, ,illi'i I Mlnv-i llillli.. I In-1 ll'lil. snlhll-. Ill,' tan in. .lllil'i 'II I'll"; rlirvs mil i ,i ii-. unil i ill- I i-i i' '"l' I' r IlKllllli'iM ll "III ivllrn- III'' ""l 1 1 1 1 .nil OLD TIMES, OLD FRIENDS. V F U t: F N F I I F I. I) WHEN I COME HOME. WHEN SPEECH WAS GOLDEN. 'Mother, Will Sou He There When I Come Home?" There arc no days like the good old days, The days w hen we were youthful! When humankind were pure ol mind, And speech and deeds were iruihlul; Before a love for sordid gold F.ecame man's ruling passion. And before each dame and maid became Slave to llie tyraiil Fashion! There arc no girls like llie good old girls Against the world I'd slake 'cm ! As Ihimiiii and smart, and clean ofheart As the Ford knew how to make 'cm ! They were rich in spirit and common sense, And piety all supporim'; They could bake and brew, and had taught school loo, And they made such likely coiinin'! There are no boys like the good old boys-- When we were boys together ! When the grass w as sweet to the brow n bare feel That dimpled the laughing heather; When thepewee sang lo llie Summer daw n Of the bee in the billow y clover, Or down by the mill the whip-poor will Fchoed his night song over. There is no love like the good old love The love that mother gave us! We are old, old men, yel we pine again For thai precious grace (iod save us! So w e dream and dream of llie good old limes. And our hearts grow tenderer, fonder As those dear old dreams bring soothing gleams Of heaven aw ay ott' yonder. COD'MOTTLE. While You Pour Out Your Medicine, and Count the Drops, Remember That There Is Yet A Larger liottle Into Which (iod Has (iathered and Keeps All Your Tears. "Mother, will I come home ?" tw 'ice a day the el lifted lace and in be here w hen Fvery day and ild asks ), w ith earnest eyes, (l,uk' VI, K I'lOsll'KN T 1,1 II W IIUIs. nil iiiihii!iH"H V VMIO-H: 1. 1 I lit nil', I I.I I V III i i, i y ,,,t l III.- " ivnl-i :l h It I,- IV -ll. Win' I. uv '-- i, a ' 1 1 1 1 s' iillli'l klllil "I'm Thou my tears into Thy bottle." l'salm ivi, S. This prayer was pressed out of David's soul by innumerable calami ties, and it is just as appropriate for the distressed in all ages, ll was the custom of the ancients to ealch the tears wept over their dead in a bottle and to place that bottle in the graves of the departed. To-day w e have many specimens of these old lachrymals, or tear bottles, in 'our museums. (iod keeps in perpetual remembrance the tears of repentance. When a men is sorry for his past (whatever thai past has been) and tries to do better; when he cries lo (iod for help, then (iod listens. The heart of the Father is rent wiih compassion, and his tears arc caught and kept in Cod's bottle. Again, (iod keeps a tender record of all your sicknesses. How many of you are thoroughly sound in body? The vast majority of the hu man race arc constantly ailing. You have a weak side or back, or are subject to headaches, or fainiucss, or lungs easily oppressed. Many of you keep on in life through sheer force of will. You think that none understand or know or care about your distress. You feel an indes criablc loneliness in your sull'erings; but (iod knows, (iod feels, (iod compassionates. I le counts llie sleepless, weary nights; He w atches the sharp pain and the hard breathing. While you pour out your ued icine ami count the drops, Cod counts them, loo, and your falling tears as well. As you look at thai row of phials tilled w ith nauseous draughts and the larger hollies of distastelul tonics, standing on the shelf, remem ber that there is yel a larger bottle than these, tilled wiih no earthly mixture and unseen by all save Cod. ll is I lis bottle, into which I le has gathered and keeps all your tears. Again: Cod remembers all the tears and sorrows of poverty. There is much that never comes before the public. Hut w hether reported or him more than lo not, whether in seeming comfortable circumstances or a damp cellar or hot garret, Cod's angels of mercy arc on the w atch. Dow n on the back streets, on all the alleys, amidst shanties and log cabins, the work goes on. Tears of w ant, seething in summer heal, or freezing in win ters cold -not one falls unheeded. They are jewels for heaven's cas ket; they are tears for Cod's bottle. Again: The Ford sees and marks. llie tears shed by parents. Oh, this work of training chiMreti for (iod! It is a tremendous, a holy work. Some people think il easy. Then they have never really un- A child is placed in the arms ol the young parents; n is to beautiful plaything. Hut il is iiiunort.il. Suns shall grow old and perish, while that child shall live on and on. Willi many of you this is the chief anxiety. You earnestly w ish your hildretl to do w hat is nglit, nut you nnci it nam w ot is to miiKe iiiem do as you wish. You check their temper; you correct their wayward .1. iii.I in tlu- nudnicht vour pillow is wet with tears. You have wrestled with (iod in agony for the salvation of your will all that anxiety be inen'ectual.- Cod understands your heart "When I come home Itoin school will you be here'-" If the answer is "Yes," she dances oil happily, and if lor any reason the reply iniisi he "No, the momentary disappointment is very real. The lirst call that rings through the house when the door opens is, "Where's mother" and if she is not immediately in evidence, all over the house go the eager feel, al every door sounds a soft knock and llie childish voice a-ks the in sistent question, "Is mother there?" How you miss it when the child is away, or w hen you yourself are detained. You hurry a little and glance at llie clock; you decide that those last errands are unneces sary and, as often as you possibly can you are there lo answer, "Here, dear," when the loving call comes. I have often thought of the mothers who used to hear it and hear it no more, whose children are grown, or have entered the other home whence they shall go no more out. Thai is one of the dear earthly things, deep down as mother-love itself, that 1 am sure we are going to lind again if we must lose il here; some day the ear that wearies w ith the under hearing of the bean is going to catch once more the sweet, famil iar, "Where's moiher?" And for those whose mothers arc waiting in the Other Home the coming of their children it will be equally true. The wide spaces of heaven arc not going lo be wide enough to delay those who are seeking their mothers. Out of life's weary school of ex perience, with lessons learned, tasks ended, we who arc grown and who are tired and homesick shall find the answer to the ques tion thai runs like a stream in the dark through all our lives, unseen, but singing, "Mother, will you be there when I come home?" Con-gregatiotialisi. The Little Dog Kroujeht The () it er Fifty Dollars. A ventriloquist now famous w.is once so hard up thai he had to walk from New York to I'lnladel phia. On thai occasion he picked up a miserable little dog, "bec.iu-e il looked so much like he fell I he lil st house he lame lo w .is a saloon. I le had no money, bm W eill in The proprietor, a I n i man, said: "Well, w li.il will you have'-" 1 le said: I'll lake a little w Im key, and then, turning hi the dug, he asked : "What will you have'-" "I 'II lake a ham sandwich." DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney TrnuMc M;ikcs You Miserable. Ail'lO::? -7r:r t '.,:y wr p:i!'ir: i; rar.r t, mm V-Hf : l 'I r f i : i y r,;--T ..I'.l Hi I.,: ..: l.,-..klJI.-.'. l.;.-r t,, ,a!.:: n,'f.: : t r-j.'-.v, I r 1 ;...:.-,' ir .;. I,:. K.li-.i r cn.n.e:. ll r i,'-v. I iv fH'is the rrw5- ,;f I!:-1, wt.rwirfijl r- ic ly Lr. .i' 1 AHnij. Rc3t. fi".,: Luiif. liver li.ida'', r-m'yiv. ;: t.'ic l-iMi-It .n:,.l i:; Mltt'- "i (-una . nn- .,' r )-.,-. I "t cr bin ),!..! Ii,,-. t -vn i ' i j The ( ieriii.iii was so surprised dial he almost fainted. I le look ed al the dog a moment, and then he askeil : "What did you say?" "I said a ham sandwich." 1 lans thought ii w oiulei lul ih.it a dog should be able lo talk, and asked who had trained him, how long il had taken, etc., and wound up wiih: "I low much w ill you take for him?" "Oh," said the ventriloquist, "I wouldn't sell him at any price, bm I am a Utile hard up now, and if you will lend me fifty dollars I'll leave him w iih you lill I bring the money." "All righl," said 1 lans, "I just want him for a little w hile, so I can show him to some smart people I know around here. " So everything was settled and the money paid, and as the ven triloquist wenl out he turned and waved his hand to the dog, say ing: "Coodby, Jack. I'll come back soon, " "You mean thing lo sell me lor fifty dollars alter all I've done for you. So help me, Moses, I'll nev er speak another word so long as I live." And he didn't, ai. i i i.', i.i.i i; pry ru'iMt a 1 1 '.r..i.' l.. '.ne wi .1 Swamp-Knot ir: r; l r-s- v r . 't.::,i;l ;: ii vci. have i.tj.- r 1 ' j .. L .L i'. v. ii; tc f ..u. ..J r:--.J. 1:1.:. L-:,::,l.:.!vl iuny v.--'.., in I. p!:il v. jli:, nv.i!.: MIM.f 'I. ! h'S;.!'-::il .0 (.nvf 10 pur reiki a::J h-'- tr ;.!: I :.i i-;-Ji-s::f j! ::i (7',ryu.,et:.i: a :.:-:. I.i arra:, ,':::,-:, 1 hi,J L':-'l rr.ud- 1',' .'':: ii:.i: t-ii.t . . f '.!.!.: 1 a;jt:r v-'i.j have ll,'. ait t r . .. J it. l:.ay have a sampic I ottlc rs;,t frv-e l-y it::,:!, ai'.o a U.oi; t::!ii:ij rr.ore aboul C."arst -k '..il ar.j how to fitu! o:i! if y ju hav Ivincy or hi ui'i:"'t:,j:;bic. V'no-n vntis.r isoi,':, n read,!' J ':;.:: p:, cro.ua cff-:r in this I i. -:r a:: I f -f.i vour ij t:.f-VST.:.tT5 u;r'':''v'::J;!1':; f;fty duhiir ;;!.' aic ;.ui Dull I v: a;.; ,dinp-Kuut. iii-i N. Y., on evti y U-t t,y ali fjyod druppisis. n.i.'.UiKi;, l.iit rt.riiMhUr h- K-.t. f Jr. Ktliiii-i s it; jduteos. biii'iiLiii.! jii. State Normal and Iniostrial College. COURSES I, in ;; ' i ii i I l;i I u, c.n-U l. liMITll s had: m ll. M il ir l M i:i,TI.'lMN(i t'l I'M. ".!( W. Ml SH lifiv fiiii'M ItMttini! to iliL;rH,y. p -i i il i jIM-is lo 'j. ;itni,ttt-ti iitlHT .i ll ll i 'pi i .ft it Tnii iiinu ,-li' 'til liif If tin !. I'.itiii t, !;i'iliiliy, tut htii) ami I '"-i '"t ii'' ul lr1 I imki, etc , Ho ii vm- I .n liif luil (in stuiU'iits, l'.'."i lllrrlltll :illlt:il Its-iiHi Ili'ilH i pli-litlirl .'O, !n,. Tdsc nil- liiunl ui I lit- iIiimiiiI i it .ill Ihi' ;i; pile it it his -li-mlii In- in. nlr l-. l. ii- .luly l-V ncs- poiIl l't' Ml lit (I IliHH 1 llM-i' lit Mini;: CtMll- p-'lt'iit tciii-liciN ;tiil vi,-, ni.tpht'i.-. I 'or iMl.ili- ul il olh'T iitl-i'iii;ilii'M, ;ttlilri'!-M Charles I). Mclcr, President. f.l.l.l i;ui;u, , ( . rl l.ll'li A CliN IT RV A(it) One huiidi years ago not take a ride on a ,t man sie.iin- mi'.i Ik itoiir.-n derstood il '"' "'"'v them only .1,111 :,-! K l l . ' ' an, I l.iUt- I The he ate r ol unpleasant tidingr tardy appreciate-, how hard he strikes. c American :X is- GARRETT & COMPANY, Piomer .--iiiiit inrnmi Wine Growers? s l-XI'AHI ISH I . II im:i."i. FECIAL T I ft v I .Vx Ami (ilhi'r Viiiu limtif I W ML.IIii.Wm1 I'lit t jt i':lil in St iiMin lor 'S 'ft ft RCINIADARE r " Tiinl ,;.,, ""..ii U ( W !!' Sni,n llli,lil!l " OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY iw1tua MINNEHAHAw i.-i V 1 1 i Siiiirni,ii!l -a l it inii.ii'.iii') W PAUL C ARRETT SPECIAL (Si.llkllliK I li:ll..n!..''l ' in,, ainl lii'liHHiii- ini'i lor i i" :"" ':ll ill Si'UWII ti'1'.'H killlll'M.'ll llIIS !'''lr,.ri,-'5; m v. .......... ,. . i u lluu.p on."-. M.i.i '-i, ' frv miit-mkmmtmmmmmm Has Stood The lest 2b Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 centt. Head Ache Sometimes? Ii M,, il will illtere-l Will to know that il can he stopped with Dr. Miles' Anti-Tain Tills; and without an bad aitei tli'icts, and this without dan f t-t ul f,n iiiini; a drtij; habit or liavini; .w.ur slomaeh disar ranged. They positively con tain no opium, morphine, eo taine, i hloial, ether or ihloio fiiim in any loim. Dr. Miles' Anti Tain Tills relieve pain, 1111,1 leave only a sense oi reliel. 'I he lea-nil for this is explained l,s the la, t that lieadaiheeiiines from tired, iuital.b-, tuihiilent, over lae,l l,i ain nerves Anti T.iin Tills smithe and stienglh eii these it rves, thus removing the cause. They are harmless when taken as directed. "W" ui- I'.'. Mll.s' Anil I'll In I'll" fur t lie i iiii" uf li',"l'i, h '. i" 't tl.llik tlial tl.trl Is lioO.nu th .1 will i'qu.,1 lli.'in. Tlu al "."' talfiost hiII ,if n,M'viis r Kh'K lii'allaelie In il Miy t,' iiiiii,.U- I uni uf ii lu-rwma ti'ii,i. iion, nl. and ueiiislonally li.ou sia-lli l" n.y tur.,.tf ,-eiii lo l, roiiiv,l,li-ly xlauinl id. and I UvmUe to 1 i' wurefly, lulilam IliyMilt, At llns.' tun," I ul Kiiva lake 0,8 Anil IHni I'iIIi. ."'J tliv qnk-t nu' rluhl iiwiy. II If ri nurkulilv liit ","0,inj elt.i't lhy im,. iii-i.u lln. n,'ir.'' MIIS. F. K KAItl., Ut lioit. Mli'h. Dr. Mlki' AnlhPiln Pllll ara told by your drugulit, who will uuarantea thai the first packaga will bvnrfil. If II fjils, ha will relurn your money. dgaaa, cenla. Never aula In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind children. And No! No! A thousand times, no! e has watched every etl'ort made by colli boat. He had never seen in electric light or dreamed of an electric car. I le had never sent a telegram He couldn't talk through the tel ephone. He could not ride a bycicle. He could not call in a stenographer and dictate a letter. I le had never heard of the germ theory or worried over bacilla or bacteria. 1 le had never heard a phono graph talk or saw a kiiicioseopc nu n out a pria- light. lie never saw through a Web ster's unabridged dictionary with the aid of a Koenigen ray. I le had never taken a ride in an elevator. I le had never seen his wife use a sewing machine. I le had never struck a match. 1 le couldn't lake an anesthetic and have his leg cut oil without feeling il. He never saw a reaper or a self binding harvester. I le had never crossed ae iron bridge. V hv it, - llie -tin hiliii ' Win ,1,-a ll,,.,llllll -illi" Will ,1,1 IM lo 1 I" 1, !', i,i On- i; "l nhl -n I tun' ' I" "' ' iv, ihni l We ii-i' ll.-vVm'- ileli ll.u. 1 Salve, unil llli'-i' "hi ill" 'I""'' '"'Hi er I. null In Innk lul 111," nan,' "li thi lt., V 1" iii-l tin- ii' ilium- ,,l, hv W. M. "I" ", W'l-'ilinr N ('. Did you ever see a beamy spe cialist who w as beautiful ? Do You Want to Know What Vuu Swallow? Th'-ri' a u-t in l:,-al WarniiiK ll vuu liiitr knlliey anil lilaililrr ll, nihil' ai ,t iln mil ii-i- t'uli'l 's Iwilin-y I ii"' will liai,- only viiio-i ll 1" lilaini' lul- n snlls, :i" il ,ii-iliily nir.s all rum-, ul ki,li,i- :nit lihulitri ili-,-:i-i- I ui -ale In K I i nk. Wihlnn. N ' yo.t and every counsel offered. I le knows all your sleepless nights and the sinkings of your heart. I le remembers all your prayers. The grass may be rank upon your grave, the letters of your tombstone al most illegible, before the divine response will come; but come il surely will. The hills may depart and the earth burn, the stars fall and per ish, but Cod will break I lis o.uh never' never! And lastly: Cod keeps a perpetual rcnicnibratice of all bereavements. These are the trials that crush the hearts of men as in a wine press. Troubles al the store you may leave al the store. Misrepresentation and abuse you may leave in the street, where you found them. Flu bereavement is home trouble, and there is no escape. You will sec that vacant chair, your eye will fall on that beloved picture or the worn garment. You cannot It y I mm its presence. You go to Switzerland lo be free uf them, but your troubles meet you on the lop of the Alps. You may cross the sea, hut ihcy call oills.iil llie elippel ol the inci elialil inan. You plunge into the Mammoth Cave, but they hang like stalac tites from the roof You cannot get away from your trouble and grief. Tins summer many of you will especially feel your grief as you re turn lo places W here once you were accompanied by those now forever gone, Your trouble will follow you lo the seashore and keep up with the lightning express in w hich you speed aw ay. Or, tarrying at home, it will sit beside you by day and whisper over your wet pillow night i'Y after night. Tut you are not left alone; your weeping is heard and marked in heaven. Cod looks in loving pity dow n upon the empty cradle, the stricken home, the broken heart, and says: ' Child of My love, lean hard. Cast thyself and thy burden on My arm, and I will sustain thee. All your tears 1 have put into My bottle." c , r.11 iI,cp irh.k u ill end and then, w ith vour sins and troubles Iwlli your tu.iin unit Inily will irsnn.l -1UOII Ull 1, ,' "... , , - washed away, clothed in white raiment, you shall reach that blessed laud, where there is neither sorrow nor pain, parting nor death. 'The path of sorrow, and thai path alone ti a cr ii it.-' - i ' 'it s ' '' II, I.H..1 , n in, iw - ' I i s' i', mi'i,-i i ii, s It i- : ,a it it -In.ul'l li.ii.- si. ll'l,'iv-l ta Ill .' .in,, i, "I thai lilil' h le- ,1 -If ,.- ,'V; ", t,, -ll ill, ,11, wlu lh, r It In t aal. ur ul nu-'lieine l;,',-,,ii.riiii! tie- cr.i-.wmt "'-I '-'" ''. Mi lln- part ..I lie- in. I'll'-. KI..I -ill-! - I lliat lie- I'.il. -t i..ilili.-in .-an ..i. ills, the t, :i .-ani.-.! i.',el.ili;.li : M. l"l;' .in,.-. I'r. U. V I'l.-i'.v. "I lIuIT i,.,. N V. has "i. iia-ii 1 1 mi- hi Hi" l',i'-l".-i." H. 'l-,-, au.l is puMi-inlik' lir.iaihast uf all llie iiu:r,-,li.-iils I'lil.rini! int I. ,;.,t,,, in, ilieuli'S. Ill,' -I...l-li'ti M' liis,-,,i.-rt " On- i...ml:ir l.t. r un n;,,ral,,r. si.. ma. h tuiiie. l.i.N.I nil ill. r unil h' an r.'iriilati.ri alsuul In" " I at. .rile l'r. -eni.-th.il" tor weak. ..t.-r - ti',ri,.-.l. I.r..ken d.ntn, H.-rvuiis ami intalnl tt.un.ii. TliisUihl au.l ,iiit-s,..l,. n iiii.t.-tnelil "li the part lit Ur. I'll Tee. ha-. I'S flmtt lln! i-ta.tlv ttlial his it .-II-l.u,.ti n in.-di.-iii,-un. e..iiiNi-.'.l ..(, .-..iiipl.-l.-lt ili-aniii-il all li;o.iiii! enlies tih.. hate I., n l. .("I un jiislii altaek.-.l Ile-nl A la 1 1 la- i ..i 1 1 1 1 ! . I- l lias U-eli ei.tiii.il. .1. fr.iln the sl.in.I.iia llli'ill.-al milliurili t all lie- .-t.-r.il f, l . uf l.raeli.e. slmtt llie tin' stmui!' st i-ii,l..rsi-iii.-iils hv h-ailini! iii,-,ti,-iil tinli-i-s o( Hie s,., -nil iiinri ilieiiis ttliieh i m.-i iiilu Ur I'li-ree's ini'ili.llies. A ei'l'V tli' lull,, l.-.k li mail,. I .fn-r t.i lint ..in- ile ,;r,ii., ti, I. .am nior.. ei.iieeriiiin: lie- tain al.le. untitle i-ie.li. inal plant- In. h li.li, Oil! t-,itui,slll,,l "I I'.'. I 1" I" trim's. A.l.lrrss Ur. IVm- as al.ti-. Iir pu ree's 1'l. asiuit I'l llels an- liny, -ni.- ar-.'..ati-.l unlt-Uilii'iis iriiunil, ulale ami iuiiif'.rale si. ll..tt.'ls 0.) Hi. i Ih-iu-i th.1 eiiii- i-,.nstl.:iil.'ii On.' .. a latalltt- au.l l'ii.'illat"l I aellte eallial'lie. onei- on Correct Dress The "Modern Method" system of hili-prade t.uloriiii; introduced by L E. Haya & Co., of Cincinnati, O., satisfies good dre.-sers everywhere. All Carmenta Made Strictly to Your Meaaure mnUit. nrirrs. SlX) Sltlrs of lofeion -a a,.m-iip lhrir. trnm whi, h lo d'OOW. I Rrpicitnlrd bv Central Academy. 'Ih. fall Ti oil ul till-s. 1:111 un 1 ue-suay, rtepi .iiilttilllie 4, IsMIt). t'ul I'm 111 I il l "li, ill, -it a hlu -s .1 m. niiiiio-.s. 1. mi 1. n. c. -. -1 i.,i CMOICI; liti'ti- rt-t:- llMI i.ll.l " mil lial'M. ' UH. (WO flf'll U fi'T tt t- ..I f.itti f'-i' a" I alwui- Mi fiiM.i 1 iiivi:n away, in . rtn nnn aouiuuu 'i .... i',.,i,,, it. in,, m Mh1,.kI Ailvlr. & ll- llial tt'iil uf CKH'.tum fuitit", ft tVw yi'iM atrt'. at l W i r I.nst yitir wi' triivt- away i;tti.inni wurth uf iliist- lnvu.ua lN.k Tin- 'r wt- shtill HiM' awav f'-s'.i"1 wui'tli "f (Im-iii W ill )UU sl:u- ut ll" tH IU tit ' H SU. -I itiii'-it'iit otmni" I."''1'''"'11 uf inaillmr uiiK fr U-.k Ut KUlT i.iiH r.'u.''i."i i -tui'M". f,,r.iliih-lK.t.l..l A.l.liv Dr. K V. rkuv. liultalu, N Y. It!.- of fi-"ii I lold fast to a truth w ithout re gal d to what others lll.IV tllilik of you. 'I tine h tmlliiii-i s pleasant a- lliat liitula, ilieellnl, :il - "-:l tl ll ll- tile- ttilllil I'ii-Iiiik tt III II V "II ll llunll t.l Willi l.riiiklast Tlu-rr- is iiutliin so eiiintneivi' o 1 mm! ami (zuiiit resulls. Tlie tu al- au with a lu-a'lliy niiml ami InhIv it la-lli-r fellutt . :i lirtli-r win km 111, a Im-IIit e-ilieii III in tin- man 01 tile- ttumitl ttlui is li,iiiilie.ipieil liy some ilnaliilit.v, liuwi'vi'i slight. A slinlit ilisurileT lit lilt' stilllllli ll mil lll-lillmi- jour Inaty, yuiir llmm-Jit auil .vuiii ilispusil ion. Ilt't nttay Irum lln- imiitiiiluisss unil lit' lilur. K'-i-p your Htuiiia'-ll 111 I11111' ami I l' IIIII HI st'lilM ANUst MMI'l: ROSES ! C,U natioiis, VitiltTs :nnl tilln r llnwrri, alnavM tin lianl. Slunu i Wfdtlmj; r.MUtjUt'N. MaiitUuuit 1'ltii.il PtsiLiis. 'nl ami mil I'.tlilioL! plants. Tu rn, ilu, ('iililia'f ami ulli.r Vttlalilc .'hills, Mannulia (Initio ntuuitly vxf itt.-d Wi ilr 'iiinif tic t.'lriai'li. II. STTilNMlil Z, I l.i'KlsT, i;i.i:uiii, NM;rn cakoi.ina. 1 l't ly T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLIiON, N. c. I'rai-tift'i ui Ihr cuuiIm ol ttuhliix and Hiljoiiniit! cuii nt it?,, unil in lln Huprt'ine ctmrl nl llii'Siali'. Spfi ial HtU ution nivm to rnlltt'lmnii unil intnipl rttnrnn MILLINERY. I ANCY (UK. US iiihI NOVKI.11KS, j Itiiltvi it k'i- I'ltltf iiim ' I It. & (i. COKSKTS.i MtMMiw at fitH:., LittlirK 7'ti'. to (1, i laCuPHivH will lie muili' to mt tlif lime, HftH and Mnnnet-M matte tftiil TrtmiuMl lo order. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS M AN1KI s, 'I'll, IX At OIUTKS, 1 1 A It I V A It i:. I' A I N T S,.V (' IKWK I. U AKk KIMI'ANY, 111. Ktirttdl., a. W Leads 10 the land where sorrow is unknown." 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." l ittle iiuliselelioiis ut oti-lcatiliK cull lie eu-ily I'Oili'rtiil unil .tun ttill lie nnirisiil to a e how lii'ieli In tti-r 111 ill .von un- Try a little- Kialol lor Us ,si:l lilu r .Vunr lueuls. Bolel bj W It. Cohen, Wililon, N. C. Al.t, M All. OUni'.lis KII.I.KU. I'ltOMPTI.V A I. T K It K . DAM E 1. . AT1UKSEY-AT-LA ', Wki.iion, N. C, MRS. P, A. LEWIS, W. l.liin, N. C. Priiclii'M ill the ('iiiuls nl' llalifult anil Northampton unit in the Hiineiue nmt Feili'iul eourta. Collei'lions niaile ill all pa 1 1 ol Norlli Cainlina liiaiu h nlliee at ItulilHi, N. t',, oienctery Mouiluy. 4 I atililaVsliailk

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