vST B9 Ailcrtisiiir Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'I .tins of Su bscript ion $1.5) Per Annum. VOL. XU. WKLDON, N. C. Tlll'liSDAV, AlCI's'l' (J, li)l);. NO. l. 1 0 CASTORlA ! AN eiJcl.ituV IVeunr.ilion lor As 1 miiitatim) iln'hHuKiinl lunula l.nj! lite Sluuuiilis tital lxwvls of :;. I'toiuoles Digcdhwl'lkvrful i H.-nSiiKllii'sl Contains neither I;. (ipiAiii.Murnhtiii' nor Mini-fill, j,, Not Nahcotic. I..' - A jitrii-rl Itemetly forrnnslipn i,, in , Sour Stomal h. Diarrhoea Uurins.l iiiiviilsions.h'wiish-ll,S-SiimlI,(SS(IKSl.KKP. I .if r'umW SiCnnlure of XKW VOTIK. i.gllffiliUi r : EXACT COPY OK WRAPPER. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CORf. ,.th.onl, .b.o -'-.' on c.h,,Lu::r "i i.th cum. f "'""'J- .nd chlldr.n Ilk. It. ia. ------ .MXSi pHls,C, DBICE. DU Take Mo DUFFIE'S Little Blue. Liver fills for CortBtlpatlon '..d Sluggish Livers. Mc Duffle's Humediea are sold on n guarantou to do all we claim or vour monuv back. I'mt S u n nv V. M. C.HIKX. Wilih.n. N Ay ers Pills Want your moustache or beard i beautiful brown or rich black? Use The : Bank : ol : Welk, WKKDDN, N. C Hmid Mn The Laws of the State of North Carolina, AINU .sTJnl'll, l-ii! Stale of North Carolina lkposiiory. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldou Depository. Capital aurl Surplus. $36,000. 1 IllK 1 I Vf JM till-, ill-litlltloll ll pr.lid.-ll li.llkll k ':' I'" '- H wili.Hl 111 Hi rkhol.lrrs lln.l iliivrl. I- Inn- U1.I1I...I 1 nil III.- I business inti-re-ls 11I II (lif.ix and Snrlhiiuploii roiiulir lui mint w is Money IS hiaued up.iu appnut.l s. ll. ill III h il i n.-ol mln." I -It " I I'tiilu 11. Acisiiiuts ol nil are ln il.-d I'KISIIIKI r: W. .l)lll, Mi l I'llKSMiKVr- hr II W I.I WIS. (.Ij.Uiii Nui thji:tLiiD t o N. L ) W KHTABMHHKIt IKK. KrtTABl.lHlIKU IKIS. . 1 L i k4!fll M . -. . . . -T- . ' f -lOJ ' w . . . n . r- $d tWlnlS..U(,prlluii(tl tK.il .S.iipp.Miioi.H Jfjf a OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY $ HIAWATHA MINNEHAHAw PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL iV iSoHikluiK tbniMiiirl X. Ami ul I ol her vorif timol' I'liie ami WliulrMimr W Iiiih. lor lioinen anil hotel W W IftVHiKuml Vk Prima Paid iu Braaou lor all kimU uI'miiiiII iVnila. maa-.ele.W $ W.,ru Hiau.b, Ht Uuuia, Mo Hume oili.e. Nolil'OI.K, VA. i Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's j Tasteless Chill Tonic Nc-CunvNo-P.y. 50 cenU, 1 GAST0R1A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTO TURPENTINE AMO MUTTON 8UET LUNO PLAStTr." di.-..r:-J'i of Lunu Pneumonia d' c" . pre,Bnt PBmr '.. 1 HUTS ('. W. : Pkvv.v.ss, Ki.i'h II. N 1' Wake up your liver. Curt your constipation. Getrid of your biliousness. Sold for (SO years. iSX"?..- BUCKINGHAM'S DYE nm (ii.iinirMiii.,nii.ii 3E W It sill I II. 3C -r- r-n I L. I J . . - - ' - Dn T i HAMTAS 111 1 I ' I - 1 - w TELEGRAPH TO JESUS. Truly "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" Into I'ulhs of Peace and Trust and Safety. Several years ago I was travel ling mi 11 irain in the West. Among the pas.ciiKers in our ear was a young mollier iravvliiit; alone W illi lier lii'sl luby. I'liere was also a fasliioiiahly dressed lady with iwo children, and the elder a hoy of uhonl twelve years, and the younger a rollicking linle chap of four. The taller was so cute, and niei 1 y, and restless, that lie at tracted universal attention. At noon our train slopped at a ', station for dinner and all of the passengers left the ear except lliose of us who had lunch with us. . j A few nhnuies later the condue-. tor came through and ordered us to move to the car forward, as the irain was to he broken into sec tions. Alter some switching about j our train was made up, and ihe 1 bell began to ring as a signal to the absent passengers. j All at once we were startled by ' a loud scream, and luriied to see ' the young mother rushing franii- j cully through the car, followed by the conductor and brakeman. She ; had left her sleeping baby and her ; luggage in the car we had formerly occupied, and had foolishly gone j away 10 dinner without asking any-; one 10 watch over die child. Con-1 scuueinly, in the hurried change 1 of cars ii had been unnoticed, and now car and baby were gone. Our irain was held while trainmen and . passengers hurried about search- j iug for the lost child. Several j trains had pulled out of the station, I and die chances were that the missing car had been attached to one of them. All of us w ere much excited j none more so ihan the little four-: year-old boy, who danced about and asked innumerable uuesiious of every one. I le w as standing up in one of the foremost seals of the car, his cheeks Hushed, his eyes shining will) excitement. In an interval ol silence his clear voice Moated down the car: "Why doii'r they telegraph to Jesus? Why don't ihey telegraph to Jesus' Tli.ilV. wli.ii I'd do if thai w as my baby." Tears started from many eyes at these words of childi-h wisdom. His faith had turned to the Sure Source of help and deliverance; and I d not doubt that many "tel egrams" weni up at once from thai crow ded car. In a few minutes the baby was found and delivered to its mother, the trainmen returned to their posts, and our journey was re sumed. But the "seed sown by ihe wayside" by a baby's hand, had surely "sprung up and brought forth fruit" in more than one heart. Truly "A little child shall lead them" into paths of peace and trust and safety. It y Ui- Mm liurti? W liy 1u'.h a iutixiiit(i Mif.' Why (In wp ti-fl iiiiluiiiy III till' JI hnl la 1 1 1 MIIIHIIIT lini',.i AiHwer. vc d in I. V iiM- iM-Wilt's il Ii Haztrl S,ilvt, ami tlicst tiltt ilU dou't Imlli t r ih. Inn 11 to ItMik the iiiiine on 1111 tms to i,t t tin- V- hiiiuc. M. .1 t.t W. M I i.litn, Wfldolt, N- C. Nervous Worn-Out It ou are in this condition, your nerve force is weak the power is giving out, the or gans df your body have "-.lowed up," and do their work imperfectly. This failure to do the work required, clogs the -y lein anil biings distreis and disease. When the nerves are weak the heart is unable to fscc ihe hie divine; Uoo.l ihroueli your veins; the stom ach fails to die-.l foud ; the kidney lack power to filter impurities from the blood, and the poisonous waste remains in the system to breed disease. Nerve energy-must lie restored. lr. Miles' Nervine will do it, because it slren'hcns the nerves; it is a nene medicine and tonic, that rebuilds the entire nervous system. Jteveriil yeura ao I wan all broken dimn. 1 was nermi8, wurn-uut, cuulii m.t il-.'i. and waa In eoni-lunl pain. I dui'iui'cit for munlha, and llnally Ilia diKtur said he ctiuld du nothing for me. I beRi.n tutting Or. UlL's' NtTVlne, and ua.d altogetlier tlsht botlliH. and I bivnine strooa: and healthy, and now su'lgh 170 tiounds." II I I NNINilll.v.vl log Ellsworth Ave., Alk-glittt, I'a. Dr. Mllaa' Nervine la sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the tint bottle will benefit. If It falls, ht will refund your money. Mile Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind CALL ME SWEETHEART. BY DORA Wlil'T) Oil, the green fields w here w e laughed and dreamed together, In a world ol song and (lowers ! What to us were toil or trouble, wind or weather, While the Kose of Youth was ours? Call me sweetheart now the golden locks are while, dear, Now the step and pulse are slow ; We were sweethearts once when heart and foot were light, dear, In the days ol long ago. Youth was brave with many a plume and wreath long tarnished, Uicli in many a gallant guest ! Wit and fancy, pride and inirih have anished - vanished ; Love outlingers all the rest. Call me sweetheart though the locks are scant and white, dear, Though the step and pulse are slow; We were sweethearts once when heart and foot were light, dear, In the days of long ago. Childhood's lideu we shall nevermore recapture To behold the visions there : Never tread again the morning peaks of rapture, Nor the wine-press ol despair. Call me sweetheart now the golden locks are white?, dear, Now the step and pulse are slow; We were sweethearts once when heart and foot w ere light, dear, In the days of long ago. sLANDKR This is her grave, the sexton said, As he knelt and bowed his withered head; And lie pushed back the Mowers which overgrew 1 lie mound which covered the friend 1 knew. She, sir, was murdered! No, not by man! But by seeming friends w ho tried to scan In tier innocent actions, thoughtless and free, A something in which they guilt could see. l ading in this they began to talk, Wink and insinuate where'er she'd walk; And say, " ' l is strange!" and, "One so w inning To be soughi after must be sinning." Thus the gossip gossipped - till it reached her ears, But none would own, as she asked through her tears, To point to a single act in her lite That was not in accord with a blameless life. They "had heard," they said, but they didn't know where, And exactly what: ihey didn't care To be catechised in by ihe ' likes ot her," T ho' they didn't believe shed'd exactly err. The poison worked she drooped and died, And some of the same "friends" came here and cried. But 1 thought as I saw some try to weep, T hat the Recording Angel in his book doth keep The names and the sins of these w ho pointer To heaven's arch enemy and that is slander. tiLK.MAN lkf)VLRHS. Watching a woman is labor in vain. Woman, fortune and gold favor fools. Woo a woman ere she sheds her weeds. Women are w atches thai keep bad lime. Who is the man never fooled by woman? A woman strong in flounces is w eak in mind. Women speak the truth, but not the whole truth. Woman, like fortune, loves youth and is tickle. The best of women is never at a loss for words. A bag of (leas is easier to watch than one woman. A young wife is an old man's post horse to ihe grave. Where the devil cannot go him sjlf he sends an old woman. Where woman rules the house the devil is ihe serving man. Woman's beauty; rainbows and forest echoes soon pass away. Summer-sown corn and wo men's advice turn out well every s:ven years. NOT HIS DENOMINATION. "Now, look here, sir," exclaim eJ the gamekeeper, imperatively, "didn't you see the notice at the e id of this road, "Pedestrians not a'lowed?" T did observe a nonce stilting liul pedestrians were not allowed here," replied the mild mannered gemleinan, readily, "but, you see ' I'm a Congregaiionalist." "Oh, indeed," returned the gamekeeper, sligluly puv.led, "tHen I suppose it's all right, sir. You can walk on. London U.uly News. I1A2ARDINU A UUESS. ! "Bragley boasts that his w ife is j 'college-bred.' Whafs meant by ! college-bred, anyway?" "Mebbee it's the stuff' they learn I 10 make at cookin' school." ! rllK OVt.H NIX l' klas Wihi.iiw': ouiiOMi Svki 1' has ' t-een uaed fur over tU yraraby niillieiis i.' : uiuthera fur iheir children while leethiiifj, i With perfect tuna. Itaoothes tlieihihl, ! aortens the quills, allays all pain; inns wind eolie, and is the best remedy Iin I Diaithoea. It will relieve Ihe pour little , itiflVrer inimedialely. Ho'd h ilrugnisH i In every paitofthe world. Teiitv-B cents a bottle Be sure and ask f I ' Mrs. i Wiualow'sSoolhiug Fyrnp," nud lake to 'ether kind. GOODAI.I-: tiOD'S VAI.I.LV. There is always a light in the valley, 0 Lord; thy correction is ever tempered wiih judgment. I have heard that every sin deserves thy wrath and curse. No, every sin deserves thy penalty and prom ise. The stroke and the star, the retribution and the rainbow, the pain and the pity, the smiling and the smile that is what my erring soul requires. Thou wilt never send the stroke w ithout the star, the smiling without the smile. The famine and swine liusks alone could not send the prodigal home; it required the attraction of thine eye ihe eye that followed him when lie was yet alar on. 1 lie pain of my sin comes not from the rod, but from the rose the 'awful rose of dawn.' I cannot feel my chain till I hear the voices of liber ty. It is when 1 see in the dis tance the warm lire of thy love that I learn how cold I am. It is from ill y sunbeams thai my stripes must come. Nothing but light can lash my sin. Nothing but beauty can burn my corruption. Nothing but revelation can rend my heart. It was was when he saw thy look of love that Peter wept bitterly. My sin can only be punished by a sense of ttiy mercy: correct me by thy mercy, O Lord Ceo. Mat thewson. 'I lii'le ii hnlliini; so jilfji-niit iiM that hriiJit. rlit'filul, at i-;i - with-the vt in 111 !'ii!in! uhi'iiyoll nil ilonli to Your hri'iikl'iist TIh-ic in nothing so iMinlncivi' lu it ant anil iiihi.I result. Tin- IiimI thy man with a ht-a'thy uiiml unit h,nly i 11 In-tli'r li'lliiw, a lirtti'r workiniii, a tu'tlrr rni-il III in tho in in or tl. until ill who i liamlii'aia-il liy snme ilisaliilily, luiwr .cr slight. A slight tlisoi.liT ul tha stomal h will itiTamri' your lualy, 011r llioimhts ami vom iliHtjoniiou. ll,'t auny I10111 i lie minimi iiraa ami thr hlui'-i. kii-p your t.,uu"h in tune ami liolll olll Itl'.il 1 unit lo.ly will n-sMiml. 1 lllle thill, leln.iii ol iilflfrit no. c-m !(' easily tun i'1'l 1 il illitl oll will la- .Itipnscil Ins 'I' hmv lli'lrh hrllrr lu in you ale try a lilll.' Kiatol lor liv-iii-psin aitfi oiir nii-al. Hold hy V M Cuhen, Wflilnii, N. P. AND HE TOLD IT. "All! darling," sighed the lover in the parlor, "1 love you more than tongue can tell" "Not more than mine can tell," shouted her little brother, as he dodged out from behind the sofa and made off. Warning If you have kidney ami Idadder trouble ai d do nut u.-e role a Mdury I ure, you wit hive ouly youraell'to blame fur re- Uulis, as it positively run a all farms of ' kidney ami bladder diseases. For sale by E I lark, Weldon, N. C. MOTHER'S PRAYER ANSWERED. How a Christian Mother Helped her Boy Along the Dark I'ulh way of Death Into the Light of Hope. A company of young men who had escaped a ten ic charge Iroin u the enemy in one of the liereest bailies of the ( iivil War were pick ing their way across the blood deluged and death strewn held to rejoin their company. All about lay the dead, and from every side came ihe heartrending cries and groans from the wounded and dy ing." One noble faced young fellow, whose life was fast ebbing away from a great wound in his side, particularly attracted the attention of the party. The dying hoy weak to call out, had lifted himself upon one arm, and was feebly beckoning the passers-by to come to him. Thinking possibly he wanted water, or to send some message home, one went over to him. Bending down and putting his ear close to the parched lips, he heard . these words, "Pray for me, oh, pray for me; I am dying." "And ihen," said the writer, "as I knelt there among the dead and dying on that awful battlefield, it almost broke my heart to be com- pellecl to reluse tins last reciuest ol a dying soldier. I could give no j ray of light to that soul struggling j for help; for 1 had no light of my own, and I had mil yet found Him who is the Light ot tlie world. ! aoly ana in tears t was com-! pelted 10 say, 'Comrade, I can't ; pray; you must pray for yourself.' : "He looked sad and hopeless for : a inomenl. Then he closed his eyes and began to move his lips in prayer. "I bent closer to catch his words. As I did so, I heard this wonderful prayer, the mosi touch ing, eloquent, it seems to me, I have ever heard: " '() Cod, hear mother's pray er; O Cod, answ er mother's pray er!" "A moment after, a look of sweetest peace came over his face. 1 le opened his eyes once more, seeming to thank me for staying by him, and then closed them for ihe last time. "This was more than thirty years ago, yet it seems as only an hour since that dying boy helped me to find that light by which a Christian mother helped her boy along the dark pathway of death into the light of hope." MOTHER'S l.KIHT. A very beautiful story is related of a boat out at sea carrying in it a father and his little daughter. As they were steering for the shore ihey were overtaken by a violent storm, which threatened to destroy them. The coast was dangerous. The mother lighted a lamp, and started up the worn stairw ay to the attic window. "It won't do any good, mother," the son called after her. Hut the mother went up, put the light in the window, knelt beside it and prayed. Out in the storm the daughter saw a glimmer of gold un the water's edge. "Steer for that, " the father said. Slowly, but steadily, they came toward the light, and at last were anchored in the little sheltered harbor hy the cottage. "Thank Cod!" cried the moth er, as she heard their glad voices and came down the stairway, w ith a lamp in her hand. "How did you gel here?" she said. "We steered by mother's light," answered the daughter, "although we did not know w hat il w as out there." "Ah!" thought tlie boy, a way ward boy, "it is time 1 w as steer ing by iiiuiliei '. ilglu," and cu be slept he surrendered himself to Cod, and asked Him to guard over life's rough sea. Months , went by, and disease smote hint. "I le cannot live long," was the verdict of the doctor; and one i stormy night he lay dying. "Do j not be afraid or me," lie said, as i they wept; "I shall make the liar-1 bor, for I am steering by mother's : Irght. WONDERFUL. 1 "I just peeped into ihe parlor as I passed," said Mr. Phamley, "and saw quite a freak of nature. ' "VX'hv Kertha is in there W'ilh i, vmlno ,.,, "i YOling mail, 'Yes. I S8W IWO heads On One pair of shoulders!" THE GIRL AND HER LOOKS. The Thoughts Inside Your Head Make lieauty Or I glincss. The girl in the looking glass is a very close friend. I ler looks each day have an up- - .m ,- a delMessiiii! cH'ecl on one's spirits. l.vcry one likes to see cheery, sweet, dear loo! and w ho is there who ha glance for the oilier kind V It's a line thing in wain in look nice, and it is still more hc.iuiilul to w aul to le young in heart. The woman wiih the graven im age lace has no excuse for her plainness, since it is her own do ings. Physical sull'eriiigs never iin print such unpleasant lines as do envy, malice bitterness of mind. If you cannot be attractive to yourself you can't possibly he to fr others. Just sunny up. That's the se cret of beauty. There are worse conditions than those caused by hard work and poverty. Ami you will always have both , troubles with you if you look soured and fretlul. The girl who permits herself to be unattractive is not only doing ; ,L. SC' a B.L.a, injustice but she is Ejvin(, i1L.r friclljs an unfair deal, - lie road to good looks leads to g,MKj hehavior. sweet thoughts, gCm.rosi,yi neatness - in factevery- n,,,,,, won, w,je. a pretty, iwV'"T n 1 hct c is a small place in thi tt-liru fr small people, ( :eri:iii ily . every woman diould jesirc , ;lssjsr ,,c Ueneral beauty s,.,am; ,ie world, making her sc)f i,otlioriiainentaland charming. And for that one lime that beau ty creates vanity there are a bun- i ' died instances in which it inspires ' goodness, culture and intelligence, j INCIDENTALS. I "This bill fur your new frock is ' really a bit high,' observed the phi i tocrat to his daughter. "Six thou sand dollars is considerable to pay i just for an nuio suit. " ; "I'.ul, pap, the suit itself is really quite inexpensive The niosi ol that bill is for the trimmings." j "Trimmings':-" "Yes. 1 spent $.200 for an auto of the right tint to match the , suit." Trust to Nature. A pri'itt 111a ti v Aniiriraiis, r.ah men ami woiui'ti, uri' tlitn. p ili- ana 1'iiiiy. ith Jiuur 1 irru l.t t lull. Us iills.' tin v lots ill-tn-ati-d llii-ir sluinarli- hy lia-ly i-atintl or Iihi niui'h oatini'. hy riiii-iiniiuii ali'o hulir U'Vi-raili's. ur hy too rloso ri.lillln'- ; 111 . -11 1 to hiiini'. otlii-e or lartnry. ami ill 1 i,iii)si-iiii'iii-i the stouiarh iim-l hr tn-ati-il In a natural way h.-f.iiv tin y ism rivtily their i-arlii-r nii.siahfs. Tin- iiin-cl.-s m uiatiysiii'h iii'iipli-. in tart 111 i'Vty woary, thill and llilli-liliimli'tl iHl-son, do thiir work vnth ureal ilillii'iiliy. As a result falii-iii' I'oim-.s early. Is iaU'i'Iiio ami la-ta : ionK. Thf ili'tnaiul tor nutritive aid is uhiM'1 of tin' suiily. To Insure pcrlis't jii'allh evi-rv tissui'. Imiiii'. tiiTVe ami lliusrle should take Inim the hlood i'it taiu maloriaU ami ri'turn to it i-ortaiii otluTs. It is neri'S-arv u (iri'paiv tin) stomai'li fur tin- vturkut takiint up Iroin tin- fiHNl what is ni'fi'ssary to iiiaki' iroo.1, rirli. rod IiIihhI. We iiiic-t uo to Natnrii tor the remedy. 'I'll, li' were terlain nails Ulinw-n In the Imlialis of lllis ei ill lit rv Ix'fore the ilihi'lil of ihe whites whieh later I'aine t.) the I, Mow litlire of the settlers ami whiih are now ernwlnir rapidly ill pi'ufi Msional favor (or the rum of ohstinatr stiuuarh ami livi r Iniiihles. 't'liesr are foiiinl to In- sale ami et ivr taili in their rlealisinit and lu iuoratius' effort UH,u the stouiarh, liver and hliiivt!. 't'hesr are: tioldrii S.eal rKit. CJi li s riait, Sloiii' riait. lllmHlriMil. Mamlrakn root. Then there is lllark rherryhark. 't'he nuslirinal pnuriplrs re-iilnii' in tln so lialive roots when evtrartul witli ir erine as ii solvent make the mn-l relialilo ami etlirient stnmarli tonir ami liter tn vlirorator. yvhni romhiued in ju-t the riitlit proportions, a. in l'r. I'u rrr's Onldeli Mediral llisrnvrry. Where there ta hankrupt vilality - -urli as nervous exhaustion, had tiutrit ion ami thin iiliBhl, the Uhly uroiilres viuor ami the tlerves. IiIiiikI and all the tissues feel tlie favorahle etleet of this sovrrriirn rnneilv. Altlumirh sume physiriatis have hern aware of the lilgai ineiiii'iual val if thu alsive liieiilioiiril plants, yet few have Used iliv.- irlverrine a- ll siilvrnt mill usually the divrtiirs' presrrlplinns rallisl for the limrnlioiils In vary inn ainoums, tl'llll ilhsile.l. The "(lolilen M.sllrai OU-nverv " is ai'lchlilie iireparaliiiu i'oniHiiimh'd of the llvrrrlr exliarl-nf the lllmye nirllliomsl vi'ttetahle iuurisliriits anil riiiilains no ah-otiol or harmful lialilt-formiint ilriins. SI'lilNIl ANDSI'MVIKH - MILLINERY. KANCY XHiH antl NOVKLT1KH. Hulterick'ttutterni It. & (J. CORSKTS. Miwes f-5ik,.( LaiHm 75c. to$1. fcl'ricen will he niatlf to suit the tuutw, HaU uutt houueta made and Trimmed to order. ALL MAIL 0KIIKIW PHOMPTI.Y KILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldotl, N. C. 111") ml iK'd'ir 111 li iiu iiiijii(i) Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. I'fv, upon the mind, dis :rr. umlitir n: beauty, v'or courage- and Icr.r, a:.'.t cii'.L"r!ulnr,r.3 re on dir.nppoar when the kid neys ac: out o( order or dra-ed. Kidtuy trouble Im lcom! so pp:v:i' nt lh::I it h ir.t uncumrii' n f r a hill to 1, rn Milu tM vilhvr:;; I id it vr,. if ll,.; hil l iiin ,vtj , t . j t ('-n, )i I1' .' urine scaUn 1V: fK!i or if. vh.-n t! hil I P'a- Iit. an a;:-! v!k?;i it .1 I I a! i : t ) c n'r'A tx.-i" it L; M -JV,:- J vil't Ld-w'iing, d"-i.J up' n i', lii'? nr 1 1 f the difficulty i; I'.i'i:." troul 1. t!w lr t 5lfD ::li-'jul'j tr: t..'ard Ih': tn-.it::i ;.t ff Xhc-A imporUi.t Lrj;:ii;;. 111!: uu; l"i .it tr-'juld: is d';c to a Ci v.a d ronditi. n f f Uni kidneys and bladder &iid not t j a luLit mc -t ".'ip',G r,u Vv'vinun UJ v.'li ntn "hi made r:,i. eral.e with : -..d U..dd:r trouble, and bv.h n-"' i tiv. pp at remedy, 'itic m::i u:.J t'.. ir.-ii.-.'-dniff c-fleet (A t v cent b:,J or.- : .l.'ar ,-F2&1&ki-frt Ei.-c-. Y-y.: r.-.A - jftntj.'-jHl f Si 'AUIp flout. t it. 1:1 I V: .):. .'.V, , c::r-.:i, hi :i:i::i:.-n. U. pap-jr. t'.ii ai.y nd:! ,ciw iihp i : ,fj raany of the 1 b'tieri received .vri'uii; Dr. Kilmer V., Le'sure ani from ut'icrf; h Co.. fcr.f; muntion tl'.i. D.-n't the 1 ani",, but remember It. Kilmer's hinjjhamton, Swamp- Root, and tin; N. Y., 'on vet, L.lll.- State Normal and n n Industrial College. COURSES-- l.lTKtf l.'V t oin;i;t i M. I. SSH A I. liliMKSTlrsl'IIAt i: st n:TII IC M M I t. Tli.MM.Ml t'i;ii iii '. i. Mt.-if iniii'i'. l.-ailintt in ti'crrrep. il r iiir-i'S lor l ' nil mil in ol ut her i-i.i 1. 1: -. VVi'll i 'iiii'il Tiainini; Si-IimiiI tin IVn hrlv. lioiil.l, llllllllll'y, lilt lion anil I lor ii-i nl lt'l looks, etc., -I'o u v.;r. I'.il 1 1 lull on link'tlt, -I'll, lili'tiitli niii.n.il ii-.-i.ili Ihxiiim s. Iiii,Im i .'II. l:Hi I'-, s,. in,, laur.l in Ihe ilnl mil l ics, .ill IV ,ilir.lliiins -lloiihl In- m.nv I , I, .iv ,1 nlv !-' I' rifS- omli in r lll III ll I loin tllo-o ilisil inu i olll . n Irnl Ii a1 In i - onil sici i,i.i,Ih m. I'tir i' il.ilnt! ill il ollii i ml ,1111.1:1 111, ti'lilrciM Charles I). Mclver, t.i.'UAsiniiai, President, X. t'. Correct Dress The "Modern Metlind" system of high-Brade tail, rit c. introduced by L E. Hys & Co., ot Cincinnati, O., t.itisfi(s graid dref.rrs rveryvvhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure al moileratr pii.e. riH0 itvhs ol Ionian sad it.mii'slic lahnrs (mm win. ti m ihnnw. !(.i, c. i.li-d bi A.. S. v.TiTi"E3Sr. 11 I. Iu X. A i. Central Academy. The fall Ti I I Ihiss. henl willhe- mnmi I uesutty, M'pi. i, riiti. I or tiaih i ii I i itinl inn addriss .1 ti. I;liiit-'s, l.iiih i.in, N. C. ', i. CHOICI: ROSES! I'.int.ilions, Violcly and tlu r tltuvers, uIhiivh nil lull d. Show 1 1 WcddiltK r.tiiiijiit ts, latnK.mc Kltir.il Of'siiiH. I'til ami out dt in It ihli"t? plants. To mato, '.diliaj; ' and olln-v Vft-tahlc llatit", Miiiiti.diaH Oitltrn ptoiiibtly n U 1 1 W illi-. 'plioniMii ltdttadi. II. STl-INMIsTZ, I l llkIM, UU. I. It. II, Nol; I'll r.VKOI.INA. t 111 ly T. CLARK.l ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.IHIN, N. C. Prarticea in the eouilatif llatital and adioiinue isiiinliea.aud in tlie Kupri-ine isittrt nl the State. Kpn-uil atlention (iven ti eolhi'liitita and rirmiiit retnrns. SASH.DOORS.BLINOS. VI.VMK1.H, TI1.KH A littATKH, II AltllWAItE, AINTS,A'( I RANK T. ( l.AHK ( OMI'ANY, I.U. Ktirlitlk, V. W A I. T K H K . DANIEL. AT10RSEY-Ar-LA Wm.noN, N. C. Piartires in thecnnitn of Halifax and Nnilhamplou ami in the Hnpreiue and Fedeial t'liurta. Pel leel inns made iu all parts of North Carolina, rlraurh owes at Halifiu, N. C, open every Monday. saW

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