AiUcrlishiK Hates Mailt- Known on Applic.-ilion. N t W S I A 1' . K FOR Til h PEOPLE. i rnis of Siihscripti.,n$l.50 lcr Annum. vnl" XU- WT.LDON, N. ('., I III I.SllAY. AlCI'si ii:5, I.MM!. NO. IC. iffll 1 Mi .'.--J.!!st2. :sps Till- Kind Ymi llato Alwityd Uniitjlit, ami uliiili lms dt'i'il ,n iimi I'or nvrr years, lias burnt' the klanaliire i,f -) , .- mi. i Ii .m i..,. f -- ii ii i i-i- - n r i , j (r , ximiil kiihtMiiii sini' ils liiliinry. All ( iilintcii'eits, linlliillotis mill ' .linl-iiH-i;iiiit " aic hut i:prl ilm Hi Unit, Irlllti tltli unil rn,liiiie,tr (hi licallli of liititlit.s anil (Tiililron-l'.ifi'!eneii iitjHiii-i I Xjtfi'inii'til. What is CASTORIA (,'ustnriii U a Iiiii-iiiIpn piilistltntr Cur Ciitnr Oil, Paro Cinir, l)iuis ami Soollilni; Syrups, It is I'lrusant. It i'iiiitaiii nei'lier iiiiiu, Miit'iiliinn nor mint Narctilii! Milisiuiu'c. lis nga. is Its guarantee. It ilrslruys Wmiim iiul allays l'i'ii'i'isliiii-ss. It cures Dial Tinea anil Whul I ulic. Il relieves Teel liinn, Triiuliles, eiires 'iiiisliialiuii anil I'laliilene.v. It assimilates the I'immI, reyailalfH Hit) SI, ii. mi ll and Itnwels, KiviiiH' lteultliy and natural filce. Tin- lllliln n'rt 1'iinuerii TTtu Alullicl'N I'liend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - wws The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt eiNTUK COMMMV, T HuMIt Tilt IT. NIW VONH CTV. MCDUFFIE'S TA8TELE98 CHILL CURB, I TUE A MUTTON " i:"""- chill our. uontalnlriK r(i))t th t ot Lun ndm.l.rl..""" , rtb,ool,. I Bronoltm. MOw,?. "Mh"' Col" und' rjf?. J""",n, r;,.t..t..nd child.." Ilk. ll. ! .r.n ,Ufu PRICE, M CENTS. PHICE, CENTS t i - , Take Mo DUFFIE'9 Little Bluo Liver Plllii for Constipation i,.,d tluggith Liver.. Mc Duffle. Hoi,io,1Ii rt Hold on u ta'&'anttit to uvi, nvDiiinui juui ixuMuyunun. lniiSi.Kin W M I'.hiks, Wel,l..n, N c. W. I'. Hkuaxs, riiliil.l, N. f, oc 3E The : Bank : of : Vcidon Will, I) N. N. ('. .M ill 'ST -.'ii I'll, I VI! - Sl.lle lit' Nurill (!mi'iiIim;i IVvimi,ii . I l.ililax t ! in 1 1 1 I icpiiMiui v I own tit' W'lIJiiii I icpiiMiui y Capital and Surplus, $36,000. 1 V' K 14 yen tin- lift i hi htil) Ii .l-iiulil Ii .IiUii Im ihlui In) I his H !., thill Its Hi' ll. Ilolill fs .. ill I. -I 1 1 M ll IM II lllllltllltll V Mil I III' 1 ImiiiiPMH intfii-t- hi II thr ix nut Ni-Hl ti 'I". - i.n in Mtiiit y ! limtM t umii p. 1 mil il ill l v il i lie I ml. n-- ,n ri-lllll h. AtiMIM.( nl till nit Hilt.ihil h x rut ii"kn r . I hMII, In II U (.lj.kun Nut I h .1 ihl tun in . 1 ) 1 tr " WHIN 1 HUT IS NOT Tlll ll. Well, Now, In Willie's Case ll Was (liiile IliKeri-nt - "Vi'lkTc's Willie-" asked Mr. Sii .iii, ui i i v i 1 1 Lome In mi luisi ni'ss ilic oilier nielli, sLiys it to Mill Mt';iiolis JoiiriKil. "Oil, Joliii," i tplicd Mrs. Sprau Willi a iroulilt'd coiilileiianti, "Miuu'lliini; vtry, veiy ilisircssiii',', liaiipciitd Id day. 1 kli . cans lyini; on ilie Jiiini" niniii i.itilc and Willie look il and wein mil in llic coiner and lnni;ln candy with ii I laxcd linn wiili tlit- crime and lit- owned up, I corrected liim and senl liim in hed. Vnu iniisl have a sei ious talk uiih liim in ilic ninrnint;. Oil, I am so disu csscd alioiil U'illie1 I believe I should die, John, really, it' the- tuiy (jrew up dishonest. " And Mrs. Sprau wiped a lear out ol tier eyi-. "Oh, I ttuuldn'l worry," snnlh ingly replied the hushand. "I will talk lo ihc little sinner in the nun n inc. Willie is only Ii years old, you know, and iiiom children ol thai ace are apt In yield easily to lempialioii. Their ideas ot rihl and wrong are inn tirnily lixed as yei. Bui what have you heen do ing today, love?", "Oh, 1 have heen shopping; and John, die funniest thing happened. I rode all the way up (ow n in a surface car and il did not cosl nie a cent. The conductor never once asked me for my fare. " "And did you otter ii lo hiin'r" "Of course not, gonsie. ll was his business to ask I'or n, ia-,n'i il'-" "Do you think thai was unite er - llonesi'-" ventured John. "Why, of course il was," tardy replied Mrs. Sprau. " is ihe condiicloi paid for, I should like luknow'- It isn't my business lu make him colled his fares, is it? "Well, now in Willie's case," uuitircd die amused husband. "Why, John, how can you lalk so silly?" rejoined his wife. "The cases are entirely different. You are absurd. Iv'eally 1 don't think men have ;iny more lirinly fixed ideas ill. in children. It the con ducior had asked me for my fare I should have given il lo him, of course." "Oh, yes, certainly. Of course, dear," replied John with a iiteer look in his eyes. 'Ilxifi-, iiutliitnr vi, pi, .is.tnt us lilil'Jil. , li,',-i'lnl, at it-a Willi- 111,' ttoilil l,',iii! hI,ii,iii vil ilnwii hi your l,r, IIm-ii I-, iiollini i.i ruiiiliii-ive In i.'.mi,I anil yt,,,l li-sulls. I lic IiimI lliv man mill a li,'a'lliv lliiinl .mil lilv in a li-ll,i 1,11,111, 11 ll.-lll'l Hull in III, a lii-tli'l - hi tl ill in III,- in in in ill,' vm, in in u Itii li li.iinli, api, ,1 l inie ilnalnlilv, liiii-.i l ilii-lil. "lii'lit tliM, i,l, i ul III, "l,,ina,ll mil ilualii!,' ynnr IkkIv, inlll lll,lll-llli alnl vulll ,llili,Mllnu. l,'l aM.iv Inini tin nixi I.i.Iiih-h ami t lit lillli".. 1 r(l i'lll -l.tln , ll III llllli' Hllll liulli li'lli In.ti'i at ,1 l,il will itnulnl 1,11 1 lr imle-i l.-llnli- i t ,n ,'l i .il 1 1 ).', rail ll' eu-ill iuiiii l,,l aial n il mil Ii,- Miiiisi-,1 l,i 1 t' li,ti in 'i Ii i','11 , i in in will alt' Try a lillli' K,l ,1 l'.--'-i.i iilii-i our meal Sol,! In W M l'i,li, n. Vi'I,I,iii, N (' KXl'ABI.ISIII'll IHI;V S PECIALTIES W. J. WARD, DKNTIST, OFI'IUE IN DANIEL liUII.DtNO, WEI DON, N. 0. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE "if&W TUT KcOUir),M. D , FIimilT. Thll Cotter conformt lo the SlinJtirjB ti-eil by Uw lur Mrdaal Education. SciiU lof Uullctin No. II, winch Ull Kbuut It. tkrwt IntcmUlotyf-SfcHyUtptnmtal. MitlCIKI -(Tltlll-MIMUCI I GARRETT & COMPANY. PioDter At Brt.unijTAe . y ' ,i hlzltZZ, i ' i- W OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY t HIAWATHA MINNEHAHA lU.'.lt'l, ,,.,Kn, l'" -'"I '""lO flf PAUL CARRETT SPECIAL fV t";iill k lllltf l ll llli, innrl jqt Anil all ,.l li.-i imirlirsiir I'm,' ami W liult-mniK Wiurslnr I irs ami Imh I il r -Zj lH.ltii!li,'-l l I'nris I'mil I" Hi- n im nil kiml-' "I -'' ' null- u'-H ''' r W,.i, iu lliaui li, St l.m, Mo ' tulnr, M lit I'OI K , Has Stood Ihe test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. ll In C.lV IO tllkl t'.tuli wiili ihc jjojJ thillj po.sscssi'd by (Ulicls. ui niiiK ll iiii liitvf kuhit-v iiiul M.iililiT tiiiulili' ;ti,l tin lint (ft, KmIimV t "lit. Will ml li.ivt'iiiilv MHii-i lI h lil, nut Inr h viiii, ,ii il p - ihU'l v i ul' all I iliu nt kl.lin v ; lil.i.liliM iIih -;i-i - I'm vi V - K I I .ilk. Wi-lilnti. N r It Costs Nothing To hud nut fur a lerlaiuty tthillur or not onr heart is .'illei'leil. I Hie person ill four has a weak heail ; il may be you. If s,, ymi slum!,! know il now, and save seiious eon sispieiifi's. If you have slmrt lirealli, lliitlerinn, palpitalioii, lllilli't v sj.ells, bill llllsbes ; if ),,il eaniiul lie on left side ; if oii have f.iiulin1.; or sinulhei' iii; spells, pain aiound hi ail, in viile and anus, muii Ik ii I is weak, and pel baps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart One will re lieve )ou. '1 iy a boltle, and see how ipiiekly your conditiim will improve. "Al'uut n v.-nr nK t wl-,it lo III" Jlil.- .M-ill -n'l i',i. i,a,liiK nilt l,i'. m I nun SIT,.'I llitf tlllll In-all tlolil'li'. ullU h.ul I II r,,r It'll )','l-i. I had l"iui III my In'ait. ha.k utnl 1,-tl Hlile. and h. ,,1 not 1,,-i-n nlile lu Jiaw u ile,-p blealii l.,i lw,i yial.. An IUUh ex,-r-tliai wiiiiIJ I'tiu.-Ki ialll-itlii, I i il 1 i. uii.l ii. u lie n mv ) i,l- mil, 'i"t pnn.iluK 'I ! Hailvnl mi' III tiy Or .Mll.n 11. in t fine iilnl N, 'I vims uliirll 1 ilnl Ullli 11,,' result II . il 1 mil III hill.i- Imillli Oiau 1 ,i,r '.ii l,,l"r,'. Iialimt B.lliiil 11 pnutl'ls fill , 1 ' lil lli, li. , ,l lakhn II I liHik iilinill llilr le, ii n.iltleM i,f thf lw,i in. an Inm. and l.aiflil licin l,',ll,,r, il Willi my hi-ilt iii,B." MH.-l I II I Ii: l lluMH I lnri- HanJu-iliy. Ohio. Dr. Milei' Heirt Curt I. .old by your drugui.t. Mho will guarjnte that tho tlrst bottlo will beitetit- if It tail! he will tefuiid your money- Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind THE HERITAGE. KV JAMliS KUSSI'LI. I.OWIiLI.. The rich man's son inherits lauds, And piles nl buck, and stone, and gold, And he inherits soli, while hands, And lender llesh dial fears the cold, Nor dales in wear a garineiii old; A heritage, il seems lo me, One scarce would w ish to hold in fee. The rich man's son inherits cares; I he hank may bl eak, the factory burn, A hreaih may burst Ins bubble shares; And soli, white hands could scarcely earn A living would sti ve his turn; A heritage, it seems lo nie, One scarce would wish to hold in fee. The rich man's son inherits wauls, I lis stomach craves for dainiy fare; Willi sated bean he heals ihe pants Of toiling hinds w ill) brow n arms bare, And wearies in his easy chair; A heritage it seems to me, One scarce would wish to hold in fee. Whal doili ihe poor man's son inliein Siout muscles and a sinewy heart, A hardy frame, a hardier spirit; King of two hands, he does his pari In every useful toil and an; A heritage, il seems to me, A king might wish lo hold in fee. What doth the poor man's sun inherit? Wishes o'erjoyed with humble things, A rank adjudged by mil worn merit, (lonient that from employment springs. A heart that in his labor sings; A heritage, it seems to me, A king nnghi wish to hold in fee. What doih the poor man's son inherit? A patience learned of being poor; Courage, if sorrow come, lo bear il. A fellow feeling thai is sure To make the ouicasi bless his door; A heritage, il seems in me, A king might wish to hold in fee. O rid) man's sou! there is a toil Thai w ith all others level siands; Large charily doll) never soil, Km oiilv whiien, soft while hands -This is the besi crop from thy lauds; A heritage, il seems lo me, Worth being rich to hold in fee. O poor man's son! scorn nol lliy slate; There is worse weariness ilian llune, In merely being rich and great; Toil only gives ihe soul in shine, And makes icsi liagiul and benign - A heritage, il seems in nie, Worili being poor lo hold in fee. Bolli, heirs id some six feel of sod, Are etptal in ihe earth al lasi; Bollv, children of the same deal' Cod, Prove liile lo your heirship vast By record of a well Idled pasl A heritage, il seems to nie, Well worih a life in hold in lee. SAFE AT SEA. "And in the fourth watch of ihe night Jesus went unto them, walk ing on ihe sea. "- M 1 1. I I :25. ll is seldom safe for ihe disciple 10 be al sea w iihoul the Saviour. Yd we may be there by His command, l ie chooses sometimes in send us into circumstances thai seems in be fraught with peril. The perilous place may prove the Master's approval. They toiled in row ing and al the same lime the boat was tossed about will) the waves. We lliink il is hard enough to have In work hard w ithoui having to w orry. How easy in forget that ihe work is ours bin ihe worry is His. We forget this, but He does nol forget us. Christ praying for iliein on the nioiiii-tain-side meant more than I lis presence 10 pull an oar in the boat w iih them would have done Perhaps ihey said to one another, would thai this lake w as dried up; ai any rate ihey blamed the rolling, tossing waters for all iheir troubles. Yet, when iheir energies were perhaps exhaused, when the darkness had settled down and they were despairing, deliverance came. And ii came by means of walking upon the very element thai they had blamed; the waters that had distressed them became a way for the feel of their Deliverer. How often this is the case. Ought we nol lo have learned by this tune that we can never be sure thai any fruu will be either bitter or swecl until Cod has ripened it. l et your troubles grow , if you can stop litem; it may be ihey will ripen into great happiness, l et your trials come; face ihein, bear them; they may hold glorious triumphs. The billows of sorrow are rolling about you, but Christ is w alking on them. Cod can come on the w ings of ihe storm as well as on the shafts of sunshine. Be sure you know ihe Deliverer w hen He comes. The disciples were territied; they though! it was a ghost. It is strange ihat while we are ever ready to recognie ihe reality of our foes we are always fear ful that our friends are only imaginary. There are more people who live up to the theory of a personal devil ihau llinse w hn rejoice in ihe fact of a personal, ever present Saviour. Wi iie ibis dow u, cut il deep in your beans, thai He lias promised and lie will mil break His word. "Lo, I am wiili you alway." l:pcelllini all ihe time; waich I'or Mini, ihen when He does come we shall know Hun, we shall rejoice in the storm thai brings Him near, we shall embrace the billows and bless them; we shall stand boldly on the very clement that we feared would overwhelm us and run upon n in meel our Lord, and I lis pres ence w ill make in our beans a iiiiel harbor long ere ihe shore is reached. THE MAN WHO LOOKS IIIR li(IOI). Take My Advice innl tin I nnHiiur I'nr (iiiml ; fi vw hei e, and ynu Will lie Aslnnisheil at Mow l aisy it is to I 'ind. Hkmi I. you seen linn.- I )o you now linn- nol, am to li II you he is a good man in know. I uiel linn on ihe train one day w hen every one I had lalktd w nil for limn s seemed in have been a bin ii pessimist. I le came along smiling in such a pleasaui way that I was glad in share my seal w iih him lo ii y io make a good -1. in on my second day, bin when I looked in lo ihe wash piichcr I had a clo-i call, for il was alinosi einpiy. I whistled, and looked out of the window, and the prospects from there was very line indeed. I couldn'l remember that I hud ever seen a liner view li t mi a hotel win dow anywhere. When I paid my bill il struck me :e. being large, but the hands ol the Jerk who look my money w ere small and vcrv shapely w iihal "And so ii Weill on, day," my "making a coiisi.un ai day atur oploniisi, d earnest I here was a baby jusi across the effort to sec only ihc good, and, way thai had been crying and fret although my daily routine w as ling for an hour, and although I much the same as it had been, I had been much disturbed over il, was able to tiud a bright spot - e my acquaintance did not appear to where. Ol course, il wasn't all nonce ai all, but he presently asked sliding down lull, but its becoming nie whether I had nuticed huw pa- more and mure that way ihe longir lienl the mother was. I could see I try it. The more I look for good it very plainly then, bill I had fail ihe easier for me lo tiud il, and the ed lo observe it before. less teinpi.uion 1 have lo look for The brakeinan called out the sla- ihe bad. In fact, il is gelling to be lions so indistinctly that no one almost second nature for nie to could lell what he said, bin the op- look for ihe good, and I w ouldn't limist beside me remarked that tie go back to the old w ay now lor had a very pleasant voice. The anything. I used to have a fact as newsboy talked through his nose long as a sermon and as sober as in such a way thai made me glad -crepe on the door, and I know I w hen he was gone, but ihe man fell worse ihan 1 looked, bin now w ho looked for good discovered at il is almost as different as being in once dial his hands were clean. I a new world. Take my advice had nol noticed thai. friend, and go looking fur good After a number of this kind of everywhere, and ymi will be ustoi:- ihings had happened, I turned to ished at how easy il is lo lind. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Klrfn7 tr'i!.l I'",-; ..'pr.n tb iTittid, dli courap':; anil lisrn . an.Uli-i.: l"'auti', viiv.r airl rh' 'Tt'ilw.'.r; r'fu.n ui.aj'f.'ir vh.'N iht! l'id i)'-y, ani fiat of onicr or uVca-iid. Kuiiiry tro'llil,' h:ir, l.i'iii. '-,i I-.,.. ,. .1, ,,, y i : : . i 1 1 i : iv iirii 'iniin. n -, l . i i..r a i ii, i l i t,. I t:i lAA 'H'"'?',-':,(lil' '" 1 !!!i'-'"'il. ' -'I '" a'i . t, o f'-'H, ii '': " iirin : ai'! ', th" ( :,!! -,r It, '. i - a h(i 1 Ii".'- ail ". !.-a e h ! I : i i .1 too ... or ' - 0 l J '.V" :':l'. I ..nli Hi" .l.fhc-iliv i.; k. :!"!. h mU' b I ll.- irn ,.rt:i:,i i Ir e.:! In u cii.e la : kiJnra aril ,i4(i in . .1 p" r W.rncu u; v. I'raiV w::b k:.i.v ai: I I ah n ' t l Trie ra:.J -i:.: t Swamp Uout i ; tv .Ir-i: . I ii Tin -" ud , ;.a iaa i u: i in"" I a.lla,;f.t I '. :.:, :.":;l , I hi, 'n' , V t!.-. a halit ai la Til ar.J mn an: made rrih- d l.i..,i,r ir.-all.', '":.' ('r' ai rTnciiy. ii.iie efft, I of I' .ni.U. ll i.i s.;U iir ,jf .Ute f: an .,'.!! "T : O-.. bi:. -: ,' i..u.' lliio j.. D ai I l:i: l an:-:. J TMr,!-Ru.d. : N.Y ..'. '.'.", I-'. V. ff Svniii Iti-'t. tnany uf the i Dr. Kilmer Le sure anJ .e, I tit remember t'r. Kiiincr's . liiiihamton, State Normal aid I; the man and said: "You seem to see good every where," and he replied : "Well, why shouldn't I? The world is full of it and ii is hard to miss il. " "Were you born that way?" 1 ventured to ask. "Oh, no," he relumed. "I'll lell you how ii is. I used to be jusl the oilier way. In lad, I look ed for bad everywhere, and I al ways lound il, loo. 1 w as like a ( iuodbye. " And the man picked up his own big grip and the heavy telescope belonging to ihe panenl woman wiili ihe cross baby, and made his way out of the car, for the tram had slopped ai Ins station. I he last I saw ol him he was talking like an old friend lo a mail with a balky mule. Northwestern Chris tian Advocate. COURSES II itj; ;V iMMMI.Ia IAI. i I. s.-n il. in im i i m m 1 1 ; n i; st II. VI H it M ll I.I. I l.'AIMXt; I'lTi M If M. Ml sit iilihii lo ileu r.'i'H. ailiiali'snl iillii-r itirii-il I laiiimir n In is t'.naiil, laiuntiy, hu ll, r n-f .a ii-xt i.miiis, i'ii'., I ,M In-' I I ll loll sttlili', nlli i,i.ii litains '. lam;. I a -in in,' linanl ill lli'S a!i III,' aiililtl-.ltiilllrt 1 1', Ten Years In lied I, li tais I w a-i e, mli ni', I lir.-r e,,lil', leai I s,''t i ll i HUM'S titr l-,'.,U,!;.s Will ... -,')i .ul I.n I 1 mn ami l, i' I Til a veil -I'.', I ill, s, iii uiii, r - Hi.- ,ii'i mil hi n- -I I I l- maili' pniiil, in,- invil, il'll'lll ll'.l' lll'IS lalalnu aial ullr iv .Inly III Ih.i. I , HI'S aim t'lnn- ai'i.,,L'iaitiii Inr inali'in, auilii'is l llll Ol I II l II M. IK" Mks. Winsi tuv's : inn iiiMi viii i" Im Iwrll u .eil tor titfr hll y.iils liy iinllmlii nf Ultitllt-rit fill lllt'il iTiililli'll tlllitf ti-t'tliniil. Willi Mrlt',t MitrriM. II until hn thf ilul'l. HUllfllM tilt: Kului illliilK all pun; t'lui-t ilnl t'ulli', unit H I lie htil Itllliily l"l Diairhot'A. It h ill it-lif vt Ilit' nour liltlf mitt, it r imiiit'iliut'ly Holtl lif iliuwH in ivtry pat I ul lie wotlil Twenty lot t'rntH it Imtlle. lit- htur anil n"k t',,1 ' Mi-i Wintlit.'M S'lmtliinK tvrnt," mitt lake i,t other Vind. NX'hen a man says "I will," something may be done, but when a woman says ' 1 will," something has got io be done. OA.STOn.IA. lu lb. ) IM n Kaw Hm DUUuT filDAtUIl Of Wh tint's thi' Hint luirii'' Wli a imwiu!ii miiv'1 h iln w ift l nii)i.iii in thf l-i ni I nlil sum nit r tiiin' Anwt-r VU ilnli'l, Wi-iisc ItcWilt's itrll Milt'l S;i)vi and Hh'sh uIi a iloll't linlll cr it- I. mm In ItHik Ini Hit- ikiiiii' im llm lm til i"l I till' KrlllllllP Kolil by W. M i uheii, Wt lihm, N- V. The only thing in this world like a boy is u man, CASTORIA For Iufauti tud Children, man I knew w hen I was a boy; who made il a business of looking I'tir tlx in is, and it is astonishing how many he could lind. I le w anted litem for something or other for some kind of a factory, bin his constant search for thorns made him blind lo about everything else, ll in . I seemed as iliough he could nol see any other kind of a tree; and as for ti'iiil and llowers and sunshine, and so on, he was as blind as a bat. "Well, there w as a time when I was like that thorn hunter. I couldn't see the good ai all, but oh! how easy il was to see the bad. One day 1 said lo myself: " I bis way of living is foolishness. I've had enough of il, and so it's got to slop I determined thai I would slop looking lor lliiiigs uhieh made me feel truss and surly, and see if I cnuldii'l lind something dial would make me feel more like living. And so I turned over a new leaf, and siaricd right then and there lo look for good. ilie day happened lo be on Sun day, and I w eui in church. I he pre.kher roared in a way thai was deafening, and there was nothing w hile in Ins sermon, and yet I w as able lo lind more than a doen things about the man and his preaching which were commenda ble. In tirsi place, his necktie was faultless, and his coat lil liim per fecily. 1 lis pronunciation was gonJ, and Ins speech was gram matical. His gestures were good, and he stood siuarely on his feel, 1 would ralher see a preacher a little weak in his theology than in his ankle bones anyhow. I lis the ology will coine all right in time, bin his feel never will. The choir sang wretchedly thai morning, but I had gone to church to look for good, and I had lo see thai there w ere some very good looking people among the singers. The girl w ho sang ihe solo seemed ; in have neither life nor music in i her, but her dress was very be coming. There was a woman in ihe next pew to nie who had a very coarse look, bin she had very pieiiy bullous on her jacket. "In the next room io mine that night at the hotel was a man w ho snored like a sawmill, but in lime ' I limited that both bis time and tone w ere very good --for snoring. As in unstudied effort, il was cer tainly fine. In spots it w as as full of expression and surprise as any of Wagner's music. As 1 fell asleep I was more than half wishing that I could snore as well. "When I arose in ihe morning, I was struck with the thought my l-,l wilii iIishim' nl nt k nliti-v s. I!. A. I. lay, ,1. I'. ; i, I t l.iliiille, lint, was -a, s, Mai-I h it I ri, ulil mil mum nl till- lin.r I rullslllllil till' Vfiv mi ,iic ll vliill alallalilf, hut i ll'il Jii't ii'lii l' unlit t'nliy's Kntiiry Curt i.h inn , enitril tn nil'. 1 1 !l:t In'. 'It a Oil'-. "II pull In-I Mil Charles I). Mclvcr, President, i.i.'i:i:sr,tii,'o, v c. I i mi' ..all' hy I! flail'. WYI.In I. The value of ihe service does not consist in what is done, but in lite slate ot bean with which it is done. I 'nlcss we take Cod lor our be ginning w e begin wrong. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a tinw.-i fiil, inv k'l.ratiiiir leliii'. impart this li.'iil'.:. ,,...1 Siri'l.ulh III pal rifillar t II ik'nn- ilisiliH'Oy i ii.iinii,-. Ill,- l,'al. iti'lnanh In allti l. s,, liHImali ly n laliil In II,.' ui'ti.Tal lli'lillll that Mhi'tl u ill,- ii,ll.-,i L,- tMIi,.ll I'lvaiH art' flu vil llu' li"l,' U,,h .':tii,s in h.iilili unit Mt'rtn:! n Tor Mval, nml si,.,y Wiiini'ii win, ai,' "iiiirii-uiil." " i'iiii-il,,n n " t,r tlt-iiiiil.iii'il. t'Bi'i't'iaily lir iiiiiiitii til,. i Willli ill -lnl'l'. lilla'l- uf St I IliKllll, Willi si l at III,- l pin ru,r ,i .,w in in a, -In in-, t,r hear l,, ai y limisi h,,lil Iiiii-,I, ii. ami hit' nursing llr. I'i.iii-'s l aiiril,' I'reseriptiint ha.. ,r , it prieeli ss hcllelil heeallM' ,,f Its heallll-risUiriliK' itinl sreni:lli-i.'ii intf pewi ts. As u s.s.lliim ami streimlheliilitf lien -Ine. " l 'a urile l'l', s,. ipti,,n ,s un ,',Uale,l ami is inv atiial'lr in allay im; ami suiiiluilitf neriMiis ,--iliilillily. iirilal ll ily, n, lM,is ,-i,auli.,,i. in l'liiiis pri.-tia-tlali. lieuralL'ia. lo -l nit. spiisinv. eln.i'rii, t,r M. ilu ilaiii',', lout ul lit-r ilisi n-.situ: li,. nulls synipinius t tiinliiiiliiy at t- li'la tit iih,ii tiiiii-liuiial ami nivalin' tlist as,- uf the w "inauly uri::iii-. I i fiiilue,' refresh iti s,.,-p ami reli, yes mental tiiiiiety a ml tlesH,n,,,-y I ures ,,l,siiiat,' t'iisrs. "Kavnrite I'rt' SiTi(,l inn " i. a pi, si ny e ,'llle h,r Ihe must t'lilnpiiealt'il and ,,lisl mate eaes ,-t "le lliaie Ul-aklli'lis." paillllll periiis. iriecll lalilles. prnlaplls i, r lallllik' nt the pi Ilie tilllahs. weak ha, k. I. ann iluw n na tiiui. elimiii,- eulii'i'stiuii. itill ., li , ma I ii in nml uieeraliuii. hr I'iei'i'e's rnt'ilii'ines nre inatl,' fmm liarmless hut elln-ietil mi. Ileal r,K,ts ftiiihd irniwiin: in t.ur Amern-aii fnrets. The lii'liaiis knew uf lite man, Imis ,',ira tiye yalue uf .nine uf tlies,' runts aial im tiai'teil thai kiiuw li ilire tu sum,' ul the hieiitn'ier whiles, ami iratiually s,'li I the inure pI'uL'I'essiy , ph sli'1,1 lis l alne tn 1,'sl Itllit Use tlielll. ilinl ey,l' ili,v lln-y hale Kl'iiwu ill Inmr hy reason ul llu-ir Miperiur eiirHtiit' virltitu Ktnl their sufe ami harmless iiiiililii s. nlirilril;illsls sell lhe',l',AVulllTI' I'llK- Ht'itU'i'lnN " unil alsu lliat famuli-alt, ra- tiye. I,I,hhI purilier 1111,1 slulliiteli Mini,', the "litu.lit N Mkiiii ai. Illsniy lay." W rite tu Or. 1'ieree nliniil vunr eae. He is an i'i rit'ttei'il physifiiui anil will treat teiir fuse Its I'uliliilelitlal ttlul Wlthnul elianje fur eurresii,inleiu','. A, hires. Imn ut ihe luyalnls' II. ,1,-1 uml .Sitru lea I Institute, llllltahl, N. Y., uf Wllll'li 111! 1.4 chief euli hlltlllllf fill) Mt-ial!. Correct Dress Thr. "Modern M, ihud" syslcm of hiiih-Rradr iai!.,rir.if i'llroducrd by L E. Huye & Co., ol Cincinnati, O., lalidies goiid tltessers everywhere. All Germrnle Made Strictly to Your Meaiurc at nnvletttlr prtee.. 'iltO dyles ol InreiKn eiui d'tuiestic fhlinr linm wlaihtu choose. Krurt, enled by Jv. S. JVLHiElT. u h:i.ii., x Central Academy. Tin I- .ill '1 . 1 the. siliuul will hi'- iiin on Tuesday. Sept. 4. IKI6. l-'nr fun lu i u l tin tlttili aiiiln -s .1 M. Itlllllit's, I. ml, ln, N.C. CHOICI: ROSES ! ( .11 M:il tilit, Vtnlfls ;iml tlllu I" IlilWfrM, ;ll w :i h nil 1. Shnut r WftltlllH !iiHiln H, ll.tlnl-i'ilir l lni.ll Di'sitillM. 1'nt ;illl nlil ittmi lit (til l tty lilts, Tu 111 llu, r.lili,'t;. ;(i ntllt'l Vt'dt'lubll! I'i, lilts, , Olllt'lS Mi)lllilly i-i' nli il N 1 1 '. 'thnut or (rii ;IUill. II. STi:iN.'ETZ, llultlsl', ' 1 mi.l'.lt.ll, Nllliill lAPOiJ 5 I lit ly J V- Ifi. t. ct.a.ik:,t UK -m'lllNii AMI S1MMKU MILLINERY. FANCY (KKtlWaud N0VK1.T1FR. Kutlerit'k'H I'Hllrnn. ATTORfMEY AT LAW, WKI.ItoN, N. C. Prat'lifi'M in the court h ttf llulif'uz and tttljnmiim tttti nl icm, nml iti the HiiMCtiie 1'nnrt nl tlifStalc. SiM'cinl ntlt-nlioti nivtn l'i cnUi-ctiniiM uml hrnmiii rritiirim. 1 1 Miwwu airllo. , I.mlifM 7.V. to $1. MlL.IVii'H will hp in ml p in unit the tiitif, 1 1 at.M ami I to u net made aud Trimmed to order- SASH, DOORS, BLINDSJ M A N 1KI.M, I'll. US n tillAIICH, II AltDW AItl', pain rs,.vc HUNK i. U.AIfK "OIMI'ANY, 1 11. rVin-liilk, . ThS Kind YOU HatS AlwayS BOUgM dreams bad been pleasant, a very ii. th. . unusual thing with me, and I was C4&yfj4Uti4: , fairly well satislied with my start in looking for good, 1 encouraged Bears tho 8iguttu uf Al.t. MAIL OUni ltS I'HDMPTLY IT I.I.ITi. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wi lilou, N. C. w A I. T K It K . I) A N I E I, . AT10KKKY-AT-I.A W, Wm.niiN, N. C. l'l ictiies in Uipi'iiiiiIh of llalifm nnd NnitliHinplon uml in the Ktiprrme ant Ftaleiul ciiurtH. i'ollet'lionit mmle in all iartN of Norlli Carolina Hrancli office at Halifax, N. C, open every Monday, m 1.. in. miu.. m in -x 1111 11 lillli Html I" lalllbiHh I . WlMTWtiIHBrBiil T , nmtii A " " 'luil..-, , , ifm