ItJI ME iff my w vi II Hi! 14 1 'i .this of Siibsciiptiiin-$l.50 Per Aiimiii- Ailvertisini? Kates Made Known on Application. NEWSPAFtR FOR -THE PEOPLE. WKLDOW N. C, TliriSSDAY. SKITKM IIKl. (i, NO. 1 1. VOL. XLL V .CTIa. VS1 act VI 11 CAT-. THE SPANISH WOMAN. IH'UnitlinK l or Women of (ientle Itirtli tu I:hi-ii llor Living MniTi.iKc Their Chief Aim All Must Have n Dowry. COMPARISONS. 1 lu Kind You llstvo Always nought, mill which litis liecn ,ii ii-o lop over MO year, lias litirnn th signal nro id' Q uoil lms been hiikUi uiulcr Ills per- Hoiml Niim-rviKiim kIiico lis liilaucy. t-. -, JfClCSUK Allow no ono todocolvn yon hi this. ;i r iJiiiil iTiVlts, Iiiiilatloim and Jimt-ns-ifooil" nil- but : i hih nls that trltlo with uml rnduiipT tlio health of In!::. lis and Children Enperlonoo against r.vporiiite.iL What is CASTORIA i toi'iii is a. harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, l'uro i Dnips and Soothing Syrups. It is l'leasant. It , :inis neither ()iiiiin, Morphine nor other Niuvotlit i lisianee. lis ii;u Is its guarantee. It destroys Woriim nllnys IVi.'i-lsloiess. It eures liitrrlnt-ii und Wind i 1 1 relii'ws Teething Trouliles, ein es Const Iputioit ,,n.l I'latnleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates (lie M.muii-ii and Itmvels, giving heallhy und natural sleep, t he Cliililien's I'aimi'Oil The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt ., n U. .t.lll, c o IH. McDUFFIE-S TASTELESS CHILL CURE. U the only s(Julnin6on chill u".qh to chill, the market. It ,ncrBn.Boui ,d malaria. " rodbi0U. .ppetleendmak.MOd stronK,. PHICE, BO CENTS. Take MeDUFFIE'9 Little Blua Livor Pills (or Constipation n,,ct SlUKKleh Llvere. Mc Duffle's Ho.rnetfiee art) solil on u nuurentou tu ! do all we claim or your money bui K. r.iK sai.k hv w. m.coiikv, Wi-i.Ic.ii, n. r. w. i:, I'.nihi.i, n. c. CU rlKht Dt the .eat i dleun.e, and do t Zj!un orptlon In rurlnL k b Bronuhlil, a.? to"h. Coins Cuh. Pleornn,-"'oP'n Pneumonia n,; f"ever" PICE, as CENTS. f '1 lie Sp.inMi cirl is strictly looked :ilicr hy Iili' iiiuiIilt; slic is i:xiccu-il in yield iniplicii nhalicnce In Ikt f;illiir, hut lo her suiiois she is ,i i i.iiil ;iiul cmiu lk', ii i lit . mo wiiiiiiin in ilic wiii'M tujoys Iter kini:ilimi more. l;i'uin the time she is lil'ieen, when she is consul-1 erei.1 ni'own up, uiilil she nui ries, i every e tli HI is iiliule lo pi'ovitle annisenieiiis lor lie-1", and ol' these : loveinakiiiH is the chief. The yinnif; Spanish woman nevei hy any eh.inee is allowed to go oiil alone, so, as the mother or husband eannoi always lie in at tendance, an occupation is provi ded for an indeliniie number of middle -ajjed Spanish ladies of gen tle liinh, who accompany girls, young married women, and wid ows lo eaily mass, and on the sub sequent round of shopping. Nowhere is there a more unre mitting struggle to keep up appear ance. No mallei- bow poverty-, 1 stricken the family may be, the comforts of life arc curtailed in , order that the wife and daughters may baye smart dresses in which : to walk on Sunday in the I'rado. I A struggling man, holding some ' petty official position, which brings in perhaps $tit)l) a year, must stint in food to enable bis family lo go to the theater and to allow his daughter the chance of attracting a husband. livery Spanish girl requires a dowery, w bethel' she marries or tpics into a convent, and ibe most strenuous scraping goes on lo pro ; vide lliis. The idea of a Spanish woman of ! ,rllk gentle birth earning money is not 10 be thought of, and she would lose caste and be expelled from socieiy if she followed any profession. fta Noun an W l!.-Kl i Mnke Thera Wt ll.-ulu to Si.nVr. We wcuil.l n il have t.i solve so for eoliniCe If "lull e . ilulli'l.V eilll 'llii!i,s" w.-ie in il1.' eveiifv ilistl iliuteil IIIIIUII',' US. fur Mil lillc'd 1 t Mi.lllll llll'll :t,'nl lo lillu If II eil one. If we were .ill !i,iio!m'Ue.l or latne or llin,l; If e'-iy IiiiI'iiikI wen- iinl'.illlil'ill iin.l ,,1 ry ellllil II er.i.i:; if e wnv all poor anil no 1 1 hi i i li.ul any niore tliail uliotli it; if liolnuly'K s ill ille.1 ill Ills eurly KlreiiKlli n ml noli iy ua.-i loviil while we Mil in tleili-,1. Ilu'll who of us w oiilil Uiintv . tin I sorrow s ami alllle tiolli v.flt'V W i' Wolil'l lake each of them fin' M'auli-il, as a ( 'Iiiiiaiiiau lakes his ,w- iv skin ami an luiiiini his i-e,l one. It is lu'rause v.e Koe our estate illflei In:; from of our fellows thai we ale l, iuiteil to i-oliiliarisoiis. ami It Is III the lllllklllk' of these eolil:iiris ins 1 1 in ( u sense of our s irrows, like Hie kn iuhili;.' of our nlllii-llons, Ih Hist horn. Ilow woiilil we liae known that we w ore i.o ,r unless we hail seen some oi.e rise who was ri.-her or that our Hon wa;i uiisoeeessfiil unless the sou of soinohoily ilse were niaklni; n k'n-at lunik In Hie win-til V Wnul.l our lillle ehihllen he uiihaiiy with only one .ll-e.i ll'.ul they Hot need other rllil illetl w Itll t .in-: II e iu.e.i In this, then: When in he din to make eoniiarls ins, we ln-prlll to f.uli'er. 'Hits niiiy seem to he ii html sitiin, hut It Is a true one.-iaille lluiullioii I'reueli In ll.u tier's Ihizur. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Try .v III.' ii of V"'' "" II. i.t I. II..' 'I'U.'.M. Ill, l old tllue I, I ill S lite Sin l.l.'ht, tire a ileliisti'ti aii. I :l snare, anil tli, man wh i siths lor Ihein has lillle ,miiiv,iI iii nf i. th.-j w ere. Iletuni to thrill. Wool. I J. III'.' Ilieu rise oil II Mill m ., -nil, i! iiml w.i h ill the pllllii; ..ill oa a pair ol r ml, Lie liools llnlt thai a tin run In .tilTne-.. pull on ii i.o ,i ii si. li t oirr j .nil- I. ark aii. I sit ,'ouu In a Inn'.' men! Willi your tin le-i nl stool ilanrim: aiMuml on n split i.lah Moor, rat rorn Hint tillrou for ii .lie! ali i I .h-.r f 'teni lioui-s out of Iwelit. lour. Ii.) without a dally paper, a liy seieeli, ll luos.Ulto Imr. a spi'lnu ii i ii 1 1 i- -1. a kerosene lamp fi.'i'liau' your om-ii to market uml sit on Ihe II of mi in eillt lis GEHMAN GLEli CLUBS. 1st. r I ' l)aM I III Ihe e.ll'li III,. .,!,. ill 'Ihe liii.,1 s olk III IS., IllllllS l.ti.s. tia.l. 1' tlsrl'. .Illlie 10. lis J. Iilel le.l I Hie N. I at Ih is..- II... sa.-.IK.'rf.'sll. Im I t. II ,.!,. . ,.l s;,.-liuel fests In . . . I, 'i.l anuiliilly. i, 1 l,. I I...! In New i ...'.Mirli Her I,, IV I ' I. ,1,1.1 ell ex-A.tvrii rlllPs Ihlnl tills .-ai- on ihe Now o;'l, .tit. . that the Will he reeell .1' .Ne.v ..rk will , nlllliial I'rslUal hi the P.ilh lo Joll'il.ll Ire rhr. I I.., II nulll rlee :,rate the ,ev York '-'.'.I of .lime, if r i.ere.. the STAC! LEGENDS. KI:ST THAT KliSTS. & : Bank : of : ffslioa mi. ACiil'.-,!' -oTil, n State of North Carolina Depository. I lalifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital antl Surplus $36,000. "171 n K It tfiir. this in-titillioli li s (ir.n i.te.l li.nkn i hinlillis lol H se.liiill llssHrkli..l.h'1'.iiii.l ilu.rl. i- luir h,,n i.hil,li,,l i,,ll, 1 luiMllfsii ilili-re-ti nl 1 1 . i x uml Nilli.iln.l..n rooini. s I.o I v Man. V is Imuieil llli.lll npii...-.Ur, unl .- at III I. HI. I !' il I'."" ' .nil. ii, Aeeoliiitnif nil nr.- sili.ilr.l II. IS the I'UKsiii.'.s r: W. I It AMI I., v i n riiK-iiiKN r- in ii w n uis. (.lj.k-nn Ni'UliJiiiil" i n N. t U If Mil I II. J OE E kmwmM II, H J Im GARRETT & COMPANY 4 HIAWATHA ' PAUL CAKnCTT SPTC1AL ,H (S,iLI,i.u ( li.iiiiuariii'l 'tu Ami all olher nuletiisol 1'iiie uml WIioI.i.miih Win lio smiil li-lel ii - la.HiU,..,l, I'linl ill He. -i lol all kiwis ol -mall hulls. i!i.i.rsrlr ui . ..-.'. . - i.. HiinirOlH.s'. NOIiHM.k, Rest means resi. j "(an out" worrying. Kesi w ith a capital N Rushing for trains and boats is mil resting. Being elbowed by a vulgar mob isn't resting. - Neither is staying at home and being annoyed by endless details. Overdressing, overealing and too much exeiieineiil arc not rest ful. Over Sunday rest is best accom plished by a side trip to some rcsi ful place. The idea is to discover what best agrees w ith one and then to follow il as well as possible. Anyway it's just as cheap lo raise a vegetable garden as lo try to pick oui safe investments. CASTORIA For Infanta and Cliilihcu. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Bigualuie uf Ancient Molten of III. u IiuiiI'm Au tiii.illir t.) S..i.I..'n. There Is II. heust III the world to whieh more legendary virtues lire lit lilliuti',1 1 1 in 1 1 Hie stim'. partly iiwlnu to the tale of St. Hubert, partly to ll supposed nnllpatliy of shies toward , serpents, partly to il peculiar mass of efistle In the shape of a cross whleli Is found tn the HiiiiuarK heart. A whole hook IllleM he written oil the miraculous power of the heart and tun eitli'ilcy of dih'erelit purls of lit ill i .-alnst the trouliles of Oils evil world. I'oulllol.x. Ill (lie slxleenlh eoiitury, K.ves ll lout! list, niul Master ltohel't lopsel tills pane upon iat;e Willi Iheln. hut our ii ill Iiol- 111 his solid I'lishtoll is ellary of nreeplllii; such sturie.-l. Men say, lie admits, tlmt when n stsi? Is rluhl old he healrth u serpent with Ins foot till she he wrulti. and then elltetli he.', and Ilieu g .eth lo mid then runneth hilher and thither till lie wnier mi. I venom I.o' meddled toelher. nud inalieth til I.l east nil tils evil humors that lie had lu his hoily, ami .uaki'Ji his llesh come all anew. I tut. lie adds, with the solemnity of Hero lotus lihnself. "Thereof uii.ko I nolle titti.niatioik." And Ihli phrase occurs uitulii nud iiK-ilu. lor the rmute de Kolx U too K'leat und nol.le n huiilcr that miy assertion of his should he lilllKhed lit.- Maonilllilli'n .Mnnii.luii. wend van- way In church n frolic. 1'arrli corn and pens for coffee and sassafras for tea and see how like It. Tl Id days are looked backward lo alTecllonatcl). sals the llahcston NelVS. hocnu-.r they W el'c the dai s of our youth, of linindiliK blood and sup ple joint-, the days of hope and the ilajs of love uml hiUiihlcr and sotu!. 'I lie days of Ihe prrsrlit w ill be the K..I.I old dn.isof the c iniini! nencriillon uml w ill be regard, d by our su, rcss,.rs ns rather cnide in ctistoiiis und harsh lu many ways, yd withal not to be de spised. The prouri.sMlves of our line are the mossl.noks of later eras, l'll'ly years hence we will be accounted as slow and immature as we now reiilliil those of half u century iik'i. CHIRSCHMUS. A HnUl llHli.1) Tlmt Is Unit, nf I're rtt'J h.'1-rleM. Last nuui.ecr 1 nte numine Swiss ehlrselinius twenty years old. It tasted like u eoiieeiitnillo.i of all the richness unit Bwvetuess of tile most perfect cherries. In appearance it was n pur pllsh black hiiiss. Alio had not impair ed It lu the least. t'pou Inquiry I learned how this cherry concoction, with Hi wonderful pl'esel-viurf iliallty, U Ulllde. The cher rim used must bo perfect -very large, ripe, Juicy black ones anil, nbovn all, very sweet. The Jillee of them pressed out niul Htrulued lluouitli ii Imk Is put ll. a la.'Kc presenint! kettle, at the bottom of w hich Is placed ll piece of sinukeil purk fastened to u block of w ikiiI. The wood Norvun as a weight to keeii thu fat down and prevent the Juice from buinl.iK as it thickens. The cherry Juice la boiled for about twenty four hours without miliar, but stirred from time to time until It becomes a muss of sweetness so tlrui and thick that It would not fall If the kettle were Inverted. That Is all, n simple process, hut the result Is delicious. This chirsclunus Is 111 ueiieral use lu Switzerland with the "fciusse alike" (sweet blltterl anil bread. lAindotl ladies' World. rhibs uml I red will procession. The prlnelpa will lake place lit Mll-le, I oiilleellll. I'l.llll 111. I'. ..'Ill Ne.v York il I . i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 perlol'li.illlri A. .i.l.'iny ot t. when tin choruses will I.,' sunn by oirr l.'.'m uiulr loir,.., ii.-.-. i if i.i m :, .1 by an or rhestra of pm plerrs. (Ill Ihe '."Jd will he held a plrnl I the lllooiiilnulah I'oa.t, .atpo-ile St. II..T' . lull Juno 'JLV Till, 1 Jubilee ot lleiiiiiin sm-er, Salm.l '.i lo 'l ile-.l iv, llllh t.1 U'J't 'Ihe ecrlil.,,'i of Hi.' 'M.IKle l illle" l.lerlllle I.)' I. -Ml lose. was ler.v line. .inn, on and suijiii-in by the New elubs and was i,., ,'ivil w llh no it .ippla ii-c l i e lanll.l. ht- lif NcWillk MIIK 'U ..lii-i-ehr.' S'llif fernesiiiiu" III II lllsllllilli-lle.l lOi.llliel'. Ilul the moKt Ininke.l pel loriiiali.-e was Martin l.nther's "l.m l'r-ie tr Is' l us.r ib.ti." arr.uv.'.l by 1'lul.e. Wi felt illlliicdlalell what lelii:iolls III, 1-1. really Is how ri'.ind, ....Iritiu and sub lime Mich a h.i mu Is when prrl'oriuri by a lar:;e 01 ehcsi r.i und htinilrcd'i of lol. 'CM. It WHS sollielhilli: tu be re-lliclub.',-il loin;. Kos-ltlll was prc-fUt duiiliK an l.'lri mi'-.ioii and was cheer ed. - Newark N.'w s. 'I he hreiith of Life. It's lot thai the si mutest animal nl' its siz., tile nonll.i, iibo has the tiiliiis. rowrilnl lili,- nuan H.W.'l Till cir.itlllrs. ll.HV to keep the hri'iilluu oi'iiiiii" ri"!it sliouhl he man's t'llicl'r-t study. I.ikr ll.o.lsaads ol'olhrrs Mis. ilia . SU-.lien, i.l' I'm! Williams, l)., lias Iciiinc.l haw lo do lid-. She ivnt.s: 'Tlii-.c botlli s ol III. Kil e's Nrw Iliseiiury slopped my couh ol lo yrais und i-arril me i.l' n h;il my ti ii'iu!- th.ulit I'linuiiiplioe. II, i salami f.,i' lliroat niul 111 -.y II' III. I. -. " li.l .ill Irr.l Ir,' OH V .lo.(tiiV. I lire .0,' sll.l -I. Tli, I Im.I l.r tl. .' diiiiitlilliiu u Kt'llulouH Duty. "Spc.ikinjs nl' yaitililuit,." n luif-sliiii nry wilil, "I kii.iw of tl s'-t tli;i( iv Ifiirdu It ih ti rt'lifiluus iluly, like faM liiK or prayer. This Kcct a tin1 lllmhios. Tlu'j nut. tiny hi viwU yeur punitlv like tiwd fi'uiii Miiiiiist! till sunset. Tin day hi tlio IVsthul nf the lainpM, u day riiit'rcd to 1-akslmii, the litnltlcs ol wt'iilth. A tn-un'iiduiis lot of iiinnoy chHii'CH htindn In ljikshuu' honor. All thin itiuiihlliitf U doiiu to tost tin- tiiniii- Clul BUt'C-CrtS tllllt Will Ittti'lld OU i'ilcll pursoii throuKliout the yvar. If a ku lilt'i hi1! he known a year of hard luck Ih iihend of hint, ll' lie wins ho knows lu; may expect a twelvemonth of prosperity. Htnuw to nay, a ood deal of eheatint; Hecomptmiea this re llglous auiblliii;." 1 Vf til iiu M 1 1 k urnut. The ipiallly and iimtitily of silk pro (luted In your sllkvvoriuv will nil de pend on how Mi feed thoiii. Tod uitit li food Mht.uld not he iven at oiiee, lut they shiMiM never In' left entirely without at :my lime ilutlitK llie day tip uiL-lu. You imi-t, therefore, wuteli earefulSy t j,et an Idea of Uu-lr appe tlttf uml provide at-eoi illuyly, snyei Home Chat. I'resh unilherry leaven are the proper loud for Hllkwonnn, hut If at any time are nol proeiirahle youii;; leaver lire tho U'kI suh stilnle, hut they me only a hlp pip. Silkworms cauuoi live lor u lon pe rluil without their n.iliuitl food. THE SERPtlNT'3 VENOM. Uoiiuiiiiiit 4tun l.ckt'iul of lliff Urlulil ! uf Ihe 'iolt:M-i I'liitit. The iioplii-t uiiM lukiiiu a h troll tit the I'ountry uheii he s.iv u neipeut, stiff With l.vln; o:. tlio (iiolllid. Ilw eompu..iomiti ly tuok It up and wanned It m hi ho.-mn. When the serpent h.wl'ie.l It saiil: "lHvlne pioi'liet, listen. I am now HoliiK lo hue iiu "Why. iniyV' in.Uii't'tl Moliammed. 'Ileeaiiie lh. isiiv i-.-isertiles mkne and trli a to stamp it out," "Itul tlo.-i not thy laiv, too, inukL' pi-i'lieUlal w ar Hulnst minor" w,u llu pl'o)het"( I't'JoUidw. "llo eiiut thoU, liosldes. ho uo uu.uleLul n ml o skkhi fui'itot that 1 saved thy llfoV" 'There Is no stu li Ihim; u.4 b'titudu upou this earth," lvplied the serpent, "und If I were now to p;tro thee either thou or another of thy rtu-o would kill nit's lty All.ih, I shall hile thee." "If thou suoru hy Allah, 1 will not en use thee to hreak thy vow." said the prophet. hoUlin his hand to the serpent' mouth. 1 ho se.'p -nt hit him, hut lai sueked lho wound with his hp nud spat the veitom on the ground. And on very spot there spram,' up a plant vWileh eomhims within It S 'li the venom of the serpent and the eoii:issiou of the prophet. Men i-ull tills plant hy tho imuio of tohaeeo. t'onte Aratts. The menace ot' the enuntry jusr now seems in be ihe "breakfast food habit." They Stand Alone. St:iiittiiiLr out Iii hol'l n li-f, a uluiiCy llli'l us H eoii-iii'iioii" ex;impli' of open, trunk anil hoiif-t t:i 1 1 n ' with tint ick und iitlli.-ie.l. im- Hr. ru nes Tavoriie I'risrripliou tor weiik, over-worknl. ile hilitiiteil, m rvoith!. " rmi-iloM n," pain riielo'il women, ami lM'. l'ierre's (ioldni Mediral Distovery. the f;nmiii reiu-'dy for weak Moinarh, ind iyri ion. or tjs pip'ia. torpid hsiT. or hilimiMiess. all Ciiturrhal a tied ion ; win i lnr of tle-loiu;i-h. how '!.. I.idiiiv-. hltidili-r. uanl p.iN.iU(-s, throat. I toiii liia. or otln r nui-t'oii- inisMik" -'. Hl" h :m etlertive remedy for all ili.eitsi-s. urihini from tltin. v atery or Impure lilood, as scrofulous nud skin UlI'Ttiolis. Karh U'ttln of the aliove niedieineH M-ars iihii its wrappiT h hadue of hon esty hi the full hl ol iiiindienls o.m-po-'inK Ii- in iiitnl in jiUiin fcnyllWi. This frank and open pulilielty phuTH i thesi' mediiiues hi it id h them ' mtmt, uml l tlio U-st wmiraiity of their , merits. They eiimiot hi- rlassed tos patent i llor se.Tet liH'dlellit S for they nr! Iieitln f , lnini at Kinitrn nmpoMNon, lir. Vieree feeU thill he ran ufTonl to . tiike the ittllleted tutu his -full I'oulidciue , ami lay all the Innredients of his nmli ! I'ilie ffe.'ly le(ore thil henilise these ; Imriedienls are Mich n lire endorsed and I most strongly pmtsed hy sn.res iif Ihe iint-t iMiiineiit iniditiil writtrs as euret for the diM'iiscs for which these niedl , clues lire reeoillllieiuhil. Therefore, the a (Dieted ihi not huve to rel alone upuii ir. I'iercw'H recnminetidaUon as to the i-iirative value of his meiiictiies for cer tain easily reeoirnized diseases. A Khiiu-o ut ihe printed formula on each bottle w ill show that no Hhohol and no harmful or Imhit-fonidiiK dm- enter Into Dr. IMer.-e's inedulites, iht-y In-iuk wholly eompoumled of glyceric 'Xtriitts of the roots of native, American forest plants. These are het und safest for the cure of most llwri rln, chronic iii ra"es. Ir. H. V. rh-n-e can ! coiisulted KitKr, hy addressing him at Hutlalo, N. Y.. uml all commniucaiioiiie am re garded as sacredly- coutideBilul. It Is as easy to he well n 111 and much more coinfortahle. l'oii!t4piitiou Is the cause of many forms of illness. Mr. Pierce'". IMeasant 1'ellets cure c.tHtipa lion. Thev are tlnv, suKarciutted uran Ule-. One 'little "Pellet " i- U t'eltlle laa- tive. two a mild cathartic. All dealers 111 medicines sell them. Thousands Ilave Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To l-'imt Out. Fill a bottle or cnmincm with your water and let it stand twenty foi:r hours; sc'iiment or sct- 1 llni,; indiciteii an unhealthy condi tion of till kid irvl; if it sUins your linen it Is evidence of kid iu: trouhle ; loo herpient desire to pa-,3 it or pain in thn back h al::o convincing proof that tie kidneys &t)J LUtd der iirc out cf oid':r. What to Do. There is comf-jrt in the knowledge zo often eiprcjsed. that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the preat kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of ihe urinary parage. It corrects Inability to hold water and r,calding pain in passing it, or bd-j effect3 following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of ben.g compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times d'-inng the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realised, h stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If ; on netd a medicine you should have tho be:;t, Sold ty druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle o( this wonderful discovery and a book that telrfflij": more about it. both sent tK-U'TSHG, absolutely free by mail. -UJ Addresr, Dr. Kilmer & rrmo or Swwnp-itoo. Co., Bingamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading thu generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember th name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and ihe address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle, Tin: x. -. Slate Normal anil I t Industrial Collep. COURSES I. I I i:i;m;Y i iiMMIT.'cI VI. i (I.ASSHAI lii.MKSTIrsriKMT: ' SCIIATllTf MAM KI, TU.VIMM! ! I':i.iiim.U AI. MI SIC fllrri' ciniise. leailini! to ili'treen. I 1 ."-p.', i il cor-i s l,,r ''atliiatesnt' uther -A- Lu.-. V,'.-!l ..pi pp.'d S.-li, nl tia Tr.rhrls. Hoard, hiulnlry, tni- ! lion I :rs ho use i f tmt l ooks, etc., sl'n ii yiur. I or lire milam stndi'iits, 1-;.-.. ITtlr, nth annual irssion lie-ins .-itni.ter -.'ii. IihiiJ. 'I',, sc. lire in I Ii.- ihaitiil nrs, all tVie at.libcatiiinH slioiilil he niai.e l.rlolt' .Inly to. ('. ril-s. ,.iii.1ria-i' inv.tid I.o. a llai.-i drsiiint; com. ! p.'leiil I, :t I.ri's and stfi orai Iims. I'or catalog an. I ollirr in I... ma. i.n, a.ldri'.s Charles I). Mclvcr, i, I, I. i:sia ii;. i, I'rtsidtnt, . f. Cliuuttttttu lllvera. "Lnrry liouovnii," mild 11 profession al snlu.iner, "iniide the'liest dtvo n rei ord. It ns uio feet u dive from the Itrooklyii brldnc Honovini nlso took a til ve NV1K.1111 briilKe, 11 Buoil L'mi feet. There lire 1111 other div ers In the siiino eliiHH with Lurry. Jack Ui.rus 11 dive of lo( feet from the tupmust .ir.lii.-iii of the Three llrotl.ei's, the hirnoKt Milling ship of Its time, und Jim o'Kourku Julius (.uulier have done some kihkI iHvluK' too- ll) fwt, 125 feet, und 80 0.1 but It In doubtful If Donovau'ii reeoril will ever tie broken." K.STAHI.1HIII-TI IKI.V PEOIALTIKS; IRCINIA DARE PViis A VV l o. li' tlioni,' .Ay. OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY liny N iipi,. 1 1.1. Hi' 1 sy liest ( hsi PriefN Paul ill HrU Wetrn hraiu h. St Loins. Mo Has Stood The lest 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic No-Cure-No-Poy. 50 cents. A Ivy diicMi'i Intve 10 know vi t y iiiiii li lo lliink lie could gel mi a lot less. A Live Wire I'u i v it. i o is a live wire I'liii.le. lino .-nl...' J I "f ''e uiili tl.e lir.iin. I arc mi tiiiiiiciiiiis lliat if yott j'l't.e 1 1 .it i- lite -.1.111 v. itll till' puil.l ')f a tu i, lie von will tout Ii a nerve an.! r-.--:'. c a.::!ui-l: pnin is r.ilKil. Acl.i'S ami pa. us amie front a I'lrssiire, hiiaiti or in jttry to a mi ve; lite tiU'iv " " iiieiit tlte mrve lite c.i f.iti-r tlte pain. I. e.i ll.f p 'in lutncs from a l.tree mrve it is called Neuralgia whether it he the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach, sciatic or other prominent mrve branch. To Mop pai". then, you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Pills do this. "1 siifTrrfd lntrr.1"- pntn. ennseil u Th. rn.-ll.h-. Tall. The tnll of a e.-nivtlsh serves thnt nn Imul Its nn our. Hy n peeulhir Jerk of the Mil the uuiu.ul can retire from a diiniterous object with almost Incredl ble sivlf.nrss. Thu tall Is much more effective In inovll.K the ul.ln.i.l back Mard forward, u Hl.iifiilar Instance nf adaptation to Its situation, for by menus of Its lull It eu.i withdraw Into Its hole with mu h swiftness as In an Instant to place It out of thinner. Uieltetl Mi ('..uiluettl. Tess -Of course, 1 knew Unit May and ltesi. were littler enemies, but do you nieu.i to tell u.e they uctuiilly en- gl.Ketl 1.1 0 flt light? Jess Yes less - Why, what a scandal: 1 dcclaie 1 , JeMH Oh, nobody l.otlceil It. Thry , w-eut to iv bii.-.;i.lii store to do It.--' rbllHdrlpliliI I'ress. A lll. l. Sluu. Slan, hints ,,f prosperity vary lu dif ferent part, of the country, but that of Captain .lack Is purely I.k-:i1 -tu litm self, 'the old .null came nut of Ills cottai.'v door one iiior,itny: and illscov ered some ne'er do well nrluhliol'S IlluK elains in lho Hat In front of lib shore. "Ileal tut', boys." lie ipuiM.l'ed III ll weak, old .ire. "don't ilk my elains! There' u Ab. I Wyitian oier lln'i'e ueios the cove; be h.n Itatn for breaktast cv ery inoini.u In tl.e jear. tio ovei there and .bit his chuus. boys.'1 III. tllslnkr. "Youm.' tiian," sui.l her father, "dc you smoke eiKaicttcs':" "1 should say n it." declared the youth "I would eon-iilc It disgraceful In bo sec. V. ill. one of tin Tile thluifs In my uioiith. I think ..II clliarctte slllol.el". should be Jailed Why do you ask, slrV" "Tllolli.ilt perhaps jou eoul.l Id lu. have one," said the old mall p.iinte.ily "1 smoke 'em myself."- Loudon Tel.' I I V. sir .Mr. i lly Hoarder as bilnn enter tallied by Ins l'Ulul s ,1 eelhe.l.'t. "lo ,tou play and slny 'VVhcu th. ' t'ows Are Ii. Ihe rorn.' Miss Milky ttclk'hV" "Lord bl.'-s )oll. n il" she ejaculatr.l "I K.-t Hie d-.r. nil. I chase 'enl out " llariMl-'s Weekly u H'.m.I Over 111. F.rm. L'urle Abe, a crliiled old hcuro, via ited u zooIokI.'iiI ijarileu. lie stootl fas elnatcd before n en no coiitalnliu,' n chimpanzee and eould not lie induced to move. After awhile the came to the front nf the cane I n cle Abe sioke to hint. lloinlyi" he said. "UowdyV" The ehiinpiiuee not making any re sponse, I'nele A lie chuckled niul h inked at hi.n kuowlnijly. "lnitH rlitlit; dat a tie way ter tlol Doau' you nebber 'Kin ter talk. Kf you does white put er hoe In yer luin' en meek yer witkl" he Raid.--Harpei''a Weekly. ttlrithen tllrord, llrru. A tablet "In isuniueinoratlon of the ouurutfe und hunuinlty dlsidayed by ftlriln'ii tlliard duri.iK the epidemic of yellow fever In tl.e year 171IT' In i.lrur.l tsilleuo In I'liiludelphlu itlsrloses'' a phase of character In the philan thropist not r,rnerully understood, lu.r Unl the fever epldelolo lie plvo up his business and his luxurious home and assumed tl.e -.upcrlutc ndeiicy of a yel low fever hospital. He took up the ttorlt. otheis recoiled from ami did the work Ih-cuuso It witu his duty. OK -SI'IMXti AND St MMKI! - MILLINERY- FANCY (UHHtKaml NOVK1.T1K8. HatteriikVratternn. 1(. & (J. COHSKTS, Miasra at r.Oc. , Lad it a 7.V. to $1. I4fc.rriren will he nuiile to suit the linitw, llata and Ituuueta made sutl Triuiined to order. ALL MAIL OKUKUN 1'liOM H'LY K1LLKU. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, i WehloD, N. C. O rent k'cilt.ctions For Cash 4k r tit i Correct Dress The "Modern M.thod" ytrm ol high-grade ta.loiii.R introduced by L E. Hay & Co., ot Cincinnati, O, alisfiei good drrurn everywhere. All Garment. Made Strictly lo Your Measure al mtlrtl prnn. 5.10 i.vli-s o( fnri(n and d.,mn.lic t.lirici Irom whit It lo cl-ooae. Retrv.wnl.a b, A.. S. ALLEN. On HtniHfll. They hail iiinrrelet iiirniii. "rertuips you tTi not uwaro," ho stihl, "that ! luul over (l dozen pro pOS.llH Of nuUTUlge) litflf 1 IHTl'l.tetl yourM." He Hushed. "Aiut perhaps, lniuliun," hu retorttu. hauuhttly, "you nr not aware that I proposed to nearly twenty women Ik foiv I beeamo iii'tiuatnted with your- ' self." 7"i MtMpieUe Itun-i, 7." ! !tU Smyin.i " "2 'J.i tin M.tvjiii ttc ruii-i, !txl" IL 17 7." China Malting li,V " " IS. Jlc .lapiunM " 17e. J.V. " " lMi". ti.'tt' Wool Carpet hi Window shade-, -'"e. Title " " ItTjo ." '4 yanl wide l.inoh inn, 7"e T.V ' " ' (i.V I'liHir Oil tloih, He 1 A im ini-ter Carpeting, M'c 1 -111 Ilix'Jll rietnrp I'raniet, H.V Wall paper, 4 5 anil lie per mil Central Academy. 'lho Call Tt . in nl tins school nill be ;ili mi Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1M)6. For Initle i ml .iinatiiu. a.ldr. .( M. l;lll)l)l', l.itllt', N. C. S t tn. CH01CK Th- pl--!.in Ihr- -toliffl-t, "Well, what do you think of my new hat?" she asked. "Do you want n candid oplulon'r" he questioned. "Heavens, no!" ahe replied. "Say something ulee."-N'ew York l'l-ess. And lit.ltfbt. "Wlmt happcin when iieopli) fall lu love at first slitht''" "I'sually uiurrluKe and aeeond alitht." RprliiKfleld (111.) Journal. t iiiiiiliii'.il I' Mrs .iul did jour hiisliau.l die a mi 1 1. ... 1 i1. stlli? Mis. Wcr i . I' .1" I sn,l In. l.i ll,.,' I. tins titer.. tlK.rit Ural about that '! .Mr i. W e I" Why. p s '. ilnir John was the'.c.t that ever lived -rhliat:.) Ti Inn ii-. 'lite fl.,r W.i'. l.uty called. The 11,1111 linked at the card lailly. "Just say that I'm not at Inline," he ordcrist the nial.l. - Louisville rouricr Journal. Temprr. If a man liu il i.iarrelso...e tem ier, let him alone. 'Ihe world will kudu und Id... He A I. tlllli Mill k I K Talking Machines, soon meet with Home one slronktr than (irapllopllOIICS, kotlaks, i.t t ..i... i.i... i .1...., toil can. A man may Unlit duels all wnuicms, his llt'u If he la dlsp, to iuarrel. f'tcii. mill Mi.tli.s .... Iri.iil III.' icy l.iH.'.t plirc ill all limes, nl l-oaled. 'Vim you repeat the Declaration of Independence V" she asked. "I used to lie able to," he replied, "but itbout all I remember of It t.oiv Is, 'To be or not to be -that Is the ques tion.' "- Jiidue. There la uothliur either Rood or bad but thinking makes It no. Shakespeare. If thou kiiou-t hotv to use money It will become thy handmaid. If nut, It will beoiinui thy master.- IModorus. Front lite AA'ooda. A popular M.iprttuti la aattl to have A v.ihsi of line timbre, n w illowy lliture, cherry lips, cheatni.t halt- and hazel eyes. She must have been raised Id the lumber rrgiuu. SPIERS BROS. WI.L"ON', N. (! .!. L. HAH HIS TtIjlE? JVLOVTGTJ ROSES ! Carnations, Violets nud nth r llower, always nn hard. Shower Wi'ddiii l!oii(iU't, Handsninc Floral Desiniw. l'ot and out door h.dilinj( plants, To ni.Ho, C.ildu;e aud other Vene(;ihle riantM, Magnolias. OrdcM piumptly exciutcil. Write, 'phnnc or tflettrupli. H. STi:INMKTZ, KLOklsT, KVl.Kli.ll, NOUTH t'AliOl.lNA. 4 Itl iy T. CLAlICI ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Prai'tii't's in the i-ourta of Halifax and ' ailioiui.iL' tH).i.ities, in the Supreme isnir. nl tli State. Sp.'iul attention giveo In e.ill..('tinns uml nrmtipl rtnrna W. J. WARD, OKNTIST, Oh'KltC IM DASIFX BUILDING, Wl DON, N. a mil UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE "vlfN0,'-0 1TUAHT McQUlRC, M. DPittiDfuT. JMt Collet conformi to tn 8tndnrtt rtneii by Isw lor Medtol Kdticatlon. BenJ lui bulUtm No. II, whkh tell about tt. ; hrvt rrv ctktr Sp lty -(rtmor, MiQICHH-HtTIStlt-lHIHW4CV , ., . , 1 ,.. lis. .1 til. - iivintom... . - - i. ..lis lll.illi lias ttitlloilt Kt't.Uia f'l unlit I lii'S.i.1 taking It. Miles Anil I'-iln 1' Tli. v .11.1 me "" K,.,l rtisn all the ni.sll' . ever r.-.d. Tl..'i' n. i.r b it "."'" li.-uJ i.'li. s. anil l . ir tl i"'i' i leat.-s ., ha ''iS.p-i.-'il. l.lst'KMAN. s.7 w tin . . :' "-. t'a Dr. Mile.' Antl-Pa.n PHI. ar .old by your druual.t, who will uuaranlw that Iha lir.l iiickau 'H Ufii.'M. It . ...I., tia will rflurn your nwnty. do.., 'Ii cnt.. Newer aula In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Klkhart, Ind lu these days of rush ami hurry t-iu..le-y i olten Ill Ihe, iell t.i e 1 1 lush ol' our life little til UK1 aie done tu otVettil that we rather ...nlo. e. A hastily eaten weal and it. re-iil.aut h a.liiel.e in .y muse us social or fiu.ii.i'sil loss. The wi-e man or woman is the one who ii'lii'ies lillle illnol tl.ia sort hy a tit -lledore of Kodul lor D.t sprp-iit. It iii gents what yuu eat ami puis your Bhnaacb back into sliape. Bold by W M. Coheo, Weldon, N. ('. I I IH Ot I'.H XIX T VI'.AK Mas W ivsi.on'sMaiiiiisii Svki'i' lew Wen used for over years hy millions nf . Hint hers lor llieir ihihlien while ti-etliii.ti, with perlect Hiwess IIhi1um the rlllhl, selteus lho Kama, allays all pain; eures , ttiml riilie, ami is Hie best remedy for Din. i linen It il I relieve I In poor little HtilYerer iiii.iml.a.iily. Sold by tlru(!ist iuevtry put of tho world. Tweuty-flve cents a buttle. Ke sure anil ask fill "Mrs. Winston's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. No one would buy a sailboat with fails j Jjg Fg(d StOfG that en.ilil nol he reefetl. There is always ' that pissilnlity nf a little too lunch wind ; that makes a e.iutiuns man nfraitl tt) k I u..irov. dt-tl. I lie lltiukK nun. wnoac slom i.-h Ko.netiiues ( btfrkou biul, pro t.deN I'or his stou.ach hy keeping a Imltle of Kishil for D)sH'p-ia reai h. Ko- lint lliwepis tt nil. tou e:u an.) leooies tut-, , , ., .... , , era palroiiatti', I solicit a tsmtinuauee tf at,. ..ui.l. t ll,u ciiwlili.tii In lirikiii'i lv iur , 1 " ' To the huildinn lormery or eupied liy Spiers BnUhna, onrtior Wash iblon Aveuiu' and 'I hi nl Street- Tuanliing my friends I'or their paw(, SASH.DOQRS.BLINDS. MANI KI.H, TII.KS A IIIUTKH, II.UtliYV Altls, IAINTS,&C I HWK T. O.AKK CO.HI'ANY, LU Nortulk, t a. W" . T E It K. DANIEL. lib form its functions. Bold by W. M loben, Weldon, N. C. I'lione No ?o. J. L. HAKKIS, WclJu., N. C. ATIORSEY-AT-LAW, Wki.hon, N. C. Practices in thecA.ttut nf llnlifai and Nortl.niaptou anil In the Snpreme and Ftsle.ul eourta. t'olleetions inuile in all parts nf North Carolina Hiauch oflice at Halifai, N. C o)ien every Monday.