i ) 1.3 y yl U-.Wil ll Til iSswj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$l.S() Per Annumij VOL. XU. wki.don, n. c. rm usDAV, ski'i t.mi,i:i. :, hum;. NO. Ii .VNi-'jenililelVeparatitMifor As .. i ,;!.!iirilii'l'i)iHlamllU'rtula . , ,. i! SI.iim.kIis aid lkvls of . 'n.iii s DiMiion.CUvrful . : ; .mil llisll'onlains neither 1. 1 iti . Mt(ii1iim nor Mineral. ..) I NAItl'OTIC. . , ,- W W V INI M I1KHM i li, M , iMl - 1 1: (iV ,liie Au lii cl lli'iiii'ily forConslip ;,.,n . Sour Slotnach. Diarrhoea w'.-nus.t niwiilsHiiis.lvwrislv-ii,.--wiiulI.OSSOKSl.EEI'. I.i;- '"lltiili' Siv;iuilurc of NKW YOHK. H 1CT COPV OK WRAPPER MCDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CHILL CURE chmu,;". n. ri".t, chin. the market. "' mincrenseyour , malaria. It J rod bloo(1. PP'-"5nd .trench- " 7 ih .?n' choco" PRICE, BO CEMT8. Take MoDUFFIE'S Lltllo Bluo Liver Pill!) for Constipation i..,d lugiiiah Llvera. Mo Dufflii's Homertlud are Hold on a guarantee to do all we claim or F.mSti.K h v V. M Cuiikv, Willi N Ike : Bank : W Kl. I) )N, N. C. (li'ianizfifl Under Tie Lais of tbe State of North Carolina, Atltil'ST ,'iiTII, hJ Stale of Nurili Carolina Depository. Halifax C'tiumy Depository. Town (if Wcldon Depository. Capital ani Surplas. $36,000 . ii u 14 tears this iu-lillllinh li hill) H l-klHltlfM iitHl uuiiiP,. uinrMN i.t ihl ix urn Miiiicv in ItMltitl iiiiimi niiinnel lint I.. I tvntti n. Ari'iiinitHof it 1 1 at til. V It'K ir 11 w. 1 i.wii 1.. .UikMin.NiiiiriJiiHiii In- V I 8 n GARRETT & Pioneer n 2 Wise It&RrsrjJ t?4 Growers KSTAHI.IH1IKH I WIS. PEOIALTIES; S I RC I N I A DARE POCAHONTAS ' " lu JlieTniU, 1"-"' ".- Kl M OLD NORTH STATE BLACKBERRY ,M HIAWATHA tV . . . . s. . PAUL CaRNt I I anoint ft t,.,ililiiil! t himpauiii l it Anilaii oiiiri vanrlles i. l ure ami Wiu.l.s e fti.., s..l limn, s ,,,l li,.l.-l u-r ;xi ?iv MlHikI IVh frt.'.-s I'linl in S.-iisnii l..r nil mils el 'small I mH-.rl-.M; Jig Wi0i,au.U,W Uiii-, M II oili.e, NOHKOI.K, A. tf Has Stood The Test 25 Years Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome No-Cure-No-Pay. 50 cents. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIFX BUII.PINO, WEI.DON, N. a lllf ill or Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CAST TMl etNTUM COVMN. Nf TOlt CITV. : LONC PLASTER orption In curlnprL 11 by -oui;n, Pleurisy Pneumonia and c"d Pvent ''"ICE, ao CENTS. your money bnok. ('. W. I'.KAV A.V-, i:.ti 1-t. N ('. of : if elk f iir.Hlilfil I' lllvll ) liH'illlit'N lll ti l' .HUTU M 11 IH' 11 hi. MIU.-II Y 11(1 IMC .m til tin 1h.11 niiMiiii-o iiir in in r i" nl ill- hu tl Kite l itih i.-i I'llVSI I'KN T.' W 1 1 IS. 3 0 r.3f: mm COMPANY, iXfM'W!iV-:''" jrV 4 n MINNEMAMAW r rl 1 I . ' .' UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE RICHMOND VIIMilNIA TutRT Mcttuim, is. D, Wtinisr, Ti CoOef confarmn to th. il.mlarils ll.c.1 hy tnw for Medical Rducallon. Send loi lliillrtin No. 11, which Mil about tt, Thnr Irrc usfabrue. -SjJ( Utetrtmcal, MfVICIKf-DENTIST IT-aiMMAni AW k im Americans ' TELEPHONE PRIZE CONTESTS. Keasons. Why !:very Residence Should Have ii Telephone. si K K r timtj ;( l he 1 Ionic ! v n : Telephone and Telegraph , li :i Company tittered live prii-s for (lie best lellcrs ; givins reasons, why ev ery p-sideiiee sliotiM have a tele phone. These prizes have been aw, idled i and we will publish ilie tellers of! llie live Itieky eoiileslanls, civiiiK ' tun; Ki k r each week inilil llie w hole live have appeared. I ill pu'l.i:. This paper was awarded Ith Prize in the "Ueason (amlesi" of the I Ionic Telephone aiul Tele ' graph taiinpanv. Below we reproduce Mrs. X. P. William's "lieasons Why livery Kcsideiiee Should I lave a Tele phone." The residence is the home, the best that his means enables the bread winner to inainiain. While he is away, at the office, on the road or in a distant city, it is an untold comfort to be in direct eoni . uiuuicitioii wilh the w ife, and hear daily of the welfare ofihe family. The advantages to the house keeper are manifold. A phone message speedily brings the gro cer's w agon, or the hurry order ; to the market is rushed by the hi-; evele messenger. I When the cook fails to come, or j in rainy weather, the service is in- valuable. In sudden illness, when dread and de-.pair grip the heart strings, : the Phone that calls the doctor, and : brings relief, is a blessing. To women living alone ii is both companion and protector, as ii puis ihem in communication with the w hole city force in an emergency. A social promoter, the happen ings of llie community "the daily round of littles that large life com pound," is freely disseminated, and family with family, and adja cent townships are linked together by common interests. The beiielit accruing to the rural homes by the telephone are incal culable. Keeping informed to the daily quotations make it possible to market the produce when most advantageous. The rural tele phone beats the rural mail carrier in circulating news, and in placing the farmer in touch with current events before the newspapers can reach him. Another potent reason: every body else has one, and failure to keep up w ith the times reflects un favorably on the individual. Sour Stomach No ippellts, loss ol strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of ihe stomaoh are all due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov ery represenls Ihe natural Juices ol diges tion as Ihey eilst In 1 healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening Ihe mucous membranes lining tbe stomach. Mr. S. S. Hall, ot Rivenswood. W. Vi.. lyi: " I wn Imibled with scur jtnmach for twenty years. Kl,,l -urd rr.a and we are now uilnf it In mils ' 'Kodol Digests What You tat Bottlfli only. $1 .00 Sub hoklmt 2l, times the Wat sue. wl,ich seil fc.r .so raits. Axeparea by t. O. DeWITT A OO., OHI0A0O. soi.niir W. M. (Mil KM, wki.ihs.n r Great Relief limine; that trying period in wliiih women so nilen sutler from net votisnt'ss, backache, siik headache, or olher pains, tbt ie is nothing that ran eiptal Dr. Miles' Ami-Pain Pills, l b, v stop the pains, soothe the liervts. and nive l' Women the relief so much dt-ited. If t:il:rn mi tir-t imliiaiion of pain or misery, thev will allay the irritable condition of the nerves, and save you further sufferine;. Those who use them at regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs, and leave no effect "upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. "I hav.) I.een an Invalid tor yeara I have nomulKla. rheumatism iii.l pains urnurid llie li.art. Hy usIiik lr. Miles' Aiitl-l'aln I'UU tain relieved of the fain, ami ,K t leP ami test. 1 think lia.l 1 J"""". '' thn I'aln Pills V.I.VI1 I was lirst taken rlek lh..v wnuhl havo i-ur.il ti I r,e'nim.-na Ihem fnr i.-rt.H.- ial""- MUM. IIKNItV FI NK. K Akrun.O. Dr. Mils' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druoglst. who will ouarantM that the first paekage will leneflt. If It falls, he will return your money. doaea, 25 cants. Never sold In DUIK. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind SWEETHEART, BY J. X' There's a little word called "Sweetheart"; it'sas old as Heaven's blue; "l is die sweeiest word e'er spoken and its joy is ever new; II was Love's lirst murmured message, spoken in llie car of Love, When the Larth took shape from nothing and the blue sky arched above; It has come through Time unmeasured: it has lived unnumbered years; ll was born of smiles and laughter and has dried ( irief's countless tears; It's the magic soul of music and the living lire of Art, And I've chosen it to give thee- just that litlle word "Sweetheart." Ah, llie aching hearts and heavy in has bidden hear and smile; ll has bidden Youih he merry and has cheered the Aflerwhile ( )f ihe years to peace and gladness and llie dreary days and long Are forgotten in the glory of iis whispered evensong. li has made the heart go leaping of the schoolboy at his play; It has tilled wiih gladder dreainings all the sunshine of his day; ll lias bridged world-sundered chasms and has played the noblest pan In the life and strife of being-just ihat little word "Sweetheart." It has cheered the eve of battles; it has fired the I lean of Dawn; It has braved the mouth of cannon and has borne war's banners on; it has lured the soldier Deathward, where the scarp was red and steep; it has trembled like a blessing on the ashen lips of Sleep; it has hushed the cry of children; it has fired the soul's of men, iieateii hack on shores of Failure to be bold and strong again; in the hermit's cloistered silence or in Traffic's busy mart, : it is of all, in all, through all just that little word "Sweetheart." 1 And forever and forever, through the endlessness of Time, : It shall hallow song and story and shall be the soul of rhyme; it sliali be a part of Being, much as heartbeat, much as breath, it shall be the joy of living and the overthrow of lJeath; So I bid thee kneel and listen till I whisper dice the key, . Till 1 tell thee why is Labor, Life, Love, Death, and Mystery; I Hut or palace, serf or master, clod or genius, toil or art, It is of all, in all, through all-just thai little word "Sweetheart." BRAY'S ENEMY. Not Afraid ol a Man Four Times M Si. But lie's Afraid of a Lie. "Please, Mr. Joynes, there's a little boy at the back gate to you " see him "At the back gate? Bring in, Peter." "I le won't come sir; says awfully busy and haven't lime." "How big is he?" lle's gol "About as big as my fist, sir, said Peter. The good-natured geiiilcinaii went out to the back gate. "Weli, country, he said pleasantly, "what can I do for you?" The small boy for he was a very small boy -took oil' a soli, dirty hat and held it behind him. "I've come to tell you, sir, thai Bray's got to be killed." "Bray, my big Newfoundland dog? And who sent you here with that information?" asked the gen tleman, losing all Ins looks. pleasant "Nobody sent nie, the boy an swered stoutly. "I've come by myself. Bray has been running my sheep for three days. He's got to be killed." "There did you getany sheep?" asked Mr. Jones. ' My sheep are Mr. Hansom's. He gives me fifteen cents a week for watching 'em." "Did you tell Mr. Ransom that Bray had been running them?" "No, sir; I lelled you." "Ah, that's well. I don't want to kill Bray. Suppose I give you fifteen cents a week for not telling Mr. Kansom when Bray runs his . see he believed 1 was going to have showed. Refreshments were fur sheep. How would that do?" him shot. I ordergd the men to nished free. As soon as ihe little shepherd 'Aim.' F.very rifle wus leveled at The waist measure social was a got the idea into his head he die boy. 'Now, 'I said, 'before 1 great success. The fat girls pulled said, "That 'u'd be paying me j Rive the word, which way has the their corset strings a bit tighter to for a lie," he said indignantly. "1 j general gone? I remember the save money, and the thin ones let wouldn't tell lies for all the money , lk in that hoy's face a look such i,cjrs out a litlle and loaded up on in the world." as 1 have never seen but once. He dried apples and water just before When he said this Mr. Joynes ' xvas 'rwisfigured before me. Some- leaving home, even at the expense took oft' his own hat and reached down and look the small, dirty hand in his. "Hurrah, herds man!" said he. "I beg your par don for ottering you a bribe. Now I know that the keeper of Mr. Kanson.'s sheep is not afraid of u man four times his sie, hut that he is afraid of a lie. Hurrah for you! 1 am going to tell Mr. Kansom that if he doesn't raise your wages I shall oiler you twice fifteen cents ! and lake you into my service. Meanwhile Bray shall be shut up wliilt vour sheen are on mv side i i of the lull. "vi ill that do" All right, then, (iood morning, cnun 1 trym.ni!"- Fnglish Magaine. N'.i ll,. tv.nilil l.u a sailliiitl vvilll iai!s ' Hint eniilil linl In- reeled Their is always 1 thai Hssil.ility il'a llltle toil intleh wii.il that makis a rtiltiiins m ill ltl'lai.1 In tn i lliiiriii.lnl The Ihinkilii; mm, nhme , Hlntii-lill sullutiines uvea liatkoi) til in, iro- viilis fur his sli.in.u h hy lu'epinit a buttle i nl Kihil fiir lys.e) in within reiu'h Kn slot ili!els what )mi eat uml restores Ihe - Hloiiarli to the eonilitioli to prnietly n-i-, form its fiii.etiiius. ; Sold by W. M Cohen. Weldon, N r. Force Of Circumstances is a poor excuse for the taking of a wrong : path. CABTOniA ,.d,. res Ike, v;nA V..: 11. .1 11. Onl, t4J in. i: y "I WILL NOT SAY." The Boy Was Transfigured fore Me. Be The story of a linle Boer boy who refused to betray his friends even on the threat of death is told by Major Seely, M. P., as an illus tration of deeply rooted love of freedom and of country. It hap pened during the P.oer War. "1 was asked," said Major See ly, "lo get some volunteers and try to capture a commandant at a place some twenty miles away. I got the men readily, and we set out. It was a rather desperate enterprise, hut we got there all right, i can see the little place yet, the valley and the farmhouse, and I can hear the clatter of the horses' hoofs. The Boer general had got away, bin where had he gone? It was even a question of the general catching us, and not we catching the general. We rode down to the farmhouse, and there we saw a good-looking Boer boy mid some yoenien. I asked the I boy if the commandant had been I lllt'rn .mil he. c-iiil in Hiin-t, .-iL-..i, by surprise, 'Yes.' 'Where has he gone?' I said, and the boy be came suspicious. He answered: T will not say.' I decided to do a thing for which I hope I may be forgiven, because my men's lives were in danger. I threatened the boy with death if he would not dis close the whereabouts of the general. He still refused, and 1 put him against a wall and said I would have him shot. At the same time 1 whispered 10 my men: 'For Heaven's sake, don't shoot!' The boy still refused, although I could thing greater almost than anything human shone in his eye. He threw back his head and said in Dutcli: 'I will not say.' There was nothing for it hut to shake lwds with the boy and go away." . -Mngapore alrairs nmigct. .-ok ti i:it xi n vi:ns Mits. Wivsi.iiw'nSihiiiiimi Svio I' has i la-en umsI I'nr over fit! years ley inillintis of imillieis l.ir llu-ir ehililieu while tei-tllitin, with (MTleel Mleeess. Itsoollie. theehllil snl'lelis the gums, allajs all i.iiu; cures wind en ie, ami is the Ih-sI lelneily I'm 0 .llllliHM ll will relieve llie p.Mir little siith lei iiino.iliiely Sold liy ,ll ii;tists Hie. el. , ill ,il the world Twenty live 1 enls a hetlle lie sure ami ask fel "Mrs. Wiusl.nv's So,. Ilun r-vnut," and take no nlllet kind Mr. Andrew Carnegie says: "Hie best of w ealth is not w hat it does for the owner, but what it enables him lo do for others." The Breath ol Life. I I'm u sigiiilicatit I'ai-t thai the all-otiBest aiiinial ol its siae, the goiilla, also has tlio laiK.st Iiiiihs. I'oweiliil lllllKs means in,iini en-aiiir.s How to keep the lit-eatliiii; orvuns rihl should be mau's clnel'e.l study. Like thousands, ol'otliera Mis. Ora A. Sleolieii', ol' Port Williams, has leaineil hnw In do this. She litis: "lhieeli.itll.liol llr KiliK's New Discovery sii.pi.c.1 my (siiiKh oi iw yeais and. in. .1 mo ol what my Mends 1h,.iKt.l eoiuinplioii. O, ilHgiand liir llil-nat mid t luiii; Ir ill. lis. " tln.iiiinlie.l by diiig;i,l, 1'ine si.-, and jl. luul not tic lieu. GIRLS SOUTH AND NORTH. The Happy South Knows Not the Name of that Keslless Tyrant. All girls down South are "pop ular." All of them deserve it. Cir cumsianees combine to make ihem ineffable, (iuarded by a chivalry, stimulated by so.-ial freedom, gen erously endowed with the charms of blood and beauty, they are ail born princesses. And llie seven teen "most popular" of ihem, chosen by a son of public plepis cuiie, ought to be the cream of the cream. These seventeen are now in ibis city. A C.haiianooga newspaper sent them here to have a good lime, and if there is any chivalry left in the metropolis they ought 1 to gel it. The Southern girl of the best type is the most delightful paradox in the world. In these days all the old cloister guardianship of her has disappeared. She goes where she pleases, and does what she likes. She luxuriates as a "co-ed" at the State Universities not scorned, ,., , . , , , like her sister at Ann Arbor or ; r...,, ai I.,.. ,,,.,( ,.t . i Cm nell, but petted and glonhed. , sne appears at puiilic receptions, and she rides and drives and dances. But always under jealous protection of manly honor. The average Southern girl, edu cated and ambitious, chafes a little under this very protection, and yearns for New York and its sup posed equaliiy of opportunity for women. She sighs to be a Bohe mian "bachelor girl" here. She does not know w hen she is well oft'. The metropolis has no such opportunity for her as the para dise into which she daily moves. Candor compels us to tell the seventeen superlatively! popular 1 J ' ' Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee girls this. After they have had the lime of their life here, ihey w ill go back South, if they are wise. Ours is a hard, workaday world, where even girls are under the lash of the taskmaster Flliciciicy. The happy South know s not the name of that restless tyrant. New York Mail. Ni;V WAY TO All) CHURCH. Under the above heading an ex change gets off the following : The following reminds one of what the Scotch preacher said when he announced that having failed to raise money for the church honestly, he was in favor of try ing what a bazaar would do: Wilderding (Pa.) society is torn from center to circumference over the delicate and personal question of waistlines. All the trouble started from a "girth measure so cial" which was held this week by the Wiltiierding Wesleyian Society 10 raise funds for the benefit of the church. F very person who attend ed the social had to be measured. Admission was one cent for every inch of girth the tape measure 0f their escorts The young man w ho handled the tape measure is accused of hav- ing been unnecessarily slow as he passed it around some of the more beautilul forms, but he denies this amputation with a niusii. line charming belle cost her sweetheart 4.1 cents, and the minimum price of admission was 21 cents. She w as a sw eet little miss of Hi. In these d.ijs ol' rii-h anil hurry eonile. sy is nllell iiilifiittell. Ill tile load, pell nil II Itl'll ol not lile lillle III hl ale dune to nil, ml tli.it we r.illier i-eiiiaiueit iimloie. A li.l.i., i Una! ..ml il i.-..ili....l lieadai lie may eailse us soeial or tinatu ial Iihis, The wise 111,111 ol woman is. llie ime whil relieves lillle illsol this loll by a 111 tleil.ise ot kmlol I'nr Hysupsia It ill Uests what yon eat ami puts your slonmeh back into shun '. Hold by W M. ( olien, Wehloll, N. I!. Nothing irritates a woman so much as a man who keeps his tem per. I ' Some men Clljoy a sIlOW SO much that they smile between the ;(, ; : ', A Ct"T"af D I A aT VI llrl : For Iufanti and Children. , Thfl If In ft Yftll Usva AlviSVC Bflllffht any Bears tho - - Blgnatur ot I I Tin: I'k'iMi; or i n i:. The larger pan of the great for tunes of ibis country have been ac -eumulaied afier their amassers have passed forty. In fact, the lirst forty years of a man's life aie the preparatory years, the years of training and discipline. A large P in of this time lie is laying the foundation just gelling ready to rear llie superstructure. Many of us stumble around many years be fore we gel into the right place, and then for additional years we make many mistakes. Most men do not gel wise until they have passed forty. They may gel knowledge before lliis, but not much wisdom. Wisdom is a ripen ing process, li takes lime. I. very man makes his own dead line. Some reach it at thiny-fi e, some nt forty, some at fifty some do not reach it at eighty; some never reach it because they never cease :o grow. READ AND YOU W ILL LEARN no Urn li-mlinir mi-ilii-itl writi-ra unit irlliTu uf all till' M Vi'Ull rlniU nf lirm-iii'ii i-uiImi'ihi uml ri-i'iiniiiii-nil, in tlm hlrunui'St li-nu i,H!iil!i I'lu h ami i-vrry tiitrri'illrnl i-nuirniK lut. i thn -uiii,-.itiiin nf Or. l'iwvn'! Giiliti-n Mi-iti-nl I Mut-iivery fur tlu iMirn nf wenk &'.ii!nll,'!i. llvHiii'tpnill. catarrh nf oma,-h. "iww .-KriLiiinint." tui-iiiil liver, nr lillliniHiii'B. i-hn'iiU l'i'W'-l uiii-,-ii,,in, ami ail catarrhal niwasii ..( vi liaw-vi-r n-ainn. natni' or natiiri1. It in ns.,Ml.iicru,l,ivfuriiMi.-ii.-hr.uii,- ! nr Uinir statidliifcf raw nf catarrlial nlti-i'- liimn and their ri'MiKuntH, an lirniu-liial, thrnat and luiiKiliui-u)sii-sii-j,tciuiiniii-tiiiniacniiupaiiTe.! with si'Vi-n- rininlis. It Is nut mi uimmI fur at-nu Ids uml ,-iiuir)i!i, imt for riiiKi'i-iiin, nr chruni.' rasis ll Is fft)iii-lHlly I'tlii-wlmiM In prmluriiiK nr-fiH-tcuri-H. lli-,oiitiiiiia lilat'k Clnirryliiiik, (tuliliMi Unal runl, lliiMiilriHit, Stnun Mut, Mandrukn riH,t anil giiiicn's nrnt- all nf vvhich art. hlirtily jiraisi-il as ri'iinvlii'M f. ,r all tlm almvH iiiMitinmil altii-tinti!!i liy surh enilnmit nnidicai writwri unit loai-hiT ua l'mf. lliirlluilnw. u( JcfTi-rson Mill. ( ul- li-iri-; l'rof. Hans of tin- t nlv. nf l'a. ; l'mf. Finhiy milnvnn,l, M. I .. f lli-n-nntt Mud. t'nlli'r', Chliimn; l'mf, .Mm Klnn. M. I)., lam t.t I'liirlntiail : l'mf. John M. Si-ud.li-r, M. IV, tin.- nf I'liu-in-l.ali; t'rnf. E-twIn M. Hal.-. M. 1.. nf lialitinniann Mi-J. Cnlli-. I'lilrairn. unit st-nn nf nthi-rs intiully fntitioul In lln-ir 8i'V"ral scIiikiIh ut nra,-tli'n. Tim "(inlili-n Mmlli-al IHsi'nvcry" in the only niiiliclnu put up fnr salt- llirunicli driliolnta for tiki' purpii'. that liananv siifh .rriHjri..rfi( I'lidurwrnHil usulli liinr,' than any iiuinln-r nf unlluary It- "niai;. t-n pui.liiity nf lu fi.nnui.i tl,.. lint, t. ui-itniM.r in Mim ImxiI ihihm ffuuraiily nf lis mi-rilN. A u-laiu-i- ui tins i.uIiIIhIiihI nriliula will shnw lhul"(inliifii Vli'itii-al 1 llsi-uvi'ly " t'uhttllns uti puisnn ous nr liartufiil aki-nus uml no alrulml -chomlcally pure, trliili'-ri-fliu-d vl ri'iiiu' l,iiiif iisi-,1 in-ii-utl. lihi-i riiiv i i-niiri-lv linuliji'i-tiniitilili- ami U-Mlib-s is a liiot u-.rful iiiuriiilKiil in tin- rum nf all stuin-H-li as wi-U as bruiii-tnal. tlimat uinl linnf alti i'linlis, Tln-n- is llie holiest llli'ill. al aiilhnrilv fnr its use ill ult sueh eases. 1'lie " lUsi'UVerv " Is a i-nlii-i'lilrateil irlye-erii- i-nlraet nf native, mi-iiu-inal rnuts ami is safe am! reliable. A tMHihlet nf extrm-ts frnin etui t, rneilieal atillinrities. i-mlnrsiiiK Its mirre dinrits iintileil !itr nil reiiiest. Address Dr. 11. V. Pierce, lllllt.lln, N. V. -Sl'KINii AND NT MM Kit MILLINERY. FANCY (SOODHaiM. NOVKLTIKH. Rntlerick's Cutteriis . & (J. COllSKTS, Mis atfVOe. , Ladies 7.rHi. to $1. aL.t'rieeH will lie made to antt the tituei., Hats ami Ibinnelii made and Trimmed to order- AM. mail oi:ii:i;s l'lio.vtrTl.Y i-'ii.i.i;n. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Welilnii, N. C. 000 SIX PIANO BARGAINS For this week Conover Piano, upright $IQS. WellinRton I'iano, $45. YVheelock llpright, $85. Stiett Upright, $IK5. Stielf Rosewood Piana $.H0 (iuild Piano, small size $30 All guaranteed to be in fine condition. All used. n piAsaco., lie L ho i tilt I.YJ (Iranliy SI , Nol.'Ftil.K, VA. John J. I osier, Mannirer. apr IH'Jv For Sufferers -ui'. TKoPM.rX oilier niantifactttreis aay to yon, "liny a liotllo and ifit didn't core, we rel'nnil your money " We say "take a full jlLtMl iizp bottle FKKE anil it it licnc lil.s joii then nse PVA SOL inilil rured." Thia slip entitles you to a linllle nt UV. Sill, at W. M. t'olieu'a (Iron store. Duly limited uumnc-l given away. Ho don't ni its lbs opportunity to take UVA SOU Bui ihe pessimist i.s pleased i.nly when he encounter:-, something displeasing. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All llie tiooJ in j-v.jr Udy t.-iscs through your kiunr.ys once e :ry tiiri:i: minutes. I nu r.iui'.-j-, i arc y-jui ihey lil- Panij, adiesandrheu- n-.aliin come from ex ecs tf uric acii m the tbod, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady hemt beats, and makes one fee! as though they had heart trouble, because tne heart is over-vorkii g in pumping tliiek, kidney poisoned Llood through veins and arteries. It uued to be conquered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now mode.n science proves that nearly all consiiiutior.a! diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary eflect ol Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Uuot, the great kidney remedy is soon realised. It siancs the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits fr- y" by all druggists in fifty- 0fi9i cent and one-dollar sit- WUa,v es. You may have a '-lrj sample bc'.lie by mail Home of Hwuup-Hnot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out it you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kllmei b Co., Binghamton. N, Y Don I make any mistake, but remember ll-.e name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'd Swamp-Root, and the address, binghamton, N. Y on every bottle. I "" " " (ireat Reductions For Cash SS-'A .Wfttf, urr. rs. jmvW '-! : " wood. I's'iVLlvXi " ,'U:-,F a,cSK:' r ul It,' W V,Q It of crJcr, ihey fail to Jo fSSlt'tX llmr-iork. t-l 7i M,.iil,tle Liifi, $ 7," 'J Mil Sun ma " S '.'o J." nil .Miiiu lle nn..,s, Hil'i II. 17 7.1 I ( Clliliu Mat t tut'., 111,'. iie " " lse. J-Jie. ,l,ip.inre " 17i'. lfle- li .'u- Weill t'.np lin.j. 40e. 'dVte WiihIi.w sliailes, 'Mle. .'.lie " " :t7te Til- 1 -41,1 l.le l.iln.li lllll, 7f.l' 7,'ie " " " (i'.e li e I I. mi I l I I., ll. l-'i- 1 I mi ii, I. i i.p. la-, hue 1 4n lli J'' I I'll I ,' I'lalnes, lliie Wa'i ai, i. I .' .mil ii.- n r mil A I.H.t.K sl.H K nf Talkiiisj Machines, Orapliophonos, Kodaks, Cameras, iUll HllllUl'S I tlie very lowt tl IliiuI ;)l all limt'f, ill A priri's SPIERS BROS. WKI.noN, N. C. J. i, II A KIMS HAS 3VEOVH33D His Feed Store To tin- luiiltiinn ltirmtry occupied i )tySp.iTH ilrntluM, corner Vuh . iilou A vruue ami Hiinl Street. Tliankin my 1'iii'iii.s itir tlieir iast lilt era I ptronae, 1 solicit a continuance of , the Mine. I'lionc No. 7ft. I .1. I . HAKIMS. Wdjuii. N. C. CHOICE ROSES Ii Carnal inns, Violets ami otlur (lowers, always on haiul. Shower Wwliliug loiiitieU, llandsoinc Klurnl DewinH. l'ot ami out (Km ii tedding plants, To tiiiito, CuhlwKC and oilier Vt'm'taMe IMants, Magnolias. Orders promptly executed. Write, 'phone or lelcuraph. H. STBINMETZ, FI.OKINT, KU.Klljll, Noli I'll CAROLINA. 4 111 ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DON, N. 0. I'ra.-tti es in lite courts of llulltiia atitl ailioiniiiu; i-oiiolieH.aiiit in the Supremo court ol the stale. Spii-ial alleuliuu Kivrn t riilleclioiii, an.l r,roini. n,l.nrin. SASH, DOORS, BUNDS.1 MAKTKI.S, TII.B) (HIATUS, II AitrnvAitr,, lAINTS,&C. rRANK T. r.l.AKlTl.n.MI'ANY, LU. Nurlolk, Vs. w A I. T E It K . DANIEL. ATTOIiSKY-iT-LAW, WKi.miN, N. C. Practices in Ihecouils at llalifin and Northampton ami in the Supreme and Fedeial courts. Collections uiaile in all purls nf North Carolina Hianch oQiee at Halifax, N. J open every Monday.